Details Category: You are here: Faithful love helps to endure all hardships. “Loyalty is not a feeling, it is a decision”: a selection of quotes about loyalty and betrayal How do you think the concepts of loyalty and love are connected

"For love there is no yesterday, love does not think about tomorrow."
G. Heine
Speaking of love, we mean a strong, sublime, wonderful feeling, without which life loses its meaning. Falling in love, we "lose our heads", so what is more in love: feelings or reason? None of us can say what exactly we are we love a person, it is impossible to give an explanation for this, just as it is impossible to give an exact definition of love. Everyone has this feeling different, individual and very personal. Love is multifaceted, its manifestations are limitless, there are no laws and barriers for it. We “move mountains” with love, love “inspires”, people inspired by love become creators, devote poetry, music to love, but there is another side to this feeling.
"Love is longsuffering, merciful, love is notjealous" Saint Peter, New Testament.
Broken hearts, sleepless nights, disappointment and pain are also love, but unrequited and rejected. Mind understanding why this happens, a person continues to follow the call of the heart, because you can't order him. Someone meets love "at first sight", and someone checks feelings for years. "All ages are subject to love", but is this feeling given to everyone? Rather, love is a gift given from above, but having received it, a person should think about how to save this gift of fate. Appreciate the priceless gift of love , a person can only use his mind. A storm of feelings, emotions can also be controlled by the mind.
"Faithful love helps to endure all hardships" F. Schiller.
Faithful love, in Pushkin's The Captain's Daughter, helped to free Pyotr Grinev, the captive of Shvabrin, Maria Mironova. And Masha's love helped to justify her beloved. helped Peter and Mary to endure, to survive in being together, in the most difficult time.
Understanding the depth and beauty of love comes with experience, growing up, we become more meaningful, more rational. Following the feeling, we protect ourselves from mistakes with the mind. Of course, there is more feeling in love, otherwise these are not "Cupid's arrows", but without reason, an invaluable gift can fall in vain, bringing suffering.
Fevronia's love helped Prince Vladimir become what he became: a just, meek ruler. Love helped them overcome adversity, pass trials and remain happy. "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia" is not only a monument of ancient Russian literature, but also a story of extraordinary love, written Yermolai-Erasmus.
Having found love, having checked the authenticity of the feeling with the mind and keeping the spark of passion, we find the harmony of life, filling it with sublime meaning - this is a simple recipe for true happiness, immeasurable wealth given to us from above.
"Poor is love if it can be measured." W. Shakespeare

The writing

It seems to me that love is one of the most beautiful feelings that a person can experience. So what is this feeling that has been sung with songs of praise and sent all sorts of curses for more than a century?

I think a person cannot live happily without love. She is many-sided. We love parents, children, husbands and wives, friends - and everyone in a different, special way. But no matter who we have this feeling for, true love always means understanding, respect, willingness to help, protect, the ability to make sacrifices for the sake of a loved one.

The power of love lies in the fact that it awakens a reciprocal feeling, heals the soul, and can save a life. This is the state of a person when his soul is most open to the supreme principles of goodness, truth and beauty. He who loves not only demands, but also gives, not only craves pleasure, but is also ready for the highest feats of self-denial. Genuine love is also an expression of creativity, it involves care, respect, responsibility.

Love is an important part of human life. We become what we think. To love someone or something, you must first respect him. But, first of all, you need to respect yourself, because if you do not love and respect yourself, it is very difficult to love and respect others. You need to learn to accept yourself, appreciate yourself, no matter what others think or say about you.

It seems to me that we create love ourselves - this is not the result of fate or luck. Each of us has the ability to love and be loved. Love must be learned. True love overcomes everything, covers everything, forgives everything. Love is, probably, when you love the shortcomings of another person. If a person seems beautiful, smart, talented to you, this is not necessarily love. Another thing is if you know and love those shortcomings that he has. However, it is worth paying attention to the statement about love by V. G. Belinsky: “Love is often mistaken, seeing in a beloved object something that is not there ... but sometimes only love reveals something beautiful or great in it, which is inaccessible to observation and mind.” That is, the power of love is manifested in the fact that it can reveal the dignity of a person, awaken something beautiful in him.

Love creates in us an irresistible desire to do good deeds. The whole world around a man in love seems beautiful and significant. Everyday affairs become important and even pleasant and are carried out with some special ease. No wonder love is considered the elixir of life - it awakens the hidden powers of man.

