Signs that you are destined to be rich. That's how it's written

“Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of savagery and immorality” (A.S. Pushkin)

“All the reasons for victories and failures in your life - look in the history of your Family!” (B. Hellinger)

In ancient Slavic culture, GOD ROD was the highest deity, from which the earthly Gods appeared, who created people. God KIND OF THE MOST HIGH - Kin of the Earth (those who are alive) + Kin of Heaven (the dead).
Even in the recent past, knowing one's roots was almost a sacred duty for every person. People were proud of their noble origin (the word "know" can be considered as a noun, and as a verb), hanging portraits on the walls, and later photographs of their ancestors. In ordinary families, they knew no less about their roots. Previously, there was no tradition to build genealogical trees and information was transmitted orally, from ancestors to descendants. A radical change came after the revolution of 1917. The new government needed people with a new, unsullied biography. People, for the sake of saving their lives, abandoned their family ties, changed documents, names and surnames, thus crossing out their past. Interest in ancestral history, in the preservation of ancestral memory was lost.

If a plant, flower, tree is cut, cut down "at the root", then it will inevitably die. The life-giving force ceases to flow, the vital energy that feeds the trunk, leaves and gives new seeds and shoots. Unfortunately, the state of our society today is like a flower that has its roots cut off and is slowly withering and drying up. Most people, especially young people, know practically nothing about their ancestors, limiting themselves to fragmentary information no further than about their grandfathers (at best!).
A young modern businessman, whose business does not “get on” in any way, who constantly conflicts with inspection bodies and does not suspect that the root of his problem is that his grandfather or great-grandfather was “dispossessed” after the revolution, his farm was taken away, all means to existence. The grandfather's family suffered such a defeat very hard, many people could not survive. And then in the Family, or in modern terms, in the information field, in the matrix of the Family, the attitude “To be rich means to be destroyed!” Was formed. And life begins to “protect, protect” this young grandson / great-grandson from business development, because a similar case in the history of the Family has already been and ended sadly. A young man needs to remember his ancestors, express gratitude and respect to them, restore the tribal energy, and only after that, having got rid of the negative attitudes of the Family, start creating his own business.

A young girl cannot conceive and give birth to a child. Numerous medical examinations, ultrasound do not reveal any pathologies in the body, trips to fortune tellers do not bring results. The reason is found in the diagnosis of the Family - the maternal grandmother died during childbirth, a girl was born (the mother of our girl). The mother gave birth to our girl with a threat to life, the situation was on the verge of life and death, the doctors miraculously saved the woman and she remained alive, having given birth to her daughter. And now this girl wants to conceive and give birth to a child, but in the matrix of the Family there has formed an attitude - “Giving birth to children is life-threatening!”, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. There is such an expression “life is like a wise fool!”, “Protects, protects” this girl from the mortal danger through which the women of her kind went. The reason has been found, it remains to neutralize this generic setting with the help of special psychological, energy methods, and then nature itself will fulfill its mission.
The woman did not have a relationship with her future husband, the marriage, even without taking place, fell apart. The woman gave birth to a son from this man and gave her son her maternal surname. The boy did not know anything about his father, this information was hidden in the family. The Matrix of the Boy's Clan turned out to be “de-energized”, the male energy from the side of the paternal clan turned out to be blocked. As a result of such a break in the Generic Matrix, serious problems for the son were not long in coming. The son, already being an adult, sought out his paternal relatives, found out his true paternal surname, took his father's surname, reissuing documents. The torn Ancestral Matrix began to gradually recover, normalizing the life of his son.

There are more than enough such cases today. Practically in every family there are big and small problems originating in the Family. There are no individual problems, any problem is systemic.
Problems of the Kind - early deaths, divorces, childlessness, celibacy, alcoholism, drug addiction, murder, birth curses, etc. inevitably affect the descendants, who often do not even suspect that they are bearing this “birth punishment”, which manifests itself in health problems, in professional activities, in personal life. Therefore, the restoration of the harmonious energy of the Family, the knowledge of one's family history includes the family's genetic memory, the powerful energy of life that came to us from our parents, to them from their parents, etc. This Generic energy of life is the most powerful talisman for us, our children and grandchildren.
Today, the society has preserved the traditions of commemoration of ancestors, "Parents' Day", each of us bears his name along with a patronymic, while maintaining belonging to the Family, which continues through the paternal line. I would like this tradition to consist not only in a feast and memorial toasts, but also in the knowledge, reverence and respect for one's ancestors, in the careful preservation of family history and memory for posterity.

