Order to reduce the load by 0.5 rates. Full-time transfer order (sample)

Employer's initiative Can the employer establish a part-time working regime on its own initiative Establishing a part-time working regime on the employer's initiative is allowed (taking into account the opinion of the trade union - if it exists in the organization) during the period of organizational and technical measures that entail significant changes in working conditions . If such changes may lead to mass layoffs, the administration has the right to establish a part-time regime for up to six months. Such a restriction is provided for by part 5 of article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. At the same time, employees must be notified in writing of upcoming changes two months before they are carried out (with mandatory familiarization under the signature) (part 2 of article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).


It is possible to transfer an employee to a part-time job, if such a decision came from the management, only in the event of a change in working conditions of an organizational or technological nature (changes in production technology or technology, structural reorganization of the enterprise) and if there is a forced need to reduce costs while maintaining the staff of the enterprise or organization .

In this case, the management is obliged to notify employees in advance (against signature) of upcoming changes in the work of the enterprise no later than 2 months in advance.
Only after that an order is issued on changes in the staffing table.

The head must, within 3 days from the date of signing the order, notify the employment service.
With those employees who agreed to continue working with a part-time transfer, additional agreements are concluded to the employment contract.

How to transfer an employee to half the rate on his initiative

The process of transferring an employee to part-time:

  • First of all, it is required to obtain from the employee a statement of consent to change the length of the working day and the establishment of an incomplete rate for him - a sample application.
  • You will also need to draw up an additional agreement to the employment contract with the employee.

It should indicate that the length of the working day is reduced and indicate the hours of work during which the employee will perform his job duties.


The document also prescribes wages (a figure and a wording that labor is paid according to hours worked).

The additional agreement is drawn up in duplicate and requires the signature of the head of the company and the employee.

After agreement, this document becomes an integral part of the employment contract.

  • The next step is to draw up an order to transfer the employee to part-time.
  • The correct order to transfer an employee to 0.5 rates

    Working time and rest time” of the employment contract dated No. shall be amended as follows: The employee is set a five-day working week with a duration of 10 (ten) hours: the beginning of the working day is 9.00, the end is 11.00.”.


    A sample of an additional agreement in the collection of materials of the System.

    On the basis of an additional agreement, an order of similar content is issued: “In 2013, to establish an economist

    Ivanova I.I. the following working hours: a five-day working week with a duration of 10 (ten) hours: the beginning of the working day - 9.00, the end - 11.00.".

    Sample order: "Alfa" TIN 7708123456, KPP 770801001, OKPO 98756423 full name of the organization, identification codes (TIN, KPP, OKPO) ORDER No.
    Moscow 03/31/2010 In accordance with Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, I ORDER: 1.
    Install the chief accountant A.S.

    How to transfer an employee to 0 5 rates at the initiative of the employer

    Why Workers Want to Go Part-Time Working part-time allows a person to continue earning money, but only be present at the workplace for a fraction of the required hours. This form of employment has both clear advantages and some disadvantages. Part-time work is a wonderful way of self-realization for new mothers. After all, they continue to replenish the family budget, improve their professional skills, “accumulate” work experience, and at the same time they can devote enough energy to doing housework. Sometimes work for 0.5 rates can act as a kind of guarantor of income stability. For example, if a person works part-time, simultaneously at 2 enterprises, then during the period of mass layoffs, he is twice as likely to avoid voluntary-compulsory dismissal.

    Transfer of an employee to 0 5 rates at the initiative of the employee

    This conclusion follows from the provisions of paragraph 21 of the decision of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2004 No.

    Documentation The part-time work regime can be provided for in the employment contract or established by order of the head.

    In the latter case, if for an employee this regime differs from the general one in force in the organization, this fact must be reflected in the employment contract (Article 57

    TC RF). To do this, conclude an additional agreement with the employee to the employment contract on changing the working hours (Art.

