Let me help you find your lost item. Prayer as a Search

I just held a needle, a cup, a book, keys in my hands, turned around, got distracted - there was no thing. Not in hand, not within view. Has it happened? Or someone decided to hide a valuable thing away, guided by the well-known principle "The farther you put it, the closer you take it." I personally once “put it away” - more, in general, I never saw a valuable ring. Let's see what can be done in such a situation:

1. The most common way. Tie a handkerchief to the leg of a chair. Considered quite successful. At the same time, you can also say something like “Brownie, brownie, play and give it back!”
2. A tried and tested sign is to simply turn the glass over and the thing will be found.
3. If you think that the thing is in the house, start talking to it (better to be alone, otherwise the family will decide that it's time to call an ambulance), and at the same time clap your hands. I don’t know why it works, but the glasses were found instantly.
4. It happens that quick rites and signs do not work, then we will begin to use more complex ones, we will move on to “heavy artillery”. If you don’t have a dog in your house, at sunset, on Thursday, open the window and, turning to face west, read the plot, while rhythmically clapping your hands “Damn brothers, come here, look for help. Argamas, Arbamas, Avramas. In the name of this, in the name of this and the other. Take away brains, get thoughts from thieves. Take away the will and share until that hour, until that minute, until they return what they took. Amen".
5. Before going to bed, take a thread as long as you are, fold it three times, then fold it seven more times and tie two knots, put it under the pillow. Or you will see in a dream the place where the thing lies, or, upon waking up, begin to untie the knots, then remember.
6. You can put dried herbs of motherwort, lavender and wormwood into a copper cup (if you suddenly happen to have one in your house), add a drop of alcohol and set it on fire. Fumigate the entire apartment with smoke, and there will be a loss.
7. Set a purple candle in the center, imagine the missing thing. In the direction where the molten wax will flow, and you have to look.
8. Imagine the missing thing, surrounded by a shiny, silver thread, one end of which is in your hands. Mentally pull on it, imagining that the object is approaching. That is, we will attract to ourselves, and the loss will be revealed.
9. If you are not afraid of spiders (although why be afraid of them - domestic ones), find a spider, lightly blow on it and ask to find the lost one. In general, according to Vietnamese beliefs, a spider in the house is the keeper of the hearth.
10. Make a simple pendulum and go around the whole apartment with it. Where the pendulum begins to rotate, take a closer look.

Well, if nothing helps at all, then the old, proven way remains - to do a general cleaning, that is, to wash and rearrange absolutely everything - from screws in the closet to flower pots on the windowsill. I personally found almost everything that I had lost over the past two years. This is probably the most effective way of all, you don’t even need to call on the brownie for help.


I tie a headscarf behind the leg of the table and say: "Damn, damn it, play it and give it back" - 3 times and the thing is quickly found. Oddly enough, at the place where the search has already been carried out. never (from my own experience). My friends also use this method with success.

If something is missing, you can do this: Take a knife with your left hand, circle the place where the missing thing lay with this knife, and say forty times: Knife in the heart of a thief, loss in place. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. The loss is then quickly found.

And in our house they do another ritual to find the lost. They say Grandfather-housekeeper, played and give it back (this and that), and I'll give you candy or a liver), put what you promised and the thing is quickly found). ..and the gift lies there for a couple of three days, then the children find it and, as a rule, after asking us if it can be done, they eat it. This method was still suggested by my grandmother, in early childhood

To find such a lost password "Get", first I turn to the subconscious and say that I want to find the lost thing, and then I repeat the password and imagine the thing. You can "Get" repeated with the password "Together". This “Get” password can still be used when a girl wants a man to give gifts or not be stingy, they say: “I want to find a key that opens this person’s wallet (we name it and introduce it), and then we repeat “Get”. - something useful.

"The devil has played and give it back! And clap your hands three times." It always helps me. I even find a thing suspected of being stolen.

You can lose not only a small object in the house, but also a thing that, as it seems, cannot go unnoticed. Even in ancient times, such situations were associated with Brownies and they believed that by committing special ones, this character could be appeased and he would stop playing pranks. There are many ways to quickly find a missing item. These include prayers, and conspiracies, and numerological calculations.


Numerology offers a special option for finding missing things. Numbers will be able to suggest a place to search. Thinking about the lost item, you need to write any nine numbers on a piece of paper and add them to each other. In the resulting number, the numbers are also added together until the final result is a multiple of or less than 84. Next, the answer must be sought in the interpretation.

