Presentations on the topic m bitter. Maxim Gorky Lesson - presentation The life and creative destiny of Maxim Gorky

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Maxim Gorky is the literary pseudonym of Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov

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March 16 (28), 1868, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Empire. Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov was born to the family of a carpenter.

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A family

Father - Peshkov Maxim Savvatevich - was a cabinetmaker. who was the son of a soldier demoted from officers. Mother - Varvara Vasilievna, nee Kashirina - from a bourgeois family. Grandfather - Savvaty Peshkov rose to the rank of officer, but was demoted and exiled to Siberia "for cruel treatment of the lower ranks", after which he enrolled in the tradesmen.

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House of grandfather Kashirin

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    In 1884 he tries to enter Kazan University. In 1888 he was arrested for his connection with the circle of N. E. Fedoseev. In January 1889, by personal request (a complaint in verse), he was transferred to the Borisoglebsk station, then as a weigher to the Krutaya station. In the spring of 1891 he went on a wandering and soon reached the Caucasus.

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    Literary and social activities

    In 1892 he first appeared in print with the story "Makar Chudra". In 1895 he published the story "Chelkash" in the most popular magazine "Russian wealth". In the same year, "The Old Woman Izergil" and "The Song of the Falcon" were written. In 1896, Gorky writes a response to the first cinematic session in Nizhny Novgorod. In 1897 - "Former People", "Spouses Orlovs", "Malva", "Konovalov". From October 1897 to mid-January 1898 he lived in the village of Kamenka.

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    1898 - The first volume of Gorky's works was published by the Dorovatsky and A.P. Charushnikov Publishing House. 1899 - the novel "Foma Gordeev", a poem in prose "The Song of the Falcon". published a poem in prose "Twenty-six and one" 1900-1901 - the novel "Three", a personal acquaintance with Chekhov, Tolstoy.

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    March 1901 - "Song of the Petrel" was created by M. Gorky in Nizhny Novgorod. Creates the plays "Petty Bourgeois" (1901), "At the bottom" (1902). In 1902 Gorky was elected an honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences.

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    1904-1905 - writes the plays "Summer Residents", "Children of the Sun", "Barbarians". Meets Lenin.

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    Between two revolutions

    Member of the revolution of 1905-1907. In November 1905 he joined the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. 1906, February - Gorky set off through Europe to America. He writes the play "Enemies", creates the novel "Mother". 1907 - a delegate with an advisory vote to the V Congress of the RSDLP. 1908 - the play "The Last", the story "The Life of an Unnecessary Man".

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    1909 - the novels "The Town of Okurov", "The Life of Matvey Kozhemyakin". 1913 - Gorky edits the Bolshevik newspapers Zvezda and Pravda, the art department of the Bolshevik magazine Enlightenment 1914 - founded the Chronicle magazine and the Parus publishing house 1912-1916 - M. Gorky creates a series of stories and essays that compiled collection "In Russia", autobiographical novels "Childhood", "In people".

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    In 1818-1819, Alexei Maksimovich was active in social and political activities.

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    Years of the second emigration

    1921 - M. Gorky's departure abroad. 1925 - the novel "The Artamonov Case". Until 1928, the writer remained in exile.

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    1928 - at the invitation of the Soviet government and Stalin personally. 1929 - Gorky visits the Solovetsky Special Purpose Camp and writes a laudatory review of his regime. 1932 - Gorky returns to the Soviet Union. 1934 - Gorky holds the First All-Union Congress of Soviet Writers, delivers a keynote speech at it.

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    1934 - co-editor of the book "The Stalin Channel" In 1925-1936 he wrote the novel "The Life of Klim Samgin", which remained unfinished.

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    Death of Maxim Gorky

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    Family and personal life

    Wife - Ekaterina Pavlovna Peshkova A. M. Gorky with his son Maxim Peshkov Adoptive and godson

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    Maria (Mura) Ignatievna Zakrevskaya-Benkendorf-Budberg - Cohabitant Civil wife Maria Fedorovna Andreeva. Adopted son - Zhelyabuzhsky, Yuri Andreevich. Adopted daughter - Ekaterina Andreevna Zhelyabuzhskaya.

