Admission to school. Children's music school What is a music school

Musical education.

The music school, being a school of primary additional education, not only teaches how to play musical instruments, but also forms the foundations of the artistic culture of children, their spiritual development, develops an interest in music and an understanding of the high role of art, classical and modern music, expands and develops the general outlook.

Music schools in Moscow districts

Districts of Moscow
Central Administrative District (TsAO) Southern Administrative District (SAO)
Northern Administrative District (SAO) Southwestern Administrative District (SWAO)
North-Eastern Administrative Okrug (SVAO) Western Administrative District (ZAO)
Eastern Administrative District (VAO) Northwestern Administrative Okrug (SZAO)
South-Eastern administrative district (SEAD) Zelenograd administrative district (Zelenograd)
Moscow region

About Music

The incredible lyricism of the song with a touch of slight sadness, charming and pleasant motive - fell in love with many listeners around the world. Having won the tops of world musical culture in just 2 years, this song to this day, for almost 57 years, has remained one of the most popular in the whole world, invariably evoking positive and violent emotions among the audience.

Most Popular German Song

In our short review, we will talk about the most famous German song, one might say its unofficial national anthem - the songs of Rosamund (Rosamunde). In Germany, it is known from young to old and is sung with pleasure at numerous holidays. Moreover, this famous song is nothing more than a cheerful dance - polka. It will soon be almost 90 years since it was written, but it is still popular not only in Germany, but all over the world.

Music in raising a child

The difficult fate of the song "Lily Marlene" and two world wars

It was believed that the song "Lili Marlene" was written during the Second World War and was almost the second anthem of Nazi Germany, personifying all the horrors of the Nazi regime. Actually it is not. The difficult fate of this song, which is inextricably linked with world history, will be discussed in this article.

Music in our heart

What is music in our life? It can be said unequivocally - this is an extraordinary world of sensations and impressions. Those who were able to discover this world for themselves will live their lives much brighter and richer. Opening the world of music for a child is a very important task for parents. It is necessary to approach its decision with caution and deliberately, so as not to cause a backlash. Some tips are given in this article.

What is a music school?

Musical education can be obtained independently, starting with learning to play an instrument, or enroll in a music school, where the child will be taught the basics of musical education. This path is the most correct, because. gives you the opportunity to get acquainted with music in a comprehensive way and evaluate your capabilities and preferences in this direction. Specialized educational institutions designed for children and studying musical literacy and playing basic musical instruments are called Children's Music Schools (DMSH)

What is solfeggio?

Solfeggio is one of the most underrated subjects in music school. At the same time, we can say that this is a whole complex of exercises, the purpose of which is to develop the skills of applying the theoretical part of music in practice, and such a subject must be studied comprehensively and especially carefully.

Children 4-6 years old

Children 5-6 years old - a group of general musical development(reception without listening).

Classes of the general musical development group are held on Saturdays at 10:00 am, the duration of the lesson is 1 hour 20 minutes.

In the program of the initial group: the development of rhythm, the development of hearing, the initial solfeggio. .To do your homework you need any keyboard instrument (minimum 4 octaves).

Children 6-7 - first grade(reception based on the results of listening).

Specialty - piano. Classes are held according to the established schedule, as a rule, 3 times a week.

The curriculum includes piano lessons, music theory, harmony and computer arranging.

Structure of the Children's Music School:

  • Preparatory group "Group of general musical development" - children 4-6 years old;
  • I - VII classes - children from 7 years old.

Benefits of our Children's Music School:

  • A unique method of teaching improvisation and composition;
  • Individual approach in the preparation of the program for each student;
  • Instead of exams - concerts!
  • After graduating from the Children's Music School, there is an opportunity to study at the Moscow College of Improvised Music as an external student.
  • Our school of music for children is over 45 years old.
  • All our teachers have a higher classical musical education.

How are we different from other music schools?

All compulsory subjects are included in the program of our School, however Children's music school at the Moscow College of Improvised Music is fundamentally different from others with a unique solfeggio course aimed at mastering the art of musical improvisation and composition. In our Children's Music School, your child will be taught to play the piano both with notes and without them. To do this, you will need to go through a difficult but interesting path, including various practical and theoretical lessons: improvisation, composition and much more. But, an excellent reward for the work will be the ability to play any music on the instrument.

Admission conditions

Enrollment in the Children's Music School is carried out after listening, which determines the level of the child's general development, as well as the presence of an ear for music and a sense of rhythm. Based on the results of the audition, the child is enrolled in the first grade (cost 7,500 rubles per month) or in a general musical development group.

Terms of the contract:

  • for a group of general musical development: parent's passport + 3,000 rubles;
  • for the first and senior classes: the parent's passport + 15,000 rubles (September + May). Further payment is 7,500 rubles per month.

Payment is made monthly The academic year lasts 9 months. Classes start on September 3, 2019. Organizational meetings will be held during the first week of September (information will appear on the website at the end of August).


No. 1, children's art school. N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, double bass, viola, folk instruments, wind and percussion instruments. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: April-May; beginning of September (additional set). Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5-6 years old, for a fee). Address: Novogireevskaya st., 58/9. Directions: m. "Perovo", "Novogireevo". Phones: 301-94-65, 302-53-58.