    72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In addition, it may be necessary to make changes to the internal documents of the organization (for example, to the annex to the collective agreement), if they contain a list of employees for whom part-time work is in effect.

    The question is how to arrange the transfer of an employee from a full rate to a 0.5 rate for the same position (due to family reasons).

    How to write an application and issue an order. Answer Answer to the question: In this case, there is no transfer, we are talking about the establishment of a part-time employee.

    According to part 2 of Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the regime of working hours and rest time (if for a given employee it differs from the general rules in force for a given employer) is a prerequisite of an employment contract.

    Changing the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties is allowed by agreement of the parties to the employment contract (art.

    Labor Code of the Russian Federation) or at the initiative of the employer if there are reasons related to a change in organizational or technological working conditions in accordance with Art.

    74 with prior notice no later than two months.
    Paragraph 3 of the contract shall be stated as follows: “The employee is set a part-time working day - 2 hours: A working day - 2 hours; start at 9.00, end at 11.00 Working days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Days off: Saturday and Sunday 2. Paragraph 4 of the contract shall be stated as follows: “The employee is set a monthly salary of 21,000 rubles. Salary is calculated according to the amount of time worked. 3.

    The rest of the provisions of the agreement dated 15.05.2007 No. 475 should be left unchanged.

    4. This agreement comes into force on 01.04.2010. Signatures of the parties: Employer: Alfa Address: 125008, Moscow, st. Mikhalkovskaya, d. 20 TIN 7708123456, KPP 770801001 r/s 40702810400000001111 in the AKB "Reliable" K/s 301018104000000222 BIK 044583222 Employee: Glebova Alla Stepanovna series 46 02 No. 545177 issued the Department of Internal Affairs of the Voskresensky district of Moscow region.

    • no more than six months;
    • if there is a change in the working conditions of employees;
    • to prevent mass layoffs of workers.

    If the part-time transfer occurs at the initiative of the employer, employees must be notified of this no later than two months before the expected date. If an employee does not agree to work under the new part-time conditions, management is obliged to offer the employee in writing a new vacancy that matches his qualifications or vacant lower positions. In their absence or if the employee refuses the proposed options, the employment contract is terminated (according to clause 1. part 1, article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    You can add a topic to your favorites list and subscribe to email notifications.

    Olga Russia, Alekseevka #1 December 6, 2016, 11:16 No ratings Hello! We have a full time electrician.

    He, on his own initiative, wrote an application for a transfer to 0.5 rate from a 20-hour work week (he works part-time in another organization and does not have time), but we want to hire another electrician for the remaining 0.5. both of us will have a main place of work. please tell me how to do it right. and is notification necessary in the case when the transfer to half-time is the initiative of the employee? I want to draw a moderator's attention to this message because: A notification is being sent...

    Alex Russian Federation #2 December 6, 2016, 12:15 pm Quote: tell me how to arrange it correctly.

    However, in this case, there is no change in the labor function, only the working hours and salary change, so the use of this form is inappropriate. When changing the working hours, an employee does not need to make any entry in the work book. However, information about a change in the tariff rate by 0.5 should be reflected in the employee's personal card in column III. In his application, the employee may ask the employer to transfer him not only to 0.5 rates, but also to another position. For example, involving easier work. In this case, some points are added to the registration procedure described above.

    Transfer order for 0.5 rates - design and sample

    • Transfer to part-time employment must occur by agreement of the parties. And, therefore, the employer has the right to refuse the employee's application. But for some categories of workers, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to establish such a regime upon request:

    - a pregnant employee; - a single mother or father (including a guardian, trustee) raising a child under 14 years of age or a minor child with a disability; - an employee who cares for a sick family member.

    • By agreement with the employer, the right to transfer to 0.5 rates can also be used by:
    1. employees who are on parental leave and wish to work part-time (while retaining state benefits);
    2. employer-trained employees.
    • The beginning of the transfer procedure is the application of the employee (see.

