An example of an annotated bibliography. Annotated bibliography Annotated bibliography








discipline "BIBLIOGRAPHY"

Task option number 3

" Drafting anotatedwowbibliographicwow listtoa, includinghisliterature about the native land"

Fulfilleda: studentkagroup number 4111z

Murtazaeva Irina Olegovna

checked: Deptsova Tatyana Yurievna

Samara 2007


1. Introduction

2. Main body

2.1 Information retrieval

2.2 Bibliographic selection.

2.3 Bibliographic description

2.4 Annotation

2.5 Bibliographic grouping

3. The final part (the desired annotated bibliographic list).

4. List of used literature

1. INTRODUCTION The purpose of the test is to demonstrate competence in the following issues: - purpose, types, rules and features of using a bibliographic record and bibliographic description; - methods of bibliographic search and selection, bibliographic systematization and annotation; - practical compilation of an annotated bibliographic list. In preparation for the test the current system of standards in Russia for information, librarianship and publishing, as well as a set of manuals for state, scientific auxiliary and recommendatory bibliography, and in particular that part of it, which outlines the main methodological issues of compiling an annotated bibliographic list, was studied. preparation of an annotated bibliographic list, including literature on the native land. The local history bibliography is characterized by a variety of topics, it offers landmarks that allow you to look into the past of your native land, highlight the pressing problems of our time. As a source base, we used the local history assortment from the library at the place of work, that is, the collective library of the editorial office of the newspaper "Kuibyshev Railwayman". Before this work was completed The editorial team did not have a clear list (catalog) that would allow analyzing the presence and content of local history sources available in the editorial library. The prepared annotated bibliographic list will help the creative team of the editorial staff to freely navigate in the local history literature of the editorial library. the limitations and main features of the selection of publications according to the variant of the control work are formulated, the library fund is analyzed. The subsection "Bibliographic description" presents the features and main types of bibliographic description used in the process of performing the control work. used annotations and features of their compilation. In the subsection "Bibliographic grouping" the author describes the features, main features and types of bibliographic systematization used in the compiled bibliographic list. In conclusion, the result of the work done is the desired annotated bibliographic list. At the same time, the following definition is embedded in this concept: a bibliographic list is a bibliographic manual of an enumerative (list) nature, in which bibliographic records are systematized according to one of some signs (alphabetical, chronological, thematic, etc.). [9, p. 145] 2. MAIN PART 2.1 Information retrieval2.1.1 Formulating the search problem We determine the content of the work. In this case, it is necessary to prepare an annotated bibliographic list of literature stored in the library of the editorial office of the newspaper "Kuibyshev Railwayman". The framework of the control work limits the area and features of the literature of interest to us - this is literature about the native land. Thus, the purpose of the search is the main documents and publications on local history. 2.1.2 Pprogramsainformationalsearch In the working program of the search, we will try to specify the task as much as possible, which will contribute to greater focus, depth, comprehensiveness, methodological rationalization and efficiency of information retrieval. OBJECT OF SEARCH - funds of the library of the editorial office of the newspaper "Kuibyshev railwayman". SUBJECT OF SEARCH - information sources (literature) on local history of the Samara region. TYPES OF SEARCH: a) thematic bibliographic search carried out on the basis of bibliographic data (refining the bibliographic description); b) documentary search; c) factual search. SEARCH LIMITATIONS: a) thematic - only on local history of the Samara region; b) chronological - retrospective search for the period from the beginning of the 19th century. to the present; c) language - publications only in Russian (including translated ones); d) typological - if possible, all the main types of publications (monographs, collections, reference books, bibliographic manuals, magazines, newspapers) should be reflected in the list , individual articles from them, etc.); information sources published in our country (not excluding publications translated from foreign languages). the most remarkable publications are selected; g) the intensity of the search is one-time, i.e. specifically for this work; h) category of consumers - special search, i.e. focused on the creative composition of the editorial board of the newspaper "Kuibyshev railwayman". SEARCH METHOD - dialectical, i.e. the entire possible set of existing methods of bibliographic heuristics was used. These include: solid method - all the availability of manuals and sources available in the library fund is examined completely and without gaps. In this case, it is realistic to implement it, since the entire library fund is not very large and amounts to a total of about 600 copies. Sampling method - genre-species search criterion is used in the analysis of publications in periodicals (sources). Intuitive Method - the use of the so-called bibliographic flair. We will try to use all four main classes of intuition (according to Bunge): perception, imagination; mind and appreciation. Typological ( prescription ) method - the variety of possible search tasks is generalized into a certain set of typical tasks (model). In this case, the optimal model is a bibliographic description - a set of identification information about a document. Inductive logical method - the thought is directed to some general rule (regularity) inherent in all individual objects of any class. In relation to the task of the control work, it is possible to formulate an indicative series of particular judgments. For example: publications devoted to local history issues are published in the Samara region; There are a number of publishers specializing in their release. Such publications are published by the publishing house "Kniga"; Samara Printing House, STC publishing house, editorial and publishing centers of universities and the Samara Regional Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, etc. Deductive logical method - when a new thought is derived in a logical way from previous thoughts, that is, the use of general provisions in the study of specific facts. With regard to the task of control work in line with this method, the following can be stated. Firstly, the process of searching for literature and its theory (local history) as a special case (topic) are included in the content of such sciences as history, geography, archeology and their theories. Consequently, it is in the manuals (information publications) reflecting the content of these sciences that we can find information of interest on the topic of the search. Secondly, there are regional information bodies that provide information services to these areas of science. We establish that these are: the Samara Regional Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, scientific and publishing centers of Samara humanitarian universities, the scientific center of the Samara Regional Museum of History and Local Lore named after Alabin, etc. literature. These are: popular science publications, textbooks, monographs, specialized periodicals, etc. Fourthly, through a continuous or selective (using the table of contents, auxiliary indexes, etc.) study of these manuals, we can form the desired list of references on the issue of information retrieval. Information retrieval method using bibliographic references . Such a bibliographic reference can be given either in the main text of the document (intratext link), or in a subline (at the bottom of the page) and post-text (at the end of the main text) note, or partly in the main text, and partly in a subline (out-of-text) note, or in a book (pre-article) list of used (recommended) literature. Using bibliographic references, you can establish a certain number of sources. You can also proceed not from the bibliographic reference (list) as a whole, but from its individual elements (for example, the author of a book on local history). M method of ascending from the abstract to the concrete consisting of four main steps: A. Purposeful restriction of the search only by the search for bibliographic aids, which may reflect information about the sources sought (bibliographic search); B. Climbing from the abstract - the totality of bibliographic aids to the concrete - the desired literature of the issue, the bibliographic list on the topic of the search; Identification of sources that necessarily contain the information of interest to us (documentary search). The role of abstractions here is played both by bibliographic descriptions of sources and by these sources themselves. As a result, the desired array of necessary sources on the search topic is formed; G. Determination of the required set of factual information on a given topic (factual search) by reading and taking notes of sources. As a result, the desired array of factual information is formed, or the source material for annotations. DIFFICULTIES The library does not have any internal catalogs and file cabinets, and the subject index of literature listed on the balance sheet of the editorial office, which is available in the financial statements, does not reflect the fullness of the library fund. FORM OF PRESENTATION OF RESULTS - annotated bibliographic list. 2.2 Bibliographic selection The process of bibliographic selection was built in accordance with the restrictions adopted in the information retrieval program on topics, chronology, language, typology, geography, completeness and intensity of search, category of consumers (see above). It turned out that the library fund of literature and sources on local history today has 86 copies. Typological composition: books, brochures, periodicals and ongoing publications, journalistic audio and electronic materials, unpublished materials, maps, albums, atlases, etc. Their subject matter is quite wide. Topics such as nature, geography, population, environment, cultural life, history, ethnography of Samara and the province are most fully represented. The vast majority of these are publications published in the second half of the 20th - early 21st centuries. Taking into account the format limitations of the control work, for a given annotated bibliographic list, only the most noteworthy sources on the topic were selected. 2.3 Bibliographic description Bibliographic description - a set of information about a document (its part or group of documents), which makes it possible to identify the document, as well as get an idea of ​​its content, readership, volume, reference apparatus, etc. The bibliographic description is the main part of the bibliographic record. In the control work, the bibliographic description is used both in the interests of searching and selecting the necessary documents (sources), and for compiling the final annotated bibliographic list. Its objects are all types of published and unpublished documents on any media. General requirements and rules for compiling a bibliographic description of a document, its part or group of documents: a set of areas and elements of a bibliographic description, the sequence of their location, content and method of presenting elements, the use of prescribed punctuation and abbreviations are determined by the current GOST 7.1-2003 [1]. The formation of the title of a bibliographic entry is regulated by GOST 7.80-2000. The areas and elements are given in the sequence established by the standard, which is presented in the table:


Regionhaglaviaand information

about responsibility

The title proper of the object of description, as well as other titles (alternative, parallel, other), other information related to the title and information about the persons and (or) organizations responsible for the creation of the document



Information about changes and features of this edition in relation to the previous edition of the same work



It is used when describing objects that are a special type of publication or placed on specific media. These include maps, musical documents, serial and other continuing resources, certain types of regulatory and technical documents, electronic resources, etc.



Information about the place and time of publication, distribution and production of the object of description, as well as information about its publisher, distributor, manufacturer



Designation of the physical form in which the object of description is presented, in combination with an indication of the scope and, if necessary, the size of the document, its illustrations and accompanying material that is part of the object of description



Information about a multi-part document of which the description object is a separate release


Additional information about the description object that was not given in other elements of the description. The information provided in the area is borrowed from any source of information and is not enclosed in square brackets.


standard room (or its alternative) and conditions of availability

International standard numbers assigned to the object of description: International Standard Book Number (ISBN) or International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), or any other international number assigned to the object of description in due course