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    Circle of Maxim Gorky

    Shaikevich Varvara Vasilievna - the wife of A. N. Tikhonov-Serebrov, Gorky's lover, who allegedly had a child from him. Tikhonov-Serebrov Alexander Nikolaevich - assistant. Rakitsky, Ivan Nikolaevich - artist. Khodasevichi: Vladislav, his wife Nina Berberova; niece Valentina Mikhailovna, her husband Andrey Diderikhs. Yakov Izrailevich. Kryuchkov, Pyotr Petrovich - secretary, later shot along with Yagoda on charges of murdering Gorky's son. Burenin, Nikolai Evgenievich - Bolshevik, professional musician, played every evening for Gorky. Chertkova Olimpiada Dmitrievna (“Lipa”) is a nurse. Evgeny G. Kyakist - nephew of M. F. Andreeva A. L. Zhelyabuzhsky - nephew of the first husband of M. F. Andreeva

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    Addresses in St. Petersburg - Petrograd - Leningrad

    09.1899 - V. A. Posse's apartment in Trofimov's house - Nadezhdinskaya street, 11; 02. - spring 1901 - the apartment of V. A. Posse in the house of Trofimov - Nadezhdinskaya street, 11; 11.1902 - K. P. Pyatnitsky's apartment in an apartment building - Nikolaevskaya Street, 4; 1903 - autumn 1904 - the apartment of K. P. Pyatnitsky in an apartment building - Nikolaevskaya street, 4; autumn 1904-1906 - apartment of K. P. Pyatnitsky in an apartment building - Znamenskaya street, 20, apt. 29; beginning 03.1914 - autumn 1921 - tenement house of E.K. Barsova - Kronverksky prospect, 23; 30.08. - 09/07/1928 - the hotel "European" - Rakov street, 7; 18.06. - 07/11/1929 - the hotel "European" - Rakov street, 7; end of 09.1931 - hotel "European" - Rakov street, 7.

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    1899 - "Foma Gordeev" 1900-1901 - "Three" 1906 - "Mother" (second edition - 1907) 1925 - "The Artamonov Case" 1925-1936 - "The Life of Klim Samgin"

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    1894 - "Wretched Pavel" 1900 - "Man. Essays" (remained unfinished, the third chapter was not published during the life of the author) 1908 - "The Life of an Unnecessary Man". 1908 - "Confession" 1909 - "Summer" 1909 - "The Town of Okurov", "The Life of Matvey Kozhemyakin". 1913-1914 - "Childhood" 1915-1916 - "In People" 1923 - "My Universities" 1929 - "At the End of the Earth"

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    Stories, essays

    1892 - "The Girl and Death" (a fairy tale poem, published in July 1917 in the newspaper "New Life") 1892 - "Makar Chudra" 1892 - "Emelyan Pilyai" 1892 - "Grandfather Arkhip and Lyonka" 1895 - "Chelkash", " Old Woman Izergil”, “Song of the Falcon” (poem in prose) 1897 — “Former people”, “Spouses Orlov”, “Malva”, “Konovalov”. 1898 - "Essays and Stories" (collection) 1899 - "Twenty-six and One" 1901 - "Song of the Petrel" (poem in prose) 1903 - "Man" (poem in prose) 1906 - "Comrade!" 1908 - "Soldiers" 1911 - "Tales about Italy" 1912-1917 - "In Russia" (a cycle of stories) 1914 - "Stories of 1922-1924" 1924 - "Notes from a diary" (a cycle of stories) 1929 - "Solovki" ( feature article)

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    1901 - "Barbarians" 1902 - "At the Bottom" 1904 - "Summer Residents" 1905 - "Children of the Sun" 1905 - "Barbarians" 1906 - "Enemies" 1908 - "The Last" 1910 - "Eccentrics" 1910 - "Children" ("Meeting ”) 1910 - “Vassa Zheleznova” (2nd edition - 1933; 3rd edition - 1935) 1913 - “Zykovs” 1913 - “Fake Coin” 1915 - “The Old Man” (staged on January 1, 1919 on the stage of the State Academic Maly Theatre, published in 1921 in Berlin). 1930-1931 - "Somov and others" 1931 - "Egor Bulychov and others" 1932 - "Dostigaev and others"

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    1906 - "My Interviews", "In America" ​​(pamphlets) 1917-1918 - a series of articles "Untimely Thoughts" in the newspaper "New Life" (in 1918 came out as a separate edition). 1922 - "On the Russian peasantry"

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    Fairy tales and stories for children

    Vorobishko Childhood Druzhki Pepe About Ivan the Fool Russian fairy tales Somovar The case with Yevseyka

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    1. Pogrebinsky M. S. Factory of people. M., 1929 - about the activities of the Bolshevo labor commune, famous in those years, about which the film A ticket to life was made, which won the first prize at the I int. Venice Film Festival (1932) 2. Makarenko AS Pedagogical poem. M., 1934