Of course, true happiness can bring mutual love. But in life this is not always the case. People, having once felt suffering from love, believe that it brings only pain and should be avoided. By unrequited love, they judge love in general - “it’s better not to love and not suffer” ... But is it so good to live “half”?

Love is a feat, a sacrifice, the pinnacle of the development of the human soul. One of the facets of this feeling - the love of a man and a woman - is captured in many creations of the human spirit, sung by writers and poets, composers and artists, directors and actors. Love is an eternal source of inspiration.

A monument to such omnipotent love is the beautiful and sad story of Romeo and Juliet - young lovers who, by the power of their feelings, overcame, it would seem, the most insurmountable - hatred, enmity and even death itself.

In Russian literature, one can also find quite a few works that sing the anthem of eternal love. So, the pathos of Pushkin's poem "I loved you ..." is a bright sadness about eternal love and the impossibility of happiness with a beloved. The lyrical hero is noble, disinterested. He timidly hopes that love, perhaps, has not completely died out, but renounces his happiness for the sake of the well-being of his beloved woman.

In the novel The Master and Margarita by Bulgakov, the main character sold her soul to the devil of her own free will. The spirit of evil helped her take revenge on her lover's offenders. And earlier, Margarita, without hesitation, refused, for the sake of happiness with the Master, from a secure, quiet life with her husband.

And yet love cannot be deciphered, has no exact definition. Love is the most complex, mysterious and paradoxical reality that a person faces. And not because, as it is usually believed, that there is only one step from love to hate, but because love cannot be “neither calculated nor calculated”! You can’t be prudent in it - nature can easily upset any calculations! One can only be sensitive in it in order to follow its whimsical flow and guess in time with the soul all its curves, shifts that are elusive to the eye, turns that are sometimes inexplicable to the mind. In love, it is impossible to be petty and mediocre - it requires generosity and talent, vigilance of the heart, breadth of soul, a kind, subtle mind and much, much more than nature has endowed us with in abundance and that we unreasonably waste and dull in our vain life.

This high, life-affirming feeling has great power. Love is a feeling of togetherness. True love? it's joy! It? giving and receiving joy.

You can appreciate this great feeling of "love" only by experiencing it. No wonder it is considered the driving force of everything on Earth. There is an opinion that in a couple one person really loves, and the other allows himself to be loved. Perhaps this is true. Why not, if it suits both?

Be that as it may, love is a broader and more global concept than we imagine. For the sake of this feeling, insane deeds were (and are being) committed, regardless of ranks, titles and positions. History knows a lot of similar examples, starting from the birth of the world, and to this day.

Love is not only a relationship between a man and a woman. These are parental, filial and daughter feelings, love for the Motherland, for beauty. The concept is so comprehensive that more than one millennium will pass, but this topic will not dry up and will invariably inspire all creative people.

Love can be wise or unrestrained, mutual or rejected, immeasurable or stingy. Each of us experiences this feeling depending on the emotional component of our nature, but sooner or later it overtakes everyone. For the sake of love, heroic deeds are committed, people gain strength that, as it seemed to them, had long since left them. They get up and go to battle. In the literal and figurative sense.

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Sometimes, when people fall in love with each other, it seems to them that everything is on the shoulder. That they are ready to go through all the difficulties of life together. And all losses, sufferings, hardships, failures are powerless while they are together. Faithful, true love helps a person to live, move on, even if it is non-reciprocal. Once one of the greats said: "Faithful love helps to endure all hardships."

How rightly pointed out! So let's turn to the works of Russian classical literature to see this.

In Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment, the main character, Rodin Romanovich Raskolnikov, falls in love with a girl named Sonya Marmeladova. Love for Sonya changes him for the better, and Rodion confesses that he committed a crime, after which he goes to hard labor. But Sonya did not forget him and was with him all the time: from the moment when he only confessed to her, to his stay in hard labor. She comes to him even a year later, thereby facilitating his difficult life. Their love overcame all difficulties and led to good changes.

And in the story of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet" one of the heroes, G.S.

