Orthodox calendar 20 October.

With the exception of one great feast and one day of special commemoration of the dead, October in the church calendar is not a very eventful month. Recall what Orthodox holidays in October 2017 the church calendar celebrates in Russia, what these holidays mean.

Calendar of Orthodox holidays for October 2017

The only great holiday in October - Protection of the Holy Mother of God which is celebrated annually October 14(or October 1 according to the Julian calendar used in the church).

This holiday is dedicated to an event that happened at the beginning of the 10th century (in which year - the data differ) in Constantinople, besieged by an enemy army. Residents of the city, frightened by the imminent capture of the city by the enemy, gathered for a vigil in the local church. Andrei Yurodivy, who later began to be revered as a saint (his memorial day is October 15), was there and prayed with everyone for protection.

Toward the end of the service, Andrei had a vision. He saw the Mother of God in the sky, accompanied by saints and angels. The Virgin Mary took off her headscarf and covered the church and the people inside with it. The vision was considered a good sign, which indicates that everything will work out in the end.

Indeed, after some time, the enemy troops that stormed Constantinople retreated.

The Intercession as a church holiday has always been quite revered in Russia. The very word "veil" has a double meaning in our country. In addition to the significance that it has based on the story told above, in Russia the cover is also the first snow that not only falls from the sky, but is established for some time in mid-October in many central regions of the country. So the snow cover is associated with the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The Pokrov in our country is a celebration of the beginning of true autumn, the time of evening gatherings for girls and the opening of the autumn wedding season with our ancestors.

Day of Special Remembrance for the Dead in October 2017

28 of October(or the 15th of the Julian calendar) 2017 is a day of special remembrance. named Dimitrievskaya Saturday.

Named in honor of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica, parental Saturday appeared at the end of the 14th century and was dedicated to the memory of all Russians who died in the battle on the Kulikovo field. The Mamaev massacre, as that battle went down in history, between the troops of Dmitry Donskoy and the beklarbek (a kind of governor in the Golden Horde) Mamai. The victory in the battle became one of the significant events that led to the weakening of the Horde and the strengthening of the Moscow principality, and the church set a special date in memory of about 20 thousand Russian soldiers who died in the battle.

Already in the next century, Dimitrievskaya Saturday, judging by the annals, was celebrated as a day of remembrance for all the dead.

Therefore, today is one of the parental days when the Orthodox can visit the graves of deceased relatives and other close people. If the spring Radonitsa is a very massive parental day, which also has a joyful, Easter meaning, then the autumn commemoration day is an occasion for a more calm and meaningful reflection on the eternal.

For each religion, it is important to honor their rites and customs. This makes any adherent of faith purer and closer to God. That is why it is important to know which Orthodox holidays are celebrated in October 2019, what rules must be followed, and what legend made this or that holiday so revered.

Day of Remembrance of the Icon of the Mother of God of Molchenskaya

This holiday is celebrated on the first day of the month of October. This icon is located in the city of Putivl, in a women's monastery and is the main local shrine. The image of the Mother of God miraculously appeared in the Molche swamp on the day when they now celebrate the manifestation of this blessing. Bortnik, who found her, heard a booming voice, which ordered to build a temple in honor of the Virgin on this place. When people came to this place, the face of the saint shone with divine light.

This icon survived the looting of the monastery and moving to a new church. Thanks to the careful hands of church ministers, she has survived to this day and still gives people divine grace.

Conception of the glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John

This significant event falls on October 6. The prophet Malachi predicted that before the appearance of the Savior, his Forerunner would appear to the people. As a result, the Palestinian priest Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth prayed for a long time for a child, but God did not hear his prayers. Having lived to a rather advanced age, having entered the church before the blessing for the people, the face of the Archangel Gabriel appeared to him, who promised him a child. Zacharias, who did not believe, he made dumb before the birth of the Forerunner. This is the history of this holiday.

Day of St. Sergius of Radonezh

This holiday is celebrated October 8. Ancestor of the Russian Enlightenment and Renaissance. The engine of culture of the second half of the 14th century, an orthodox Christian - all this is a description of St. Sergius of Radonezh. He was marked by the Lord from the very conception, but there were no concessions in his upbringing. That is why he did so much for the Russian people and our culture in the aftermath of the Tatar yoke. For the sake of his spiritual feat, in the name of his memory, on October 8, a holiday was appointed in the name of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

The Repose (Death) of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian

The date of this holiday is October 9. This day is dedicated to the death of John the Evangelist. He was a beloved Apostle of Christ, loved those around him, and had a particularly sacrificial nature. Accompanying Jesus everywhere, including in the days of his death, he was named by him the son of the Mother of God. Caring for the latter until her death, he worried about her every second and never left Jerusalem.

After the death of the Virgin, John went to Asia Minor, preaching Christianity. Having overcome many deadly dangers, he was able to write the Book of Revelations about the Apocalypse. He was the chosen one of the Lord and carried his faith through many difficulties. That is why the day of his death was erected on church holidays.

