Why is Shalamov's story called the snake charmer. Lesson on "Kolyma stories"

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The technology of personality-oriented learning is aimed at: respect for the independence of opinions, judgments and conclusions of the student; creating a situation of choice; trust position; creating a situation of moral choice; focus on the development of intellectual skills, and not just memorization of educational information; the formation of experience and the desire to determine one's own attitude to phenomena, events, people; non-judgmental position - accepting the student and the situation as a given;

An example of the use of this technology, I offer a lesson in grade 11

Lesson topic.

The fate of man in a totalitarian state

(based on the book by V.T. Shalamov "Kolyma stories")

The purpose of the lesson. On the example of the stories of V.T. Shalamov to find out what is the fate of a person in a totalitarian state?

“Can a person survive in extreme conditions and remain a person?”

(Writing on the board)


    show the unusual life experience of V. Shalamov, which is the basis of the Kolyma Tales.
    talk about the inhuman conditions in which the prisoners of the Gulag lived; give specific examples of violations of law and order in the country by the authorities;
    development of analytical skills (comparison and generalization). expand historical memory;
    fostering interest in history; to promote instilling in students a sense of intransigence to facts that testify to the humiliation of human dignity; to cultivate mercy, humanity, compassion, feelings of respect for those who remained human even in difficult life situations.
Equipment: Equipment: Visual range: multimedia presentation, larch, larch branch, candles. Video sequence: a video clip "The fate and biography of Shalamov", created on the basis of fragments from the film by V. Dostal "Lenin's Testament" and a song about Kolyma performed by Marshal "Highlander"), a fragment of the film by V. Dostal "Lenin's Testament" musical series : songs about Kolyma Literary series : texts by V. Shalamov "Kolyma stories" Board layout:

Here they bury their souls,

Putting the body on the castle.

V. Shalamov


burning candle,

entangled in prickly







(These words will appear on larch, memory tree,

At the end of the lesson, when

conclusions are made)

The topic of the lesson. Teacher. - Name the key words in the title of the topic of the lesson. (Students say words state, person). We find out what is included in the concepts: "state", "totalitarian state" What is totalitarianism, repression? Slide 3 Vocabulary work: repression, totalitarianism Totalitarianism- one of the forms of the state, characterized by complete control by state authorities over all spheres of society, the actual elimination of constitutional freedoms and rights. Repression- punitive measures, punishments by state bodies. (the words appear on the board: r..pre..ia, t..t..litarism). We come to the conclusion that the state is power, man is a part people. Teacher: How are these relationships built? (state - person), how they influence the fate of a person, consider the example of the stories of V.T. Shalamov." We repeated many times "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten" - and millions of our fellow citizens were buried in the deepest oblivion. We listened to the "Buchenwald alarm" with a lump in our throat, but did not hear the alarm of Kolyma, Pechora, Solovki. But the victims of Stalin's "They don't even have mass graves. We were told for a long time that there were no Khrushchev's bulldozers or Brezhnev's psychiatric hospitals. Someone needed the right to remember to atrophy in our souls. In the 1930s alone, more than 1,000 writers were repressed in the country. Slide 4-7 Writers and poets subjected to repression Alexander Blok suffocated from lack of air.
Shot: Nikolai Gumilyov, Sergei Klychkov, Nikolai Klyuev...
Osip Mandelstam died in the camp. They were arrested, deported, went through the Gulag:
Nikolai Zabolotsky, Varlam Shalamov, Joseph Brodsky, Alexander Solzhenitsyn Persecuted: Anna Akhmatova, Boris Pasternak, Alexander Tvardovsky, Solzhenitsyn
Committed suicide: Sergei Yesenin, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Marina Tsvetaeva. Died in exile: Ivan Bunin, Zinaida Gippius, Dmitry Merezhkovsky,
Vyacheslav Ivanov, Igor Severyanin, Vladislav Khodasevich,
Joseph Brodsky, Alexander Galich ... Teacher: Why were they repressed? (And sometimes for nothing, due to a slander or a typo in an article, for an inaccurately expressed thought aloud, for an anecdote on a political topic. The trouble was aggravated by the fact that plans came down “from above”. be repressed under categories 1 and 2 (the first category is execution, the second - 10 years in prison). What is the GULAG?Slide 8

    Main Directorate of camps, labor settlements, places of detention.

    Its origin dates back to the time of the Civil War.

    According to the French researcher Jacques Rossi, who spent almost a quarter of a century in Siberian camp barracks, the Soviet GULAG was the most durable (it lasted 73 years)

Slide 9 1937 is the peak of repressions.

From 1921-1954 about 4 million people were convicted. 75 members of the Politburo, out of 5 marshals - 3, out of 57 commanders - 50. Gulag system: 50 camps, over 420 correctional colonies, 50 juvenile colonies. Individual communication of students about repressionsteacher's word Yes, you can kill a person, destroy any possibility of remembering him. But one cannot kill or silence the ever-living Word, which has preserved for us, descendants, numerous testimonies of the contemporaries of that bloody hard times. History of atrophy human soul reflected in the "Kolyma stories" by V.T. Shalamov. V.T. Shalamov can be called a man of tragic fate. You will be convinced of this by getting acquainted with the biography of the writer. Almost 20 years in prison: camps, exile, loneliness and oblivion in the last years of his life, a miserable nursing home, and, in the end, as the crown of all ordeals, a psychiatric hospital, where he was forcibly transported from this house to soon die of pneumonia. Slide number 10 video "The fate and biography of Shalamov", created on the basis of the film "Lenin's Testament" (V. Dostal) Teacher's word:

Before us is the tragedy of a warped life, the fate of one of the martyrs not of the enemy, but of his own concentration camps, and at the same time, the one and only fate writer.