Zheltkov, in general, lived only for the sake of his beloved - Vera Sheina. However, his love was not reciprocated, but despite this, in his suicide letter, he wrote to her that she was his only joy and consolation. And only when Vera's husband and brother actually forbade him to hope for any mutual feelings from Vera and send her letters, he decides to commit suicide. For eight years, love for Vera helped him endure the hardships of life. He lived in a poor house, was a petty official, his life was not full of variety and impressions. But he was pleased in every possible way by the little things in the form of a scarf she had forgotten, a short message from her, thoughts about her and a desire to please her ... In my opinion, this is a very significant example of how love helps not only endure the hardships of life, but also live in general.

Yes, indeed, in both examples I have given, the heroes truly and strongly loved. Love really helped them endure all the hardships, made life easier, filled it with colors and positive emotions. This is the most beautiful power of love, as well as the most destructive.

Updated: 2017-11-26

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Love is an extraordinary feeling that, probably, each of us has experienced. It can change a person, produce his spiritual uplift. True, sincere love of relatives, girlfriends or friends helps to overcome life's trials, cope with various difficulties, and survive all hardships. The famous German poet, philosopher Friedrich Schiller wrote: "Faithful love helps to endure all hardships."

One cannot but agree with this statement. But what kind of love can truly be called faithful? Loyalty is devotion to someone or something; it is immutability in one's promises, words, attitudes, in the performance of one's duties, duty. Hundreds of examples can be cited to confirm the meaning of this quote by F. Schiller. Let's try to prove the validity of this thought, using arguments from fiction.

Remembering the works in which the theme of true love is revealed, one cannot fail to note the novel by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”. It describes the love story of the main character Rodion Raskolnikov and the girl Sonya Marmeladova.

The fact is that Raskolnikov commits a cruel crime and receives punishment, as a result of which he is sent to serve his sentence in Siberia. What did Sonya do? She, who loved Rodion, did not leave him, did not betray him. She followed him to hard labor, in these harsh conditions. During Raskolnikov's term, Sonya constantly visited him, once gave money. Also, it was through her acquaintance with the authorities that Rodion's work and so on were facilitated. But all this cannot be compared with the spiritual support Sonya provided for her lover. And all this despite the way Raskolnikov treated her. In the early days, he practically did not even talk to the girl, he was gloomy and gloomy. But this did not stop Sonya from remaining faithful to him, helping to endure those difficulties. Thus, the author wants to convey to us the idea of ​​how much Sonya Raskolnikov loved and how faithful she was to him, no matter what. At first glance, it may seem that there is no significant merit of Sonechka, but this is far from the case. It was her faithful love that helped him overcome all hardships.

Also an excellent example is the POEM of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov "Russian Women". In this work, the wives of the Decembrists, like Sonya Marmeladova, followed their husbands to Siberia, which speaks of their truly true love.

Summing up what has been said, we can conclude that Friedrich Schiller was undoubtedly right. Indeed, true love helps a person endure all the hardships of life.

Updated: 2017-10-08

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All arguments for the final essay in the direction of "Loyalty and treason".

What does betrayal lead to? What are the dangers of cheating? What pushes a person to cheat?

Pechorin's betrayal towards Bela. Can spiritual betrayal be worse than physical?

The theme of spiritual betrayal is revealed in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". So, Gregory once meets an unusual girl Bela. She captivates him with her beauty and mystery, so Pechorin decides to steal her. Bela initially resists, but then she herself falls in love with the "thief". Her loyalty to her beloved knows no bounds. She is willing to give up her home, family and traditions to be with her loved one. Pechorin becomes bored over time. He comes to the conclusion that all women are the same, and is no longer happy with the love that Bela gives him. He does not cheat on her physically, but in his heart he refuses her, dreaming of travel. The girl understands this, but cannot leave Gregory, because she is true to her choice. Even before her death, she only cares that they cannot be together in heaven, because Bela belongs to a different faith. From the relationship between Bela and Pechorin, we can conclude that the worst betrayal is not associated with external manifestations, it is deep inside a person, but can do much more harm. Spiritual betrayal hurts just like physical betrayal, sometimes even more.

Pechorin's betrayal of Vera/Vera's loyalty. Do you agree with the statement: "who never swore allegiance, he will never break it"

Vera sacrificed herself for the sake of Pechorin, abandoned family happiness, and risked losing her reputation. In the depths of her soul, she hoped for their eventual happiness. Pechorin's betrayal consisted in the fact that he accepted this sacrifice, but did not give anything in return. When his beloved woman was going through difficult moments, he was not there, he dragged after Mary, whom he did not even love. Pechorin betrayed the only person who truly loved him and accepted him for who he is. He used it "as a source of joys and anxieties, without which life is boring and monotonous." Vera understood this, but sacrificed herself, hoping that one day he would appreciate this sacrifice. For Vera, Gregory was everything, while for Pechorin she was just an episode, important, but not the only one. Disappointment awaited her, because a person capable of spiritual betrayal cannot bring happiness.


