Sentences with all ways of expressing the subject. Subject in Russian

A fundamental skill in being literate and being able to write correctly is determining the grammatical basis of sentences.

The subject is the basis of the sentence.

Whoever you are, you should know that the very first thing when working with any sentence is the ability to find the grammatical basis, namely the subject and predicate. The subject is the main, he is the main member in the sentence. Not everyone knows how to find the subject in a sentence. But we will teach you.

The subject answers the questions who?», « what?' and denotes an object. The subject indicates what the sentence is about. If you are parsing a sentence, then you should know that it is underlined by this line. As a rule, the subject is expressed in the nominative case. For example, "The cat is sleeping at the threshold." “Cat” will be the subject, and the sentence is about it.

Ways of expressing the subject.

Examples in sentences.

The main part of the grammatical basis of a sentence can be represented by many parts of speech. The most basic of these is the noun. It is usually in the nominative case.

« Girl came from school. No less often the subject is expressed by pronouns. " I I went to wash” - a personal pronoun. " Who asked me the problem book?” - interrogative pronoun. "The house is a stone's throw from the road, what goes through the field" is a relative pronoun. " Some a tall man entered the entrance" - an indefinite pronoun. " Nobody I didn’t see it” is a negative pronoun. Along with nouns and pronouns, the subject may well be expressed as a numeral. For example, " Seven multiplied by eight. And also the subject can be expressed by a proper name - " Semyon good student". You will not believe, but the subject can even be represented by a verb in an indefinite form. Here is an example - " Sit on the edge of the roof is impossible!

Topic: Two-part sentences. The main members of the proposal

Lesson: Subject and ways of expressing it

Subject- this is the main member of the sentence, which indicates the subject of speech and answers the questions of the nominative case who? what?

Ways of expressing the subject

Subject - one word:

Question what? answers not only nominative, but also accusative noun case; nominative and accusative forms can also coincide. To distinguish between these cases, you can substitute a noun of the 1st declension (for example, a book):

nominative case - book;

accusative case - a book.

Wed: There is a pencil (book) on the table - nominative case;

I see a pencil (book) - accusative.

Let's compare two sentences: 1. I didn't sleep; 2. I couldn't sleep.

They mean roughly the same thing in meaning. However, in the first sentence I did not sleep) has a subject, because there is a pronoun in the nominative case (I), in the second sentence ( I couldn't sleep) there is no subject, because there is no pronoun in the nominative case (for me - the dative case).

Subject - whole, that is, syntactically indivisible phrase(main + dependent word):

The form



1. Name in the nominative case (adverb) + name in the genitive case

quantitative value

five chairs stood against the wall. Some chairs stood against the wall. Part of the chairs stood against the wall. Many chairs stood against the wall.

2. Name in the nominative case + name in the genitive case with a preposition from

Selective meaning

two of us will go to the capital. Each of us will go to the capital. Many of us will go to the capital.

3. Name in the nominative case + name in the instrumental case with a preposition With(only when the predicate is plural!)

Consistency value

Wed: mother with son will go (pl.) to rest. Mother will go with his son (singular) to rest.

4. Nouns beginning, middle, end + noun in genitive case

Phase meaning (moment, stage in the development of something)

stood end of September.

5. Noun + agreed or controlled name (phraseologism, terminological combination and phrase with metaphorical meaning)

The members of the phrase only in the aggregate express a single or inseparable concept in this context

Milky Way spread across the sky. white flies(snowflakes) circled in the sky. Hat fair-haired curls fluttered on his head.

6. Indefinite pronoun (from the basics who what) + matching name

undefined value

something unpleasant was in all its forms.

Table createdpublishing house "Lyceum"


The subject can be expressed in the indirect case if it indicates the approximate number of someone or something.

Wed: thirty ships went out to sea. About thirty ships went out to sea. Over thirty ships went out to sea. Subject Parsing Plan

1. Indicate the way the subject is expressed:

single word: noun, adjective in the function of a noun, pronoun, numeral, participle in the nominative case in the function of a noun; adverb or other invariable form in the meaning of a noun; infinitive.

2. Syntactically indivisible phrase (indicate the meaning and form of the main word).

Sample parsing

Lake as if it was covered with ice (Prishvin).

Subject lake expressed by a noun in the nominative case.