This real truth brought to us by the writer in his short stories. Survived to tell us what he and many millions of people had to experience. The works of V. Shalamov can be called Encyclopedia of Kolyma life. Why do you think? Each has a name, but all are united in the cycle "Kolyma stories". (Description of the land, history, population, the capital of the Kolyma Territory, about the bosses, about the norms of working out, about the method of making prison bunks; about why the prisoners first eat gruel and take the bread with them; about how they go crazy with hunger and how cut off their fingers. This is not only a common name indicating the place of action, but, according to the author, "a passionate story about the destruction of man", about "the corruption of the mind and heart, when the vast majority finds out every day more and more clearly what is possible, it turns out to live without meat, without sugar, without clothes, without shoes, and also without honor, without conscience, without love, without duty. In his book, V. Shalamov writes: “The worst was cold. After all, only frost over 55 degrees was activated. They caught this 56 degrees Celsius, which was determined by spitting, freezing on the fly. Hunger is the second strength that destroys a person; for 2 weeks the person "reached". The third power is the absence of power. They don’t let you sleep, the working day is 14-16 hours (order in 1938 .). Beating is the fourth force. Everyone beats the goner: the convoy, the contractor, the foreman, the blatar, the company commander. You become a goner when you become weak due to overwork, without sleep, at hard work in 50-degree frost. Reading Shalamov's stories is not a pleasure, but hard work, experiencing other people's troubles. A passionate, truthful story about the destruction of the human person makes the reader feel pain. Teacher: Read excerpts from the stories of V. Shalamov that especially shocked you Cold- "Night", "Carpenters" Hunger- "Vaska Denisov, pig thief", "Condensed milk", "Bread" Lack of strength- "Two meetings" beating- "For the show" Formulation of the problem: What is the fate of man in a totalitarian state? Can a person survive in extreme conditions and remain a person? - Here is the main question that we will try to find an answer to. Teacher's word: The next story is also about the power of the "blatars" over the "enemies of the people." Students explain the meaning of the word "blatar", often used in stories Reference:"Blatar - a refusal to work, the eternal enemy of any state, suddenly turns into a friend of the state, into an object of reforging" ("Kolyma Tales"). For a high percentage of output, these prisoners (thieves, murderers ...) were released from places of detention. It turned out that the "friends of the people", which turned out to be recidivists, officially fulfill the 300% norm and are subject to early release. And 300% is someone else's blood. Anyone convicted of a domestic crime knew that his crime was not at all considered a crime in the camp. On the contrary, the imprisoned killer feels the support of the state - after all, he is a “bytovik”, and not an enemy of the people. The state entrusted the “friends” of the people with the re-education of those who ended up in Kolyma under Article 58. Analysis of the story "The Snake Charmer" (1954) -What is this story about?

    How to determine the meaning of the name? Who can be called a snake charmer and why?
- Based on the word of the writer, let's imagine one day in the life of a prisoner Platonov. “The end of the job is not the end of the job at all. After the beep, it was necessary to collect the tool, take it to the pantry, hand it over, line up ... and go five kilometers into the forest for firewood. It gives the impression of hopelessness, it seems that there will never be rest for a tired body. ( read out) Teacher. Platonov reflects on human endurance: “A horse cannot stand a month of living here in a cold room with many hours of work in the cold ... Permafrost. Here, even the trees "can barely hold on to the uncomfortable ground, and the storm gently uproots them with roots and knocks them to the ground"; And the person lives ... ". 2.-Why? We find the answer to this question in Platonov's thoughts: "... he clings to life." (read out)--Read Platonov's conversation with Fedechka. What's amazing? Fedechka is a thief, a master of the situation. Fedechka calls Platonov Ivan Ivanovich, for him such as Platonov, Ivan Ivanovichi, by this he depersonalizes people, they are creatures for him: “Go, creature. Go, lie down by the bucket. There will be your place. And if you scream, we will strangle ... ". This is amazing.
    Why does the author call the thief Fedechka and not Fedya?
What technique does the author use when saying "Fedechka" (Shalamov uses a diminutive suffix in his name. This is the author's irony.) 4. How does Platonov feel?-Does he have a way out?
    Why did Platonov agree to tell novels? Is it possible to condemn him? Is Platonov's consent to "squeeze novels" a manifestation of his strength or weakness? (read out) Who is Platonov after all: a jester, a clown or an educator? (read out) What phrase ends the story “I won’t tell”? (read out)
11. Does the author condemn Platonov? (“A hungry man can be forgiven a lot, a lot.”) 12. And you guys? 13. Did Platonov succeed in the role of the snake charmer? The fate of the only literate person at the mine is terrible. He is forced to tell the thieves Dumas, Conan Doyle... For this he is fed and clothed. This is also a humiliation for the sake of a bowl of "soup", which Fedechka will grant him, because he does not eat yushki. Analysis of the story "The Resurrection of the Larch" Teacher's word:

Guys, did you notice that at our reflection lesson there is another witness of those events - this is LARCH.

Look at our larch, at the stands, the drawings that the 7th grade drew in the lesson - the discovery of a new name.

Why is she on the web?

Teacher: Larch- a through image of the stories of V.T. Shalamov. Larch- tree of concentration camps.

What theme does larch develop?

(The image of the larch develops the theme of memory and judgment.)

Give examples from the text:

... Larch, whose branch, twig breathed on the Moscow table, is the same age as Natalia Sheremeteva-Dolgorukova and can remind her of her sad fate: the vicissitudes of life, fidelity and firmness, mental stamina, physical, moral torment, no different from torment the thirty-seventh year, with furious northern nature that hates man, the mortal danger of spring floods and winter snowstorms, with denunciations, the rude arbitrariness of superiors, deaths, quartering, breaking the wheel of a husband, brother, son, father, who denounced each other, betrayed each other ....

.... Larch shifted the scale of time, shamed human memory, reminded the unforgettable.

Teacher: A larch that saw the death of Natalia Dolgorukova and saw millions of corpses - immortal in the permafrost of Kolyma, which saw the death of a Russian poet, a larch lives somewhere in the North to see, to shout that nothing has changed in Russia - neither fate, nor human malice, nor indifference… .

... The larch in the Moscow apartment breathed to remind people of their human duty, so that people would not forget the millions of corpses - people who died in Kolyma.

Teacher: Resurrection is revival, restoration, gaining strength, vigor.

How is the resurrection of larch delivered from Kolyma to a Moscow apartment? By what artistic means is the acquisition of the powers of the extinct, seemingly dead northern branch conveyed? What technique does the author use when larch is placed in water? (read out)

- ... They put it in a tin can filled with evil chlorinated disinfected Moscow tap water, water that itself, maybe, is glad to dry all living things - Moscow dead tap water (metaphor "Moscow dead tap water").

.... Larch stands in cold water, slightly warmed.

... Obeying the passionate human will, the branch collects all the forces - physical and spiritual, because the branch cannot be resurrected only from physical forces: Moscow heat, chlorinated water, an indifferent glass jar (in this line, the personification "gathers all the strength", "an indifferent glass jar").

