Congratulations in prose on World Theater Day. Congratulations on World Theater Day Congratulations for those who love theatrical art

Let there be only masks in the theater ... But how alive, how exciting and beautiful! Theater is a special world in which we plunge headlong and which we will never forget! On Theater Day, I convey my best wishes to everyone who puts their hand and imagination to the performances on its stage!

How can we live without cultural recreation, without theater? Today, on the day dedicated to him, I want to congratulate everyone who works in the theater field and wish them all the best! May there be no less miracles in your life than in your most magical performances about kindness and love!

There is a theater in many countries, but ours is especially good, with a rich history that combines the originality and the best traditions of its world counterparts! Today, with great pleasure, I congratulate all its creative workers on the Day of the Theater and wish them inspiration, an unquenchable sense of beauty and the best experiences!

Your life is a wonderful game, where there is a place for all colors and feelings, where something happens that does not always have a place in the real world ... Accept my congratulations on Theater Day, a dreamy, free-spirited and incredibly talented person! May your muse be generous, and the best experiences warm your heart all your life!

Today, the theater is not only the entertainment of the elite, it is open to everyone, but still remains a noble institution to which we go in order to join the beautiful! Please accept my congratulations on the Theater Day! I wish you interesting scenarios, the best props and talented actors!

Congratulations on Theater Day! Here, fictional passions boil sometimes stronger than in real life, and we will return to its walls with great pleasure and talk about how your game touched us ... Let me wish you more inspiration, joys of life and just love!

The fact that you work in the theater, in my opinion, adds to you ... mystery, charm! I am happy to know that a person who is not indifferent to me is busy with what he loves and goes to work like a holiday! Happy Theater Day! Happiness to you in all its diversity available in our world!

Congratulations on Theater Day! Its history is so rich... Today I congratulate you on the holiday and wish great creative success to those who diligently continue its best traditions! May life spoil you with pleasant surprises! Smile and dream big!

There are even more theatrical tastes than theaters! We watch dramas and comedies, ballets and operettas... And we never remain indifferent! Happy Theater Day! This world is a real kingdom of miracles and we will definitely return to it! Maybe to make your own...

You are a creative person, you live and breathe art. It seems that there is nothing better for you than spending an evening in dreams, and then, tirelessly working on their realization! Please accept my congratulations on the Theater Day! Let all your fantasies find their place!

The International Day of Theater Workers was established in 1961. Its creator was the IX Congress of the International Theater Institute. The motto of this holiday is: "The theater as a means of mutual understanding and strengthening of peace between peoples." All theatrical figures and actors celebrate such an annual event with traditional premieres of new plays or large benefit performances. Honoring outstanding theater figures always arouses great interest. Rewarding on such a day is honorable and prestigious. Festive events are held in all theaters of the world. Theatergoers congratulate their idols, and officials never skimp on praise and gifts. World Theater Day is not only a professional holiday for stage workers. It is celebrated by all lovers of theatrical art who visit the temple of Melpomene. The date we celebrate World Theater Day is March 27th.

They bring me some expenses in my pocket,
Wonderful, magical theaters,
But I want a beautiful soul
I go where they can help me.
They stir and play on the stage,
Actors turn a fairy tale into reality here,
Let them congratulate you on the day of the theater,
And the audience does not stop walking.
I am a frequent visitor, I get used to the theater,
When I can, I visit at the same time.

Love the stage where it's magical, cool,
The actor creates, like an angel on earth,
Bring people only kindness and affection,
With a wonderful word, caressing the soul.
May the day of the theater not be forgotten by the audience
And I'm in love, I'll go into the hall to look,
Both a pro and a simple amateur will come,
I'm the only one watching in awe.

Let the black cat not run out onto the stage,
Don't lose the words
With improvisation, we are knee-deep in the sea.
On the day of the theater, I congratulate you.
And every step, step and touch
To the holy place, the viewer is already waiting
With their love, penetrate to the heart,
Go bolder, the trumpet is already calling.

Fictional passions boil stronger than in reality,
We enjoy watching your game,
We rest with our souls in the hall,
And we sincerely congratulate you on the holiday.
Congratulations on the day of the theater,
We sincerely wish you creative success,
May happiness always smile at you
Let there be a favorable fate.

Actors attach us to the beautiful,
They pleasantly surprise with their talent,
Enjoy watching Shakespeare
And wonderful performances from all over the world.
On the day of the theater, accept congratulations,
May life be filled with joy, fun,
May the muse always be generous to you,
May the Lord keep from troubles and evil.

