Orthodox garden. Everyone in the garden? Parish school "Kosinskaya"


Protodeacon Andrei Paskhin, Chairman of the Parish Council of the Kaliningrad Church of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called, tells about how and what the parish kindergarten lives in, who and what they teach there.

How did the idea of ​​creating a preschool in the parish come about?

− The idea of ​​building a kindergarten belongs to His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and was expressed at the time when he was the Metropolitan of Smolensk and Kaliningrad. This happened at the consecration of St. Andrew's Church in 2007. Looking around the territory of the parish after the service, he asked: “What do you have in this place?” “Nothing, empty lot.” His Holiness Vladyka, as is his custom, narrowed his eyes, looked into the distance and said: “Let’s set up a kindergarten here so that we have a normal education cycle - a kindergarten, a gymnasium, and so on.” Having expressed the idea, he blessed me to do it. There were people who took on financial obligations to ensure the construction and fulfilled these obligations. This, for example, Andrei Anatolyevich Krainy, at whose expense both the St. Andrew's Church and the kindergarten were built.

Construction went on for two years. In 2010, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill consecrated the kindergarten, and since then the preschool has been operating.

Tell me, please, who is the main focus of the Orthodox kindergarten, who are its pupils? Are these the children of parishioners or simply people, regardless of religion, who would like to entrust their child to an educational institution where “they won’t teach bad things”?

- Kindergarten, first of all, focuses on children. We are very little interested in the social status of the child, his nationality. The only thing is that the parents of the child should not be opposed to their child knowing that there is God in his life, and understand that the person who grows out of this child will build his life path, focusing on God's commandments, the concepts of elementary human morality, church culture, the national culture of Russia - the country in which he lives. Thus, perhaps, it is possible to describe the child to whom the kindergarten is oriented, more precisely, his parents.

Of course, parents come to us who would like their child not only to receive some kind of systematized knowledge, but also to acquire, in addition to this, the moral, spiritual and universal foundations of life. I don’t think that anyone would want their child to study where “they teach bad things”, besides, kindergartens in the Kaliningrad region work and raise children at a fairly high level.

Does an Orthodox kindergarten have an official status, and how does it differ from the status of state preschool institutions?

− Yes, our preschool institution has an official status, we have all the necessary licenses to work, including a license to work with children for a full day, so that the kids spend time there, eat, be watched, etc., and also a license to educate them within the limits of acceptable pre-school education.

The difference from a state institution of this kind is only in the fact that its work is financed not from the budget, but approximately in half from parental contributions and funds from St. Andrew's parish. In addition, we are adding a church component to the regular pre-school program provided by the state.

Do the daily routine and development program for children in an Orthodox kindergarten have any particularities? Do they visit the temple from time to time, or perhaps a priest comes to the kindergarten?

The daily routine does not have any features, it is compiled in accordance with existing medical, psychological and pedagogical recommendations.

As for the development program, it should be noted that certain nuances are added to it in different kindergartens. Of all the existing options, we have chosen the most popular and effective for raising a child. In addition, we, of course, give children the concept of what the Church is, who God is, we give them the skills of the life of an Orthodox Christian, church life. For example, kids read a prayer before eating and after eating.

Our children quite often communicate with the priest, they know who a priest is, how to address him and behave with him, how to take a blessing, the kids can come up to him to talk. Every month, the entire kindergarten goes to the liturgy, takes communion. And every week there is a lesson in the program, during which children are brought to the temple, where they are told about some saint, about an icon, part of a divine service or a holiday.

A person must grow up in some kind of environment, in fact, it is precisely the environment that we create, so that the concept of “temple” is known to children, so that they know that they can and should go there, and understand why this is necessary. There were cases when children brought their parents to the temple and they began to attend services with their children.

A priest serving in the St. Andrew's Church, Father Alexander Permyakov, is attached to the preschool institution. He has the status of a kindergarten confessor. Batiushka visits the kindergarten several times a week, is present at some lessons, leads the prayer when the children pray before meals, and helps them in this. He spends quite a lot of time in kindergarten, and if at first the father was incomprehensible to children, now, seeing a man in a cassock, they clearly understand that they can approach him and talk; The kids love it and look forward to it.

Do you coordinate your programs with educational authorities?