It is known that the elements of the bibliographic description are divided into mandatory and optional (optional). Mandatory elements contain bibliographic information that provides identification of the document. Optional elements contain bibliographic information that provides additional information about the document. Using only mandatory elements results in a brief bibliographic description; mandatory and partially optional - extended bibliographic description; of all possible elements - full bibliographic description. When compiling an annotated bibliographic list, we use short and extended bibliographic descriptions. Please note that in the bibliographic description, areas and elements are preceded by prescribed separating characters. If an element (other than the first element of the region) is repeated, the prescribed punctuation character preceding it is repeated, except for the slash. If an element is not given in the description, the sign prescribed for it is also omitted. One of the options for compiling a bibliographic description is given in the Appendix to the final part of the test. 2.4 Annotation Annotation (from Latin annotatio - note, remark, mark) - a brief description of the purpose, content, type, form and other features of the document. Regulatory requirements for the preparation of the text of annotations for various documents and publications are set out by the interstate standard GOST 7.9-95. When preparing an annotated bibliographic list on the topic of an examination, the main function of annotation is taken into account - the ability to establish the main content of the document, determine its relevance. The typology of annotations is determined by its features : functional, completeness of reflection of the content and the number of annotated publications [9, p. 149]. According to the most significant functional feature, they are distinguished generic category annotations: 1) signal (reference) - clarifies the title and (or) supplements the bibliographic description with factual information; 2) evaluative - critically characterizes the content; completeness of reflection of the content, two categories of annotations are distinguished: 1) general - characterizes the content as a whole; 2) analytical - characterizes a part or aspect of the content. In line with the control work, we use a signal annotation of a general (and in some cases analytical) nature. 2.5 Bibliographic grouping Bibliographic grouping is the ordering of bibliographic records according to the similarity and / or difference in the characteristics of documents, which helps to better navigate the list, quickly find the necessary materials, and see the relationship between them. There are three main ways of grouping: - formal; - meaningful; - recommendatory. The FORMAL (simple) method provides a search for documents by their external features. It has varieties: Alphabetical grouping- in alphabetical order of authors and titles of works (if the author is not specified, or there are more than three authors). In the first place - legislative materials. Foreign sources are placed alphabetically after the list of all sources in the language of the work. Entries are located at the coincidence of the first words in alphabetical order, the second, etc.; with several works by one author - alphabetically by titles. Works by the same author - in reverse chronological order. According to the chapters of a monographic work- first - literature of a general nature, then materials related to a particular chapter in alphabetical or chronological order. Systematic grouping- on individual branches of knowledge, issues and topics in their logical subordination. Chronological grouping- according to the date of publication (publication) in direct or reverse chronology or according to the chronology of reflected events. Typological grouping (by types and types of documents)- not always rational, because makes it difficult to work with the list, but is allowed in a personal list or in a list of historical subjects. Grouping by place of publication.mixed grouping- sources are arranged in the numerical order in which references to them are made in the text of the work. The connection of bibliographic records with the main text is established using the serial number of the citation. Grouparegulations- acts are placed at the beginning of the bibliographic lists and are arranged by legal force (equal in legal force - by the date of adoption: (first resolutions, followed by orders) 10. Acts of the Supreme and Higher Arbitration Courts 11. Normative acts of ministries and departments (hierarchy: resolutions, orders, orders, letters) 12. Regional regulations (in the same order as Russian ones) 13 GOSTs14. SNiPs, SPs, ENIRs, VNIRs and others. ), can be reflected in different subject headings of the manual, for which a special system is used references. Distinguish: Thematic grouping- the material is arranged in a logical sequence by topic with a large volume of records. Within thematic headings, the material is grouped alphabetically by authors and titles (if there are no authors). Personal grouping- material dedicated to a certain person (his works, letters, literature about him) is located in a "personal nest". regional grouping- entries are combined into regional headings, the sequence of which is determined by the administrative-territorial division or in the alphabet of geographical names. Typical for economic, geographical and historical bibliographic lists. The RECOMMENDATION (subject-value) method is used when it is necessary to take into account the novelty, value and usefulness of the recommended information, the socio-psychological qualities of specific consumers, their ability to effectively master the proposed list of literature. When compiling an annotated bibliographic list on the control topic, a formal grouping method is used. The sources in the list will be presented in alphabetical order using the typological principle. 3. FINAL PART When compiling an annotated bibliographic list on the topic of the test, special attention was paid to the rules of punctuation and spelling established by the bibliographic standards in force in the bibliographic record. In addition, the requirements for abbreviations and omissions in the elements of the bibliographic record Bibliographic record were taken into account. Abbreviation of words in Russian. General requirements and rules [Text]: GOST 7.12. . When preparing an annotated bibliographic list, both single-level and multi-level bibliographic descriptions were used. The list is not numbered, since in this case it is not used as an applied system of bibliographic references. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHIC LISTON THE TOPIC OF CONTROL WORK BOOKS (MONOGRAPHS) 1. Burkova, O. S. Samarsky CityPstreetmuzey (1880 - 1917 ) [Text]: textbook / O. S. Burkova. - Samara: NTC Publishing House, 2004. - 42 p. - 200 copies. - ISBN 5-98229-050-5. Based on archival sources and literature, the manual shows the process of creating a city museum in Samara. Considerable attention is paid to the issues of forming the museum's collection and its cultural and educational activities. The manual is intended for students, graduate students and all those interested in history and culture. 2. Voronin, AT.B. Geography of the Samara region[Text]: manual for students in grades 8-9 cf. schools / VV Voronin; scientific ed I.A. Noskov; [reviewers: V. A. Gavrilenkova et al.] ; Samar. region in-t increase qualifications and retraining education workers. - 2nd ed., stereotype. - Samara: SIPKRO, 2004 - 274p. : ill. - 2000 copies. - ISBN 5-7174-0222-8. Keeping the scientific nature of the approach, the author reveals the features of the natural-geographical and economic-geographical position of the Samara region in an accessible and fascinating way. The range of issues under consideration is very wide: geological history, structure of minerals, relief, climatic conditions, soil types, vegetation, fauna, and aquatic environment. The book reveals in detail the sectoral structure of the economic complex of the region, touches upon issues of the population and labor resources, and provides a socio-economic description of cities and rural areas. 3. Zakharchenko, BUT.C. Formation of the aircraft industrial complex in the Volga region on the eve and during the Great Patriotic War (1940 - 1942 ) [Text]: study guide / Alexey Vladimirovich Zakharchenko; Samar. state. ped. university - Samara: NTC Publishing House, 2004. - 41 p. - Bibliography. in note: p. 38-40. - 200 copies. - ISBN 5-98229-051-3. Based on the extensive involvement of archival sources and literature, this manual shows the process of creating a powerful aircraft-building complex of the USSR in the Volga region during the Great Patriotic War. The author shows how the restoration and organization of the production of military equipment at new sites took place. The manual is intended for students of historical faculties, as well as for all those interested in history. 4. Historical and cultural encyclopedia of the Samara region[Text]: personalities: in 4 volumes / Adm. Samar. region, region center creativity. - Samara: Samar. Press House, 1993-1995. - (Samar. Encycl.). T. 1: A - D / holes. ed.-st. S. M. Leibgrad. - . - 384 p. : ill. - 25,000 copies.T. 2: E - L / holes. ed.-st. S. M. Leibgrad. - 1994. - 430 p. : ill. - 25,000 copies.T. 3: M - See / ed.-comp. N. D. Kurdina. - 1995. - 383 p. : ill. - 10,000 copies.T. 4: So - I; Additions / ed.-stat. N. D. Kurdina. - 1995.- 415 p. : ill. - 10,000 copies. The encyclopedia contains systematized biographical information about two thousand figures of different years who left their mark on the history of the Samara region. 5. The history of the Samara Volga region from ancient times to the present day. Stone Age[Text] / I. B. Vasiliev, A. A. Vybornov, L. V. Kuznetsova [and others]; editorial board: P. S. Kabytov, I. B. Vasiliev [and others]; ed. A. A. Vybornova [and others]; Samar. scientific center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - Samara: Samar Publishing House. scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2000. - 312 p. : ill. - Bibliography. at the end of ch. - 1000 copies. - ISBN 5-93424-027-9. Based on the analysis of materials collected by Samara archaeologists during the 20th century in the Volga region, the collective monograph offers a complete picture of the historical past of the Samara region in the Stone Age. 6. Kabytov, P.S. The legendary Samara citizen Petr Vladimirovich Alabin[Text] / Petr Serafimovich Kabytov. - Kuibyshev: Factor, 1990. - 58 p. : silt; 22 cm - (People of the Samar. Territory; Book 1). - Bibliography. in note: p. 56-58. - 1000 copies. The historical essay is dedicated to the Samara mayor (1885-1891), chairman of the provincial zemstvo council, chief (deputy) of the city Duma P.V. Alabina. The author of the publication is Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, First Vice-Rector of Samara State University. 7. Kazarin, V. N. Revived names[Text] / Vladimir Nikolaevich Kazarin; Upr. Gosud. archival service Sam. region - Samara, Book, 2004. - 236 p. : ill. - 1000 copies. The book presents historical essays by the Samara journalist, prose writer and local historian V.N. Kazarin about the representatives of the merchant class of the Samara region: Subbotins, Kurlins, Sokolovs, Shikhobalovs, Arzhanovs, N.V. Konstantinov, D.V. Kirilov, I.M. Pleshanov, P.M. Zhuravlev, Von Vakano and others. 8. Krasnova, L.N. Krotovka, 1755- 2005 [Text]: chronicle of events / L. N. Krasnova. - Samara: NTC Publishing House, 2005. - 140 p. - ISBN 5-98229-088-2. The book is a chronicle of the history of a village in the Samara region. The author seeks to convey to the reader interesting details of the life and life of fellow villagers, to restore the names of people who lived on this land and contributed to its flourishing. Intended for a wide range of readers. 9. Kuznetsov, P.F., Plaksin, A.V. Samara region. Antiquities of the Neftegorsk region[Text]: popular science publication / P. F. Kuznetsov, A. V. Plaksin. - Samara: Samara Press House, 2004. - 176 p. : ill. : kart. - Bibliography: p. 161-168. 1000 copies - ISBN 5-7350-0383-6. The publication tells about the archeological monuments of the Neftegorsk region, one of the most fully studied in the Samara region. Archaeological monuments of the region make it possible to restore the main milestones of the ancient and medieval history of the Volga region. The book is addressed to local historians, teachers, students and high school students, as well as to all those who are interested in the ancient history of the Samara region in the context of the history of Russia and the history of world civilizations. The book is recommended for publication by the specialized Council of the Main Department of Education of the Administration of the Samara Region. 10. Matveeva, G.I., Kochkina, BUT.F. Murom town[Text]: archaeological sites of the Samara region / G. I. Matveeva, A. F. Kochkina; Historian-local historian. museum. P. V. Alabina. - Samara: SamVen, 1998. - 48 p. - 1100 copies. The book tells about one of the largest cities in Volga Bulgaria in the 10th - early 13th centuries. - Archaeological site Murom town. The city was an important strategic point on the southern borders of the Bulgarian state, and was also the center of crafts and trade on the Samarskaya Luka. Archaeological research has made it possible to more fully study the history and culture of the medieval city. 11. Mineral- raw material base of the Samara region. Status and development prospects[Text]: monograph / G. R. Khasaev, V. K. Emelyanov, A. L. Karev [and others]. - Samara: Agni, 2006. - 216 p. : ill. The monograph answers the questions: what mineral deposits does the Samara region have and what are the prospects for their use. The publication is compiled on the basis of the reporting materials of geological exploration work carried out at different times. The authors adopted a systematic approach to the problems of the development of the resource sector, which significantly changes many of the usual ideas about the assessment of the wealth of the subsoil, the state and prospects of the mineral resource base of the region, resource use strategies, and the social problems of the mineral resource complex. The publication is recommended to scientific specialists, university professors and students, lawmakers, developers of various programs, concepts, production development schemes, etc. 12. Pavlovich, I., Ratnik, O. Legends of the Volga dungeons[Text]: local historian. research / Igor Pavlovich, Oleg Ratnik. - Samara: NTC Publishing House, 2001. - 148 p. : ill. - Bibliography: p. 146-147. - 500 copies. - ISBN 5-900827-34-8. The book is dedicated to the myths and legends of the Volga and Zhiguli dungeons. The authors managed to combine the mythological component of information about the Zhiguli dungeons, information on real objects and data from field expeditions. 13. Samara chronicle[Text]: essays on the history of the Samara region from ancient times to the present day: in 3 books. / under. ed. P. S. Kabytova, L. V. Khramkova; Samara State University - Samara: SSU, 1993-1997. Book. First: Samara region from ancient times to the middle of the XIX century. - 1993. - 197 p. second: Samara region of the second half of the 19th century - early 20th century. - 1993. - 217 p. third: Samara region in the XX century, 1918-1996. - 1997. - 264 p. The book, prepared by the staff of the Department of Russian History of the Samara University, highlights the process of development of the Samara Territory, the features of its settlement, economic, social and cultural development. Much attention is paid to the analysis of the culturological aspects of the problem: the authors talk about the development of agricultural production, the development of crafts, trade, they note the features of the life and culture of the Samara people and their participation in the public and political life of Russia. The book was written on the basis of documentary material extracted from the central and regional state archives, official and zemstvo statistics, periodicals, and memoirs of participants in the events. 14. Samara Region. Geography and history, economics and culture: tutorial. / comp. E. Ya. Dmitriev, P.S. Kabytov. - Samara: SamVen, 1996. - 670 p. - 10,000 copies. The manual contains extensive material on the history, geography, economy and culture of the region. The material is presented clearly, accessible and in a convenient form. 15. Semenova, E. Yu. History of the Samara region, IX - XVIII centuries.[Text]: textbook-methodical. complex / Ekaterina Yurievna Semenova; Samar. state. ped. university - Samara: NTC Publishing House, 2004. - 148 p. - ISBN5-98229-002-5. Compiled on the basis of research and writings of historians, local historians, ethnographers, geographers who studied the Samara region in the XVIII-XX centuries. The manual tells about the history of the Samara region, which refers to the territory of the modern Samara region and formerly part of the Samara province. In this book, the scope of topics is wide, their diversity is great: from the peculiarities of geography and toponymy to the connection of the history of the region with the history of Russia. The complex includes a work program, topics for tests and seminars, key explanations for self-study. The book is intended for schoolchildren studying historical local history, as well as for everyone who is interested in the history of the Samara region. 16. Sumburova, E. I. Training of teaching staff in the Samara province in the second half of the nineteenth century- early twentieth century[Text] / E. I. Sumburova. - Samara: NTC Publishing House, 2004. - 134, p. - 200 copies. - ISBN 5-98229-023-8. Based on the wide involvement of archival and published sources, the book studies for the first time the formation of a system of pedagogical educational institutions in the Samara province and the training of teachers in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. The number, social composition and material and living conditions of students in pedagogical educational institutions in the post-reform period are covered in detail. 17. Khramkov, L.B. INTRODUCTION to Samara local history[Text]: textbook. manual for universities / L. V. Khramkov; SAMGU. - Samara: NTC Publishing House, 2003. - 356 p. - 500 copies. - ISBN 5-900827-79-8. The manual was prepared on the basis of a course of lectures delivered by the author at the Samara State University, the Samara Humanitarian Academy and the Samara Medical and Technical Lyceum. The book is built in the form of lectures, the content of which goes far beyond the textbook, representing a systematized research material of a historical, geographical, ethnographic and cultural plan. 18. Khramkov L.V., Khramkova, N.P. Samara land in the years of war hard times 1941- 1945[Text]: history sketch, documents, memoirs, chronicle of events / Lenar Vasilyevich Khramkov, Nina Petrovna Khramkova; Samar. state. university - Samara: NTC Publishing House, 2003. - 372 p. -1000 copies - ISBN 5-900827-81-X. About the labor feat of the inhabitants of the Samara region during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. A special section includes copies of documents of the war period, stored in the archives of Samara, memoirs of veterans; it contains valuable information about all the awards established during the Great Patriotic War and about the Kuibyshev (Samar) war heroes. 19. Chronicle of the feat of the workers of Kinel- Cherkasy region during the Great Patriotic War, 1941 - 1945 [Text] / compiled by P. D. Stolyarov. - Samara: NTC Publishing House, 2005. - 367 p. - ISBN 5-98229-084-X. On the basis of archival materials, the compiler managed to show the multifaceted activities of the inhabitants of the Kinel-Cherkassky district of the Samara region during the war years. More than 300 documents are used in the collection, among which there are those from which the stamp "Top Secret" has been removed. The book is intended for a wide range of readers. 20. Ethnoses of the Samara Territory[Text]: Historical and ethnographic essays / G. Yu. Burdina, T. I. Vedernikova, N. G. Demeter [and others]; Adm. Samar. region - Samara: [b. and.], 2003. - 288s. : photoil. - 1500 copies. Popular scientific edition. The book contains generalized information about all nationalities living in the Samara region according to the 1989 census. In the articles, one can trace the history of the emergence of each ethnic group on the Samara land, learn about traditional forms of farming, dwellings, national costumes and dishes, customs and rituals, national public associations, and much more. 1. Volga[Izomaterial]: photo album: / Interregional. societies. org. "Center of Spiritual Culture" (image preparation); intro. Art. L.V. Saushina. - Samara: Agni, 2005. - 144 pages. : col. and b/w ill. ; hardcover, foil stamping; 240x290. - Russian - ISBN 5-94650-031-7. A fascinating guide to the most interesting and popular corners of the Volga - from the source down the river. The publication contains panoramic photographs of the coast, landscapes, protected areas of the Volga, reflecting the originality and richness of vegetation, the relief features of the river valley. Much attention is paid to the Volga cities - their history and sights. The album includes an introductory article, fragments of scientific works, chronicles and travel notes about the Volga by ancient and medieval scientists and travelers, an art critic's article "The Volga in Russian Painting". SERIAL AND OTHER CONTINUING SOURCES 1. Cities of the Samara region in numbers[Text] : stat. collection / GKS RF; GKS SO. - Issue. 2003 - Samara: SamVen, 2003. - 208 p. - 5000 copies. The material was prepared on the basis of the primary data received by the statistical departments directly from the operating subjects of the economy in the field and the macroeconomic developments of the Regional Statistics Committee carried out in the territorial aspect. The collection consists of two sections. The first provides data on the socio-economic situation of each city in the Samara region. The second includes a set of rating tables, which shows the distribution of places occupied by cities in the Samara region. The collection publishes statistical data on the demographic and environmental situation in cities. The information about employment of the population and wages is placed. Tables are given that characterize the situation in industry, agriculture, construction, transport, and trade. Statistical data are presented mainly in long-term dynamics for 11 years - from 1992 to 2002. 2. Samara Zemskandth collection[Text]: general-polit. and scientific magazine / founder Samara Gosun-t. - 1997 - . - Samara: SSU, 1997-. - 4-6 times a year. 2005, Issue 1-4. - 300 copies. The journal contains articles, monographs, reports and abstracts devoted to the problems of Russian history, local history, and the development of political institutions. Among the regular headings: "Problems of Russian History", "Samara Chronicle", "Power and Society", "History of Everyday Life", "Samara Intelligentsia", "Samara Archive". ARTICLES 1. Avdoshina, N.V. Monitoring of the social and labor sphere of the region's industry: concept, organization, results [Text] / Natalya Vladimirovna Avdoshina // Bulletin of the Samara State. University. - 1997. - № 3. - P. 87-102. The author, associate professor of the department of sociology and political science of Samara State University, considers the methodology and experience of monitoring the social and labor sphere of industrial enterprises in the Samara region. The article presents a comprehensive analysis of social and labor processes based on the results of systematic monitoring of the course and nature of qualitative changes in the industry of the region, taking into account economic, statistical and sociological data. 2. Belyaeva, E. Formation of the Samara theatrical public [Text]: [Theater. life of Samara in the late XIX - early XX century] / Elena Yuryevna Belyaeva // Samara Zemsky collection. - 1996. - Issue. 3. - S. 69-74. - Bibliography. at the end of the article. A historical essay on the development of theatrical life in Samara in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. Documentary evidence about the actors of the entreprise M. Pisarev, P. Strepetova, V. Mamontov, about "living room" theatrical performances in merchant houses, about the first municipal theater built at the expense of the city are given. 3. Rozno, S. A. Botanical garden - the pearl of Samara [Text] / S. A. Rozno // Green beam: ecologist. inf.-ref. bulletin. - 1999. - № 6. - P. 40-42. The article is devoted to the history of the Samara Botanical Garden and ornamental plant nursery. 4. Salivon, N. Landing is announced ...: [about the Samara bus station "Central"] / Nikolai Salivon // Volzh. dawn. - 1980. - December 2. The article is devoted to the opening of the central bus station in Samara and its design features. Scheme for compiling a single-level bibliographic description in the list(for clarity, adjacent areas are shaded, optional (optional) elements are in italics) Prescribed punctuation between areas (dot - space - dash - space) Title proper [ General material designation ] = Parallel title : Information related to the title / The first information about responsibility ; Further liability information . -- Edition information = Parallel edition statement / The first statement of responsibility relating to the publication ; Further publication-related liability statements, more information about the edition / First statement of responsibility relating to supplementary edition statement ; Further disclaimer relating to supplementary edition statement. -- Specific information area. -- First place (city) edition ; Subsequent place (city) of publication : Publisher name (publisher) [ Information about the function of the publisher (publisher)], Publisher date , (Place of manufacture for the production of specific products : Manufacturer's name, Date of manufacture). -- Specific material designation and volume : Other information about the physical characteristic ; Dimensions + Information about the accompanying material. -- ( Title proper of series or subseries = Parallel title of a series or subseries : Information relating to the title of the series or subseries / The first statement of responsibility relating to the series or sub-series; Further liability statements relating to the series or subseries, ISSN assigned to this series or sub-series ; Series or sub-series release number ). -- Note area . -- Standard ISBN (or alternative) = Key Title : Availability condition or price (Additional information about area elements). EXAMPLE ON THE TOPIC OF CONTROL WORK Samara region in the XX century, 1918-1996 [ Text ] / under. ed. P. S. Kabytova, L. V. Khramkova ; Samara State University . -- 2nd ed . -- Samara : SSU , 1997. -- 264 p. : ill. ; 25 cm . -- ( Samara Chronicle : essays of history. Samar. edge with ancient times to the present day : in 3 books. / Myself. State. un-t; book. 3 ) .4. LIST OF USED LITERATURE BASIC1. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and drafting rules[Text]: GOST 7.1-2003. - Instead of GOST 7.1-84; input. 2003-07-01. - Minsk: Mezhgos. council for standardization, metrology and certification; M. : Publishing house of standards, 2002. - 47 p. - (System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing).2. Bibliographic record. Title. General requirements and drafting rules[Text]: GOST 7.80 - 2000. - Introduced. first time 2001-07-01. - Minsk: Mezhgos. council for standardization, metrology and certification; M. : Publishing house of standards, 2000. - 8 p. - (System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing).3. Information and library activities, bibliography. Terms and Definitions[Text]: GOST 7.0-99. - Instead of GOST 7.0-84, GOST 7.26-80; input. 2000-07-01. - Minsk: Mezhgos. council for standardization, metrology and certification; M. : Publishing house of standards, 1999. - 23 p. - (System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing).4. Abstract and annotation: General requirements[Text]: GOST 7.9-95. - Instead of GOST.7.9-77; input. 1997-07-01. - Minsk: Mezhgos. council for standardization, metrology and certification; M. : Publishing house of standards, 1996. - 7 p. - (System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing).5. Briskman, M.A., Bronshtein, M.P. Fundamentals of the methodology for compiling bibliographicesky pointers[Text]: textbook. allowance / M. A. Briksman, Mikhalina Petrovna Bronstein. - 2nd ed. - M.: [b. and.], 1974. - 84p.6. Briskman, M. A., Bronstein, M.P. Compilation of bibliographic aids[Text]: pract. allowance / M. A. Briksman, Mikhalina Petrovna Bronstein. - M.: Book, 1964. - 299 p.7. Vokhrysheva, M. G. Theory of Bibliography[Text]: textbook. allowance / Margarita Georgievna Vokhrysheva; Samar. state. acad. culture and arts. - Samara: SGAKI, 2004. - 367 p. : ill. - ISBN 5-88293-167-3.8. Grechikhin, A. A., Zdorov, I. G. Information publications. Typology and features of training[Text] / Alexander Andreevich Grechikhin, Ivan Georgievich Healthy. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Book, 1988. - 271, p. ; 21 see - (From the manuscript to the book). - Bibliography: p. 259-264 (170 titles). - Decree: p. 265-272. - ISBN 5-21200-003-3.9. Grechikhin, BUT.A. General bibliography[Text]: textbook for universities / Alexander Andreevich Grechikhin. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M. : Publishing House of MGUP, 2000. - 588 p. - ISBN 5-8122-0099-8.10. Jenish, E. V. Bibliographic search in scientific work[Text] : Ref. guide book / Elena Vladimirovna Ienish; ed. I. K. Kirpichova. - M.: Book, 1982. - 247 p. ; 20 cm. - Bibliography: p. 247 (7 titles), bibliogr. at the end of sections. - Decree: p. 221-246.11. Korshunov, O. P. Bibliography. Theory, methodology, technique[Text] / Oleg Pavlovich Korshunov. - M.: Book, 1986. - 285, p. : ill. ; 21 see 12. Milchin, BUT.E. Publishing Dictionary- directory[Text] / Arkady Emmanuilovich Milchin. - 2nd ed., corrected. and additional - M. : Olma-Press, 2003. - 560 p. : ill. ; 21.5 cm. - (Book business). - 3000 copies. - ISBN 5-224-04560-6.13. Bibliographer's guide[Text] / ed. A. N. Vaneeva, V. A. Minkina. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - St. Petersburg. : Profession, 2006. - 591 pages - ISBN 5-93913-094-1.14. Publishing Standards[Text] : Sat. documents: / comp. - A. A. Dzhigo, S. Yu. Kalinin. - M. : Economist, 2004. - 623 p. - (Book business). - ISBN 5-98118-093-5. SUPPLEMENTARY 15. Editions. Imprint[Text]: GOST 7.4-95. - Instead of GOST 7.4-86; input. 1996-07-01. - M.: Publishing house of standards, 1996. - 51 p. - (System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing).16. Editions. Main types. Terms and Definitions[Text]: GOST 7.60-90. - Input. 1991-01-01. - M., 1990. - 29 p. - (System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing).17. Editions. Terms and Definitions[Text]: OST 29.130 - 97. - Introduction. first; 1997.08-01. - M., 1997, - 56s.18. Grechikhin, BUT.A. Bibliographic Heuristics[Text]: history, theory and methods of information retrieval: lecture notes on the course "General and bookselling bibliogr." / Alexander Andreevich Grechikhin; Moscow inst. print. - M. : MPI, 1984. - 48 p. ; 20 cm.19. Grechikhin, BUT.A. Search and use of literature in the preparation of a lecture[Text] / Alexander Andreevich Grechikhin. - M.: Knowledge, 1982. - 64 p. ; 20 cm. - (New in life, science, technology. Ser. "Methodology and organizational lecture propaganda"; Issue 3).20. Istrina, M.B. Annotation of printed works[Text] : method. allowance / Marina Viktorovna Istrina. - M.: Book, 1981. - 48 p. ; 20 cm. - (From the manuscript to the book).