There is a special power inherent in man. And not only to humans, but to all living things on Earth.
This is the power of the family.
Many manifestations of this power in our world are still a mystery. By unraveling them, we can change the script of life, which may have already been written many centuries before we were born.

Chain of generations

The guardians of the clan - the ancestors, and the successors - the children - this is our real strength. Each of us is a link in the chain of generations, a carrier of genetic memory and a special memory of the soul. From the depths of the race we receive messages and attitudes, but often we do not know how to use them correctly and lose energy from this. This information is encrypted in behavior, emotional mood, and even proverbs and sayings that are used in the family. We absorb them, as they say, “with mother’s milk” and sometimes we don’t even think about how they lead us: they lead one to fame, the other to material success, the third to loneliness ... “Everyone is the blacksmith of his own happiness,” the mother says to her daughter. And the girl, even in a difficult situation, does not get lost, does not lose heart, because she knows that her fate does not depend on circumstances, but on her actions. And vice versa, imagine how a person behaves in whose family in a difficult situation it was customary to say with a sigh: “Well, that means not Fate.”

Skeleton in the closet

The events that happened to our ancestors leave emotional imprints on the energy of the entire Family. It can be seen that in many families there are hereditary life programs: “anniversary syndrome” (for example, men die at 37), unconscious repetitions (divorce at the initiative of a woman) ... Some of the most problematic events that are silent about (extramarital affairs, hidden savings ), turn into a mystery and “cast out” from the conscious area to the subconscious area. According to Jung's theory, these "skeletons in the closet" continue to live and, although they are not openly spoken about, influence the lives of posterity. Moreover, unconscious attitudes act much stronger and, sometimes, more destructively.

Ivan, not remembering kinship

This proverb originated in pre-revolutionary times. The surname Nepomniachtchi was given to settlers, foundlings, people who did not remember their ancestors. Today, “Ivans who do not remember kinship” are people who deliberately abandon their ancestors and thereby lose the energy of the Family, and hence their strength. Remember the well-known historical phenomenon - in the most difficult times, turn to the strength of the ancestors. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Stalin began his address with the words “brothers and sisters” (as the priests addressed the parishioners), thereby activating the emotional memory of generations and people on an unconscious level felt the strength of their ancestors behind them.

good luck program

Failures in personal life, chronic illnesses, financial losses - all this can be the result of negative karmic programming. Doctors cite statistics: 80% of the population suffer from disorders in the spine. And this is the first sign of incorrect energy circulation (after all, the spine is our energy axis) due to a breakdown in communication with generic programs.
To understand and improve your family program, you must first remember and realize what happened to your ancestors, how they lived, what they aspired to. Talk to mom and dad, ask about your ancestors. Think of all your relatives. Maybe someone is no longer alive, but you still clearly hear his words.

How to rewrite your generic program?

1. Binding thread.
Sit down, close your eyes and try to see the image of the ancestor. Imagine that negative character trait that you are copying as a thin thread that comes from your ancestor to you. Mentally cut it.

Change to another family member. For example, in your family there was a second cousin who gave birth to six children (mentally ask her for help in conceiving a baby) or a great-great-grandfather who was a successful merchant (ask him to help you if material problems are pursuing). Look for people in your family who easily coped with the problems that annoyed you. Mentally ask them for help.

2. New hero.
Can't remember a real relative? Come up with it. Introduce a successful businessman or an attractive woman into your family. Internally connect with your real ancestors and connect a fictional character to the energy of your Family. Imagine a huge field of light that you and your ancestors are in. The new character enters the light area. Now you have a new ally and assistant.

3.Always in touch

It depends only on you how strong the connection between generations will be.