Let there be only masks in the theater
But they are alive
We are pleased with the performances and bright colors,
We are pleasantly surprised by your talent.
We sincerely congratulate you on the day of the theater,
We wish you joy, good luck, happiness,
May your talent flourish brighter,
May the Lord always protect.

Theater is a special world in which,
We dip our heads
We are drawn to the temple of art,
Where we rest with our souls.
Happy theater day, congratulations,
Let the mood be great
Let you be lucky in everything, always
May your path be illuminated by a bright star.

Congratulations to creative workers from the bottom of our hearts,
May your cherished dreams come true
Let luck not pass by
Let fate be happy.
Let life flow like a full river
May the muse always inspire you
Beautiful love, joy, fun,
And always in a great mood.

Your whole life is a beautiful game
And you can’t imagine yourself without the theater,
You always give us joy
We sincerely wish you good luck and happiness.
May your every day turn into a holiday,
May all your plans come true,
We sincerely wish you creative success.
Sincerely congratulations on the day of the theater.

May you succeed
Both in life and on stage,
Let the heart beat faster
Let the viewer appreciate it.
Full house at performances!
Divine roles!
Great happiness in life!
Beautiful, bright days!

B piercing sun from the stage sky,
Parting the gray curtain of clouds,
For you, faithful servant of Melpomene,
He sends his spring warm ray on holiday,

A river to inspire,
And joy brought out a bird trill,
And turns with every performance
Success was gaining a carousel!

Let love not be hypocrisy,
It burns in the soul with an unquenchable fire,
And shine for you and your family
Spotlights of happiness are brighter every day!

AT theater day we all praise
Those who rule the ball in life.
Who staked fate
Passion, emotions heat up.

Kudos and thanks to them
For their spiritual impulse.
The most important thing in life is:
"You're on stage, so you're alive!"


BUT actors and actresses,
Favorite directors
And everyone who makes the theater
To whom, it is very dear.

Congratulations today from the bottom of my heart
Prime Minister I wish you
Date with the beautiful
I appoint on stage.


AT all artists, directors,
Costumers and dancers
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Happy World Theater Day!

We feel your love
Blood runs through our veins.
When miracles are on stage
Ready to freeze hearts.

Ready to live with you, suffer,
Laugh, cry, praise,
Everything is ready for you, to forgive everything,
Ready Bravo! you scream.


D the day of the theater is coming,
It's a very bright day
We respect the theater
We are not too lazy to go there!

We love actors
And let's fill the hall to the full,
We will sell all the tickets
And the price is not important to us.

We wish all actors
So many bright days
So that there is no rebound,
From performances and roles!


AT all theater workers
Congratulations on your day.
After all, always to meet you,
It's like we're walking into a fairy tale.

I wish the hypocrites
Rise and recognition.
Never regret
About your calling.

So that you also give everything
Spectator intrigue.
So that we hurry to the theater,
Like an entertaining book.


FROM Congratulations on World Theater Day!
Good luck and inspiration!
To please us with talent,
Let every hour be filled with creativity.

The whole world is a theater, as Shakespeare said.
And this holiday is like a whole world!
Let life give you bright moments
And the applause never stops!


FROM congratulations on the day of the theater
All directors in the world.
Of course, I wish them
Only excellent actors!

And the actors in the world
Only good directors
Inspiration for everyone at work
And great performances!




T theatrals, get together,
Theater day is the best day
And congratulate each other
You can celebrate now.

Everyone will get today
Words, murmuring streams.
Take your bed
And watch the play.

Let joy not fade in the soul,
In my feelings -
Thank you theater
Forget about reality.


To then the world was not amazed
Theatrical art?
After all, this is a theater, it is wonderful,
Great, unique.

The hall rose unanimously,
Filled with delight
And every spectator risked
Punch off your palms.

Each performance is like a lesson,
And that means a lot.
We dedicate congratulations
Both the theater and theater goers!


P the mouth of the hall is never empty for you,
From the audience noisy in the lobby, as always.
Let Melpomene always vote for you.
Yes, there is often a creative theme.
Let the native theater be a fortress,
And the audience will not forget your success for many years.
Always let inspiration visit.
Let all the media broadcast about you with delight.
Beautiful, newest roles for you!

Different, but only pleasant, things!
Good luck and creative cool ideas!