The list includes books and articles that we advise you to pay attention to. The proposed brief annotations will help you navigate the variety of cryptographic literature. When compiling the list, we did not set the task of reviewing the literature included in it.

Introduction to cryptography. Under the general editorship of V. V. Yashchenko. 4th edition, enlarged. MTsNMO, M., 2012.

The book is intended for initial acquaintance with mathematical cryptography. It is not a monograph, but it does not belong to the category of popular scientific publications. The book consists of the following chapters: basic concepts of cryptography; cryptography and complexity theory; cryptographic protocols; algorithmic problems of number theory; the mathematics of secret sharing; computer and cryptography; Olympiads in cryptography for schoolchildren. The appendices are: Russian translation of the fundamental article by K. Shannon “Communication theory of secrecy systems”; an annotated list of recommended literature; explanatory dictionary of cryptographic terms.

Reading chapters 2-5 requires mathematical preparation in the scope of undergraduate programs of mathematics departments of universities (including, in particular, the foundations of the theory of algorithms and probability theory). The authors tried to present the material at a sufficient level of mathematical rigor using scientifically based terminology. As far as we know, this book is the only one in its genre, not only in domestic, but also in world literature.

O. A. Logachev, A. A. Salnikov, S. V. Smyshlyaev, V. V. Yashchenko Boolean functions in coding theory and cryptology. Second edition, enlarged. MTsNMO, M., 2012.

The book systematically presents the theory of Boolean functions in terms of its applications in cryptography and coding theory. The book consists of the following chapters: arithmetic of finite fields and polynomials; boolean functions; classification of Boolean functions; linear codes over the field $\mathbb F_2$; Reed-Muller codes; nonlinearity; correlation immunity and resistance; codes, boolean mappings and cryptographic properties; algebraic immunity; perfect balance; elements of cryptographic analysis. Note that the first chapter contains information from algebra used in the book, which makes the book accessible to junior mathematics students.

O. N. Vasilenko. Number-theoretic algorithms in cryptography. MTsNMO, Moscow, 2003 (1st ed.), 2006 (2nd ed.).

The book is devoted to algorithmic number theory. It contains descriptions of a large number of number-theoretic algorithms along with justification of their correctness and estimates of the complexity of these algorithms. The second edition of the book consists of the following chapters: testing numbers for primality and constructing large primes; factorization of integers with exponential complexity; factorization of integers with subexponential complexity; application of elliptic curves for primality testing and factorization of integers; discrete logarithm algorithms; factorization of polynomials over finite fields; reduced lattice bases and their applications; factorization of polynomials over the field of rational numbers with polynomial complexity; discrete Fourier transform and its applications; multiple-precision integer arithmetic; solution of systems of linear equations over finite fields.

B. Schneier. Applied cryptography. Protocols, algorithms, source texts in C language. Publishing house TRIUMPH, M., 2002.

The book is addressed to programmers and engineers. It contains a detailed reference on cryptographic protocols (Part 1), cryptographic techniques (Part 2), and cryptographic algorithms (Part 3). Further, in Part 4, questions of practical implementation of cryptographic protocols and algorithms, as well as political issues, are considered. In addition, as indicated in the title, source texts (in C language) of some cryptographic algorithms used in practice (part 5) are given. The presentation is conducted at an informal level. Of great value is a large bibliography containing 1653 titles.

H. C. A. van Tilborg. Fundamentals of cryptology. Professional guidance and interactive tutorial. Mir, M., 2006.

Like Schneier's book Applied Cryptography, this book is aimed at programmers and engineers, but is written as a textbook and therefore contains a large number of examples and exercises. The main topics of the book: classical cryptosystems, sequences generated by shift registers, block ciphers, Shannon theory, data compression techniques, public key cryptography, schemes based on various number-theoretic and code-theoretic problems, number-theoretic algorithms, hash functions , message authentication, zero-knowledge protocols, secret sharing schemes. The appendices provide basic information from number theory and algebra, as well as brief biographies of a number of famous mathematicians.

A feature of the book under consideration is the systematic use of Mathematica system pseudocode in the examples. The book is accompanied by a CD-ROM with its electronic version. The latter can be used as an interactive tutorial that allows you to run the book's examples in Mathematica with different settings.

N. Koblitz. Number theory and cryptography course. Scientific publishing house TVP, M., 2001.

The book is intended for an initial acquaintance with cryptosystems based on number-theoretic problems, and with number-theoretic algorithms. The fundamentals of elementary number theory (for undergraduate students) are also presented. The book consists of the following chapters: some questions of elementary number theory; finite fields and quadratic residues; cryptography; public key; simplicity and factorization; elliptic curves.

T. V. Kuzminov. Cryptographic methods of information protection. Nauka, Siberian Enterprise of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 1998.

The following main topics are considered: the basic concepts of mathematical cryptography (one-way function, pseudo-random generator, encryption, electronic signature), specific cryptosystems (both with secret and public keys), some types of cryptographic protocols (including group ones), proofs with zero disclosure. The presentation is not very formal, but mathematically competent. In addition, the author uses his own terminology, different from that offered by the explanatory dictionary on this site. For example, zero-knowledge proofs are called zero-disclosure proofs.

N. P. Varnovsky. Mathematical cryptography. Several sketches. Moscow University and the development of cryptography in Russia. Proceedings of the conference at Moscow State University on October 17–18, 2002, MCNMO, M., 2003, p. 98–121.

The article talks about the following little-known topics of mathematical cryptography: methods for generating input data with a known solution for computationally difficult problems, incremental cryptography, one-sidedness of finite functions, intractable cryptography, computational complexity on average. The presentation is of an overview nature.

N. P. Varnovsky, E. A. Golubev, O. A. Logachev. Modern trends in steganography. Mathematics and security of information technologies. Proceedings of the conference at Moscow State University on October 28–29, 2004, MTSNMO, M., 2005, p. 32–64.

Review article devoted to mathematical research in steganography. It should be noted that mathematical steganography, unlike mathematical cryptography, is still in its infancy.

An electronic version of the article can be found.

N. P. Varnovsky, V. A. Zakharov, N. N. Kuzyurin. Mathematical problems of obfuscation. Mathematics and security of information technologies. Proceedings of the conference at Moscow State University on October 28–29, 2004, MTSNMO, M., 2005, p. 65–90.

Review article devoted to the mathematical theory of obfuscation. Informally speaking, obfuscation here refers to the transformation of a program into another program that calculates the same function as the original one (perhaps with a slight increase in consumed resources), but in some sense is difficult to understand.

An electronic version of the article can be found.

O. V. Verbitsky. Entry to cryptologyii. Vidavnitstvo of scientific and technical literature, Lviv, 1998 (in Ukrainian).

The book was written on the basis of a course of lectures, which the author read at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Lviv National University. I. Franko. It presents some sections of mathematical cryptography at a sufficiently high mathematical level. We recommend this book to Ukrainian-speaking readers for learning the basics of mathematical cryptography.

N. P. Varnovsky. A course of lectures on mathematical cryptography. Electronic course materials available.

Abstract, roughly corresponding to the course of lectures that the author reads to students in the fourth year of the Department of Mathematical Cybernetics of the Faculty of Computer Science and Technology of Moscow State University with a degree in information security, and the fourth year of the Faculty of Management and Applied Mathematics of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. The presentation is carried out at the mathematical level of rigor. The reader is not required to be familiar with computational complexity theory; the necessary concepts and facts of this theory are given in the course itself. The following topics are covered: basic concepts of computational complexity theory, strong and weak one-way functions, hard function predicates, pseudo-random generators, bit binding schemes, pseudo-random function and pseudo-random permutation generators, electronic signature schemes, universal families of one-way hash functions, zero-knowledge proofs , public key cryptosystems, electronic payment systems. It should be noted that at the time of writing the abstract, the abstract is a working material, periodically subjected to editing.

E. A. Girsh. Course of lectures "Complex cryptography". Available in electronic form at

Presentations and video recordings of the course of lectures given by the author at the PDMI Computer Science Club (club on mathematical cybernetics of the POMI RAS) in the spring of 2008. There is also a link to the lecture notes on the same topic that the author read earlier at the St. The terminology of the author is somewhat different from the terminology of the course of N. P. Varnovsky; for example, in this course, the term “reliability” is mistakenly used for the security of cryptosystems. In terms of subject matter, this course is close to the course of N. P. Varnovsky, but still differs from it. It should also be noted that the course of lectures by E. A. Hirsch contains many exercises.

Y. Lifshits. Course of lectures "Modern tasks of cryptography". Available in electronic form at ; the abstract given is for the January 2010 version at this location.

Presentations and summaries of the course of lectures given by the author at the St. Petersburg State University Mathematics and Mechanics in autumn 2005. A feature of this course is the consideration of topics that are rarely found in materials on mathematical cryptography in Russian. These topics include byzantine agreement, poker by phone, electronic elections, electronic money, oblivious transfer, verifiable secret sharing, multi-party secure computation, in other terminology confidential computing). In addition, protocols for secret sharing, bit binding, coin tossing, zero-knowledge proofs, as well as pseudo-random generators and pseudo-random functions are covered.

O. Goldreich. foundations of cryptography. Volume 1 (Basic tools). Volume 2 (Basic applications). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2001 (v. 1), 2004 (v. 2).

A comprehensive monograph on mathematical cryptography. Main topics: computational complexity, pseudo-random generators, zero-knowledge proofs, encryption, electronic signatures, message authentication, general theory of cryptographic protocols. Particular attention is paid to various types of zero-knowledge proofs. In many respects, the book in question is #1 in the world literature on mathematical cryptography. It is this book that we recommend to the mathematical reader for the systematic study of mathematical cryptography. Note that the author's personal WWW page ( contains preliminary versions of excerpts from the book in question.

