Why did the author change the name of Matrenin Dvor. Analysis "Matrenin Dvor" Solzhenitsyn

"Matryona Dvor" - a story by A.I. Solzhenitsyn, written in 1959. The author's goal in the work is achieved in the development of two images - the narrator and the main character, Matrena Vasilievna. The emphasis on her name arose in the story in connection with the title, coined by the editor. In the original version, the work was called "A village does not stand without a righteous man."

The changes were intended to make the story more private. The author did not want his heroine to be seen only as the development of the classical tradition of reproducing folk fate in the image of a peasant woman (the generalized nature of the naming was preserved through the use of the name of the heroine of N.A. Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Russia”, Matrena Timofeevna).

It is important that the righteous among believers is a person who lives a righteous, religious life, without sins. It is such a woman that Solzhenitsyn portrays in his work.

The narrator, on whose behalf the narration is being conducted, returning from the dusty hot desert to Russia, dreams of settling in “in the middle lane - without heat, with the “deciduous roar of the forest”. He wanted to "get in and get lost in the very interior of Russia, if there was such a place somewhere, lived." And the narrator finds such a place: “I didn’t like this place in the whole village; a drying, friendly stream with a bridge, two or three willows, a skewed hut, and ducks swam along the pond and geese came ashore, shaking themselves off.

This is Matrenin Dvor, the embodiment of calmness and silence. A quiet corner where you can't hear the radio from anywhere and everything is silent. And because here you can hear the words, "the very ones that pulled ... longing from Asia", from the meaning of which the soul felt good. Here it became clear what needed to be done so that it would not be insulting to live and die.

Fate leads the hero to an elderly and exhausted woman who lived very poorly. Matrena “year after year, for many years, did not earn from anywhere ... not a ruble. Because they didn’t pay her pensions… And she worked on the collective farm not for money, but for sticks.”

The main thing in the character of Matryona was kindness. She was ready to interrupt “her turn of affairs” for the sake of the collective farm, to which she no longer belonged, for the sake of any distant relative or just a neighbor. However, kindness and ruined the woman: "...Tea near death ... Matryona announced her will: a separate log house of the upper room, located under a common connection with the hut, after her death, give it as an inheritance to Kira."

Relatives, ahead of events, begin to share the "good" of Matryona, sorting out "a separate log cabin of the upper room by ribs" in order to take it to Kira in Cherusti. This haste was the reason for the death of Matryona: “At the crossing there is a hill, the entrance is steep. There is no barrier. With the first sledge, the tractor went over, and the cable burst, and the second sleigh ... got stuck ... in the same place ... Matryona also suffered. What could she do there…two coupled locomotives…those three were flattened.”

This is how the life of this righteous person ended. Her righteousness consisted in the ability to preserve her human soul in completely unsuitable conditions for this. However, the people around did not appreciate the kindness and almost holiness of Matryona. Even her sisters "flocked", "captured", "gutted". They do not feel sorry for their sisters, the main thing is to capture the good. Solzhenitsyn calls Thaddeus an insatiable old man, who killed his son, the woman he once loved, the son-in-law who was to be judged, the daughter whose mind went crazy. This hero is the embodiment of an aggressive world, ruthless and inhuman. He was just mad with greed.

It is symbolic that in these days of misfortune, “madness took possession of the mice.” One Kira looks like a man among a flock of crows. She alone takes pity on Matryona, which means that the heroine managed to form a soul in her, the ability for sympathy, pity.

With the death of Matryona, the life of the narrator in this corner, dear to his heart, also ended. Matryona's yard was empty: “The deal went through. A goat was taken by one sister, a hut by a shoemaker and his wife, and in return for Faddeev’s share, that he “here he took care of every log with his own hands”, the already brought upper room went, and they also gave him a barn ... "

Perhaps, after a few days, no one remembered this sincere, disinterested woman, because among her fellow villagers Matryona remained “incomprehensible”, “alien”. Meanwhile, it was their salvation, their patron angel, their amulet. And now what will happen to this village, to other Russian villages, to all of Russia?

The fate of Matrena is very closely connected with the fate of the Russian village. Less and less Matryon remains in Russia. And without them, "the village will not stand," Solzhenitsyn asserts.

The journal Novy Mir published several works by Solzhenitsyn, among them Matrenin Dvor. The story, according to the writer, "is completely autobiographical and authentic." It talks about the Russian village, about its inhabitants, about their values, about kindness, justice, sympathy and compassion, work and help - qualities that fit in a righteous man, without whom "the village does not stand."