AT theater day congratulations,
Friend, actor, heartily for you,
Of course I understand
That art will last forever.

You give your talent
I, as a spectator, skillfully
You live, you don't play
That's how you love your job.

I admire you
And your skill
Good friend, congratulations
Happy holiday to you!


R ampa shines with lights,
Applause all around
Happy Theater Day, I congratulate
Everyone who is in love with him.

Here they live and love on the stage,
Sowing seeds of love and kindness,
There are tragedies, dramas, comedies,
Everything that our life is so full of.

Let the lights of the theaters not go out
And the curtain flies up again,
Let the performances never end
In a theater called "Life".


AT this day is merry march
We are celebrating Theater Day.
Congratulations to the theatergoers
Theaters and Big and Small,
Congratulations directors,
costume designers and actors
We give congratulations to those
Who is related
To a kind of wonderful art,
Expressing our feelings
We are with a smile in every line
In this short greeting!


AT your roles are all beautiful,
You are terribly talented.
We cry, we suffer
We freeze with happiness.

Let the show last for a short time
Our souls are like birds
Breaking free
To live someone else's lot.

Accept congratulations,
Great inspiration to you!


To streets, ramps light, and you are on stage.
And now the hushed hall is watching
Behind your every word and movement.
Then - flowers, a flurry of applause.

And again for a while the wings are lowered,
But we look forward to seeing you again.
Vivat to you all, actors and actresses,
Thanks for playing and keep it up!

Congratulations, directors,
Let all performances go with a bang,
Make-up artists, dressers and prompters,
All for whom theater has become life.


« AT all life is a theater,” Shakespeare once said,
And that means every theatergoer!
It doesn't matter if you play on stage
Will you fill the hall with applause!

On the stage, sometimes waiting for so many plots,
What in life could not win back!
Light of the ramp, a full hall, a sea of ​​applause,
You became an actor - a lot came true!

And let us all in life only actors,
And the director Fate, it is clear to everyone,
Plots only joyful, happy,
From the life of the drama we expel completely!


To streets, curtain, actors,
Posters, public, flowers.
Inaudibly stupid conversations
Everyone is engrossed in the story.

Theater - a huge world of mysteries,
Culture royal crown.
And Happy World Theater Day
I hasten to congratulate you soon.

I wish you inspiration
Aspirations, joy, love,
And also eternal luck.
So that you find your happiness.

Let the legendary spirit of the theater
Protects you from adversity
Will warm your soul with passion,
Success will bring faith.


P Let me congratulate you on an amazing holiday - World Theater Day! You and millions of your colleagues around the world represent one of the most ancient and amazing art forms! I wish you and your colleagues the most grateful viewers!


P mouth you will
happy theater day
And sold out
We wish you!


T theater usually gives us
Excitement and joyful feelings.
Everyone knows that the theater is like a temple
For art lovers.

He brings to our life for a long time
Diversity moments.
We congratulate you, actor,
And we give you applause.


To streets... Scene... Strange ramp light.
And you live in it every day.
And you will eat. And it's no secret
Sing the melody of love heartfelt.
But suddenly a blow ... And the light went out again.
And suddenly you become a silent virgin.
And turn to profile. Ile in full face.
And everyone will see a new face.
Believe me, I thank you from the bottom of my heart
All those who brought me to such a person.
And I give special congratulations,
It's not funny, but it's special for me.


AT you are creators, you live in a fairy tale,
The hall smokes from magic.
Curtain, actors in masks,
The acting is not worth it.

Revealing all the depths
Soul, throwing on the altar,
Imagine the pictures
Open the veil.

Bring meaning to the masses
And teach good.
Let the money arrive at the box office
Talent is everything!


W al froze and listens to the actors,
The muse is waiting for a high start.
Today I am without a prompter
I will say - Happy World Theater Day!


D The essence of the theater is: joy,
Laughter, smiles, sweetness of life,
Beauty, acting, feelings,
The roles of wondrous art!
In a word, it is "Value"
And our actors - "Loyalty",
Their "Success" and "Prosperity",
And the universal "Vocation"
It's something "unprecedented"
Very useful and nice!


T theater can say a lot
Sometimes where all words are awkward;
He makes the soul tremble
But it requires special skill.

Will make the shadow speak -
Silence is sometimes rich in speech;
And because the world theater day
Marked with a date on his calendar.

Many works through the years,
And the best productions are wealth;
May the matter never grow old
And all who serve him, aspire upward.