... Three days and three nights pass, and the hostess wakes up from a strange, vague turpentine smell, a faint, subtle, new smell. New, young, lively bright green needles of fresh pine needles have opened and come out clearly into the light in the hard wooden skin. (metaphor "in a hard wooden skin").

Teacher: But what helped to resurrect?

Otherness. The branch is not like the rest of the plants that inhabit the hostess's apartment.

northern branch:

    - Withered, blown by the winds of airplanes, crumpled, broken in a mail car;

    Larches are more serious than flowers;

    Larch stands in cold water, slightly warmed;

    Understands this and larch.

Conclusion: Indefatigable thirst for life, the greatest patience and extraordinary sensitivity of the branch flowers:
    - put bouquets of bird cherry, bouquets of lilacs in hot water, splitting the branches and dipping them in boiling water;
Conclusion:"Spoiled", "effeminacy" of colors Conclusion: Otherness is woven from an irrepressible thirst for life, the greatest patience and extraordinary sensitivity. Larch - the memory of the deceased poet. Even this memory participates in revival.


Slide 11 video fragment from the film by V. Dostal "Lenin's Testament" - "Spiritual Death"

How do you understand that the spiritual life comes before the physical?

Can a person survive in extreme conditions and remain a person? (Students pay attention to the epigraph, the words of V. Shalamov: “Here they bury the soul before, putting the body on the lock.”)

What gives a person strength?

(Words appear in turn on the larch: duty, love, dignity, conscience, memory)

There is a question mark before the topic title.

So what is the fate of man in a totalitarian state?

Can a person survive in extreme conditions and remain a person?

The main thing is that having gone through humiliation and loss, they were able to save their living soul. (See epigraph)

20 years of camps did not break him, but they left their imprint.

20 years was not published, but did not lose faith. Varlam Shalamov revives our historical memory. Makes you think about a lot...

Andrew Oblog. “Resurrection of the Larch”

The smell of larch is the spirit of victory,
Larch is the tree of immortality.
Delicate green shoots -
Sad memory of hard times.

In the room of the dead poet,
In a jar of lifeless water
Rigid, broken branch,
Resurrecting, smells of Kolyma Twenty years. Where does this power come from?
Twenty years - in fact, without a return.
How many of your sons, Russia,
It fell on the damned Kolyma ...

In cities, towns and villages
Nameless Kolyma - remember.
Heavy pages rustle...
“People of the world, stand up for a minute!”

Slide 12 watching a video clip created by fragments from the film by V. Dostal "Lenin's Testament" based on and songs about Kolyma performed by Marshal "Highlander")

(All students stand up)
You are young, you have everything ahead!

We believe that in any circumstances you will be able to preserve goodness, truth, nature, history, honor, memory. This will be an appreciation for all of us. Thank you!

Homework: “Can a person survive in extreme conditions and remain a person?” (essay)

Appendix to the lesson


There is a line, in a row people are linked by elbows, on the backs there are tin numbers (instead of an ace of diamonds), an escort, a lot of dogs, every 10 minutes - Lie down! They lay for a long time in the snow, not raising their heads, waiting for a command. By order to descend from the mountain in winter, they flew down, the last one was shot ... ... The steamer "Kim" entered with a human load ... "" three thousand prisoners ". On the way, the prisoners rebelled and the authorities decided to fill all the holds with water. All this was done in 40 degrees below zero. Story"At night" introduces us into an environment of human lack of rights, hunger and cold. Glebov and Bagretsov (two convicts) - go to work. After a tiring day of work, having collected bread crumbs after dinner, they climb the rock and dismantle the stone blockage. Under the stones is a dead man, and he is wearing almost new underpants and a shirt. “With sunken shining eyes,” with which there was nothing to talk about, and there was nothing to think about, because “consciousness” was no longer human consciousness. The meaning is contained in the last phrase: “Tomorrow they will sell linen, exchange it for bread, maybe maybe even get a little tobacco ... " The Story of the Carpenters The workers were not shown thermometers... they had to go to work at any temperature. If there is a frosty fog, it means that there is -40 air outside, if the air comes out with noise when breathing, but it is still not difficult to breathe, it means -45; if breathing is noisy and shortness of breath is noticeable - 50. Over -50 - spit freezes on the fly


"Vaska Denisov, pig thief"

Hungry Vaska sneaks into the village to earn a bowl of soup or a piece of bread, but it's too late - the owner has already poured out the soup for the pigs. Climbing into someone's closet, Vaska finds a slaughtered and frozen piglet. When the shooters arrived, and the doors were open and the barricades were dismantled, Vaska managed to eat half the carcass.

"Condensed milk", "Bread"

Lack of strength

Sixteen hour work day. Someone saw a piece of paper in their hands, probably the investigator gave it out for denunciations. They sleep, leaning on a shovel - you can’t sit down and lie down, you will be shot right away. Those who cannot go to work are tied to sleds, and the horse drags them along the road for 2-3 km.

ATstory"Two meetings" Brigadier Kotur disappears. He did not have time to get up from the wheelbarrow when the chief approached. Here we read how 1938. The authorities decided on foot to send stages from Magadan to the mines of the North. From a column of 500 people for five hundred kilometers, 30-40 survived. "The rest settled on the way - frostbitten, hungry, shot dead ..."


The story "Presentation", "The Snake Charmer"

“Tombstone” “- And I,” and his voice (Volodya Dobrovoltsev) was calm and unhurried, “I would like to be a stump. Human stump, you know, no arms, no legs. Then I would have found the strength to spit in their face for everything they do to us ... "

The story "Presentation" Sashka stretched out the dead man's arms, tore open his undershirt and pulled the sweater over his head. The sweater was red, and the blood on it was barely visible. Sevochka carefully, so as not to get his fingers dirty, folded the sweater into a plywood suitcase. The game was over and I could go home. Now I had to look for another partner

  • Publisher: "Mik" 1994


    Mikhail Geller was born in 1922. Historian by education, Doctor of Historical Sciences. At the end of the 60s. forced to leave the USSR. Since 1969 he has been living and working in Paris.

  • Varlam Shalamov

    snake charmer

    We were sitting on a huge larch felled by a storm. Trees in the edge of permafrost barely hold on to the uncomfortable ground, and the storm easily uproots them and knocks them to the ground. Platonov told me the story of his life here - our second life in this world. I frowned at the mention of the Jankhara mine. I myself visited bad and difficult places, but the terrible glory of "Dzhankhara" thundered everywhere.

    - And how long were you on Janhar?

    “A year,” Platonov said softly. His eyes narrowed, wrinkles became more pronounced - in front of me was another Platonov, ten years older than the first.