"Matryona Dvor" is a story about the injustice and cruelty of a person's fate, about the Soviet order of the post-Stalin era and about the life of the most ordinary people who live far from city life. The narration is conducted not on behalf of the main character, but on behalf of the narrator, Ignatich, who in the whole story seems to play the role of only an outside observer. What is described in the story dates back to 1956 - three years have passed since the death of Stalin, and then the Russian people did not yet know and did not realize how to live on.

Matrenin Dvor is divided into three parts:

  1. The first tells the story of Ignatich, it begins at the Torfprodukt station. The hero immediately reveals the cards, without making any secret of it: he is a former prisoner, and now works as a teacher at a school, he came there in search of peace and tranquility. In Stalin's time, it was almost impossible for people who had been imprisoned to find a job, and after the death of the leader, many became school teachers (a scarce profession). Ignatich stops at an elderly hardworking woman named Matrena, with whom he is easy to communicate and calm at heart. Her dwelling was poor, the roof sometimes leaked, but this did not mean at all that there was no comfort in it: “Maybe, to someone from the village, who is richer, Matryona’s hut didn’t seem well-lived, but we were with her that autumn and winter good."
  2. The second part tells about the youth of Matryona, when she had to go through a lot. The war took her fiancé Fadey away from her, and she had to marry his brother, who had children in his arms. Taking pity on him, she became his wife, although she did not love him at all. But three years later, Fadey suddenly returned, whom the woman still loved. The returned warrior hated her and her brother for their betrayal. But the hard life could not kill her kindness and hard work, because it was in work and caring for others that she found solace. Matrena even died doing business - she helped her lover and her sons drag a part of her house over the railway tracks, which was bequeathed to Kira (his own daughter). And this death was caused by Fadey's greed, greed and callousness: he decided to take away the inheritance while Matryona was still alive.
  3. The third part talks about how the narrator finds out about the death of Matryona, describes the funeral and commemoration. People close to her cry not from grief, but rather because it is customary, and in their heads they only think about the division of the property of the deceased. Fadey is not at the wake.
  4. main characters

    Matrena Vasilievna Grigorieva is an elderly woman, a peasant woman, who was released from work on a collective farm due to illness. She was always happy to help people, even strangers. In the episode when the narrator settles in her hut, the author mentions that she deliberately never looked for a lodger, that is, she did not want to earn money on this basis, she did not even profit from what she could. Her wealth was pots of ficuses and an old domestic cat that she took from the street, a goat, and also mice and cockroaches. Matryona also married her fiancé's brother out of a desire to help: "Their mother died ... they did not have enough hands."

    Matryona herself also had children, six, but they all died in early childhood, so she later took her youngest daughter Fadeya Kira to be raised. Matryona got up early in the morning, worked until dark, but did not show fatigue or discontent to anyone: she was kind and responsive to everyone. She was always very afraid of becoming someone's burden, she did not complain, she was even afraid to call the doctor once again. Matryona, who had matured, Kira, wanted to donate her room, for which it was necessary to share the house - during the move, Fadey's things got stuck in a sled on the railway tracks, and Matryona fell under a train. Now there was no one to ask for help, there was no person ready to selflessly come to the rescue. But the relatives of the deceased kept in mind only the thought of gain, of sharing what was left of the poor peasant woman, already thinking about it at the funeral. Matryona stood out very much against the background of her fellow villagers; she was thus irreplaceable, invisible and the only righteous man.

    Narrator, Ignatich, to some extent is the prototype of the writer. He left the link and was acquitted, then set off in search of a calm and serene life, he wanted to work as a school teacher. He found refuge at Matryona. Judging by the desire to move away from the bustle of the city, the narrator is not very sociable, he loves silence. He worries when a woman mistakenly takes his quilted jacket, and finds no place for himself from the volume of the loudspeaker. The narrator got along with the mistress of the house, this shows that he is still not completely asocial. However, he does not understand people very well: he understood the meaning that Matryona lived only after she passed away.

    Topics and issues

    Solzhenitsyn in the story "Matryona Dvor" tells about the life of the inhabitants of the Russian village, about the system of relationships between power and man, about the high meaning of selfless labor in the realm of selfishness and greed.