T theater is not cinema,
This is a live show
From the present production
The viewer feeds the mood.

In the theater you forget everything
And there are no problems, worries are melting,
When goosebumps
Voiced speeches fly by.


AT the theater is coming again.
I'm resting in the theater again ...
I can't live without theater
I dream of seeing something new.

Thank you for the craftsmanship
Irreplaceable actors!
Let glory fall at your feet
Giving success to a new role.


FROM today is theater day, do you like premieres?
Then we will say for sure that this day is for you.
Favorite artists, actors, theatergoers,
And even screenwriters - you are the best for us.

Everyone plays great, we are very interested,
We are looking forward to your creations.
How good it is in the theater, beautiful and calm,
And from the performances of glorious hearts burn with fire.


T The theater starts with a hanger, but a real theater is unthinkable without people like you. Thank you for delighting our ears and eyes with wonderful performances and theatrical productions. Happy World Theater Day, our dear man!


T from those who say that the theater is dead - do not understand anything. After all, the theater is the essence of human society, and if people are alive, the theater is also alive. Happy World Theater Day, let's wish interesting performances, high-quality interpretations of old productions and the creation of new, no less talented ones.

Backstage, curtain, actors,
Posters, public, flowers.
Inaudibly stupid conversations
Everyone is engrossed in the story.

Theater - a huge world of mysteries,
Culture royal crown.
And Happy World Theater Day
I hasten to congratulate you soon.

I wish you inspiration
Aspirations, joy, love,
And also eternal luck.
So that you find your happiness.

Let the legendary spirit of the theater
Protects you from adversity
Will warm your soul with passion,
Success will bring faith.


Backstage, ramps light, and you are on stage.
And now the hushed hall is watching
Behind your every word and movement.
Then, flowers, a flurry of applause.

And again for a while the scenes fall,
But we look forward to seeing you again.
Vivat to you all, actors and actresses,
Thanks for playing and keep it up!

Congratulations, directors,
Let all performances go with a bang,
Make-up artists, dressers and prompters,
All for whom theater has become life.


I want to congratulate you on the day of the theater. May you always be surrounded by a magical spirit, soaring beauty and creativity. More new productions for you, eternally accompanying muse and inspiration. Let the applause never stop, let the delight of the audience be your great reward. Good luck in your work and stormy applause.


Happy World Theater Day!
Good luck and inspiration!
To please us with talent,
Let every hour be filled with creativity.

The whole world is a theater, as Shakespeare said.
And the holiday is like a whole world!
Let life give you bright moments
And the applause never stops!


Congratulations on the day of the theater
Let the full house applaud.
Let your talent inspire us
It is given as a reward to everyone.

Love, Believe, Prosper
Live happily, dream
Give joy, beauty,
Great game on stage.

Congratulations on International Theater Day 2019


There is a holiday at the end of March
For all who have dedicated
Your life to the theater
And gave a lot of strength!

I wish you inspiration
And creative ideas
color mood
Give to all people!

Let them shout "Bravo!"
Let your name be "Encore"
To be recognized right
Every artist had!


The ramp is lit up
Applause all around
Happy Theater Day, I congratulate
Everyone who is in love with him.

Here they live and love on the stage,
Sowing seeds of love and kindness,
There are tragedies, dramas, comedies,
Everything our life is so full of.

Let the lights of the theaters not go out
And the curtain flies up again
Let the performances not end
In a theater called "Life".


Theater has a lot to say
Time is where all words are awkward;
He makes the soul tremble
But it requires special skill.

Will make the shadow speak -
Silence is sometimes a lot on the tongue;
And so World Theater Day
Marked with a date on his calendar.

Many works through the years,
And the best productions are wealth;
May the matter never grow old
And all who serve him, strive upward.


The theater world is so rich:
Actors, roles, shows, masks,
Everyone is happy to penetrate them,
After all, he gives bright colors!

The theater will live forever
Although they have been saying for a long time
To effortlessly
Cinema will replace it!

But the world of theater does not age,
Immortal after all art!
May the theater be successful
And wakes up the best feelings in us!


Happy World Theater Day
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Opened to the world of beauty
Viewer with love doors.

May your talent flourish
Visits inspiration,
Every performance pleases
Gives bright moments.

Lots of new performances
I wish you on your holiday.
Happy holiday to all of you guys!
All the best to you. To greet.