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    Movie incarnations

    Alexey Lyarsky ("Gorky's Childhood", "In People", 1938) Nikolai Walbert ("My Universities", 1939) Pavel Kadochnikov ("Yakov Sverdlov", 1940, "Pedagogical Poem", 1955, "Prologue", 1956) Nikolai Cherkasov (“Lenin in 1918”, 1939, “Academician Ivan Pavlov”, 1949) Vladimir Emelyanov (“Appasionata”, 1963; “Strokes to the Portrait of V. I. Lenin”, 1969) Alexei Loktev (“Across Russia”, 1968) (“The Last Feat of Kamo”, 1974) Emil Lotyanu “The Camp Goes to the Sky” (film), 1975. Based on Gorky’s early works (the film is based on the story of gypsy love from the story “Makar Chudra”) Afanasy Kochetkov (“This is how a song is born ", 1957, "Mayakovsky began like this ...", 1958, "Through the icy mist", 1965, "The Incredible Yehudiel Khlamida", 1969, "The Kotsiubinsky Family", 1970, "Red Diplomat. Pages of the Life of Leonid Krasin", 1971, "Trust", 1975, "I am an actress", 1980) Valery Poroshin ("Enemy of the people - Bukharin", 1990, "Under the sign of Scorpio", 1995) Ilya Oleinikov ("Anecdotes", 1990) Alexei Fedkin ("Empire under attack ”, 2000) Ale Ksey Osipov (“My Prechistenka”, 2004) Nikolai Kachura (“Yesenin”, 2005) Alexander Stepin (“His Majesty's Secret Service”, 2006) Georgy Taratorkin (“Captivity of Passion”, 2010) Dmitry Sutyrin (“Mayakovsky. Two days", 2011) Andrey Smolyakov ("Orlova and Alexandrov", 2014)

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    In 2013, 2110 streets, avenues and lanes in Russia bear the name of Gorky, and another 395 bear the name of Maxim Gorky. The city of Gorky is the name of Nizhny Novgorod from 1932 to 1990. In Nizhny Novgorod, the Central District Children's Library, the Academic Drama Theatre, the State Pedagogical University, the street, as well as the square, in the center of which there is a monument to the writer by the sculptor V. I. Mukhina, bear the name of M. Gorky. But the most important attraction is the museum-apartment of M. Gorky. Institute of World Literature and Gorky Museum. In front of the building stands a monument to Gorky by sculptor Vera Mukhina and architect Alexander Zavarzin. Moscow, st. Povarskaya, 25a

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    Aircraft ANT-20 "Maxim Gorky" created in 1934 in Voronezh at an aircraft factory. Soviet propaganda passenger multi-seat 8-engine aircraft, the largest aircraft of its time with a land chassis Light cruiser "Maxim Gorky". Built in 1936. Cruise ship "Maxim Gorky". Built in Hamburg in 1969, under the Soviet flag since 1974. River passenger ship "Maxim Gorky". Built in Austria for the USSR in 1974. Practically in every large settlement of the states of the former USSR there was or is Gorky Street. Metro stations in St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod. and earlier in Moscow from 1979 to 1990. (now Tverskaya). River passenger ship "Maxim Gorky". ANT-20 "Maxim Gorky" Light cruiser "Maxim Gorky" Cruise liner "Maxim Gorky".

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    Film studio named after M. Gorky (Moscow). State Literary Museum. A. M. Gorky OAO Printing House named after A. M. Gorky (St. Petersburg). Drama theaters in the cities: Moscow (MKhAT, 1932), Vladivostok (PKADT), Berlin (Maxim-Gorki-Theater), Baku (ATYuZ), Astana (RDT), Tula (GATD), Minsk (NADT), Rostov-na -Don (RAT), Samara (SATD), Volgograd (Volgograd Regional Drama Theatre), Simferopol (CARDT). Libraries Parks in the cities: Rostov-on-Don (TsP), Saratov (GPKiO, Minsk (TsDP), Minsk, Krasnoyarsk (TsP, monument), KharkivTsPKiO), Odessa, Melitopol, Vinnitsa, TsPKiO im. Gorky (Moscow). Universities: Literary Institute. A. M. Gorky. USU, Donetsk National Medical University. Printing Yard OJSC TPO Central Film Studio for Children and Youth Films named after Maxim Gorky

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    Palace of Culture named after Gorky Gorky reservoir Volga. Railway station im. Maxim Gorky (formerly Krutaya) Plant them. Gorky in Khabarovsk and the microdistrict adjacent to it (Zheleznodorozhny district). State Prize of the RSFSR named after M. Gorky. Residential area. Maxim Gorky in Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Krai. Gorky reservoir on the Volga.