    Of all this, the theme of labor is most clearly shown. Matryona is a person who does not ask for anything in return, and is ready to give herself everything for the benefit of others. They don’t appreciate it and don’t even try to understand it, but this is a person who experiences a tragedy every day: at first, the mistakes of youth and the pain of loss, then frequent illnesses, hard work, not life, but survival. But from all the problems and hardships, Matryona finds solace in work. And, in the end, it is work and overwork that lead her to death. The meaning of Matrena's life is precisely this, and also care, help, the desire to be needed. Therefore, active love for neighbor is the main theme of the story.

    The problem of morality also occupies an important place in the story. Material values ​​in the village are exalted above the human soul and its labor, above humanity in general. The secondary characters are simply incapable of understanding the depth of Matryona's character: greed and the desire to possess more blind their eyes and do not allow them to see kindness and sincerity. Fadey lost his son and wife, his son-in-law is threatened with imprisonment, but his thoughts are how to save the logs that they did not have time to burn.

    In addition, there is a theme of mysticism in the story: the motive of an unidentified righteous man and the problem of cursed things - which were touched by people full of self-interest. Fadey made Matryona's upper room cursed, undertaking to bring it down.


    The above themes and problems in the story "Matryona Dvor" are aimed at revealing the depth of the pure worldview of the main character. An ordinary peasant woman is an example of the fact that difficulties and losses only harden a Russian person, and do not break him. With the death of Matrena, everything that she figuratively built collapses. Her house is being torn apart, the rest of the property is divided among themselves, the yard remains empty, ownerless. Therefore, her life looks pitiful, no one is aware of the loss. But won't the same thing happen to the palaces and jewels of the mighty of this world? The author demonstrates the frailty of the material and teaches us not to judge others by wealth and achievements. The true meaning is the moral image, which does not fade even after death, because it remains in the memory of those who saw its light.

    Maybe, over time, the heroes will notice that they are missing a very important part of their lives: invaluable values. Why disclose global moral problems in such a wretched scenery? And what then is the meaning of the title of the story "Matryona Dvor"? The last words that Matryona was a righteous woman erase the boundaries of her court and push them to the scale of the whole world, thereby making the problem of morality universal.

    Folk character in the work

    Solzhenitsyn argued in the article “Repentance and Self-Restriction”: “There are such born angels, they seem to be weightless, they seem to glide over this slurry, without drowning in it at all, even touching its surface with their feet? Each of us met such people, there are not ten or a hundred of them in Russia, they are the righteous, we saw them, were surprised (“eccentrics”), used their good, in good moments answered them the same, they dispose, - and immediately sank back to our doomed depths."

    Matryona is distinguished from the rest by the ability to maintain humanity and a solid core inside. To those who shamelessly used her help and kindness, it might seem that she was weak-willed and malleable, but the heroine helped, based only on inner disinterestedness and moral greatness.

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A. N. Solzhenitsyn, returning from exile, worked as a teacher at the Miltsev school. He lived in an apartment with Matrena Vasilievna Zakharova. All events described by the author were real. Solzhenitsyn's story "Matryona's Dvor" describes the difficult life of a collective farm Russian village. We offer for review an analysis of the story according to the plan, this information can be used to work in literature lessons in grade 9, as well as in preparation for the exam.

Brief analysis

Year of writing– 1959

History of creation– The writer began work on his work on the problems of the Russian village in the summer of 1959 on the Crimean coast, where he was visiting his friends in exile. Being wary of censorship, it was recommended to change the title "A village without a righteous man" and, on the advice of Tvardovsky, the writer's story was called "Matryona's Dvor".

Topic- The main theme of this work is the life and life of the Russian hinterland, the problems of the relationship of an ordinary person with power, moral problems.

Composition- The narration is on behalf of the narrator, as if through the eyes of an outside observer. The features of the composition allow us to understand the very essence of the story, where the characters will come to the realization that the meaning of life is not only (and not so much) in enrichment, material values, but in moral values, and this problem is universal, and not a single village.

Genre– The genre of the work is defined as “monumental story”.

Direction- Realism.

History of creation

The writer's story is autobiographical; indeed, after his exile, he taught in the village of Miltsevo, which in the story is called Talnovo, and rented a room from Zakharova Matrena Vasilievna. In his short story, the writer depicted not only the fate of one hero, but also the entire epoch-making idea of ​​the country's formation, all its problems and moral principles.

Myself the meaning of the name"Matryona's Yard" is a reflection of the main idea of ​​the work, where the boundaries of her court are expanded to the scale of the whole country, and the idea of ​​morality turns into universal problems. From this we can conclude that the history of the creation of the "Matryona Dvor" does not include a separate village, but the history of the creation of a new outlook on life, and on the power that governs the people.