No. 26, children's music school
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, folk instruments, wind and percussion instruments. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Deadline for admission: April. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5 years old, for a fee). Address: Rusakovskaya st., 23. Directions: metro station "Sokolniki". Phone: 264-06-38.

No. 27, children's music school. S. V. Rachmaninov
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, viola, double bass, harp, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, trumpet, folk instruments, percussion instruments. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7-8 years old (7-year education); from 9-11 years old (5-year education). Terms of admission: April-May; end of August-beginning of September. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5-6 years old). Address 5th Parkovaya street, 21. Directions: metro station "Pervomayskaya".
Phones: 367-21-27, 367-21-81.

No. 57, children's music school. M. L. Rostropovich
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, harp, folk instruments, wind and percussion instruments. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 6-7 years. Terms of admission: end of April-May. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 3 years old, for a fee). Address: Chusovskaya st., 7. Directions: metro station "Shchelkovskaya". Phones: 468-50-00, 468-12-10.

No. 68, children's music school. R. K. Shchedrina
Specialties: choral singing, piano, violin, folk instruments. Term of study: 7-8 years. Reception: from 7 years. Admission dates: May; end of August - beginning of September (additional set). Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5 years old, for a fee). Address: Lilac Boulevard, 2, bldg. 1. Directions: m. "Izmailovskaya".
Phone: 164-04-83.

No. 73, children's music school
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, accordion, button accordion, domra, guitar, wind and percussion instruments, vocals. Term of study: 7-8 years. Reception of children: from 6-7 years. Terms of admission: April-May; end of August-beginning of September (additional set). Admission condition: exam. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 4 years old, for a fee). Address: Izmailovskoye sh., 57. Directions: metro station "Semenovskaya". Phones: 166-61-54, 166-61-65.

No. 79, children's music school
Specialties: piano, violin, accordion, button accordion, guitar, domra, wind instruments, vocals, choral singing. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: end of April - May; end of August - beginning of September (additional set). Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5 years old, for a fee). Address: Kosinskaya st., 10. Directions: metro station "Vykhino". Phone: 375-00-30.

No. 81, children's music school. D. D. Shostakovich
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, harp, accordion, button accordion, domra, balalaika, rycli, flute, clarinet, oboe. pipe. Duration of study: 5 and 8 years. Reception of children: from 6-7 years. Terms of admission: April - May; end of August - beginning of September (additional set). Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 3 years old, for a fee). Address: Zhemchugova alley, 1b. Directions: metro station "Ryaeansky prospect", "Novogireevo".
Phones: 375-20-01, 375-09-07, 375-10-11.

No. 82, children's music school
Specialties: piano, violin, accordion, button accordion, domra, flute, trumpet, synthesizer, vocals. Study period: 5 and 7 (8) years. Reception of children: from 6-7 years. Admission dates: May; end of August - beginning of September (additional set). Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. Address: Schelkovskoe sh., 29a. Directions: m. "Shchelkovskaya". Phones: 462-28-70, 462-59-48.

No. 85, children's music school
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, button accordion, accordion, guitar, flute, vocals. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Admission dates: May. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. Address: Orenburgskaya st., Za. Directions: m. "Vykhino". Phone: 700-03-02.

No. 87, children's music school
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, bayan, accordion, domra, balalaika, folk singing. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: April - May. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 4.5 years old, for a fee). Address: Pervomaiskaya st., 128/9, Directions: metro station "Pervomaiskaya".
Phone: 465-47-64.

No. 88, children's music school
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, bayan, accordion, guitar, flute. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: April - May; end of August - beginning of September (additional set). Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 4 years old, for a fee). Address Fighting street, 14, bldg. 7a. Directions: metro station "Podbelskogo Street. Phone: 160-07-13.

No. 99, children's music school
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, bayan, accordion, flute, clarinet, percussion instruments. Study period: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years old (7-year education); from 8-9 years old (5-year education). Admission dates: May. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. Address: 1st Vladimirskaya st., 29, bldg. 1. Directions: m. "Perovo". Phone: 672-84-61.

No. 103, children's music school
Specialties: accordion, button accordion, guitar, violin, piano, flute, electric musical instruments, pop vocal, classical vocal. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 6-7 years old (7-year education); from 9-10 years old (5-year education). Terms of admission: April - May. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 4 years old). Address Novosibirskaya st., 3. Directions; m. "Shchelkovskaya". Phones: 468-17-31, 468-16-31.

No. 108, children's music school
Specialties: piano, violin, bayan, accordion, flute, guitar, choral singing. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: April - May. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 4-5 years old, for a fee). Address: 11th Parkovaya st., 34a. Directions: m. "Pervomaiskaya". Phone: 965-15-10.

"Friendship", children's choir studio at secondary school No. 405
Specialty: choral singing. Study period: 7 years. Reception of children: from 6-7 years. Terms of admission: April - May. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. Address st. Stalevarov. 16th century Directions: m. "Novogireevo". Phone: 302-25-46.