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    Monuments to Maxim Gorky have been erected in many cities. Among them: In Russia: Borisoglebsk, Vyborg, Moscow, Nevinnomyssk, Nizhny Novgorod, Penza, Pechora, Rostov-on-Don, Rubtsovsk, St. Petersburg, Sarov, Sochi, Chelyabinsk, Ufa, Yalta. In Belarus: Dobrush, Minsk. In Ukraine: Vinnitsa, Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk, Kharkiv, Yasinovataya. In Azerbaijan: Baku. In Kazakhstan: Alma-Ata, Zyryanovsk, Kostanay. In Georgia: Tbilisi A monument in Rostov-on-Don A monument near Gorkovskaya metro station in St. Petersburg A monument in Lugansk A monument in Nizhny Novgorod

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    Maxim Gorky on postage stamps

    In 1988, a 1 ruble coin was issued in the USSR, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the writer's birth.

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    Presentation on the topic:

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    MAXIM GORKY - real name ALEXEY MAXIMOVICH PESHKOV Russian writer, prose writer, playwright. One of the most popular authors of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, famous for depicting a romanticized declassed character (“tramp”), author of works with a revolutionary tendency, personally close to the Social Democrats, “petrel of the revolution” and “great proletarian writer”, founder of socialist realism

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    Alexey Peshkov was born in Nizhny Novgorod in the family of a carpenter. Early orphaned, he spent his childhood in the house of his grandfather Kashirin. From the age of 9 he was forced to go "to the people"; worked as a “boy” at a store, as a pantry utensil on a steamboat, as an apprentice in an icon-painting workshop, as a baker, etc.

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    Father, Maxim Savvatievich Peshkov (1840-1871) - the son of a soldier demoted from officers, a cabinetmaker. In recent years, he worked as a manager of a steamship office, died of cholera. Mother, Varvara Vasilievna Kashirina (1842-79) - from a bourgeois family; widowed early, remarried, died of consumption. The childhood of the writer passed in the house of his grandfather Vasily Vasilyevich Kashirin, who in his youth was bubbling, then became rich, became the owner of a dyeing establishment, and went bankrupt in old age. The grandfather taught the boy according to church books, grandmother Akulina Ivanovna introduced her grandson to folk songs and fairy tales, but most importantly, she replaced her mother, “satiating”, according to Gorky himself, “strong strength for a difficult life” (“Childhood”).

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    Gorky did not receive a real education, graduating only from a vocational school. An attempt to enter Kazan University was unsuccessful. The thirst for knowledge was quenched independently, he grew up "self-taught". Hard work (a crockery worker on a steamer, a “boy” in a store, a student in an icon-painting workshop, a foreman at fair buildings, etc.) and early deprivations taught a good knowledge of life and inspired dreams of rebuilding the world. “We came into the world to disagree...” - a surviving fragment of the destroyed poem by the young Peshkov “The Song of the Old Oak”.

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    Hatred of evil and ethical maximalism were the source of moral torment. In 1887 he tried to commit suicide. He took part in revolutionary propaganda, "went among the people", wandered around Russia, and communicated with tramps. He experienced complex philosophical influences: from the ideas of the French Enlightenment and the materialism of J. W. Goethe to the positivism of J. M. Guyot, the romanticism of J. Ruskin and the pessimism of A. Schopenhauer. In his Nizhny Novgorod library, next to Capital by K. Marx and Historical Letters by P. L. Lavrov, there were books by E. Hartmann, M. Stirner and F. Nietzsche.

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    GORKY'S EARLY WORKS Gorky began as a provincial newspaperman (published under the name Yehudiel Khlamida). The pseudonym M. Gorky (he signed letters and documents with his real name - A. Peshkov; the designations "A. M. Gorky" and "Aleksey Maksimovich Gorky" contaminate the pseudonym with his real name) appeared in 1892 in the Tiflis newspaper "Caucasus", where the first story Makar Chudra. In 1895, thanks to the help of V. G. Korolenko, he was published in the most popular magazine Russian Wealth (the story Chelkash). In 1898, the book Essays and Stories was published in St. Petersburg, which had a sensational success. In 1899, the prose poem "Twenty-six and One" and the first long story "Foma Gordeev" appeared. Glory to Gorky grew with incredible speed and soon caught up with the popularity of Chekhov and Tolstoy.

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    From the very beginning, there was a discrepancy between what critics wrote about Gorky and what the average reader wanted to see in him. The traditional principle of interpreting works from the point of view of the social meaning contained in them did not work in relation to the early Gorky. The reader was least of all interested in the social aspects of his prose, he sought and found in them a mood consonant with the times. His heroes combined typical features, behind which stood a good knowledge of life and literary tradition, and a special kind of “philosophy”, which the author endowed the heroes at his own request, not always consistent with the “truth of life”. Critics in connection with his texts did not solve social issues and the problems of their literary reflection, but directly the “question of Gorky” and the collective lyrical image he created, which began to be perceived as typical for Russia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. and which criticism compared with Nietzsche's "superman". All this allows, contrary to the traditional view, to consider him a modernist rather than a realist.