M. Luby. Pseudorandomness and cryptographic applications. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1996.

The book is based on a course of lectures for graduate students given by the author at the University of California (Berkeley) in the fall semester of 1990. The following topics are considered: one-way functions, pseudo-random generators, encryption, statistical and computational indistinguishability, entropy, generators of pseudo-random functions and permutations, functions with secret, universal families of one-way hash functions, electronic signatures, interactive proofs (including those with zero knowledge), binding to a bit. This book is smaller than Goldreich's in volume and differs from the latter in subject matter. The presentation is built around pseudo-randomness (which is reflected in the title of the book), and only one lecture is devoted to interactive proofs. Many of the results are stated "first hand": the author of the book took part in their proof. As far as we know, Louby's book is the only one that provides a full justification for the construction of a pseudo-random generator based on an arbitrary one-way function (in a non-homogeneous model of computation).

S. Goldwasser, M. Bellare. Lecture notes on cryptography. Available electronically on Bellar's personal WWW page (; this abstract refers to the version dated July 2008.

Main topics: one-way functions, secret functions, pseudo-random generators, block ciphers, pseudo-random functions, encryption (both private and public key), hash functions, message authentication, electronic signatures, key distribution, cryptographic protocols. The main attention is paid to mathematical problems arising in the study of practical cryptographic constructions. This is the main difference between this material and the books of Goldreich and Lubi. In addition, the presentation is much less formal than in these books. The appendices briefly outline the main definitions and facts of computational complexity theory and number theory (including number-theoretic algorithms). This makes the material more accessible to students.

Federal Agency for Education

State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education

Samara State Aerospace University

In the name of Academician S.P. QUEEN





Task option number 3

Compilation of an annotated bibliographic list, including literature about the native land

Performed: group student № 4111z

Murtazaeva Irina Olegovna

checked: Deptsova Tatyana Yurievna

Samara 2007


1. Introduction

2. Main body

2.1 Information retrieval

2.2 Bibliographic selection.

2.3 Bibliographic description

2.4 annotations

2.5 Bibliographic grouping

3. The final part (the desired annotated bibliographic list).

4. List of used literature

The purpose of the test is to demonstrate competence in the following areas:

Purpose, types, rules and features of the use of bibliographic records and bibliographic descriptions;

Techniques Bibliographic search and selection, bibliographic systematization and annotation;

Practical compilation of an annotated bibliographic list.

In preparation for the test, the current system of standards in Russia for information, librarianship and publishing was studied, as well as a set of state aids, scientific auxiliary and recommendatory bibliography, and in particular that part of it, which outlines the main methodological issues of compiling an annotated bibliographic list.

This one is devoted to the preparation of an annotated bibliographic list, including literature on the native land. Local history bibliography is characterized by a variety of topics, it offers landmarks that allow you to look into the past of your native land, highlighting the pressing problems of our time.

As a source base, a local history assortment was used from the library fund at the place of work, that is, the collective library of the editorial office of the Kuibyshev railwayman newspaper.

By the time this work was completed, the editorial staff did NOT have a clear list (catalog) that would allow them to analyze the availability and content of local history sources available in the editorial library. The prepared annotated bibliographic list will help the creative team of the editorial staff to freely navigate in the local history literature of the editorial library.

The control work construction algorithm consists of sequential processes.

In the subsection Information retrieval and Bibliographic selection, the object and subject, methods and possible typical search schemes will be defined; restrictions and main features of the selection of publications according to the variant of the control work are formulated, the library fund is analyzed.

In the subsection Bibliographic description The features and main types of Bibliographic descriptions used in the process of performing the test are presented.

In the annotation subsection, the process of annotating selected publications, the main types of annotations used and the features of their compilation are outlined.

In the subsection Bibliographic grouping, the author will characterize the features, main features and types of bibliographic systematization used in the compiled Bibliographic List.

In conclusion, the result of the work done - the desired annotated bibliographic list - is presented. At the same time, the following definition is embedded in this concept: A bibliographic list is a bibliographic manual of an enumerative (list) nature, in which bibliographic records are systematized according to one of some signs (alphabetically, chronologically, thematically, etc.).

2.1.1 Formulating the search problem

We determine the content of the work. In this case, it is necessary to prepare an annotated bibliographic list of literature stored in the library of the editorial office of the Kuibyshev railwayman newspaper. The framework of the control work limits the area and features of the literature of interest to us - this is literature about the native land. Thus, the purpose of the search is the main documents and publications on local history.

2.1.2 Information retrieval program

In the working program of the search, we will try to specify the task as much as possible, which will contribute to greater focus, depth, comprehensiveness, methodological rationalization and efficiency of information retrieval.

OBJECT Search - funds of the library of the editorial office of the newspaper Kuibyshev railwayman.

SUBJECT Search - information sources (literature) on local history of the Samara region.


a) thematic Bibliographic search, carried out on the basis of Bibliographic data (refinements of the Bibliographic description);

b) documentary search;

c) factual search.

Search restrictions:

a) thematic - only on issues of local history of the Samara region;

b) chronological - a retrospective search for the period from the beginning of the 19th century. Until now;

c) language - publications only in Russian (including translations)

d) typological - the list should reflect, if possible, all the main types of publications (monographs, collections, reference books, bibliographic manuals, magazines, newspapers, individual articles from them, etc.);

e) geographical coverage - country-specific search, i.e. information sources published in our country (not excluding publications translated from foreign languages).

e) completeness of the search - Selective search, ie. the most notable publications are selected;

g) search intensity - one-time, i.e. specifically for this work;

METHOD The search is dialectical, i.e. the entire possible set of existing methods of bibliographic heuristics was used. These include:

solid method - all the availability of manuals and sources available in the library fund is examined completely and without gaps. In this case, it is realistic to implement it, since the entire library fund is not too voluminous and amounts to a total of about 600 copies.

Sampling method - genre-species search criterion is used in the analysis of publications in periodicals (sources).

Intuitive Method - use of the so-called bibliographic flair. We will try to use all four main classes of intuition (according to Bunge): perception, imagination; mind and appreciation.

Typological (prescription) method - the variety of possible search tasks Generalizing into a certain set of typical tasks (model). In this case, the optimal model is a bibliographic description - a set of identification information about a document.

Inductive logic method - the thought is directed to some general rule (regularity) inherent in all individual objects of any class. In relation to the task of the control work, it is possible to formulate an indicative series of particular judgments. For example: publications devoted to local history issues are published in the Samara region; There are a number of publishers specializing in their release. Such publications are published by the publishing house Kniga; Samara Printing House, STC publishing house, editorial and publishing centers of universities and the Samara Regional Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, etc.

Deductive logical method - when a new thought is derived in a logical way from previous thoughts, that is, the use of general provisions in the study of specific facts.

With regard to the task of control work in line with this method, we can state the following. Firstly, the process of searching for literature and its theory (local history) as a special case (topic) are included in the content of such sciences as history, geography, archeology and their theories. Consequently, it is in the manual (information publications), reflecting the content of THESE sciences, that we can find information of interest on the topic of the search. Secondly, there are regional information bodies that are engaged in information services for THESE areas of science. Establishing that these are: the Samara Regional Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, scientific and publishing centers of Samara humanitarian universities, the scientific center of the Samara Regional Museum of History and Local Lore named after Alabin, etc. literature. These are: popular science publications, textbooks, monographs, specialized periodicals, etc. Fourthly, by continuous or selectively (using the table of contents, auxiliary indexes, etc.) studying these manuals, we can form the desired list of references on the issue of information retrieval.

Method of information retrieval by Bibliographic references . Such a bibliographic reference can be given either in the main text of the document (intratext link), or in the sublinear (at the bottom of the page) and post-text (at the end of the main text) Note, or partially in the main text, and partially in the sublinear (out-of-text) Note, or in book (pre-article) list of used (recommended) literature.

Method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete consisting of four main steps:

A. Purposeful restriction of the search only to the search for Bibliographic aids, which may reflect information about the sources sought (Bibliographic search);

B. Climbing from the abstract - the totality of bibliographic aids to the concrete - the searched literature of the subject, the bibliographic list on the topic of the search;

B. Determining the sources that necessarily contain the information of interest to us (documentary search). The role of abstractions here is played both by bibliographic descriptions of sources and by these sources themselves. As a result, the desired array of necessary sources on the search topic is formed;

D. Definition The desired set of factual information on a given topic (factual search) by reading and taking notes of sources. As a result, the desired array of factual information is formed, or the source material for annotations.


The library does not have any internal catalogs and file cabinets, and the subject index of literature listed on the balance sheet of the editorial office, which is available in the financial statements, does not reflect the fullness of the library fund.

FORM of presentation of RESULTS - annotated bibliographic list.

The process of bibliographic selection was built in accordance with the restrictions adopted in the information retrieval program in terms of subject matter, chronology, language, typology, geography, completeness and intensity of the search, category of consumers (see above).

It turned out that the library fund of literature and sources on local history today has 86 copies. Typological composition: books, brochures, periodicals and ongoing publications, journalistic audio and electronic materials, unpublished materials, maps, albums, atlases, etc. Their subject matter is quite wide. Topics such as nature, geography, population, environment, cultural life, history, ethnography of Samara and the province are presented most fully. The vast majority of these are publications published in the second half of the 20th - early 21st centuries.

Considering the format limitations of the control work, for the given annotated bibliographic list, only the most remarkable sources on the topic were selected.

Bibliographic description - a set of information about a document (its part or group of documents), which makes it possible to identify the document, as well as get an idea of ​​its content, readership, volume, reference apparatus, etc. The bibliographic description is the main part of the bibliographic record.

In the control work, the bibliographic description is used both in the interests of searching and selecting the necessary documents (sources), and for compiling the final annotated bibliographic list. Its objects are all kinds of published and unpublished documents in any medium

General requirements and rules for compiling a Bibliographic description of a document, its part or group of documents: a set of areas and elements of a Bibliographic description, the sequence of their location, content and method of presenting elements, the use of prescribed punctuation and abbreviations are determined by the current GOST 7.1-2003. The formation of the title of a bibliographic entry is regulated by GOST 7.80-2000.

Areas and elements are given in the sequence established by the standard, which is presented in the table:

Name Content


titles and details

about responsibility

The title proper of the object of description, as well as other titles (alternative, parallel, other), other information related to the title and information about the persons and (or) organizations responsible for the creation of the document



Information about changes and features of this edition in relation to the previous edition of the same work




It is used when describing objects that are a special type of publication or placed on specific media. These include maps, musical documents, serial and other continuing resources, certain types of regulatory and technical documents, electronic resources, etc.



Information about the place and time of publication, distribution and production of the object of description, as well as information about its publishers, distributors, manufacturer




The designation of the physical form in which the object of description is presented, in combination with indications of the scope and, if necessary, the size of the document, its illustrations and accompanying material that is part of the object of description



Information about a multi-part document whose separate issue is the description object



Additional information about the description object that was not given in other elements of the description. The information given in the area is borrowed from any source of information and is NOT enclosed in square brackets


standard room (or its alternative) and conditions of availability

International Standard Numbers assigned to the object of description: International Standard Book Number (ISBN) or International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), or any other international number appropriately assigned to the object of description

It is known that the elements of the bibliographic description are divided into mandatory and optional (optional). Mandatory elements contain bibliographic information that provides identification of the document. Optional elements contain bibliographic information that provides additional information about the document.

By using only the mandatory elements, a short bibliographic description is obtained; obligatory and partially optional - Extended bibliographic description; of all possible elements - full bibliographic description. When compiling an annotated bibliographic list, we use short and extended bibliographic descriptions.

Please note that in the Bibliographic Description, areas and elements are preceded by prescribed separators. If an element (other than the first element of the region) is repeated, the character of the prescribed punctuation preceding it is repeated, except for the slash. If an element is NOT given in the description, the sign assigned to it is also omitted.

One of the variants of the scheme for compiling the Bibliographic description is given in the Appendix to the final part of the test.

Annotation (from lat. Annotatio - note, remark, mark) - a brief description of the purpose, content, type, form worthy of the features of the document. Regulatory requirements for the preparation of the text of the annotation for various documents and publications are set out by the interstate standard GOST 7.9-95.

When preparing an annotated bibliographic list on the topic of the test, the main function of the annotation is taken into account - the ability to establish the main content of the document, to determine its relevance.

The typology of annotations is determined by its features: functional, completeness of reflection of the content and the number of annotated publications. According to the most significant functional feature, there are generic category annotations:

1) signal (reference) - clarifies the title and (or) supplements the bibliographic description with factual information;

2) evaluative - critically characterizes the content;

According to the completeness of the reflection of the content, two categories of annotations are distinguished:

1) general - characterizes the content as a whole;

2) analytical - characterizes a part or aspect of the content.

In line with the control work, we use signal annotations of a general (and in some cases, analytical) nature.

Bibliographic grouping is the ordering of Bibliographic records according to the similarity and / or difference in the characteristics of documents, which helps to better navigate the list, quickly finds the necessary materials, and sees the relationship between them.

There are three main types of grouping:

The formal (simple) method provides a search for documents by their external features. It has varieties:

Alphabetical grouping- In the alphabet of authors and titles of works (if the author is not specified, or there are more than three authors). In the first place - Legislative materials. Foreign sources are placed alphabetically after the list of all sources in the language of the work. Entries are located when the first words match alphabetically, the second, etc., with several works of the same author - alphabetically titles. Works by the same author - in reverse chronological order.

According to the chapters of the work Monographic character- first - literature of a general nature, then materials related to a particular chapter in alphabetical or chronological order.

Systematic grouping- on individual branches of knowledge, issues and topics in their logical subordination.

Chronological grouping- according to the date of publication (publication) in direct or reverse chronology or according to the chronology of reflected events.

Typological grouping (by types and types of documents)- not always rational, because makes it difficult to work with the list, but is allowed in a personal list or in a list of historical subjects.

Grouping by place of publication.

mixed grouping- sources are arranged in the numerical order in which references are made to them in the text of the work. The connection of bibliographic records with the main text is established using the ordinal number of the citation.

Group of normative acts- acts are placed at the beginning of the bibliographic lists and arranged by legal force (equal in legal force - by the date of adoption:

1. International regulations

2. Constitution

3. Federal constitutional laws

4. Decisions of the Constitutional Court

6. Federal laws

8. Decrees of the President

9. Acts of the Government (first resolutions, followed by orders)

10. Acts of the Supreme and Higher Arbitration Courts

11. Normative acts of ministries and departments (hierarchy: resolutions, orders, orders, letters)

12. Regional regulations (in the same order as Russian ones)

14. SNiPs, SPs, ENIRs, VNIRs, etc.

The meaningful (subjective) method is based on the subject matter of the documents and can have different types of structure construction: enumerative, hierarchical or integral. At the same time, the same work, often devoted to several topics (issues), can be reflected in different subject headings of the manual, for which a special system of references is used. Distinguish:

Thematic grouping- the material is arranged in a logical sequence by topic with a large volume of records. Within thematic headings, the material is grouped into the alphabet of authors and titles (if the authors' camera).

Personal grouping- material dedicated to a certain person (his works, letters, literature about him) is located in a personal nest.

regional grouping- entries are combined into regional headings, the sequence of which is determined by the administrative-territorial division or in the alphabet of geographical names. Characteristic for economic, geographical and historical Bibliographic lists.

The recommendatory (subject-value) method is used when it is necessary to take into account the novelty, value and usefulness of the recommended information, the socio-psychological qualities of specific consumers, their ability to effectively master the proposed list of literature.

When compiling an annotated bibliographic list on a control topic, a formal grouping method is used. The sources in the list will be presented in alphabetical order using a typological principle.

