Who will you talk to. With whom you lead, from that you will type! Synonyms of the expression "with whom you lead, about that you will type"

In childhood, you do not always realize how true aphorisms and proverbs can be. By the way, why is the proverb "Whoever you hang out with, that's what you'll get from" endowed with us only in a negative meaning: "do not hang out with him, you will learn bad things."

But if you look a little deeper, it becomes immediately clear how universal truth is this proverb.

We all know that earlier in India there were castes - different strata of society. Moreover, a person did not have to move from one caste to another - he forever belonged either to artisans, or to merchants, etc.

Now we perceive such a division of society as a social relic. However, until now, in the vast majority of cases, engineers are born in the family of engineers, doctors in the family of doctors, or, if we take it a little more broadly: in the family of people with higher education, children receive higher education, in the family of entrepreneurs, children most often become entrepreneurs, in the family alcoholics - you know who.

Like it or not, the environment has a huge impact - and most importantly, that the environment affects your way of thinking, your aspirations and ideals.

How can we use it?

First, you need to understand that if you want to change, then sooner or later you will have to communicate with a very specific circle of people. Those. if you want to become an entrepreneur, and at the moment you find it unpleasant to communicate with them, because they are not as educated and thoughtful as you, then there is something to think about ...

Conclusion one, you you will not be able to change and take a new path if you do not accept the worldview of the people of the new circle. By the way, this inevitably applies to your circle of friends - and this is a really sore subject for many.

1. Learning English– in the process of studying, I met several nice people my age and for 3 years we were best friends, we celebrated all birthdays together (while speaking only English at these gatherings).

As soon as the goal of learning the language began to fade into the background (because we had already reached a fairly high level of knowledge of the language), our “party” began to gradually disintegrate. It is sad to realize the fact that people's paths in life diverge, but it is a fact.

So, learning the language led to the fact that for several years my circle of acquaintances changed dramatically.

2. Blogging- the activity is quite specific, therefore the circle of acquaintances is network friends and colleagues (the list of which you can find in the "Colleague Sites" section at the top). And this time, successful blogging, a popular blog, means communicating with colleagues in the shop.

By the way, it so happened that I turned one of my close acquaintances and even friends into a blogger. That's really really "with whom you will lead, from that you will type."


1. If you want to change something, just realize that your social circle will definitely change. You can use this fact as a litmus test. Is your social circle changing? So you don't change.

2. The speed of change depends on how often you are in a new social circle. Recall my case with English. For its successful development, I practically only talked with friends from the English club. Briefly speaking, total immersion is what you need.

That's the whole trick. Good luck with your communication colleagues.

Copyright © 2007 Dmitry Balezin

With whom you will lead, from that you will type - this is another Russian expression that you can often hear. To be more precise, this proverb. What is a proverb? Proverb- is a phrase that us what - then teaches. People often repeat proverbs, but no one remembers their authors, therefore proverbs are called folk wisdom.

So, the phrase “with whom you will lead, from that you will gain” is also folk wisdom, i.e. proverb and parents they love to repeat it to their own children. Let's let's figure it out what this proverb means and when you can use it in your speech.

Let's start from the beginning - find out meaning two unfamiliar words: lead and gain. you will behave - start making friends with someone, a get enough - get something. So, can paraphrase proverb like this: with whom you start to be friends, from that you will gain (what?). It is still not clear what people want to say by this. "What will you get?"

People mean by this that a person acquires everything that characteristically his new friend, for example, habits, manners of communication, hobbies, political views etc.

Most often this proverb is said when they want express his disapproval. Parents tell their children when they not satisfied friends with whom their children spend time. The proverb "with whom you behave, from that you will type" says that man adopts habits and the glances of their friends, starts them imitate. And of course parents don't want their kids to pick up bad habits. Therefore, they are at every bad deed his children repeat this proverb thus pushing your son or daughter stop friendship With supposedly bad friend.

Want draw your Attention on the The fact that “whoever you go with is what you get with” does not necessarily mean disapproval, because from friends we adopt not only bad habits, but also good ones.

Here is one example of how you can use this proverb as approval.