The more relatives you remember, include them in your “circle of trust”, the stronger you will become. You will feel it - feel a surge of strength, self-confidence.

Make a family photo album. Put old and new photos in it and involve children in this work. The connection between generations has already begun to be restored!

Maintain relationships with living relatives, communicate with them more often. “Blood ties” feed us with the strongest and most powerful energy.

Remember about the ancestors (remember them, tell family stories, look for strong positive qualities in the ancestors) - this maintains a connection with the past of the family.

Communicate more with children, tell them successful family stories. Children are the successors of your family, and the future of both children and your family as a whole depends on how close and spiritual your relationship is.

Visit the place where you were born more often. Even if no one lives there anymore, and even if there is no home. The very earth in this place feeds you with energy, because this is your homeland.

The strength of the clan is your extra battery that helps you cope with troubles, survive in a difficult situation. That is why it is so important to cultivate this power, to pass it on to the next generations. Then the road for your children will be straight and easy.

A person who does not remember and does not honor his ancestors is like a tree without roots. He does not have a foundation on which he stands, on which he relies. At the everyday level, he makes many mistakes, because he is not interested in the experience of previous generations. You can certainly say that this is a certain freedom from conventions, but as a rule, the reverse side of this is aggressive behavior, arrogance.

People whose families keep the memory of their ancestors, heroic family stories, feel more confident. Such families are very strong and survive even in very difficult situations, if such occur.
The feeling that you are a representative of the family, gives a sense of self-respect and pride. And with this feeling, he goes into the world, broadcasts it to other people, so he is perceived as a successful person.

In the same place where a person cuts off the connection with the ancestors, he, as it were, de-energizes himself and therefore will not be able to reach the heights to which he could rise, retaining the support of his ancestors.