After analyzing the work in Matrenin Dvor, it is necessary to determine main topic story, to find out what the autobiographical essay teaches not only the author himself, but, by and large, the whole country.

The life and work of the Russian people, their relationship with the authorities are deeply illuminated. A person works all his life, losing his personal life and interests in work. Your health, after all, without getting anything. Using the example of Matrena, it is shown that she worked all her life, without any official documents about her work, and did not even earn a pension.

All the last months of its existence were spent on collecting different pieces of paper, and the red tape and bureaucracy of the authorities also led to the fact that one and the same piece of paper had to go to get more than once. Indifferent people sitting at tables in offices can easily put the wrong seal, signature, stamp, they do not care about people's problems. So Matrena, in order to achieve a pension, more than once bypasses all instances, somehow achieving a result.

Villagers think only about their own enrichment, for them there are no moral values. Faddey Mironovich, her husband's brother, forced Matryona to give the promised part of the house to her adopted daughter, Kira, during her lifetime. Matryona agreed, and when, out of greed, two sledges were hooked to one tractor, the cart fell under the train, and Matryona died along with her nephew and the tractor driver. Human greed is above all, that same evening, her only friend, Aunt Masha, came to her house to pick up the little thing promised to her, until Matryona's sisters stole it.

And Thaddeus Mironovich, who also had a coffin with his dead son in his house, still managed to bring the logs thrown at the crossing before the funeral, and did not even come to pay tribute to the memory of the woman who died a terrible death because of his irrepressible greed. Matrena's sisters, first of all, took away her funeral money, and began to divide the remains of the house, crying over her sister's coffin not from grief and sympathy, but because it was supposed to be.

In fact, humanly, no one took pity on Matryona. Greed and greed blinded the eyes of fellow villagers, and people will never understand Matryona that with her spiritual development a woman stands at an unattainable height from them. She is truly righteous.


The events of that time are described from the perspective of an outsider, a lodger who lived in Matryona's house.

Narrator starts his narrative from the time he was looking for a job as a teacher, trying to find a remote village to live. By the will of fate, he ended up in the village where Matryona lived, and decided to stay with her.

In the second part, the narrator describes the difficult fate of Matryona, who has not seen happiness since her youth. Her life was hard, in everyday work and worries. She had to bury all her six children born. Matryona endured a lot of torment and grief, but she did not become embittered, and her soul did not harden. She is still hardworking and disinterested, benevolent and peaceful. She never condemns anyone, she treats everyone evenly and kindly, as before, she works in her farmstead. She died trying to help her relatives move her own part of the house.

In the third part, the narrator describes the events after the death of Matryona, all the same heartlessness of people, relatives and relatives of the woman who, after the death of the woman, swooped like crows into the remains of her yard, trying to quickly take everything apart and plunder, condemning Matryona for her righteous life.

main characters


The publication of Matryona Dvor caused much controversy among Soviet critics. Tvardovsky wrote in his notes that Solzhenitsyn is the only writer who expresses his opinion without regard to the authorities and the opinion of critics.

Everyone unequivocally came to the conclusion that the work of the writer belongs to "monumental story", so in a high spiritual genre the description of a simple Russian woman, personifying universal human values, is given.

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One of the most important components of a work is its title. And this is not accidental, since the title allows you to correctly comprehend the theme, the idea of ​​the author, to reveal the images of the characters.

The main idea of ​​the story by A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryona Dvor", which the author debunks throughout the work, he introduces into the title. Of course, in the village of Talnovo, where the guest arrives, there is not a single courtyard. In addition, many characters are involved in the story. However, the author associated the title of the work with the personal space of the main character, which, like the rest of the villagers, was fenced and was her property. Through the eyes of a guest, the author introduces the reader to this courtyard, depicts in detail the actions and everything that happens there.

Matryona herself, in whose fate there was little room for happy events, was different from the rest. Only the differences were not properly considered by these locals. The woman, who is the main character of the story, turned out to be a righteous, sincere, extraordinary person. Despite the ridicule and evil of her fellow villagers, she remained pitiful, and her self-sacrifice and willingness to help the people around her brought harm to herself, undermining her health even more. She tirelessly agreed to any job,

The author attached great importance to the court of Matrena, because this place was the only lifeline for those who did not see the real soul of this woman, who became an example to follow. The courtyard has become a symbol of such generosity and purity of soul that the heroine dies when it becomes necessary to give her room. The author emphasized the idea that the absence of the sins of this woman, compliance with religious rules - all this was present in the behavior, life of Matryona. In the same way, such moral norms should reign in society.