- As I said earlier, our work is licensed, and in order to obtain a license, we certainly must agree with the supervisory authorities on everything we do in terms of education, all the information that we give to children. Teaching is conducted according to the generally accepted in Russia pre-school education program "Childhood", to which we have added several options, each of which is also coordinated with the Department of Education of the region. Among the options are sports education, a little deeper than in the standard program, historical education in the history of Russia, in addition, a church component has been introduced: the Law of God, church practice, when children study internal church life and take part in it. Children are also offered things related to needlework, the development of motor skills and so on. There are ten such components in total.

At what age, in your opinion, should children be introduced to the basics of faith?

- Children do not need to be introduced to the basics of faith for one simple reason: if a person is introduced to something, it means that he had never heard or knew anything about it before. With a normal harmonious upbringing of a child, when he enters a more or less conscious age (a year and a half or two, when clear memories are already imprinted in his mind), it turns out that the foundations of faith are laid in him at the level of instinct. That is, if mom and dad go to church, if they build their lives in accordance with God's laws, in accordance with the provisions of human morality, decency and morality, then these laws will automatically be rooted in the mind of the child. If a child is brought to church from birth to take communion, then it absorbs some moments of church life, an understanding of the existence of God in his life.

If the parents were unable to give this to the child, then what happened, but, of course, in the matter of the time of the beginning of the knowledge of the foundations of faith and church life, there is only one formula: the sooner the better.

How can a small child be told about God so that he, by virtue of his development, can understand and realize theological truths?

- Slightly digressing from the topic, I would like to draw attention to the problem that is often encountered in the organization of teaching the basics of religious culture in schools. It lies in the staff, in the teaching staff, who would have mastered the methods of teaching religious culture. The Orthodox, thank God, do not have this problem, while other traditional religions have it, perhaps because they do not think about it very much.

One of the ways to talk about God and faith is through your own example, the example of your parents, the example of those whom the child sees around him at the everyday level. And already at the level of theological truths - this is a question for teachers. It is a miracle for me when I see that children of five or six years old in our church, in kindergarten, in our other educational departments are sufficiently well informed in elementary theology, in the catechism, in the Law of God. It has always been a mystery to me: how people can understand, systematize and methodically convey this to a child. Therefore, all I can say is that a monument should be erected to those teachers who know how to do it.

Do you keep track of the fate of kindergarten “graduates”? Do they have problems adapting to a radically non-church community if they then go to a regular school?

− At this stage, we are not yet monitoring the fate of our “graduates” for one simple reason: we had our first graduation only this year. Of course, we will follow what happens to these children, especially since, as a rule, it is not difficult, because the church and the parish are a family, and the children who go to the parish stay in it. Having enrolled in a school - whether in an Orthodox gymnasium, or in a secular educational institution - they all remain early and will remain parishioners of our church, so we will constantly see these children, constantly communicate with them.

This is a huge plus of such a holistic, comprehensive upbringing of a child: after graduating from our kindergarten, he does not leave the church, continuing to be an active participant in parish life.

Private pre-school educational institution "Orthodox kindergarten in honor of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "quick to hearken", Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk and Circassian Diocese"

History: In 2002, in the city of Kislovodsk, by the will of God, the rector of the Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Archpriest Germogen Limanov, laid the first stone in the foundation of the future Orthodox kindergarten. September 27, 2010 on the patronal feast of the temple, a kindergarten was solemnly opened and consecrated in honor of the miraculous icon called "the quick to hearken". 60 pupils attend an Orthodox kindergarten.

The lives of these kids, as well as their parents, have changed in many ways. In kindergarten, the spiritual father and teachers introduce children to the world of Orthodox traditions. Kindergarten is the initial stage of the Orthodox upbringing of children.

Kindergarten concept: increasing love, drawing closer to God, restoring the image of God in a child.

A distinctive feature of it from other kindergartens is that all aspects of education are fed from the Orthodox and serve him.

During the work, an excellent team of highly professional and talented teachers dedicated to their work, as well as workers whose work, although not noticeable, is very important in our work, has been formed. Teachers and employees of the kindergarten try to make the life of children and their parents interesting and eventful. Every day we greet our pupils with love and joy, saying to children and their parents: "hello!" Each of the days spent within the walls of the kindergarten is like a step towards a new world - a world of love, joy, where all hearts are pierced by invisible and inseparable threads - threads of love and kindness. We, adults, dream of such a world, perhaps our children will be able to build such a world?!