When compiling the annotated bibliographic list on the topic of the test, special attention was paid to the rules of punctuation and spelling established by the bibliographic standards in force in the bibliographic record. In addition, the requirements for abbreviations and omissions in the elements of the bibliographic record were taken into account. In preparing the annotated bibliographic list, both single-level and multi-level bibliographic descriptions were used. The list is numbered because in this case it is not used as an applied system of Bibliographic references.

ANNOTATED Bibliographic list


BOOKS (monographs)

1. Burkova, A. S. Samara City Public Museum (1880-1917)[Text]: study guide / A.S. Burkova. - Samara: NTC Publishing House, 2004. - 42 p. - 200 copies. - ISBN 5-98229-050-5.

Based on the involvement of archival sources and literature, the manual shows the process of creating a city museum in Samara. Considerable attention is paid to the issues of forming the museum's collection and its cultural and educational activities. The manual is intended for students, graduate students and all those interested in history and culture.

2. Voronin, V. V. Geography of the Samara region[Text]: manual for students in grades 8-9 cf. schools / VV Voronin; scientific ed I.A. Noskov, [reviewers: V. A. Gavrilenkova et al.]; Samar. region in-t increase qualifications and retraining. education workers. - 2nd ed., Stereotype. - Samara: SIPKRO, 2004 - 274p. : Il. - 2000 copies. - ISBN 5-7174-0222-8.

While maintaining the scientific nature of the approach, the author reveals the features of the natural-geographical and economic-geographical position of the Samara region in an accessible and fascinating way. The range of issues under consideration is very wide: Geological history, structure of minerals, relief, climatic conditions, soil types, vegetation, fauna, aquatic environment. The book reveals in detail the sectoral structure of the economic complex of the region, touches upon issues of the population and labor resources, and provides a socio-economic description of cities and rural areas.

3. Zakharchenko, A. V. Formation of the aircraft industrial complex in the Volga region on the eve and during the Great Patriotic War (1940-1942) [Text]: textbook / Alexey Vladimirovich Zakharchenko; Samar. state. ped. university - Samara: NTC Publishing House, 2004. - 41 p. - Bibliography. in note: p. 38-40. - 200 copies. - ISBN 5-98229-051-3.

Based on the extensive involvement of archival sources and literature, this manual shows the process of creating a powerful aircraft-building complex of the USSR in the Volga region during the Great Patriotic War. The author shows how the restoration and organization of the production of military equipment at new sites took place. The manual is intended for students of historical faculties, as well as for all those interested in history.

4. Historical and cultural encyclopedia of the Samara region[Text] Personalities: in 4 volumes / Adm. Samar. region, region center creativity. - Samara: Samar. Press House, 1993-1995. - (Samar. Encycl.).

T. 1: A - D / holes. ed.-st. S. M. Leibgrad. - . - 384 p. : Il. - 25,000 copies.

T. 2: E - L / holes. ed.-st. S. M. Leibgrad. - 1994. - 430 p. : Il. - 25,000 copies.

T. 3: M - Sm / ed.-comp. N. D. Kurdina. - 1995. - 383 p. : Il. - 10,000 copies.

T. 4: So - I; Additions / ed.-stat. N. D. Kurdina. - 1995. - 415 p. : Il. - 10,000 copies.

The encyclopedia contains systematized biographical information about two thousand figures of different years, leaving their mark on the history of the Samara region.

5. History of the Samara Volga region from ancient times to the present day. Stone Age[Text] / I. B. Vasiliev, A. A. Vybornova, L. V. Kuznetsova [and others]; editorial board: P. S. Kabytov, I. B. Vasiliev [and others]; ed. A. A. Vybornova [and others]; Samar. scientific center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - Samara: Samar Publishing House. scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2000. - 312 p. : Il. - Bibliography. at the end of ch. - 1000 copies. - ISBN 5-93424-027-9.

Based on the analysis of materials collected by Samara archaeologists during the 20th century on the territory of the Volga region, the collective monograph offers a complete picture of the historical past of the Samara region in the Stone Age.

6. Kabytov, P. S. Legendary Samarets Petr Vladimirovich Alabin[Text] / Petr Serafimovich Kabytov. - Kuibyshev: Factor, 1990. - 58 p. : Il; 22 cm - (People of Samar. Territory; Book 1). - Bibliography. in note: p. 56-58. - 1000 copies.

The historical essay is dedicated to the Samara mayor (1885-1891), chairman of the Provincial Zemstvo Council, the main (deputy) of the city Duma P.V. Alabina. The author of the publication is Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, First Vice-Rector of Samara State University.

7. Kazarin, V. N. Revived names[Text] / Vladimir Nikolaevich Kazarin; Upr. Gosud. archival service Sam. region - Samara, Book, 2004. - 236 p. : Il. - 1000 copies.

The book presents historical essays by the Samara journalist, prose writer and local historian V.N. Kazarin in the representatives of the merchant class of the Samara region: Subbotins, Kurlins, Sokolovs, Shikhobalovs, Arzhanovs, N.V. Konstantinov, D.V. Kirillov, I.M. Pleshanov, P.M. Zhuravlev, Von Vakano and others.

8. Krasnova, L. N. Krotovka, 1755-2005[Text]: chronicle of events / L. N. Krasnova. - Samara: NTC Publishing House, 2005. - 140 p. - ISBN 5-98229-088-2.

The book is a chronicle of the history of a village in the Samara region. The author seeks to convey to the reader interesting details of the life and life of fellow villagers, to restore the names of people who lived on this land and contributed to its flourishing. Intended for a wide range of readers.

9. Kuznetsov, P. F., Plaksin, A. V. Samara region. Antiquities of the Neftegorsk district[Text]: popular science publication / P. F. Kuznetsov, A. V. Plaksin. - Samara: Samara Press House, 2004. - 176 p. : Il. : Card. - Bibliography: S. 161-168. 1000 copies - ISBN 5-7350-0383-6.

The publication tells about the archeological monuments of the Neftegorsk region, one of the most fully studied in the Samara region. Archaeological monuments of the region make it possible to restore the main milestones of the ancient and medieval history of the Volga region. The book is addressed to local historian, teachers, students and schoolchildren of senior classes, as well as to all those who are interested in the ancient history of the Samara region in the context of the history of Russia and the history of world civilizations. The book is recommended for publication by the specialized Council of the Main Department of Education of the Administration of the Samara Region.

10. Matveeva, G. I., Kochkin, A. F. Murom town[Text]: archaeological sites of the Samara region / G. I. Matveeva, A. F. Kochkin; istor.-local historian. museum. P. V. Alabina. - Samara: SamVen, 1998. - 48 p. - 1100 copies.

The book tells about one of the largest cities in Volga Bulgaria in the 10th - early 13th centuries. - Archaeological Monument of the Murom town. The city was an important strategic point on the southern borders of the Bulgarian state, and was also the center of crafts and trade on the Samarskaya Luka. Archaeological research has made it possible to more fully study the history and culture of the medieval city.

11. Mineral resource base of the Samara region. Status and development prospects[Text]: monograph / G. R. Khasaev, V. K. Emelyanov, A. L. Karev [and others]. - Samara: Agni, 2006. - 216 p. : Il.

The monograph answers the questions: what mineral deposits does the Samara region have and what are the prospects for their use. The publication is based on the reporting materials of exploration works carried out at different times. The authors have adopted a systematic approach to the problems of the development of the resource sector, which significantly changes many of the usual ideas about the assessment of the wealth of the subsoil, the state and prospects of the mineral resource base of the region, resource use strategies, and the social problems of the mineral resource complex. The publication is recommended to scientific specialists, university professors and students, lawmakers, developers of various programs, concepts, production development schemes, etc.

12. Pavlovich, I., Ratnik, A. Legends of the Volga underground[Text]: local historian. research / Igor Pavlovich, Oleg Ratnik. - Samara: NTC Publishing House, 2001. - 148 p. : Il. - Bibliography: S. 146-147. - 500 copies. - ISBN 5-900827-34-8.

The book is dedicated to the myths and legends of the Volga and Zhigulevsk undergrounds. The authors managed to combine the mythological component of information about the Zhigulevsk dungeons, information on real objects and data from field expeditions.

13. Samara chronicle[Text]: essays on the history of the Samara region from ancient times to the present day: in 3 books. / Under. ed. P. S. Kabytova, L. V. Khramkova; Samara State University - Samara: SSU, 1993-1997.

Book. First: Samara region from ancient times to the middle of the XIX century. - 1993. - 197 p.

Book. second: Samara region of the second half of the 19th century - early 20th century. - 1993. - 217 p.

Book. third: Samara region in the XX century, 1918-1996. - 1997. - 264 p.

The book, prepared by the staff of the Department of Russian History of the Samara University, highlights the process of development of the Samara region, the features of its settlement, economic, social and cultural development. Much attention is paid to the analysis of the culturological aspects of the problem: the authors talk about the development of agricultural production, the development of crafts, trade, they note the features of the life and culture of the Samara people and their participation in the public and political life of Russia. The book was written on the basis of documentary material extracted from the central and regional state archives, official and zemstvo statistics, periodicals, memoirs of participants in the events.

14. Samara region. Geography and history, economics and culture: Tutorial. / Comp. E. Ya. Dmitriev, P.S. Kabytov. - Samara: SamVen, 1996. - 670 p. - 10,000 copies.

15. Semenova, E. Yu. History of the Samara region, IX - XVIII centuries.[Text]: textbook-methodical. complex / Ekaterina Yurievna Semenova; Samar. state. ped. university - Samara: NTC Publishing House, 2004. - 148 p. - ISBN5-98229-002-5.

Compiled on the basis of research and writings of historians, local historians, ethnographers, geographers who studied the Samara region in the XVIII-XX centuries. The manual tells about the history of the Samara region, which refers to the territory of the modern Samara region and previously included in the Samara province. In this book, the scope of topics is wide, their diversity is great: from the peculiarities of geography and toponymy to the connection between the history of the region and the history of Russia. The complex includes a work program, topics for examinations and seminars, key explanations for self-study. The book is intended for schoolchildren studying historical local history, as well as for everyone who is interested in the history of the Samara region.

16. Sumburova, E. I. Training of teaching staff in the Samara province in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. [Text] / E. I. Sumburova. - Samara: NTC Publishing House, 2004. - 134, p. - 200 copies. - ISBN 5-98229-023-8.

Based on the extensive involvement of archival and published sources, the book studies for the first time the formation of a system of pedagogical educational institutions in the Samara province and the training of teachers in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. The number, social composition and material and living conditions of students in pedagogical educational institutions in the post-reform period are covered in detail.

17. Khramkova, L. V. Introduction to Samara local history[Text]: studies. manual for universities / L. V. Khramkova; SamGMU. - Samara: NTC Publishing House, 2003. - 356 p. - 500 copies. - ISBN 5-900827-79-8.

The manual was prepared on the basis of a course of lectures delivered by the author at the Samara State University, the Samara Humanitarian Academy and the Samara Medical and Technical Lyceum. The book is built in the form of lectures, the content of which goes far beyond the textbook, representing a systematized research material of a historical, geographical, ethnographic and cultural plan.

18. Khramkova L. V., Khramkova, N. P. Samara land during the war years of 1941-1945.[Text]: history sketch, documents, memoirs, chronicle of events / Lenar Vasilyevich Khramkova, Nina Petrovna Khramkova; Samar. state. university - Samara: NTC Publishing House, 2003. - 372 p. -1000 Copies. - ISBN 5-900827-81-X.

On the labor feat of the inhabitants of the Samara region during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. A special section includes copies of documents of the war period, stored in the archives of Samara, memoirs of veterans; it contains valuable information about all the awards established during the Great Patriotic War and the Kuibyshev (Samar) war heroes.

19. Chronicle of the feat of the workers of the Kinel-Cherkassky region during the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945[Text] / compiled by P. D. Stolyarov. - Samara: NTC Publishing House, 2005. - 367 p. - ISBN 5-98229-084-X.

On the basis of archival materials, the compiler managed to show the multifaceted activities of the inhabitants of the Kinel-Cherkassky district of the Samara region during the war years. The collection contains more than 300 documents, some of which have been classified as top secret. The book is intended for a wide range of readers.

20. Ethnoses of the Samara Territory[Text] Historical and ethnographic essays / G. Yu. Burdin, T. I. Vedernikova, N. G. Demeter [and others]; Adm. Samar. region - Samara: [b. and.], 2003. - 288s. : Fotoil. - 1500 copies.

Scientific and popular publication. The book provides generalized information about all nationalities living in the Samara region according to the 1989 census. In the articles, one can trace the history of the emergence of each ethnic group on the Samara land, learn about traditional forms of housekeeping, housing, national costumes and dishes, customs and rituals, national public associations, and much more.

Art editions

1. Volga[Izomaterial] photo album: / Interregional. societies. org. Spirit Center. Cultures (picture preparation) Introduction. Art. L.V. Saushina. - Samara: Agni, 2005. - 144 pages. : Color and b/w ill. ; Hardcover, foil stamping; 240x290. - Rus. - ISBN 5-94650-031-7.

A fascinating guide to the most interesting and popular corners of the Volga - here are the sources down the river. The publication contains panoramic photographs of the coast, landscapes, protected areas of the Volga, reflecting the originality and richness of vegetation, the relief features of the river valley. Much attention is paid to the Volga cities - their history and sights. The album includes an introductory article, fragments of scientific works, annals and travel notes about the Volga by ancient and medieval scientists and travelers, an article by the Volga Art Critic in Russian Painting.


1. Cities of the Samara region in numbers[Text]: stat. collection / GKS RF; GKS SO. - Issue. 2003 - Samara: SamVen, 2003. - 208 p. - 5000 copies.

The material was prepared on the basis of the primary data received by the statistical departments directly from the operating economic entities in the field and the macroeconomic developments of the Regional Statistics Committee carried out in the territorial aspect. The collection consists of two sections. The first provides data on the socio-economic situation of each city in the Samara region. The second includes a set of rating tables, which show the distribution of places occupied by cities in the Samara region. The collection publishes statistical data on the demographic and environmental situation in cities. Premises information on employment and wages. Tables are given that characterize the situation in industry, agriculture, construction, transport, and trade. Statistical data are presented mainly in long-term dynamics for 11 years - from 1992 to 2002.

2. Samara Zemsky collection[Text]: general-polit. and scientific magazine / Founder Samara Gosun-t. - 1997 -. - Samara: SSU, 1997 -. - 4-6 times a year. 2005, Issue 1-4. - 300 copies.

The journal contains articles, monographs, reports and articles devoted to the problems of Russian history, local history, and the development of political institutions. Among the permanent headings: Problems of Russian History, Samara Chronicle, Power and Society, History of Everyday Life, Samara Intelligentsia, Samara Archive.


1. Avdoshina, N.V. Monitoring of the social and labor sphere of the region's industry: concept, organization, results [Text] / Natalya Vladimirovna Avdoshina / / Bulletin of the Samara State. University. - 1997. - No. 3. - S. 87-102.

The author, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Political Science of the Samara State Medical University, considers the methodology and experience of monitoring the social and labor sphere of industrial enterprises in the Samara region. The article presents a comprehensive analysis of social and labor processes based on the results of systematic monitoring of the course and nature of qualitative changes in the industry of the region, taking into account economic, statistical and sociological data.

2. Belyaeva, E. Formation of the Samara theatrical public [Text]: [Theatre. life of Samara at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century] / Elena Yuryevna Belyaeva / / Samara Zemsky collection. - 1996. - Issue. 3. - S. 69-74. - Bibliography. at the end of Art.