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    Gorky's public position was radical. He was arrested more than once, in 1902 Nicholas 2 ordered to annul his election as an honorary academician in the category of fine literature (in protest, Chekhov and Korolenko left the Academy). In 1905 he joined the RSDLP (Bolshevik wing) and met V.I. Lenin. They received serious financial support for the revolution of 1905-07. Gorky quickly showed himself as a talented organizer of the literary process. In 1901, he headed the publishing house of the Znanie partnership and soon began to publish the Collections of the Knowledge partnership, where I.A. Bunin, L.N. Andreev, A.I. Kuprin, V.V. Veresaev, E.N. .Chirikov, N.D. Teleshov, A.S. Serafimovich and others.

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    The pinnacle of early creativity, the play "At the Bottom", to a large extent owes its fame to the production of K. S. Stanislavsky at the Moscow Art Theater (1902; played by Stanislavsky, V.I. Kachalov, I.M. Moskvin, O.L. Knipper- Chekhov, etc.) In 1903, the Kleines Theater in Berlin staged a performance of "At the Bottom" with Richard Wallenthin in the role of Satin. Gorky's other plays - Petty Bourgeois (1901), Summer Residents (1904), Children of the Sun, Barbarians (both 1905), Enemies (1906) - did not have such sensational success in Russia and Europe.

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    GORKY BETWEEN TWO REVOLUTIONS (1905-1917) After the defeat of the revolution of 1905-07, Gorky emigrated to the island of Capri (Italy). The “Capri” period of creativity made it necessary to reconsider the idea that had developed in criticism of the “end of Gorky” (D.V. Filosofov), which was caused by his hobbies for the political struggle and the ideas of socialism, which were reflected in the story “Mother”. He creates the story “Okurov Town” ( 1909), "Childhood" (1913-14), "In People" (1915-16), a cycle of stories "In Russia" (1912-17). Disputes in criticism caused the story "Confession" (1908), highly appreciated by A. A. Blok. For the first time, the theme of god-building was sounded in it, which Gorky, with A. V. Lunacharsky and A. A. Bogdanov, preached in the Capri party school for workers, which caused him to disagree with Lenin, who hated "flirting with God."

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    The First World War seriously affected Gorky's state of mind. It symbolized the beginning of the historical collapse of his idea of ​​"collective mind", which he came to after being disappointed with Nietzsche's individualism (according to T. Mann, Gorky stretched a bridge from Nietzsche to socialism). Unlimited faith in the human mind, accepted as the only dogma, was not confirmed by life. The war became a blatant example of collective madness, when Man was reduced to a "trench louse", "cannon fodder", when people went berserk before their eyes and the human mind was powerless before the logic of historical events.

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    MAXIM GORKY'S EMIGATION YEARS The October Revolution confirmed Gorky's fears. In "Untimely Thoughts" (a series of articles in the newspaper "New Life"; 1917-18; published in a separate edition in 1918), he accused Lenin of seizing power and unleashing terror in the country. But in the same place he called the Russian people organically cruel, "bestial" and thereby, if not justifying, then explaining the ferocious treatment of these people by the Bolsheviks. The inconsistency of the position was also reflected in his book On the Russian Peasantry (1922). The undoubted merit of Gorky was the energetic work to save the scientific and artistic intelligentsia from starvation and executions, gratefully appreciated by his contemporaries (E. I. Zamyatin, A. M. Remizov, V. F. Khodasevich, V. B. Shklovsky, etc.)

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    Almost for the sake of this, such cultural events were conceived as the organization of the World Literature publishing house, the opening of the House of Scientists and the House of Arts (communes for the creative intelligentsia, described in the novel Crazy Ship by O. D. Forsh and the book by K. A. Fedina "Bitter among us"). However, many writers (including Blok, N. S. Gumilyov) could not be saved, which became one of the main reasons for Gorky's final break with the Bolsheviks. From 1921 to 1928 Gorky lived in exile, where he went after too persistent advice from Lenin. Settled in Sorrento (Italy), without interrupting ties with the young Soviet literature. He wrote the cycle "Stories of 1922-24", "Notes from a Diary" (1924), the novel "The Artamonov Case" (1925), began working on the epic novel "The Life of Klim Samgin" (1925-36).

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    GORKY'S RETURN TO THE SOVIET UNION In 1928, Gorky made a "trial" trip to the Soviet Union (in connection with a celebration arranged on the occasion of his 60th birthday), having previously entered into cautious negotiations with the Stalinist leadership. The apotheosis of the meeting at the Belorussky railway station decided the matter; Gorky returned to his homeland. As an artist, he completely immersed himself in the creation of "The Life of Klim Samgin", a panoramic picture of Russia for forty years. As a politician, he actually provided Stalin with moral cover in the face of the world community. His numerous articles created an apologetic image of the leader and were silent about the suppression of freedom of thought and art in the country - facts that Gorky could not have been unaware of.