    Making a transfer for 0 5 rates at the initiative of the employee

    If the mode is prescribed in the employment contract, then, as a rule, the contract itself does not change, but an additional agreement is drawn up to it, which indicates all changes in the mode of work and the establishment of part-time work. A transfer of 0.5 rates from a full rate is not a transfer that is accompanied by a change in the position or place of work of an employee, and therefore it is necessary to draw up a document not using the standard T-5 form. Form T-5 of the transfer order is used only for actual movements of the employee between divisions, departments and positions.

    Transfer to 0.5 rates is just a change in the mode of operation, the establishment of a part-time job. A unified document form does not exist for this purpose, therefore, each organization is given the right to independently prepare a convenient form.

    Registration of the transfer of an employee part-time

    In the document, the employee must indicate: - the reason for the transfer; - transfer period; - preferred mode of operation.

    • The head of the organization approves the application, thereby agreeing to the transfer or not.
    • Next, we conclude an additional agreement with the employee to the employment contract, where we prescribe new working conditions (working hours and wages).

    In the main part of the agreement, for example, the following wording is possible: “The employee is set to work part-time: from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. with a break for rest from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.” "Payment is made in proportion to hours worked."

    • We issue an order for a part-time transfer (sometimes in the T-5 form). But in this case there is no change in the labor function, so the use of this form is inappropriate.

    The correct order to transfer an employee to 0.5 rates

    To do this, it is necessary to familiarize each employee against the signature of the need to switch to part-time work, obtain consent or refusal: Download a blank formDownload in.doc Download a completed sampleDownload in.doc case, the employment contract is terminated on the basis of paragraph 2 of part 1 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Further, the employer issues an order in free form, which indicates the reasons, term and list of employees for whom the part-time working regime is introduced, as well as the procedure for calculating wages. If the employee agrees to the new working conditions, then an additional agreement is concluded to the employment contract, which indicates the validity period of the transfer to part-time work.

    Making a transfer for 0 5 rates


    Transfer to 0.5 rate at the initiative of the employee. § Transfer to part-time employment must be by agreement of the parties. And, therefore, the employer has the right to refuse the employee's application. But for some categories of workers, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to establish such a regime at the request of: - a pregnant employee; - a single mother or father (including a guardian, trustee) raising a child under 14 years of age or a minor child with a disability; - an employee who cares for a sick family member.

    § By agreement with the employer, the right to transfer to 0.5 rates can also be used by: 1. employees who are on parental leave and wish to work part-time (while maintaining state benefits); 2. Employees who are trained by the employer. § The beginning of the transfer procedure is the application of the employee (see
    Note that the change in the number of working hours can be anything, as well as a decrease in the tariff rate. However, the procedure for processing a part-time transfer is the same. An employee can be immediately accepted into the organization part-time if the staffing table provides for a fractional work unit.
    In this case, no additional registration procedures are required. The transfer of an employee to a part-time job, initially accepted on a full-time basis, is a change in the essential terms of the employment contract, therefore, it requires compliance with a strict procedure in registration. For family or other reasons, an employee may need to shorten their working hours.

    In this case, the transfer to part-time employment must be agreed with the employer - that is, it will occur by agreement of the parties. This means that the employer has the right to refuse to fulfill such a request.

    Transfer to 0 5 rates at the main place of work order sample

    Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows the introduction of part-time work for up to six months at the initiative of the employer, if this is caused by organizational or technological changes in the way the enterprise works (for example, reorganization of production) and may lead to mass layoffs. The employer is obliged to notify employees about the transfer to part-time, that is, about changing the working hours, two months in advance. To do this, it is necessary to familiarize each employee against the signature of the need to switch to part-time work, obtain consent or refusal.

