The problem of inequality of arguments. The problem of social inequality (“Garnet Bracelet” A.I.

Text essay:

A.P. Chekhov is considered the unsurpassed master of the short story. But even in such a concise form, describing the event, at first glance, ordinary and meaningless, the writer touches on the most important issues of human existence. So it is in this story: the poor girl made the wrong entrance and became the object of interest of a bored official. But not her fate, but her own pastime, was more concerned with the “gracious sovereign”. Callousness, selfishness, soullessness - these are the qualities that A.P. Chekhov despises people of the upper class.

Views on the life of A.P. Chekhov has always been close and understandable to me, and the image of an official causes only disgust. He got into the personal life of the unfortunate interlocutor, turned her soul around - and put her out of the door. It was not in his power to get her a ticket - he would have given money for this very train! But no, without a twinge of conscience he made fun of the poverty and naivety of the petitioner, whose name he did not even remember and changed all the time.

The heroine of the story A.P. Chekhov reminded me of Larisa Ogudalova - the main character of the play by A.N. Ostrovsky "Dowry". The "brilliant master" Paratov turned the poor girl's head, but he was not going to marry her. Why does he need a dowry? You can only have fun with her, but you need to marry a "bride with gold mines." Larisa Paratov doesn’t care about the mental anguish, because he lives according to other principles: “I don’t know what “sorry” is. I’ll find a profit, so I’ll sell everything, anything. ” It turned out that for the mines and conscience, and love, and the soul sold.

In a poem by N.A. Nekrasov's "Reflections at the front door" also describes a picture of social inequality. For rich visitors, the doors of the house of an influential official were always open, but the doorman did not even let the poor petitioners-peasants on the threshold. At this time, the happy owner of the chambers slept a serene sleep, because he did not care about the aspirations of the people. The poet bitterly states that "the happy are deaf to good." Alas, but it is.

Unfortunately, while there are rich and poor, in our society there will be a place for callousness, immorality, and soullessness. Only we must not forget that before God we are all equal, and goodness pays off a hundredfold. What about evil? And evil has not yet ennobled anyone or made anyone happy.

Text by A.P. Chekhov:

(1) Deadly boredom was written on the well-fed, shiny face of the gracious sovereign. (2) He had just emerged from the arms of the afternoon Morpheus and did not know what to do. (3) I didn’t want to think or yawn ... (4) I got tired of reading back in time immemorial, it’s too early to go to the theater, I’m too lazy to ride ... (5) What to do? (6) What would be fun?

- (7) Some young lady came! Yegor reported.

- (8) He asks you!

- (9) Young lady? Um ... (10) Who is this?

(11) A pretty brunette quietly entered the office, dressed simply ... even very simply. (12) She entered and bowed.
- (13) Excuse me, - she began in a trembling treble.
- (14) I, you know ... (15) I was told that you ... you can only be found at six o'clock ...

(16) I ... I ... the daughter of the court adviser Paltsev ...

- (17) Very nice! (18) How can I be useful? (19) Sit down, don't be shy!

- (20) I came to you with a request ... - the young lady continued, awkwardly sitting down and fiddling with her buttons with trembling hands. - (21) I came ... to ask you for a ticket for free travel to your homeland. (22) You, I heard, give ... (23) I want to go, but I have ... I'm not rich ... (24) I'm from St. Petersburg to Kursk ...

- Hm ... (25) So, sir ... (26) Why do you need to go to Kursk? (27) 3 Is there something you don't like here?

- (28) No, I like it here. (29) I'm to my parents. (30) They haven’t had it for a long time ... (31) Mom, they write, is sick ...
- Hm ... (32) Do you serve here or study?

(33) And the young lady told where and with whom she served, how much she received a salary, how much work there was ...

- (34) They served ... (35) Yes, sir, it cannot be said that your salary was great ...

(36) It would be inhumane not to give you a free ticket ... Hm ... (37) Well, I suppose there is Cupid in Kursk, huh? (38) Amurashka ... (39) Groom? (40) Have you blushed? (41) Well, well! (42) It's a good thing. (43) Ride yourself. (44) It's time for you to get married ... (45) And who is he?

- (46) In officials.

- (47) It's a good thing. (48) Go to Kursk ... (49) They say that already a hundred miles from Kursk it smells of cabbage soup and cockroaches crawl ... (50) I suppose boredom in this Kursk? (51) Yes, you throw off your hat! (52) Egor, give us tea!

(53) The young lady, who did not expect such an affectionate reception, beamed and described to the gracious sovereign all the Kursk entertainments ... (54) She said that she had an official brother, cousins-gymnasium students ... (55) Yegor served tea.

(56) The young lady timidly reached for a glass and, afraid of smacking, began to swallow silently ...

(57) The gracious sovereign looked at her and grinned ... (58) He no longer felt bored ... - (59) Is your fiancé handsome? - he asked. - (60) And how did you get along with him?

(61) The young lady embarrassingly answered both questions. (62) She trustingly moved towards the gracious sovereign and, smiling, told how here, in St. Petersburg, suitors wooed her and how she refused them ... (63) She ended up taking a letter from her parents out of her pocket and read it to the gracious sovereign. (64) Eight o'clock struck.
- (65) And your father has good handwriting ... (66) With what squiggles he writes! (67) Hehe...
(68) But, however, I have to go ... (69) It has already begun in the theater ... (70) Goodbye, Marya Efimovna!
- (71) So I can hope? the young lady asked, rising.
- (72) What for?
- (73) That you will give me a free ticket ...

- (74) Ticket? .. (75) Um ... (76) I don't have tickets! (77) You must be mistaken, madam ...

(78) Heh heh heh ... (79) You got to the wrong place, to the wrong entrance ... some kind of railway worker lives next to me, and I serve in a bank, sir! (80) Egor, tell me to lay it down! (81) Farewell, Marya Semyonovna! (82) Very glad... very glad...

(83) The young lady got dressed and went out ... (84) At the other entrance she was told that he had left at half past seven for Moscow.

(According to A.P. Chekhov)

All arguments for the final essay in the direction of "Man and Society".

Man in a totalitarian society.

A person in a totalitarian society, as a rule, is deprived even of those freedoms that are given to everyone from birth. So, for example, the heroes of E. Zamyatin's novel "We" are people devoid of individuality. In the world described by the author, there is no place for freedom, love, true art, family. The reasons for such a device lie in the fact that a totalitarian state implies unquestioning obedience, and for this it is necessary to deprive people of everything. Such people are easier to manage, they will not protest and question what the state tells them.

In the totalitarian world, a person is trampled by the machine of the state, crushes all his dreams and desires, subordinates to his plans. A person's life is worth nothing. But one of the important levers of control is ideology. All residents of the United State serve one main mission - to send the Integral spacecraft to tell about their ideal device. Mechanically verified art, free love deprive a person of true ties with his kind. Such a person can quite calmly betray anyone who is next to him.

The protagonist of the novel, D-503, is horrified to discover a terrible disease: he has a soul. He seemed to wake up from a long sleep, fell in love with a woman, wanted to change something in an unfair device. After that, he became dangerous for the totalitarian state, because he undermined the usual order and violated the plans of the head of state, the Benefactor.

This work shows the tragic fate of the individual in a totalitarian society and warns that the individuality of a person, his soul, family is the most important thing in everyone's life. If a person is deprived of all this, then he will turn into a soulless machine, submissive, not knowing happiness, ready to die for the unsightly goals of the state.

social norms. Why do we need social norms and orders? What is the violation of social norms.