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    BIBLIOGRAPHY M. GORKY Novels 1899 - "Foma Gordeev" 1900-1901 - "Three" 1906 - "Mother" (second edition - 1907) 1925 - "The Artamonov Case" 1925-1936 - "The Life of Klim Samgin" Tale 1908 - "The Life of the Unnecessary person." 1908 - "Confession" 1909 - "The Town of Okurov", "The Life of Matvey Kozhemyakin". 1913-1914 - "Childhood" 1915-1916 - "In people" 1923 - "My universities"

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    Plays 1901 - "Petty Bourgeois" 1902 - "At the Bottom" 1904 - "Summer Residents" 1905 - "Children of the Sun", "Barbarians" 1906 - "Enemies" 1910 - "Vassa Zheleznova" (revised in December 1935) 1930-1931 - "Somov and Others" 1932 - "Egor Bulychev and Others" 1933 - "Dostigaev and Others" Publicism 1906 - "My Interviews", "In America" ​​(pamphlets) 1917-1918 - a series of articles "Untimely Thoughts" in the newspaper "New Life" "(in 1918 came out as a separate edition) 1922 -" On the Russian peasantry "

    Alexei Maksimovich Gorky (1868 -1936)

    Writer's childhood

    • Father - Maxim Savvateevich Peshkov, a cabinetmaker, worked in the workshop of the Volga Shipping Company, died of cholera.
    • Mother - Varvara Vasilievna Kashirina (1842-1879) - from the middle class; widowed, she soon remarried. She died of a fast-moving consumption.
    • He spent his childhood in the family of his grandfather, after being ruined as a teenager, he began a hard life "in people", he served as a "boy" at the store, a crockery on a steamer, and a student in an icon-painting workshop.

    … Kazan is my favorite “university”

    • Kazan "universities": occasional day labor, a janitor, a gardener, a laborer, a porter on a wharf, life in bunkhouses, among "former people", exhausting labor in a bakery, work in a bakery, communication with progressive, revolutionary-minded youth, visiting student circles, illegal meetings, the study of populist theories, the first acquaintance with Marxism, the first spiritual dramas ...
    • “Physically, I was born in Nizhny Novgorod. But spiritually, in Kazan.”

    "Walking in Russia" - 1888

    • From Samara he "hare" reached the shores of the Caspian Sea, wandered around the Mozdok steppe, came to Tsaritsyn, then went to Yasnaya Polyana to Tolstoy, returned to Nizhny Novgorod.
    • “My walk in Russia was not caused by the desire for vagrancy, but by the desire to see where I live, what kind of people are around me”

    Life lessons

    • At the age of twenty, I began to understand that I had seen, experienced, heard a lot of things that should and even need to be told to people. It seemed to me that I felt something differently than others; this embarrassed and set me up restlessly, talkatively ... During these years I was already considered a good storyteller, loaders, bakers, "tramps", carpenters, railway workers listened attentively to me.

    Personal life

    • In his youth, he decided to commit suicide, leaving a sadly ironic note:
    • “I ask you to blame the German poet Heine for my death, who invented a toothache in his heart ...”
    • Fate did not endow Gorky with the phenomenon of happy love. In different years and with different duration, he was in a family union with O.Yu.Kamenskaya, E.P. Volzhina, (mother of his two children: Maxim and Ekaterina), M.F.Andreeva.

    ... I realized very early that a person is created by his resistance to the environment

    • The first published story was Makar Chudra in 1892.
    • It is published in Samarskaya Gazeta under the pseudonym Yehudiel Khlamida. In 1895, the stories “Old Woman Izergil”, “Conclusion”, “On the Rafts”, “Two Tramps”, “My Companion”, “Once in the Autumn” and others were published.

    Aesthetic declaration of the writer

    • Oh, that a stern and loving person with a fiery heart and a mighty all-encompassing mind would appear! In the stuffiness of the shameful silence, prophetic words would be heard, like the toll of a bell, and, perhaps, the contemptible souls of the living dead would tremble.
    • “Well, falcon, do you want to tell me one story? And you remember her and - as you remember, - you will be a free bird forever.

    Flame of the heart

    • I watched for a long time how the embers of the fire smoldered: at first, the bright and large coal gradually became smaller, covered with ashes and disappeared under it. And soon there was nothing left of the fire but a warm smell. I looked and thought: “So are we all ... If only it would flare up brighter!”

    Man...that's the truth!

    • The play "At the bottom" - 1902
    • Gorky summed up his long-term observations of the life of "former people", "Golden-Morners", tramps.