    - However, it was difficult only at first, two or three months. There are only thieves. I was the only… literate person there. I told them, "squeezed novels," as they say in thieves' jargon, I told them in the evenings of Dumas, Conan Doyle, Wallace. For this they fed me, clothed me, and I worked little. Have you probably used this single literacy advantage here too?

    “No,” I said, “no. It always seemed to me the last humiliation, the end. I never told novels over soup. But I know what it is. I heard "novelists".

    Is this condemnation? Platonov said.

    “Not at all,” I replied. “A hungry man can be forgiven a lot, a lot.

    “If I stay alive,” Platonov uttered the sacred phrase that began all reflections on time beyond tomorrow, “I will write a story about it. I already came up with a name: "The Snake Charmer." Good?

    - Good. We just need to live. Here is the main thing.

    Andrei Fedorovich Platonov, a screenwriter in his first life, died three weeks after this conversation, he died the way many died - he waved his pick, swayed and fell face down on the stones. Glucose intravenously, strong cardiac drugs could have brought him back to life - he wheezed for another hour and a half, but was already quiet when a stretcher from the hospital arrived, and the orderlies carried this small corpse to the morgue - a light load of bones and skin.

    I loved Platonov because he did not lose interest in that life beyond the blue seas, beyond the high mountains, from which we were separated by so many versts and years, and in the existence of which we almost did not believe, or rather, believed as schoolchildren believe in the existence of any America. From God knows where, Platonov also had books, and when it was not very cold, for example, in July, he avoided talking on topics that the entire population lived on - what soup will be or was for dinner, will they give bread three times a day or immediately in the morning, whether it will be rain or clear weather tomorrow.

    I loved Platonov, and now I will try to write his story "The Snake Charmer".

    The end of the job is not the end of the job. After the whistle, you still need to collect the instrument, take it to the pantry, hand it over, line up, go through two of the ten daily roll calls under the obscene abuse of the convoy, under the ruthless cries and insults of your own comrades, comrades who are still stronger than you, comrades who are also tired and hurry home and get angry because of any delay. We still have to go through the roll call, line up and go five kilometers into the forest for firewood - the nearby forest has long been cut down and burned. A team of lumberjacks prepares firewood, and pit workers each carry a log. How heavy logs are delivered, which even two people cannot take, no one knows. Motor vehicles are never sent for firewood, and the horses are all in the stable due to illness. After all, a horse weakens much faster than a person, although the difference between its former life and its present life is immeasurably, of course, less than that of people. It often seems, yes, so, probably, it really is, that a man rose from the animal kingdom, became a man, that is, a creature that could invent such things as our islands with all the improbability of their life, that he was physically tougher than any animal. It was not the hand that humanized the monkey, not the embryo of the brain, not the soul - there are dogs and bears that act smarter and more moral than a person. And not by subordinating the forces of fire to oneself - all this was after the fulfillment of the main condition for the transformation. Other things being equal, at one time a person turned out to be much stronger and more enduring physically, only physically. He was tenacious like a cat - this saying is not true. It would be more correct to say about a cat - this creature is tenacious, like a person. The horse cannot endure a month of winter life here in a cold room with many hours of hard work in the cold. If it's not a Yakut horse. But they don't work on Yakut horses. However, they are not fed. They, like deer in winter, hoof the snow and pull out last year's dry grass. But the man lives. Maybe he lives in hope? But he doesn't have any hope. If he is not a fool, he cannot live in hope. That's why there are so many suicides.

    "Russia 1905" - A bomb was thrown at the troops from the balcony. The First State Duma was created in 1906 and lasted 72 days. Local self-government bodies. Blown up by a mine in 1904; there is still S.O. Makarov was. The present contract will be signed in two copies in French and English... There are a lot of people, a crowd in front of the house.

    "The first Russian revolution" - Providing the people with democratic freedoms - speech, assembly, press, conscience. Stage III (January 1906-July 3, 1907) - The period of the downward revolution. The working day has been reduced to 9 hours, wages have been raised. Peasant unrest began in Little Russia. January 9, 1905 - "Bloody Sunday" Labor movement.

    "The first Russian revolution" - Some national outskirts (for example, Central Asia) were deprived of representation. The Duma was dissolved by decree of Nicholas II of June 3 (Third June Coup). Third June coup. Powers of the First State Duma. Meeting room of the State Duma in the Tauride Palace, St. Petersburg. Consequences of the explosion on August 12, 1906 on Aptekarsky Island.

    "Revolution 1905-1907" - January 9, 1905 "Bloody Sunday." Sovereign! But! Performances in the army and navy. Mass labor strikes and strikes. The slogans "Down with autocracy!", "Long live the republic!" The government is forced to make concessions. The manifesto was not a constitution, but a declaration of intent. June 12, 1905 - uprising on the battleship Potemkin.

    "Revolution of 1905" - Muscovites were supported by the workers of St. Petersburg. By October 1905, the workers of the country's major industrial centers were on strike. Diorama Heroic Krasnaya Presnya. The seriousness of the situation was finally realized by the king himself. Changes in the political system of the Russian Empire. A wave of arrests and mass executions swept through the city.

    "Revolution of 1905-1907" - The decline of the revolutionary wave. Trade unions were closed, revolutionary parties were persecuted, repressions against the press began. All-Russian October political strike. On May 12, 1905, a strike began in Ivanovo-Voznesensk. Purpose: the constitutional structure of Russia on the basis of universal suffrage.

    In total there are 7 presentations in the topic

    "Shock therapy"

    Lesson on "Kolyma stories" by V. Shalamov

    Decor: portrait of V.T. Shalamova; an exhibition of books, newspaper publications, reviews of the writer.

    Lesson Objectives: arouse interest in the personality and work of V.T. Shalamov, who became a symbol of openness, will and Russian directness; to show the “unusual life material” taken as the basis of the “Kolyma Tales”, and to captivate students by reading the text of the stories, to lead students to comprehend the tragic fate of a person in a totalitarian state.

    Where violence reigns, grief reigns and blood flows.

    V. Grossman

    And I saw hell on earth

    Sasha Black.
    The camp is a negative experience, a negative school, corruption for everyone - for bosses and prisoners, escorts and spectators, passers-by and readers of fiction.

    "Kolyma stories».

    "Kolyma Tales" is the fate of the martyrs who were not the former, who did not survive and did not become heroes.