School of Classical and Contemporary Music
Specialties: piano, guitar, computer music. Study period: 7 years. Reception of children: from 6-7 years. Terms of admission: within a year. Acceptance condition: listening. Training is paid. There is a preparatory department (from 3 years old, for a fee). Address: Veshnyakovskaya st., 2. Directions: metro station "Novogireevo. Phone: 918-72-26.

Western District

No. 12, children's music school
Specialties: piano, cello, violin, viola, double bass, wind and folk instruments, choral singing. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 6-7 years. Admission dates: May; September. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5-6 years old, for a fee). Address: Bolshaya Filevskaya st., 6. Directions: metro station "Fili". Phones: 148-29-69, 148-27-57.

No. 13, children's music school. A. N. Aleksandrova
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, harp, flute, clarinet, bayan, accordion, domra, guitar. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 6-7 years. Terms of admission: end of April - May. Admission requirements: Exams. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5 years old, for a fee). Address: Kutuzovsky pr-t, 26. Directions: metro station "Kutuzovskaya". Phone: 249-10-17.

No. 14, children's music school.
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, bayan, accordion, domra, balalaika, wind instruments. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: April - May; end of August. Admission requirements: Exams. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5 years old, for a fee). Address: st. Kozlova, 48. Directions: m. "Kuntsevskaya". Phone: 443-61-76.

No. 37, children's music school
Specialties: piano, violin, harp, bayan, accordion, domra, balalaika, guitar, trumpet, flute, clarinet, saxophone, folklore. Term of study: 5 and 8 years. Reception of children: from 6-7 years old (8-year education); from 9-11 years old (5-year education). Admission dates: May; beginning of September. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 4 years old, for a fee). Address: st. Przhevalsky, 15. Directions: m. "Yugo-Zapadnaya". Phone: 430-63-25.

No. 45, children's music school
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, viola, double bass, trumpet, horn, clarinet, trombone, saxophone, harp, button accordion, accordion, domra, balalaika, vocals, percussion instruments. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Admission dates: May; August. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 4 years old, for a fee). Address: st. Lobachevsky, 66b. Directions: metro station "Prospect Vernadsky". Phones: 431-04-87, 432-98-33.

No. 54, children's music school
Specialties: piano, violin, organ, cello, folk instruments, wind and percussion instruments, choral singing, vocals. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: April - May; end of August - beginning of September (additional set). Acceptance condition; listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5-6 years old, for a fee). Address: st. Lobachevsky, 38. Directions: metro station "Prospect Vernadsky". Phone: 432-97-35.

No. 76, children's music school
Specialties: piano, button accordion, accordion. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 6-7 years old (7-year education); from 8-9 years old (5-year education). Admission dates: May; end of August - beginning of September (additional set). Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. Address: Sovetskaya st., 18a. Directions: m. "Molodezhnaya". Phones: 414-15-04, 414-27-97.

No. 83, children's music school. M. I. Tabakova
Specialty: wind and percussion instruments. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Admission dates: May; September. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5 years old, for a fee). Address: st. 26 Baku Commissars, 12, bldg. 2. Directions: m. "Yugo-Zapadnaya". Phone: 433-61-00

No. 84, children's music school. F. I. Chaliapin
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, folk instruments, wind and percussion instruments, vocals. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: April - May; September (additional set). Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 6 years old, for a fee). Address: 9 Solntsevsky Prospekt. Directions: metro station "Yugo-Zapadnaya". Phones: 435-01-33, 435-23-62.

No. 86, children's music school
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, button accordion, accordion, guitar, domra, balalaika, wind and percussion instruments, vocals. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: April - May; end of August - beginning of September (additional set). Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 4 years old, for a fee). Address: Michurinsky pr-t, 20, bldg. 1. Directions: m. "Yugo-Zapadnaya", "Kyiv". Phone: 735-64-71

No. 96, children's music school
Specialties: piano, violin, accordion, button accordion, guitar. flute. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Admission dates: May. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 4.5 years old, for a fee). Address: Malaya Filevskaya st., 8, bldg. 1. Directions: metro station Filevsky Park, Pionerskaya. Phones: 144-79-37, 144-06-75.

No. 97, children's music school
Specialties: piano, violin, button accordion, accordion, guitar, electric musical instruments. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: April - May; end of August - beginning of September (additional set). Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5-6 years old, for a fee). Address: st. Alexey Sviridov, 13, bldg. 1. Directions: m. "Kuntsevskaya". Phone: 443-75-11.

No. 104, children's music school
Specialties: piano, violin. cello, guitar, bayan, accordion, domra, wind instruments, choral singing. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 6-7 years. Terms of admission: April - May. Reception conditions: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5-6 years old, for a fee). Address: Lukinskaya st., 7, bldg. 1. Directions: metro station "Prospect Vernadsky". Phone: 732-42-10.

Northern District

No. 2, children's music school. I. O. Dunayevsky
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, viola, double bass, wind and folk instruments, harpsichord, organ, vocals, choral singing. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: end of April - May. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5 years old, for a fee). Address Chapaevsky per., 5a. Directions: m. "Falcon". Phones: 157-68-42, 157-15-83.

No. 6, children's art school
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, viola, button accordion, accordion, guitar. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 6-7 years. Terms of admission: April - May; August (additional set). Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5 years old, for a fee). Address: st. General Rychagov, 20a. Directions: m "Voikovskaya", "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya". Phones: 154-70-23, 153-55-21.