Thus, despite the fact that in the title of A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s story “Matryona Dvor” there is a mention of a certain space, a territory that is adjacent to buildings, after reading the text it becomes clear that the writer’s thought is aimed at moral problems that exist and in the village of Talnovo, and in the country as a whole.

Thanks to the image of Matryona, after her death, the villagers learned about true humanity, humility and diligence, which were limitless in the soul of the main character. So she brought light and goodness in the world, not paying attention to evil, envy, resentment.

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The meaning of the name. The first title of the story was “The village is not standing without the righteous”;. The righteous is, firstly, a person who lives in accordance with religious rules; secondly, a person who does not sin in anything against the rules of morality (rules that determine the morals, behavior, spiritual and spiritual qualities necessary for a person in society).

The meaning of the name was that the Russian village rests on people whose way of life is based on the universal values ​​of kindness, labor, sympathy, and help.

The second name is “Matrenin

Yard”; - somewhat changed the angle of view: moral principles began to have clear boundaries only within the limits of Matryona's yard. On a larger scale of the village, they are blurred, the people around the heroine are often different from her. Having titled the story “Matryona Dvor”, Solzhenitsyn focused the attention of readers on the wonderful world of the Russian woman.

In addition, Matrenin Dvor is one of the key images of the story. The description of the courtyard, detailed, with a lot of details, is devoid of bright colors: Matryona lives “in the wilderness” ;. It is important for the author to emphasize the inseparability of the house and the person: if the house is destroyed, its mistress will also die.