Norms are rules that exist in order to maintain order in society. What are they for? The answer is simple: in order to regulate relations between people. There is one very famous saying, it says: the freedom of one person ends where the freedom of another begins. So social norms serve precisely to ensure that no one can encroach on the freedom of another person. If people begin to violate generally accepted rules, then a person will begin to destroy his own kind and the world around him.

So, in the novel "Lord of the Flies" by W. Golding, it tells about a group of boys who ended up on a desert island. Since there was not a single adult among them, they had to arrange their own lives. There were two candidates for the position of leader: Jack and Ralph. Ralph was chosen by vote and immediately proposed to establish a set of rules. For example, he wanted to share responsibilities: half of the guys should watch the fire, half - to hunt. However, not everyone was happy with the order: over time, society splits into two camps - those who personify reason, law and order (Piggy, Ralph, Simon), and those who represent the blind force of destruction (Jack, Roger and other hunters).

After some time, most of the guys find themselves in Jack's camp, in which there are no norms. A pack of crazy boys screaming "cut your throat" in the dark confuse Simon with a beast and kill him. The next victim of the atrocities is Piggy. Children are becoming less human. Even the rescue at the end of the novel looks tragic: the guys could not create a full-fledged society, they lost two comrades. It's all because of the lack of norms of behavior. The anarchy of Jack and his "tribesmen" led to a terrible result, although everything could have turned out differently.

Is society responsible for every individual? Why should society help the underprivileged? What is equality in society?

Equality in society should apply to all people. Unfortunately, this is not possible in real life. So, in M. Gorky's play “At the Bottom”, the focus is on people who find themselves “on the sidelines” of life. The company consists of a hereditary thief, a card sharper, a prostitute, a drunken actor and many others. These people, for various reasons, are forced to live in a rooming house. Many of them have already lost hope for a brighter future. But are these people remorseful? It seems that they themselves are to blame for their troubles. However, a new hero appears in the rooming house - the old man Luka, who shows sympathy for them, his speeches have a strong effect on the inhabitants of the rooming house. Luke gives people hope that they can choose their own path in life, that all is not lost. Life in the rooming house is changing: the actor stops drinking and seriously thinks about returning to the stage, Vaska Pepel discovers in himself the desire for honest work, Nastya and Anna dream of a better life. Soon Luka leaves, leaving the unfortunate inhabitants of the rooming house with their dreams. With his departure, the collapse of their hopes is connected, the light in their soul dies out again, they cease to believe in their strength. The climax of the moment is the suicide of the Actor, who has lost all faith in a life different from this one. Of course, Luca lied to people out of pity. A lie, even for salvation, cannot solve all problems, but his arrival showed us that these people dream of changing, they did not choose this path. Society should help those who need help. We are responsible for every person. Among those who find themselves on the "day of life" there are many people who want to change their lives, they just need a little help and understanding.



What is tolerance?

Tolerance is a multifaceted concept. Many do not understand the true meaning of this word, narrowing it down. The basis of tolerance is the right to express thoughts and personal freedom of every person: both a child and an adult. To be tolerant means to be indifferent, but not to show aggression, but to be tolerant of people with a different worldview, customs and traditions. Conflict in an intolerant society is at the heart of Harper Lee's novel To Kill a Mockingbird. The story is told on behalf of a nine-year-old girl - the daughter of a lawyer who defends a black guy. Tom is accused of a brutal crime he didn't commit. Not only the court, but also the locals are against the young man and want to reprise him. Luckily, attorney Atticus is able to look at the situation with common sense. He defends the accused to the last, tries to prove his innocence in court, rejoices at every step that brings him closer to victory. Despite substantial evidence of Tom's innocence, the jury convicts him. This means only one thing: the intolerant attitude of society cannot be changed even by weighty arguments. Faith in justice is completely undermined when Tom is killed while trying to escape. The writer shows us how much public consciousness influences the opinion of a single person.

By his actions, Atticus puts himself and his children in a dangerous position, but still does not give up the truth.

Harper Lee described a small town in the early 20th century, but, unfortunately, this problem does not depend on geography and time, it is deep inside the person. There will always be people who are not like others, so tolerance must be learned, only then people can live in peace with each other.

What kind of person can be called dangerous to society?

A person is a part of society, so he can be influenced by it or influence it. A person dangerous to society can be called someone who, by his actions or words, violates laws, including moral ones. So, in the novel by D.M. Dostoevsky has such heroes. Of course, first of all, everyone remembers Raskolnikov, whose theory led to the death of several people and made his loved ones unhappy. But Rodion Raskolnikov paid for his actions, he was sent to Siberia, while Svidrigailov was not accused of crimes. This vicious, dishonest man knew how to pretend and appear decent. Under the guise of decency was a killer who had the lives of several people on his conscience. Another character dangerous to people can be called Luzhin, a fan of the theory of individualism. This theory says: everyone should only take care of themselves, then the society will be happy. However, his theory is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. In fact, he justifies any crime in the name of personal benefit. Despite the fact that Luzhin did not kill anyone, he unfairly accused Sonya Marmeladova of stealing, thereby putting himself on a par with Rakolnikov and Svidrigailov. His actions can be called dangerous to society. The described characters are a bit similar in their theories, because they believe that for the sake of "good" you can do a bad deed. However, it is impossible to justify crimes with good intentions, evil gives birth only to evil.



Do you agree with G.K. Lichtenberg: "In every person there is something from all people."

Undoubtedly, all people are different. Each has its own temperament, character, destiny. However, in my opinion, there is something that unites us - it is the ability to dream. M. Gorky's play "At the Bottom" shows the life of people who have forgotten how to dream, they just live their lives day after day, not understanding the meaning of their existence. These unfortunate inhabitants of the rooming house are "at the bottom" of life, where a ray of hope does not break through. At first glance, it may seem that they have nothing in common with other people, they are all thieves and drunkards, dishonest people who are only capable of meanness. But reading page after page, you can see that everyone's life was once different, but circumstances drove them to the Kostylevs' rooming house, who themselves were not far from the guests. With the advent of a new tenant, Luke, everything changes. He pities them, and this warmth awakens a glimmer of hope. The inhabitants of the rooming house recall their dreams and goals: Vaska Pepel wants to move to Siberia and live an honest life, the Actor wants to return to the stage, even quits drinking, the dying Anna, tired of suffering on earth, is encouraged by the thought that after death she will find peace. Unfortunately, the heroes' dreams are shattered when Luca leaves. In reality, they did nothing to change their situation. However, the very fact that they wanted to change is good news. The roomers have not ceased to be people, despite the trials that have fallen to them in life, and somewhere in the depths of their souls live ordinary people who just want to enjoy life. Thus, the ability to throw unites such different people who, by the will of fate, found themselves in one place.



Onegin's personality was formed in the St. Petersburg secular environment. In the prehistory, Pushkin noted the social factors that influenced the character of Eugene: belonging to the highest stratum of the nobility, the usual upbringing for this circle, training, the first steps in the world, the experience of a “monotonous and motley” life, the life of a “free nobleman”, not burdened by service, - vain, carefree, full of entertainment and love stories.

Conflict between man and society. How does society affect a person? What is the conflict between the individual and society? Is it difficult to maintain individuality in a team? Why is it important to maintain individuality?

The character and life of Onegin are shown in motion. Already in the first chapter, you can see how a bright, outstanding personality suddenly appeared from a faceless, but requiring unconditional obedience crowd.