Historical essay on the development of theatrical life in Samara in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. Documentary evidence about the entreprise actor M. Pisarev, P. Strepetova, V. Mamontov, about drawing room theatrical performances in merchant houses, in the first municipal theater, built at the expense of the city, is given.

3. Rozno, S. A. Botanical Garden - the pearl of Samara [Text] / S. A. strife / / Green beam: ecologist. inf.-d. bulletin. - 1999. - No. 6. - S. 40-42.

The article is devoted to the history of the Samara Botanical Garden and the nursery of ornamental plants.

4. Salivon, N. Landing is announced ...: [about the Central bus station in Samara] / Nikolay Salivon / / Volzh. dawn. - 1980. - 2 Dec.

The article is devoted to the opening of the central bus station in Samara and its design features.


Scheme for compiling a single-level bibliographic description in the list

(For clarity, adjacent areas are shaded, optional (optional) elements are in italics)


titles and statements of responsibility

















standard but

mayor and conditions


Prescribed punctuation between areas (dot - space - dash - space)

title proper [ General material designation ] = Parallel title : Information related to the title / The first information about responsibility ; Further liability information . - Edition information = Parallel edition information / The first statement of responsibility relating to the publication ; Further publication-related liability statements, more information about the edition / First statement of responsibility relating to supplementary edition statement ; Further disclaimer relating to supplementary edition statement. - Specific information area. - First place (city) edition ; Subsequent place (city) of publication : Publisher name (publisher) [ Information about the function of the publisher (publisher)], Publisher date , (Place of manufacture for the production of specific products : Manufacturer's name , Date of manufacture). - Specific material designation and volume : Other information about the physical characteristic ; Dimensions + Information about the accompanying material. - ( Title proper of a series or sub-series = Parallel series or sub-series title : Information relating to the title of the series or sub-series / The first statement of responsibility relating to the series or sub-series; Further liability statements relating to the series or sub-series, ISSN assigned to a given series or sub-series ; Issue number of the series or sub-series ). - Note area . - Standard ISBN (or alternative) = Key Title : Availability condition or price (Additional information about area elements).


Samara region in the XX century, 1918-1996 [ Text ] / under. ed. P. S. Kabytova, L. V. Khramkova ; Samara State University . - 2nd ed . - Samara : SSU , 1997. - 264 p. : ill. ; 25 cm . - ( Samara Chronicle : essays of history. Samar. edges with the Ancient. times to the present day : in 3 books. / Myself. State. un-t; book. 3 ) .


1. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and drafting rules[Text]: GOST 7.1-2003. - Instead of GOST 7.1-84; input. 2003-07-01. - Minsk: interstate. council for standardization, metrology and certification; M.: Publishing house of standards, 2002. - 47 p. - (System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing).

2. Bibliographic record. Title. General requirements and drafting rules[Text]: GOST 7.80 - 2000. - Introduced. first time 2001-07-01. - Minsk: interstate. council for standardization, metrology and certification; M.: Publishing house of standards, 2000. - 8 p. - (System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing).

3. Information-library activity, bibliography. Terms and Definitions[Text]: GOST 7.0-99. - Instead of GOST 7.0-84, GOST 7.26-80; input. 2000-07-01. - Minsk: interstate. council for standardization, metrology and certification; M.: Publishing house of standards, 1999. - 23 p. - (System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing).

4. and Annotation: General requirements[Text]: GOST 7.9-95. - Instead of GOST.7.9-77; input. 1997-07-01. - Minsk: interstate. council for standardization, metrology and certification; M.: Publishing house of standards, 1996. - 7 p. - (System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing).

5. Briskman, M. A., Bronshtein, M. P. Fundamentals of the methodology for compiling Bibliographic indexes[Text]: studies. allowance / M. A. Briksman, Mikhalina Petrovna Bronstein. - 2nd ed. - M.: [b. and.], 1974. - 84s.

6. Briskman, M. A., Bronstein, M. P. Compilation of bibliographic aids[Text]: pract. allowance / M. A. Briksman, Mikhalina Petrovna Bronstein. - M.: Book, 1964. - 299 p.

7. Vokhrysheva, M. G. Theory of Bibliography[Text]: studies. allowance / Margarita Georgievna Vokhrysheva; Samar. state. acad. culture and arts. - Samara: SGAKY, 2004. - 367 p. : Il. - ISBN 5-88293-167-3.

8. Grechikhin, A. A., Zdorovye, I. G. Information publications. Typology and features of training[Text] / Alexander Andreevich Grechikhin, Ivan Georgievich Health. - 2nd ed., Revised. and additional - M.: Book, 1988. - 271, p. , 21 cm. - (Here are the manuscripts for the book). - Bibliography: S. 259-264 (170 titles.). - Decree: S. 265-272. - ISBN 5-21200-003-3.

9. Grechikhin, A. A. General bibliography[Text]: textbook for universities / Alexander Andreevich Grechikhin. - 2nd ed., Revised. and additional - M.: Publishing House of MGUP, 2000. - 588 p. - ISBN 5-8122-0099-8.

10. Jenish, E. V. Bibliographic search in scientific work[Text] cases. guide book / Elena Vladimirovna Ienish; ed. I.K. Kirpichova. - M.: Book, 1982. - 247 p. , 20 cm. - Bibliography: S. 247 (7 titles.), Bibliogr. at the end of sections. - Decree: S. 221-246.

11. Korshunov, A. P. Bibliography. Theory, methodology, technique[Text] / Oleg Pavlovich Korshunov. - M.: Book, 1986. - 285, p. : Il. , 21 cm.

12. Milchin, A. E.. Publishing Dictionary-Reference[Text] / Arkady Emmanuilovich Milchin. - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional - M.: Olma-Press, 2003. - 560 p. : Il. ; 21.5 cm. - (Book business). - 3000 copies. - ISBN 5-224-04560-6.

13. Bibliographer's guide[Text] / ed. A. N. Vaneeva, V. A. Minkina. - 3rd ed., Revised. and additional - St. Petersburg. : Profession, 2006. - 591 pages - ISBN 5-93913-094-1.

14. Publishing Standards[Text]: Sat. documents: / comp. - A. A. Dzhiga, S. Yu. Kalinin. - M.: Economist, 2004. - 623 p. - (Book business). - ISBN 5-98118-093-5.


15. Editions. Imprint[Text]: GOST 7.4-95. - Instead of GOST 7.4-86; input. 1996-07-01. - M.: Publishing house of standards, 1996. - 51 p. - (System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing).

16. Editions. Main types. Terms and Definitions[Text]: GOST 7.60-90. - Input. 1991-01-01. - M., 1990. - 29 p. - (System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing).

17. Editions. Terms and Definitions[Text]: OST 29.130 - 97. - Introduced. first; 1997.08-01. - M., 1997, - 56s.

18. Grechikhin, A. A. Bibliographic heuristics[Text]: history, theory and methods of information retrieval: lecture notes for the course General. And a bookstore. Bibliography / Alexander Andreevich Grechikhin; Moscow inst. print. - M.: MPI, 1984. - 48 p. , 20 cm.

19. Grechikhin, A. A. Search and use of literature in the preparation of a lecture[Text] / Alexander Andreevich Grechikhin. - M.: Knowledge, 1982. - 64 p. , 20 cm. - (New in life, science, technology. Ser. Methodology and org. Lecture propaganda; Issue 3).

20. Istrina, M. V. annotations of printed works[Text]: method. allowance / Marina Viktorovna Istrina. - M.: Book, 1981. - 48 p. , 20 cm. - (Here are the manuscripts for the book).

OJSC "Novgorod Institute for the Development of Education"

Department of Pedagogy and Psychology






Prepared by:

Romenskaya Larisa Alekseevna,

methodologist UML preschool education


Novikovskaya O.A.

Collection of educational games with water and sand for preschoolers

The author talks in an accessible way about the basic properties of sand, dry and wet, and water and offers a wide variety of games related to these materials. The book has everything - group outdoor games, and entertainment for the mind, and activities for the little ones. positive results - develop coordination and dexterity in your baby, teach you to count, write and navigate the terrain. Book for teachers and parents.

Publisher: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2008

Smolyanaya V.S.

The publication presents games aimed at developing and consolidating the skills of sound-letter analysis and word synthesis, dividing a word into syllables, determining a stressed syllable; modeling new words. The material will help teachers plan and organize the work of teaching preschoolers to read and write both in the course of specially organized activities and in other types of children's activities. Addressed to specialists of various qualifications, employed in the field of practical activities in the system of preschool education.

Publisher: Assistance, 2010

TarasovaT.A., VlasovaL.S.

A practical guide for developing and strengthening healthy lifestyle skills in children from 2 to 7 years old. The program of classes, exercises and didactic games. The theoretical and practical material of the manual will allow teachers of preschool institutions to give children from 2 to 7 years old basic knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, to cultivate interest in improving their own body.

The manual is intended for teachers of preschool institutions, students of pedagogical colleges, parents.

Moscow: School press, 2008.

The book is intended for classes with kids 2-3 years old. All exercises and games are selected taking into account the psychological characteristics of children of this age. In the middle of the book there is an Appendix with color pictures that will not only help kids remember the names of the primary colors, but also diversify their activities.

Publisher: Litera

E.V. Kolesnikova

The notebook is an appendix to the fourth part of the cycle "Mathematical Steps"; and is designed to work with children 6-7 years old. Through a system of exciting games and exercises, children will get acquainted with numbers up to 20, expand their knowledge about the seasons and parts of the day, about geometric shapes, and learn how to solve logical problems.
Recommended to a wide range of professionals working in preschool educational institutions. Can be used in preparing children for school.

Publisher: Sfera

The book will help parents to spend time outdoors with their children not only with health benefits, but also to develop their powers of observation, curiosity, and imagination.

Publisher: Litera

This book offers game tasks for children 5-6 years old, aimed at the integrated development of thinking, memory, attention, imagination, perception of the child.
Tasks are based on the program "Flower-Semitsvetik"; - the winner of the All-Russian competition of programs for the comprehensive support of the mental development of preschool children.
All tasks can be used both for individual lessons with a child and for working with a group of children. Publisher: Speech

Kurazheva N. Yu., Kozlova I.A., Tuzaeva A.S.

This book offers game tasks for children 4-5 years old, aimed at the integrated development of thinking, memory, attention, imagination, perception of the child. Tasks are based on the program "Flower-Semitsvetik"; - the winner of the All-Russian competition of programs for the comprehensive support of the mental development of preschool children. All tasks can be used both for individual lessons with a child and for working with a group of children.

Publisher: Speech

Sertakova N.M.

Game as a means of social adaptation of preschoolers

The manual reveals the problems of adaptation of preschoolers to kindergarten, offers criteria for early diagnosis, game methods to mitigate the adaptation period and prevent maladaptation of preschoolers.

The manual is intended for kindergarten teachers.

Publisher: Detstvo-Press, 2009

Vinogradova I.A., Pozdnyakova N.V.

The manual, addressed to kindergarten teachers, students of pedagogical colleges and students of pedagogical universities, reveals a modern approach to the organization of the subject-play environment in a preschool educational institution, which makes it possible to ensure the implementation of effective psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of play activities for preschoolers.
The book presents extensive practical material, as well as notes on the development of the role-playing game of preschoolers in an enriched subject-play environment. Publisher: Iris-press Year of issue: 2009

The manual, addressed to kindergarten teachers, students of pedagogical colleges and students of pedagogical universities, reveals a modern approach to the organization of the subject-play environment in a preschool educational institution, which makes it possible to ensure the implementation of effective psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of play activities for preschoolers. The book provides extensive practical material: examples of long-term planning for the year, thematic planning of thirty-nine role-playing games on modern topics, as well as class notes on the development of role-playing games for preschoolers in an enriched subject-playing environment.

Publisher: Iris-press Year of issue: 2009

Stepanenkova E.Ya.

For the first time, the manual covers the general theoretical issues of physical education and reveals the features of the physical culture of preschoolers, and gives a methodology for organizing the motor activity of children. In the selection of gymnastic exercises, the emphasis is on their general developmental orientation, gymnastics for the brain, including finger exercises, for the development of the vestibular apparatus, and cross exercises for the right and left hemispheres of the brain are presented. The description of mobile games is given, their educational impact is substantiated.

For students of higher pedagogical educational institutions

Publisher: Academy, 2001.

Krylova T.A., Sumarokova A.G.

The book presents the author's program of emotional-volitional development of children 4-5 years old "; All kinds of feelings are needed, all kinds of feelings are important" ;.
Its task is to introduce preschoolers to basic emotions, to teach children to identify their own emotions, accept them and manage them; to teach preschoolers to correctly interpret the feelings and emotions of other people and respond appropriately to them. In the classroom, unusual demonstration material (men-feelings), a variety of game tasks, and interesting exercises are used.
The book will be interesting and useful to psychologists, teachers of preschool educational institutions, parents.

Publishing House Speech. SPb., 2010

Ermolaev S. D.

The collection contains selections of games and abstracts of classes, the main purpose of which is the development and improvement of the sensorimotor sphere of preschoolers.
The publication is intended for educators of preschool educational institutions, as well as teachers-defectologists.

Arushanova A.G., Ivankova R.A., Rychagova E.S.

A manual for individual work on the development of coherent speech of children in kindergarten and family will help develop the child's ability to create imaginary situations and compose extraordinary stories. On the materials of the manual, you can conduct a series of speech classes and exercises, diagnose the level of development of the child's speech.

Publisher: Karapuz
Year of publication: 2005

Krasnoshchekova N.V.

The book reveals the specifics of role-playing games for younger preschoolers and provides guidelines for organizing games.
This manual also covers the preliminary work to prepare for each game. Here, the kindergarten teacher will find detailed material for his work: a description of targeted walks and excursions, notes of conversations and classes, as well as detailed recommendations for making attributes for games.

Publisher: Phoenix, 2006

Kurazheva N. Yu

A comprehensive program of psychological studies with children of preschool age "Flower-Semitsvetik"; - the winner of the All-Russian competition of programs for the comprehensive support of the mental development of preschool children (2003).
This part of the program presents thematic classes aimed at developing the intellectual, emotional, communicative, personal, volitional and cognitive spheres of children 4-5 years old. Each lesson is built in a playful way, accessible and interesting for children.

Publisher: Speech

A comprehensive program of psychological studies with children of preschool age "Flower-Semitsvetik";. Thematic classes are presented aimed at developing the intellectual, emotional, communicative, personal, volitional and cognitive spheres of children aged 3-4 years. Each lesson is built in a playful way, accessible and interesting for children.
The program provides for both individual and group classes, parent consultations.

Publisher: Speech

Lapteva G.V.

In kindergartens, walking with children is an obligatory part of the upbringing and development program. But that doesn't mean they have to be formal and boring. Thanks to the teacher, a walk can turn into a small journey for children.
This book offers a walking program for children of primary preschool age. Each walk includes games, thematic conversations, poems and riddles, experiments and tasks that teach children to focus on the objects of the surrounding world and natural phenomena, analyze, compare and establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships.

Babaeva T.I., Mikhailova Z.A.

The collection examines the theoretical and practical aspects of the development of children in various types of games. The features of children's play culture are revealed and methods of pedagogical support are described that develop the independence and creative activity of the child in the game.

The publication is addressed to students and teachers of pedagogical colleges and institutes, practitioners of preschool educational institutions, specialists in the field of preschool education.

St. Petersburg Ed. Childhood-Press, 2004

Skorolupova O.A., Loginova L.V.

Playing?.. Playing!!!

The book is devoted to the issues of pedagogical leadership of independent plot games of children in a single play space of a kindergarten. Important aspects of the organization of children's play are considered, such as the time for play and the organization of a subject-developing environment.