Usually appears around noon. lots of round high clouds(Turgenev).

Subject many clouds expressed by a syntactically indivisible (whole) phrase with a quantitative meaning; main word ( noun set) is in the nominative case.

In the dark bearded stumbled over something (Sholokhov).

Subject bearded expressed by an adjective in the meaning of a noun in the nominative case.

But pay for something, even the most necessary, suddenly two hundred, three hundred, five hundred rubles seemed to them almost suicide (Goncharov).

Subject pay expressed in the infinitive.

1. Textbook: Russian language: textbook for grade 8. general education institutions / T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.T. Baranov, L.A. Trostentsova and others - M .: Education, Moscow Textbooks OJSC, 2008.

3. Russian language. Grades 5-9: spelling rules in tables and diagrams.

4. Exercises, practical tasks / ed. N. Yu. Kadashnikova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009

Find the subjects in the following sentences. Break them down according to plan.

1. The silence was quite long (L. Tolstoy).

2. Home Nastya did not demand to themselves (N. Leskov).

3. Much has changed in the farm (M. Sholokhov).

4. All living things hid from the heat (A. Chekhov).

5. A bunch of people stood on the square (N. Leskov).

6. Two strangers were sitting on the steps (K. Paustovsky).

7. To drive a herd out before evening and drive a herd at dawn is a great holiday for peasant boys (I. Turgenev).

8. Masha and the pilot slowly walked through the dew (K. Paustovsky).

9. There was still a lot of time left before the first babble, before the first rustles and rustles of the morning, before the first dewdrops of dawn (I. Turgenev).

10. More than three hours have passed since then (I. Turgenev).

In modern linguistics, there are many definitions of the subject, but none of them is absolutely accurate. In the school tradition, the subject is ϶ᴛᴏ the main member of the sentence, which is associated with the predicate and answers questions who? what?.

The main properties of the subject:

Denotes the subject of speech, respectively, the subject of thought. Moreover, the subject of speech should be understood broadly (what is said in the sentence). Carrier of a predictive trait.

Grammatically independent main member of a sentence.

Expressed by a noun in the nominative case.

Most often it precedes the predicate.

More often corresponds to the topic (ᴛ.ᴇ. given).

Ways of expressing P. It is customary to divide P into two groups: nominative and infinitive.

Nominative subjects are all to some extent likened to a noun in the nominative case. They are characterized by objective meaning and independent form. Here it should immediately be noted that sometimes words devoid of the named features are used as the subject:

A) words devoid of objective and generally nominative meaning, which are used in the position of the subject in special texts: C is a suggestion.

B) names in indirect cases, occupying the position of the subject: Blue is the genitive form.

C) predicative units occupying the position of the subject: ʼʼI remember a wonderful moment...ʼʼ my favorite poem by Pushkin; ʼʼHarvest in the binsʼʼ has become the motto of this harvest.

1. In most cases, the main morphological means of expressing the subject is the noun in its original form.

In principle, any noun must be the subject, however, some nouns of the evaluative type ( lazybones, untouchable, bore) often act as a predicate.

2. Pronouns associated with nouns (personal, indefinite, negative, interrogative, relative). I remember a wonderful moment (Pushkin). Nobody wanted to die. Who did not curse the stationmasters (Pushkin).

3. Adjectives, participles, quantitative numerals, which in position P are substantivized and name an object by a sign or an objectified sign: The mourners must leave the carriages. The gray flickered once more through the window and disappeared forever. Fifteen is not divisible by two.

4. Invariable parts of speech - adverbs, conjunctions, particles, interjections - can act as the subject. At the same time, they acquire a substantive meaning and may carry definitions: Tomorrow was approaching inexorably. This ʼʼif onlyʼʼ, which he attributed to the past, came true (Turgenev). Far away came ʼʼhurray!ʼʼ (Pushkin).

5. In the role of the subject, syntactically non-free phrases can be used:

A) a noun of quantitative meaning in combination with a noun in the form of the genitive case (or a substantiated word); dominant member with the meaning of number, measure, totality, volume, etc.: two maidens ears remained on the platform for a long time. Multiple stations already left behind. Already gathered at the counter bunch of people y.