Onegin's seclusion - his undeclared conflict with the world and with the society of noble landowners - only at first glance seems to be a whim caused by "boredom", disappointment in the "science of tender passion." Pushkin emphasizes that Onegin's "inimitable strangeness" is a kind of protest against social and spiritual dogmas that suppress a person's personality, depriving him of the right to be himself.

The emptiness of the hero's soul was the result of the emptiness and lack of content of secular life. Onegin is looking for new spiritual values, a new path: in St. Petersburg and in the countryside, he diligently reads books, communicates with a few like-minded people (the author and Lensky). In the countryside, he even tries to change the order, replacing corvée with light dues.


Dependence on public opinion. Is it possible to become free from public opinion? Is it possible to live in society and be free from it? Confirm or refute Stahl's statement: "You can not be sure of either your behavior or your well-being when we make it dependent on people's opinions." Why is it important to maintain individuality?

Often a person finds himself in the deepest dependence on public opinion. Sometimes you have to go a long way to free yourself from the shackles of society.

The search for new life truths of Onegin dragged on for many years and remained unfinished. Onegin is freed from old ideas about life, but the past does not let him go. It seems that Onegin is the master of his life, but this is only an illusion. All his life he has been haunted by mental laziness and cold skepticism, as well as dependence on public opinion. However, it is difficult to call Onegin a victim of society. By changing his lifestyle, he took responsibility for his own destiny. His further failures in life can no longer be justified by dependence on society.


What is the conflict between the individual and society? What happens to a person cut off from society?

Do you agree that a person is shaped by society?

The conflict between a person and society appears when a strong, bright personality cannot obey the rules of society. So, Grigory Pechorin, the main mountain of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" is an outstanding personality who defies moral laws. He is the "hero" of his generation, who has absorbed his worst vices. A young officer, endowed with a sharp mind and attractive appearance, treats the people around him with disdain and boredom, they seem to him pitiful and ridiculous. He feels unworthy. In vain attempts to find himself, he brings only suffering to people who are not indifferent to him. At first glance, it may seem that Pechorin is an extremely negative character, but, consistently plunging into the thoughts and feelings of the hero, we see that not only he himself is to blame, but also the society that gave birth to him. In his own way, he reaches out to people, unfortunately, society rejects his best impulses. In the chapter "Princess Mary" you can see several such episodes. The friendly relations between Pechorin and Grushnitsky turn into rivalry and enmity. Grushnitsky, suffering from wounded pride, acts vilely: he shoots an unarmed man and wounds him in the leg. However, even after the shot, Pechorin gives Grushnitsky a chance to act with dignity, he is ready to forgive him, he wants an apology, but the pride of the latter turns out to be stronger. Dr. Werner, who plays the role of his second, is almost the only person who understands Pechorin. But even he, having learned about the publicity of the duel, does not support the main character, he only advises to leave the city. Human pettiness and hypocrisy harden Gregory, make him incapable of love and friendship. Thus, Pechorin's conflict with society consisted in the fact that the main character refused to pretend and hide his vices, like a mirror showing a portrait of the entire generation, for which society rejected him.

Can a person exist outside of society? There is safety in numbers?

Man cannot exist outside of society. As a social being, man needs people. So, the hero of the novel M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" Grigory Pechorin comes into conflict with society. He does not accept the laws by which the society lives, feeling falseness and pretense. However, he cannot live without people, and, without noticing it himself, he instinctively reaches out to those around him. Not believing in friendship, he becomes close to Dr. Werner, and playing with Mary's feelings, he begins to realize with horror that he is falling in love with a girl. The protagonist deliberately repels people who are not indifferent to him, justifying his behavior with love for freedom. Pechorin does not understand that he needs people even more than he needs them. Its ending is sad: a young officer dies alone on the way from Persia, never finding the meaning of his existence. In pursuit of satisfying his needs, he lost his vitality.


Man and society (how does society affect a person?) How does fashion affect a person? How do social factors influence personality formation?

Society has always dictated its own rules and laws of behavior. Sometimes these laws are just wild, as we can see in the story of O. Henry "Tinsel". "The savage of our days, born and raised in the wigwams of the Manhattan tribe," Mr. Chandler tried to live according to the laws of society, where the main criterion for evaluating a person was "meeting by clothes." In such a society, everyone tried to show others that he deserved to be in high society, poverty was considered a vice, and wealth was an achievement. It didn't matter how this wealth was achieved, the main thing was to "splurge" Pretense, vanity and hypocrisy reigned around. The ridiculousness of such laws of society is shown by O. Henry, showing the "failure" of the protagonist. He missed the opportunity to be loved by a beautiful girl just because he was trying to show himself to be something he was not.

What is the role of the individual in history?Can a person change history? Does society need leaders?

The higher a person stands on the steps of the social ladder, the more obvious is the predestination and inevitability in his fate.

Tolstoy comes to the conclusion that "the tsar is the slave of history." Tolstoy's contemporary historian Bogdanovich first of all pointed out the decisive role of Alexander the Great in the victory over Napoleon, and generally discounted the role of the people and Kutuzov. Tolstoy, on the other hand, set himself the task of debunking the role of tsars and showing the role of the masses and the popular commander Kutuzov. The writer reflects in the novel the moments of Kutuzov's inactivity. This is explained by the fact that Kutuzov cannot dispose of historical events at his own will. On the other hand, it is given to him to realize the actual course of events in the implementation of which he participates. Kutuzov cannot understand the world-historical meaning of the 12th year war, but he is aware of the significance of this event for his people, that is, he can be a conscious conductor of the course of history. Kutuzov himself is close to the people, he feels the spirit of the army and can control this great force (the main task of Kutuzov during the Battle of Borodino is to raise the spirit of the army). Napoleon is devoid of understanding of current events, he is a pawn in the hands of history. The image of Napoleon personifies extreme individualism and selfishness. Selfish Napoleon acts like a blind man. He is not a great person, he cannot determine the moral meaning of an event due to his own limitations.


How does society influence the formation of goals?

From the very beginning of the story, all the thoughts of Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya and her son are directed towards one thing - the arrangement of their material well-being. Anna Mikhailovna, for the sake of this, does not shun humiliating begging, or the use of brute force (the scene with the mosaic briefcase), or intrigues, and so on. At first, Boris tries to resist the will of his mother, but over time he realizes that the laws of the society in which they live obey only one rule - the one who has power and money is right. Boris is taken to "make a career." He is not fascinated by the service to the Fatherland, he prefers service in those places where you can quickly move up the career ladder with minimal return. For him, there are neither sincere feelings (rejection of Natasha), nor sincere friendship (coldness towards the Rostovs, who did a lot for him). He subordinates even marriage to this goal (description of his “melancholic service” with Julie Karagina, declaration of love to her through disgust, etc.). In the war of the 12th year, Boris sees only court and staff intrigues and is only concerned with how to turn this to his own advantage. Julie and Boris are quite satisfied with each other: Julie is flattered by the presence of a handsome husband who has made a brilliant career; Boris needs her money.



Can a person influence society?

A person can undoubtedly influence society, especially if he is a strong, strong-willed person. The protagonist of the novel I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" Evgeny Bazarov is an excellent example that confirms my position. He denies social foundations, strives to “clear a place” for a future, properly arranged life, believes that the old rules are not needed in the new world. Bazarov comes into conflict with the representatives of the "old" society - the Kirsanov brothers, whose main difference is that both of them live in a world of feelings. Eugene denies these feelings and ridicules them in others. Accustomed to struggle with everyday difficulties, he is unable to understand either Pavel Petrovich or Nikolai Petrovich. Bazarov does not obey social laws, he simply denies them. For Eugene, the possibility of unlimited freedom of the individual is indisputable: the “nihilist” is convinced that in his decisions aimed at remaking life, a person is morally not bound by anything. However, he does not even try to change society, he does not have any plan of action. Despite this, his exceptional energy, firmness of character and courage are infectious. His ideas become attractive to many representatives of the younger generation, both the nobility and the raznochinets. At the end of the work, we see how the ideals of the protagonist are collapsing, but even the death of Bazarov is not able to stop the power that he and others like him have awakened.


