Why do many Russians look like Tatars. How to distinguish a Kazan Tatar from a Siberian

I've had this post for a long time. Against the backdrop of unceasing disputes about the origin of the Tatars, I have long wanted to understand the ethnogenesis of the Tatar people and answer the question: which group of modern Tatars belongs to the Bulgars, and which does not? Is it possible to unite all modern Tatars under one ethnonym "Bulgars", as the Bulgarists are trying to do? Could this be complete nonsense? These questions are fundamental for me, because. I am convinced that any nation has the right to know its history and identify itself with who it really is. No nation should go around with a false label that others have put on it. Let me remind you that the real Mongol tribes called "Tatars" lived in the VI-XIII centuries far in the steppes of Central Asia and have nothing to do with modern Tatars. Modern Tatars have completely different peoples in their ancestors, so in fairness for the sake of "Tatars" they cannot be called. In this post I will try to show it.

Eastern Europe 9th-11th centuries.

So, the following groups of Tatars are officially distinguished:

Kasimov and Bordakov Tatars

Astrakhan Tatars

Perm Tatars

Polish-Lithuanian Tatars


The leading group of the entire "Tatar" ethnic group isKazan Tatars. Since the 20s of the last century, their language has been considered exemplary, all Tatar literature, the alphabet, pronunciation, spelling are equal to it, children are taught in schools, all the restdeviations of the language passed into the category of dialects. No one doubts that (except perhaps the hopelessly incurable Mongolist-Tatarists-imperialists and some Chuvash who do not want to share the Bulgarian heritage with Kazanians) that eThe cultural basis of the Kazan Tatars was the Bulgars. In the 7th century, the Black Sea Great Bulgaria breaks up, under the pressure of the KhazarsBulgars in search of salvation scatter in all directions. Part of the Bulgarians, led by Asparuha, moved to the Danube and on the banks of the river creates Danubian Bulgaria, part, under the leadership Kotraga , goes to the Volga-Kamie and founds the Volga Bulgaria. On new lands, they mix with local tribes, with Slavs ("Imenkovskaya culture" is recognized by most scientists as Slavic) and Finno-Ugric peoples. In 865, the Danube Bulgarians finally accepted Christianity (Boris I), and their brethren57 years later, the Volga Bulgars, in order to protect themselves from the Khazars, invite Baghdad theologians and accept Islam ( Almush, 922 ). It should be noted that xChristianism among the Bulgarians begins to penetrate even in the Black Sea region. Kubrat - the founder of the First (Great) Bulgaria, was brought up in the Byzantine court, was baptized at the age of 12, and his uncle Khan Organa (Bu-Yurgana)founded the first Bulgarian archdiocese in the city of Korsun.True, not all Volga Bulgarians accept Islam, and not in the way the Baghdad embassy wanted. The fact is that in return for the adoption of Islam, Almush wanted to receive money forconstruction of a fortress, but he did not receive the money. After the scandal with the embassy, ​​he still accepts Islam, because. understands that being a Muslim,Khazars will not attack him. (The army of the Khazars was hired from Muslims, and Muslims did not fight with Muslims).Later Volga Bulgaria crushed Tatar-Mongol invasion and, after several uprisings, is included in the Golden Horde ( 1240) . Later p radical Islamist - khan Uzbek by killing all of their rivals comes to power in the Golden Horde, disperses all Christians and pagans and declares the Golden Horde a Muslim state (1313). For three hundred years, the Volga Bulgarians have been subordinate to the conquerors, although they have a strong influence on them culturally. When the Horde breaks up, one of the Genghisides of Crimean Tatar origin Ulug-Muhammed on the site of Volga Bulgaria, he founded a new khanate, called Kazan (1438). It is worth noting that all subsequent khans of the Kazan Khanate were not from among the local population of the Bulgars, but were Genghisides from different dynasties: either Crimean (ten), then Siberian (one), then Astrakhan (three) khans. There have been no rulers with Bulgarian roots in the Kazan region since the fall of Volga Bulgaria. Although, it is known that in the first years, the Bulgarian kings, as well as the Russians, received yasak to rule. Thanks to these - in fact alien - rulers, the label "Tatars" is hung on the Bulgars. The Russians, on the other hand, dealt with the khans, and not with the local population, as the khans called themselves, so the Russians also called the Bulgarians, that is, the Tatars. Really, recent genetic research says that the Kazan Tatars are not essentially a Turkic people, but are Finno-Ugric peoples who once changed their original language to Turkic. Possibly, Turkization occurred together with Islamization. Ibn Fadlan, who visited Volga Bulgaria as part of the Baghdad embassy, ​​clearly calls the Bulgars Slavs, while other Turks (Oghuz, Pechenegs, Bashkirs) he calls Turks, which means he understood who was who. And the Persian traveler Istarkhi, also from the 10th century, writes that the language of the Khazars is not similar to the language of the Turks, but similar to the language of the Bulgars. These and other facts indicate that the Bulgars were not originally Türks. (Somehow I will definitely write). Only a small part of the Tatars (about 10-15%%) is of eastern origin. Since the time of the Golden Horde, Kazan has risen as the center of the Tatar civilization, it has always attracted Turks and Tatars of non-Bulgarian origin. An influx from outside was inevitable. Therefore, in Kazan you can meet any representative of the Tatar groups.The approximate number of Kazan Tatars today is 2 million people.

Mishari- the second largest sub-ethnos of the Tatars of the Middle Volga and Urals. They speak the Mishar (Western) dialect of the Tatar language. The formation of the Mishars took place on the right bank of the Volga, up to the right bank of the Oka in the north. There are two main versions about the origin of this people. Meshcherek - according to this theory, the Mishars arose through the Turkization of the Finno-Ugric people of the Meshchereks. Another version suggests that the Mishars are the descendants of the Burtas, who lived in the 5th-11th centuries. on both banks of the Volga (approximately from modern Syzran to Volgograd). The ethnicity of the Burats is still not clear. Some scholars consider them a close people to the Iranian-speaking Alans, others - to the Finno-Ugric peoples, others - to the Bulgars. But apparently the Meshchereks and Burtases were related or even the same people, but with different names. In appearance, modern Mishars are typical Caucasians with blond hair and often blue eyes. Choking and clattering are distinguished. It can be seen that the clattering people mostly live where the Meshchereks lived, and the clinking ones live where the Burtases lived. Is there some kind of connection here? .. It is quite possible. The last time, as a separate people, the Mishars were noted in 1926 and their number was about 1 million (today, according to some estimates, it can reach 2.5 million). Can the Mishars be called Bulgars? In part: maybe they were not Bulgars, but the genetic relationship is obvious. Any theory about the origin of the Mishars brings them closer to the Bulgars.

Mishari Sergachevsky district 1890s

Village foremen of the Sergachev mishars

Approximate borders of some Mishar principalities in Meshchera in the 15th-16th centuries.

Note the pagan names of the Mishar princes on the map.