    V.T. Shalamov

    1. Teacher's word.
    The song sounds...

    "Damn you, Kolyma,

    What is called the Black Planet,

    You will go insane

    There is no return from there.”
    This cry also contains the voice of the writer V. Shalamov. It is about this planet, the people who, by the will of fate, inhabiting it are discussed in the Kolyma Tales.

    Varlam Shalamov entered our society and literary consciousness imperceptibly, but firmly. Long published as a poet, he won fame with Kolyma Tales, written between 1954-1973.

    But these stories began to be published in our country only in recent years. The theme of "arrests, prisons and camps" is not new, but Shalamov has it in its own way.

    "Kolyma stories" - there are many of them. Each of them has its own name, but they are all united in "Kolyma", and this is not only a common name indicating the place of action, but also "a passionate story about the destruction of man", about "the corruption of the mind and heart, when the vast majority finds out the day every day it becomes easier that it is possible to live without meat, without sugar, without clothes, without shoes, and also without honor, without conscience, without love, without duty. It turns out to be the majority, but is this discovery accepted by everyone as the norm?

    We know about the time of repressions, the policy of hopeless lies, mockery and mockery of a person from the stories: “A golden cloud spent the night” by A. Pristavkin, “Black Stones” by A. Zhigulin.

    But Shalamov's stories show another side of this policy: in the camps there was a whole system of extermination, physical and moral destruction of a person convicted under Article 58.

    For millions of people, the state machine "broken the fate, the best thing that happened."

    “Kolyma Tales” is a reportage from its time, from the time when the current generation of grandfathers and fathers serenely sang textbook words and official music “I don’t know another such country where a person breathes so freely.” And only a very few survivors could tell how they actually breathed behind the barbed wire of the Kolyma camps.

    2. Brief retelling of "Kolyma Tales" by V.T. Shalamov. Student performances.
    The story of the night introduces us into an environment of human lack of rights, hunger and cold. Glebov and Bagretsov (two convicts) - go to work. After a tiring day of work, having collected bread crumbs after dinner, they climb the rock and dismantle the stone blockage. Under the stones is a dead man, and he is wearing almost new underpants and a shirt. “With sunken shining eyes”, with which there was nothing to talk about, and there was nothing to think about, because “consciousness” was no longer human consciousness.

    The meaning of the story lies in the last phrase: “Tomorrow they will sell linen, exchange it for bread, maybe even get a little tobacco ...”

    So they will live another day. Feelings, morality are suppressed by cold and hunger, but the night brings hope.
    In "Two Encounters" Brigadier Kotur disappears. He did not have time to get up from the wheelbarrow when the chief approached. Here we read how 1938. The authorities decided on foot to send stages from Magadan to the mines of the North. From a column of 500 people for five hundred kilometers, 30-40 survived.

    "The rest settled on the way - frostbitten, hungry, shot dead ..."

    The story "The Procurator of Judea" begins with the words: “December 5, 1947 To Nachaevo Bay

    entered the ship "Kim" with a human cargo ... "" three thousand prisoners."

    On the way, the prisoners rebelled and the authorities decided to fill all the holds with water. All this was done in 40 degrees below zero. The front-line surgeon Kubantsev was shocked by the spectacle of corpses, surviving people, terrible wounds that Kubantsev had never known in his life and never dreamed of.
    “Of course, there were no gas chambers in Kolyma. Here they preferred to freeze - the result was the most comforting, "we read in the story "Love Lessons"
    3. Word of the teacher. How did V. Shalamov work on these stories?
    The truth of life has become the aesthetic credo of V. Shalamov. Each and every one of his stories meet this high standard. It is difficult for us to imagine what a huge emotional stress the writer's stories cost the writer.

    This is how he describes his creative process: “Each story, each phrase is pre-read in an empty room - I always talk to myself when I write. I scream, I threaten, I cry. And I can't stop my tears. Only after finishing the story or part of the story, I wipe my tears.

    " Encyclopedia of Kolyma life"You can call his work. Everything can be found in them. Description of the land, history, population, capital of the Kolyma region; you will learn everything about the bosses, about the norms of production, about the method of making prison bunks; about why the prisoners first eat the gruel and take the bread away with them; about how they go crazy with hunger and how they cut off their fingers. You can learn a lot from this "encyclopedia" that you could not imagine.

    In a letter to Pasternak, Shalamov lists real cases from Kolyma life that have become the plot outline of stories:

    “A fugitive who was caught in the taiga and shot by “operatives”. They chopped off both his hands so as not to carry the corpse several miles away, otherwise you have to print fingers. And the fugitive got up and dragged himself to our hut in the morning. Then they shot him completely."

    “A woolen sweater, homely, often lies on a bench and moves - there are so many lice in it.”

    “There is a line, in a row people are linked by elbows, on the backs there are tin numbers (instead of an ace of diamonds), an escort, dogs in a multitude, every 10 minutes - Lie down! They lay for a long time in the snow, without raising their heads, waiting for a command.

    “Someone saw a piece of paper in their hands, probably the investigator gave it out for denunciations. Sixteen hour work day. They sleep, leaning on a shovel - you can’t sit down and lie down, you will be shot right away.

    “Those who cannot go to work are tied to sleds, and a horse drags them along the road for 2-3 kilometers.”

    “The gate at the opening of the adit. A log with which the gate is rotated and seven exhausted ragamuffins walk in a circle instead of a horse. And by the fire - the guard. Why not Egypt?

    “There is nothing lower in the world than the intention to forget these crimes. Forgive me for writing you all these sad things, I would like you to get some sort of correct impression of that significant and remarkable, what makes almost 20 years a huge period - five-year plans, large construction projects, the exact name of "daring" and " achievements." After all, there was not a single major construction project without prisoners, whose life is a disenfranchised chain of humiliations. Time has successfully made a person forget that he is a person ... "
    4. We think and reflect on the stories we read.

    • What is the tragedy of "Kolyma Tales"?
    (Scary. People and death. These words constantly go by. There are guards ready to kill, frost ready to kill, hunger ready to kill)

    Before us are stories about the Kolyma goners, clinging to life in every way.

    Discussion of the stories "Day off" and "Vaska Denisov, the thief of pigs."

    The story "Day off"

    Teacher's word.

    Man and nature are one. Man is a child of nature. But a person deprived of normal conditions begins to perceive it as something alien, hostile. A person cannot dissolve in nature or accept it into himself, feel his unity with it - this also requires spiritual strength, an undamaged soul.