Purpose of the Kindergarten: creation of an educational environment conducive to the spiritual development of the child.

As we raise our children, we strive to:

Loving a child for who he is

To open the soul of a child before his mind,

Respect the personality in every child,

Approve and encourage the child

Believe in the possibilities of every child

Develop moral qualities

To notice not the shortcomings of the child, but the dynamics of his development,

Make the parents of the child your allies in the matter of Orthodox education

Kindergarten Traditions:

Participation in the sacraments: familiarization of children in an accessible form with Christian doctrine, biblical history and worship, through participation in the sacraments (weekly communion on Fridays by the whole group in the temple; baptism of newly arrived children (if required); morning and evening prayer, before meals and classes (the prayer rule was chosen taking into account the age and understanding of children);

Orthodox Friday (communion in the temple, classes with the priest "the foundations of Orthodox culture";

Celebration of Orthodox holidays in accordance with the church and secular calendar - "Christmas and New Year", "Spring. Great Easter", "Summer. Holy Trinity Day", "Autumn. Exaltation of the Holy Cross" (name day of the kindergarten and patronal feast of the temple), Children's Angel Day celebration;

Joint project activities in kindergarten (teachers, children), competitions of parent-child creative projects;

Participation in the city exhibition "Preparing for Easter" (co-creation of parents and children);

Pilgrimage trips of teachers with children and parents

Presentation "World of peace and goodness"

Founder (owner): Local religious organization of the Orthodox Parish of the Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Kislovodsk, Stavropol Territory, Pyatigorsk and Circassian Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate).

Confessor and Founder: rector of the Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, miter archpriest Germogen Limanov

Kindergarten manager:Lyudmila Pavlovna Palenina, higher education, honorary worker of education

Shrines of the temple: The miraculous icon of the Mother of God called the "Quick Hearer", the miraculous icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker-Archbishop of Myra of Lycia, the miraculous icon of the Holy Martyr. Panteleimon with a built-in capsule with holy relics

Icons: St. Luke (Voyno-Yasenetsky), Archbishop of Crimea, St. Matrona of Moscow with a built-in capsule with holy relics, St. Theodosius of the Caucasus with a built-in capsule with holy relics

Licenses for the right to carry out educational activities: 26 No. 000116, registration No. 1208 of December 10, 2010; RO No. 026441, registration No. 1793 dated July 22, 2011. (unlimited); Series 26 L 01 No. 0001647, registration No. 5394 of 12/12/2016 (unlimited), supplement to license Series 26 II 02 No. 0001248.

Confessional attestation on entering into the Register of educational organizations of the Russian Orthodox Church under the number 186 of 05.02.2015. and has the right to carry out educational activities under the programs of the religious (Orthodox) component of preschool education

Priority: spiritual and moral education

State registration number of the record on the creation of a legal entity: 1102600001778

Unified State Register of Legal Entities: Certificate dated 20.08.2010 issued by the Office of the Federal Tax Service for the Stavropol Territory, series 26 No. 003661374

Certificate of state registration of the right to a land plot: 26-AI 506769, date of issue 04.12.2013 (perpetual use)

Certificate of state registration of the right to a non-residential building: 26-AI 506709, date of issue 26.11.2013 (own)

Charter: registered on 20.08.2010, new version 10.24.2013, new version 07.11.2016

Educational programs: invariant - "Birth to School" under the editorship of N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva (M., Mosaic-Synthesis, 2015); variable - "The world is a beautiful creation" L.P. Gladkikh, Archimandrite Zinovy ​​(A.A. Korzinkin), V.M. Menshikov; Program "Orthodox education in a preschool institution and family", N.M. Alekseeva; Toolkit "Holiday Gift", O.P. Potapovskaya; Program "Good World", Orthodox culture for kids, author L. Shevchenko; regional component - Introducing children to the cultural and historical values ​​of the region(approximate regional program for the education of preschool children, authors R.M. Litvinova, T.V. Chusovitina, T.A. Ilyina, L.A. Popova, O.N. Kornyush

Awards and other achievements:

Participants of the All-Russian scientific-practical seminar "Ways for the implementation of spiritual and moral education in the system of preschool education" (Belgorod);