Kasimov Tatars- their name is associated with the Kasimov kingdom - a feudal state with its capital in the city of Kasimov, which existed in 1452-1681 in the western part of Meshchera. The basis of their ethnic substrate was the Mishars and other Finno-Ugric tribes that lived on the lands of the Meshchera region even before the formation of the Kasimov Khanate. As an ethnic substrate came out from Kazan, Astrakhan, Crimea, Siberia, Kazakh and Nogai hordes, who settled on the territory of the kingdom during the XV-XVII centuries. The ethnogenetic interaction of these tribes and nationalities had a great influence on the formation and development of the traditional culture of the Kasimov Tatars. It most clearly manifested the complex processes of the political and socio-economic history of this group of Tatars. Now it is the territory of the Ryazan region.Bordakovo Tatars- These are Orthodox Kasimov Tatars.

Ryazan (Kasimov) Tatar woman, 1930s

Indigenous ethnic group of Western and Southern Siberia. According to racial characteristics, Siberian Tatars belong to the South Siberian, West Siberian and Central Asian racial types. Ethnogenetic processes of the Middle Ages and later periods anthropologically bring the Siberian Tatars closer to the inhabitants of Central Asia (Sarts), Kazakhs, Bashkirs. The dermatoglyphic material makes it possible to attribute the Siberian Tatars to the circle of mestizo Mongoloid-Caucasoid forms with a significant predominance of the Mongoloid component. Zabolotnye Tatars are extremely close to the Berezovskiy Khanty. Despite many common cultural similarities between the Siberian, Volga-Ural and Astrakhan Tatars, anthropologists still distinguish the Siberian type as a separate ethnic group! Since Tatarstan became the center and focus of Tatar culture, the influence of the Volga Tatars on all other groups of Tatars has led to the fact that the process of cultural consolidation of all Tatar groups has intensified. Books, films, newspapers published in Tatarstan and available throughout Russia, concerts of creative teams from Tatarstan in the Tatar diaspora, inevitably led to the leveling of local differences. Nevertheless, among the Siberian Tatars, their closeness to the Kazakhs and differences from the Kazan Tatars are strongly felt. Siberian Tatars are not genetic relatives of Kazan Tatars and they cannot be called Bulgars. They are a separate people. The number reaches 200 thousand people.

Siberian Tatars of the early 20th century

Astrakhan Tatars- a territorial group of Tatars, formed on the territory of the modern Astrakhan region. In the XV-XVII centuries. Astrakhan Tatars, who inhabited the Astrakhan Khanate (1459-1556), partially the Nogai Horde and individual Nogai principalities (Big and Small Nogai, etc.), experienced a strong influence of the Nogais (who in turn are of Mongolian origin - Mangyts). The Astrakhan Tatars, as well as many other representatives of the Tatar and other Turkic ethnic groups, use several endo-ethnonyms to denote sub-ethnic and tribal affiliation (Nugay and Karagash). In the past, nomadic Tatar groups, the so-called yurt Tatars, stood apart from the settled Astrakhan Tatars. Today's Astrakhan Tatars are Mongoloid rather than European in appearance. Can the Astrakhan Tatars be called Bulgars? Not! Although LN Gumilyov believes that the Astrakhan Tatars are partly descendants of the Khazars. And the Khazars, in turn, although they were at enmity with the Bulgars, were related to them. Astrakhan Tatars, there are only approx. 2 thousand people

Early 20th century

Teptyari- a sub-ethnos of Tatars, arose in the 17th century on the territory of Bashkortostan, after the Kazan Tatars, Chuvashs and Finno-Ugric peoples moved there and mixed them together. Some researchers consider Teptyars as an estate, and some as an ethno-class group. The last time the Teptyars were recorded was in the 1926 census - 27,387 people.In Bashkortostan, even now, all non-Mishar Tatars are popularly called Teptyars. Their number, subject to coefficient of 1926 today will be approx. 50 thousand people Teptri are Bulgars? Yes!

Perm Tatarsethnographic groups of Tatars living on the territory of the Perm region.Tatars live in almost all settlements of the Perm Territory. Tatars in the Perm region are not a single group in ethnographic terms. In the Kama region, several ethnographic groups of Tatars were formed. There are Sylva-Irensky, Mullinsky, Tulvinsky Tatars, the Tatar population of the Kuedinsky district. On the territory of the Kama region, active contacts between Tatars and Bashkirs have long flowed, so in some cases it is quite difficult to draw an ethnocultural border between Tatars and Bashkirs. First of all, this concerns the Tulva Tatars and Bashkirs. The number of Tatars in the Kama region in 1989 amounted to 150,460 people. The 2002 census noted their decline to 136,597 Tatars. Some of these Tatars can be attributed to the Bulgars, some - to the Bashkirs.

The village of Tanyp, Bardymsky district, Perm region, pre-revolutionary photo

Polish-Lithuanian Tatars -independent ethnoterritorial community of Tatars.The total number is over 11 thousand people (beginning of the 21st century), of which 7.3 thousand live in Belarus, about 3.2 thousand in Lithuania and about 500 in Poland. Individual representatives also live in Latvia, Moldova, Ukraine, Russia and other countries. Writing based on Cyrillic and Latin graphics. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims, there are also Christians (Orthodox, Catholics and Protestants).Previously, these Tatars called their religion the Bisurman faith, and themselves - the Bisurmans.However, after the wars with the Turks, the word "bisurman" acquired a disparaging connotation in the mouths of Christians and ceased to be used by the Tatars as a self-name.According to their own tradition, the first Tatars (mostly male warriors) came to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania from the Golden Horde together with Khan Tokhtamysh, who had fled to Lithuania. As an independent ethnic group of the Tatar people, they formed at the end of the 14th - beginning of the 15th centuries on the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania from immigrants from the Golden Horde who entered the service of the Lithuanian princes, later from the Great and Nogai Hordes, the Crimean Khanate, including the descendants of Mamai and his soldiers .In the first half of the 15th century, the vassal principalities of Lithuania were formed - Dzhagoldaeva darkness and the principality of Mansur. For centuries, military service was the main occupation of the Polish-Lithuanian Tatars. The Tatars made up a significant part of the cavalry troops of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (for example, the Battle of Grunwald). In the 18th century, there were several Tatar regiments in the army of the Commonwealth. In the Russian Empire in 1797, the Lithuanian-Tatar cavalry regiment was created. In 1812, a squadron of Lithuanian Tatars was formed in the guards of Napoleon.In modern Lithuania, the Tatars live compactly in the Vilnius and Alytus regions, scattered throughout the country. The special political and socio-economic conditions in which the Tatar population of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania found itself played a major role in the formation of specific features in the culture and language of the Polish-Lithuanian Tatars. The absence of Muslim women forced intermarriage. They did not have a native language, because The tribes were multilingual. By the end of the 16th century, they switched to the Old Belarusian language, later a part switched to Polish. For religious literature, a modified Arabic alphabet was used. Are the Polish-Lithuanian Tatars Bulgars? Definitely not! Although, perhaps, among them were men from the Bulgars. But I don't think there were many. The Bulgars are farmers, and in the troops of the Golden Horde khans they were in the minority, if at all. The main backbone of the Polish-Lithuanian Tatars are the descendants of the Crimean Tatars and Nogais (these were male warriors who married Lithuanian and Polish women).