Treason of the Faith (marriage without love). Why do people change? What are the causes of betrayal and betrayal? What pushes a person to cheat?

People cheat for a variety of reasons, but the most common betrayal happens when people marry for reasons other than love. Such an example can be seen in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". One of the main characters, Vera, marries an unloved person, therefore, having met true love, she cheats on her husband. Vera cares little about the feelings of her unloved husband; she does not consider herself obliged to be faithful to him. The novel does not tell what circumstances forced her to marry, but it led to the misfortune of both spouses. Living with an unloved person is unbearable, but even worse is the one who is being deceived.


What does betrayal lead to? What is the danger of cheating? What pushes a person to cheat?

In the novel "" L.N. Tolstoy, the problem of betrayal is the key one. So, the main character of the work is cheating on her husband. This betrayal becomes fatal not only for herself, but for all the people around her. The betrayal ruined the lives of her loved ones, hurt her son. Anna never loved her husband, he was much older than her, their relationship was built only on respect. Her husband was a man of high position, he was respected. When Anna's connection with Vronsky became obvious, Karenin tried to hide Anna's betrayal, to create the appearance of well-being, but for Anna this would be a betrayal of herself. Despite the fact that the cause of the betrayal was the appearance of love in Anna's life, betrayal became her main tragedy. When she decided to ignore social norms, those around her rejected her, made her an outcast. Her husband deprived her of the opportunity to raise her son, who suffered greatly from the lack of maternal affection. Vronsky's career was also ruined, as was his relationship with his family. Aleksei Karenin, offended by his wife, suffers from loneliness, and therefore falls under the influence of Princess Myagkova. She persuades him not to give Anna a divorce. All the sorrows and hardships do not allow Anna to feel happy with Vronsky, so she decides to throw herself under the train. Her departure from life made her relatives unhappy: her son was left without a mother, and Vronsky went to war. Thus, we see that betrayal brings only destruction, from the betrayal of one person, everyone around suffers.

How does betrayal affect relationships?

In the novel "" L.N. Tolstoy, the problem of betrayal is the key one. “Everything is mixed up in the Oblonskys' house,” with these words we learn about the problems of one family. The reason for the discord was the betrayal of Stiva to his wife Dolly. Oblonsky stopped loving his wife, she no longer seemed beautiful to him. His conceit was so high that he even justified himself. Dolly was always devoted to her husband, bore him many children, the whole meaning of her life was in the family. After she learned about her husband's betrayal, the whole world turned upside down, the pain was so strong that it was on the verge between mental and physical. Her love for her husband was strong, and therefore she could not leave him. They reconciled, but Steve's betrayal forever destroyed the trust between the spouses, destroyed Dolly's idea of ​​\u200b\u200blight love. The world in their family after the betrayal became a semblance, and the betrayal forever separated these two people.

Loyalty in love. Confirm or refute Schiller's statement: "Faithful love helps to endure all hardships."

The main characters of O. Henry's story "Gifts of the Volkhov" are a married couple who found themselves in a distressed financial situation, but remained faithful to each other. Della and Jim teach the reader that you don't have to have a lot to be happy, it's enough to love. It is their mutual love and loyalty that helps to cope with difficult life situations and fills life with boundless happiness.

"What does it mean to be faithful?" How do you understand the word "loyalty"? What is eternal fidelity? What is loyalty to a loved one?
Argument from E. Bronte's novel Wuthering Heights.