Participants of the First Diocesan Readings of the Pyatigorsk and Cherkessk diocese (presentation of the work experience "Organization of the process and the main directions of the harmonious spiritual and moral development of each child in an Orthodox kindergarten");

Participants of city exhibitions "Preparing for Easter";

year 2012:

Winners of the competition "Orthodox Initiative" (charitable foundation of St. Seraphim of Sarov) - a complex creative project "Orthodox shrines";

Winners of the regional intellectual Olympiad for preschoolers "On the road of knowledge";

year 2013:

The winners of the competition of the Basil the Great Charitable Foundation - the Lekoteka project for children with special health needs (HIA);

Winners of the competition of the All-Russian public fund "National Charitable Fund" - the project "Healthy baby - happy family - strong future";

Participants of the exhibition "Mother and Child" (Pyatigorsk);

Participants of the regional intellectual Olympiad for preschoolers "On the road of knowledge";

year 2014:

Participants of the city exhibition "Holy Sunday";

Participants of the regional intellectual Olympiad "On the road of knowledge";

Participants of the city methodological association of preschool workers - Master class "The use of modern physical education equipment and children's simulators in working with preschoolers";


Letters of the Archbishop of Pyatigorsk and Circassian Theophylact;

Diplomas on the participation of the teaching staff in the competition "The Best Teacher of the Basics of Orthodox Culture";

Prize of the Archbishop of Pyatigorsk and Cherkessk "The best teacher of the Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" in the nomination "The program of the optional course on the Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" (annual thematic planning of classes with preschoolers) - Diploma 1st place head L.P. Palenina;

Laureate of the regional competition "Kindergarten - 2015", diploma of the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Stavropol Territory in the nomination "Best Private Organization"

Kindergarten is for almost every kid. Visiting it, the child not only prepares for school, he develops a sense of collectivism, solidarity, friendship and a number of other qualities. There are kindergartens that differ not only in their attitude to education, but also in the general atmosphere - these are Orthodox kindergartens. They in Moscow are less than 1% of the total number of the capital's preschool educational institutions (DOE).

General information

Of course, the activities of these institutions are closely connected with the positioning of Orthodoxy, which means unity of spirit, catholicity and humility. The child is laid only the best features: obedience, love for one's neighbor, gratitude, the desire to help and support. In such groups, an atmosphere of the Orthodox spirit always reigns: conversations with mentors, holidays and knowledge of important church dates, and contemplation of the iconostasis in the most prominent place in a group of children.

Accordingly, group rooms are designed, in which a place for iconostases is determined. Over time, when the children get acquainted with the life of the saint, his icon is placed in this place. It is reserved for reading morning prayers; children pray not only before meals, but also before studying. Music lessons are held twice a week. On them, children are taught to sing prayers, Easter songs, scripts are drawn up for the holidays of Christmas and Easter, and roles are also distributed to participate in the holiday.

Religious upbringing

There is a continuity of religious upbringing and education of the child, both in kindergarten and in the family.

Children are accepted into such groups after a conversation between the parents and the priest. A family pedigree scheme is drawn up, it helps to get to know the family better, and is filled out before the child enters kindergarten. All parent-teacher meetings are attended by a priest. A prerequisite is the attendance of worship on Sundays of parents and children.

Orthodox preschool educational institutions (nurseries) in Moscow

Middle and senior group

The second is at 10 Novovorotnikovsky lane, there are five groups in it, the head is Mineeva Natalia Alexandrovna. Two working contact phones: 978-58-75, 978-56-54.

"Today there is a lot of knowledge, but little education." Metropolitan Macarius (Nevsky).

The main educational program of pre-school education groups at NOCHU “Orthodox Center for Lifelong Education in the name of St. Seraphim of Sarov” (hereinafter referred to as PEP) was developed in accordance with:

  • Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation";
  • UN Convention on the Rights of the Child;
  • Federal state educational standard for preschool education. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 10/17/2013 No. 1155 "On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education"
  • Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2013 No. 26, Moscow “On approval of SanPiN (as amended and supplemented on August 27, 2015) “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the arrangement, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations"
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 1, 2012 N 761 "National Strategy for Action in the Interests of Children for 2012-2017"
  • The State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education for 2013-2020" (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2013 N 792-r) Sub-program "Development of preschool, general education and additional education of children"
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated 30.08.2013 No. 1014 Moscow “On Approval of the Procedure for Organizing and Implementing Educational Activities in Basic General Education Programs - Educational Programs of Preschool Education”
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 8, 2013 N 678 Moscow “On approval of the nomenclature of positions of teaching staff of organizations engaged in educational activities, positions of heads of educational organizations.
  • Comments on the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education Letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) Department of General Education February 28, 2014 No. 08-249
  • Regulatory legal acts of the Government of Moscow, the Department of Education.
  • The charter of the NOCHU "Orthodox Center".
  • Local acts of the NIGHT "Orthodox Center"
  • The program has been developed and is being implemented on the basis of an exemplary general educational program for preschool education “From Birth to School”, edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

    The Center has 3 groups of general developmental preschool education for children from 3 to 7 years old with the possibility of a child staying in a group in a full-time, part-time, short-term stay mode, depending on the needs and capabilities of the family.

    Purpose of the Program: creation of a spiritualized playing and educational space for the child’s life activity for a full-fledged living of preschool childhood, the comprehensive harmonious development of the mental processes and physical qualities of the pupil in accordance with age and individual characteristics, the spiritual and moral development of the personality, the formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the preschooler.


    1. Protection of life and strengthening of the spiritual, mental and physical health of the child.
    2. Creation of conditions for emotional well-being and timely comprehensive development of each child in accordance with age and individual characteristics and inclinations.
    3. Creating an atmosphere of humane and benevolent attitude towards all pupils to develop the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relations with himself, other children, adults and the world;
    4. The formation of positive, harmonious, hierarchically built relationships of the child to the social world of adults and peers, to nature, mediated by the relationship to the Creator.
    5. Formation of the child's personality, aspiring to the highest ideal of human perfection, expressed in the God-man - Jesus Christ, by familiarizing with the traditional spiritual values ​​of Orthodoxy.
    6. Combining training and education into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and socio-cultural values ​​and rules and norms of behavior accepted in society in the interests of a person, family, society;
    7. Improving the efficiency of the educational process as a result of the use of various types of children's activities, their integration, the creative organization of the educational process in groups of preschool education. Creation of a church environment as a factor that transforms a group of children into a "children's family", based on the unity of approaches to raising children in the conditions of an educational organization, family and church.
    8. Ensuring the continuity of the goals, objectives and content of education implemented within the framework of educational programs of preschool and primary general education.
    9. Providing psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children's health.

    The program is based on the following


Tsareva T.Yu., senior educator

ChDOU "Orthodox Kindergarten", Elektrostal

let the children come to Me and do not hinder them, for of such is the Kingdom of God. Truly I say to you: whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it...

Gospel of Mark, chapter 10, verses 14-15.

Now, in the 10s of the 21st century, there is an urgent need to educate children in the Orthodox faith. Our Orthodox Kindergarten -private preschool educational institution. Created on the basis of the decision of the Parish Assembly of the Local Religious Organization of the Orthodox Parish of the Ascension Church in Elektrostal, Moscow Region, Moscow Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Modern parents are the generation born in the 80sXX-century. This time is the beginning of the destruction of a huge country: a generation of politicians was changing, the mentality of the Soviet people was changing, the realization began to return that help was needed from somewhere above, regardless of the power, desire and power of a person. For us, believing people, this can be explained simply - all the conditions (prerequisites) have been formed (have arisen) in society for the realization of God's intervention (God's guidance, God's control) in people's lives.

The whole country was completely politicized: kindergartens brought up love and respect for the leaders of the Soviet government, in elementary school students were admitted to the October, in the middle school - to the pioneers, in the senior classes - to the Komsomol. The young young citizens of the country understood that it would be easier to live in society and achieve career growth if you were a member of the communist party. Social guarantees and visible well-being in society began to destroy the institution of the family. Young men did not think about the consequences of "open relationships". Women became emancipated - social guarantees made it possible to raise children in an incomplete family.

But the Orthodox faith has always lived in the Russian soul. Our grandmothers secretly baptized their grandchildren, taught us to be baptized and took us to church without explaining why, taught us prayers with the words: “It will be easier to live ...”

In 1991 the country was broken. Adults did not know how to live on. The only goal is to survive: get a salary, feed a family, buy clothes. Many began to think: “What is this to us?” And the children at that time grew up and absorbed all the negativity of society: depravity, banditry, drugs - permissiveness.