Polish-Lithuanian Tatars

Kryashens(baptized Tatars) - an ethno-confessional group within the Tatars of the Volga and Ural regions. They profess Orthodoxy, they live mainly in Tatarstan, in a small number in Bashkortostan, Udmurtia, the Chelyabinsk region, as well as the Samara and Kirov regions. According to unofficial data, their number reaches 700 thousand people, of which, according to Father Pavel, a respected Kryashen priest from the Tikhvin Church in Kazan, 400 thousand Kryashens live in Tatarstan. Although at the same time, no more than 30 thousand Kryashens are officially allocated in the censuses by the Kazan authorities. All this is done in order to keep the number of Tatars more than half of all the inhabitants of Tatarstan, and therefore the rest of the Kryashens are considered Tatars.

According to the traditional (and highly inflated Muslim intelligentsia) viewpoints of the Kryashens arose inthe process of gradual forced Christianization of the Turkic and Finno-Ugric peoples after the fall of the Kazan Khanate. However, lately there has been More evidence that there was no forced Christianization. Christianization wasvoluntary, and many Kryashens were not Muslims before.In addition, there are many facts of the existence of Christians among the ancestors of the Kazan Tatars since the time of the Black Sea and Volga Bulgaria. For example, andhistorian and theologian A. V. Zhuravsky. claims that the baptized Tatars are not Tatars baptized in the 16th century, but are descendants of the Turkic-speaking tribes - the Bulgars, baptized no later than the 12th century, living in the Volga-Kama region and by the time of the fall of the Kazan Khanate were in a semi-pagan-semi-Christian state. Thus, in an article in the Tatyanin Den newspaper, Zhuravsky, arguing this point of view, notes: “For example, the Christian martyr of the 13th century Abraham of Bulgaria (a merchant from the Volga Bulgaria), who was tortured by fellow Muslims in 1229 for refusing to renounce Orthodoxy, is known. It is known that there was an ancient Armenian (Monophysite) church in the Bulgars, the ruins of which were already destroyed in the Soviet era,” etc. Read more about it:


Another version was put forward by the Kazan historian and Kryashens by nationality Maxim Glukhov. He believed that the ethnonym "Kryashens" goes back to the historical tribe of Kerchin - a Mongol tribe known as the Keraites and who professed Nestorian Christianity from the 10th century. At the end of the 12th century, the Keraites were conquered by Genghis Khan, but did not lose their identity. Participation in aggressive campaigns led to the appearance of Keraites in Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Later, during the formation of independent Crimean and Kazan khanates, a large number of Keraites ended up in the Crimea and the Middle Volga. There is a version that the name of the dynasty of the Crimean khans Girey goes back to the word "Kereites". According to Glukhov, the descendants of the Kereites still live in the eastern regions of Tatarstan, preserving the ethnonym in a somewhat deformed form, as a relic of historical memory.

However, M.Glukhov's version, in my opinion, looks a little convincing. The Kereites were a Mongol tribe, not a Turkic one, and they looked like real Mongols (they were Mongoloids), while, if you look at modern Kryashens, outwardly they are typical Europeans. It is unlikely that in such a short time they have radically changed their appearance. And there is no evidence that the Kereites moved to the Kazan Khanate. Among the Turkic peoples, the Kereites remained only as part of the Kazakhs. They left their self-name and are one of the Kazakh clans.According to Ch.Valikhanov, after the formation of the Kazakh people, the Kereites became part of the Senior Zhuz, but soon a part separated from it and went to the Uzbek relatives. Now Kereites in the form of clans as part of the Khalkha nationality inhabit various aimags of Mongolia. In Southern (Inner) Mongolia they are part of the Tsakhar, Ordos and Baarin nationalities. In addition, they are part of the trade unions of Mongolia, Russia and China. Despite this, in Kryashen circles (perhaps out of respect for the native scientist), this version is circulating. But at the same time, few people understand that, wanting to disown the ethnonym "Tatars", they, on the contrary, classify themselves as Tatars, because the Kereites are the very real Tatars (only not those who live in Tatarstan, but those who lived in Mongolia ). If the Tatarists believe that the Kazan Tatars are the descendants of the Tatar-Mongols, then Glukhov, it turns out, is the same as they are - a Tatarist. The Bulgar version scares them away only because on everyone's lips it sounds like a mantra, "Bulgars were Muslims", which, of course, is not true. But this is just a consequence of their ignorance of the Bulgarian history.

The Kryashens have a wonderful folk verse, which says that they come from the Bulgars:

Urgy gyna urgy urak urdym

Ata-bababyznyn kasebe.

Keräshennär whom dip sorasaghyz,

Bulgarianlardan kilgәn nәsele.

By the way, there is an opinion that the ancestors of the Kryashens - the Kerechs - came from the state of Keria, part of the Hunnic empire, when in 619 the Bulgarian prince Bu-Yurgan (Kan Kubrat's uncle) accepted Greek (Orthodox) Christianity with a part of the Bulgars in the Byzantine city of Kryashen to conclude an alliance with Byzantium (probably - Korsun or Chersonese) and since then Orthodox Bulgars are called Kryashens. This hypothesis is also quite popular in the Kryashen environment, because many national leaders today express disagreement with the origin of the ethno-nim of their people from the word "baptized"

Head of the Central Baptized Tatar School from 1895 to 1917. Among the students of the women's department of the Kazan baptized Tatar school.

The family of Priest Tikhon Leontyev from right to left: Priest Tikhon Leontyev, his daughter Maria Tikhonovna, sister of his wife Sofya Nikitichna (married Kharitonov), his wife, Mavra Nikitichna Leontyev (nee Startseva), his son Ivan. Photo from the family archive of the great-great-grandson of the priest Tikhon Leontiev - Konstantin Demidov