Years ago Mr. Earnshaw picked up a dying child and adopted him as his son, naming him Heathcliff. Mr. Earnshaw already had two children at that time. Their names were Katherine and Hindley. From the very beginning, Katherine and H. had a wonderful relationship, they were inseparable.
Katherine is a free-spirited, selfish and slightly spoiled young girl who, as an adult, fell in love with Heathcliff just as he loved her. However, she considered that he was not suitable for her husband, as he was not well educated and poor. Instead, Katherine married her friend Edgar Linton. This greatly hurt Heathcliff, and he left Wuthering Heights. Three years later, he returned with a love for Katherine and a fierce hatred for Linton. They hated each other to such an extent that the pregnant Katherine became physically and mentally ill. Before his death, between Catherine and Heathcliff there was a night conversation in which Catherine admitted that she had always loved only him.
Even after her death, Heathcliff continued to love his K., ruining the lives of those around him in retaliation for his grief. Before his death, Heathcliff lost his mind and walked through the mountains, calling on the ghost of Catherine.
This hero has always been perceived ambiguously. On the one hand, he is capable of true eternal love, on the other hand, revenge and cruelty take possession of his being. Either way, Wuthering Heights is a story about fidelity in love. Heathcliff loved Catherine always, even when he did not know about reciprocity, when she carried someone else's child under her heart. Neither time, nor Katherine's betrayal, nor even death could destroy his feelings.

What is loyalty? How is loyalty to one's attachments manifested?

In the story "" A. Morua shows fidelity in relation to his affections. A character named Andre is a student at the Polytechnic School who is secretly in love with the actress Jenny. She, in turn, does not take her admirers seriously, since the profession does not allow her to be distracted by every fan. However, Andre's beautiful gestures cannot leave Jenny indifferent. Every Wednesday, with enviable constancy, he brings her a bouquet of violets, without even trying to talk to her. He arouses her interest with his clock-like gestures of attention. One day, a student in love disappears from her life, he dies in the war. Soon Father Andre appears, who tells that the young man loved Jenny all his short life, and that he died, trying to "deserve" her love by a feat in the war. This fidelity touches the strict Jenny. She laments that she never met Andre, and he never found out that for her "modesty, constancy and nobility are better than any feat."
Then we see her already older, but unchanged in one thing: every Wednesday she wears violets to her devoted friend. Both heroes of the story are an example of loyalty. Andre was true to his feelings, not needing any guarantees from Jenny, she, in turn, remained true to this word and for many years invariably wore flowers to the person to whom she was grateful for love.

Loyalty in love.

How do you think loyalty and love are related?

Masha Mironova is a symbol of fidelity in love. In a difficult life situation, when she faces a choice: marry Shvabrin (without love) or wait for her loved one (Peter), she chooses love. Masha remains faithful to the very end of the work. Despite all the dangers, she defends the honor of her beloved before the Empress and seeks pardon.

The main symbol of fidelity in all the Harry Potter novels can be called Severus Snape. This character loved only one woman in his life from childhood to the end of his days. And that woman was Lily. Lily did not reciprocate his feelings. Moreover, she was married to James, who did not like Snape and even mocked him. But Snape's love and loyalty to Lily were so strong that even after the death of his beloved, he protected her son. In his life, he was never able to love again and remained faithful to Lily until death.

How do you think the concepts of loyalty and love are connected? Loyalty to a loved one. What can loyalty do?

she loved her chosen one so much that she sold her soul to the devil. She was ready to look for him around the world and beyond. She remained loyal to him even when there was no hope of finding the Master.

Husband cheating. Can cheating be justified? What pushes a person to cheat?

cheated on her unloved husband. But only this allowed her to remain true to herself. Marriage without love could doom her to death (spiritual and physical). But she was able to find the strength in herself to start life from scratch and become happy.

Treason. Why do people change?

Natasha Rostova could not remain faithful to Andrei. She spiritually cheated on him with Anatole Kuragin, even wanted to run away with him.
She was pushed to betray by 2 reasons: lack of worldly wisdom, inexperience, as well as uncertainty in Andrei and her future with him. Leaving Natasha, Andrei did not clarify personal matters with her, did not give her confidence in her position. Anatole Kuragin, taking advantage of Natasha's inexperience, seduced her. Rostova, due to her age, could not think about the consequences of her choice; only a case saved her from shame.

How is the lack of moral principles connected with betrayal?

Helen Kuragina in the novel is presented as a person with a lack of moral principles. Therefore, the concept of loyalty is alien to her. In life, she is guided only by profit, she makes all decisions for the sake of her own interests, the feelings of other people mean nothing to her. When she married Pierre, she did not realize that she could hurt him, and thought only of material gain. Helen did not love Pierre and did not want children from him. Therefore, the marriage was doomed to failure. Her numerous betrayals left no chance for their union. As a result, Pierre invited her to leave, as he could no longer endure shame.