No. 18, children's music school
Specialties: piano, domra, accordion, button accordion, guitar, trumpet, flute, saxophone, percussion instruments, vocals, choral singing. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: April - May; September. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5 years old, for a fee). Address: Smolnaya st., 37a. Directions: m. "River station". Phone: 458-05-63.

No. 21, children's music school. Bach
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, folk instruments, choral singing. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: April - May. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5-6 years old, for a fee). Address: Beskudnikovsky Boulevard, 53a. Directions: metro station "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya". Phones: 489-52-36, 489-73-34.

No. 42, children's music school
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, accordion, button accordion, guitar, wind instruments. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Admission dates: May; September (additional set). Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 6 years old, for a fee). Address: Petrovsko-Razumovsky pr-d, 166. Directions: metro station "Dynamo", "Savelovskaya". Phone: 685-37-51.

No. 43, children's music school
Specialties: piano, violin, viola, cello, flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, accordion, button accordion, percussion instruments. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: end of April - May; mid-August - early September (additional set). Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5 years old, for a fee). Address: Ivanovskaya st., 14. Directions: metro station "Timiryazevskaya". Phones: 977-16-29, 977-16-01.

No. 46, children's music school. A. I. Khachaturian
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, accordion, bayan, domra, balalaika, guitar, wind and percussion instruments. Study period: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: April - May; September. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 4.5 years old, for a fee). Address Festivalnaya street, 616. Directions: metro station "River Station". Phone: 455-77-76.

No. 62, children's music school
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, bayan, accordion, psaltery, domra, guitar, vocals, choral singing. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 6-7 years old (7-year education); from 9-11 years old (5-year education). Terms of admission: April - May; end of August - beginning of September "(additional set), Admission condition: exam. Education is free. Address Volokolamsk sh., 12. Directions: m. Sokol. Phones: 158-14-16, 158-28-79.

No. 98, children's music school
Specialties: piano, violin, bayan, accordion, domra, guitar, wind instruments, choral singing, folklore. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years old (7-year education); from 8-9 years old (5-year education). Terms of admission: April - May; end of August - beginning of September (additional set). Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5-6 years old, for a fee). Address: Kronstadtsky boulevard, 49a. Directions: m. "Water Stadium". Phone: 454-04-36.

No. 105, children's music school
Specialties: piano, bayan, accordion, cello, domra, guitar, violin, wind instruments, vocals. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7-8 years. Terms of admission: April - May; September. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5 years old, for a fee). Address: st. Marshal Fedorenko, 2a. Directions: m. "River station". Phone: 486-37-80.

№686, State school-complex "Class-Center" of musical and dramatic art
Specialties: piano, violin, guitar, saxophone, trombone, flute, trumpet, vocals. Study period: 11 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: April - May. Acceptance condition: listening. Training is paid. Address: st. Priorova, 11a. Directions: m. "Voikovskaya". Phones: 156-39-55, 156-38-76.

"Joy", children's choir studio
Specialties: choral singing, piano, violin, flute, folk instruments, vocals. Duration of study: 8 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: April - May; end of August - beginning of September (additional set). Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 4 years old, for a fee). Address: Novopeschanaya st., 26. Directions: metro Sokol, "Polezhaevskaya". Phones: 195-99-93, 198-04-21.

Northeastern District

No. 2, State Children's School of Arts. S. I. Mamontova
Specialties: folk instruments, choral singing, piano, string, wind and percussion instruments. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Admission dates: from April 1 to May. Acceptance condition: listening. There is a preparatory department (from 3.5 years old, for a fee). Address: Yaroslavskoe sh., 65. Directions: m, "VDNKh". Phones: 182-57-65, 183-17-04.

No. 19, children's music school. N. P. Rakova
Specialties; piano, violin, bayan, accordion, cello, guitar, balalaika, harp, domra, viola, wind instruments, vocals. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 6-7 years. Terms of admission: April - May. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 4 years old, for a fee). Address: Novosushevsky per., 4. Directions: Novoslobodskaya metro station, Rizhskaya metro station Phones: 689-15-55, 689-11-74.

No. 23, children's music school. A. N. Scriabina
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, folk instruments, wind and percussion instruments, choral singing. Training period; 5 and 7 years old. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: end of April - May; beginning of September. Admission requirements: Exams. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5 years old, for a fee). Address: Snezhnaya st., 24. Directions: metro station "Sviblovo". Phones: 180-00-66, 180-05-92.

No. 28, children's music school. A. T. Grechaninova
Specialties: piano, string instruments, folk instruments, folklore. stage. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years old (7-year education); from 9-11 years old (5-year education). Terms of admission: end of April - May. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 4 years old, for a fee). Address: Northern Blvd., 7v. Directions: m. "Otradnoe". Phones: 404-38-22, 404-12-36.

No. 41, children's music school. V. S. Kalinnikova
Specialties: piano, cello, violin, folk instruments, wind and percussion instruments, choral singing, vocals. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 6-7 years old (7-year education), from 9-11 years old (5-year education). Terms of admission: April - May. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5 years old, for a fee). Address: Abramtsevskaya st., 1. Directions: metro station "Altufievo". Phones: 400-17-88, 400-17-92.