Nagaibaki.The language of the Nagaybaks is very close to Tatar, although the Nagaybaks profess the Orthodox faith and call themselves "Nagaybaks" and are very friendly with the Kazan Kryashens. There is a legend among the Nagaybaks that this proud people adopted Christianity long before the Russians. The historian of the Nagaybak people, a resident of the village of Ferchampenoise, Alexander Grigoryevich Tepteev, argues that the Turkic language was such an international language of medieval Asia, as is the current English for the modern world. And the Nagaybaks also adopted a new language for themselves, just as the Bulgarians adopted the universal language of the Balkans - Slavic. What was the speech of the Nagaybaks originally, no one knows; and there is no dominant theory about the very origin of the Nagaybaks. There is a very beautiful legend that the Nagaybaks descended from Nogai warriors - the guards of Suyembeke (she was the daughter of the Nogai Khan) - the wife of the Kazan Khan Jan-Ali. They were hired by the khans as skillful and honest warriors, noble knights of the Asian Middle Ages. When Kazan fell, the Nogai, led by a certain Nogai-Bek, looked for another service and found it with the Moscow Tsar.Nagaybaks, when Moscow started a war with Kazan, left the lower reaches of the Kama to the south, to the valley of the Ik River. When Moscow started a war with the Bashkir and Kirghiz-Kaisak tribes, the Nagaybaks took an active part in it. For loyalty to the Russian crown in 1736, by the personal decree of Anna Ioannovna, the Nagaybaks were assigned to the Cossack estate. The Nagaybakskaya fortress was founded on the Ik River ( ). The first governor was V. Suvorov (father of the great commander Alexander Suvorov), who in 1745 gave way to the first ataman of the Nagaybak Cossacks A. Ermekin.In 1812, the Cossacks of the Nagaybak village under the command of ataman Serebryakov joined the Russian army to fight the French troops and participated in the battles for Berlin, Kassel, near the city of Leipzig, which went down in history as the "Battle of the Nations". In March 1814, the Cossacks fought at Arcy-sur-Aube, Ferchampenoise-on-the-Marne and proved to be brave and devoted to the Fatherland warriors.The Orenburg region has not known peace for centuries. The Bashkirs attacked the Kirghiz-Kaisaks, they attacked the Bashkirs, the Kalmyks attacked both. This went on for hundreds of years. To establish peace, they decided to divide the peoples at war with each other with a wide strip of Cossack settlements. For this, a new guard line was laid from Troitsk to Orsk, five hundred miles long. The entire "new-linear" region became part of the Orenburg Cossack army.In the spring of 1842, the Cossacks-Nagaybaks with families from Bakalinskaya and Nagaybakskaya villages, having loaded their belongings on carts within the established 24 hours, set off on a long journey in long convoys, crossed the Ural Range and ended up on the "new linear" lands. Each resettled family received a house from 50 to 75 timber trunks.For each male soul, up to 30 acres of land were cut.At the request of the Governor-General of the Orenburg Territory P.Sukhtelen, Cossack posts, fortresses and villages were given names associated with the victories of Russian weapons: Kassel, Ostrolenka, Ferchampenoise, Paris, Trebbia, the Balkans, Leipzig, etc. In total - 31 names, according to the places of battles in Europe.This is how the history of the unique country of the Nagaybaks began.Nagaibaki served properly. The Bashkirs were especially inhospitable to the Nagaybaks, and they were repeatedly pacified. Until now, the Bashkirs with the phrase “here the nagaybak will come ...” frighten their children. Among the nagaybaks there were many full St. George knights, they were generally sent to the hottest places as the bravest warriors. However, they entered the history of wars as “Cossacks”, and many of the glorious deeds of the Nagaybak warriors remained outside the military history chronicles. Since then, the Nagaybaks have been livingin the Nagaybaksky and Chebarkulsky districts of the Chelyabinsk region. Number approx. 10 thousand

Can the Nagaybaks be attributed to the Bulagarms? Hm I do not know. According to some researchers, the Nagaybaks were not originally Muslims and adopted Christianity back in the Bulgar period; according to others, they are Nogais (because of the similar name), that is, the Kipchaks, who migrated to the Middle Volga region from the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov in the 14th century, then moved to the banks of the Ik and Xun rivers. If you look at the appearance of modern Nagaybaks, you can see that they are Europeans and are very similar to the Kazan Tatars. Either they mixed with the Russians, or they originally looked like that. Maybe the name Nagaybaks and Nogays are purely accidental? After all, there are no facts that the Nogais professed Christianity. But there is evidence that not only the Turks fell into their ranks. The Nagaybaks included baptized Kalmyks, Afghans, Arabs, Arabians, Armenians, Badakshans, Bukharans, Karakalpaks, Kubans, Persians, Talyzhs, Turks, Uzbeks and Khivans. In the surrounding villages lived Kryashens (baptized yasak Tatars and Teptyars), who were often transferred to the department of the Nagaybatsky fortress as they converted to Christianity. In addition, the Bashkirs who converted to Christianity became part of the Nagaybatsky Cossacks. Maybe their name really just came from their legendary leader Nogai-Bek and they have nothing to do with the Nogais specifically? In general, this question remains open.

. Mishari (significant genetic relationship regardless of theories)
. ToAsimov and Bordakov Tatars (genetic relationship with the Mishars and Bulgars, but the total influence of the Nogai, Crimean, Astrakhan, Siberian, Kazakh Turks)

. Nagaybaks (depends on the theory, but the Bulgars in ethnogenesis participated strongly)
. Perm Tatars (part of the Bulgars, part of the Bashkirs - there is no clear division)

Non-Bulgars (kinship at the level of neighboring peoples):
. Astrakhan Tatars (significantly Nogais, insignificantly Khazars, due to the Khazars, kinship with the Bulgars is minimal)
. Siberian Tatars (there are no connections with the Bulgars)

. Polish-Lithuanian Tatars (men from Nogais, Crimean Tatars and Karaites, women - Poles and Lithuanians)

Conclusion: all Tatars cannot be called Bulgars! The Tatar nationality was created artificially by uniting different peoples under one ethnonin. I expect this will not be to everyone's taste...

p.s. In this post, I did not consider other non-Tatar descendants of the Bulgars. And he did not consider the Crimean Tatars either, because they never considered the Kazan Tatars (Bulgars) as one people.

Why are Tatars more like Russians!? They actively mixed with you!? and got the best answer

Answer from Kaustik net[master]
If you answer exactly the question asked, that is, about the appearance of the Tatars, then they have the most diverse appearance - from the appearance of Rinat Dasaev to the appearance of the host "Let's get married!" (I forgot her name). Sometimes it seems that the ethnic group, which today is called Tatars, is a mechanical mixture of various tribes and peoples that have nothing in common with each other. If you go into recent history, then the ethnic core of modern Tatarstan is the Bulgars, a people who had their own statehood back in the days of the formation of the ancient Russian principalities. After the advent of the Mongols, the Golden Horde was formed on the Middle Volga, which absorbed both the Bulgars and a host of other, mostly Turkic-speaking peoples. The Kazan Khanate, which Ivan the Terrible took, was, in short, the last stage of the Golden Horde, a state formation, already held together by the common Tatar language (one of the languages ​​of the Kypchak language group) and a very mild version of the Muslim religion, which was brought here by merchants who were rising to Kazan from the south along the Volga. According to this, enicheski, the Tatars - yes, yes - a mixture of genetically distant peoples, and therefore the appearance is absolutely diverse. And it would be interesting to look at their markers and halogroups.

Answer from Mikhail Valuev[guru]
Are you interested in the details of interracial sex? I can give you the address on the net.

Answer from Olga Afonina[guru]
they actively mixed with everyone, but my eyes are blue

Answer from Paul[guru]
Based on the question, it was not the Tatars who actively mixed with the Russians, but the Russians actively "poked" the Tatars for as long as 300 years.

Answer from Marat Mamyashev[newbie]
Because the Turks + Finno-Ugric substratum, just like the Russians - Slavs + Finno-Ugric substratum.
Hence the genetic and phenotypic (external) similarity of points.

Answer from Argun[guru]
Only g is mixed ... in a chamber pot ... Judging by the question, you are as old as in the photo ... Then there is only one answer - study. Perhaps this process will lead to something ...

Answer from Boris N. Eroshkin[guru]
The fruits of the three-hundred-year-old Tatar-Mongolian yoke.

Answer from Without two minutes ambassador...[guru]
Yes, 300 years of kissing ....

Answer from Slava[guru]
Tatars always lived side by side with Russians, only the language was different, but the appearance was the same .... rather, the Kazanians of the Kazan kingdom .... it was later, for their resistance against Moscow aggression, Grozny called them Tatars .... (in Greek - people hell) and it went .... and then they were assimilated by mixing Muslims, bringing their appearance and religion .... but about the Mongols, who have never been close here - forget ....