Loyalty to oneself (Tatiana).
Is it important to be true to yourself? What does it mean to be true to yourself and your word?

But I have been given to another—namely given, and not given! Eternal fidelity - to whom and in what? This loyalty to such relationships, which are illuminated by love, others are immoral in her understanding ... Tatyana cannot despise public opinion, but she can sacrifice it modestly, without phrases, without self-praise, understanding the whole greatness of her sacrifice, the whole burden of the curse that she takes on herself, obeying another higher law - the law of her nature, and her nature is love and self-sacrifice ... "
Tatyana is faithful not so much to her husband or Onegin, but, above all, to her principles, her nature, her ideas about herself and her principles.

Do you always have to be true to your principles? Stupid is the man who never changes his mind. He who never changes his mind loves himself more than the truth. (J. Joubert)

Loyalty to oneself and one's principles is considered a positive quality, but a person who never changes his ideas about life and people is static, he limits himself. The protagonist of the novel M.Yu. Lermontov "The Hero of Our Time" Pechorin is a strong personality with a strong-willed character, a man true to himself. This quality plays a cruel joke with him. Unable to change his ideas about life, he is looking for a catch in everything: he does not believe in friendship, considering it a weakness, and perceives love only as the satisfaction of his pride. Throughout the novel, we see how the hero tries to understand the meaning of life, to find his destiny, but finds only disappointment. The reason for the disappointment is Pechorin's immunity to the feelings of other people, he cannot forgive them for their weaknesses and open his soul, he is afraid to seem ridiculous to others and even to himself. In the chapter “Princess Mary”, we see how hard Grigory is going through the departure of his beloved woman, he rushes after her, but his horse dies on the road, and he, exhausted, falls to the ground and cries. At this moment, we understand how deeply the hero is able to feel, but even in such a situation, he thinks he looks pathetic. By morning, he returns to his usual state and attributes the manifestation of humanity to frustrated nerves. Analyzing the behavior of the protagonist of the work, we can conclude that loyalty to one's principles is a positive quality only in a situation where these principles are dictated by philanthropy, and not selfishness. A person must be open to something new, be able to recognize the fallacy of his judgments. Only this will allow a person to become the best version of himself.

Loyalty to yourself, your principles, your ideals, word and promises. Is it important to be true to yourself? How do you understand the saying, “To be authentic means to be true to yourself”?

Pyotr Grinev remains true to the principles, honor, truths that his father revealed to him. Even the fear of death is not able to influence his decisions.
Despite the fact that Pugachev is presented in the novel as an invader, for the most part a negative character, nevertheless, he also has a positive quality - this is loyalty to his words. For the whole work, he never breaks these promises and until the last he believes in his ideals, although they are condemned by a large number of people.

Betrayal. What does the betrayal of one's ideals lead to?
Pontius Pilate betrayed his ideals, which is why he could not find peace after death. He understood that he was doing wrong, but out of fear he betrayed himself and the person in whose innocence he believed. That man was Yeshua.

Loyalty to your ideals. What does it mean to be true to your cause (work, profession)?
he believed in what he was doing so much that he could not betray his life's work. He could not leave him to be torn apart by envious critics. To save his work from misinterpretation and condemnation, he even destroyed it.

What does it mean to be faithful to a profession? What does it mean to be faithful? How are the concepts of loyalty and love related? Can betrayal be forgiven?

Dr. Dymov is a noble man who has chosen to serve people as his profession. Only indifference to others, their troubles and illnesses can serve as the reason for such a choice. Despite the hardships of family life, Dymov thinks about his patients more than about himself. His dedication to work often threatens him with dangers, so he dies saving the boy from diphtheria. He manifests himself as a hero by doing what he was not obliged to do. His courage, loyalty to his profession and duty do not allow him to do otherwise. To be a doctor with a capital letter, you must be brave and resolute, such as Osip Ivanovich Dymov.
Dr. Dymov is faithful not only to his profession, but also to his choice in love. He takes care of his wife, trying to make her happy, therefore he tries not to focus on her shortcomings, behaves like a real man, forgiving her whims and “weaknesses”. Upon learning of the betrayal, he plunges into work. His loyalty and love are so strong that he is even ready to forgive his wife if she shows at least a little understanding.

Loyalty to parents and their principles. What does it mean to be faithful to relatives (parents)?