Poems for International Theater Day


May the hall never be empty
From the audience noisy in the lobby, as always.
Let Melpomene always vote for you.
So, often there is a creative theme.
Let the native theater be a fortress,
And the audience will not forget your success for many years.
Always let inspiration visit.
Let all the media broadcast about you with delight.
The most beautiful, newest roles for you!

Different, but only pleasant things!
Good luck and creative cool ideas!


Brilliant sun from the stage sky,
Parting the gray curtain of clouds,
For you, faithful servant of Melpomene,
He sends his spring warm ray on holiday,

A river to inspire
And joy brought out a bird trill,
And turnovers with every performance
Success was gaining a carousel!

Let love not be hypocrisy,
It burns in the soul with an unquenchable fire,
And shine for you and your family
Spotlights of happiness are brighter every day!


Happy theater day
All directors in the world.
Of course, I wish them
Wonderful actors!

And the actors in the world
Only good directors
Inspiration for everyone at work
And great performances!


Congratulations on the theater day! Let any acting roles succeed, life roles will be positive, with a happy ending. I wish you premieres and full houses, awards and applause, the love of the audience and the pleasure of work!


Ramps light, hall breath
And a stormy burst of applause,
Happy World Theater Day
I want to congratulate everyone.

Let passions boil on the stage
And emotions rage
From admirers bouquets
Let them fly to the stage.

I wish everyone success -
From actor to cashier
I wish with the theater
Our life has become more beautiful.

Wishes for Theater Day


There are laughter and tears on the stage,
And surprises, and curiosities,
Soffit brilliance unchanged
And the excitement is incredible.

This is all the theater gives,
It touches, inspires.
Happy Theater Day! May all the plays
People look with interest

Let the sold out be more often
Well, you live sweeter
Let health not fail
Happiness dances nearby!


Congratulations on Theater Day
And brilliant talents
Happy performance day, loud plays!
Let the interest in them grow!

Everyone around loves actors
Let them have a great life
And for the audience let
Pours art over the edge!


Happy International Theater Day
I want to congratulate you, friends,
I want to be loved
You are exactly the same as me.

Let the ramp shine with lights,
The hall does not know free places,
Premier, I wish you a full house
Flowers, applause flurry.

I wish you fame and success
Great audience love
And so that on the stage of life
You played the main role.


theater stage,
The light of spotlights, pivtma,
Rehearsal schedule tight
And actors garmider ...

Happy theater day
Who lives by him is captured.
We wish you inspiration
For everything to be in vain.

Let the game be great
Waiting for recognition and success
And you the main role
A must for everyone!


You are transforming our lives
Laugh, make you cry,
We thank you for everything
And we want to congratulate you all!

You are like good wizards
You are celestials, servants of art,
Thank you for your everlasting creations
For making us feel!

We congratulate you on Theater Day,
And we wish you good health
So that your hearth never goes out,
And so that you are always warmed by love!

SMS congratulations on Theater Day


With the triumph of the Theater from the heart
I congratulate you today!
As an actor you are very good
May your work prosper.

Let the main roles be yours
May success accompany everything
Let every moment be better
And let there be no obstacles around.


World Theater Day
I wish you a great mood
In the game, only inspiration, excitement,
Capture everyone, shine on stage.

Good health, patience
And only the best mood.
Play from the heart and love
And be a real star.


I'm going to the theater again.
I'm resting in the theater again ...
I can't live without theater
See a new dream.

Thank you for the craftsmanship
Irreplaceable actors!
Let glory fall at your feet
Giving success to a new role.


Theater is not cinema
This is a live show
From the present production
The viewer feeds the mood.

In the theater you forget everything
And there are no problems, worries are melting,
When goosebumps
Voiced speeches fly by.


Theater day is coming
It's a very bright day
We respect the theater
We are not too lazy to go there!

We love actors
And we'll fill the hall for sure
We will sell all the tickets
And the price is not important to us.

We wish all actors
So many bright days
So that there is no rebound,
From performances and roles!

Beautiful wishes for Theater Day


On the day of the theater we all praise
Those who rule the ball in life.
Who staked fate
Passion, emotions of tension.

Kudos and thanks to them
For their spiritual impulse.
The most important thing in life is:
"You're on stage, so you're alive!"


Theater day is: joy,
Laughter, smiles, life is sweetness,
Beauty salon, acting, feelings,
The roles of wonderful art!
In a word, it is "Value"
And our actors - «fidelity»,
Their "Success" and "Prosperity",
And the universal "Vocation"
It's something "unprecedented"
Very useful and nice!