In these difficult conditions, our current (modern) parents grew up.

In our kindergarten, one group of different ages is like a big family with many children. Children from 3 to 7 years old.You look at the children and understand why the difficult eighties and terrible nineties were sent to us: to revive the Orthodox faith in Russian families.

It is very joyful to hear from parents: “We want to go to your Orthodox kindergarten.” A feeling of great responsibility for the upbringing of children before society arises after these words, a burden of responsibility, “Are we doing the right thing, are we educating this way, do we explain clearly, will our parents understand us?” And the most controversial question at the beginning of teaching the "Fundamentals of the Orthodox Faith": where to start?

Almost all modern programs on the "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" say that we start raising children from 5-6 years old, causing this to be due to the age characteristics of children. But what about the kids?

Our kindergarten accepts children from 3 years old - the second younger group. Watching the kids, you notice that many of them enter the temple with pleasure, listen to the ringing of bells, put candles on candlesticks. After the first classes, the children identify the Mother of God and the Savior on the icons, single out the priest in the world, treat each other more attentively and with care: they help those who are younger or have come back to kindergarten.

Yes, our motor skills are still very poorly developed: we get confused in the fingers for the sign of the cross and incorrectly fold our hands for blessing ...

The implementation of the program of Orthodox education in our garden begins with the regime moment "Morning Prayer". Each time we conduct an introductory, explanatory conversation of 2-3 sentences: “What is a prayer?”, “Why do we read a prayer?”, “Who helps to communicate with God?” We also read prayers during the day: before meals, after meals; before class, after class.

The kindergarten is named after the righteous Simeon the God-bearer. Children know the life of Simeon, the history of the feast of the Presentation of the Lord. They sing the troparion to Simeon the God-Receiver every day at the morning prayer.

The plan for organized educational activities included the Foundations of the Orthodox Faith.Classes are held 2 times a week.

With the Foundations of the Orthodox Faith program, we introduce children to the Orthodox liturgical year as part of the main Orthodox holidays. And we build thematic planning taking into account the main Orthodox holidays.

Targetprogramseducation: to lay in the actions and deeds of children the concepts of good - good, bad - evil, obedience, love, and through these concepts our attitude towards each other. The formation of love. Fill life with love as a state of joy. Joy is grace.

The tasks of the program are implemented in the following sections:

1. The child and his environment. Orthodox ethics.

With children, the concepts of relatives (father, mother, brothers, sisters, other relatives) are clarified. The relationship of the child to the teachers. Ideas about the immediate environment (house, yard, street, city, country) are given, skills of friendly communication with peers are instilled (the requirements of the Orthodox Church for the behavior of a child).

2. God is the Creator of the world.

The teacher helps the child to feel the feeling of the constant presence of God, which is created by the whole situation in the kindergarten and at home. Children are taught short stories on spiritual topics.

3. Prayer is communication with God.

Children memorize accessible and understandable prayers: “Lord, have mercy!”, “Lord, bless!”, “Glory to You, Lord!”, learn to make the sign of the cross.

4. The church is the house of God.

Children attend the Church with their parents, as well as during special services for the Orthodox gymnasium and kindergarten. Temple visits should be short and untiring.

5. The first ideas about Sacred History.

Children are introduced to simple and easy-to-understand Bible stories.

6. Acquaintance with God's Commandments.

The study of God's commandments for children 3-5 years old is not yet available. Their main provisions are presented to children in the process of everyday education (love for one's neighbor, pity for the weak, rejection of evil).

7. The New Testament is the life of Jesus Christ.

Children are presented with brief information from the New Testament, images of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, etc.

8. Main Orthodox holidays.

For children, holidays such as Christmas and Easter are celebrated, with the participation of clergy. The duration of the holiday should be no more than 30 minutes. The holiday ends with a meal with the invitation of parents and relatives.

9. Lives of the saints.

The lives of the holy children are introduced in the form of short stories and showing corresponding drawings, slides, etc.

10. Children's angel days.

Angel Day is an individual holiday for each child. He is congratulated not only by family members, but also by teachers and children of the group, they give gifts, they have a joint meal.

Being an educator and teacher of an Orthodox kindergarten is not easy. First of all, these are deeply religious, church-going people, who are always fair, must love children and be able to acquire their mutual love, since religious feelings develop through love and faith.

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