Calculation example: 8, 6, 10, 55, 46, 88, 95, 4, 9, after adding the numbers it turned out 321, 3+2+1=6.


  1. Help should be asked at(the thing can be in the living room near the white curtain).
  2. The thing is in kitchen utensils.
  3. Searches must be done in the corridor, among the newspapers or papers.
  4. You moved an item and forgot about it.
  5. The thing that is lost must be sought in wardrobe.
  6. Item may be lost in shoes.
  7. The thing is shifted woman during daily cleaning.
  8. Subject to look on the shelves.
  9. The thing is in children's clothes.
  10. Recommended carefully inspect the workplace or office.
  11. Need to look for the missing near the water(not in the house).
  12. When looking for a missing item, be sure to inspect the workplace.
  13. Looking for an item in wardrobe.
  14. Lost may be in the hallway.
  15. The missing could get lost thanks to animals.
  16. About a thing may know spouse.
  17. The thing is lost among the papers on the shelves.
  18. The item is located among clothes.
  19. Look around the area near the entrance or around the house.
  20. Recommended examine the carpets(especially near water sources).
  21. Looking for an item in boxes, suitcases.
  22. Subject on shelves.
  23. Need to look for the missing in the closet or among the laundry.
  24. Subject find yourself.
  25. The search must be done among new things.
  26. Ask about a subject with older family members.
  27. Need to search in the garage.
  28. Subject forever lost.
  29. Subject given, but it will be returned.
  30. Thing lost or in the possession of children.
  31. Need to look for the missing In bathroom.
  32. Recommended inspect the boxes especially those in the hallway.
  33. Subject in clothes.
  34. He next to the stove or fireplace.
  35. Looking for a thing in the bathroom.
  36. Thing find yourself.
  37. Subject lies on the floor of the room.
  38. The missing could get lost in some tools.
  39. Subject on the shelf.
  40. Accidentally it wrapped in your clothes.
  41. Looking for a thing near the shoes.
  42. The search must be done next to water.
  43. Look for the missing next to the garage.
  44. The missing near the gas tank.
  45. If you forgot where you put the item, look for on a sideboard or on a shelf.
  46. About the location of the item your significant other may know.
  47. One friend committed theft.
  48. Looking for a thing around drinking water.
  49. Subject forever lost.
  50. He in a box, suitcase or chest.
  51. Need to search near the bathroom.
  52. Ask at the mistress of the house or her relatives.
  53. Subject some person will return.
  54. especially carefully see the places where children play.
  55. Take a close look area near water sources.
  56. Thing where you last stayed.
  57. look around own personal belongings.
  58. Two people took possession of the thing(returning it will be extremely difficult).
  59. Looking for a thing in flour.
  60. The missing not found.
  61. Subject stuck on the wall.
  62. The probability of finding is minimal.
  63. Need to search in the pantry.
  64. look around dark corners in the apartment.
  65. Returning an item will be difficult..
  66. Subject was stolen by two friends.
  67. Help you have to ask the boy who is a member of your family.
  68. The loss may be located on the roof.
  69. He maybe in front of your relative's house, or in a place you recently visited.
  70. He next to water.
  71. Carefully examine the floor.
  72. Beside with water tank.
  73. Can help you only the police.
  74. Thing find a good friend.
  75. Subject will be returned to you in a damaged condition..
  76. The thing is next to food.
  77. Help the guest can find the thing.
  78. Finding the item will be very difficult..
  79. Look for next to the closet for ironed linen.
  80. The search place should be the chest, box or any box.
  81. The subject could get lost in clothes.
  82. Item search must be done in the kitchen.
  83. Help a little girl can find it missing that will pull him out of the water.
  84. Thing can be in a box or box.


You can also find a lost item with the help of. Before pronouncing any of them, it is recommended to read "Our Father" three times. During the ceremony, it is necessary to exclude extraneous noise. The ideal option is to stay in the room alone and light a church candle. Prayers must be read from the heart, believing in help and a positive outcome.