    The notice must also indicate the right of the employee to refuse the transfer and warn that in this case the employment contract is terminated on the basis of paragraph 2 of part 1 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
    The employment contract is signed by the head of the organization, as an employer, certifies with the seal of the enterprise, the employee puts his signature, as an employee accepted for the position. 4 An entry in the work book is made by a personnel worker, puts the serial number of the entry, the date of employment in Arabic numerals. In the information about the work, he writes the fact of accepting an employee for a certain position, indicates the name of the enterprise, the name of the position and the structural unit. The personnel officer certifies the entry made with the seal of the organization, enters his last name, initials, position held, puts his signature.
    Introduces the employee to the record against signature.
    However, for some categories of workers, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation makes exceptions. The employer is obliged to establish a part-time working regime at the request of: a pregnant employee; a single mother or father (including a guardian, custodian) raising a child under 14 years of age or a minor child with a disability; an employee who cares for a sick family member. Separately, labor legislation indicates that, by agreement with the employer, the right to transfer 0.5 rates can be used by: employees who are on parental leave and wish to work part-time (while maintaining state benefits); employer-trained employees.

    An order for a transfer of 0.5 rates is a document on changing the working regime for an employee. In the article we will talk about the procedure for processing a transfer (the procedures differ depending on who was the initiator: an employee or an employer) and give sample documents.

    A sample transfer order for 0.5 rates may be required in various situations. As a rule, this type of administrative documentation is drawn up when a change in workload is necessary. A sample order for a transfer of 0.5 rates at the initiative of the employee should be developed in the organization, since the legislator does not prohibit changing the working regime on this basis. But so that the personnel inspection does not find violations in the design of such a change in the working regime, all documentation must be drawn up correctly. This will be discussed further.

    Changing the working regime at the initiative of the employee

    Any person may have circumstances that do not allow them to devote 8 hours a day to work. If simply dismissal is too radical a decision, the Labor Code suggests a softer option: the opportunity to work part-time ( Art. 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The transition to such a regime must occur by agreement of the parties. The employee must take the initiative by writing a statement. A sample application for a transfer of 0.5 rates at the initiative of the employee is given below.

    Although in standard cases it is necessary to obtain the consent of the employer in this matter, there are categories of workers who cannot be refused a request for part-time work. It:

    • pregnant women;
    • parents or guardians of children under 14;
    • caring for a sick relative (a medical report is called to confirm this fact, in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of 02.05.2012 No. 441n).

    How is the transfer made at the request of the employee

    Step 1. After the employee's application has been received by the personnel department and the director has expressed his consent to transfer the employee to a part-time job, an order is drawn up.

    Sample order for transfer to 0.5 rate at the request of the employee

    The personnel department can develop a single document (the legislator has not developed a standard form) and leave blank lines to fill in the basis of the administrative act.

    The order must be made in writing, signed by the head acting as the sole executive body of the company or a person specially authorized to perform these functions.

    Form structure:

    • a header that can be omitted if the order is printed on a form. It includes: the name of the organizational and legal form and the organization itself, address and TIN;
    • name of the administrative act;
    • text indicating the reasons and grounds for its publication. As a rule, the employer refers to the production need or other reasons (or to the employee's statement) that prompted such a decision. The basis is an additional agreement on changing the working regime and the employment contract itself;
    • the text of the order with specific instructions regarding the new mode of work and rest;
    • signature;
    • place of signature of the employee on familiarization with the order.

    The employee's signature on familiarization must be obtained without fail.

    Step 2. An additional agreement to the employment contract is drawn up and signed.

    Sample supplementary agreement to the employment contract on the transfer to 0.5 rates

    Such a transfer can be either permanent or temporary. This condition must be specified in the documents.

    Changing the working regime at the initiative of the employer

    This is also possible, and this is a fairly common measure in the face of the deteriorating financial situation of many companies and the threat of mass layoffs. In this case, a shortened working day ( Art. 74 Labor Code of the Russian Federation) is introduced for up to 6 months.

    List of required documents when transferring at the initiative of the employer

    If the regime is changed by the administration of the enterprise, it is very important to adhere to the rules established in Art. 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, since such decisions cause many conflicts and must be carefully documented.

