Practice _1. Average values

Let's consider such indicator used in sales as Run Rate. The management of some organizations considers it the only correct one for predicting the implementation of the sales plan, but I would not idealize this indicator. Let's outline its main pros and cons.

So what is Run Rate?
Run - (from English) go, run.
Rate - (from English) speed, temperature, percentage.

So, in sales, the Run Rate is an indicator that allows you to determine what percentage / value of the sales plan will be reached by the sales department at the end of the period, moving at the existing sales rate at the time the indicator is measured.

Consider the formulas:

1. To predict the target sales plan performance indicator (in percent):

(number of working days for the entire period / value of sales for the entire period)

Example: the sales department sold 50 units of products in 10 business days at the time of the forecast. Sales plan until the end of the month: sell 150 units of products. There are 12 working days left until the end of the month. What percentage of the sales plan is the sales department reaching at the end of the month?

RR = (50/10)*(22/150)*100%=73%

It turns out that the sales department, selling at the same pace, will reach the target of 73%.

2. The second formula predicts the value of sales at the end of the period (revenue, number of units of production, etc.):

(sales at the time of measurement/number of business days elapsed)

number of working days for the entire period

Let's take the above example:
RR= (50/10)*22=110

It turns out that the sales department, working at the same pace, will sell 110 units of products at the end of the month.
In the same way, you can predict revenue in money at the end of the period.

So, the pros and cons of this method:

1. 1. Using this indicator, it is easy to predict the % of sales plan completion at the end of the period, but only if your sales department works evenly throughout the month (period), which is not true in many organizations, and the bulk of sales falls on the end of the month. Why? I will write in another article.

2. 2. Using this method, you can scientifically substantiate your sales forecast for the end of the month to your bosses using formulas and make a beautiful presentation.

3. Using this method, you can "bring your senses" to your sales managers, giving acceleration and showing that with such results of the implementation of the sales plan, they will not receive a bonus.

4. This indicator can be applied to a longer calculation period, for example, not to days, but to weeks, or to months, to predict what percentage of the annual sales target the company is reaching. But this indicator will work again if we impose a correction factor on seasonality, if any, in the company.

In your work, I would not recommend that you fully rely on this indicator if you need accurate forecasts. A more accurate sales forecast can be built by analyzing a large amount of information for previous periods. In future articles, I will write about such methods.

I wish you successful sales!

Relative value of the planned target(planned target indicator) is the ratio of the planned level of the indicator to its level achieved in the previous period (or in the period considered as the base one).

The relative value of the planned task characterizes the prospects for the development of the phenomenon
OVTR = planned level for the future (next) period / actual level of the current (previous) period

Example: in 2007 the number of employees was 120 people. in 2008, it was planned to reduce production and bring the number to 100 people.
OVTR =(100/120) *100% = 83.3% - 100% = -16.7%.
The company planned to reduce the number of personnel by 16.7%.

Relative value of plan execution

Relative value of plan execution(plan implementation indicator) characterizes the degree of implementation of the plan.
TFR = actual level of the current period / plan of the current period

Example: in 2007 the number of employees was 120 people. in 2008, it was planned to reduce production and bring the number to 100 people. But the number of employees for the year increased to 130 people in a year.
ROVP \u003d (130 / 100) * 100% \u003d 130% - 100% \u003d 30%.
The actual number of employees exceeded the planned level by 30%.

There is a relationship between and the relative value of the planned task and the relative value of the plan implementation, expressed in the formula: OVVP = OVD / OVPV

Example: the company planned to reduce the cost by 6%. The actual decrease compared to the previous year was 4%. How was the cost reduction plan implemented?
ATS \u003d (96 / 100) * 100% \u003d 96% - 100% \u003d - 4%
OVTR \u003d (94 / 100) * 100% \u003d 94% - 100% \u003d - 6%
RWP = 96% / 94% = 102.1% - 100% = -2.1% the actual level exceeded the planned one by 2.1%.

Example: an insurance company in 1997 entered into contracts in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. In 1998, she intends to conclude contracts for the amount of 510 thousand rubles. The relative value of the target will be equal to 102% (510 / 500).