    Now a perfect man is not needed, a fighter, a worker, an avenger is needed. We will improve later, when we settle scores.

    • The novel "Mother" - 1906.
    • Gorky, after his arrest, goes abroad: Lives in America, Italy.
    • The thought of "fighter and avenger" ends with a yearning for "respect and trust"

    The novel "Mother" "The world process, as the procession of children to the truth"

    • Children go to the new sun ... Our children, doomed themselves to suffering for all people

    "Untimely Thoughts"

    • In 1918, Gorky took part in the publication of the newspaper Novaya Zhizn. The newspaper enters into a controversy with the Bolsheviks, who put the issue of an armed uprising on the agenda. The writer is convinced that Russia is not yet ready for decisive social transformations. The newspaper is closed. In 1921, the writer was forced to go abroad for treatment. Returns to Russia in 1931.

    summary of presentations

    Biography of M. Gorky

    Slides: 40 Words: 1208 Sounds: 0 Effects: 112

    Maksim Gorky. Biography of M. Gorky. Alias. Parents. House of Kashirin. Gorky did not receive a real education. "Spiritually born in Kazan ...". Kazan. House-museum in Kazan. Biography of M. Gorky. In 1888 he was arrested. Stories "Chelkash", "Old Woman Izergil". Biography of M. Gorky. "Song of the Petrel". In 1901, M. Gorky turned to dramaturgy. The election was annulled. Biography of M. Gorky. Joined the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. Biography of M. Gorky. Edits Bolshevik newspapers. Creates a series of short stories and essays. Biography of M. Gorky. Did not pass the re-registration of party members. - Biography of M. Gorky.ppt

    Biography of Maxim Gorky

    Slides: 14 Words: 663 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Maksim Gorky. Biography of Maxim Gorky. Parents. Childhood. The beginning of life. First literary activity. Glory to Gorky. public position. Publishing house "Knowledge". Gorky's wife. Emigration 1905-1917. Emigration 1917-28. Return to the USSR. Death. - Biography of Maxim Gorky.ppt

    The years of Gorky's life

    Slides: 20 Words: 1076 Sounds: 0 Effects: 42

    Maksim Gorky. Glory to Gorky. Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov. Early work of Gorky. Korolenko. The taste of freedom. At the bottom. Untimely thoughts. Personality. Life of Klim Samgin. Song about Falcon. Homework. Test. Loiko Zobar. The composition of a story within a story. Bubnov. Noise. Luke advises Vaska Peplu to look for a righteous land in Siberia. Play. Image. - Years of Gorky's life.ppt

    Romanticism in Gorky's work

    Slides: 31 Words: 1530 Sounds: 0 Effects: 142

    Romanticism in the early works of M. Gorky. Maksim Gorky. Romanticism in the work of Gorky. Romanticism in the work of Gorky. Romanticism in the work of Gorky. N.E. Fedoseev. Romanticism in the work of Gorky. Romanticism in the work of Gorky. Museum-apartment of A.M. Gorky. Romanticism in the work of Gorky. M. Gorky's works. What is romanticism. features of romanticism. Song about the petrel. Loons. The petrel flies with a cry. Storm. The hero is dissatisfied with reality. Composition of the story "Old Woman Izergil". Legend of Larry. The legend of Moses. Legend of Danko. The senses. What people look like. - Romanticism in Gorky's work.ppt

    Life and work of Gorky

    Slides: 51 Words: 2264 Sounds: 2 Effects: 4

    The existence of man. Longing will never take. Maksim Gorky. You can't go anywhere in the carriage of the past. Brief chronicle of life. Makar Chudra. Roman "Three". Song about the Petrel. Gorky turned to dramaturgy. Children of the Sun. Meets Lenin. Gorky goes abroad. Bolshevik newspapers. Revolutions are needed to destroy revolutionaries. "Methods" of the Bolsheviks. Gorky lived in Italy. Gorky returns to the Soviet Union forever. Congress of Soviet Writers. Poster for the First Congress of the Union of Soviet Writers. Life of Klim Samgin. Gorky died in Moscow. Life and work of Gorky. - Life and work of Gorky.ppt

    Gorky's works for children

    Slides: 40 Words: 2231 Sounds: 10 Effects: 13

    Gorky's works for children. Maksim Gorky. Speech workout. Case with Yevseyka. Peshkov Alexei Maksimovich. Alias. Family of Maxim Gorky. Childhood and youth. Years have passed. Gorky also wrote for children. I warmly welcome the future heroes of labor. M. Gorky's works for children. Borya boy. Fizkultminutka. Little boy Yevseyka. Scarlet starfish. Mustachioed lobsters. The crab is moving. Scattered sea anemones. sea ​​lilies. Fast shrimp. Sea turtle. Cancer hermit. Uncle Yakov's cart. Playful fish. Dad. We need to change the conversation. Now I will start crying. - Gorky's works for children.ppt