B) phrases with the meaning of selectivity (noun with the form of the genitive case with the preposition from + pronoun or numeral in the role of the dominant member): Some of the students came out. Each of them right in a way.

C) phrases with the meaning of indefiniteness, consisting of a dominant member - an indefinite pronoun and a dependent member - an adjective, participle, ordinal number, pronoun-adjective: something festive felt around.

D) phrases with a noun meaning quantity, measure, volume, totality ( heap, crowd, pile, string, flock, gang etc.)

E) semantically indivisible metaphorical phrases with a comparative-evaluative meaning of the dominant member - a noun: Waves of smells crowded over the city (Paustovsky).

E) phrases with the meaning of jointness, consisting of a noun or pronoun in the form of the nominative case and the instrumental case with the preposition c: Mother with father listened to him carefully. If the predicate has the singular form, then the subject is only the word in the form of the nominative case: Old man walking along the road with the old woman.

Special mention should be made of constructions where the position of the subject is occupied by a noun in the form of the genitive case, and the predicate is occupied by a word with quantitative semantics: There were few people in the audience. In such sentences, the genitive subject is distinguished ( The people got crowded.). These subjects cannot be put on a par with the nominative one, especially since these constructions can be considered as modifications of the nominative-subject two-part sentence: A lot of people crowded into the audience.

The subject can be an infinitive, which at the same time does not receive an objective meaning, cannot have definitions with it: To love others is a heavy cross (Pasternak). This is the so-called infinitive subject. In two-part sentences with an infinitive subject, the relation ʼʼsign - signʼʼ (ᴛ.ᴇ. independent sign - potential action - and its characteristic or assessment) is expressed. Learning is hard work.

Structural varieties of the infinitive subject

In Russian, there are two structural varieties of the infinitive subject - proper infinitive and infinitive-nominal (compound).

1. It is important to note that for the actual infinitive subject the combination of both elements of the grammatical form in one lexical (or lexicalized) unit is characteristic: the meaning of the predicatively determined independent action is based on the morphological nature of the infinitive, and the grammatical independence of the subject is expressed using the formal indicator of the infinitive.

The infinitive subject itself appears in the following variants:

a) in the infinitive of a full-valued verb; for example: ...See Stepana was a need for her(Forest); ...Expect -this is also a premonition of happiness(Paust.); Catch in stubbly places it was very tempting(Paust.); b) in the form of the infinitive of a verbal phraseological unit; for example: lay hands on yourself - a terrible sin ...(M.-S); c) in the form of an infinitive of a descriptive verb-nominal turnover; for example: great deal- make a firm decision (FROM).

In each of these variants of the grammatical form, the two basic elements are not separated. Even in a descriptive verb-nominal phrase, which has a certain analyticity, the infinitive form of a semantically empty verb is not only an indicator of the grammatical independence of the subject. (to accept), it also contains the categorical meaning of an independent action, and the name of the action is specifically indicated using the nominal component (solution).

In such sentences, word order and the way the predicate is expressed play an important role. Usually the infinitive-subject precedes the predicate expressed by the word of the category of state or by the noun. With the predicate SCS, this order of the main members of the sentence is practically the only possible one: It was impossible to leave. - It was impossible to leave. If the predicate is expressed by a noun, then the infinitive subject can be placed in positions after a pause, but such an order is felt by a native speaker as inversion: It is a great pleasure to live on earth (Bitter) - To live on earth is a great pleasure(direct order).

2. The compound (infinitive-nominal) subject is two-component. Each component has its own functions. The infinitive component indicates the independent, its dependent nature of the sign contained in the subject (ʼʼpredicatively determinedʼʼ) and expresses the grammatically independent position of the subject in the sentence. The nominal component names the attribute: Eka importance! Being a spouse isn't hard at all(Ch.).