Suppose the influence of various factors led to the fact that in 1998 the insurance company concluded expensive deals in the amount of 400 thousand rubles. In this case, the relative value of the execution fee will be equal to 78.4% (400/510).

The relative values ​​of the dynamics, the planned task and the fulfillment of the plan are related by the following relationship.

The planning process is an integral part of any success. The presence of goals specified in indicators allows you to control the movement of a person or organization in a certain direction, gives clarity to the activity. This allows you to quickly move to effective action. However, an equally important condition for achieving success is the ability to control the results of their activities. A person should have a good idea at what stage he is and how much more he has to do. This article will tell you how to calculate the percentage of the plan completed.

Why do you need to count

There are many areas of human activity, the results of which can be accurately quantified. In order to carry out their activities effectively, to get the maximum benefit from their actions, they resort to planning. The presence of specific goals allows you to adhere to exactly those indicators under which the activity makes sense.

A prime example in this case is budget planning. In order for the organization to remain profitable and receive the funds necessary for development, indicators of income and expenses are developed. The implementation of the plan is a guarantee of the successful development of the company.

In order to properly build their activities and achieve these indicators in a timely manner, it is necessary to imagine at what stage the organization is in relation to this goal. It is for a clear positioning of a person or organization on the path to achieving results that the calculation of the percentage of the plan is applied. It allows you to properly build your activities so that all the necessary indicators are achieved just in time.

How to calculate the execution of the plan

When it comes to how to calculate the percentage of the plan, it means the ratio of its two components: those indicators that have been achieved and those that need to be achieved. In sales, this is the total number of purchases made by customers in relation to the total planned sales volume. When planning a budget, this is the amount of money earned at the moment in relation to the amount of finance that needs to be earned over a certain period of time.

Thus, to determine the percentage of completion of the plan, it is necessary to find the quotient of the results achieved at the moment and those planned for a certain date, and then multiply the resulting number by 100.

PVP \u003d TR / ZR * 100

  • PVP - the percentage of the plan;
  • TR - current results;
  • ZR - planned results.

For example, a real estate agency plans to hand over 28 apartments this month. At the moment, 6 are rented. So, the percentage of the organization's plan at the current time is 21. It is this information that serves as the basis for intensifying the company's further activities and searching for new tenants.

PVP = 6 / 28 * 100 = 21.428


In most areas of activity in which results are clearly quantifiable, a person or organization resorts to planning values, the achievement of which is a necessary condition for ensuring successful development. This operation is applied in the field of sales, economic activities of large organizations, small projects, ordinary families, as well as in many other areas. Achieving the planned indicators requires a clear positioning along the entire path towards them. It is for the purpose of exercising control over the approximation to the plan that the formula for the percentage of the plan is used.

What formula is needed?

% plan = (actual / plan) * 100%.

These indicators can be expressed both in quantitative and cost units, and also consist of several components.

Now consider the principle calculation of plan execution in Excel.

For example, we have data on planned and actual output for 1 quarter.

To do this, just do the following:

1) In the cell with the result, write the formula of the form:

For example: in cell C7 - plan, in cell D7 - fact. The formula in cell E7 looks like this:

In the context menu of the cell, select "Cell Format" and set the necessary parameters.

After that, the cell will contain information about the implementation of the plan as a percentage.

There may be another problem - it is necessary calculate the predicted percentage of plan completion.

For example, in 10 days of March, 400 units of products were produced. You need to find out what percentage of the plan will be at the end of the month if the production rate remains the same.

For this we use the formula:

% plan_forecast = (actual / current day) (plan / number of days in a month) * 100%.

This is what this formula looks like in Excel:

If you need to take exactly the current day, then we write the following formula:

Yes, just like two fingers on the asphalt.

Take the value "Plan9" into one cell, and the value "Fact9" into the other.

In the third, write a formula like "=Fact / Plan * 1009" and set the percentage display format of the result in it. If you have the automatic recalculation mode turned off (and it is turned on by default), then press the F9 key. As a result, the percentage will be shown in the third cell fulfillment of your plan.That's something like that!