All theater workers
Congratulations on your day.
After all, always to meet you,
It's like we're walking into a fairy tale.

I wish the hypocrites
Rise and recognition.
Never regret
About your calling.

So that you also give everything
Spectator intrigue.
So that we hurry to the theater,
Like an interesting book.


On the day of the theater, congratulations
Friend, actor, heartily for you,
Of course I understand
That art will last forever.

You give your talent
I, as a spectator, skillfully
You live, you don't play
That's how you love your job.

I admire you
And your skill
Good friend, congratulations
Happy holiday to you!


Now we glorify the theater
Those who gave their lives to him
I wish performances
Only a full house accompanied.

Inspiration to you and happiness,
Believe in strength and art
The stage always gives
Only happy feelings.

Congratulations on International Theater Day


You are the creators, living in a fairy tale,
The hall smokes from magic.
Curtain, actors in masks,
The acting is not worth it.

Revealing all the depths
Soul, throwing on the altar,
Imagine the pictures
Open the veil.

Bring meaning to the masses
And teach good.
Let the money arrive at the box office
Talent is everything!


All artists, directors,
Costumers and dancers
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Happy World Theater Day!

We feel your love
Blood runs through our veins.
When miracles are on stage
Ready to freeze hearts.

Ready to live with you, suffer,
Laugh, cry, praise,
Everything is ready for you, to forgive everything,
Ready "Bravo!" you scream.


Those who say that the theater is dead do not understand anything. After all, the theater is the essence of human society, and if living people are alive, so is the theater. Happy World Theater Day, let's wish interesting performances, high-quality interpretations of old productions and the creation of new, no less talented ones.


On this day, cheerful March
We are celebrating Theater Day.
Congratulations to the theatergoers
Theaters, both large and small,
Congratulations directors,
costume designers and actors
We give congratulations to those
Who is related
To a kind of wonderful art,
Expressing our feelings
We are with a smile in every line
In this short greeting!


My dear actors, theater staff and spectators! Congratulations on World Theater Day! And if life is a game, and we are all actors in it, then I wish everyone to choose in life the role that he likes and play it impeccably and brilliantly. Be happy and healthy, love theater and art!

When is Theater Day 2019 - March 27, 2019


The theater begins with a hanger, but a real theater is not conceivable without people like you. Thank you for delighting our ears and eyes with magnificent performances and theatrical performances. Happy World Theater Day, our dear man!


May you be
Happy theater day
To greet,
And sold out
We wish you!


The theater usually gives us
Excitement and joyful feelings.
Everyone knows that the theater is like a temple
For art lovers.

He brings to our life for a long time
Variety of moments.
We salute you, actor,
And we give you applause.


Spring has come and the day of the theater
We celebrate again in March
Everyone has their own roles
We do them daily!

You interesting productions,
Premiere of successful theatrical!
And full halls and applause,
Gifts are simply unreal!

It's not easy being a theatergoer
And live the lives of heroes!
May heaven give you strength
And all thoughts will be pure!


The hall froze and listens to the actors,
The muse is waiting for a high start.
Today I am without a prompter
I’ll say, Happy World Theater Day!


"All life is theater," Shakespeare once said,
And that means every theatergoer!
It doesn't matter if you play on stage
Applause or fill the hall!

On the stage, sometimes waiting for so many plots,
What in life could not win back!
The light of the ramp, the hall full, the applause of the sea,
You became an actor - a lot came true!

And let us all in life only actors,
And the director is fate, of course to everyone,
Plots only joyful, happy,
We can drive the drama out of life completely!


trembling scene,
mysterious plot,
Beckon, no doubt
Performances and ballet!
World Theater Day
marks the world,
Always be nice
The theater is our idol!


All actors and actresses
Congratulations on Theater Day
And for each of your performances
I wish you full houses!

Be always healthy
Both beautiful and smart
And talented, of course,
Happiness, full of joy!

Let the fans love you
And flowers bring you
For you to be happy
I'll give you my congratulations!


Actors and artists -
Our best friends
May it live and prosper
Your friendly family!

May at all your performances
There will be a fabulous full house,
Let it help you in your work
Theatrical good magician,

Nicknamed was a talent
God gave it to you all
After all, for every artist -
This is the best capital!


Who has not been to the theater
He lost half his life
If someone has not seen the performance,
He offended himself very much.

