Why Yegor Creed and Molly broke up. Yegor creed explained for a serious conflict with Olga Seryabkina Yegor creed and Olga Seryabkina are dating

Internet users imagined how the relationship between the artists Olga Seryabkina and Yegor Creed would develop, and took their “family” photos.

Photo: Legion-Media.ru

Yegor Creed, despite participating in the show "The Bachelor", remained an unmarried man. Fans can’t wait for the artist to talk about his relationship with the project winner Daria Klyukina (the question “When will the post about Dasha?” Has already become viral), but Yegor is in no hurry to share details from his personal life. Internet users can only fantasize what kind of father and husband the Black Star label artist will be. And by the way, they've already done it.

A post shared by ????????????????????????????(@serebro.kiss) on Jul 30, 2018 at 8:24am PDT

A lot of photographs appeared in the fan group, in which Yegor is captured in the company of Olga Seryabkina and a small child. It is easy to guess that “family” pictures are nothing but photoshop (you can see the original photos in the social networks of Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky). The humor of Internet users was appreciated by producer Maxim Fadeev.

When something went wrong under the contract .. (Although the news is not bad, ”Fadeev wrote.

Recall that last month Yegor Creed celebrated his 24th birthday. Timati, Natalya Rudova, Hannah, Yulia Baranovskaya, L’One, participants in the Songs project and many, many others came to congratulate the main bachelor of the country. But the participants of the show "The Bachelor" were not at the party.

There were a lot of rumors and assumptions about the Roman of Yegor Krill and Olga Seryabkina on the Internet. Their relationship slowly acquired new details and details. Whether she was a myth or not, we will find out in our material.

Recall that the novel by Olga Seryabkina and Yegor Creed was first talked about after the release of the track by Yegor Creed and MOLLY “If you don’t love me”. MOLLY is Olga's pseudonym when she performs solo, outside of the SEREBRO team.

If you don't love me, then I don't either.
If you forget me, then I will answer.

The video was directed by Zaur Zaseev, who is an employee of Pavel Khudyakov's company. The talented show business figure took part in the filming of the films "Yolki 3" and "Yolki 1914", and also collaborated with many artists of the Black Star label, including Timati, L'One, Nathan and Christina C. “Many thanks to Egor and Olya for the work! It was cool, ”Zaseev shared in his microblog.

But then, to the surprise of the fans, the guys stopped talking. Yegor said that in fact he had a fight with Olya on the set.

“We wrote to her today for the first time in the last year. I don't want to talk about what happened, but I will say that we had a little conflict on the set of the video. We did not share something and were offended by each other. Time passed, and before the MUZ-TV Prize, where we performed with her, we reconciled. Then they simply did not communicate, although before that they had communicated very closely. But we never had any shura-mura.

Yegor Creed decided to shave his head

First, Egor published a video in which he goes through the cut strands of hair, sighing heavily and saying: “I loved you, I looked after you, I fertilized you, and you left me ... Life is unfair.” Subscribers did not immediately realize that Yegor actually parted with his hair. However, after a couple of hours, the singer broke the last hopes of subscribers by posting a photo in which he shaved to zero.

Potential girlfriend of Yegor Creed turned out to be a participant in the Miss Russia 2018 contest

A participant in the new "Bachelor", a contender for the heart of Yegor Creed Olga Lomakina, turned out to be a promising model. The girl said that she would take part in the next All-Russian beauty contest, having won the regional selection. Lomakina addressed the fans on the eve of the Miss Russia 2018 contest.

The new season of "The Bachelor" is in full swing, and Yegor Creed has already managed to take a closer look at some of the contenders. One of the most promising participants in the show after the first releases was Olga Lomakina. It turned out that the girl has serious career prospects in the modeling business.

They released the first joint track "If you don't love me", which was a resounding success among fans of the artists. A month later, celebrities presented a clip to the public, where they portrayed a passionate relationship so naturally that fans seriously believed that the musicians were connected by something more than just joint work.

However, those who hoped so much for a long romance between the performers were disappointed. After the work on the composition and the video for it was completed, the artists stopped communicating. It turned out that Yegor and Olga had a big fight during the filming process. Young people did not share something and harbored mutual resentment. However, according to Creed, before a joint performance at the MUZ-TV Prize, he and Seryabkina managed to resolve the conflict. “Then they just didn’t communicate, although before that they used to communicate very closely. But we never had any shura-mura, ”- Blackstar. What relationship the musicians have now is not known for certain. However, today Olga, performing solo under the stage name MOLLY, released a video for the song "Because Love", in which she confessed her feelings for Yegor.

MOLLY - "Because Love"

In the presented video, Seryabkina depicts a girl suffering from unrequited love. She escapes from Moscow either in the cold or in the heat, but nowhere can she calm down. The heroine of the clip constantly flips through Creed's Instagram and zooms in on his photo on the line "I'm in you with my head." She also watches joint pictures with the artist and asks her on-screen friend: “Do you think he loves me?” But the answer to this question in the video, of course, no.