    Each employee must be notified in writing about changes in the terms of interaction two months before the date of the start of their application, also setting out the reason for such a decision in the notification.

    If the consent of the specialist is not obtained, he should be offered another position in accordance with the qualifications and state of health (it is necessary to offer all suitable available vacancies). In the absence of such a vacancy or in case of refusal, the employee must be dismissed on the appropriate basis. All documents must be in writing and must be filed in the file.

    If agreement to the new conditions is received, an additional agreement is drawn up similarly to that shown above.

    Thus, the list of required documents is as follows:

    • written notice (according to Art. 74 Labor Code of the Russian Federation if the initiative to change the terms of interaction comes from the administration of the enterprise);
    • supplementary agreement;
    • order.

    Part-time transfer (application, notification, order)

    In employment practice, part-time transfers occur for a variety of reasons. Such a transfer may occur at the request or at the request of an employee who cannot work full time. Sometimes the production situation in the company develops in such a way that the management is forced to take such a measure as transferring employees to a shorter day and / or week.

    Part-time transfer rules

    The rules for part-time transfers vary depending on the specific circumstances. In some cases, the transfer requires the consent of the other party (employee or employer). In other cases, the implementation of such a transfer is mandatory for the company. In this article, we will talk about these rules in more detail, as well as give sample documents (order for a half-time transfer, a sample application for a half-time transfer), which are drawn up in this case.

    Part-time transfer by agreement of the parties

    It will be agreed that the employee will not work out the full rate, but only half or another larger or smaller part (0.1 rate, one third of the rate, etc.), the parties to the employment contract can even at its conclusion. In this case, the conditions for part-time and / or weekly work should be indicated in.

    When the employee was hired and worked in the normal mode full time and working week, then the transfer to part-time can occur only with his consent. For this purpose, an additional agreement to the contract is signed between the parties, which stipulates all new working conditions (working hours and hours, payment conditions). Payment is made in proportion to the amount of work done or hours worked.

    Part-time transfer at the request of an employee

    Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes that, under certain circumstances, an employee may require a transfer for part-time work, and the employer is obliged to fulfill this requirement. The labor law refers to these circumstances in the following cases:

      caring for a sick family member;

      the presence of a disabled child or a child under the age of 14;


    In these cases, the employer is obliged to transfer the pregnant employee, one of the parents of the child or the employee caring for a sick family member to part-time work at their request. The half-time transfer application, the sample of which is given below, is just right for one of these cases. The employer has no right to refuse to transfer to an employee in such a situation.

    In other cases, the employee may also apply to management with a request for a transfer to part-time work. To do this, an appropriate application must be written to the management of the company. But unlike the above cases, the company is not obliged to satisfy this request.

    Part-time transfer at the initiative of the employer

    The initiative to transfer can be taken not only by the employee, but also by the employer. Here we need to recall the provisions of Article 74 of the Labor Code, which states that in the event of significant changes in working conditions, when there is a risk of mass layoffs of employees, the company's management can take measures such as reducing the length of the working day or week. At the same time, it is stipulated that these measures can only be temporary (such a regime can be introduced for a period of not more than 6 months), should be applied taking into account the opinion of the trade union.

    In such a situation, the company's management prepares a notification to employees about the transfer to the part-time mode. In this case, the company's management independently decides what mode of operation to establish, transfer employees to part-time or another mode. Further, if the employees agree to a part-time transfer, an order for such a transfer is issued and communicated to them against signature. If you refuse to work in such conditions, the employment relationship may be terminated. In this case, the rules provided for in Article 74 must be observed.

    You can familiarize yourself with the order on transferring to a full-time position.

    Coffee break: color the picture with the power of thought

    Optical illusions: in which direction does the ballerina rotate?

    In which direction is the ballerina spinning? Look at the picture for a while... Concentrate your gaze on the girl's foot on which she is spinning and the girl will soon change direction. At the same time, do an exercise for the eyes.

    how to arrange a transfer of an employee from a full-time rate to a 0.5 rate for the same position (due to family reasons). How to write an application and issue an order.