First you need to find the cell in which the plan is written, for example A10, and then find the cells that reflect the current indicators or simply the execution status for a specific date, for example H100.

The formula for calculating the percentage of plan completion will be the quotient of division:

=H100/A10(if cell format is percentage)

=H100/A10*100(if cell format is numeric)

Econcoverage New economy

Calculate the percentage of plan completion using the following formula:

Plan completion = 100% (16)

I quarter Issue. = 100% = 110.2%

II quarter Issue. = 100% = 102.8%

III quarter Issue. = 100% = 95.9%

IV quarter Issue. = 100% = 144.9%

Calculate the plan deviation using the following formula:

Deviation from plan = Fact - Plan (17)

I quarter Issue. \u003d 21000 - 19050 \u003d 1950 thousand rubles.

II quarter Issue. \u003d 21600 - 21000 \u003d 600 thousand rubles.

III quarter Issue. \u003d 20000 - 20850 \u003d -850 thousand rubles.

IV quarter Issue. \u003d 30000 - 20700 \u003d 9300 thousand rubles.

From the above graph, we can conclude that in the first and fourth quarters at the Kolorit PC during 2010, the balance sheet profit in fact was more than according to the plan.

Table 7 - Payments from profit during 2010

Payouts: Income tax (20%) Fee for production assets Interest on credit

18937,4 17250 4300

From it deducted to: - reserve fund, - accumulation fund, - consumption fund.

11200 13756 22181

Remaining at the disposal of the enterprise

The current system of regional management is not efficient enough and is formed; it rejects the old forms and methods in the absence or insufficient development of new structures and sufficiently effective mechanisms for the implementation of management functions. To manage the region's economy in development, it is necessary to restructure the region's management system. .

Labor market: concept, features and shaping factors

Organization of entrepreneurial activity

The key figure in market relations is the entrepreneur.

Organization and improvement of production efficiency

The task is to analyze the duration of the production cycle in the production of a particular type of product.

In order to quickly control the activities of the company, the head from time to time is obliged to calculate what part of the work from the general plan has already been completed by his organization. This allows you to promptly indicate to subordinates the need to increase the pace of work or, conversely, in some way to encourage diligence.

Thus, by calculating the percentage of completed work to the remaining amount to be completed, the manager constantly quickly controls the situation in his organization. For successful control over the organization you will need. In order to correctly calculate the degree of implementation of the plan, you need to have a good knowledge of all the activities of your organization.

If there are many divisions in it, then it is necessary to know what kind of activity each of them produces, as well as what kind of products they produce. If the products are heterogeneous, then for proper accounting it is necessary to bring it to some common value, such as weight or monetary units of measurement.

In order to know how to calculate the percentage of plan completion, it is necessary to understand that its measurement is carried out by the ratio of the results obtained as a result of the organization's activities to the planned indicators at the end of any period of time. Knowing the amount of work required to be done, as well as bringing the output to a single value, it is very easy to calculate the remaining part of the work. The ratio of the plan and the achieved result is usually expressed as a percentage.

Avoid situations of confusing accounting. For example, a product paid for last month, and shipped only this month, should be counted only once. Try to ensure that all operations end in one accounting period, that is, the goods paid for last month should also be shipped to the customer only last month. Probably, such situations can also arise in a situation where the goods are shipped, but have not yet reached the buyer.

According to the same principle, work in progress should be included in the production indicators performed after the fact. Knowing how to find the percentage of completion of the plan, you will always be able to set tasks for your subordinates as clearly and understandably as possible. You will never again say: "to maximize sales figures", but accurately and specifically name the amount of sales by the end of some time in specific units.

Such measures, when everyone clearly understands what is required of him, as a rule, significantly prevent a nervous situation in the team. By calculating the percentage of the plan, you can, by comparing the fulfillment of the plan at different stages, find out such an important indicator as the rhythm of production. This will help you avoid complacency at the beginning of the reporting period and rush work at its end.

By regularly analyzing the implementation of the plan in percentage terms, you can very quickly and easily identify all the weak points in your production, which will allow you to strengthen them in the future. All this will allow you to correct your case in a timely manner and avoid force majeure circumstances.

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