What causes inequality in society? Do you agree with the statement: “Inequality humiliates people and instills dissent and hatred between them”? What kind of person can be called dangerous to society?

Inequality in society leads to a split in that very society. A vivid example confirming my position is the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". The protagonist of the work of Bazarov is a representative of the raznochintsy class. Unlike all nobles, he has the nature of a figure and a fighter. Through tireless work he acquired fundamental knowledge in the natural sciences. Accustomed to relying only on his own mind and energy, he despises people who received everything only by birthright. The protagonist stands for a decisive breakdown of the entire state and economic system of Russia. Bazarov is not alone in his thoughts, these ideas are beginning to dominate the minds of many people, even representatives of the nobility, who are beginning to realize the problems that have matured in society. Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, Yevgeny's opponent in the dispute between the warring parties, calls people like Bazarov ignorant "idiots" who do not have the support of the people, he believes that their number is "four and a half." However, at the end of the work, Pavel Petrovich leaves Russia, thereby retreating from public life, admitting his defeat. He is incapable of fighting the spirit of revolutionary populism, its hatred of the existing order. Representatives of the "traditional way" of life can no longer deny the existence of the problem, the split has already occurred, and the only question is how the warring parties will coexist in the new world.



In what situations does a person feel lonely in society? Can the individual win in the fight against society? Is it difficult to defend your interests before society?

Surrounded by people, a person may feel more alone than alone. This happens if the feelings, actions and way of thinking of such a person differs from the generally accepted norm. Some people adapt, and their loneliness is not evident, while others cannot come to terms with this state of affairs. Such a person is the main character of the comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". Chatsky is smart, but he is characterized by excessive ardor and self-confidence. He excitedly defends his position, which turns everyone present against him, they even declare him crazy. It cannot be said that he is surrounded by stupid people. However, Famusov and the characters of his circle is the ability to adapt to the existing conditions of life and extract the maximum material benefit from them. Chatsky, on the other hand, feels lonely in the society of people who live according to such laws, who are able to make a deal with their conscience. The caustic remarks of the protagonist cannot make people think that they can be wrong, on the contrary, they turn everyone against Chatsky. Thus, what makes a person lonely is his dissimilarity with others, his refusal to live according to the established rules of society.


How does society treat people who are very different from it? Can the individual win in the fight against society?

Society rejects people who differ from it in one way or another. This is what happens with the main character of the comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" by Chatsky. Unable to put up with the norms of public life, he pours out his indignation at the "rotten society of insignificant people", boldly expresses his position in relation to serfdom, the state system, service, education and upbringing. But others do not understand or do not want to understand him. It is easiest to ignore people like Chatsky, which is what the Famus society does, accusing him of being crazy. His thoughts are dangerous for their habitual way of life. Having agreed with Chatsky's life position, those around him will either have to admit that they are scoundrels, or change. Neither one nor the other is acceptable to them, so the easiest way is to recognize such a person as insane and continue to enjoy the usual way of life.



How do you understand the phrase "little man"? Do you agree that a person is shaped by society? Do you agree with the statement: “Inequality humiliates people”? Is it possible to call any person a person? Do you agree that “there is nothing more dangerous in society than a person without character?

The protagonist of the story A.P. Chekhov's "Death of an official" Chervyakov exposes himself to humiliation, demonstrates a complete rejection of human dignity. Evil is presented in the story not in the form of a general who brought a person to such a state. The general is depicted in the work quite neutrally: he only reacts to the actions of another character. The problem of the little man is not in evil people, it is much deeper. Reverence and servility have become so habitual that people themselves are ready at the cost of their lives to defend their right to demonstrate respect and their insignificance. Chervyakov suffers not from humiliation, but from the fact that he fears a misinterpretation of his actions, from the fact that he may be suspected of disrespect for those who are higher in rank. "Dare I laugh? If we laugh, then there will be no respect for persons ... there will be no ... "

How does society influence a person's opinion? Is it possible to call any person a person? Do you agree that “there is nothing more dangerous in society than a person without character?

Society, or rather the structure of society, plays a decisive role in the behavior of many people. A vivid example of a person who thinks and acts according to the standard is the hero of the story A.P. Chekhov "Chameleon".

We habitually call a chameleon a person who is ready to constantly and instantly, for the sake of circumstances, change his views to the exact opposite. For the main character in life, there is the most important rule: the interests of those in power are above all. The protagonist, adhering to this rule, finds himself in a comical situation. Having witnessed the violation, he must take action, fine the owner of the dog that bit the person. During the proceedings, it turns out that the dog may belong to the general. Throughout the story, the answer to the question (“Whose dog”?) changes five or six times, and the reaction of the police officer changes the same number of times. We do not even see the general in the work, but his presence is felt physically, his mention plays the role of a decisive argument. The action of power, force is more clearly revealed in the behavior of the figures of subordinates. They are the guardians of this system. The Chameleon has a conviction that determines all his actions, his understanding of the "order", which must be protected by all means. Thus, we can conclude that society has a huge impact on a person’s opinion, moreover, a person who blindly believes in the rules of such a society is a brick of the system, does not allow the vicious circle to break.

The problem of confrontation between personality and power. What kind of person can be called dangerous to society?
M.Yu.Lermontov. "A song about Tsar Ivan Vasilievich, a young guardsman and a daring merchant Kalashnikov."

The conflict in the "Song ..." M.Yu. Lermontov takes place between Kalashnikov, in whose image the best features of the representative of the people are reflected, and the autocratic power in the person of Ivan the Terrible and Kiribeevich. Ivan the Terrible himself violates the rules of fisticuffs declared by him: “Whoever beats someone, the tsar will reward him, and whoever is beaten, God will forgive him,” and he himself executes Kalashnikov. In the work, we see the struggle of an efficient person for their rights, impossible for the era of Ivan the Terrible, for their rights, defending interests in the name of justice. This fight is not only between Kalashnikov and Kiribeevich. Kiribeevich tramples on the general human law, and Kalashnikov speaks on behalf of the entire "Christian people" "for the holy mother truth."

Why is a person dangerous for the state? Do the interests of society always correspond to the interests of the state? Can a person devote his life to the interests of society?

M.A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita".

The novel of the Master, which is a story about the fight between the impoverished philosopher Yeshua Ha-Nozri and the powerful procurator of Judea, Pontius Pilate. Ha-Notsri is the ideologist of goodness, justice, conscience, and the procurator is the idea of ​​statehood.

Ha-Nozri, by his preaching of universal values, love for one's neighbor, freedom of the individual, according to Pontius Pilate, undermines the sole power of Caesar and thus turns out to be more dangerous than the murderer Barrabas. Pontius Pilate sympathizes with Yeshua, he even makes weak attempts to save him from execution, but nothing more. Pontius Pilate turns out to be pitiful and weak, frightened by the scammer Caifa, frightened of losing the power of the governor of Judea and for this he paid "twelve thousand moons of repentance and remorse."


How does the social environment affect a person? How do you understand the saying: “In the soul of every person is a miniature portrait of his people”? How does upbringing affect personality development?
From the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov".

