Why the volatile no longer leads the auditor. Elena Letuchaya told why she left Revizorro and spoke about the new hosts of the show

Not so long ago (37) announced her intention to leave the post of the host of the most popular program on the Friday TV channel - Revizorro. Fans and the media began to wonder why the girl decided to leave the project, which glorified her throughout the country, and put forward various theories. However, finally Elena herself revealed the true reason for her departure.

It turned out that the whole point is that after the recent incident with the beating of the Revizorro film crew in Salekhard, asked her to stop doing such a dangerous business. “Yura never forbade me anything,” Flying told reporters. - Just once he said: “Think about what is most important for you in life? I don't want you to continue like this. I want you to take care of your health and your nerves.

However, Elena is not going to leave the show. Recently 7days.ru: “We have been creating this project for two and a half years. We made not just an entertaining, but a socially significant show. I'm not going anywhere, I'm moving on. "Revizorro" is my child. And I'm not going to leave him. Now I will be the producer of the project. Moreover, I came up with a new format for the show, which we are currently working on and which the audience will be able to see this fall.” This led Elena's fans into a frenzy of delight, because they very zealously opposed the new host of the show. Olga Romanovskaya(30) and

The new host of the scandalous show "Revizorro" was Nastasya Samburskaya. Recently, Elena Letuchaya, who moved to work on Channel One, spoke about her replacement. The departure of the blonde from the popular project last year made a lot of noise. Channel "Friday!" claimed the right to 50% of the TV star's earnings. Later, Flying managed to resolve legal issues and terminate the contract with the previous employer.

During a conversation with journalists, Elena noted that she was not familiar with Samburskaya. Therefore, Letuchaya cannot make predictions about Nastasya's ability to work and her future fate in the project, which depends on the ratings.

“I filmed the Revizorro program with a team of five people. They were in the same boat with me: we fought for the project to be honest, socially significant and help people. When I didn't know how to rate a restaurant, we sat down and decided together. We didn't think about ratings and numbers. I lived the project at 105%. This was the secret of success. You can’t play - this is life, I didn’t work according to the script, ”said Elena.

// Photo: frame of the Revizorro program

However, the Moscow season of the program was done by other people who are now working with Samburskaya. According to Flying, she had doubts about the integrity of these employees. However, Elena hopes that the team will still work honestly. The star wished success to Nastasya and her colleagues.

“I refused to shoot the Moscow “Revizorro” precisely because I personally found out several times that information was leaking about which institutions we were going to. She had absolutely no control over it. Therefore, I have doubts about the veracity of how this command will work. For my part, I wish them success. If they don't take money, shoot honestly, don't set anyone up, then the program will remain socially significant and useful to people. I will only be happy about this, ”said the Flying.

Elena added that Nastasya Samburskaya will definitely achieve success and high ratings if she fights for people's rights. Letuchaya, being a workaholic, spared no effort or time to make the program relevant and meaningful. According to the blonde, she could not sleep for a couple of days and often took off at 5 in the morning. After a while, Elena lost sleep, she began to have headaches.

“I left the Revizorro project due to my health condition. I thought that I was able to recover and I would fly again a lot. But the “battle wounds” made themselves felt in December, ”the TV star shared.

Doctors forbade Elena from frequent flights. Therefore, celebrities had to say goodbye to work in the Flying Squad project. Now the blonde is developing a new show with the producers, which will be aired on Channel One. According to the star, there are already ideas. The program is expected to be less scandalous, writes "TV program".

Elena Letuchaya admitted why she actually left the show

News of Tyumen and the Tyumen region - 07.04.2016

The day before, on April 6, on the air of the Revizorro Show, Elena Letuchaya, together with the invited guests and producers of the scandalous program, recalled the check in the Victoria cafe in Salekhard. The presenter could not hold back her tears, looking at the video, where she, along with the film crew, were beaten by employees of the establishment.

Elena Volatile remembered the fight in Salekhard with tears

Elena Flying did not expect that the video with the fight would be shown as part of the program about Revizorro. The girl was visibly nervous and recalled that shooting day with horror on her face.

Recall that during the inspection of the cafe "Victoria" the team of operators and Elena Volatile herself were attacked by employees of the establishment. The hostess of the catering and her husband showed particular cruelty. Elena admitted that she would never forget the furious look of the woman who was chasing her and threatening to kill her.

Video of fight in Salekhard shocked Russians

The program showed fragments of the shooting that had not previously been aired. The video camera recorded not only how two men attacked the operator, but also how Elena tried to escape in the van of the film crew. The presenter saw that her producer was being threatened with violence and asked the second cameraman to stand up for her, and she herself took the surviving camera and ran to the driver. Turning around, Flying noticed that the owner of the cafe was chasing her. "Revizorro" had no choice but to throw off his shoes and lock himself in the car. True, and this did not help to hide from an angry woman. The owner of the cafe "Victoria" first tried to climb through the car window, and then completely burst into the salon. Fortunately, the host was saved by the operator, who a few moments earlier had barely escaped from the hands of the offenders.