Marya Bolkonskaya devoted her whole life to serving her loved ones, in particular her father. She endured reproaches addressed to her, steadfastly endured her father's rudeness. When the enemy army advanced, she did not leave her sick father, did not change herself. She put the interests of her loved ones higher than her own.
Mary was a deeply religious person. Neither the hardships of fate nor disappointment could extinguish the fire of faith in her.

What does it mean to be true to your principles?

The Rostov family showed that even in the most difficult times, dignity can be maintained. Even when the country was in chaos, the members of this family remained true to their moral principles. They helped the soldiers by hosting them at home. The hardships of life did not affect their characters.

Betrayal towards people who trusted you. Half friend, half traitor.

The theme of betrayal is reflected in Lermontov's novel A Hero of Our Time. So, the main character Pechorin is a person who cannot be relied upon. He betrays everyone who had the imprudence to trust him. Comrade Grushnitsky revealed his soul to him, told him that he was secretly in love with Mary, turned to Pechorin for advice, considering him his friend. Pechorin did not dissuade him, but vilely took advantage of Grushnitsky's openness. Pechorin was annoyed by the young cadet. He did not wish him happiness, on the contrary, he dreamed of seeing him in a wounded state, ridiculed him, belittled him in the eyes of Mary, and, in the end, out of boredom, decided to seduce his beloved “friend”. Pechorin needed Mary to annoy Grushnitsky. Such behavior can be called vile, it deserves only condemnation. It doesn’t matter whether Pechorin Grushnitsky considered his friend or not, he had no right to do this with a person who trusted him.

Friend's loyalty. Can it be argued that the loyalty of a friend is the most precious thing that can be given to a person at all? Do you agree with folk wisdom: "A true friend is better than a hundred servants." How do you think loyalty and friendship are related? What qualities should a true friend have?

Friends can help a person overcome any obstacles and defeat any evil. The friendship of three guys: Harry, Hermione and Ron has become an example for a whole generation of children who grew up on the books of J. Rowling.
Serious trials fall on their heads, but only loyalty to each other helps them cope with all problems.
Life tests Ron and Harry's friendship. Ron throughout the story struggles with envy, ambition, but in the end friendship wins. If your friend is famous, it is very difficult to be in the shadow of his fame, but Ron proves his loyalty to his friend, risking his life, fighting evil with him, shoulder to shoulder, realizing that this will not bring him anything. Neither torture, nor persuasion, nor attempts by enemies to turn the three brave guys against each other were crowned with success just because they know the price of loyalty both in peacetime and in times of evil dominance.

Cheating on a friend. Do you agree with the statement: "A traitor and a coward are one field of berries"? How do you understand the meaning of the saying: "An unfaithful friend is like a shadow that drags behind you while the sun is shining." Do you agree with the saying of Lope de Vega: “Treason to a friend is a crime without justification, without forgiveness?

Peter Pettigrew was a friend of the Harry Potter family and was appointed keeper of their secret. No one would have been able to find out about their whereabouts if he had not told. But he went over to the side of the enemy Volan de Mort. It was on his outside that James and Lily Potter died. They trusted him, but he betrayed them. Perhaps this hero is one of the most striking examples of betrayal committed against a friend.

Loyalty and betrayal of duty, Motherland. When does a choice arise between loyalty and betrayal? “Is it possible to run away from yourself, leaving your homeland?” Do you agree with Chernyshevsky's statement: "For treason to the motherland, an extreme baseness of the soul is needed"?

Pyotr Grinev remains faithful to his duty and his state, despite the mortal danger. Even his sympathy for Pugachev does not change the state of affairs. Shvabrin, saving his life, betrays his country, tarnishes the honor of an officer, betrays the people who defended the fortress with him side by side.
The following situation in the novel is also indicative: when Pugachev captures the fortress, people have a choice: to remain true to duty and honor, or to surrender to Pugachev. Most of the inhabitants greet Pugachev with bread and salt, while brave people such as the commandant of the fortress (Masha's father) Ivan Kuzmich and Vasilisa Yegorovna refuse to swear allegiance to the "imposter", thereby dooming themselves to death.

Loyalty to the Motherland. What does it mean to be loyal to the Fatherland?

Kutuzov is presented in the novel as a man loyal to his Fatherland. He deliberately makes unpopular decisions in order to save his country from destruction.
Most of the characters in the novel sacrifice their lives to win the war.