No. 50, children's music school. A. S. Dargomyzhsky
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, harp, domra, balalaika, button accordion, accordion, guitar, wind and percussion instruments, choral singing, folklore. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: April - May; end of August - beginning of September (additional set). Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 3 years old for a fee). Address: st. Tsander, 7, bldg. 2." Directions: metro station "VDNH". Phones: 686-15-26, 686-63-49.

No. 52, children's music school
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, harp, button accordion, accordion, balalaika, domra, guitar, wind and percussion instruments. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: April - May. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 4 years old, for a fee). Address: Startovaya st., 10. Directions: metro station "Medvedkovo", "Babushkinskaya". Phones: 475-68-00, 475-71-42.

No. 66, children's choral music school
Specialties: choral singing, piano, button accordion, accordion, guitar. Study period: 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Admission dates: May; end of August - beginning of September (additional set). Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5 years old). Address: st. Goncharova, 15a. Directions: m. "Dmitrovskaya", "Timiryazevskaya". Phone: 619-20-35.

No. 72, children's musical choir school "Spring"
Specialty: choral singing. Study period: 7 years. Reception of children: from 6-7 years. Terms of admission: end of April - May; end of August - beginning of September (additional set). Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5 years old). Address: pr-d Dezhneva, 3. Directions: m. "Babushkinskaya. Phones: 186-11-88, 186-73-31.

No. 92, children's music school
Specialties: piano, button accordion, guitar, balalaika, domra, flute. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 6-7 years. Terms of admission: April - May. Education is free. Address: st. Amundsen, 13a. Directions: m. "Sviblovo". Phone: 180-61-74.

No. 93, children's music school
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, bayan, accordion, domra, balalaika, oboe flute. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: April - May; end of August - beginning of September (additional set). Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 4 years old, for a fee). Address: Prospekt Mira, 118. Directions: metro station "Alekseevskaya". Phone: 687-31-43.

"Allegro", musical and aesthetic center.
Specialties: folklore, choral singing, piano, bayan, accordion, guitar, vocals. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 6 years. Terms of admission: from April 20 to May 20. Acceptance condition: listening. Training is paid. There is a preparatory department (from 4 years old, for a fee). Address: st. Decembrists, 2, building 2. Directions: m. "Otradnoe". Phone: 907-16-47.

"Helikon", school of music and plastics
Specialties: piano, recorder, guitar, vocals. Study period: individual. Reception of children: from 4 years old (vocal); from 6 years old (musical instruments). Terms of admission: from May to September. Acceptance condition: listening. Training is paid. Address: Raduzhnaya st., 5a. Directions: m. "Sviblovo". Phones: 184-81-20, 477-97-10.

Northwestern District

No. 13, children's art school
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, folk instruments, wind instruments, folklore. Study period: 5 and 7 (8) years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: April - May. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 6 years old, for a fee). Address: Mitinskaya st., 48, bldg. 2. Directions: m. Tushinskaya. Phone: 752-43-01.

No. 16, children's music school. Ya. V. Fliera
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, wind, percussion and folk instruments. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: April - May; end of August. Admission requirements: Exams. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5 years old, for a fee). Address st. Novikova, 16. Directions: m. "Shchukinskaya". Phone: 193-44-48.

No. 17, children's music school
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, bayan, accordion, domra, organ, flute, balalaika. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Admission dates: May. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5 years old, for a fee). Address: st. Dolgova, 12. Directions: m. "Tushinskaya", "Skhodnenskaya". Phones: 491-14-03, 491-84-60.

No. 49, children's music school. V. V. Andreeva
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, bayan, accordion, balalaika, domra, accordion, guitar, wind instruments. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: April - May; end of August - beginning of September (additional set). Admission condition: exam. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 6 years old, for a fee). Embankment address Novikova-Priboy, 2, bldg. 1. Directions: m. "Polezhaevskaya". Phones: 199-79-52, 199-24-33.

No. 61, children's music school
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, domra, balalaika, button accordion, accordion, wind instruments, choral singing. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 6-7 years old (7-year education); from 9-10 years old (5-year education). Admission dates: May. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 4-5 years old, for a fee). Address: st. Mnevniki, 7, bldg. 1. Directions: m. Polezhaevskaya. Phones: 946-26-30, 191-36-68.

No. 78, children's musical choir school
Specialties: choral singing, piano, conducting. Study period: 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: May - June; end of August - beginning of September (additional set). Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5 years old, for a fee). Address: st. Marshal Katukov, 19, bldg. 3. Directions: m. "Shchukinskaya". Phone: 499-07-17.

No. 95, children's music school
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, folk instruments, wind and percussion instruments. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: April - May; end of August - beginning of September (additional set). Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 6 years old, for a fee). Address: st. Marshal Katukov, 2. Directions: m. "Shchukinskaya". Phones: 756-50-09, 757-99-67.

Central District

No. 1, Moscow City Children's Music School. S. S. Prokofieva
Specialties: piano, accordion. button accordion, guitar, harp, organ, violin, cello, choral singing, vocals, opera singing, wind and percussion instruments. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: end of April-May; Aug. Sept. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5-6 years old, for a fee). Address Tokmakov per., 8. Directions: metro station "Baumanskaya", "Kitay-gorod". Phone: 261-03-83.