Answer from Achon[guru]
What for whom? Whose will you be, serf?

Answer from Vladimir Gribov[guru]
What wise men we have. Real Russians love reliable people, and that explains everything.

Answer from Citizen Nikanorova[guru]
all with Svemi actively mixed. and it is right. life does not stand still. and professional zealots of blood purity burn in hell

Igor Mikheev. Russians and Tatars - a test of symbiosis for strength

From the book of Igor Mikheev

RUSSIAN WAYS. BOOK II. Russia: between Scylla and Charybdis

In addition to the Russian and the remnants of the relic circumpolar superethnos, the borders of historical Russia included peoples belonging to the Turkic-Mongolian superethnos, whose area was originally the Great Steppe. Today the largest of them are Tatars and Bashkirs. Since the 14th century, the steppes have been merging into the Russian superethnos, which as a result is no longer Russian, but Russian. This is quite possible. Two superethnoi cannot coexist within the framework of one cultural and political integrity - competition flares up between them, which ends with the victory of the ethnocultural dominant of one of the two. But the elements of one super-ethnos can be included in the structure of another if there is a cultural-psychological complementarity between them, associated, in particular, with their formation in one ethno-landscape zone. Among the Russians, such complementarity just showed up at the time of the formation of Russian statehood after the liberation from the Horde vassalage with the steppes of Eurasia. In addition, the Central Asian steppe proper ethnos has not existed as a cultural and political integrity for many centuries.

The nature of Russian relations with the Tatars and Bashkirs has been defined by the term symbiosis for many centuries. Which means, I repeat, the relatively conflict-free coexistence of different ethnic groups in one region, when each occupies its own ecological niche. A manifestation of complementarity, among other things, are common religious predilections. There is a common opinion that the Tatar faith is Islam. In fact, the original faith of the Kipchaks, from which the current Tatars were formed, and which were divided into three branches - Kumans, Volga Bulgars and Nogai - Christianity. Some of their ancestors, who lived in the Black Sea region, the Caspian Sea, and Central Asia, accepted the Christian faith when Islam had not yet been born - in the 5th - at the beginning of the 6th century.

Islam among the Kipchaks was the first to be accepted in the 10th century by the Volga Bulgars, the ancestors of the present Kazan Tatars. At one time, this steppe people lived in the Caspian region, was pushed back by the Khazars to the Middle Volga in the 6th century, where they founded the city of New Bulgar. New, because the Bulgarians-Saragurs used to live there. In the new place, the Bulgars began to lead a partially sedentary life, actively engaged in trade, and adopted the Arab faith in 922 in order to find an ally to fight the Khazar Khaganate in the face of the Baghdad Caliphate. The caliphate did not help the Bulgars, as it was too far away and soon collapsed itself, Khazaria, where the Jews ruled, imposed tribute on the Bulgars, but the Islamic faith took root among them. After all, Islam in Arabia itself arose as the faith of merchants and shepherds. It is no coincidence that the Bulgars and their descendants - the Kazan Tatars were actively engaged in the slave trade, in contrast to the Orthodox Russians, where such a thing was considered unacceptable.

Cumans, the Russians called them Polovtsy, who lived in the steppe between the Volga and the Dnieper, they, by the way, in their anthropological type were similar to the Slavs - blue-eyed and fair-haired, as well as the legs, who roamed east of Yaik, remained partly pagans, partly Christians until the very 14th century. th century. Back in the 12th century, under Vladimir Monomakh, the westernmost Cumans, who roamed from the Don to the Carpathians, were included in Russia. The Russians called them "their nasty ones", distinguishing them from the "wild nasty ones" in the East. The word filthy did not have an offensive connotation at that time, it comes from the Latin " paganus ” and means in direct translation “pagan”. But gradually "their filthy" adopted Orthodoxy. Relations between the Polovtsy and the Russians were often allied, miscegenation and assimilation of the Polovtsy took place. When the Mongols in 1223 invaded the Polovtsian possessions, the Russian princes decided to defend the alliedPolovtsy and refused the proposal of the Mongolian ambassadors to break the Russian-Polovtsian alliance. In the tragic battle on the Kalka, the Russians and the Polovtsy fought together. After the defeat from Batu, the Russian princes turned out to be vassals of the Mongol khan, and the Kypchaks formed the core of the new state created by the Mongols - the Golden Horde.

At that time, religious tolerance took place in the horde, numerous Orthodox Tatars were nourished by the Sarai diocese, established by the Russian metropolis at the headquarters of the Khan in the lower reaches of the Volga - Sarai. When, in the 14th century, Khan Uzbek decided to convert the entire horde to Islam, the Tatars - Christians, not wanting to renounce their original faith, went to Russia. Together with them, the Tatars - pagans, also left, since Khan Uzbek persecuted all non-Muslims. The latter in Russia accepted Orthodoxy, since this was a firm condition for entering the service of the Moscow Tsar. After the capture of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible in 1552, another part of the Tatars was baptized. Orthodox Tatars in the bulk assimilated as a result of miscegenation with Russians, but some retained Tatar ethno-cultural characteristics. Today in Russia live Orthodox Kryashen Tatars, Orthodox Kasimov and Nagaybak Tatars.

Thus, almost the majority of the descendants of the Kipchaks are Orthodox. Islam remained as an ethno-cultural dominant of the fate of the Kazan Tatars - the descendants of the Volga Bulgars and the Bashkirs. We will not sin against the truth and assert that the fall of these peoples under the rule of the Russian Tsar occurred voluntarily and bloodlessly.

However, the Bashkirs, divided between the Kazan and Siberian khanates, after the fall of Kazan preferred the power of the Mongol Khan Blue or otherwise, the Siberian horde, the power of the Russian tsar, and the Bashkir beys themselves in the second half of the 16th century asked for his hand. But Ivan the Terrible took Kazan by storm. However, after the fall of the Kazan Khanate, the Tatar murzas and even many ordinary warriors who adopted the Russian faith joined the Russian upper class, almost a third of the Russian nobility had Tatar roots. The Tatars who remained faithful to Islam were also not infringed. Otherwise, during the Time of Troubles, Tatar murzas would not have sent detachments of Tatar horsemen to help the Russian militia against the Poles and Swedes. The common historical destinies of the Volga Muslims with the Russians for half a millennium, their preservation of ethno-cultural identity proves the fruitfulness of this symbiosis for them.

Nevertheless, the ethnic complementarity of the Urus with the descendants of the Volga Bulgars - Kazan Tatars - merchants and city dwellers, is obviously less than with the descendants of the Kipchaks - steppe nomads. This was reflected in the period of the latest crisis of the Russian world. The Russian-Tatar symbiosis today is being seriously tested for strength. The weakening of Russian Russia at the end of the 20th century immediately brought to life the separatist aspirations of the Kazan Tatars. The city of Kazan, in which half of the population is Russian and which for 4 centuries was an example of the symbiosis of the Tatar and Russian communities

began to position itself as the only Tatar and Islamic. And this Tatar Muslim Kazan in the 90s openly did not pay taxes to the federal budget, and now, although formally it pays, it returns “its own” back through abundant subsidies. In fact, the Muslim Tatars did not shift the cares of the state to the Russians, which they no longer considered completely theirs. Tatar separatism is closely connected with the phenomena of political Turkism and political Islam, which we will discuss in more detail here.