How strong can a dog's loyalty be? Is it possible to call a dog the most faithful friend? “Whoever has experienced affection for a faithful and intelligent dog, there is no need to explain what warm gratitude she pays for this”

A dog is man's best friend. This truth is as old as the world. Troepolsky tells us a touching story of lifelong friendship between the writer Ivan Ivanovich and Bim, an unusually colored puppy. When Ivan Ivanovich fell ill and was sent to the hospital, Bim was waiting for him, looking through the streets of the city and refused to eat. He faced the cruel world of people, he was beaten, offended, but he continued to look for his friend. There were people ready to accept him, but the dog believed that someday the owner would definitely be found. He died without ever knowing that Ivan Ivanovich had come for him. This heartbreaking story is a compelling proof of a dog's loyalty to its human.

Can a dog betray its owner? “Loyalty is a quality that people have lost, but dogs have kept” A.P. Chekhov.

Once a dog named Kashtanka got lost. Fate brought her to an interesting company of circus animals and their leader Ivan Ivanovich. There she quickly became
"her own" and it seemed that she forgot about her master and found a new one. Ivan Ivanovich treated her affectionately, took care of her, even taught her tricks and began to take her to performances. But in the heart of a dog there is only room for one owner. Therefore, having heard the voice of her old master Luka in the auditorium, Kashtanka ran away to him.

Loyalty of animals to their owners.
Mutual devotion of man and animal / How is the loyalty of animals to their owners manifested?

It's no secret that animals are distinguished by devotion to their owners. Proof of this can be found in the novel "A Hero of Our Time" by M.Yu. Lermontov. In the chapter "Bela" there is a storyline connected with Kazbich and his horse Karagez. Karagyoz for Kazbich is not just a horse, it is a true friend who was with him in the most difficult moments of his life. When Kazbich was attacked, Karagyoz showed himself very bravely: he distracted the enemies, and then returned for his master. The horse more than once rescued him on campaigns. Kazbich treated Karagez as a close friend, he was the most important being for him. This is how Kazbich describes his attitude towards his comrade-in-arms:

"There are many beauties in our villages,
The stars shine in the darkness of their eyes.
It is sweet to love them, an enviable share;
But valiant will is more fun.
Gold will buy four wives,
The dashing horse has no price:
He will not lag behind the whirlwind in the steppe,
He won't change, he won't cheat."

For Kazbich, the loss of a friend was a huge tragedy. When Azamat stole Karagez, the dashing Circassian was inconsolable: "... fell to the ground and sobbed like a child." So he lay "until late at night and all night ..". Kazbich's relationship to his horse is a vivid example of mutual devotion between man and animal.

Confirm or refute the words of F. Schiller: "True love helps to endure all hardships"

What is true love? For me, this is the kind of love for which people sacrifice themselves, change, make compromises in order to be together as long as possible. And, of course, true love implies constant support and support in both joy and sorrow. Thus, I fully support the words of F. Schiller that true love helps to endure all hardships. The correctness of this point of view can be proved by examples from the literature.

Consider Nicholas Sparks' The Notebook. This novel is about true and true love. The main characters Noah and Ellie fall in love at first sight, they are so interesting to each other that Ellie, despite the will of her parents, continues to meet with Noah. Ellie is forced to leave for her hometown. Young people promise each other that their love will be eternal. After fourteen years of separation, they meet and become drunk again with closeness. Ellie completely changes plans for life. They get married, have five children and live for each other. By old age, Ellie was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis - Alzheimer's disease. Noah did not give up and to the end tried to restore the memory of his beloved, reading his memory diary, where the days spent together were so well described. The author shows that true love helps the heroes to live a wonderful life and overcome adversity.

Another work that confirms Schiller's words is the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Sonya Marmeladova is a vicious girl, and at first glance you might think that she is the same criminal as Raskolnikov. But it is she who puts Rodion on the path of repentance. This defenseless, weak and fragile girl falls in love with Raskolnikov, follows him to hard labor and endures his indifference. Over time, Raskolnikov realizes that he has no one closer to Sonya. He rethinks everything he has done and is resurrected to live on. If not for Sonya's true love, it's scary to imagine the fate of this hero.

Love, which is based on self-sacrifice, the desire to be with a person and support him in all situations, can be the strongest. Stronger than poverty, misfortune, hard labor and even illness. And it is this kind of love that will help you endure all the hardships of life. I hope I'm lucky and I find just such a love.

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