Examples of prayers for finding a missing item:

Martyr John the Warrior. “O great martyr John of Christ, champion of the Orthodox, the banisher of enemies and offended intercessors! Hear us, in troubles and sorrows, praying to you, as if you were given grace from God to console the sad, help the weak, deliver the innocent from vain death and pray for all the evil suffering. Be ill and our champion is strong against all our visible and invisible enemies, as if by your help and struggle against us all those who show evil to us will be put to shame. Beg our Lord, may He grant us, His sinful and unworthy servants (names), to receive from Him the unspeakable good, even prepared for those who love Him, in the Trinity of the Holy Glory of God, always, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Symbol of faith:

“I believe in the One God, the Almighty Father, the Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible. And in the One Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, Who was born from the Father before all ages; Light from Light, true God from true God, born uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, Himzhe all was. For us for the sake of man and for our sake of salvation, he descended from heaven and became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin, and became human. Crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried. And resurrected on the third day according to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father. And the packs of the future with glory to judge the living and the dead, His Kingdom will have no end. And in the spirit of the Holy One, the Life-Giving Lord, Who proceeds from the Father, Who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who spoke the prophets. Into one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. I look forward to the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the age to come. Amen.”


To search for a lost thing, you can read regardless of the time of day, day of the week or lunar calendar. Read them as needed. If any item cannot be found on your own, then you can ask for help from higher powers. To perform some rites, additional attributes will be required.

Conspiracies to find a lost thing:

“All that is gone will return. Everything I need is there. Christ and higher powers are with me! Amen." (before pronouncing these words, you need to draw a cross on your left palm with the help of a coal from a burnt match, and then wash it off with milk, you need to read the plot four times).

“Loss (lost item) tie up. Answer me (name)! (Words should be read on any rope at the moment of tying several knots on it, the ceremony should be done at sunset, and at sunrise the knots will need to be untied with the words “loss (what exactly) untie, show me (name)”, it is better to place the rope at night to the western corner of the apartment, and in the morning shift to the east side).

“Damn brothers, come here, return (item) help! Arbamas, Avramas, Argamas! In the name of this, in the name of that, in the name of another! Get the thief's thoughts, take away the brains, suppress the will, take the share until he returns the stolen!” (the words must be repeated thirteen times, then take thirteen coins and throw them over your left shoulder at the crossroads, saying "paid!").

“The red candle burns, how my pain boils, how my bitter grief, how indefatigable sadness. It burns and warps, smokes and torments, the one who stole the thing will return it, otherwise he will regret it. Do not sleep at night for him, do not live for him and do not know the world. My thing will return to me, to its owner. Amen."

Ritual with a chair leg

Searching for a lost item with the help of a chair leg is one of the oldest, which is passed down from generation to generation. Miraculously, after its completion, the objects really are. This rite is associated with Domov, because it is he who will have to ask for help. Moreover, the same character can be the culprit of the loss.

Description of the ritual:

The handkerchief must be tied to the leg of the chair (you can replace the handkerchief with an ordinary towel, any piece of fabric, or even a rope).
Say the words: "Brownie, Brownie! Play it, give it back!".

After performing this ritual you need to stand in the middle of the room, close your eyes and listen to the inner voice. Going around the room again, you can find the loss.

For the help of the Brownie, it will be necessary to treat him with candy(you can put a treat on the windowsill, closet, or just forget it on the table on purpose).

With the help of prayers, conspiracies, and you can find things that are within the walls of the house. In some cases, rituals help teach the thief a lesson, and he tries to return the item he has taken.. However, if the fact of theft is obvious, then the attacker will have to be punished in other ways.

Restore the course of events that preceded the loss. Where was this thing before it disappeared? What exactly did you do with her? What other things were in your field of vision? Where are they at the moment?
Go to the place where you last saw this item before you lost it. Do the same as you did before the loss. A person remembers not only with his “head”, but with his whole body. Body memory can easily tell you where you left a lost item.

Talk to the missing person in a friendly way. Mentally see the missing thing, and let its image be as bright and colorful as possible. Imagine that you are not looking for her, but she is looking for you. Where would she start her search? What words is she waiting for from you now? And what would she say to you in response?
Very often it happens like this: you still continue your strange “conversation” with the loss, but it is no longer a loss at all, here it is in front of you!
Gestalt psychologists say that in order to establish a “relationship” with your things, sometimes put yourself in their place. Funny? Will you change the question in the store from “Which of these bags should I choose?” to the question “Which of these bags would choose me?”, And your choice will be surprisingly easy and fast.