There is a special power inherent in man. And not only to humans, but to all living things on Earth. This is the power of the family. Many manifestations of this power in our world are still a mystery. By unraveling them, we can change the script of life, which may have already been written many centuries before we were born. In our XXI century, the beauty industry promotes a life without wrinkles and eternal youth. But at all times in the family they were proud not of those who are younger, but who are older, that is, whose family is more ancient.
The same “deception” occurs with the concept of force. How can you tell how strong a person is? Muscle size? In a high position? By the make of the car he drives? Bluff and illusion. True strength, deep wisdom is not at all in this.
Only when the warm arms of a child hug your neck do you feel the fullness of life that no anti-aging cream or diamond ring can give. And the taste of grandma's pancakes cannot be compared with any delicacy in the world.
Chain of generations
The guardians of the clan - the ancestors, and the successors - the children - this is our real strength. Each of us is a link in the chain of generations, a carrier of genetic memory and a special memory of the soul. From the depths of the race we receive messages and attitudes, but often we do not know how to use them correctly and lose energy from this. This information is encrypted in behavior, emotional mood, and even proverbs and sayings that are used in the family. We absorb them, as they say, “with mother’s milk” and sometimes we don’t even think about how they lead us: they lead one to fame, the other to material success, the third to loneliness ... “Everyone is the blacksmith of his own happiness,” the mother says to her daughter. And the girl, even in a difficult situation, does not get lost, does not lose heart, because she knows that her fate does not depend on circumstances, but on her actions. And vice versa, imagine how a person behaves in whose family in a difficult situation it was customary to say with a sigh: “Well, that means not Fate.”
Skeleton in the closet
The events that happened to our ancestors leave emotional imprints on the energy of the entire Family. It can be seen that in many families there are hereditary life programs: “anniversary syndrome” (for example, men die at 37), unconscious repetitions (divorce at the initiative of a woman) ... Some of the most problematic events that are silent about (extramarital affairs, hidden savings ...), turn into a mystery and “cast out” from the conscious area to the subconscious area. According to Jung's theory, these "skeletons in the closet" continue to live and, although they are not openly spoken about, influence the lives of posterity. Moreover, unconscious attitudes act much stronger and, sometimes, more destructively.
Ivan, not remembering kinship
This proverb originated in pre-revolutionary times. The surname Nepomniachtchi was given to settlers, foundlings, people who did not remember their ancestors. Today, “Ivans who do not remember kinship” are people who deliberately abandon their ancestors and thereby lose the energy of the Family, and hence their strength. Remember the well-known historical phenomenon - in the most difficult times, turn to the strength of the ancestors. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Stalin began his address with the words “brothers and sisters” (as the priests addressed the parishioners), thereby activating the emotional memory of generations and people on an unconscious level felt the strength of their ancestors behind them.
good luck program
Failures in personal life, chronic illnesses, financial losses - all this can be the result of negative karmic programming. Doctors cite statistics: 80% of the population suffer from disorders in the spine. And this is the first sign of incorrect energy circulation (after all, the spine is our energy axis) due to a violation of communication with generic programs.
To understand and improve your family program, you must first remember and realize what happened to your ancestors, how they lived, what they aspired to ... Talk to mom and dad, ask about your ancestors. Think of all your relatives. Maybe someone is no longer alive, but you still clearly hear his words. How to rewrite your generic program?
There are several ways, choose the one that is closest to you:
Connecting thread. Sit down, close your eyes and try to see the image of the ancestor. Imagine that negative character trait that you are copying as a thin thread that comes from your ancestor to you. Mentally cut it.
Change to another family member. For example, in your family there was a second cousin who gave birth to six children (mentally ask her for help in conceiving a baby) or a great-great-grandfather who was a successful merchant (ask him to help you if material problems are pursuing). Look for people in your family who easily coped with the problems that annoyed you. Mentally ask them for help.
New hero. Can't remember a real relative? Come up with it. Introduce a successful businessman or an attractive woman into your family. Internally connect with your real ancestors and connect a fictional character to the energy of your Family. Imagine a huge field of light that you and your ancestors are in. The new character enters the light area. Now you have a new ally and assistant.
Always in touch
It depends only on you how strong the connection between generations will be.
The more relatives you remember, include them in your “circle of trust”, the stronger you will become. You will feel it - feel a surge of strength, self-confidence.
Make a family photo album. Put old and new photos in it and involve children in this work. The connection between generations has already begun to be restored!
Maintain relationships with living relatives, communicate with them more often. “Blood ties” feed us with the strongest and most powerful energy.
Remember about the ancestors (remember them, tell family stories, look for strong positive qualities in the ancestors) - this maintains a connection with the past of the family.
Communicate more with children, tell them successful family stories. Children are the successors of your family, and the future of both children and your family as a whole depends on how close and sincere your relationship is.
Visit the place where you were born more often. Even if no one lives there anymore, and even if there is no home. The very earth in this place feeds you with energy, because this is your homeland.
The strength of the family is your extra battery that helps you cope with troubles, survive in a difficult situation. That is why it is so important to cultivate this power, to pass it on to the next generations. Then the road for your children will be straight and easy.
A person who does not remember and does not honor his ancestors is like a tree without roots. He does not have a foundation on which he stands, on which he relies. At the everyday level, he makes many mistakes, because he is not interested in the experience of previous generations. You can certainly say that this is a certain freedom from conventions, but as a rule, the reverse side of this is aggressive behavior, arrogance.
People whose families keep the memory of their ancestors, heroic family stories, feel more confident. Such families are very strong and survive even in very difficult situations, if such occur.
The feeling that you are a representative of the family, gives a sense of self-respect and pride. And with this feeling, he goes into the world, broadcasts it to other people, so he is perceived as a successful person.
In the same place where a person cuts off the connection with the ancestors, he, as it were, de-energizes himself and therefore will not be able to reach the heights to which he could rise, retaining the support of his ancestors.

What is written in Rod

“Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of savagery and immorality” (A.S. Pushkin)

“All the reasons for victories and failures in your life - look in the history of your Family!” (B. Hellinger)

In ancient Slavic culture, GOD ROD was the highest deity, from which the earthly Gods appeared, who created people. God KIND OF THE MOST HIGH - Kin of the Earth (those who are alive) + Kin of Heaven (the dead).