    Slides: 13 Words: 607 Sounds: 0 Effects: 61

    Lesson on the story of A.M. Gorky "Childhood". Goals and objectives of the lesson. Lead abominations of Russian life. Meeting with a writer. The scene of M. Gorky's story "Childhood". Heroes of the story. Why the first meeting with my grandmother made such a strong impression. Questions and tasks. Tell the story of the Gypsy. How Gorky paints a picture of a fire. What feelings did street impressions evoke in Alyosha. Why Gorky calls a Good Deed "foreign". Good luck with your work. - Childhood.ppt

    Book "Childhood" Gorky

    Slides: 11 Words: 430 Sounds: 0 Effects: 49

    Lesson on the story of A.M. Gorky "Childhood". Meeting with a writer. Lead abominations of Russian life. Location of the story. Heroes of the story. Grandmother image. The image of grandfather Kashirin. Tell the story of the Gypsy. How Gorky paints a picture of a fire. Street impressions. Excerpt. - Book "Childhood" Gorky.ppt

    Heroes of "Childhood"

    Slides: 20 Words: 1888 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

    Artistic works as a reflection of gender relations. gender and sex. Men and women. Explore gender differences. Various gender studies. Relationships between men and women. Childhood. Thoughts of famous people about gender. Directions of gender research. Gender features of the text. Analysis of oral speech. Comparison options. Topics of conversation. Frequently used words. Appeals. Features of behavior. The use of tropes in speech. Offer type. Topics of conversation between women and men. Thank you for attention. - Heroes of "Childhood".ppt

    M. Gorky "At the bottom"

    Slides: 46 Words: 1940 Sounds: 0 Effects: 57

    Computer presentation on the work of M. Gorky. Friedrich Nietzsche. Aivazovsky Ivan Konstantinovich Nietzsche. M. Gorky "At the bottom". Painting by I.K. Aivazovsky "Among the Waves". Creativity of M. Gorky in the 1890s. Drama by M. Gorky. Return of Gorky to Petersburg. Post-revolutionary creativity of Gorky. If a person is shabby - take him to the bath. Features of romanticism in the work. Decisively, Gorky is not a playwright. M. Gorky "At the bottom". Features of the dramaturgy of M. Gorky. Gorky does not have a single hero who does not philosophize. Philosophy. Philosophy of the Gorky drama. Attitude to the world, expressed in feeling, in the experience of the hero. - M. Gorky "At the bottom".ppt

    Heroes of Gorky's play "At the Bottom"

    Slides: 28 Words: 1498 Sounds: 0 Effects: 38

    At the bottom. Maksim Gorky. Heroes of Gorky's play "At the bottom". Play. Epigraph. Explore the spiritual essence of the play. Severe economic crisis. Problem questions. Gorky chooses the theme of exposing the vices of capitalist activity. The plot line of the play. Characteristics of heroes. Luke. Satin. Kostylev and Vasilisa. Vaska Pepel. Natasha. Baron and Nastya. Kleshch and Anna. Actor. Who really argues with Luke. The play "At the bottom". Rescue of people. Main problems. The play "At the bottom". Heroes of Gorky's play "At the bottom". Heroes of Gorky's play "At the bottom". Heroes of Gorky's play "At the bottom". - Heroes of Gorky's play "At the bottom".ppt

    Case with Yevseyka

    Slides: 23 Words: 560 Sounds: 0 Effects: 10

    Maksim Gorky. How can he live in the world without a mustache and scales. What sea creatures did Yevseyka meet. How the fish laughed at Yevseyka. What surprised Yevseyka. Choose the appropriate dialogue from the text. Case with Yevseyka. Test work for M. Gorky's story "The Case with Yevseyka". Choose the right answer. Real man. Scarlet starfish. Yevseyka. Yevseyka thought. Sea bubble. Lobster. Anemones. Sea turtle. Starfish. Check yourself. Rate yourself. Come up with a sequel were. Until the next lesson. Well done. - Case with Yevseyka.ppt

    Analysis of "Old Woman Izergil"

    Slides: 14 Words: 379 Sounds: 0 Effects: 4

    Romanticism in the work of M. Gorky. Acquaintance with the early work of M. Gorky. If only for yourself, then why are you. Romanticism. Composition of the story "Old Woman Izergil". Legend of Larry. How M. Gorky portrays Larra. Pride. Legend of Danko. portrait feature. Izergil's life. The position of the heroine What was Izergil's life dedicated to? Homework. -

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