Life for the Oblomovites is "silence and imperturbable calm", which, unfortunately, are sometimes disturbed by troubles. It is especially important to emphasize that among the troubles, along with “diseases, losses, quarrels,” labor is for them: “They endured labor as a punishment imposed on our forefathers, but they could not love. Thus, Oblomov's inertia, lazy vegetating in a dressing gown on the couch of his St. Petersburg apartment in Goncharov's novel are fully generated and motivated by the social and everyday way of life of the patriarchal landlord life.



One of the urgent problems in our society is social inequality, which has its impact on the fate of every person. People from different segments of the population have different life chances, living conditions and opportunities. They also have different attitudes towards morality, art, and creativity. Therefore, there is a biased assessment of a person according to his position in the system, and not his personality, education, behavior and feelings.

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This is the injustice of our society. It often happens that people sink to the bottom for reasons independent of them. But this can not only play a fatal role and in an instant completely change a person and the attitude of other people towards him, but also destroy his life completely.

Many Russian writers and poets raised the issue of social inequality in their works. A. I. Kuprin tells about this in the story "The Garnet Bracelet" using the example of the forbidden love of a poor young man Zheltkov for Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina. He loved her for many years, wrote letters long before Vera's marriage. The girl did not appreciate the signs of attention of a secret admirer, but chose the promising and wealthy Prince Shein as her husband. Since then, Zheltkov's feelings have become the subject of ridicule of high society, to which the couple belonged. Pure love, real, sincere feelings are alien to these people. So the brother of the main character was outraged by the gift of the young man and returned the garnet bracelet to the sender. The day after the meeting, Zheltkov committed suicide, because he could not see himself in this world without love for Vera Nikolaevna, because he had lost the meaning of his life. People of high society did not attach importance to these incredible feelings, love, which is very rare, once in a thousand years. But despite this attitude of the vast majority of secular people to the human soul, in the story we see two characters who differ from this mass. General Anosov, who always believed in love, and Prince Shein, Vera's husband, who was able to understand and even accept the young man's touching feeling for his wife.

This is what gives hope that there are real people for whom a person, his soul, experiences and aspirations will come first, and not position in society, income level and access to power.

Updated: 2018-02-23

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In this statement, I. Sherr raises the problem of the naturalness of social inequality. In other words, the author considers the state of society to be absolutely organic, in which some individuals have wider access to benefits than the rest of the society.

I fully share this thesis. Indeed, society consists of many social strata that are distinguished in the process of social stratification.

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There are many criteria for dividing society into layers, but it is necessary to remember, first of all, the four main ones - income, power, education and prestige.

In addition, there are historical types of stratification, many of which have fixed social inequality for centuries. Basically, there are four of them. The first type - the slave system - is characterized by the fact that a certain part of society (slaves) was a "thing" of other people. The second type - the caste system - was based on religious principles and traditions and fixed hereditary affiliation to a caste without any opportunity to use the social elevator (curry in the war, marry a representative of a higher caste). The next type - the estate system - had the coercive apparatus of state power as a support, fixing the legal status of a particular estate in official documents. This type allowed in exceptional cases to "increase" the privilege of one's status.

Fortunately, social progress has led us to an open system of stratification - class. In this system, individuals were able to move freely to another social stratum. The basis of the division between classes is the form and size of a person's income. Therefore, they distinguish the class of proletarians (wage workers who receive wages) and the bourgeoisie (the class of entrepreneurs who make a profit, including from the exploitation of wage labor). As we can see, even in open stratification systems, social inequality is observed: individuals who put a lot of effort into working with social lifts (education, career, service) are higher on the social ladder than less active members of society. It should be mentioned that the intensity and speed of social mobility in modern societies is much higher than in the historical types described above.

Examples of social inequality can be easily found in classical literature. For example, in Jack London's novel Martin Eden, the protagonist makes a long social journey from a poor sailor to a rich writer, helping his impoverished friends to increase their income along the way. Having obtained a "ticket to high society", the hero realizes that rich people are not always complacent and people who are poor in prosperity were much more kind to him. This is also a kind of "stratification according to morality", but it is already outside the scope of the course of social science.

Sometimes social inequality reaches threatening scales for society. The newspaper "Russian Reporter" recently published an analytical article about the country of Zimbabwe, showing depressing economic performance. It is worth noting that this country has withdrawn the national currency from circulation. The high level of corruption and crime allows officials and some businessmen to receive fabulous incomes, while more than half of the people are officially unemployed. This example shows us that even the natural state of society, manifested in inequality, needs to be controlled so that society does not turn into chaos.

Thus, the problem of the naturalness of social inequality is relevant to this day, having a scientific and factual justification. And I hope that society will be "unequal" where necessary!

Updated: 2017-07-10

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Two years ago, my students and I compiled these arguments for Option C.

1) What is the meaning of life?

1. The author writes about the meaning of life, and Eugene Onegin comes to mind in the novel of the same name by A.S. Pushkin. Bitter is the fate of the one who has not found his place in life! Onegin - a gifted man, one of the best people of that time, but he did nothing but evil - he killed a friend, brought misfortune to Tatyana who loved him:

Having lived without a goal, without labor

Until the age of twenty-six

Languishing in the idleness of leisure,

No service, no wife, no business

Couldn't do anything.

2. People who have not found the purpose of life are unhappy. Pechorin in "A Hero of Our Time" by M.Yu. Lermontov is active, smart, resourceful, observant, but all his actions are random, activity is fruitless, and he is unhappy, none of the manifestations of his will has a deep purpose. The hero bitterly asks himself: “Why did I live? For what purpose was I born?

3. Throughout his life, Pierre Bezukhov tirelessly searched for himself and the true meaning of life. After painful trials, he became able not only to reflect on the meaning of life, but also to perform specific actions that require will and determination. In the epilogue of Leo Tolstoy's novel, we meet Pierre, who is carried away by the ideas of Decembrism, protests against the existing social system and fights for the just life of the very people, of which he feels himself a part. According to Tolstoy, in this organic combination of the personal and the national, there is both the meaning of life and happiness.

2) Fathers and children. Upbringing.

1. It seems that Bazarov is a positive character in I.S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”. Clever, bold, independent in judgment, an advanced person of his time, but readers are confused by his attitude towards his parents, who love their son madly, but he is deliberately rude to them. Yes, Eugene practically does not communicate with the elderly. How sad they are! And only to Odintsova did he say beautiful words about his parents, but the old people did not hear them themselves.

2. In general, the problem of "fathers" and "children" is typical for Russian literature. In the drama of A.N. Ostrovsky “Thunderstorm”, it acquires a tragic sound, as young people who want to live with their own minds emerge from blind obedience to the house-building.

And in the novel by I.S. Turgenev, the generation of children in the person of Yevgeny Bazarov is already resolutely going his own way, sweeping away established authorities. And the contradictions between the two generations are often painful.

3) Insolence. Rudeness. behavior in society.

1. Human incontinence, disrespectful attitude towards others, rudeness and rudeness are directly related to improper upbringing in the family. Therefore, Mitrofanushka in D.I. Fonvizin’s comedy “Undergrowth” speaks unforgivable, rude words. In the house of Mrs. Prostakova, rude abuse, beatings are a common occurrence. Here mother says to Pravdin: “... now I scold, now I fight; That's how the house holds up."

2. Famusov appears before us as a rude, ignorant person in A. Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit". He is rude to dependent people, speaks grouchily, rudely, calls servants in every possible way, regardless of their age.

3. You can bring the image of the mayor from the comedy "The Government Inspector". A positive example: A. Bolkonsky.

4) The problem of poverty, social inequality.