Indeed, in the theater often
Living a different life
You sing along to the heroes
Then you cry in tragedy.

We congratulate the actors
directors and prompters,
After the third call -
One hundred huge congratulations!

On Theater Day, from the bottom of my heart,
Congratulations, dear friend!
And bask in the rays of your glory
I wish you! Let around
Crowds of fans roam, hoping
Your autograph is welcome!
Just be the same as before!
And don't you dare forget your friends!

“The whole world is a theater, and the people in it are actors”,
Shakespeare said, and he was undoubtedly right;
Your curtain will not close soon:
I haven't played my part yet
You are moving towards recognition step by step!
I sincerely wish you now
Successes, benefit performances and sold out!
Happy International Theater Day!

What a miracle - to be in a fairy tale
With the heroes of suddenly revived legends!
We are surprised by their costumes, masks,
Captures the action of the moment.
They sing, mourn, meditate...
The intensity of passions is transmitted to us.
The game of their souls ignite us.
Their art is theater, not farce.
Today we praise the skill of actors,
We hasten to congratulate them on the Day of the Theater,
Make-up artists, dressers and prompters -
We thank you all for the magic!

Today is theater day all over the world,
And those who love this business know
What, let it be humor or satire,
The theater is always attractive.
Tragedy, comedy and drama
All this invites us to take places,
And sit stubbornly until the last call,
Looking at those who are on the stage, in the mouth.

On the day of the theater, we congratulate everyone.
Let the theater bring us joy.
We wish his team:
Let the theater world call with you.
We wish that the power of art
Inspire the souls of people.
And let bright feelings please
And people are getting better.

bright, excellent, beautiful,
make their faces happy
and beauty inspired.
You know how to give people a holiday
virtuoso, playful, provocatively,
to breathe freely and freely,
and in dreams there was fresh clarity!

We wish on the day of the theater
For a better tomorrow
So that every day and morning you meet with a smile.
Happiness, joy, success!
Productions would be without interference!
So that, playing someone else's life, do not forget about your own!

Melpomene and Thalia consecrated this temple.
And scenes of life dramas rush from the stage.
Living someone else's life, giving your own,
The actor is bringing us the game. And not just the game.
On the day of the theater, fill a glass with inspiration,
So that every action awaits fanfare,
So that Art confidently continues its path,
So that quiet sadness glimmers in our hearts.

theater stage,
Backstage twilight,
Wigs, outfits. sequins,
On the artists - God's sign.

Here the soul sings and cries,
Here are all the mysteries of life.
We cannot live otherwise.
Happy theater day, friends!

Ah, if the world were to decorate with colors,
Like a stage set
Ah, if only people wore masks.
Only at the request of Melpomene.
Every time you watch a game on stage
Do you think what will happen in life tomorrow
Slow down time for a moment
With the ease of artists from the theater.
In gratitude to life, gratitude to people,
We express our joyful feelings -
Celebrating Theater Day today
Bright day highly art!

Today is the holiday of mummers:
Princesses, monsters and villains
Pirates, princes, kings,
Enemies, loved ones and friends.
And every day, changing masks,
Actors live in a new fairy tale.
So I want to wish you:
Don't lose your face behind the mask!

I am a big fan of the show.
The theater is the abode of good and evil.
On the stage - a synthesis of all arts,
And in the play - the manifestation of feelings.
And I say as a visitor -
Always an enthusiastic audience here!
Looking forward to intermission
To congratulate you on the day of the theater!

Of course, Aristophanes
In the theater of the present - a layman,
Although we are quite profane
In terms of Aristophanes.
But if this ancient Greek
There was a modern man
We would be able to find a common
In your favorite theatrical business,
And I think Aristophanes
For the day of the theater, your glass,
Returning home from the show
Wouldn't refuse with me
Raise and drink one at a time -
He was a smart man, wasn't he?
Friends, my hint is clear to you.
We are no more stupid than Aristophanes,
And our time has come to raise
For a day of theater, a glass!

The theater is calling: welcome!
The show can begin!
Who is not accustomed to the art of praising,
So you will never understand
How gently the music and singing
In the theater they delight the ear,
There is excitement and impatience
In the applause of hundreds of hands,
There is a world of grace and grace,
The world of these wondrous voices,
The scenery is amazing there.
Luxury outfits and flowers!
All whose fate is connected with the theater,
From cloakroom attendants to prims,
We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday,
We wish them success!
So that the ramp light is unquenchable
Shined them brighter than all the lights,
So that their talent is inexhaustible
He brought great glory!