Indicative is the activity of one of the most famous and influential, especially in the 90s, the Tatar national organizations VTOC - an all-Tatar public center that regularly delegated its representatives to the Supreme Council and the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Established at the end of the 80s, the WTOC throughout the entire period of its existence stood for Tatarstan independent of Russia, boycotted the elections to the all-Russian federal authorities in the 90s, did not recognize the 1994 Treaty between the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation. In the context of a deep crisis, experienced by Russian statehood at that time, WTOTS separatism reached extreme levels. He developed the "Military Doctrine of the Republic of Tatarstan", and even created the "National Guard". The independence of Tatarstan was justified by the fact that in the 16th century the Kazan Khanate was seized by Moscow by force. Numerous organizations of the Tatar national movement celebrate October 15, the day of the capture of Kazan by the enemy troops of Ivan the Terrible in 1552, as a day of remembrance.

The WTOC program, adopted in the late 90s, also considers the consolidation of all the Turkic peoples of the Volga and Urals as the most important task in the context of the establishment and development of the national sovereignty of the Tatar people. At the same time, consolidation should be expressed in the formation of such a political and cultural space that would ensure the creation of the Turkic-Islamic state of Idel-Ural in the Volga-Ural region in the future. In the 90s, one of the WTOTS plenums, demonstrating enviable sobriety and realism, declared the need to create a confederation on this territory, for starters. The idea of ​​the Idel-Ural state is warmly supported by the ideologists of all Tatar national organizations. Given that the existence of Russians and other Orthodox figures from the WTOTS on the Volga and the Urals simply do not notice, one can imagine our fate in the event that the aforementioned plans could be realized.

For the period of temporary forced stay of Tatarstan within Russia, among the requirements of the VTOC are the recognition of the Tatar language as the only state language of the Republic of Tatarstan, the creation of a separate Tatar higher school, and the transfer of the Tatar alphabet from Cyrillic to Latin. Outside of Tatarstan, the creation of exterritorial national-cultural autonomies in the regions of compact residence of Tatars, united within the framework of the Milli Majlis - the National Assembly of Tatars, conceived as a form of realization of national Tatar sovereignty. At the same time, the Mejlis should receive legislative rights in the national-cultural sphere and interact with the parliament of Tatarstan. At the all-Russian level, the idea of ​​creating a "chamber of nationalities" was also put forward, where each people would have one vote. Considering that Islamic experts themselves number 37 Muslim peoples in Russia, one can imagine how comfortable one Russian, representing almost 100 million tribesmen, would feel in this chamber. It is also noteworthy that the VTOC in the domestic political situation in Russia has always supported the so-called rightists - Gaidar and Chubais. It can be seen that the desire to spoil the Russians overpowers even the primordial Islamic anti-Semitism.

It should be noted that the moods of the official leadership of Tatarstan do not differ much all these years from the moods inside the WTOC. Many of the WTOC initiatives were voiced by the regional authorities, and with regard to others, we can say: what the members of the WTOC have in the language, the officials of Tatarstan have in mind. However, sometimes it breaks out of the language. It is noteworthy, for example, the statement of the Chairman of the State Council of Tatarstan Farid Mukhametshin in 2001 regarding the refusal of the Constitutional Court of Russia to allow switching to the Latin alphabet at the request of the State Council of Tatarstan: “Nothing! Soon all of Russia will switch to the Latin alphabet! Let's wait! At the same time, he recalled that the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 was not adopted on the territory of Tatarstan.

The Kul Sharif mosque built in 2005 in Kazan became a symbol of anti-Russian overtones of the rise of Tatar-Islamic nationalism and Russian Islam, in general, the unity of the Turkic-Islamic elites, the clergy and the masses of believers in this matter. The largest mosque in Europe and one of the largest in the world not just built - in this case, God forbid, but it was recreated on the site of the legendary main mosque of the capital of the Kazan Khanate, destroyed during the storming of the city by the Russian troops of Ivan the Terrible. The name of the mosque, by the way, built with budget money - Kul Sharif is also very symbolic, unambiguous and meaningful - in honor of the imam, who organized the most fierce resistance to the troops of the Moscow kingdom, whose detachment killed most of the Russians.

It is noteworthy that when the Tatars of the Astrakhan region, at their congress in 2003, chose the name for the Tatar public association, they also settled on the symbolic "Khadzhi-Tarkhan" - the name of Astrakhan before its conquest by the Moscow kingdom.

But it is especially noteworthy that, in contrast to the 20s of the last century, political Islam and political Turkism set as their goal not only the creation of states separate from Russia - this has already been done in Central Asia, but also pursue goals unknown to Russia before - the acquisition of political power is not only in the Muslim regions of Russia, but also on an all-Russian scale. Thus, Islamic organizations, politicians and public figures are increasingly demanding the introduction of the post of vice president, assigned to the representative of the Ummah, and the establishment of a one-fifth quota for Muslims in federal and regional authorities, in particular, the authorities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. The size of the quota is determined taking into account the percentage of Muslims among the inhabitants of the country, which, of course, is overestimated.

By itself, the idea of ​​quotas is quite normal and has the right to exist. Especially, it would suit the Russians, who today find themselves in their own country as political pariahs. In this regard, it would be logical to start by fixing a quota for Russians in the Supreme Council and the State Council of Tatarstan, and the City Duma, and the Executive Committee of Kazan. In Tatarstan, there are approximately 40% of Great Russians, and about half of Orthodox Russians, Chuvashs, Mordovians, Maris, and more than half in Kazan itself. It is logical for them to secure the corresponding number of mandates in elected bodies and half of the administrative posts. However, needless to say, the Tatar-Islamic leaders do not stutter about this.

Here it must be borne in mind that the ideas of justice in the state structure of political Islam and Turkism are very peculiar. Kazakhstan is indicative. There, the share of Russians in the population in the early 90s was half, and in state authorities and administration - 10%. There are other equally eloquent examples. In Adygea, there are two thirds of Russians, almost three times less Adyghes, approximately 24%, while the president is invariably Adyghe. When the Adyghe oligarch Khazret Sovmen became the local president in 2002, there were almost no Russians left in power in the republic, all leading positions were occupied by Muslims, and today less than half of Russian ministers are Russians.

At the same time, all the positions listed above would satisfy only a moderate part of the WTOTS, which are a supporter of Jadidism - a modernized Islamic tradition that seeks to combine Muslim values ​​​​with the achievements of the West in its doctrine. Jadidism became widespread in Tatar society at the beginning of the 20th century. It was developed by I. Gasprinsky mentioned above. It is believed that the values ​​of Jadidism are combined with the historical role of the Tatar people - to be a mediator in relations between East and West through the head of the Russians!

And there are also radicals who advocate the revival of the conservative Islamic tradition, close to fundamentalist movements, including Wahhabism. Other Tatar-Islamic organizations, for example, the Ittifak party, also gravitate here.