No. 5, children's music school. K. N. Igumnova
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, viola, harp, double bass, psaltery, domra, button accordion, accordion, balalaika, wind and percussion instruments. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: April - May; end of August - beginning of September (additional set). Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 6 years old, for a fee). Address: st. Pokrovka, 39. Directions: m. "Kitai-gorod". Phone: 917-56-77.

No. 6, children's music school
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, accordion, button accordion, clarinet, flute, oboe, trumpet. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: April - May; end of August - beginning of September (additional set). Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 6 years old, for a fee). Address: Malyi Strochenovsky per., 14. Directions: metro station "Serpukhovskaya", "Paveletskaya". Phone: 236-18-15.

No. 7, children's music school. R. M. Gliera
Specialties: piano, violin, cello, harp, folk instruments, wind and percussion instruments. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: April - May; end of August - beginning of September (additional set). Admission requirements: Exams. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5.5 years old, for a fee). Address st. Bolshaya Yakimanka, 29. Directions: m. "Polyanka", "Oktyabrskaya". Phones: 238-12-00, 238-75-00.

No. 10, children's music school km. Beethoven
Specialties: piano, guitar, accordion, button accordion, violin, cello, double bass, domra, balalaika, vocals, wind and percussion instruments. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: end of April-May; September. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5 years old, for a fee). Address: Bolshoy Mogiltsevsky per., 4/6. Directions: m. "Smolenskaya", "Kropotkinskaya". Phone: 241-41-23.

No. 11, children's music school km. V. I. Muradeli
Specialties: piano, violin, viola, cello, harp, bayan, accordion, guitar, wind instruments. Term of study: 5 and 7 years. Reception of children: from 7 years. Terms of admission: end of April-May; September. Acceptance condition: listening. Education is free. There is a preparatory department (from 5 years old, for a fee). Address st. Prechistenka, 32/1. Directions: m. "Kropotkinskaya", "Park Kultury". Phones: 637-37-83, 637-45-24.

Updated: 19.07.2019 11:16:53

Judge: Irina Vysotskaya

*Overview of the best in the opinion of the editors of the site. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

A good musical education is guaranteed by a well-chosen art school. It is at the beginning of the creative path that the basic knowledge is laid, which in the future can lead to fame and success. There are many institutions of this type in our country, since music education never loses its relevance. Today it is available not only to residents of large metropolitan areas. Children's schools operate in regional centers and small settlements, providing the younger generation with knowledge and skills and giving them the opportunity to continue their education in this area.

The first schools began to appear in Russia in the 20s of the 19th century. These were private paid organizations, available exclusively to wealthy wards. In the 50s of the same century, public institutions were created in which not only children, but also adults could study. The public school opened its doors in 1918. Despite the difficult situation in the country, it began to function so that the children of workers and peasants could join the beautiful. In Soviet times, the system of primary music education was the same in all schools in the country.

Today, anyone can learn to play one or more instruments, practice solo vocals or sing in a choir. Theoretical subjects, the basics of computer arranging are taught in schools. There are also many additional disciplines.

Moscow is not only the capital of Russia. It is a center for education and talent development. The oldest and largest schools work here, which release from their walls a large number of gifted people with a unique voice and hearing. Our experts have selected 12 music schools in the capital for the rating, which are recognized as the best among other similar institutions.

Rating of the best music schools in Moscow

Nomination place School of Music rating
Rating of the best music schools in Moscow 1 5.0
2 4.9
3 4.8
4 4.7
5 4.6
6 4.5
7 4.4
8 4.3
9 4.2
10 4.1
11 4.0
12 4.0

The best musical institution in Moscow was recognized as the oldest institution, the opening year of which is considered to be 1895. In 1919, the school, along with all the equipment, was transferred to the Soviet government and from the category of private passed into the state. It trained both children and adults. During the Second World War, some of the guys were taken out to Ryazan, and some did not stop studying in Moscow. Since 1976, the institution has been located in a spacious building, fully equipped for study and rehearsals.

The school is proud of its graduates. These are famous Soviet and Russian pianists, violinists, cellists, trumpeters, composers, conductors, vocalists. Today, more than 600 children from 4 to 16 years old have the opportunity to study in the piano, string, and choir departments. There is also a direction of wind and percussion instruments, a department of musical theater. Training is conducted by 100 teachers with higher education.

Collectives to them. The Gnessins are known not only in the capital, but also abroad. These are chamber and brass bands, the Solar Gnome creative theater, the Consonance choir and the Moscow Bells concert choir. Address of the establishment: Bolshaya Filevskaya street, 29. Contact phone number: 8499142 19 30.

The second place in the rating is occupied by a prestigious institution, which is also known outside of our country. It was opened on the basis of the Moscow Conservatory. The school provides special musical and general education. It is conducted by teachers of the conservatory and its most famous graduates. Exceptionally talented individuals get here, and world-class professionals who are in demand everywhere: in the vocal, musical, and teaching fields come out. The school is located in a new building equipped with everything necessary. Since children from all over the country study there, a boarding school was opened here for them to live with the most comfortable conditions.