Protection of the Holy Mother of God

The main church holiday of the autumn month of October falls on 14 number. On this day, according to the information in the Great Honors of the Menaia of St. Andrew the Holy Fool, during the night vigil, the Great Mother of God descended to the worshipers, accompanied by the forerunner John and John the Theologian, as well as many more saints. That night, she gave grace to the temple, blessed people and humanity.

On this day, the visit of the Virgin Mary to the sinful earth is celebrated. The essence of this vision was as follows: the city in which people prayed was besieged, and the appearance of the Mother of God forced the attackers to retreat. There is a lot of controversy about the creation of this holiday, and this issue has also been raised many times at church or scientific conferences. Regarding this, there are a fairly large number of versions and disagreements, but everyone agrees on one thing - this is a holy day for every Orthodox Christian.

Memorial Day of the Holy Fathers of the VII Ecumenical Council

This significant church holiday is celebrated October 24. On this day, at the Ecumenical Council, it was decided whether to venerate icons or not to elevate them to the level of a shrine. The holy fathers at that time decided that the painted faces of the saints are just as important for faith, and therefore sacred for everyone who believes in the Lord. In addition, on this day, many other fundamental issues of faith were resolved, which subsequently regulate the life of Orthodoxy, church activities and the daily behavior of everyone under the wing of the Almighty.

Also on this day, the day of memory of the Cathedral of the Venerable Optina Elders is celebrated.

Observance of Orthodox church holidays is not just archaic rituals. This is an opportunity to educate the spirit to pray to God, to become a good Christian. Remember the Almighty and live godly.

Week 17 after Pentecost, after the Exaltation. Voice 8th.

Sunday troparion and kontakion of the 8th tone(see annex 1) Kontakion of St. Eumenius, tone 2: Having been enlightened by the Divine light, all-blessed, / enlighten us, / singing your honest and glorious / and holy love, Father, repose, / Hierarch Eumenius, / / ​​pray unceasingly for all of us.

The Lord, pointing to the child, said amazing words that people cannot fully understand, but in which there is great truth and vitality: “Unless ... you become like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of God” (Matthew 18:3). Why didn’t the Lord point to His apostles and say: “The Kingdom of Heaven is of such – be like My disciples and you will enter the Kingdom of God”? Some may think: what, you need to be as undeveloped as children? Is it really necessary to have the same mind as children? Is it really necessary to have the same life experience as children? Why then the whole life? Of course, the child eats milk, soft food, as the apostle Paul says (see Heb. 5:12-14). A child needs to gain strength, he needs to grow, he needs to gain intelligence, wisdom, strength, the ability to resist evil. But in the soul of a child there is something that should never leave a person - this is purity of heart.

Liturgical instructions awaiting

The Orthodox Church on this day honors the death of St. Sergius, hegumen of Radonezh.

Traditions and history

Sergius of Radonezh is revered by the church in the face of saints as a reverend (that is, glorified by a monastic feat). The saint lived for many years in abstinence and labor and performed many miraculous deeds, healing the sick. Sergius of Radonezh blessed Prince Dmitry Donskoy for the battle with Mamai, and after the victory of the Russian soldiers, they began to consider him the heavenly protector of our Fatherland.

The most important holiday in October. It is timed to coincide with the appearance of the Mother of God to St. Andrew the Holy Fool in Blachernae Church Constantinople. Among the people, the holiday was called Pokrov Day.

Traditions and history

Parishioners visit Temples, pray to the Virgin Mary in the hope of receiving healing, blessing. In ancient times, the wedding season began at this time. Girls who wanted to get married as soon as possible came to the Temple on October 14 and, lighting a candle, prayed to Paraskeva Friday, asking for help in marriage.

Orthodox Christians pray for the repose of the souls of deceased people, especially parents.

Traditions and history

Believers visit the church on this day, bring notes with the names of deceased relatives and give them to the priest, who will mention them during the service. Also, donations in the form of vegetables, bread, sweets and fruits are brought to the church, but meat and wine cannot be donated.

On this day, they bow to the miraculous Kazan Icon of the Mother of God - one of the most revered in the Russian Orthodox Church. Believers pray for the insight of blind eyes, for deliverance from wars, bless those who marry.

Traditions and history

The feast of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God is considered one of the most important women's holidays. Since ancient times, the Kazan icon has been considered a female intercessor. And they also said whoever marries Kazanskaya will be happy in marriage.

On this day, all believers honor angels and archangels, pray for strengthening strength, help in physical healing, deliverance from sorrows and troubles.

Traditions and history

The feast was established by the Council of Laodicea in the 4th century. The eighth number (according to the Julian calendar) was not chosen by chance - this is an indication of the “Osmoy day”, on which the Council of all the powers of Heaven should take place during the Last Judgment.

Archangel Michael is revered as the protector of the souls of the dead, he guards the gates of paradise and leads the army of angels guarding the Law of God.