However, it is sometimes very difficult to understand where the line between radicals and moderates in the Russian Ummah lies. If someone thinks that only Wahhabis do not like us, and Hanbali Sunnism, to which the majority of Russian Muslims belong, is always and in everything our reliable ally in building a common Russian Eurasian home, this is an illusion. In this regard, for example, the program of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, entitled "Scenarios for the political representation of the Ummah in the ruling circles of the Russian Federation and the urgent need for the unity of the Muslim community of the country," is noteworthy. No one ranks DUMNO as a radical organization, but how to perceive such, for example, the requirements put forward in this program to the federal authorities:

Partial legitimization of Islamic law (Sharia) in places of compact residence of Muslims, with the simultaneous creation of one or two spiritual centers that play the role of an arbitrator of the ummah before the state, and with the condition that the state does not interfere in the internal affairs of the ummah ... Or: Creation of the Ulema Council of Russia - to solve two main tasks: 1) discussion, formulation and dissemination in Muslim communities (mahallas) of fatwas - decisions on specific issues of Sharia, including family law, social and moral issues, etc.

As you can see, in fact, we are talking about the creation of legal parallel authorities. Illegal parallel structures already exist in many, and not only in the Caucasus, but in almost all regions of Russia. Most often they are called jamaats - from the Arabic "jamaa" - society, community. It is significant that the jamaats are led not by spiritual authorities - imams, but by amirs - military commanders, and their ultimate goal is the creation of a caliphate that includes the south of Russia, the Volga region, the Urals and southern Siberia. In the Caucasus, jamaats are organized into larger territorial structures - wilayats and the all-Caucasian emirate, which the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation recognized in February 2010 as a terrorist organization.

Yes, peace with the Volga and Ural Muslims is the most important condition for Russia's internal stability. On our side, firstly, the fact that in the territory of compact residence of Tatars and Bashkirs, miscegenation is widespread, and a significant part of the families are mixed. When Russian Russia weakens, these families remember their Tatar blood; when Russian Russia grows stronger, they feel like a part of Russian Russia. Secondly, the ethnic affinity of these ethnic groups with the Turks of the same faith is very weak, and with the Arabs it is not at all. Iran is also not close to them culturally and religiously, since the Iranians are Shiites, and our Tatars are Sunnis. They accepted Islam as pagan barbarians, and the same Arabs and Iranians are still revered as barbarians. Russian Muslims are equal in Arab-Iranian the world will never recognize, even if they learned Arabic and Farsi. All the more alien to the Volga Muslims is Arab Wahhabism. Finally, thirdly, Russian culture is not afraid of competition from the Arab culture, which survived its heyday eight centuries ago. There is no need to talk about competition from, to put it mildly, not outstanding Turkish culture. All these are our serious trump cards.

We, however, know how the post-Soviet Russian political elite can easily turn any trump cards into dust. In addition, today in Russia there are many media resources that do not miss the opportunity to stealthily artificially incite discord between Orthodox Russian and indigenous Russian Muslims. So you need to keep your ears open.

If the Tatars and Bashkirs had moved away emotionally and culturally from the Russians and ceased to be part of the Russian super-ethnos, the latter, of course, would not have ceased to exist. However, given that the territory of the compact settlement of Tatars and Bashkirs - Tatarstan and Bashkortostan - are the interior regions of the country, a "divorce" would be very painful. Moreover, half of the urban population on the territory of both republics are Russians.

It is clear that we, the Russians, as a state-forming people, must make sure that our symbiosis continues to be strong, mutually beneficial and does not infringe on either our or the Tatar national dignity. This requires an open and thoughtful approach. The Muslim peoples of the Volga region should not be allowed to become isolated in their own ethnic environment. Their political, economic and intellectual elites should naturally incorporate into the all-Russian one. And we are interested that these national elites remain sober and pragmatic.

However, man proposes and God disposes. Orthodox and Muslims in Russia, indeed, have been able to get along for half a millennium. However, the first condition of this peace was by no means "friendship of peoples", but the power and strength, spiritual and military, of the Orthodox Russians. The experience of the 1990s clearly shows, and we must soberly realize, that no "friendship of peoples" by itself will keep the Volga Muslims in the Russian state. They will remain in it only as long as the Russians as a people have enough strength to perform the functions of a system-forming element of a complex national-state structure and maintain complete control over the country. And here, again, demographics are working against our long-term alliance. In the event of continued catastrophic depopulation in the Russian regions and a sharp change in the proportions of the Orthodox and Muslim population, we must be ready for a “divorce” sooner or later with the Volga Muslims. Lovely soul and infantilism in this matter are similar to death, as well as the continued stay in power of the current Russian political elite, in principle incapable of solving demographic, interfaith and interethnic problems. The catastrophe of the early 90s, when Russians were beaten around the entire perimeter of the collapsed USSR, when created by Russian engineers and workers at the cost of backwardness and poverty of the Russian regions proper, the industrial potential of the national republics must not be repeated. But now the mistakes made at that time are not even discussed.

The marriage of the Orthodox Russian and Islamic communities of Russia - the Muslims of the Volga region and the Urals has always remained a misalliance. And this was the guarantee of his strength. After all, as already mentioned above, a complexly structured system can be stable only if there is a clear dominance in it. The Volga and Ural Muslims assumed the role of a politically subdominant community due to the fact that the very proportions of the Russian Christian and Tatar Muslim population did not suggest anything else. But the fact of the matter is that today the situation is radically changing. Now our power and strength is in question. Russians are experiencing an acute crisis, and not only political and economic, but an identity crisis, a spiritual crisis. In the misalliance mentioned above, we seem to be in danger of reversing roles. But will the Muslims, if they turn into an “elder brother” for Orthodox Russians, leave us the right to their ethno-cultural and religious identity, what will be the boundaries of this identity and in what geographical area it will be allowed - a big question.

Replica from Stroev

At one of the events in March 2012 at the newly formed small parties, I happened to hear about the real state of affairs in Tatarstan. This autonomy traditionally gives a high percentage of votes for United Russia. The author of these lines, out of ignorance of the real situation, believed that we were talking about voting in the eastern satrapy. But, as it turned out, the situation there is more intricate. When the Luzhkov-Shaimiev project to create the Fatherland-All Russia party failed, local Tatar nationalists quickly assessed the prospects for the near future and ... quickly moved to United Russia, thereby creating their absolute majority there. Voting for United Russia in Tatarstan is not voting for Putin-Medvedev sitting in the Moscow Kremlin (the former, by the way, is not shyly called a "blue-eyed fascist" there).

In fact, this is a vote for themselves - for temporarily lying at the bottom of the Tatar nationalists, who are sitting today in the United Russia in the Kazan Kremlin. This is a purely situational and opportunistic vote - today it is for United Russia, and tomorrow, perhaps, for United Tatarstan. Moreover, voting with the same personal set of national elites in both party options ....

According to the 2010 census, there are more than 5 million Tatars in Russia. The Kazan Tatars have their own national autonomy within the Russian Federation - the Republic of Tatarstan. Siberian Tatars do not have national autonomy. But among them there are those who want to call themselves Siberian Tatars. About 200 thousand people during the census declared this. And there is a basis for this position.

