Prepare a presentation of the autumn season autumn through the eyes of a biologist. Presentation on the topic “Autumn through the eyes of a poet and scientist

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ProjectTheme: “Autumn through the eyes of a meteorologist” What natural phenomena occur in autumn? In autumn, sunny days are gradually replaced by long and overcast days with rain and a gradual decrease in temperature. In autumn, nature endows with such phenomena as rain, fog, leaf fall, and closer to winter, hoarfrost and the first snow. Fog is a cloud that has “descended” to the surface of the earth, that is, the smallest droplets of water suspended in the air. Most often, fogs are observed in late autumn in November. Winds change their directions and intensify, bringing with them precipitation and bad weather. If this happens gradually, then the autumn turns out to be slushy, protracted. Cumulus clouds carry a large amount of precipitation. In autumn, when daytime temperatures are above zero degrees and nighttime temperatures drop below zero, the earth cools. Frost can form, and puddles are covered with a thin film of ice. FrostA film of ice Meteorological stations from various parts of the globe are used to study natural phenomena and compile upcoming weather forecasts. Meteorologists observe natural phenomena that determine the weather. Let's see how meteorologists work ... Every three hours every three hours at strictly defined times: 0,3,6,9,12,15,18 and 21 hours UTC, observers go to the meteorological site and, using various instruments, record the speed and direction of the wind, cloudiness, air temperature and humidity and atmospheric pressure, amount of precipitation. This is what a weather vane looks like - a meteorological instrument (for measuring wind direction) Launching a radiosondeTemperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure at high altitudes are measured using instruments called radiosondes. The meteorologist collects information about atmospheric processes. The work is carried out outdoors, including in adverse weather conditions. Measurements are carried out regardless of the weather conditions (rain, hail, storm at sea, thunderstorm). Work at remote weather stations often takes place in conditions of isolation and loneliness. Flying weather station Information about the weather in places where there are no weather stations helps to collect aircraft that are equipped with equipment that allows you to record various weather conditions along the route. By the nature of natural phenomena, you can make: - short-term weather forecast (for example, approaching rain with low cumulus clouds) - long-term forecast (warming or cold weather depending on the color of the sun and clouds at sunset). Thank you for your attention!

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Autumn in poetry.

The poet was madly in love with autumn, And he loved the autumn forest. He often walked among the birches and pines along the narrow stitch. I walked and admired the forest, And breathed fresh air. And he did not part with the muse, And he wrote poetry on the go.

Sad time! Oh charm! Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me - I love the lush nature of withering. Forests clad in crimson and gold, In their vestibule wind noise and fresh breath, And the skies are covered with wavy mist, And a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts, And distant threats of gray winter. A.S. Pushkin

Already the sky breathed in autumn, The sun shone less often, The day became shorter, The forest's mysterious canopy With a sad noise was exposed. Fog lay on the fields, A noisy caravan of geese Stretched to the south: a rather dull time was approaching; November was already at the yard. A.S. Pushkin

Forest, like a painted tower. Lilac, gold, crimson, Cheerful, motley wall Stands over a bright glade. Birches with yellow carvings Shine in the blue azure, Like towers, the Christmas trees darken, And between the maples they turn blue Here and there, through the foliage through. Clearances in the sky, that windows. The forest smells of oak and pine. During the summer it dried up from the sun. And Autumn, like a quiet widow, enters into his motley tower ... I. Bunin

There is in the original autumn A short but marvelous time The whole day stands as if crystal, And the evenings are radiant... The air is empty, the birds can no longer be heard, But far from the first winter storms And pure and warm azure pours On the resting field... F Tyutchev

The fields are compressed, the groves are bare, Fog and dampness from the water. The quiet sun rolled down behind the blue of the mountain. The blasted road is slumbering. Today she dreamed that there was very, very little left to wait for the gray winter ... S. Yesenin

Autumn has come, The flowers have dried up, And the bare bushes look dejectedly. The grass in the meadows withers and turns yellow, Only the winter in the fields turns green. A cloud covers the sky, The sun does not shine, The wind howls in the field, The rain drizzles. A. Pleshcheev

Cowberries are ripening, The days have become colder, And from the cry of a bird In the heart it has become sadder. Flocks of birds fly away, beyond the blue sea. All the trees shine In a multi-colored dress. The sun laughs less often, There is no incense in the flowers. Soon Autumn will wake up And cry awake. K. Balmont

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous Air invigorates tired forces; The ice is weak on the icy river Like melting sugar lies; Near the forest, as in a soft bed, You can sleep - peace and space! Leaves have not faded yet, Yellow and fresh lie like a carpet. N. Nekrasov

I. Levitan "Golden Autumn"

V. Polenov "Golden Autumn"

I. Ostroukhov "Golden Autumn"

As we noted earlier, autumn is the best season for all photographers and painters. Whether you're a professional photographer shooting for major publications or just an adult amateur photographer looking to capture fantastic personal experiences for the future with a simple camera built into your smartphone, anyone can capture the rich hues of golden autumn.

Looking at the shots from the pros, you very quickly realize that the concept of “autumn photography” is not limited to colorful crowns, a bright “carpet” on lawns or lonely leaves in puddles. The direction of autumn photography is very wide and multifaceted, it is much more voluminous and meaningful deeper than any other seasonal topics.