Ask for the help of a brownie or a brownie, - as our grandmothers assure - a big fan of playing hide and seek with the tenants. Contact him for a refund. find a lost item and return it to you. The most popular phrase: "Brownie, brownie, play and give back!". You can add something else from yourself, they say, I understand that you are bored, lonely, but I really really need this thing, really, really, and I’ll give it to you in return ...
Now it's time for you to take a break for 15-20 minutes. After the break, return to the search, and the loss will be quickly found.
Psychologists will confirm: we see only what we want to see. Between us and the world is always our worldview. Maybe you don’t see brownies just because you don’t believe in them? Make an exception this time and imagine that in front of you is a kind of unusual interlocutor, an invisible tenant of your house, who is usually called Brownie.

Tie a scarf to the leg of a chair in the evening and go to bed. In the morning, either the missing thing will be found by itself, or you will “suddenly remember” where you put it.
Why is this happening? You have relieved yourself of responsibility for the search and unconditionally entrusted it to forces unknown to you. And in return for trust, gratitude always follows.

Use the pendulum to find the lost item. To do this, tie a small thread to a small but weighty little thing (a heavier ring, a very large button). Take the thread by the free end, stretch your hand forward and close your eyes for a minute to focus. Wait until the thread begins to move the pendulum. Then slowly move around the room. Where the pendulum movements will change to rotational ones, and you need to look for the lost thing.
Psychologists explain this phenomenon by the presence of subtle connections between a person’s thought (idea) and the movement of his hand (motor skills), hence the name “ideomotor act”.
In esoteric knowledge, the explanation is similar: if you trust your subconscious and allow it to control your behavior, it will “see” what we are not able to perceive consciously.

Start putting things in order where the loss occurred. Only cleaning should be done not in the usual way, but, so to speak, systematically.
To begin with, clear out all the "towns" - what you and your family have piled up lately: magazines and newspapers piled up in a pile, linen thrown into a pile on an ironing board, business letters and papers accumulated on a desk, etc.
The soul of the house (of course, your house has a soul!) does not tolerate chaotic unstructured spaces, and does not tire of reminding you of this. If you find something missing in things dumped at random, take this as a useful signal sent by your home: “Every part of the home should please the eye!”
"Gorodki" are defeated, but the loss has not been found? We continue cleaning. The next goal is things that we have not used for a long time and, in fact, are no longer needed either by us or by the house. The time has come to revise the shelves with linen, books, old toys, perfume remnants. Without pity, we get rid of ourselves and rid our sweet home of unnecessary things, and we don’t need everything that we haven’t used for a year or more.
Missing found in an old box in the far corner of the shelf? - All because you finally heeded the voice of your house: "I am too small to store so many unnecessary things."

Mentally stretch the silver thread between you and the lost thing. Imagine how you are pulling on this thread and approaching the loss. All your attention - only a thin silver thread! If you can focus on it and follow where it comes from, then there you will find what you were looking for.

Just put your search aside for a while, especially when you find yourself moving in a vicious circle unsuccessfully, returning to the same search places several times. If time suffers (of course, you need the lost thing, but not in a hurry), switch to some other business. Violence is unproductive, including violence against oneself.
Do what psychologists call "let go." Allow yourself to stop searching for a while and return to them, say, tomorrow.
And tomorrow, the information you need will surely pop up in your memory.

Expand the search area, for this, simply start looking for the missing thing where, in your opinion, it certainly should not be. The method of action "from the contrary" helps to break the stereotypes of consciousness and go beyond the boundaries that you yourself have come up with.
Admit it, how many times have you found your lost item where it never occurred to you to look for it!

Turn the empty cup upside down and place it on the saucer. Let it turn out as if you saw your loss and caught it, covering it like a butterfly with a net. Op! Now be careful - you will find it soon.
Our fantasies can be as productive as real actions.

Play with the situation, look at it from different angles, fantasize, instead of getting angry at yourself or others for the seemingly ridiculous and accidental loss. Remember that any accident is just an unknown pattern.

Together with how to find a lost item often looking for how to find a lost thing, a conspiracy, how to find a lost thing in an apartment, how to find a lost thing at home, how to find a lost thing with the help of magic, how to find a lost thing on the street, how to find a lost thing prayer.

In contact with

Even the most accurate and organized person can lose an important thing. If this thing is lost in the house, then the chance of finding it is very high, but this may take more than one week. If the loss needs to be returned as soon as possible, and you yourself have no idea how to find the loss in the house, then one of the “folk” methods can help in the search.