    Answer to the question:

    In this case, there is no transfer, we are talking about the establishment of a part-time employee.

    According to part 2 of Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the regime of working hours and rest time (if for a given employee it differs from the general rules in force for a given employer) is a prerequisite of an employment contract.

    Changing the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties is allowed by agreement of the parties to the employment contract (Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) or at the initiative of the employer if there are reasons related to changes in organizational or technological working conditions in accordance with Art. 74 with prior notice no later than two months.

    The employee writes an application for the establishment of part-time work for him in any form.

    on the establishment of part-time work

    Based on Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in connection with with established family
    circumstances (prolonged illness of the child) please with 01.04.2010 allow work in
    part-time ( with the establishment of a working week from Monday to
    Thursday ) until the reasons for such a need are eliminated .

    03/31/2010 A.S. Glebova

    Thus, it is possible to change the working hours by concluding an additional agreement to the employment contract, in which the following wording can be used: “ Clause 5.1. of the section "Working time and rest time" of the employment contract dated ___________ No. ____ shall be amended as follows: The employee is set a five-day working week lasting 10
    (ten) hours: the beginning of the working day - 9.00, the end - 11.00. A sample of an additional agreement in the collection of materials of the System.

    On the basis of an additional agreement, an order of similar content is issued: “Establish from __________2013 the economist Ivanova I.I. the following working hours: a five-day working week with a duration of 10 (ten) hours: the beginning of the working day - 9.00, the end - 11.00.

    Sample order:

    ORDER No. 256
    on the establishment of a part-time work week

    Moscow 31.03.2010

    In accordance with Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

    I ORDER:

    1. Install chief accountant A.S. Glebovoy part-time work schedule
    - the beginning of the working week - Monday ;
    - the end of the working week - Thursday .

    Working mode:
    - Beginning of work - 9.00 ;
    - end of work - 18.00 ;
    - a break for food and rest - 13.00-14.00 .

    2. Accounting payroll A.S. Glebovoy produce proportionately
    hours worked .

    Reason: statement A.S. Glebovoy dated 03/31/2010 .


    Details in the materials of the System Personnel:

    Forms of documents:


    To an employment contract from 15.05.2007 475

    Moscow 31.03.2010

    "Alpha", we call and I hereinafter "Employer", represented by director A.V. Lviv,

    Acting on the basis Charter, on the one hand, and chief accountant A.S. Glebova,

    We name and I hereinafter "Employee", on the other hand, entered into an agreement to change

    The terms of the employment contract dated 15.05.2007 475 .

    1. Item 3 of the agreement shall be stated in the following wording: “The employee is set

    part time - 2 hours:
    Working day - 2 hours;start at 9:00 am, end at 11:00 am

    Working day:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

    Weekend:Saturday and Sunday

    2. Item 4 of the agreement shall be amended as follows: “The employee has been

    monthly salary 21,000 rubles. Salary is calculated based on quantities

    hours worked».

    3. Other norms of the contract from 15.05.2007 475 leave it unchanged.

    4. This agreement is effective from 01.04.2010 .

    Signatures of the parties:

    Received a copy of the agreement A.S. Glebova

    2.Answer: How to set part time mode

    Working hours

    What are the differences between normal working hours, part-time and reduced

    The normal working week should not exceed 40 hours (). During the week, working time must be distributed so that its total duration does not exceed this limit. The most common option is an eight-hour working day with a five-day working week (weekends - Saturday, Sunday).

    The current working hours in the organization should be fixed in and () contracts ().

    In addition to the normal working hours, labor legislation provides for a regime. Part-time work means part-time employment of an employee either during the week or during the working day (shift). For example, not five working days, but four or not eight hours a day (per shift), but six.

    Part-time work should be distinguished from. The latter is established for certain categories of employees and is counted as a full labor rate (). If we are talking about a part-time working week, all non-working days in this case are reflected as days off ().