The verbal component of the compound subject performs service, auxiliary functions. It cannot itself act as an independent subject, since it is represented by the infinitive form of copula verbs, ᴛ.ᴇ. verbs with grammatical lexical meaning. In addition to the indicated elements of the grammatical form of the subject, the infinitive-ʼʼlinkʼʼ introduces additional shades: statements of the presence of an independent feature (to be), indications of the occurrence of a symptom (become, become) to discover it (turn out) imaginary (seem) etc. For example: To be in love - nice! (M. G.); Becoming a peak was interesting(Gas.); seem funny- this is our common ailment, to which we are ready to sacrifice everything(M.-S). The nominal component of the compound subject, which has the instrumental form, expresses the grammatical meaning of the attribute (not the action!) and its real content, the instrumental form is an indicator of the grammatical relations of the nominal and infinitive (auxiliary) components. The nominal component must be a noun, adjective, participle, less often a pronoun; for example: To be a teacher more than honorable(Gas.); To be unloved and unhappy - how it is interesting.(Ch..); After all be banished nym from a cohort of buyers- true misfortune(Gas.); To be like this like Rakhmetov, became the motto of his life(Circle).

The categorical meanings of the above parts of speech in the compound subject are functionally transformed. The objectivity of a noun with the help of an infinitive auxiliary component is formed in a sentence as a syntactic meaning of an independent feature. The meaning of the sign (quality, property) inherent in the agreed words (adjectives and similar) also changes - it is torn off from the subject and, with the help of the infinitive of the linking verb, is presented as an independent, predicatively determined sign.

So, the compound subject differs from the proper infinitive not only in structure, but also in semantics. In the infinitive subject itself, an independent action is expressed, in the compound subject, an independent quality, property, etc.

The subject and ways of expressing it. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Subject and ways of its expression." 2017, 2018.

Subject- this is the main member of the sentence, which denotes the subject of speech and answers the question of the nominative case (who? what?).

Pay attention to the meaning (a) and the form of expression (b) of the subject:

a) the subject is what is being said in a sentence (subject of speech);

b) the main form of expression of the subject - Nominative case(question who? what?).


To the question what? answers not only the nominative, but also the accusative case of the noun; nominative and accusative forms can also coincide. To distinguish between these cases, you can substitute a noun of the 1st declension (for example - book): Nominative case - book; accusative - book.

Wed: On the table lies pencil (book) - nominative case; I see a pencil(book) - accusative case.

Let's compare two sentences:

1. I did not sleep; 2. I didn't sleep.

They mean roughly the same thing in meaning. However, in the first sentence I did not sleep) has a subject, because there is a pronoun in the nominative case ( I), in the second sentence ( I couldn't sleep) there is no subject, because there is no pronoun in the nominative case ( to me- dative).

Ways of expressing the subject

A) Subject - one word:

The form Examples
1. Name
1.1. Noun eldest son(who?) left for the capital.
1.2. Pronoun He(who?) left for the capital.
1.3. Adjective Older(who?) left for the capital.
1.4. Participle Raised(who?) the sword will die by the sword.
1.5. Numeral Two(who?) left for the capital.
2. Infinitive (indefinite form of the verb) Be in love(what?) - this is wonderful.
Live(what?) - serve the motherland.
3. Invariable (significant or service) part of speech in the meaning of a noun
3.1. Adverb It has come and the fateful day after tomorrow(what?).
3.2. Pretext "AT"(what?) is a suggestion.
3.3. Union "BUT"(what?) - antagonistic union.
3.4. Particle "Not"(what?) verbs are written separately.
3.5. Interjection Rushed from all sides "ay"(what?).
4. Indirect form of a name, conjugated form of a verb, sentence in the meaning of a noun "Brother"(what?) - dative form of a noun.
"Reading"(what?) - 1st person present tense verb.
"Do not forget yourself, do not worry, work moderately" (what?) - was his motto.

B) The subject is an integral, that is, syntactically indivisible phrase (main + dependent word):

The form Meaning Examples
1. Name in the nominative case (adverb) + name in the genitive case quantitative value Five chairs stood against the wall.
Some chairs stood against the wall.
Some of the chairs stood against the wall.
Many chairs stood against the wall.
2. Name in the nominative case + name in the genitive case with a preposition from Selective meaning Two of us will go to the capital.
Each of us will go to the capital.
Many of us will go to the capital.
3. Name in the nominative case + name in the instrumental case with the preposition c (only with the predicate - in the plural!) Consistency value Wed: Mother and son are going(plural) rest.
Mother and son are going(units) rest.
4. Nouns beginning, middle, end+ noun in genitive case Phase value It was the end of September.
5. Noun + agreed name (phraseologism, terminological combination and phrase with metaphorical meaning) The members of the phrase only in the aggregate express a single or inseparable concept in this context The Milky Way spread across the sky.
white flies
(snowflakes) circled in the sky.
A cap of blond curls swayed on his head.
6. Indefinite pronoun (from the basics who, what) + agreed name undefined value something unpleasant was in all its forms.