    • What is unique about our story?
    (Sample student response: description of squirrels of “sky-colored, black-faced, black-tailed ones, who “peered with enthusiasm at what was happening behind the silver larches”, describes the beauty of squirrels, their free, independent existence)

    • And what was hidden behind the silver larches?
    (Sample student response:priest Zamyatin praying in the forest)

    • Find in the text how he does it?
    (Sample student response Crossing himself in a sweeping manner and quietly pronouncing the words of the liturgical service with his lips that are numb from cold, he serves mass in a forest clearing - lonely and solemn.

    Warmth emanates from this lonely man, hotly whispering the words of prayer.

    “There was an amazing expression on his face - the same that happens on the faces of people remembering childhood or something equally expensive”)

    • And then - a completely contrasting scene. Which? Read out.
    (Sample student response: "blatari" shepherd dogs that kill a puppy and cook soup from it)

    • What thoughts does this scene make you think?
    (Exemplary student response: We seem to feel the pain of nature itself, inside which the human is disintegrating, as well as the struggle of man for himself.)

    • What saves a person in this inhuman life?
    (Exemplary student response: Shalamov: "I know that every person here had the last, most important thing - what helped to live, to cling to the life that was so persistently and stubbornly taken away from us."

    This “most recent” could be different - the desire to return to relatives, to family, love for children, faith in God.)

    In the story "Vaska Denisov, the thief of pigs" hungry Vaska sneaks into the village to earn a bowl of soup or a piece of bread, but too late - the owner poured out the soup for the pigs. Climbing into someone's closet, Vaska finds a slaughtered and frozen piglet. Having escaped from the chase, the hero of the story locked himself in a red corner. “When a detachment of shooters was called, and the doors were open, and the barricade was dismantled, Vaska managed to eat half of the pig.”

    • Why is Vaska sneaking into the village?

    • Why Vaska's efforts were in vain?

    • When was the squad of shooters called?

    • “He walked swaying from weakness, but not home ...”, where?

    Corruption is one of the main words in Shalamovsky's verdict on the camp.
    Discussion of the story "The Snake Charmer".

    Teacher's word.

    Many of Shalamov's stories speak of power in the camp of "blatars" over "enemies of the people." The state entrusted the “friends” of the people with the “re-education” of those who ended up in Kolyma under Article 58.

    Mentally imagine Platonov's place of residence and his day before appearing in a dark barracks, while trying to rely on the words of the writer as much as possible;

    Permafrost. Here, even the trees "can barely hold on to the uncomfortable ground, and the storm gently uproots them with roots and knocks them to the ground";

    Platonov is a pit worker. But after work, work awaits him again:

    • What job awaits him?
    “We still need to collect the tool, take it to the pantry, turn it in, line up, go through two of the ten daily roll calls. We still have to go through the roll call, line up and go five kilometers into the forest for firewood.

    • Why do you think the author gives such a detailed enumeration of the sequence of actions?
    Such a detailed enumeration of a string of actions to be done by exhausted people after hard labor creates the impression of an endless day, some kind of hopelessness - will there be rest for a tired body?

    But rest is far away. There is still a five-kilometer way back, but with a heavy log, because they don’t give cars, and the horses can’t cope: “after all, a horse is much weaker than a man, a horse can’t stand a month of winter life here in a cold room and with many hours of work - hard work in the cold ".

    • Platonov reflects on the nature of human endurance: trees and animals die, "but man lives." Why?
    Yes, because “he clings to life more tightly than they do. And he is more enduring than any animal.

    And here we are with Platonov together in the barracks. Finally, he seems to be able to rest. “My shoulders, knees ached, my muscles trembled”, but “a push in the back woke up Platonov” ... he was “pushed into the light”

    Fedechka is a thief, a “blatar” is the master of the situation, a person’s life is in his power. “Are you thinking of living?” he asks Platonov. He asks “quietly”, explains “gently”, but behind this is the behavior of a predatory beast. Because soft, insinuating words are followed by a “strong blow right in the face,” which knocks Platonov off his feet.

    Fedechka calls Platonov Ivan Ivanovich, for him everyone is like Platonov - Ivan Ivanovichi, by this, as it were, he depersonalizes, anonymizes people, he is creatures for him. When Platonov, who has not yet lost his human dignity, replies that he is not Ivan Ivanovich, Fedechka snarls: “You can’t answer like that. You, Ivan Ivanovich, were they taught to answer like that at the institute? ". He points Platonov to his place and warns: “Go creature ... Go and lie down by the bucket. There will be your place. And if you scream, we will strangle it. ”

    Platonov experiences moral humiliation, mockery.

    The scary thing is that Fedechka is bored. The "lesson" he teaches Platonov is a short diversion. “It’s boring, brothers,” Fedya said, yawning, “even if someone scratched his heels, or something ....” And now they obsequiously remove dirty, torn socks from him, and, smiling obsequiously, scratch his heels. Fedechka doesn't like the way the young crow does it. Here, he recalls, there was an engineer at the Kosoy mine, he scratched. And this memory suggests that wherever Fedya is, he everywhere feels like a master, a ruler. And so Platonov was raised again, and then again, because Fedechka couldn’t sleep, it was boring again: “If only someone would print the novel.”

    It is striking how many lackeys among the blatars are pleasing for the sake of Fedechka to humiliate and humiliate, and if the owner demands, then kill. The mine was one of the thieves. The fate of the only literate of them, Platonov, is terrible. He was fed and clothed for retelling Dumas, Conan Doyle, Wallace. This is also a humiliation for the sake of a bowl of "soup" with which Fedya favors him; he doesn't eat slop.

    • Does the author condemn Platonov for this? Why?
    At first glance, yes. “It seemed to me the last humiliation, the end. I never told novels over soup. But I know what it is. I heard novelists"

    But when Platonov asks: “Is this a condemnation?” - the narrator replies: "-Not at all ... - A hungry person can be forgiven a lot, a lot."

    • Shalamov will repeat twice that he loves Platonov. For what? Do we perceive the story written for him, too, as a sign of love, as a last bow to a comrade who, having survived on the terrible Dzhankhara, nevertheless died, as many died, waving a pick, swayed and fell face down on his knees

    • Shalamov leaves behind his story the name invented by Platonov: "The Snake Charmer". Why did the writer like it, do you think?
    After all, spellcasters, by the power of their influence, are able to hypnotize, to force them to obey their will. Did Andrey Fedorovich Platonov, “a screenwriter in his first life”, succeed in the role of a snake charmer?
    Discussion of the story "Tombstone"

    Teacher's word.