Clip frame "Because love"

“When I write lyrics, usually they are all about what is happening with me ... But every time it is important for me that you feel yourself in the breath of the song and see your reflection. I'm sure everyone knows what it's like to fall in love by accident and with the wrong person. Unexpectedly for himself. The best thing is not to catch sadness and heavy weight in this feeling, but to get high from yourself, capable of feelings in spite of or just like that. Nothing makes us better than love. And most importantly, every story should have a happy ending. And if it goes wrong, then the buzz is in the very moment. And today I am absolutely happy and entirely composed of this feeling. There is only one answer to any question - BECAUSE LOVE, ”Seryabkina herself ambiguously presented the clip to followers on Instagram (the author’s spelling and punctuation are given unchanged hereinafter. - Note. ed.).

True, MOLLY fans doubted the sincerity of her feelings for Creed. “Creed, take it already and don’t give it to anyone”, “I found someone to fall in love with))”, “Creed was clearly superfluous here”, “In general, everything is beautiful. But why not use a photo of some other guy? It’s unclear”, “Is this like a declaration of love for Yegor?”, “Is everyone crazy here?”, They commented.

Egor Creed and Olga Seryabkina

Egor, for his part, did not react to Olga's clip-confession. Yesterday at the rapper's. The premiere turned out to be really loud and in a matter of hours reached the first line in the top YouTube. In just a day, the video has collected about 2 million views.

In the new song and video for it, Creed compares himself with a composer and producer. The fans were shocked when they learned that the honored artist agreed to take part in the filming of the young artist's video. Moreover, Yegor also attracted other Igors to work on the video. So, in the frame you can see , and .

Egor Creed - "Cool"

As for love relationships, Creed has recently really. True, not with Olga Seryabkina, but with a model Karina Zavline. Young people rested together in one of the nightclubs in the UAE. The girl shared a video in Stories in which the rapper, with a satisfied smirk inherent in him, presses her to him. However, the couple did not shine together anymore, so it cannot be argued that the young people had something serious.

24-year-old Yegor Creed and 33-year-old Olga Seryabkina released the track "If you love me" in 2017. The composition was a resounding success, so the celebrities continued to work together. Its result was a music video in which the singers played lovers so naturally that many believed that there was more than friendship between them.


By the way, immediately after the release of the video, Seryabkina and Creed stopped contacting. Rumor has it that the artists had a big fight during filming. After a while, the conflict was resolved. What exactly was the bone of contention remained a secret with seven seals.

What relationship the stars have now is not known for certain. However, today, December 15, Olga suddenly dedicated a music video to Yegor. Seryabkina under the pseudonym MOLLY released a video for the song "Because Love".

"When I write lyrics, usually they are all about what is happening with me ... (Hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved. - Note ed.) But every time it is important for me that you feel yourself in the breath of the song and see reflection. I'm sure that everyone knows what it's like to fall in love accidentally and not with that. Unexpectedly for oneself. The best thing is not to catch sadness and hardship in this feeling, but to get high from oneself, capable of feelings in spite of or just like that. Nothing does we are better than love. And most importantly, any story should have a happy ending. And if it goes wrong, then the buzz is in the very moment. And today I am absolutely happy and entirely consist of this feeling. There is only one answer to any question - BECAUSE WHAT IS LOVE," Seryabkina commented on the video on her personal Instagram.

Note that the clip caused a heated discussion on the Web. The envious singer literally raged, regarding the video as a statement about the beginning of the novel. They accused the artist of impudent PR and "attaching" to Yegor Creed.

“The closer the end of January, the more Yegor Olya has in her account, I think they are together”, “Too many hints about relations with Yegor”, “Nonsense!!! Just for the sake of intrigue, all this was done. I doubt that Olga would be with such , like Creed .... this is not the hero of her novel, and even more so not a life partner. Everything is clear as day. The only thing I can say with certainty .... she achieved what she wanted (heavy discussions and the like), "users wrote Nets in the comments.

Today Olga Seryabkina presented her new solo video "Because Love". Unexpectedly for many, Yegor Creed appeared in the video. Why and why him?

The novel of this couple was discussed by the whole country, and the track “If you don’t love me” is still included at many parties. But after the release of the joint video, to the surprise of the fans, the guys stopped communicating. In an interview, Yegor said that he and Olya had a fight during filming. “I don’t want to talk about what happened, but I will say that we had a little conflict on the set of the video. We did not share something and were offended by each other. We never had any shura-mura.”

After so much time, Olya unexpectedly released the video “Because Love”, in which she repeatedly shows photos of Yegor on her cell phone. Moreover, she asks her friend “Dash, do you think he loves me?”.

“When I write texts, usually they are all about what happens to me ... I'm sure that everyone knows what it's like to fall in love by accident and with the wrong one. Unexpectedly for himself. The best thing is not to catch sadness and heavy weight in this feeling, but to get high from yourself, capable of feelings in spite of or just like that. Nothing makes us better than love. And most importantly, every story should have a happy ending.”— Olya wrote in her Insta. Apparently, it was with this clip that Olya decided to put an end to her story with Yegor.

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