1. With stunning realism, F.M. Dostoevsky depicts the world of Russian reality in the novel "Crime and Punishment". It shows the social injustice, hopelessness, spiritual impasse that gave rise to the absurd theory of Raskolnikov. The heroes of the novel are poor people, humiliated by society, the poor are everywhere, suffering is everywhere. Together with the author, we feel pain for the fate of children. To stand up for the disadvantaged - that's what ripens in the minds of readers when they get acquainted with this work.

5) The problem of mercy.

1. It seems that from all the pages of F.M. Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment" destitute people ask us for help: Katerina Ivanovna, her children, Sonya ... The sad picture of the image of a humiliated person appeals to our mercy and compassion: "Love your neighbor …” The author believes that a person must find his way “to the realm of light and thought”. He believes that the time will come when people will love each other. He claims that beauty will save the world.

2. In the preservation of compassion for people, a merciful and patient soul, the moral height of a woman is revealed in A. Solzhenitsyn's story "Matryonin Dvor". In all degrading ordeals, Matryona remains sincere, sympathetic, ready to help, able to rejoice in someone else's happiness. This is the image of the righteous, the keeper of spiritual values. This is without it, according to the proverb, "there is no village, city, all our land"

6) The problem of honor, duty, feat.

1. When you read about how Andrei Bolkonsky was mortally wounded, you experience horror. He did not rush forward with the banner, he simply did not lie down on the ground like the others, but continued to stand, knowing that the core would explode. Bolkonsky could not help it. He, with his sense of honor and duty, noble valor, did not want to do otherwise. There are always people who cannot run, be silent, hide from dangers. They die before others, because they are better. And their death is not meaningless: it gives birth to something in the souls of people, something very important.

7) The problem of happiness.

1. L.N. Tolstoy in the novel "War and Peace" brings us, readers, to the idea that happiness is not expressed in wealth, not in nobility, not in glory, but in love, all-consuming and all-encompassing. Such happiness cannot be taught. Prince Andrei before his death defines his state as “happiness”, which is in the intangible and external influences of the soul, - “the happiness of love” ... The hero seems to return to the time of pure youth, to the ever-living springs of natural being.

2. To be happy, you need to remember five simple rules. 1. Free your heart from hatred - forgive. 2. Free your heart from worries - most of them do not come true. 3. Lead a simple life and appreciate what you have. 4. Give back more. 5. Expect less.

8) My favorite work.

They say that every person in his life should raise a son, build a house, plant a tree. It seems to me that in the spiritual life no one can do without Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. I think this book creates in the soul of a person that necessary moral foundation on which one can already build a temple of spirituality. The novel is an encyclopedia of life; the fates and experiences of the heroes are relevant to this day. The author encourages us to learn from the mistakes of the characters in the work and live a “real life”.

9) The theme of friendship.

Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov in Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" are people of "crystal honest, crystal soul." They constitute the spiritual elite, the moral core to the "marrow of the bones" of a rotten society. These are friends, they are connected by liveliness of character and soul. Both hate the "carnival masks" of high society, complement each other and become necessary to each other, despite the fact that they are so different. Heroes seek and learn the truth - such a goal justifies the value of their lives and friendship.

10) Faith in God. Christian motives.

1. In the image of Sonya, F.M. Dostoevsky personifies the “Man of God”, who in the cruel world has not lost his connection with God, the passionate desire for “Life in Christ”. In the terrifying world of Crime and Punishment, this girl is a moral light beam that warms the criminal's heart. Rodion heals his soul and returns to life with Sonya. It turns out that without God there is no life. So thought Dostoevsky, so Gumilyov later wrote:

2. The heroes of F.M. Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment" read the parable of the resurrection of Lazarus. Through Sonya, the prodigal son - Rodion returns to real life and God. Only at the end of the novel does he see "morning", and under his pillow lies the Gospel. Biblical stories became the basis of the works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol. The poet Nikolai Gumilyov has wonderful words:

There is God, there is the world, they live forever;

And the life of people is instantaneous and miserable,

But everything is contained by a person,

Who loves the world and believes in God.

11) Patriotism.

1. True patriots in Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" do not think about themselves, they feel the need for their own contribution and even sacrifice, but do not expect a reward for this, because they carry in their souls a genuine holy feeling of the Motherland.

Pierre Bezukhov gives his money, sells the estate in order to equip the regiment. True patriots were also those who left Moscow, not wanting to submit to Napoleon. Petya Rostov rushes to the front, because "the Fatherland is in danger." Russian peasants, dressed in soldier's overcoats, fiercely resist the enemy, because the feeling of patriotism is sacred and inalienable for them.

2. In Pushkin's poetry we find sources of the purest patriotism. His "Poltava", "Boris Godunov", all appeals to Peter the Great, "slanderers of Russia", his poem dedicated to the Borodino anniversary, testify to the depth of popular feeling and the strength of patriotism, enlightened and sublime.

12) Family.

We, readers, are especially sympathetic to the Rostov family in L.N. Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace", whose behavior shows high nobility of feelings, kindness, even rare generosity, naturalness, closeness to the people, moral purity and integrity. The feeling of the family, which the Rostovs sacredly take in peaceful life, will turn out to be historically significant during the Patriotic War of 1812.

13) Conscience.

1. Probably, we, readers, least of all expected from Dolokhov in L.N. Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" an apology to Pierre on the eve of the Battle of Borodino. In moments of danger, during a period of general tragedy, conscience awakens in this tough person. This surprised Bezukhov. We, as it were, see Dolokhov from the other side, and once again we will be surprised when he, with other Cossacks and hussars, releases a party of prisoners, where Pierre will be, when he will hardly speak when he sees Petya lying motionless. Conscience is a moral category, without it it is impossible to imagine a real person.

2. Conscientious means a decent, honest person, endowed with a sense of dignity, justice, kindness. The one who lives in harmony with his conscience is calm and happy. Unenviable is the fate of the one who missed it for the sake of momentary gain or renounced it out of personal egoism.

3. It seems to me that the issues of conscience and honor for Nikolai Rostov in Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" are the moral essence of a decent person. Having lost a lot of money to Dolokhov, he promises himself to return it to his father, who saved him from dishonor. And once Rostov surprised me when he entered into an inheritance and accepted all the debts of his father. This is usually done by people of honor and duty, people with a developed sense of conscience.

4. The best features of Grinev from A.S. Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter", due to upbringing, appear in moments of severe trials and help him get out of difficult situations with honor. In the conditions of rebellion, the hero retains humanity, honor and loyalty to himself, he risks his life, but does not deviate from the dictates of duty, refusing to swear allegiance to Pugachev and make compromises.

14) Education. Its role in human life.

1. A.S. Griboyedov, under the guidance of experienced teachers, received a good initial education, which he continued at Moscow University. The writer's contemporaries were struck by the level of his education. He graduated from three faculties (the verbal department of the philosophical faculty, natural-mathematical and law faculties) and received the academic title of candidate of these sciences. Griboyedov studied Greek, Latin, English, French and German, and was fluent in Arabic, Persian and Italian. Alexander Sergeevich was fond of the theater. He was one of the finest writers and diplomats.

2.M.Yu. Lermontov, we refer to the number of great writers of Russia and the progressive noble intelligentsia. He was called a revolutionary romantic. Although Lermontov left the university because the leadership found his stay there undesirable, the poet was distinguished by a high level of self-education. He began to write poetry early, drew beautifully, played music. Lermontov constantly developed his talent and left a rich creative heritage to his descendants.