Students settle in rooms, each of which has a piano. There is a medical office, a library and a music library, a hall with an organ and a hall of ancient music, sports and computer blocks. During the existence of the school, not only Russians, but also 400 foreign citizens became graduates.

An integrated approach allows paying attention not only to musical education, but also to intellectual, moral and spiritual development. The school is located in close proximity to the conservatory at the address: Maly Kislovsky lane, house 4, building 5. Phone number for inquiries: +7495695 30 90.

Institution to them. A.K. Glazunov

The bronze medalist of the rating is a school that began its activities in 1957. Today, 1,000 people study in it at the same time in the folklore, choral, wind, folk, string departments, two branches have been opened in other districts of Moscow. The teaching staff includes 100 employees, some of them have worked here for over 30 years. They not only pass on their knowledge to students, but also share their experience at conferences, seminars, regional and international forums.

In 1994, the institution began to bear the name of a Russian composer, and at the same time a museum was opened, which today contains many interesting and valuable historical exhibits: personal items, portraits, photographs, sound recordings of works, musical material. Talented groups have been created at the school: academic and folk choirs, a folklore ensemble, an orchestra of folk instruments. They always bring diplomas of winners and laureates from competitions.

Teachers in particular and the team as a whole have been repeatedly awarded with distinctions for their huge contribution to the development of music education. Admission to budget places takes place on a competitive basis based on test results. The school is located on Upper Fields Street, Building 11, Building 2. Questions can be asked on the website or by calling: 8495351 41 97.

Our experts gave the fourth place in the rating to the largest children's school in the capital. It trains in specializations: wind, folk, percussion, string instruments, musical folklore, organ, choral and solo academic singing, piano. The year of its establishment is 1937. In 1986 it moved to a new building, created according to a special project. The school is located in an educational and concert complex with an area of ​​​​6200 square meters. m, consisting of two buildings: three-storey and six-storey. They have 65 classrooms, a performance hall for 440 seats, a library with 20,000 items of literature, a music library, and rehearsal rooms.

In the museum of S.S. Prokofiev, unique exhibits are collected that tell about the life and work of the great composer. These are personal items, printed publications related to his work, awards, sketches, notes. Today, 800 people are being trained at the same time. Creative teams include several organized ensembles and orchestras. The work of teachers is bearing fruit. These are victories in regional and Russian competitions and festivals.

School graduates are national and honored artists of the country, professors, soloists of the Bolshoi Theater, authors of musical literature. The institution is located in Tokmakov, d. 8. All questions can be discussed by phone: +7499261 03 83.

The top five in the ranking of the best music schools included an institution in Moscow, which has a rich history spanning more than six decades. It is a member of UNESCO and has its own flag and coat of arms. The team is made up of people dedicated to the arts, fully devoting their energies to teaching the younger generation. Most of them have a diploma of higher education.

Among the teachers there are honored artists of the Russian Federation, honored workers of culture, honored artists, as well as those who received the official Gratitude of the Mayor of Moscow and were awarded with distinctions. Training is carried out in the following areas: jazz vocals, choral singing, folk strings, percussion, wind instruments, concertmaster department, theoretical disciplines. Competitions and festivals are held in the concert hall, in which Moscow and non-Moscow groups participate.

Over the years of its existence, 8,000 graduates have left the school. Many have gone on to become professional musicians. The undoubted advantage is that a recording studio is open here, in which it is possible to record compositions and create arrangements. Location of the institution: Chapaevsky lane, 5A. Phone number: 8499157 07 77.

The sixth nominee of our rating is the school, which was opened in March 1920. It has repeatedly changed its name, and in 1995 it was given the name of Alexander Nikolaevich Scriabin, which it proudly bears to this day. Many Soviet and Russian musicians have made an invaluable contribution to the development and formation of methods. During the Great Patriotic War, the school did not cease to operate. Collectives of students and teachers were formed, who organized concerts in hospitals, in open areas, and even at the front.

A memorial room for A. Scriabin has been opened here. Evenings dedicated to the great composer are held in the concert hall, and his music is played. There is a bust on the territory, which is the only monument to the pianist in the open air. The library has 17 thousand books, notes, teaching aids, anthologies. Students can familiarize themselves with old publications of cultural value.

Admission is conducted for pre-professional and additional training. Terms of passage of programs: 3, 5.7, 8 years. Thanks to the strong teaching staff, many graduates successfully enter secondary and higher musical educational institutions. Address: Snezhnaya street, 24. All questions can be asked by phone: +7499189 01 26.

The seventh line of the ranking is occupied by a musical institution, which was founded in 1937. Initially, several dozen students were engaged in it. It did not stop functioning even during the Great Patriotic War. All directors who once headed the school were able to make an invaluable contribution to its development. The name of the composer was given to her in 1995.

A well-coordinated team of teachers has formed here, which fully transfers its knowledge and experience to students. Thanks to high professionalism, people who want to devote their lives to music leave the school. Graduates are honored artists of Russia, laureates of international competitions. The school holds regular concerts at Social Service Centers, libraries, kindergartens, and at festive military-patriotic events.