Khukhlaeva O.V.
Psychological games, exercises, fairy tales

The proposed book is a collection of psychological procedures (exercises, games and fairy tales), which are aimed at helping children aged 3-9 years to understand themselves, become more confident, improve relationships with others, and reduce their anxiety. The described procedures can be used in group sessions with children or in individual meetings. The book also includes a program of psychological work with children aged 5-9, that is, pupils of senior and preparatory groups of kindergartens and students of grades 1-2 of the school. This is a training program that can be used both in correctional and psychoprophylactic ...

M.: Genesis, 2007. - 2nd ed.

Smirnova E.O.Meshcheryakova S.Yu.Ermolova T.V.

Games and toys for young children

Methodological guide for educators

The leading role of objective activities for young children
The main directions of development of subject activity

Features of pedagogical work with young children

M.: MGPPU M.: MGPPU, 2004.

Silberg Jackie

300 three-minute educational games for children from 2 to 5 years old

By choosing the time to play with your baby, you are making a gift not only to him, but also to yourself. Jackie Silberg, an expert in early childhood development, offers a wide range of fun games and little songs that stimulate the imagination, develop coordination, math, language and other essential skills. These will be truly unforgettable moments!

Publisher: Potpourri, 2004

Silberg D.,

The book offers a wide range of readers more than 200 games that are exciting and very important for the growth and proper development of the child in the period from 12 to 24 months.

Publisher: Potpourri, 2007

Mikhailova Z.A.

To successfully prepare children for schooling, it is not so much certain knowledge that is needed as the ability to think consistently and logically, guess, mentally strain. The book contains entertaining material that will help the educator in activating the thought processes of children in organizing classes and independent activities of older preschoolers.
The book will be of interest not only to kindergarten teachers, but also to parents.

Publisher: Detstvo-Press, 2008

Petrova I.

Manual labor for older preschoolers
The proposed manual contains practical material for manual labor with children of senior preschool age (with the subsequent use of crafts in theatrical activities).
Publisher: Detstvo-press, 2003

Babaeva T.I. and etc.

Game and preschooler. The development of children of senior preschool age in play activities

The collection deals with theoretical and practical aspects of the development and education of children of senior preschool age using various types of games. The features of children's play culture are revealed and methods of pedagogical influence are described that develop the child's independence and creative activity in play and educational activities in a preschool educational institution. The collection is addressed to students and teachers of pedagogical colleges and institutes, practitioners of preschool educational institutions, as well as specialists in the field of preschool education.


Ulanova L. A., Jordan S. O.
Guidelines for organizing and conducting walks for children 3-7 years old.

The manual selected and systematized material for observations that children of different age groups of kindergarten can master within each of the seasons of the year. The material is given, which allows to include children in labor activities that are feasible and interesting for them. Tasks for the development of fine motor skills of hands, games that develop the speech of children are included, as well as a large methodological material in the form of poems, riddles, proverbs, tongue twisters, various interesting exercises.

Publisher: "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2008

Mikhailova Z.A., Kharko T.G., Cheplashkina I.N.

Pre-math games for children of primary preschool age

Ed. Childhood-Press, 2006

Zvorygina E.V.

This manual is written on the basis of the book "Toddlers' First Story Games". The manual is addressed both to teachers of preschool educational institutions and to parents involved in raising children in the family. The manual included in the "Krokha" program presents a psychological and pedagogical justification for the need for a careful, timely and professional attitude of adults to the formation and development of the game of each child in early childhood. Its materials have been supplemented and structurally refined.

Publisher: Education, 2010

Dmitrieva V.G.

365 educational games and exercises for kids

Ed. Astrel, 2010

Galiguzova L.N.

Development of gaming activities

The manual presents games and activities that contribute to the development of gaming activities in children 1-3 years old. The book is addressed to teachers working with young children in preschool educational institutions.

Publisher: Mozaika-Sintez, 2008

Dmitrieva V.G.

200 3-minute educational games for toddlers aged 0-3

In order for a child to develop physically, emotionally, intellectually from the first days of life, he must play. Thus, the baby gets acquainted with the outside world, acquires the necessary skills. How to play, what to play? In this book you will find a description of the best educational games, tips and advice from experts.


Gubanova N. F.

Game activities in kindergarten. The book contains a program and guidelines for classes with children 2-7 years old.
Program "Game activity in kindergarten"; printed according to the text of the book "; The program of education and training in kindergarten"; edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova.

Moscow, 2008.

Nishcheva N.V.

Game. Seven games for the development of speech of preschoolers.
Seven multi-purpose didactic desktop-printed games contribute to the development of the speech of preschoolers: they replenish and expand vocabulary, form the correct sound pronunciation, develop coherent speech, the ability to express thoughts correctly, improve the grammatical structure of speech, teach them to love wildlife, take care of animals. In close connection with the development of speech, the development of children's thinking, the ability to compare, classify objects, draw conclusions, and generalize is carried out.

Publisher: Detstvo-Press

Tatiana Strobykina

The author, a district pediatrician with many years of practice, believes that a child can develop correctly only with the active and competent participation of an adult. The book contains a lot of educational and creative games that you can play with your child from the first month of life. They are selected taking into account the age characteristics of each month and are aimed at the correct emotional, mental and mental development of the baby. In addition, the author offers a whole range of physical exercises from birth to a year, gives practical advice on the daily routine, care and hardening.
The book is primarily addressed to parents who want to raise a healthy child, as well as pediatricians and baby massage specialists.

Publisher: Iris-press, 2004

O.S. Zhukov

Educational games

The book is intended for classes with children of preschool age. Fascinating tasks and games collected in the book will help to identify gaps in the knowledge and skills of the baby, develop the necessary skills: memory, attention, speech, logical thinking. The book is recommended as a textbook to help parents, educators and tutors.

Nikitin B.P.
The author of the book talks about the experience of using and using educational games in his family. that allow you to successfully solve the problem of developing the creative abilities of the child.
The book contains a description of games that are a kind of "mental gymnastics", a detailed description of the methodology for their implementation and the method of manufacture.

Publisher: Pedagogy, 1985

Do you know what a pirate holiday is? These are fun games, vivid impressions and exciting adventures! This is a stormy sea, along the waves of which brave pirates sail to the Treasure Island, participating in funny contests along the way! These are difficult trials, a whirlpool of laughter, a storm of delight and a flurry of emotions! With a set of games and entertainment for the birthday of a brave pirate, you will make the holiday for your child wonderful and unforgettable. The set includes games, riddles, anecdotes, tongue twisters. Have a great birthday!

Publisher: World of congratulations, 2009

Plotnikova N.V.

Cards with games that will help teach children: to be self-confident; negotiate with others; provide mutual assistance; show empathy; work in a team.

Publisher: Rech, 2010

Shvaiko G.S.

Games and game exercises for speech development

Collection of games for the development of speech.

Publisher: Enlightenment
Release year: 1983

Zhukova O.S.
We develop speech. From 6 months to 3 years

The book is intended for use with young children. Looking at bright drawings, the baby will quickly begin to speak his first words - the names of family members, animals, objects of the world around him. By completing tasks, the child will learn to understand the speech of adults, replenish his vocabulary.

Publisher: Astrel
Year of publication: 2009

Savelyeva E.A.

The book includes original games that organically combine finger gymnastics with the most common and simple breathing-voice and articulation exercises. They will help develop good diction in a child, ensure a clear pronunciation of sounds, and develop auditory attention. The child will learn to memorize faster and correctly, without rearranging words, tell short poems.

Gorbatova Elena Vladlenovna

";Graphic games and exercises for children of senior preschool age. Notebook 2. Graphic patterns";

Individual notebooks of graphic games and exercises are developed in accordance with the manual of E. V. Gorbatova ";Preparing a hand for writing"; and contain 16 lessons. Tasks will help develop visual memory, imagination of the child, the ability to concentrate, expand his vocabulary.
Designed for children of preschool age.

Publisher: White wind, 2010

Mikhailova Z.A., Cheplashkina I., Kharko T.G.

The book presents games that can be organized by kindergarten teachers in the presence of the necessary subject-game developing environment. Logical and mathematical games are aimed at developing attention, speech, concentration of children, mastering the actions of examination, comparison, grouping according to characteristics, ordering, etc. This educational and methodological manual is recommended for preschool teachers, students of preschool education departments of pedagogical universities, colleges, parents of preschoolers.

Publisher: Detstvo-Press, 2011

Bakhareva Kristina Sergeevna

The book you hold in your hands will help you avoid many mistakes. With its help, you and your child will develop harmoniously, just having fun together, since all the speech development exercises in this book are presented in the form of games.

Publisher: Phoenix, 2009

Krasnoshchekova Natalya Valentinovna

The book tells about the specifics of the role-playing game in preschool age, highlights the role of the game in the development of the child's personality, provides guidelines for organizing games in the process of educating and teaching children of all age groups of the kindergarten. In this book you will also find methods for diagnosing the level of development of the role-playing game in preschool children.
The book is addressed to teachers of preschool education, psychologists, students of pedagogical educational institutions, as well as parents.

Publisher: Phoenix, 2011

Skyler Pam, Rossano Joan Townsend

This manual for parents, teachers and educators allows you to organize classes with children as efficiently and interestingly as possible, using a minimum of special devices and expensive equipment.
Each chapter of the book is devoted to a separate topic and begins with an introduction that outlines the main provisions and basic concepts, and each exercise is aimed at developing and applying certain skills in practice.
The fundamental ideas of this manual are the active participation of children in the educational process and the relationship of all aspects of educational activities.

Publisher: Potpourri, 2006

Druzhinin Boris, Kuminova Irina

The manual provides a description of various educational games for children of preschool and primary school age, which can be conditionally divided into games with objects, games on paper, games with numbers and words, games for the development of fine motor skills of fingers and outdoor games.
The games of each group are interesting, correspond to the program content and can be played both with a subgroup of children and individually with each child.
The manual is of practical interest and is addressed to educators, tutors and parents.

Publisher: Gnome, 2008

Soshina Irina Vasilievna

The purpose of the games presented in this manual is to teach children 5-7 years old to hear rhyming pairs of words, select other similar rhymes, compose couplets based on a pair of rhyming words. Games contribute to: replenishment and activation of the children's vocabulary, the development of phonemic processes, attention, memory, verbal and logical thinking. The game material includes subject pictures, the names of which rhyme with each other and contain whistling, hissing and sonorous sounds.
The games in this guide can be played with one child or with a group of children. The manual is addressed to speech therapists, educators, tutors and parents.

Publisher: Gnome, 2011

Komarova Lyubov Dmitrievna

This manual offers a series of lessons on teaching mathematics to preschool children based on a set of colored sticks (stripes) by Kuizener. Games and exercises are presented in order of difficulty. They will help in a playful way to clarify children's ideas about color, length, width, height; they will teach you how to compare and measure objects, help you master the composition of numbers and learn how to solve simple arithmetic and logical problems. The manual is intended for teachers of preschool and primary school and parents of preschool children.

Publisher: Gnome, 2008

Bobyleva Zinaida Tikhonovna

The games of this manual are intended for children 5-7 years old with speech disorders. Game material is presented in the form of paired rinks depicting objects in the singular and in the plural.
In parallel with the correction of sound pronunciation, games will help expand the vocabulary of children, develop word-formation and coherent speech skills. Games can be used both in individual and subgroup sessions. The manual is addressed to speech therapists of preschool educational institutions, teachers of speech therapy groups and parents of children with speech disorders.

Publisher: Gnome, 2009

Pavlova L.N.

The manual includes games and exercises aimed at developing the sensory abilities of younger preschoolers. Each lesson contains: a developmental task, the material contained in the color tables, and recommendations for conducting games and exercises.
The manual may be of interest to a wide range of readers: parents, practitioners of preschool educational institutions working under the "Development" program, students of pedagogical colleges and institutes.

Publisher: Gnome, 2005

Panfilova Marina Alexandrovna

The book deals with the problem of communication and its role in shaping the personality of the child.
A detailed description of the methods for diagnosing interpersonal and intrapersonal conflicts, the real psychological capabilities of a preschooler and a younger student is given. The author offers exemplary plans for play therapy with children and parents, describes therapeutic and educational games, introduces the techniques and methods of interaction between adults and hyperactive, anxious, aggressive children.
The manual is intended for psychologists, teachers, parents.

Publisher: Gnome, 2010

Osmanova G.A., Pozdnyakova L.A.

Games and exercises for the development of general speech skills in children (3-4 years)
The book provides recommendations on the formation of basic skills of intonational expressiveness of speech in children, starting from the age of 3-4 years.
The book is addressed to a wide range of readers: speech therapists and educators of children's institutions who want to improve their methods of working on the development of general speech skills, as well as parents interested in their children mastering expressive speech and improving communication skills.

Publisher: Karo, 2007

Mood Theatre. Educational game for children from 5-9 years old

The lotto game introduces children to the ABC of expressing emotions and is a kind of psycho-gymnastics lesson. Promotes the development of a better understanding of oneself and others, as well as voluntary attention and thinking.

Publisher: OOO ";VikRus";
Year: 2004

Fadeeva Yu.A., Pichugina G.A., Zhilina I.I.

The manual presents games and exercises using substitute objects for the formation of sound and syllabic analysis, the development of sensory representations, fine motor skills in children with OHP of preschool age.

The book can be used by speech therapists, educators, psychologists, defectologists of preschool educational institutions, parents.

Publisher: LLC "TC Sphere", 2011

Agapova I. A., Davydova M. A.

The manual contains descriptions of traditional and original author's developments of outdoor games that can be used to improve children's health and educational purposes, as well as to develop communication skills and give excessive mobility the desired direction.

Publisher: Arkti, 2008

Kotova E.V.

The manual provides exercises aimed at developing the creative and thinking abilities of children, presents didactic games and visual material that will help form extraordinary thinking in children, interest and desire to create, and awaken the child's imagination. Each exercise is provided with methodological comments. Recommended for preschool teachers and parents of preschool children.

Publisher: Phoenix

Agapova I., Davydova M.A.

The proposed manual will help preschool workers and parents to organize and conduct "finger"; games and entertainment with preschool children from infancy. Such classes not only develop the necessary fine motor skills in the child, but also contribute to the development of children's speech, their creative activity, and expand the child's horizons.

Ed. Arkti, 2011

Compiled by Nishcheva N.V.

The collection contains the most successful publications from the journal "Preschool Pedagogy"; over the past few years, devoted to the important role of play in the lives of preschool children. The book includes articles containing methodological and practical recommendations on the organization of the playing space, educational games and thematic planning for various age groups of preschoolers, as well as for children with general underdevelopment of speech and mental retardation.
The book is intended for preschool teachers, speech therapists, as well as parents interested in the full and comprehensive development of children.
Publisher: Detstvo-Press, 2010


A huge number of forums, lectures, conferences and seminars in Russia and around the world were subordinated to one idea - to draw attention to the study of the Russian language, Russian literature and culture.

- International Fairy Tale Day

The origins of the Russian fairy tale

1. Myths of the ancient Volga. Myths, legends, tales, life and customs of the peoples who lived on the banks of the great river from ancient times to the present day. - Saratov: Hope. - 1996. - 688 p., ill. Scythians, Sarmatians, Polovtsy, Khazars, Bulgars and other mysterious peoples who once lived on the banks of the Volga and peoples now living on the Volga - Russians, Tatars, Mari, Chuvashs, Mordovians, Germans, Little Russians, Kalmyks, Cossacks, are presented in this book with their stories and legends. Ethnographic materials and historical documents that precede the folklore sections of the collection make the book a kind of encyclopedia of customs, life, culture and way of life of the Volga peoples. Illustrations by fine arts mastersXIXcenturies allow you to see the Volga in its original form.