1) You can always ask questions to the subject who? what? , even if it does not change case by case.

2) Nominative case- the only case with which the subject can be expressed.

Note. The subject can be expressed in the indirect case if it indicates the approximate number of someone or something. Wed: thirty ships went out to sea. About thirty ships went out to sea. Over thirty ships went out to sea.

Subject Parsing Plan

Specify how the subject is expressed:

  1. Single word: noun, adjective, pronoun, numeral, participle in the nominative case; adverb or other invariable form in the meaning of a noun; infinitive.
  2. Syntactically indivisible phrase (indicate the meaning and form of the main word).

Sample parsing

The lake seemed to be covered with ice(Prishvin).

Subject lake expressed by a noun in the nominative case.

Around noon, a lot of round high clouds usually appear.(Turgenev).

Subject many clouds expressed by a syntactically indivisible (whole) phrase with a quantitative meaning; main word (noun) lots of) is in the nominative case.

In the dark, the bearded man stumbled on something(Sholokhov).

Subject bearded expressed by an adjective in the meaning of a noun in the nominative case.

But to pay for something, even the most necessary, suddenly two hundred, three hundred, five hundred rubles seemed to them almost suicide.(Goncharov).

Subject pay expressed in the infinitive.

It's been about an hour(Paustovsky).

Subject about an hour expressed by the indirect case of the noun hour with the preposition near and indicates the approximate amount of time.

The subject is the main member of a two-part sentence; which names what the sentence is about.
This part of the sentence can be either a single word or a phrase.
Subject - one word:
1) words of different parts of speech in the objective meaning:
- noun in I. p .:
It's raining.
- noun pronoun in I. p .:
I like autumn.
- an adjective in the function of a noun (substantiated) in I. p .:
The bearded man looked up.
- participle in the function of a noun (substantiated) in I. p .:
The seated man raised his head.
- adverb:
I'm tired of your tomorrows.
- interjection:
“Ay” echoed through the forest.
2) quantitative numbers in quantitative (non-objective) meaning:
Ten is not divisible by three without a remainder.
3) an infinitive with the meaning of an action or state: Learning is a necessary thing.
The location of the subject, expressed by the infinitive, is not fixed in the sentence (for example, behind the absolute beginning of the sentence); cf .: The right thing is to study. If in a sentence one of the main members is expressed by a noun in I. p., and the other by an infinitive, then the infinitive will act as a subject.
4) a word of any part of speech in any grammatical form, if in the sentence it is judged as a linguistic unit: Go - the form of the imperative mood of the verb; Non-negative particle.
Subject - phrase:
1. The subject is a phraseologically free, but syntactically related phrase:
1) the construction of the structure A with B (I. p. of a noun (pronoun) + c + T. p. of another noun) with the meaning of compatibility, if the predicate is in plural. including:
Brother and sister returned separately - cf .: Mother and child went to the doctor.
2) a word with a quantitative meaning (quant. numeral, noun, adverb) + noun. in R. p .:
Three years have passed.
A bunch of things piled up in the corner.
I have a lot of work.
3) when designating an approximate amount, the subject can be expressed by a phrase without I. p .:
About / up to a thousand people fit in this room.
Between five and ten percent of students pass the session ahead of schedule.
4) the construction of the structure A from B (the word of the nominal part of speech in I. p. + from + noun in R. p.) with an emphatic meaning:
Any of them could do it.
Three of the graduates received gold medals.
The smartest of the students could not solve this problem.
5) infinitive + infinitive / name (the volume of such a subject coincides with the volume of a compound verb or compound nominal predicate - see below):
Being literate is prestigious.
It is natural to want to become literate.
2. Subject - phraseological unit:
Getting hysterical out of the blue was his favorite pastime.
He has golden hands.

More on the topic Subject, ways of expressing it:

  1. Main members of the sentence Ways of expressing the subject
  2. On the method of transmission of steel magnetic force. About the method of magnetization of the compass needle; about simple contact, its shortcomings and means of eliminating them
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