    “Everyone died” ... - this is how the story “Tombstone” begins.

    In every story that you read on your own, you can not do without death. The Gulag Archipelago appears as a terrible, insatiable monster.

    In the story "Two Meetings" we read how in 1938, the authorities decided to send stages from Magadan to the mines of the North on foot. From a column of 500 people, 30-40 survived for five hundred kilometers. "The rest settled on the way - frostbitten, hungry, shot" ...

    And here is the "Tombstone". "Everybody died"

    Who, why, how?

    “Nikolai Kazimirovich Barbe, a comrade who helped me pull a large stone out of a narrow pit, a foreman, was shot for failing to comply with the site plan” ...

    “Ioska Ryutin died. He worked with me. And the workers didn't want to work with me. And Ioska worked "...

    “Ivan Yakovlevich Fedyanin died. He was a philosopher. Volokolamsk peasant, organizer of the first collective farm in Russia. For the organization of the first collective farm, he received a term - a five-year prison term "...

    Fritz David has died. It was a Dutch Communist Worker of the Comintern who was accused of espionage. Fritz David went mad and was taken somewhere.”

    And more death, and more, and more….

    But we are struck by the final scene of this story, which gives a better idea of ​​the convicts and their characters.

    On a winter Christmas evening, several convicts are warming themselves near a red-hot iron stove. And they talk about what they will do, what they will do when they return home. The former director of the Ural trust, Pyotr Ivanovich Timofeev, was deeply moved:

    “- I would return home, to my wife, to Agnia Mikhailovna. I would buy a rye bread loaf! I would cook porridge from Magar - a bucket! Soup, "dumplings" - also a bucket! And I would eat it all. For the first time in my life, I would have eaten my fill of this goodness, and I would have forced Agnia Mikhailovna to eat the rest.

    And you? - Glebov's hand touched the knee of our orderly.

    First of all, I would go to the district committee of the party. There, I remember, there was an abyss of cigarette butts on the floor ...

    Don't joke...

    I'm not kidding.

    Suddenly I saw only one person left to answer. And that person was Volodya Dobrovoltsev. He raised his head without waiting for a question. The light of glowing coals from the open door of the stove fell into his eyes - his eyes were alive, deep.

    5. Let's summarize our lesson.

    • Who is to blame for the tragedy of thousands of people?

    • Why does Shalamov's prose influence our souls and hearts so strongly?
    The writer survived to tell the truth, no matter how terrible it may be.

    He showed what people deprived of human conditions of life can turn into: how the system kills some, and makes moral freaks, criminals and murderers out of others.

    A person should not know, should not even hear even about him. No person gets better or stronger after camp. All that was suffered in the hell of Soviet Auschwitz was reflected in the Kolyma Tales. The experience of Kolyma includes death, humiliation, starvation, resurrection, executions, transformation into animals, a reassessment of values, the collapse of habitual ideas about the world, about man, about his capabilities.

    Shalamov did not have to invent anything.

    The author of Kolyma Tales wanted to achieve the maximum persuasiveness of his prose. For him, first of all, it was important to "resurrect feelings" - the feeling that a person experienced in the inhuman conditions of the camp. “The feeling must return”, defeating the control of time, the change in estimates, only under this condition is it possible to resurrect life.

    6. Homework: How do you think, who did the writer feel when he passed Kolyma?

    1. Orpheus descending into the underworld; or

    2. Pluto rising from hell.

    (Search Information: Who is Orpheus? Who is Pluto?)

    Vocabulary for the lesson.

    1. Fiction - fiction

    3. Blatari - criminal elements.

    4. Article 58 - "enemy of the Nazis."

    5. Liturgy - Christian worship

    6. Epitrachelion - part of the priest's vestments, a cover embroidered with patterns, worn around the neck and worn under a chasuble.


    1. Russian language and literature. 1991. No. 8.

    2. Light. 1989 №22

    3. Shklovsky E.A. Varlam Shalamov.- M.: Knowledge, 1991.

    4. Top secret. Makeev S. Interview, which was not. No. 6, 2007.

    Varlam Shalamov

    snake charmer

    We were sitting on a huge larch felled by a storm. Trees in the edge of permafrost barely hold on to the uncomfortable ground, and the storm easily uproots them and knocks them to the ground. Platonov told me the story of his life here - our second life in this world. I frowned at the mention of the Jankhara mine. I myself visited bad and difficult places, but the terrible glory of "Dzhankhara" thundered everywhere.

    - And how long were you on Janhar?

    “A year,” Platonov said softly. His eyes narrowed, wrinkles became more pronounced - in front of me was another Platonov, ten years older than the first.

    - However, it was difficult only at first, two or three months. There are only thieves. I was the only… literate person there. I told them, "squeezed novels," as they say in thieves' jargon, I told them in the evenings of Dumas, Conan Doyle, Wallace. For this they fed me, clothed me, and I worked little. Have you probably used this single literacy advantage here too?

    “No,” I said, “no. It always seemed to me the last humiliation, the end. I never told novels over soup. But I know what it is. I heard "novelists".

    Is this condemnation? Platonov said.

    “Not at all,” I replied. “A hungry man can be forgiven a lot, a lot.

    “If I stay alive,” Platonov uttered the sacred phrase that began all reflections on time beyond tomorrow, “I will write a story about it. I already came up with a name: "The Snake Charmer." Good?

    - Good. We just need to live. Here is the main thing.

    Andrei Fedorovich Platonov, a screenwriter in his first life, died three weeks after this conversation, he died the way many died - he waved his pick, swayed and fell face down on the stones. Glucose intravenously, strong cardiac drugs could have brought him back to life - he wheezed for another hour and a half, but was already quiet when a stretcher from the hospital arrived, and the orderlies carried this small corpse to the morgue - a light load of bones and skin.

    I loved Platonov because he did not lose interest in that life beyond the blue seas, beyond the high mountains, from which we were separated by so many versts and years, and in the existence of which we almost did not believe, or rather, believed as schoolchildren believe in the existence of any America. From God knows where, Platonov also had books, and when it was not very cold, for example, in July, he avoided talking on topics that the entire population lived on - what soup will be or was for dinner, will they give bread three times a day or immediately in the morning, whether it will be rain or clear weather tomorrow.

    I loved Platonov, and now I will try to write his story "The Snake Charmer".