2. Korepova popular tale /. - Moscow: Forum, 2012. - 464 p. : ill. The book is dedicated to the Russian popular tale. For the first time, the genre nature of the lubok tale, the history of the genre, the influence of lubok publications on the oral fairy tale tradition, and some problems of textual criticism are studied.

3. Poetry of childhood: Russian folk art for children / comp., entry. Art. and note. ; resp. ed. . - St. Petersburg: Aletheya, 2004. - 576 p. The collection includes works of Russian folk art about children and for children. Consists of sections - "Songs and jokes", "Tales", "Riddles", "Proverbs and sayings", "Games", etc.

4. The wisdom of the people. Human life in Russian folklore. Issue. 2. Childhood: Adolescence / compiled, prepared. texts, intro. article and comment. V. Anikina; selection of ill. V. Zhiguleva; photo by A. Ryazantsev. - Moscow: Fiction, 1994. - 525 p.: ill. - (People's wisdom). The second issue includes children's fairy tales and riddles. This is a code of folk wisdom, which the growing child got acquainted with. Peasant children learned the basics of worldly morality from fairy tales. Fairy tales provided rich food for the boundless play of the imagination. Riddles taught to think in poetic images, comparisons and metaphors.

5. From a joke to an epic: (Russian folklore) / comp. and note. V. Anikina. - Moscow: Fiction, 199p. The book includes the most famous and popular examples of Russian oral art, published at different times in collections of famous folklore scholars.XIX- XXcenturies

6. Folklore of the peoples of Russia. In 2 volumes: T. 1. - Moscow: Bustard: Veche, 2002. - 320 p. – (Library of Russian Classical Fiction). The book includes songs, games, riddles, proverbs, sayings and fairy tales of the peoples of Russia.

7. Epics. Russian folk tales. Old Russian stories / enter. articles, comp. and comment. , D. S, Likhachev and; ill. . - Moscow: Children's literature, 1979. - 640 p., L. ill. - (B-ka of world literature for children, v. 1). The book presents recognized samples of the Russian epic, Russian folk tales and Old Russian stories translated from the Old Russian language and retelling.

8. The winner of the snake. From North Russian fairy tales / 15 fairy tales in the record; enter. Art. . - Moscow, 2008. - 160 p. The proposed edition is a publication with comments on rare fairy tale texts on one plot - "The Conqueror of the Serpent" - from the archive of the folklore section of the IAE Academy of Sciences, collected by a famous folklorist during the expedition of 1926, 1927 and 1928. in Zaonezhye and along the rivers Pinega and Mezen. The book is accompanied by commentaries and an introductory article on the origin and spread of this story in European folklore.

9. Slavic mythology: a reference book / Ed.-comp. , - Moscow: Megatron, 1999. - 259 p. The book widely and in the system reflects the ideas of the Slavs of pagan tribes. The articles of the collection describe the images and symbols of Slavic mythology, the characters of Slavic fairy tales, introduce folk customs, rituals and holidays, the cult of the gods.

10., Medvedev of Slavic mythology. - Nizhny Novgorod: Russian merchant, Brothers Slavs, 1995. - 368 p. The concept of East Slavic mythology from the Paleolithic to the present day is widely represented.

11. Characters of Slavic mythology / comp.:,; artistic . - K .: Corsair, 1993. - 224 p.: ill. The book gives original characteristics and drawings of the characters of the mythology of the ancient Slavs.

12. Russian fairy tale: an anthology / comp., entry. Art., comment. . - Moscow: Higher School, 1992. - 525 p. - (B-ka student-philosopher). Here are the main plots of the Russian fairy tale in versions and variants. The introductory article and commentary will help to learn about the fate of the Russian fairy tale, deeply understand its genre specificity, the ratio of national and international in this genre. The publication contains research by folklorists on the theory and history of fairy tales.

13. Traditions of the Russian land / artist. V. Unreadable. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1996. - 608 p. The collection includes works of the Russian people: historical songs, legends, legends, bylichki and epics, recorded at different times and told by different people. Stories about glorious Russian heroes, robbers, goblin, water and Russian mermaids will be of interest to both the smallest readers and their older friends.

14. Om Khthoni. Native tales / H. Om. - Kostroma: Kostromaizdat, 2007. - 700 p. A series of books "Native Tales" is a special part of the large project "Vitality of the Foundations of Culture". This is one of the first attempts to interest children in learning the basics of culture. The children's part of this series contains the first book "For Children" and the presentation of a new part of the monograph "The vitality of the foundations of culture. Treasures and Secrets of the Language”, as well as presentations to “Adult Children”, “Old Children”, “Diversity” and applications.
In "Tales" created the original world of the children's planet. Using the language of fairy tales, songs, ditties, riddles, games, conversations about the essence of life, as well as with the help of microsonnets, fables, catchphrases, eternal images, the heroes of the book call into the wonderful, paradoxical, into something without which there is no happiness. The appendices give the first published systematization of the results of almost thirty years of research on the vitality of the foundations of culture.

15. Northern tales in the collection of N. E. Onchukova / comp., editor. texts, intro. Art., comments, index and dictionary. - St. Petersburg: Mir, 2008. - 750 p. In this edition, the texts of fairy tales, first verified on the basis of available materials from the archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Geographical Society, are represented by records of collectors different in their goals, objectives, scientific training and experience (, D. Georgievsky). When commenting on the texts of fairy tales, the degree of distribution of plots among the Eastern Slavs was taken into account, each plot was compared with other northern variants to determine the specifics or traditional character of the published version, the necessary information was given about the history of the plot, its first publications and literary processing.

The Russian fairy tale must first of all

learning Russian is our duty.

V. Propp. Russian fairy tale. – Moscow, 2000.

16. Christmas tales: fairy tales, legends, stories / foreword. N. Golya; per. L. Braude, A. Ganzen, T. Ozerskoy and others. - St. Petersburg: ABC Classics, 2009. - 368 p. : ill. The collection includes folk and literary tales and stories from around the world about a cold winter, a merry Christmas and a slightly mysterious New Year's holiday. Winter holidays are loved everywhere, but they are celebrated in different ways. You can compare Russian and foreign traditions.

bedtime stories / comp. ; painters, . - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1997. - 368 p., ill. (My first books). A fairy tale, like any kind of oral folk art, goes through a centuries-old path and absorbs the most essential features of everyday life, psychology and worldview of the people. A fairy tale polished over the years becomes a reflection of many aspects of life and can tell a lot.
Fairy tales teach not to repay evil for good, to respect a person, to provide assistance in difficult times.

18. Folk Russian fairy tales: in 5 vols. T. 1-3 / foreword. A. Afanasiev. - Moscow: TERRA, 19p. A brilliant historian, jurist, ethnographer, folklorist and journalist Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev () devoted his life to the careful study of oral folk art. He collected and processed many fairy tales, legends and epics, saving them for posterity.
The first or third volumes included "Folk Russian Tales".

19. Once upon a time ...: works of Russian oral folk art for children / comp., foreword. and comment. V. Kalugina. - Moscow: Young Guard, 1988. - 367 p. - (B-ka of a young family. T. 11). The collection introduces readers to a variety of folklore genres: these are counting rhymes, horror stories, riddles, games, and, of course, fairy tales and epics. The preface tells about the importance of folk art for the moral and aesthetic education of children.

20. Shangina children and their games. - St. Petersburg: Art-SPB, 2000. - 296 p. The well-known St. Petersburg ethnographer tells in a fascinating way how in the past centuries children were brought up in a traditional Russian family “according to the precepts of their grandfathers”, paying special attention to the game, the fundamental principle of folk pedagogy.
Songs, rhymes, draws, sentences, riddles, teasers - everything that used to accompany children's games, as well as descriptions of the games themselves, make up the second section of the book.
Materials for holding school holidays "Wide Shrovetide", "Autumn", "Naum-literate" and others were included in the final section.

21. Nikiforov and the storyteller /; comp., intro. Art. . - Moscow, 2008. - 376 p. / Alexander Isaakovich Nikiforov is one of the best Russian folklorists of the first half of the 20th century, whose works are still underestimated. The collection presents Nikiforov's research on the Russian fairy tale, which has not lost its relevance to this day. A detailed analysis of a huge number of specific texts makes these works original, evidence-based and truly interesting.

22. Propp the roots of a fairy tale. / ; ed., comment. . - Moscow: Labyrinth, 2000. - 336. This is the most famous work of one of the classics of the humanitiesXXcentury. The unusually wide coverage of cultural material, the depth of its development and intelligibility in presentation - this is what determines the place of "Historical Roots ..." in the mandatory fund of knowledge of modern man.

23. Propp tale: (collection of works) / ed., comment. . - Moscow: Labyrinth, 2000. - 416. The next volume of the complete Collection of Works includes his final work on the fairy tale, which is a kind of popular fairy tale encyclopedia: a collection of information about the collection, study, structure ("morphology") and development, the form of existence of all types of fairy tales.

24. World of childhood and traditional culture: a collection of scientific papers and materials / comp. . - Moscow: State Republican Center of Russian Folklore, 1995. - 192 p. The collection provides materials and research on modern and traditional folklore of children and adolescents, discusses a number of problems of traditional folklore, ethnopedagogy, the "pedagogical" repertoire of Russian peasants, as well as issues of the current state of prose and poetic folklore in the context of children's and adolescent subculture.

7. Scientific and methodological activities of the teacher: methodological research. technological discoveries / ed. . - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011. - 170 p. The work experience of innovative searches of modern pedagogy aimed at developing and increasing the creative potential of the teaching staff is presented. The proposed materials will help organize the scientific and methodological activities of the teacher and correctly build the concept of the work of the new generation school. The technological find of L. S. Chernoklinova - "Author's tales in the lessons of literary reading" will be interesting.

8. Zinkevich-, Kudzilov through drawing in fairy tale therapy / - Evstigneeva,. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2004. - 144 p., col. incl. A Practical Guide to Projective Psychodiagnostics: A Historical Review and Comparative Analysis of Graphical Methods. Methods for the study of family relationships, psychological resistance, emotional sphere and inner world of the individual, goal setting are described.

9. Fairy tale therapy training. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2000. - 254 p. This book presents seven programs for the development and correction of behavior in children.

10. Weaver of children's problems. / . - St. Petersburg: Speech; Moscow: Sfera, 2010. - 118 p. The book reveals the secrets of psychological assistance to children from 3 to 10 years old. The author simply and in detail conveys to caring parents knowledge, examples and recommendations for solving many problematic situations with the help of therapeutic fairy tales.

11. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva dependencies. The method of fairy tale therapy / -Evstigneeva. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2002. - 176 p. The method described in the book is effectively used in the framework of anti-drug preventive and rehabilitation work among minors and youth.

12. Korotkova for preschoolers and primary school age: guidelines for pedagogical and psycho-correctional work / . - Moscow: TsGL, 2004. - 246 p. The use of fairy tale plots makes it possible to conduct moral conversations with interest and unobtrusively for children.

The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!
Good fellows lesson.

13. Butman of correct rules: a book for reading and about reading /. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003. - 272 p.: ill. - (Storytelling therapy). This fun collection is designed for unobtrusive work of parents with children. You can talk with children about kindness and greed, about nobility and betrayal, about cowardice and courage, etc. The writer, the father of five children, shares his thoughts on raising the younger generation.

14. Sinitsyn for play and development / . - Moscow: List New, Veche, KARO, 2002. - 256 p.: ill. The fairy tales presented in the book will introduce the Child to the alphabet, numbers, the world around, elementary geographical and astronomical concepts, and much more.

15. Gnezdilov fairy tales. Melodies of rain on Petersburg roofs / . - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2003. - 260 p. Tales of Dr. Baloo help people overcome their problems and troubles, see the beauty and harmony of the world, treat life with wisdom and optimism.

16. Gnezdilov fairy tale therapy. The smoke of an ancient fireplace (tales of Dr. Baloo) /. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2004. - 292 p. A well-known St. Petersburg doctor and storyteller has collected fairy tales that help people in difficult situations!

17., In our theater we sing and dance for you: musical fairy tales-performances for preschoolers /,; artistic , . - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development: Academy, K and company: Academy Holding, 2000. - 112 p.: ill. - (Kindergarten: day by day). A variety of fairy tale performances that teach kindness, responsiveness, honesty, courage. This affects the moral and aesthetic education of preschoolers. Musical text is given after each performance.

18. Malyutka's tale, or How to feed a child /. - St. Petersburg: KARO. 2003. - 128 p.: ill. - (Storytelling therapy). How to solve the child's appetite problem? With fairy tales! You can find here a new dish for yourself!

19. Tell me a story...: literary fairy tales for children: a book for kindergarten teachers, primary school children, parents/comp. . - Moscow: Education, 1993. - 63 p.: ill. Tales of Russian and foreign writersXIX- XXcenturies

20. Sorokina theater for the little ones: (theatrical classes with children from 1 to 3 years old) /, - Moscow: Linka-Press, 2009. - 224 p. This manual will help create a puppet theater. Techniques for controlling puppets of various systems (finger, flannelgraph pictures, glove theater, mittens, tabletop) are given.

21. Fairy tale as a means of optimizing the psycho-emotional sphere of older preschoolers. // Preschool education No. 7 - P.19-24. Unfortunately, now parents pay more attention to the intellectual development of their children, they begin to educate them early, prepare them for adulthood, but for a child, the development of inner life, emotional sphere, feelings, which are the main regulator of his activity, is more important.

22. "Journey through fairy tales" Literary game for younger students: (game by station) / // Vneshkolnik. - 2010. - No. 3. - P.50-53.

23. - the first professional book graphics [Text] / E. Alekhina // Preschool education. - 2012. - No. 10. - P.51-63. With the name of Bilibin, one association immediately arises: Pushkin's Tsar Saltan and the Golden Cockerel, Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilisa the Beautiful, the terrible Koschey the Immortal, the real Gray Wolf and the fantastic Frog Princess.

24. The use of fairy tales in individual counseling / I. Stishenok // School Psychologist. - P.24-26. Psychological fairy tales reveal a variety of life situations and help a person find answers to their questions, determine ways to solve existing problems.

25. Autumn holiday based on the folk tale "Quail and knotweed": script / A. Gvaita // Preschool education. - No. 7, Aug. - FROM.

26. Pedagogy of the folk tale [Text] / M. Kovel // Director of the school. - 2009. No. 3. – S. 69-75. We constantly turn to folk wisdom, reflected primarily in folk tales. Traditions developed by the people over many centuries and tested by generations have not only ethnographic, cultural, but also socio-psychological value. Fairy tales become for children the keys to understanding the true causes of our problems.

27. Lucky chance: (a game for students of grade V, dedicated to folklore) / M. Grebennikova // Education of schoolchildren. - 2009. - No. 2. - S. 73-76.

28. Lebedev of the axiological component of parental competence with the help of folklore material [Text] / // Family psychology and family therapy. - 2012. - No. 3. - P.54-78. The program "Open Kindergarten" is presented as a form of work of a psychologist with a functional family. Ideas about the world, the life cycle and relations between generations, typical for Russian folk culture, are illustrated by the example of the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen". The concept of parental competence and its components is revealed.

29. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva, Tatiana. Tales for boys and girls [Text] / T. Zikevich-Evstigneeva // Hoop: education, child, student. - 2006. - No. 6. - P. 13-16. This is a key question in pedagogy: what is the difference between the games of boys and girls!

30. Azizova in junior schoolchildren of aesthetic feelings by means of puppet theater [Text] / // Education of schoolchildren. – 2012. -№4. - P.44-47. Children will be able to use the skills and standards of behavior obtained in theatrical games in everyday life

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