This is the last multi-day fast of the year and will end on January 6th. Its purpose is the spiritual cleansing of a person and preparation for the feast of the Nativity of Christ.

Traditions and history

During the days of fasting, the Orthodox Church prescribes to abstain from meat, eggs, milk and butter of animal origin. In addition, it is forbidden to consume vegetable oil on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Fish is allowed only on Saturdays and Sundays, as well as on great holidays, for example, on the Day of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos. From January 2 to 6, fasting becomes strict: at this time, you can not eat fish even on Saturday and Sunday. However, for the majority of believers, the church allows concessions.

This is one of the twelve great church holidays of the year, not counting Easter, which lasts five days. At this time, you need to constantly remember your true purpose and with sincere prayer cleanse your soul from sins.

Traditions and history

In the people, this holiday marks the arrival of winter. The Feast of the Introduction is considered a clean and blessed day, therefore, throughout its entire duration, one cannot swear, quarrel and drink alcoholic beverages.

On St. Andrew's Day, divine services are held in the Temples. Believers adhere to the Christmas fast.

Traditions and history

Unmarried girls pray to the holy apostle Andrew to give them good suitors.

On St. Nicholas Day, divine services are held in the Temples. Believers eat Lenten dishes, since the holiday falls on the period of the Nativity Fast.

Traditions and history

According to popular belief, on the night of December 19, Nicholas the Wonderworker descends from heaven to earth and helps all those in need. Before the revolution, on this day, parents put gifts under the pillow for their child: fruits, sweets, toys. Single girls prayed for a happy marriage.


On September 27, 2017, on the feast of the Exaltation of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, a solemn raising of the cross on the main dome of the Church of the Savior on Kamenka (Nizhne-Kamenskaya street, 4) will take place. A prayer service for the consecration of the cross will be led by His Eminence Archbishop Ambrose of Peterhof, Rector of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy.

On the same day, Metropolitan Isaiah of Tamasos and Orinia (Cypriot Orthodox Church) will donate to the Temple the Great Shrine - a particle of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.

Prayer starts at 4:00 pm.


“Church holidays are established in order to break away from worldly affairs and pay more attention to the spiritual. On such days, you need to minimize all external affairs. Without extreme necessity, on holidays you can’t work, as well as do housework, it is recommended to refuse to watch entertainment TV shows, visit the theater and cinema. But you can’t mess around either, instead, you need to devote yourself to prayer, if possible, be present in the Temple at the service (it is advisable to confess and take communion). After the Temple, pray at home, read the Holy Scriptures and the works of the holy fathers, do works of mercy - visit the lonely, the sick, feed the poor.

(Priest Alexander, cleric of one of the St. Petersburg Temples.)

Like other months, October is rich in events from the Christian life. This is not the most active month, however, and there are church dates and holidays in it that every believer should remember. Today we will learn about all the most important Orthodox events in October 2017.

Important church holidays in October 2017

October 8, 2017- Remembrance Day Sergius of Radonezh. The Orthodox Church calls this saint a reverend, that is, a glorified monastic feat. Sergius lived in the XIV century AD. In the world he was called Bartholomew. He was endowed with a good mind, love for his neighbor, willpower and diligence. This saint became famous for being able to work miracles. With prayer and a kind word, he encouraged and helped those who despaired in moments of particular sorrow. Often his prayer healed. Despite this, the Monk Sergius was a very modest person, from childhood he kept a strict fast on Wednesdays and Fridays, and on the rest of the days he was more often fed only with water and bread.

October 9, 2017- The death of the apostle and evangelist John the Theologian. This man became a beloved disciple of Jesus Christ. He was faithful to the Savior until the last minutes, followed on his heels to Golgotha, where later, together with the Virgin Mary, he mourned his beloved teacher. John is believed to have lived for over a hundred years. He predicted his imminent death and ordered his disciples to bury him alive. However, some time later, when his grave was opened, the body was not found, and since then a thin layer of manna began to appear on the grave, which was considered a miracle (see d.).

October 14, 2017- The Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos is celebrated. Great holiday celebrated by the Orthodox Church. The events to which this holiday was dedicated took place in 910 AD. It is believed that on this day the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to the clergy of the Church of Constantinople during the service, spreading her cover in the air - a white veil or cape. She was accompanied by two saints - the holy Baptist of the Lord John and the holy Apostle John the Theologian.

October 28, 2017- Saturday Dimitrievskaya. Day of Special Remembrance for the Dead. Otherwise referred to as Parental Saturday. On this day, the memory of the Holy Great Martyr Dmitry of Thessalonica is honored. This day has been revered since the reign of Dmitry Donskoy. Believers go to the graves of their dead relatives, clean them before the start of the winter period and honor the memory of the dead.

Calendar of church holidays for October 2017

Church fasts in October 2017

Dates of one-day weekly posts on Wednesdays and Fridays in October 2017:
4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 20, 25 and 27 October. These days you should eat lean food: hot without vegetable oil.

See also: how to correctly according to the calendar (church calendar).

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