One of the main questions: should the Tatars be considered a single people or a union of close ethnolinguistic groups? Among the Tatar sub-ethnic groups, in addition to the Kazan and Siberian Tatars, there are also Tatars-Mishars, Astrakhan, Polish-Lithuanian and others.

Often even the common name - "Tatars" - is not accepted by many representatives of these groups. Kazan Tatars for a long time called themselves Kazanians, Siberian Tatars called themselves Muslims. In Russian sources of the 16th century, the Siberian Tatars were called "Busormans", "Tatars", "Siberian people". The common name for the Kazan and Siberian Tatars appeared through the efforts of the Russian administration at the end of the 19th century. In Russian and Western European practice, for a long time even representatives of peoples who did not belong to them were called Tatars.


Now many Siberian Tatars have accepted the official point of view that their language is the eastern dialect of literary Tatar, which is spoken by the Volga Tatars. However, there are opponents of this opinion. According to their version, Siberian-Tatar is an independent language belonging to the northwestern (Kypchak) group of languages, it has its own dialects, which are divided into dialects. For example, the Tobol-Irtysh dialect includes Tyumen, Tar, Tevriz and other dialects. Not all Siberian Tatars understand literary Tatar. However, it is on it that teaching is conducted in schools and it is studied at universities. At the same time, Siberian Tatars prefer to speak their own language at home.


There are several theories of the origin of the Tatars: Bulgaro-Tatar, Turko-Tatar and Tatar-Mongolian. Supporters of the fact that the Volga and Siberian Tatars are two different peoples adhere mainly to the Bulgaro-Tatar version. According to her, the Kazan Tatars are the descendants of the Bulgars, Turkic-speaking tribes who lived on the territory of the Bulgar state.

The ethnonym "Tatars" came to this territory with the Mongol-Tatars. In the XIII century, under the onslaught of the Mongol-Tatars, the Volga Bulgaria became part of the Golden Horde. After its collapse, independent khanates began to form, the largest of which was Kazan.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the historian Gainetdin Akhmetov wrote: “Although it is traditionally believed that the Bulgars and Kazan are two states that have replaced one another, but with careful historical comparison and study, it is easy to find out their direct heredity and, to some extent, even identity: in Kazan Khanate lived the same Turkic-Bulgarian people.

Siberian Tatars are defined as an ethnic group formed from a complex combination of Mongolian, Samoyedic, Turkic, Ugric components. First, the ancestors of the Khanty and Mansi came to Siberia, followed by the Turks, among whom were the Kypchaks. It was from the environment of the latter that the core of the Siberian Tatars was formed. According to some researchers, some of the Kipchaks migrated further to the territory of the Volga region and also mixed with the Bulgars.

In the XIII century, the Mongols-Tatars came to Western Siberia. In the XIV century, the first state formation of the Siberian Tatars arose - the Tyumen Khanate. At the beginning of the 16th century, it became part of the Siberian Khanate. Over the course of several centuries, there was also a mixture with the peoples living in Central Asia.

The ethnic groups of the Kazan and Siberian Tatars formed at about the same time - around the 15th century.


A significant part of the Kazan Tatars (up to 60%) outwardly look like Europeans. There are especially many fair-haired and light-eyed people among the Kryashens - a group of baptized Tatars who also live on the territory of Tatarstan. It is sometimes noted that the appearance of the Volga Tatars was formed as a result of contacts with the Finno-Ugric peoples. Siberian Tatars are more like the Mongols - they are dark-eyed, dark-haired, with high cheekbones.


Siberian and Kazan Tatars are mostly Sunni Muslims. However, they also retained elements of pre-Islamic beliefs. From the Siberian Turks, for example, the Siberian Tatars inherited the veneration of ravens for a long time. Although the same rite of "crow porridge", which was cooked before the start of sowing, is now almost forgotten.

The Kazan Tatars had rituals, largely adopted from the Finno-Ugric tribes, for example, wedding ones. Ancient funeral rituals, now completely supplanted by Muslim traditions, originated in the rituals of the Bulgars.

To a large extent, the customs and traditions of the Siberian and Kazan Tatars have already mixed and unified. This happened after many residents of the Kazan Khanate conquered by Ivan the Terrible migrated to Siberia, as well as under the influence of globalization.

Why are Tatars more like Russians!? They actively mixed with you!? and got the best answer

Answer from Kaustik net[master]
If you answer exactly the question asked, that is, about the appearance of the Tatars, then they have the most diverse appearance - from the appearance of Rinat Dasaev to the appearance of the host "Let's get married!" (I forgot her name). Sometimes it seems that the ethnic group, which today is called Tatars, is a mechanical mixture of various tribes and peoples that have nothing in common with each other. If you go into recent history, then the ethnic core of modern Tatarstan is the Bulgars, a people who had their own statehood back in the days of the formation of the ancient Russian principalities. After the advent of the Mongols, the Golden Horde was formed on the Middle Volga, which absorbed both the Bulgars and a host of other, mostly Turkic-speaking peoples. The Kazan Khanate, which Ivan the Terrible took, was, in short, the last stage of the Golden Horde, a state formation, already held together by the common Tatar language (one of the languages ​​of the Kypchak language group) and a very mild version of the Muslim religion, which was brought here by merchants who were rising to Kazan from the south along the Volga. According to this, enicheski, the Tatars - yes, yes - a mixture of genetically distant peoples, and therefore the appearance is absolutely diverse. And it would be interesting to look at their markers and halogroups.

Answer from Mikhail Valuev[guru]
Are you interested in the details of interracial sex? I can give you the address on the net.

Answer from Olga Afonina[guru]
they actively mixed with everyone, but my eyes are blue

Answer from Paul[guru]
Based on the question, it was not the Tatars who actively mixed with the Russians, but the Russians actively "poked" the Tatars for as long as 300 years.

Answer from Marat Mamyashev[newbie]
Because the Turks + Finno-Ugric substratum, just like the Russians - Slavs + Finno-Ugric substratum.
Hence the genetic and phenotypic (external) similarity of points.

Answer from Argun[guru]
Only g is mixed ... in a chamber pot ... Judging by the question, you are as old as in the photo ... Then there is only one answer - study. Perhaps this process will lead to something ...

Answer from Boris N. Eroshkin[guru]
The fruits of the three-hundred-year-old Tatar-Mongolian yoke.

Answer from Without two minutes ambassador...[guru]
Yes, 300 years of kissing ....

Answer from Slava[guru]
Tatars always lived side by side with Russians, only the language was different, but the appearance was the same .... rather, the Kazanians of the Kazan kingdom .... it was later, for their resistance against Moscow aggression, Grozny called them Tatars .... (in Greek - people hell) and it went .... and then they were assimilated by mixing Muslims, bringing their appearance and religion .... but about the Mongols, who have never been close here - forget ....

Answer from Achon[guru]
What for whom? Whose will you be, serf?

Answer from Vladimir Gribov[guru]
What wise men we have. Real Russians love reliable people, and that explains everything.

Answer from Citizen Nikanorova[guru]
all with Svemi actively mixed. and it is right. life does not stand still. and professional zealots of blood purity burn in hell

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