    The end of the job is not the end of the job. After the whistle, you still need to collect the instrument, take it to the pantry, hand it over, line up, go through two of the ten daily roll calls under the obscene abuse of the convoy, under the ruthless cries and insults of your own comrades, comrades who are still stronger than you, comrades who are also tired and hurry home and get angry because of any delay. We still have to go through the roll call, line up and go five kilometers into the forest for firewood - the nearby forest has long been cut down and burned. A team of lumberjacks prepares firewood, and pit workers each carry a log. How heavy logs are delivered, which even two people cannot take, no one knows. Motor vehicles are never sent for firewood, and the horses are all in the stable due to illness. After all, a horse weakens much faster than a person, although the difference between its former life and its present life is immeasurably, of course, less than that of people. It often seems, yes, so, probably, it really is, that a man rose from the animal kingdom, became a man, that is, a creature that could invent such things as our islands with all the improbability of their life, that he was physically tougher than any animal. It was not the hand that humanized the monkey, not the embryo of the brain, not the soul - there are dogs and bears that act smarter and more moral than a person. And not by subordinating the forces of fire to oneself - all this was after the fulfillment of the main condition for the transformation. Other things being equal, at one time a person turned out to be much stronger and more enduring physically, only physically. He was tenacious like a cat - this saying is not true. It would be more correct to say about a cat - this creature is tenacious, like a person. The horse cannot endure a month of winter life here in a cold room with many hours of hard work in the cold. If it's not a Yakut horse. But they don't work on Yakut horses. However, they are not fed. They, like deer in winter, hoof the snow and pull out last year's dry grass. But the man lives. Maybe he lives in hope? But he doesn't have any hope. If he is not a fool, he cannot live in hope. That's why there are so many suicides.

    But the feeling of self-preservation, tenacity for life, physical tenacity, to which consciousness is also subject, saves him. He lives in the same way as a stone, a tree, a bird, a dog lives. But he clings to life more tightly than they do. And he is more enduring than any animal.

    Platonov was thinking about all this, standing at the entrance gate with a log on his shoulder and waiting for a new roll call. Firewood was brought in, piled up, and the people, crowding, hurrying and swearing, entered the dark log hut.

    When his eyes got used to the darkness, Platonov saw that not all the workers went to work at all. In the far right corner on the upper bunk, dragging to themselves the only lamp, a gasoline oil lamp without glass, seven or eight people were sitting around two of them, who, crossing their legs in Tatar style and placing a greasy pillow between them, were playing cards. The smoking lamp trembled, the fire lengthened and rocked the shadows.

    Platonov sat down on the edge of the bunk. My shoulders and knees ached, my muscles trembled. Platonov was brought to Dzhanhara only in the morning, and he worked the first day. There were no empty seats.

    "Here they all disperse," thought Platonov, "and I'll lie down." He dozed off.

    The game is up above. A black-haired man with a mustache and a large nail on his left little finger rolled over to the edge of the bunk.

    “Well, call this Ivan Ivanovich,” he said.

    A push in the back woke Platonov.

    – You… Your name is.

    - Well, where is he, this Ivan Ivanovich? - they called from the upper bunk.

    “I am not Ivan Ivanovich,” said Platonov, screwing up his eyes.

    - He's not coming, Fedechka.

    - How does it not work?

    Platonov was pushed into the light.

    - Do you think to live? Fedya asked him in a low voice, twirling his little finger with a sharpened, dirty nail in front of Platonov's eyes.

    “I think,” Platonov replied.

    A strong punch to the face knocked him off his feet. Platonov got up and wiped the blood off with his sleeve.

    “You can’t answer like that,” Fedya explained affectionately. - You, Ivan Ivanovich, were they taught to answer like that at the institute?

    Platonov was silent.

    “Go, creature,” said Fedya. - Go and lie down by the bucket. There will be your place. And if you scream, we'll strangle you.

    It was not an empty threat. Already twice before Platonov's eyes they strangled people with a towel - according to some thieves' accounts. Platonov lay down on the wet stinking boards.

    “Boring, brothers,” said Fedya, yawning, “if only someone scratched their heels, or something ...”

    - Masha, Masha, go scratch Fedechka's heels. Mashka, a pale, pretty boy, a crow of about eighteen years old, emerged into the strip of light.

    He took off Fedya's worn yellow low shoes, carefully removed his dirty, torn socks, and began, smiling, scratching Fedya's heels. Fedya giggled, shuddering from the tickling.

    “Get out,” he said suddenly. - You can't scratch. You can not.

    - Yes, I am, Fedechka ...

    Get out, they tell you. Scratching, scratching. There is no tenderness.

    The people around nodded sympathetically.

    - Here I had a Jew on the Kosom - he scratched. He, my brothers, scratched. Engineer.

    And Fedya plunged into memories of the Jew who was scratching his heels.

    “Well, him,” said Fedya. - Can such people scratch? Anyway, pick him up.

    Platonov was brought to the light.

    “Hey, you, Ivan Ivanovich, fill the lamp,” Fedya ordered. - And at night you will put firewood in the stove. And in the morning - parashku on the street. The orderly will show where to pour ...

    Platonov was silent obediently.

    “For this,” Fedya explained, “you will get a bowl of soup.” I don't eat yushki anyway. Go sleep.

    Platonov lay down in his old place. Almost all of the workers were sleeping, curled up in twos and threes - it was warmer that way.

    “Oh, boredom, the nights are long,” said Fedya. - If only someone would print a novel. Here I have on Kosom ...

    - Fedya, and Fedya, and this new one ... Do you want to try?

    “And that,” Fedya perked up. - Raise it.

    Platonov was raised.

    “Listen,” said Fedya, smiling almost ingratiatingly, “I got a little excited here.

    “Nothing,” Platonov said through gritted teeth.

    – Listen, can you squeeze novels?

    Fire flashed in Platonov's cloudy eyes. He still couldn't. The entire chamber of the remand prison was heard by "Count Dracula" in his retelling. But there were people there. And here? To become a jester at the court of the Duke of Milan, a jester who was fed for a good joke and beaten for a bad one? There is also another side to this matter. He will introduce them to real literature. He will be an enlightener. He will awaken in them an interest in the artistic word, and here, at the bottom of his life, he will do his job, his duty. From an old habit, Platonov did not want to tell himself that he would simply be fed, that he would receive an extra soup not for taking out the bucket, but for other, more noble work. Is it noble? This is still closer to scratching the dirty heels of a thief than to enlightenment. But hunger, cold, beatings...

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