Even in the recent past, knowing one's roots was almost a sacred duty for every person. People were proud of their noble origin (the word "know" can be considered as a noun, and as a verb), hanging portraits on the walls, and later photographs of their ancestors. In ordinary families, they knew no less about their roots. Previously, there was no tradition to build genealogical trees and information was transmitted orally, from ancestors to descendants. A radical change came after the revolution of 1917. The new government needed people with a new, unsullied biography. People, for the sake of saving their lives, abandoned their family ties, changed documents, names and surnames, thus crossing out their past. Interest in ancestral history, in the preservation of ancestral memory was lost.

If a plant, flower, tree is cut, cut down "at the root", then it will inevitably die. The life-giving force ceases to flow, the vital energy that feeds the trunk, leaves and gives new seeds and shoots. Unfortunately, the state of our society today is like a flower that has its roots cut off and is slowly withering and drying up. Most people, especially young people, know practically nothing about their ancestors, limiting themselves to fragmentary information no further than about their grandfathers (at best!).

A young modern businessman, whose business does not “get on” in any way, who constantly conflicts with inspection bodies and does not suspect that the root of his problem is that his grandfather or great-grandfather was “dispossessed” after the revolution, his farm was taken away, all means to existence. The grandfather's family suffered such a defeat very hard, many people could not survive. And then in the Family, or in modern terms, in the information field, in the matrix of the Family, the attitude “To be rich means to be destroyed!” Was formed. And life begins to “protect, protect” this young grandson / great-grandson from business development, because a similar case in the history of the Family has already been and ended sadly. A young man needs to remember his ancestors, express gratitude and respect to them, restore the tribal energy, and only after that, having got rid of the negative attitudes of the Family, start creating his own business.

A young girl cannot conceive and give birth to a child. Numerous medical examinations, ultrasound do not reveal any pathologies in the body, trips to fortune tellers do not bring results. The reason is found in the diagnosis of the Family - the maternal grandmother died during childbirth, a girl was born (the mother of our girl). The mother gave birth to our girl with a threat to life, the situation was on the verge of life and death, the doctors miraculously saved the woman and she remained alive, having given birth to her daughter. And now this girl wants to conceive and give birth to a child, but in the matrix of the Family there has formed an attitude - “Giving birth to children is life-threatening!”, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. There is such an expression “life is like a wise fool!”, “Protects, protects” this girl from the mortal danger through which the women of her kind went. The reason has been found, it remains to neutralize this generic setting with the help of special psychological, energy methods, and then nature itself will fulfill its mission.

The woman did not have a relationship with her future husband, the marriage, even without taking place, fell apart. The woman gave birth to a son from this man and gave her son her maternal surname. The boy did not know anything about his father, this information was hidden in the family. The Matrix of the Boy's Clan turned out to be “de-energized”, the male energy from the side of the paternal clan turned out to be blocked. As a result of such a break in the Generic Matrix, serious problems for the son were not long in coming. The son, already being an adult, sought out his paternal relatives, found out his true paternal surname, took his father's surname, reissuing documents. The torn Ancestral Matrix began to gradually recover, normalizing the life of his son.
There are more than enough such cases today. Practically in every family there are big and small problems originating in the Family. There are no individual problems, any problem is systemic.

Problems of the Kind - early deaths, divorces, childlessness, celibacy, alcoholism, drug addiction, murder, birth curses, etc. inevitably affect the descendants, who often do not even suspect that they are bearing this “birth punishment”, which manifests itself in health problems, in professional activities, in personal life. Therefore, the restoration of the harmonious energy of the Family, the knowledge of one's family history includes the family's genetic memory, the powerful energy of life that came to us from our parents, to them from their parents, etc. This Generic energy of life is the most powerful talisman for us, our children and grandchildren.

Today, the society has preserved the traditions of commemoration of ancestors, "Parents' Day", each of us bears his name along with a patronymic, while maintaining belonging to the Family, which continues through the paternal line. I would like this tradition to consist not only in a feast and memorial toasts, but also in the knowledge, reverence and respect for one's ancestors, in the careful preservation of family history and memory for posterity.

Glory to our families!

Morgunov Sergey.

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