It's a particular rich and warm lighting, it's the striking contrasts between the ubiquitous lush greenery and the early bursts of color, and then between the all-encompassing brilliance and death. Autumn is a mystical season when all nature - both plants and animals - freeze in anticipation of something ... some primitive miracle. Autumn combines many amazing things and phenomena, when you can see a rain of leaves and snow on a green lawn, a red-yellow-green "fluffy" house and picturesque trees lined up like a phantasmagoric snake from the Looking Glass, sinking in a sea of ​​impenetrable fog. Autumn is the time when every object outside the window and every little thing that the eye falls on acquires a special meaning and expressiveness. Thanks to all this and the skill of photojournalists, we can admire completely surreal pictures of nature. Admire the pictures below and maybe they will inspire you to your own photo exploits?)

For other masters of the frame, the harvest season is inseparable from the bustling animal world preparing for the cold. Others imagine autumn as a road to nowhere and the swan song of a world sinking into hibernation, which itself does not know for sure whether it will be reborn after a long winter or not. Still others prefer lush and rich still lifes on the theme of the autumn harvest. A separate popular seasonal theme is bright leaves and water. Or wooden houses lost in the wilderness, or a Halloween theme with pumpkins and dry autumn compositions.

By the way, Do you know why leaves change color??

In fact, three factors influence this: the pigment in the leaves, the length of the night, and the weather. But it probably doesn't work in the way you think. As soon as the dark time of the day begins to grow steadily, and the nights become colder, the biochemical process starts in the leaves, and they gradually turn yellow / redden and fall off. And nothing - from the general level of ambient temperature, the amount of rainfall, to the quality of the land - affects the cycle of "molting" trees so much.

During the entire growth season, chlorophyll is also present in the chloroplast of the leaves (responsible for the green color, allows plants to use the sun's rays to produce sugars - for nutrition and growth; it is produced only during growth, but constantly, and, breaking down - also constantly - colors the leaves in green) and carotenoids (responsible for the yellow color). Anthocyanins are responsible for the red color: most of them are produced by plants in autumn in response to too bright light and an excess of vegetable sugars in leaf cells.

So, the nights get longer, and then the production of chlorophyll slows down, and then stops completely. And after a while, all the chlorophyll in the leaves breaks down and disappears. That's when nothing else hides the carotenoids and anthocyanins produced in the fall, and the leaves become bright. Well, the specific color of the crown depends on the specific type of trees.

But that's not all. The temperature and the amount of moisture have an effect. During the warm sunny autumn days, sugars are produced in the leaves very actively, but the cold long nights and the gradual closing of the veins in the leaves due to this prevent these sugars from moving along the leaf. So, due to the large amount of sugar and the active production of anthocyanins, the leaves become not only red, but also purple and raspberry. Finally, the amount of moisture in the soil, which is constantly changing, ensures that no autumn is exactly the same. Late spring or severe summer drought can delay autumn's color development by weeks. And warm autumn periods will also reduce the brightness of the treetops. So the combination of warm, humid spring, favorable summer weather, warm, sunny autumn days and cold, long nights guarantees you a stunningly bright autumn.

Spheres of application - science and technology, education, popularization of scientific achievements, reference and encyclopedic literature. Goals - communication about scientific and technical discoveries, their explanation, i.e. description of patterns, theories, etc. Genres - speeches, reports, lectures, disputes, articles and books (on scientific topics), textbooks, monographs, abstracts, dissertations, reviews. Characteristic style features are objectivity, monologue, semantic accuracy (terminology), emphasized logic, evidence in the presentation of the material, abstractness (abstract, generalization), some dryness of speech. Used language means: lexical - special vocabulary, including scientific terms, careful selection of single-valued words or polysemantic words in the literal sense, the use of words in an extremely abstract sense; morphological - the predominance of abstract and material entities, pronouns of the 3rd person, short adjectives, participles and gerunds, verbs of nons. in. in present vr., demonstrative and attributive places .; syntactic - direct word order, introductory constructions, complex sentences with isolated members, pronounced participial phrases, passive and impersonal constructions, the absence of authorial interrogative and exclamatory sentences; text - a sustained structure of reasoning, standard turns of speech.

In the 3rd grade around the world, after studying the topic about autumn, there was a task to prepare a presentation “Autumn through the eyes of an artist, poet, composer, biologist, meteorologist ....” (optional). My daughter chose to look at autumn through the eyes of an artist. Reviewed a lot of pictures on this topic, she chose the ones she liked. In the PHOTO Show program, a slide show was formed, Chopin's music "Autumn Waltz" was added. Here is the presentation.

Presentation autumn through the eyes of an artist

Autumn is a bright and beautiful season. Artists admired her beauty, poets wrote about her splendor, many spoke about her captivating magic. Autumn is not only rain, dampness and cold, it is also a riot of colors, bright umbrellas, trips to the forest for mushrooms and cozy and warm evenings with the family. I propose to enjoy the work of talented artists who will show you all the beauty and mystery of golden autumn on their canvases.

Autumn is bright

Afremov Leonid Rainy evening

Autumn is pensive

Usyanov Vladimir Pavlovich Autumn Alley

Autumn is mysterious

Shishkin Ivan Ivanovich Autumn forest

And even the rain in the pictures is far from dull

Macneil Richard Arc de Triomphe (Paris)

Autumn is so different, but always attractive - this is how I saw Autumn through the eyes of an artist. In the video below, you can watch the presentation itself, which includes 19 paintings by Russian and foreign artists.

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