15) Officials. Power.

1.I.Krylov, N.V.Gogol, M.E.Saltykov-Shchedrin in their works ridiculed those officials who humiliate their subordinates and please their superiors. Writers condemn them for rudeness, indifference to the people, embezzlement and bribery. No wonder Shchedrin is called the prosecutor of public life. His satire was full of sharp journalistic content.

2. In the comedy The Inspector General, Gogol showed the officials inhabiting the city - the embodiment of the passions rampant in it. He denounced the entire bureaucratic system, depicted a vulgar society plunged into general deception. Officials are far from the people, they are busy only with material well-being. The writer not only exposes their abuses, but also shows that they have acquired the character of a "disease". Lyapkin-Tyapkin, Bobchinsky, Strawberry and other characters are ready to humiliate themselves in front of the authorities, but they do not consider ordinary petitioners to be people.

3.Our society has switched to a new round of management, so the order has changed in the country, the fight against corruption, checks are being carried out. It is sad to recognize in many modern officials and politicians an emptiness covered with indifference. Gogol's types have not disappeared. They exist in a new guise, but with the same emptiness and vulgarity.

16) Intelligence. Spirituality.

1. I evaluate an intelligent person by his ability to behave in society and spirituality. Andrei Bolkonsky in Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" is my favorite character who can be imitated by young men of our generation. He is smart, educated, intelligent. He has such character traits that make up spirituality, such as a sense of duty, honor, patriotism, mercy. Andrey is disgusted by the world with its pettiness and falseness. It seems to me that the feat of the prince is not only that he rushed with a banner to the enemy, but also that he deliberately abandoned false values, choosing compassion, kindness and love.

2. In the comedy "The Cherry Orchard" A.P. Chekhov denies intelligence to people who do nothing, are not capable of work, do not read anything serious, they only talk about the sciences, but understand little in art. He believes that humanity should improve its strength, work hard, help the suffering, strive for moral purity.

3. Andrei Voznesensky has wonderful words: “There is a Russian intelligentsia. Do you think no? There is!"

17) Mother. Motherhood.

1. With trepidation and excitement, A.I. Solzhenitsyn recalled his mother, who sacrificed a lot for the sake of her son. Persecuted by the authorities because of her husband's "White Guard", her father's "former wealth", she could not work in an institution where they paid well, although she knew foreign languages ​​very well, studied shorthand and typewriting. The great writer is grateful to his mother for the fact that she did everything to instill in him versatile interests, to give him a higher education. In his memory, his mother remained a model of universal moral values.

2. V.Ya. Bryusov connects the theme of motherhood with love and composes an enthusiastic glorification of a woman-mother. Such is the humanistic tradition of Russian literature: the poet believes that the movement of the world, of humanity comes from a woman - a symbol of love, self-sacrifice, patience and understanding.

18) Labor is laziness.

Valery Bryusov created a hymn to labor, which also contains such passionate lines:

And the right place in life

Only to those whose days are in labor:

Only to the workers - glory,

Only to them - a wreath for centuries!

19) The theme of love.

Every time Pushkin wrote about love, his soul was enlightened. In the poem: "I loved you ..." the poet's feeling is disturbing, love has not cooled down yet, it lives in him. Light sadness is caused by an unrequited strong feeling. He confesses to his beloved, and how strong and noble his impulses are:

I loved you silently, hopelessly,

Either shyness or jealousy torment ...

The nobility of the poet's feelings, colored with light and subtle sadness, is expressed simply and directly, warmly and, as always with Pushkin, charmingly musically. This is the true power of love, which opposes vanity, indifference, dullness!

20) Purity of language.

1. Over its history, Russia has experienced three eras of clogging the Russian language. The first happened under Peter 1, when there were more than three thousand marine terms of foreign words alone. The second era came with the 1917 revolution. But the darkest time for our language is the end of the 20th - the beginning of the 21st centuries, when we witnessed the degradation of the language. What is worth only one phrase that sounds on television: “Do not slow down - snickers!” Americanisms have overwhelmed our speech. I am sure that the purity of speech must be strictly monitored, it is necessary to eradicate clericalism, jargon, an abundance of foreign words that crowd out beautiful, correct literary speech, which is the standard of Russian classics.

2. Pushkin did not have a chance to save the Fatherland from enemies, but it was given to decorate, elevate and glorify his language. The poet extracted unheard-of sounds from the Russian language and "hit the hearts" of readers with unknown force. Centuries will pass, but these poetic treasures will remain for posterity in all the charm of their beauty and will never lose their strength and freshness:

I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,

How God forbid you be loved to be different!

21) Nature. Ecology.

1. For the poetry of I. Bunin, a careful attitude to nature is characteristic, he worries about its preservation, for purity, therefore there are many bright, juicy colors of love and hope in his lyrics. Nature feeds the poet with optimism, through her images he expresses his philosophy of life:

My spring will pass, and this day will pass,

But it's fun to wander around and know that everything passes

Meanwhile, as the happiness of living forever will not die ...

In the poem "Forest Road" nature is a source of happiness and beauty for a person.

2. The book by V. Astafiev "Tsar-fish" consists of many essays, stories and short stories. The chapters "Dream of the White Mountains" and "King-Fish" describe the interaction of man with nature. The writer bitterly names the reason for the destruction of nature - this is the spiritual impoverishment of man. His combat with the fish has a sad outcome. In general, in his reasoning about man and the world around him, Astafiev concludes that nature is a temple, and man is a part of nature, and therefore is obliged to protect this common home for all living things, to preserve its beauty.

3. Accidents at nuclear power plants affect the inhabitants of entire continents, even the entire Earth. They have long-term consequences. Many years ago, the worst man-made disaster occurred - the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The territories of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia suffered the most. The consequences of the disaster are global. For the first time in the history of mankind, an industrial accident has reached such a scale that its consequences can be found anywhere in the world. Many people received terrible doses of radiation and died a painful death. Chernobyl pollution continues to cause an increase in mortality among the population of all ages. Cancer is one of the typical manifestations of the consequences of radiation exposure. The accident at the nuclear power plant led to a decrease in the birth rate, an increase in mortality, genetic disorders ... People should remember Chernobyl for the sake of the future, be aware of the danger of radiation and do everything so that such disasters never happen again.

22) The role of art.

My contemporary, poet and prose writer Elena Takho-Godi, wrote about the influence of art on a person:

And you can live without Pushkin

And without the music of Mozart too -

Without everything that is spiritually dearer,

No doubt you can live.

Even better, calmer, easier

Without absurd passions and anxieties

And safer, of course,

But how to make this deadline? ..

23) About our smaller brothers.

1. I immediately remembered the amazing story “Tame Me”, where Yulia Drunina talks about the unfortunate, trembling from hunger, fear and cold, an unneeded animal in the market, which somehow immediately turned into a domestic idol. He was joyfully worshiped by the whole family of the poetess. In another story, the title of which is symbolic - "In response to all whom she has tamed", she will say that the attitude towards "our smaller brothers", towards creatures that are completely dependent on us, is a "touchstone" for each of us .

2. In many works of Jack London, man and animals (dogs) go through life side by side and help each other in all situations. When you are the only representative of the human race for hundreds of kilometers of snowy silence, there is no better and more devoted assistant than a dog, and besides, unlike a person, it is not capable of lies and betrayal.

24) Motherland. Small Motherland.