On the same day, Elena Flying called the producers and said that they urgently needed to be evacuated from the city. The fact is that the owners of the cafe intimidated the host with violence.

Elena Letuchaya left the show due to filming in Salekhard

As it turned out, it was this sensational case that served as a turning point in Flying's career as the main inspector. After a fierce fight, the girl restored her nervous system for several more months.

The presenter also admitted that when the organizers of the program called her and said that she needed to return to Salekhard to testify, Elena refused.

The girl arrived in the city, accompanied by guards and with her fiancé.

The release of the "Revizorro Show" came out very emotional. Elena Flying became ill right during the filming. She asked for a glass of water and then left the studio altogether. But after talking with the producer, she returned to the site.

In the latest issue of "Revizorro-show" Elena Flying, who still goes to the doctors after, said: after a trip to the capital of Yamal, she thought about whether she should even be engaged in this project, the correspondent reports.

Lena called me and said that us beaten hard, terribly, now go to kill We need to be evacuated from the city. It's good that they had a plane that day, it was the last day of their stay, but they did not have time for it. They absolutely could not stay in the city: if they had stayed, they would have been found and killed. I'm sure they were looking for. And threatened,” said the chief editor of the program Polina Avetikova.

For the sake of this, Avetikova contacted the tour operator, who, at her request, extended the registration for the flight and, as a result, the team managed to catch it.

Program Producer Elena Shipunova clarified that they went to this cafe because a few months before that, a children's hockey team had lunch at Victoria, which was leaving the capital of Yamal with poisoning. The catalyst for the conflict, according to Shipunova, was the behavior Elvira Arndt, the owner of the cafe, who is the wife of the manager who interfered with the work of the group.

“I am still being dragged around the police stations, the investigators are coming,” said Elena Letuchaya.

She added that the owner of the cafe tried to break into the car where Flying and the cameraman Valentin Gerasimov who came to her hid after the attack. As a result, the operator had to protect Flying from Arndt, who tried to beat the TV presenter. After returning to the capital, the TV presenter could not move away from stress for a long time: she still goes to doctors.

“I had a nervous breakdown. When they told me: “Revizorro, filming,” I started to get hysterical. Salekhard happened to be a turning point in the whole program. I said: I can’t do it anymore. I'm still in rehabilitation. I said to myself: "I won't go anywhere else." It was a gasp. (In Salekhard) they told me: you won't fly away, and if you fly away, we'll get you in Moscow and kill you" - said the presenter.

"Revizorro" is waiting for big changes: as it became known to journalists, Nikita Dzhigurda can now become the host of the program, a possible reason for this reshuffle is the pregnancy of Volatile.

Now the permanent host of "Revizorro" is preparing for the wedding - Elena Letuchaya announced her engagement to businessman Yuri Anashenkov on Valentine's Day on her Facebook page.

The boyfriend of Lena Flying - the director of the collection agency Yuri Anashenkov - is the father of two children, and his name has appeared more than once in various criminal chronicles.

The presence of Yuri's common-law wife Asmik Vaye Reytor, with whom he lived for six years, and two sons (8 and 5 years old) did not embarrass the TV star. The girl completely plunged into the novel, which has been going on for quite a long time.

The fact that the relationship of the couple is reaching a new level is also indicated by the fact that, as it became known, not so long ago, the beloved man of Flying moved most of his things to her new home in New Riga. It happened shortly after the romantic vacation that the lovers spent together.

Recall that the novel by Elena Letuchaya and businessman Yuri Anashenkov became known in the summer of 2015. For a long time, Elena did not tell anything about her lover and preferred to hide him from the public.

Meanwhile, on the Friday! there are rumors that the show is looking for a new host or even a host. According to insiders, now Elena is in the early stages of pregnancy. Therefore, it is already difficult for Flying to travel all over the country, as before, and a collision with aggressive employees of inspected establishments can now be doubly dangerous for her. Lena Flying herself has not yet commented on the rumors about her “interesting” position, but the TV presenter has repeatedly said that she is ripe for motherhood.

Filming of the new season of "Revizorro" will begin soon - and, according to the publication, the producers are seriously considering the candidacy of Nikita Dzhigurda as the new presenter. “The men's season of Revizorro should become an absolutely independent project. We thought for a long time who could successfully fit into the project, making it even brighter and sharper, and not get lost behind the popularity of the format itself. Nikita Borisovich Dzhigurda could become the new star of the program, he has amazing charisma, and restaurateurs will certainly be afraid to beat him, ”said the producer of the film crew.

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