General cleaning is not the fastest, but the most effective method of searching. Literally every centimeter will have to be inspected, so it is advisable to narrow the circle of searches to one room, otherwise the process may stretch.

Action analysis

In some cases, a step-by-step analysis of your actions helps to detect the loss, starting from the moment you last saw the item you were looking for. You can try to replay your actions, even if you don't seem to remember anything. If the item was lost quite recently and none of the household had time to shift it, then the chance to detect the loss is quite large.

Magic rituals

If the first two actions did not give a result, then you can resort to folk methods. Even if you are not superstitious at all, just try to perform these simple rituals - perhaps they will help you.

  • Tie a chair leg with a bow band and go about your business. After a couple of hours, resume your search, check the entire apartment, even those places where you have already searched: the loss will definitely catch your eye.
  • From a strong thread and a small load, make a pendulum. Walk with him a pendulum around the apartment, mentally or aloud invoking the missing item. In the place where the pendulum begins to rotate, and you need to look for the loss.
  • Imagine the thing you need in every detail, and then imagine that a silver thread is stretched between you and this thing. As soon as the picture appears in your mind's eye, go wherever this thread takes you, but do not try to analyze your feelings or turn on the logic, otherwise the connection will weaken and not work. You can not follow the thread, but mentally draw the loss to yourself with its help. The necessary item will be found during the day.

  • Say the words: “Brownie, brownie, played, and now give it back” (instead of a brownie, you can turn to the devil, the mouse or St. Anthony - whoever is closer). The missing item will be found almost immediately.
  • You can quickly find the right thing with the help of a glass. Turn the empty glass over and place it on the table. Start your search again: the loss will be found within an hour.
  • Take the same item that you lost (another key, earring, phone, flash drive) and throw it up with the words "Find your brother." After some time (from several hours to several days), the missing item will definitely be found.

Traditional search methods give results, whether you believe in their effectiveness or not. If the missing item is needed urgently, then you can try all the methods at once - at least one will definitely work.

Almost any person has a situation when he put a thing somewhere and completely forgot where. It seems that the brain at that moment was busy with a very important problem, which forced out all the necessary feelings and brought the action to automatism. Then we walk, search, get angry at ourselves and do not understand how this could happen. When all the favorite places have been explored and it is the turn of the corners that we never look into, anger leaves and despair sets in.

Our brain controls everything

In fact, our brain is always on and remembers everything. There are times when, after a certain gesture or near some place or object, you suddenly remember what you did and said. There is even a popular belief, to return to the place where you have just been. But this only applies to the situation if you cannot find a thing that was lost recently.

Is the item you are looking for at home?

Try to do the following: concentrate and make sure that the item is really lost at home, and not somewhere else. To do this, you need to remember where he could have been for the last time: in the room, in the closet, in the bathroom, on the shelf. Perhaps he was not lost at all, but you mentally wanted to take him for some reason, but you were distracted by a phone call or a shout from your spouse. Perhaps the item was in your pocket and could fall out during the route from the nursery to the kitchen.

Search methods

If you do not know how to find a lost item at home, you can use a kind of witchcraft. To do this, take:

  • White paper.
  • Pen (pencil).
  • Piece of amber (small).

On the night when the full moon comes, you need to draw a large circle on paper. Then put it in the area in the apartment or house where, in your opinion, the last time you saw your thing. Put a piece of amber in the center of the drawn circle. Now the problem of how to find a lost thing at home will no longer be. It is worth turning the amber strictly clockwise with slow smooth movements. Turning it, silently pronounce certain words. This is a prayer to find a lost thing in the house:

"Spirit of Amber!

Show me the way!

lost thing

Help return!

If the item you are looking for is in a house or apartment, then when you turn amber in a certain place, you will feel how the stone heats up. Here and look for the loss. But how to find a lost thing at home if the stone indicated several directions? Then do not be lazy and look in different directions that amber will offer.

If the stone did not heat up at all, then your loss is outside the house. Then refer to this search method:

  • Take a similar item.
  • Throw it up.
  • When tossing, say these words: "Look for a brother or sister, and a girlfriend in the region."
  • "Double" should fall in the area where the item was lost.

Enlist the help of an angel

You can ask your guardian angels for help: “Angels! Help find (name of loss)." For people who believe in God and an angel, it will not be difficult to understand where to find a lost thing. We wish you successful searches!

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