The building houses the Ludwig Beethoven Museum, which also serves as a concert hall. Admission to budget places is carried out all year round. The training time for the main programs is 5 and 8 years, for additional programs - 3, 5, 7 years. Location: Bolshoy Mogiltsevsky lane, 4-6. Contact phone number: 8499241 68 81.

In eighth place in the ranking is the school, which opened its doors in 1963. The name of the great composer was given to her in 2002. Classes for playing the piano, harp, trombone, harpsichord, oboe, cello, and percussion instruments are open here. The jazz direction is represented by vocals and improvisation. The staff includes teachers of the highest category. Education is conducted by associate professors and professors, honored artists, honored workers of culture.

But it can't do without young cadres. They not only conduct training, but also participate in creative competitions, winning prizes and confirming the high level of the school. Equipment - only new musical instruments. The building is regularly renovated to keep it in perfect condition. Students perform at the leading venues of the capital during festive events, give concerts in kindergartens, nursing homes. Among the graduates there are many well-known musicians who have achieved recognition not only in Russia, but also abroad.

All those wishing to study at the institution pass an entrance test. Children are accepted from the age of 6.5 years. The term of study is 5 and 8 years. Address: Taganskaya street, house 9, building 5. Contact phone number: +7495911 99 95.

On the ninth line of the rating is the educational institution, which for a long time is headed by the honorary worker of culture of Moscow - Agazhanova I.A. It is one of the oldest in the capital, since it was opened back in 1920. More than 20 thousand graduates have come out of it, who have become well-known musicians, vocalists and teachers in conservatories around the world.

The school accepts children from the age of 6.5 years for a seven-year program and from 9 years old for a five-year program. Education is received in the following specialties: orchestral, wind, percussion and folk instruments, solo and choral singing. Additional electives: second instrument, synthesizer arrangement, basics of musical harmony, music theory. Pupils take part not only in city and regional competitions, but also in international events.

The school has a complete material and technical base for a comfortable stay in it and learning. Its own concert hall accommodates everyone who wants to watch the performances of students and invited star guests. The facility is located on St. Pokrovka, 39, building 3. You can clarify the admission rules on the website or by phone number: 8495917 56 77.

The tenth in the ranking is a school where a creative atmosphere reigns, and teachers try not only to pass on their knowledge to students, but also to instill a love for everything beautiful. For more than 50 years of its existence, 1600 graduates received musical education. The most gifted continued their studies and became professional musicians and vocalists. Some of them returned to the school walls and became highly qualified teachers. The director also received her education at the Children's Music School. A.N. Alexandrova.

The school has been named after the Soviet composer since 2003. Many of his works were written specifically for children. Reception is conducted from the age of 6. The term of study is 5 or 8 years. Before entering, everyone passes mandatory qualifying auditions. The formed groups are frequent guests of festive events. They have repeatedly performed in the Kremlin and at concert venues in Moscow.

Among the most popular directions: cello, recorder, harp, domra, clarinet. The institution is located on the banks of the Moscow River. From its windows a picturesque view opens, even more conducive to creativity. Address: Kutuzovsky pr-t, house 26, building 1. Secretary's phone: +7495249 10 17.

Institution to them. B. L. Pasternak

The school, ranked eleventh in the ranking, was opened in 1990. Two decades later, she was named after Boris Pasternak. This decision was not taken in vain. The poetry of the great thinker was completely saturated with spirituality and the search for moral ideals. That is why the cultural heritage is passed on to students, which leads to creative and life success.

To preserve the memory of the poet, a museum has been opened within the walls of the school. Lectures, concerts, festivals are held here. Students create teams that subsequently participate in competitions at various levels. These are orchestras of Russian folk instruments, ensembles of guitarists, violinists and bayan-accordionists, choirs of junior and senior classes.

The organization accepts children from the age of 6.5 for state-funded places after passing tests for the piano, orchestral, theoretical, choral departments and folk instruments. There is also additional paid education in groups of general aesthetic and musical development, starting from the age of 4.5 years. Location of the organization: Lukinskaya street, house 7, building 1. Enrollment in the school is carried out through the website, the public services portal or by phone: 8495732 42 10.

Institution to them. V.V. Andreeva

We conclude the rating of the best music schools in Moscow with an educational institution that recently celebrated its half-century anniversary. The year 1993 was marked by the assignment of the name of the great Russian balalaika player Vasily Vasilyevich Andreev to him. Many graduates continued their education in secondary and higher musical institutions and came to work within the walls of their native school. Among the teachers there are honorary cultural workers and artists of the Russian Federation, honored artists of Russia.

The school is located in a well-equipped building built 14 years ago. Everything here is designed for the comfort of students and teachers, there are necessary facilities for children with disabilities. The building has two concert halls: large and small. The own museum keeps a balalaika made in 1885 according to sketches by V. Andreev, which is of historical value.

Areas of study include bayan and accordion, wind, percussion, stringed folk instruments, vocal and choral singing. Several teams have been created at the school, which regularly become laureates and prize-winners of festivals, competitions and reviews. She cooperates with famous colleges. Graduates of musical universities of the capital practice here. The organization is located on Pictorial street, 1. Phone: +7495942 05 52.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.
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