Let's say you've never went in for sports but then you met wonderful guy, which the regularly playing sports. You started a relationship, you started often meet spend time together and over time you start too run in the morning. And now imagine this talk with your best friend:

Her: Do you run? Well, I never would have thought that you would start playing sports.

By this you say that change(playing sports)- merit your new boyfriend. He had a positive impact on the you.

This proverb can also be a good answer when your friend or girlfriend notes what's in you- that bad. For example:

He: What-
You: With whom you will lead from that and you will type.

By answering this way, you hinting that you picked up a bad habit from him, i.e. that he often snaps.

Here is another example, this time the mother reproaches your daughter:

Mother: What- then you often snapped began recently.
Daughter: Not true!
Mother: It's all because of Tanka - your new girlfriend. With whom you will lead from that and you will type. Already got it.

The mother does not approve of her daughter's friendship with Tatyana (Tanka). She thinks her daughter adopts bad manners from Tatyana.

Also, with the help of this proverb, you can praise your boyfriend or girlfriend for his habits, attitudes or hobbies. For example, you have a friend who loves to learn foreign languages. And of course she talks about it all the time. In time, you too appears interest to languages ​​and you start learning Chinese language. Your girlfriend catches you for your new occupation.

Her: What are you doing? Is it in Chinese? Are you learning Chinese? How great!
You: With whom you will lead from that and you will type.

So you tell her that she inspired you to learn the language.

So, the proverb “with whom you behave, from that you will gain” can mean reproach or approval, all depends on the situation. But most often they say it when they want to reproach, express disapproval.

There is such an expression among the people: "with whom you will lead, from that you will type." Some say that the surrounding people have a great influence on a person, changing him. What exactly the environment educates him, and it all depends on where he grew up and with whom he communicated. Others say that a person is free to change himself, and that it all depends on how he decides who he wants to be, whether he is able to resist others, have his own point of view, or not. Still others say that the person is weak, and both factors are present. So who is right, is folk wisdom true?

In fact, yes, it is true, and the third opinion is the most correct. A person is always faced with a choice, and his environment also plays a certain role, as it imposes on him some values ​​and life positions. In a person's life there may be a group of people who develop and try to incline him to spiritual development. And there are those who are degrading, and also incline to their side. Here the question of choice arises - will a person have enough strength to choose the side that he considers really right, or will he succumb to the influence of those who influence him more strongly?

But not everything is so simple and unambiguous. Everyone's life leads to development, each in their own way, and all options are provided. Fate is already planned so that a person acquires the necessary skills and knowledge, understands something. Only one choice can speed up the development process, and the other can slow it down. The stronger the spirit, the more choice. The more awareness, the more freedom. Complete freedom over your destiny comes only after awakening. Therefore, folk wisdom is true - some "teachers" lead to the pit, while others lead upstairs. It all depends on who you choose.

If our thoughts and words have a great influence on us, how do the words and thoughts of others affect us? It turns out that we are experiencing an equally strong influence of their impact. "Whoever you hang out with, that's what you'll get from." Or to put it simply, a person is what surrounds him. That is why the choice of friends and environment for any person is paramount.

The thoughts of our friends enter our brains too, and we can't always resist them. Make friends with a sick pessimist, and soon you yourself will begin to see and find only diseases around.

Make friends with an unfriendly and evil envious person - soon other people's happiness and joy will begin to irritate you yourself.

But - here is the paradox! - communication with a kind and good person has a less noticeable fusion on us. Like communicating with the bad. What's the matter here?

Probably you yourself know. That white clothes get dirty easily, but black clothes are much more practical. Spots and dirt on it are not so noticeable. Here, in essence. You and the answer to the question. People are exactly the same. Communication with "low" people "dirty" more than communication with "high" "enlightens".

Thoughts are contagious. By associating yourself with the bonds of friendship with people who are convinced that "life around is terrible", you, whether you like it or not, will squander your creativity, confidence, your vitality and energy in fruitless and destructive grumbling.

Do not feel sorry for such people - drive them away from you. These are thieves. Only they steal not money, but something more important - our dreams and attitude to life.

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