Each of us has our own small homeland - the place from which our first perception of the world begins, the comprehension of love for the country. The poet Sergei Yesenin has the most precious memories associated with the Ryazan village: with the blue that fell into the river, the raspberry field, the birch grove, where he experienced “lake melancholy” and aching sadness, where he overheard the cry of the oriole, the conversation of sparrows, the rustle of grass. And I immediately imagined that beautiful dewy morning that the poet met in childhood and which gave him a holy “feeling of the homeland”:

Weaved over the lake

Scarlet light of dawn...

25) Historical memory.

1.A. Tvardovsky wrote:

The war has passed, the suffering has passed,

But pain calls out to people.

Come on people never

Let's not forget about this.

2. The works of many poets are dedicated to the people's feat in the Great Patriotic War. The memory of the experience does not die. A.T. Tvardovsky writes that the blood of the fallen was not shed in vain: the survivors must keep the peace so that the descendants live happily on earth:

I bequeath in that life

you happy to be

Thanks to them, the heroes of the war, we live in peace. The Eternal Flame burns, reminding us of the lives given for the motherland.

26) The theme of beauty.

Sergei Yesenin in his lyrics sings of everything beautiful. Beauty for him is peace and harmony, nature and love for the motherland, tenderness for his beloved: “How beautiful the Earth and the man on it!”

People will never be able to overcome the sense of beauty in themselves, because the world will not change endlessly, but there will always be something that pleases the eye and excites the soul. We freeze with delight, listening to eternal music born of inspiration, admiring nature, reading poetry... And we love, worship, dream of something mysterious and beautiful. Beauty is everything that gives happiness.

27) Philistinism.

1. In the satirical comedies "Klop" and "Bath" V. Mayakovsky ridicules such vices as philistinism and bureaucracy. In the future, there is no place for the protagonist of the play "The Bedbug". Mayakovsky's satire has a sharp focus, reveals the shortcomings that exist in any society.

2. In the story of the same name by A.P. Chekhov, Jonah is the personification of a passion for money. We see the impoverishment of his spirit, the physical and spiritual "renunciation". The writer told us about the loss of personality, the irreparable waste of time - the most valuable asset of human life, about personal responsibility to oneself and society. Memories of credit papers he with such pleasure he takes it out of his pockets in the evenings, extinguishing in him feelings of love and kindness.

28) Great people. Talent.

1. Omar Khayyam is a great, brilliantly educated person who lived an intellectually rich life. His rubaiyat is the story of the ascent of the poet's soul to the high truth of being. Khayyam is not only a poet, but also a master of prose, a philosopher, a truly great person. He died, and his star has been shining in the “firmament” of the human spirit for almost a thousand years, and its light, alluring and mysterious, does not grow dim, but, on the contrary, becomes brighter:

Be I the Creator, the Ruler of heights,

Would incinerate the old firmament.

And I would pull on a new one, under which

Envy does not sting, anger does not scurry.

2. Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn is the honor and conscience of our era. He was a participant in the Great Patriotic War, was awarded for the heroism shown in battles. For disapproving remarks about Lenin and Stalin, he was arrested and sentenced to eight years in labor camps. In 1967, he sent an open letter to the Congress of Writers of the USSR calling for an end to censorship. He, a famous writer, was persecuted. In 1970 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. The years of recognition were difficult, but he returned to Russia, wrote a lot, his journalism is considered to be a moral sermon. Solzhenitsyn is rightly considered a fighter for freedom and human rights, a politician, an ideologist, a public figure who served the country honestly, selflessly. His best works are The Gulag Archipelago, Matryonin Dvor, The Cancer Ward...

29) The problem of material support. Wealth.

The universal measure of all the values ​​of many people, unfortunately, has recently become money, a passion for hoarding. Of course, for many citizens this is the personification of well-being, stability, reliability, security, even a guarantor of love and respect - no matter how paradoxical it sounds.

For such as Chichikov in N.V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" and many Russian capitalists, it was not difficult at first to "curry favor", flatter, give bribes, be "pushed around", then to "push around" themselves and take bribes, live luxuriously .

30) Freedom-Unfreedom.

I read E. Zamyatin's novel "We" in one breath. Here one can trace the idea of ​​what can happen to a person, society, when they, obeying an abstract idea, voluntarily renounce freedom. People turn into an appendage of the machine, into cogs. Zamyatin showed the tragedy of overcoming the human in a person, the loss of a name as the loss of one's own "I".

31) The problem of time.

During the long creative life of L.N. Tolstoy was constantly running out of time. His working day began at dawn. The writer absorbed the morning smells, saw the sunrise, awakening and .... created. He tried to be ahead of time, warning mankind against moral catastrophes. This wise classic either kept pace with the times, or was one step ahead of it. Tolstoy's work is still in demand all over the world: Anna Karenina, War and Peace, Kreutzer Sonata...

32) The theme of morality.

It seems to me that my soul is a flower that leads me through life so that I live according to my conscience, and the spiritual power of a person is that luminous matter that is woven by the world of my sun. We must live according to the commandments of Christ in order for humanity to be humane. To be moral, you need to work hard on yourself:

And God is silent

For a grave sin

Because they doubted God

He punished everyone with love,

What would have learned to believe in agony.

33) Space theme.

Hypostasis of T.I. Tyutchev is the world of Copernicus, Columbus, a daring personality, going out to the abyss. This is what makes the poet close to me, a man of the age of unheard-of discoveries, scientific daring, and the conquest of the cosmos. He instills in us a sense of the infinity of the world, its greatness and mystery. The value of a person is determined by the ability to admire and be amazed. Tyutchev was endowed with this "cosmic feeling" like no other.

34) The theme of the capital is Moscow.

In the poetry of Marina Tsvetaeva, Moscow is a majestic city. In the poem "Over the blue of the groves near Moscow ....." the ringing of Moscow bells pours like a balm on the soul of the blind. This city is sacred for Tsvetaeva. She confesses to him the love that she absorbed, it seems, with her mother's milk, and passed it on to her own children:

And you do not know that the dawn in the Kremlin

Breathe easier than anywhere else on earth!

35) Love for the Motherland.

In the poems of S. Yesenin, we feel the complete unity of the lyrical hero with Russia. The poet himself will say that the feeling of the Motherland is the main thing in his work. Yesenin does not doubt the need for changes in life. He believes in future events that will wake dormant Russia. Therefore, he created such works as "Transfiguration", "O Russia, flap your wings":

Oh Russia, flap your wings,

Put another support!

With other names

Another steppe rises.

36) The theme of the memory of the war.

1. “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy, “Sotnikov” and “Obelisk” by V. Bykov - all these works are united by the theme of war, it bursts into an inevitable disaster, dragging into the bloody whirlpool of events. Its horror and senselessness, bitterness was clearly shown by Leo Tolstoy in his novel "War and Peace". The writer's favorite heroes are aware of the insignificance of Napoleon, whose invasion was only the entertainment of an ambitious man who found himself on the throne as a result of a palace coup. In contrast, he is shown the image of Kutuzov, who was guided in this war by other motives. He fought not for glory and wealth, but for the sake of loyalty to the Fatherland and duty.

2. 68 years of the Great Victory separate us from the Great Patriotic War. But time does not reduce interest in this topic, draws the attention of my generation to the distant front-line years, to the origins of the courage and feat of the Soviet soldier - a hero, a liberator, a humanist. When the cannons thundered, the muses were not silent. While instilling love for the Motherland, literature also instilled hatred for the enemy. And this contrast carried the highest justice, humanism. The golden fund of Soviet literature included such works created during the war years as “The Russian Character” by A. Tolstoy, “The Science of Hatred” by M. Sholokhov, “The Unsubdued” by B. Gorbaty ...

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