    Which employees need to set the part-time mode

    The organization can transfer any employee to work with a part-time schedule at his request (application) or by agreement of the parties to the employment contract.

    At the same time, in some cases, the administration is obliged to establish such a regime for an employee. This must be done as requested:

    • pregnant woman;
    • one of the parents (guardian, trustee) who has a child under the age of 14 (a disabled child under the age of 18);
    • an employee who cares for a sick family member in accordance with a medical report.

    This procedure is provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    In addition, an organization can enter part-time and.

    Employer initiative

    Can an employer establish a part-time work regime on its own initiative

    The establishment of a part-time regime at the initiative of the employer is allowed (- if it is available in the organization) during the period of organizational and technical measures that entail significant changes in working conditions. If such changes may lead to mass layoffs, the administration has the right to establish a part-time regime for up to six months. Such a restriction is provided for in Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    At the same time, employees must be notified in writing of upcoming changes two months before they are carried out (with mandatory familiarization under the signature) (). The consent or disagreement of an employee to work part-time can, for example, be registered in the .

    If an employee in these circumstances refuses to work part-time, he can only be fired in the manner prescribed by part 1 of article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation () (). In this case, he needs to pay severance pay and the average monthly earnings for the period of employment ().

    Attention: if the employees prove that the part-time work regime was introduced in the absence of significant changes in the organizational and technological working conditions in the organization, such actions of the administration may be declared illegal through the court. In this case, the organization may be required to restore the previous working conditions for the employee. This conclusion follows from the provisions of the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2004 No. 2.


    The part-time work regime may be provided for in the employment contract or established by order of the head. In the latter case, if for an employee this regime differs from the general one in force in the organization, this fact must be reflected in the employment contract (). To do this, conclude an additional agreement with the employee to the employment contract on changing the working hours (). In addition, it may be necessary to make changes to the internal documents of the organization (for example, to the annex to the collective agreement), if they contain a list of employees for whom part-time work is in effect.


    How to pay an employee who works part-time

    An employee who has a part-time job works less than the rest. His work is paid in proportion to the established time (or depending on the output). At the same time, the duration of the annual paid leave is not reduced, the procedure for calculating the length of service does not change, and other rights of the employee are not limited.

    An example of calculating the salary of an employee who has a part-time job

    Alpha has a five-day work week.

    Chief accountant of the organization A.S. Glebova wrote with a request to establish a part-time working week for her - from Monday to Thursday.

    To amend the employment contract, it was drawn up. On the basis of the signed agreement, the head of the organization issued an order for the establishment of part-time work from April 2010.

    Glebova's monthly salary with a full working week is 21,000 rubles.

    To calculate the salary of Glebovoy, the organization's accountant responsible for calculating salaries, determined that in April 2010 - 22 working days. In addition to the generally established days off, this month the employee did not work for 5 days (April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30).

    Thus, in fact, in April 2010, Glebova worked:
    22 days - 5 days = 17 days

    The salary due to her for April is:
    21 000 rub. : 22 days × 17 days = 16,227 rubles.

    Nina Kovyazina, Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Human Resources of the Ministry of Health of Russia

    With respect and wishes for comfortable work, Ekaterina Zaitseva,

    Expert Systems Personnel

    The most important changes this spring! Five bad habits of personnel officers. Find out what's wrong with you
    The editors of the Kadrovoe Delo magazine found out which habits of personnel officers take a lot of time, but are almost useless. And some of them may even cause bewilderment in the GIT inspector.

  • Inspectors of the GIT and Roskomnadzor told us what documents should never be required from newcomers when applying for a job. You probably have some papers from this list. We have compiled a complete list and selected a safe replacement for each prohibited document.

  • If you pay vacation pay a day later than the deadline, the company will be fined 50,000 rubles. Reduce the notice period for the reduction by at least a day - the court will reinstate the employee at work. We have studied court practice and prepared safe recommendations for you.
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