Again we are at the end of March -
Nature's awakening hour!
Friends, we are glad to congratulate you,
Happy International Theater Day!
Fate and the stage each tert,
Burning in a fit of passion

Artist, director, actor!
From Ancient Greece and Rome
You carry life like a game...
So be on the fate of the feast
Always beautiful without makeup!

From the hanger to the auditorium -
Beau monde, applause and flowers...
But what is the reason that tied everyone
And built bridges in the world of art?
Today is a holiday, and shots are in shock
Artistic, Small and Large!..
Accept congratulations on the Day of the Theater:
No wonder there is peace in it! Play from the heart!

Actors, directors, actresses
Today we call for an encore!
Artists, prompters, directors,
Dancers, musicians and understudies,
Workers invisible behind the scenes
And costume designers with their priceless stitch.
To you - admiring words and glances,
We are glad to congratulate everyone on the day of the theater!

Poems for the day of the theater, congratulations on the day of the theater

For the viewer, the theater is always like a fairy tale.
Here in the hall, the audience take off their masks,
And actresses and actors wear them
Under the strict guidance of the director.
To look at yourself from the side,
So that you can look into your soul
All spectators. Anyone who comes here
Able to cry and laugh without difficulty,
For a moment rise above his own destiny
And laugh at himself.
Here life triumphs under the ramp light.
Theatre, thank you for this!

Theater is your element
no wonder you became an actress,
only the backstage opens -
you reveal yourself!
Theater is your element
you can play beautifully
to feel happy
spectator each himself!

The theater is a world of magical dreams, In which everyone will find What is closer to the heart - Cheerful laughter, or a sea of ​​​​tears. And we are wiser than the school of life, Than the world of the theater cannot be found, Here and with the hero along the way, After all, we are faithful to our homeland. This world of ideas is beautiful - He could change people, Presenting a great lesson, Playing thousands of tricks. For the most wonderful work for us, Today we thank everyone Who gives us tears and laughter, And know: we love you so much!

Again we are at the end of March -
Nature's awakening hour!
Friends, we are glad to congratulate you,
Happy International Theater Day!
Fate and the stage each tert,
Burning in a fit of passion
And the whole performance is in your power,
Artist, director, actor!
From Ancient Greece and Rome
You carry life like a game ...
So be on the fate of the feast
Always beautiful without makeup!

Reach for the stars of poets
You will know their secrets
Reach for the stars of science
You will sip the knowledge of flour.

Reach for the stars of art
Love and feelings come alive
theatrical performances,
Souls are treated like drops.

Let the orbits of the stars converge
Let the streams of dreams merge
To the comets that rush towards us,
Don't be afraid to reach out!

With a warm heart, smelting the role,
Shakespeare's phrases he minted;
And it sings living pain -
After all, he lives, not plays.

Do not need the texts of connoisseurs of people,
When not played, but lived everything in the faces
SHAKESPEARE IS NOT NEEDED!!! Hamlet will be angrier
Without the author of the hint, fight with life.

No need for words contrived by a scribbler, fleur,
When the soul itself flows with passion,
And Shakespeare himself was then only a loser and a prompter,
When he plays - no, he lives! on stage MASTER.

Directorial tribulations
Not dependent on the weather.
And with tours, all the more
Become a babysitter.
She needs to please everyone.
During all lay,
Nerves need to be calmed down
To arrange a thrashing for someone.
So that everyone gets up on time
And they didn't yawn on stage.
And with all this
Smoke half a cigarette.
Could it be five minutes
Continue in this spirit.
Can be exhausting
To torment with miscalculation.
But we think that just
Enough with you this time!

Happy theater cashier's day,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
Thanks to those who give us tickets,
Oh how good you all are.
We wish everyone this holiday
Go to the theater, buy a ticket,
And heartily congratulate the cashier there,
And wish you healthy, long years.

Hello! Today is International Theater Day. Festival of theatergoers and spectators. Therefore, in order to celebrate this significant day... (in a cheerful voice) the performance will be at your house today, buddy!!! Funny performances, folk artists and a broken stage I promise! Happy theater day!

Happy theater day everyone!
We only wish the best for everyone.
Since success is so important on stage,
Sometimes we understand it.
Let the theater give light to the heart,
Not hard feelings.
We wish you victories in your work!
This is a way to dispel doubts!

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