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  19. The meaning of the name. The story was conceived at general work in the Ekibastuz Special Camp in the winter of 1950-1951. It was written in 1959. The author explains his idea as follows: “How was it born? Just such a camp day, hard work, I dragged a stretcher with a partner and thought how to describe the whole camp world - in one day. And everything will be. […]...
  20. In the work “Matryona Dvor”, Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn describes the life of a hardworking, intelligent, but very lonely woman - Matryona, whom no one understood or appreciated, but everyone tried to take advantage of her hard work and responsiveness. The very title of the story “Matryona Dvor” can be interpreted in different ways. In the first case, for example, the word “yard” can simply mean Matryona’s way of life, her household, her [...] ...
  21. The works of A. I. Solzhenitsyn are marked by the harsh truth of life. In the story "Matryona Dvor" he tells about the fate of the Russian village, about those moral shifts that occur in the souls of the peasants. The main character of the story had to experience a lot of grief and injustice in her lifetime: broken love, the death of six children, the loss of her husband in the war, hellish, not every man's feasible labor in [...] ...
  22. An exile with unheard of world fame, A. I. Solzhenitsyn combines in his personal appearance and creativity many principles that disturb our consciousness. Characteristic of this is the story “Matryona Dvor”. In the center of the story is the fate of a village woman. The concept of "village" for A. Solzhenitsyn is a model (synonymous) of people's life in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. The existence of a national peace, according to the author, is impossible […]
  23. THE VILLAGE THEME IN AI SOLZHENITSYN'S STORY “MATRENIN'S YARD” AI Solzhenitsyn's works are marked by the harsh truth of life. In the story "Matryona Dvor" he tells about the fate of the Russian village, about those moral shifts that occur in the souls of the peasants. The main character of the story had to experience a lot of grief and injustice in her lifetime: broken love, the death of six children, the loss of her husband [...] ...
  24. The Russian village depicted by Solzhenitsyn in the story “Matryona's Dvor” Many works by A. I. Solzhenitsyn tell about the history of Russia. Through them, he tried to convey the truth about the morals of life, the living conditions of the people, and describe the whole period of Soviet times. It is impossible to remain indifferent while reading his stories. One of these works is "Matryona Dvor" - a story that has been called "fundamental [...] ...
  25. Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn is a writer born of his terrible time. Both his personal and creative destiny is a continuous series of difficult trials and overcoming them. A front-line soldier, arrested in 1945, went through all the circles of hell in Soviet camps, witnessed the uprising of prisoners in Ekibastuz in 1952, exiled to an eternal settlement in Kazakhstan, overcame a fatal illness, expelled from his native […]...
  26. The original title of the story "Matryona's Dvor" - "There is no village without a righteous man", the final one was given by A.P. Tvardovsky. When printed at the request of the editors, the year of action 1956 changed to 1953, that is, pre-Khrushchev time. Because of this, the beginning of the story changed. The story was first published in Novy Mir, 1963, No. 1. The first is attacked by the Soviet press. In particular, it was pointed out to the author that […]
  27. The story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn “Matryona Dvor” takes place in the village of Talnovo, in the Russian outback, hidden from the eyes of the townspeople. The protagonist dreamed of living in such a place, and when he settled here, he could observe the villagers every day, their daily routine and relationships with each other. What kind of village appears before Ignatich and how does [...] ...
  28. The artistic world in the story is built linearly - in accordance with the life story of the heroine. In the first part of the work, the whole story about Matryona is given through the perception of the author, a man who has endured a lot in his lifetime, who dreamed of “getting lost and getting lost in the very interior of Russia”. The narrator evaluates her life from the outside, compares it with the environment, becomes an authoritative witness of righteousness. In the second part […]...
  29. The name of Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn was forbidden a few years ago, but now we have the opportunity to admire his works, in which he demonstrates exceptional skill in depicting human characters, in observing people's destinies and understanding them. All this is revealed especially vividly in the story “Matryona Dvor”. From the first lines of the story, the reader seems to recognize […]
  30. Each work has its purpose and its meaning. The author tries to convey to readers his thoughts and experiences. Solzhenitsyn's story "Matryona's Dvor" is no exception. He delved into the very essence of life in Russia. The words “man does not live by bread alone” are familiar to everyone. A well-known saying from the Bible carries a deep meaning. But what did the author mean by this? Home […]...
  31. At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia underwent severe trials. War and famine, endless uprisings and revolutions have left their mark on the destinies of people. Many innocent people died, including women and children. It was the era of Stalin. Despotism and terror persecuted the people. There was no bread in the country, and all hope was only in the village. She was pressed by the government […]
  32. Theme: Compassion, love for one's neighbor AI Solzhenitsyn "Matryona's Yard" A heart in which love lived Thousands of books have been written about love for one's neighbor. Rather, each of them calls people to this, each glorifies goodness and encourages compassion. But, alas. How many do not repeat the word halva, but it will not become sweeter in the mouth. Something has to change in a person […]
  33. Plan: 1) Alexander Solzhenitsyn: "Live not by lies!". 2) Realistic depiction of the life of Soviet people in a post-totalitarian society a) Russia in the post-war period. b) Life and death in the country after the totalitarian regime. c) The fate of the Russian woman in the Soviet state. 3) Matryona is the last of the righteous. Alexander Isayevich Solzhenitsyn was one of the few Russian writers who wrote […]...
  34. AI Solzhenitsyn Matrenin Dvor In the summer of 1956, at the one hundred and eighty-fourth kilometer from Moscow, a passenger disembarked along the railway line to Murom and Kazan. This is a narrator whose fate is reminiscent of the fate of Solzhenitsyn himself (he fought, but from the front he “delayed with the return of ten years”, that is, he spent time in the camp, which is also evidenced by the fact that [...] ...
  35. Some people have no parents, relatives or friends since childhood. Such people feel lonely and defenseless all their lives, so it is very important that those around them help them at least with communication. Suffice it to recall the heroine of the story by A. I. Solzhenitsyn “Matryona Dvor” Matryona. She lost her loved ones: her husband died at the front, six children also died. It was very [...]...
  36. Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn. Some twenty years ago, his name was forbidden to pronounce, and today we admire his deeply philosophical works, which reveal the skill in depicting characters, the ability to observe people and understand them. And this is especially evident in the story. "Mother's Yard". Why is this story interesting? It seems to be the usual post-war life of the Russian village. […]...
  37. The peasant theme has always been especially important for the work of AI Solzhenitsyn. His ancestors were peasants. The writer considered the peasantry to be the social stratum in which the traditional moral foundations were preserved for the longest time: diligence, sincerity, generosity. The story “Matryona Dvor”, written in 1959, is one of the first works that reveals the troubles of the village in the 50s. Here Solzhenitsyn portrayed the character of the people, who managed to preserve [...] ...
  38. Matrena Vasilievna, the main character of A. I. Solzhenitsyn's story "Matryona's Yard", appears in this passage as a patient and enduring woman. Not every person could so meekly and persistently "get" a well-deserved pension. For each piece of paper, Matryona went on foot either to the social security, which “was twenty kilometers from Talnov”, or to the village council, which was “ […] ...
  39. 1. Solzhenitsyn is a chronicler of the Soviet era. 2. “Matrenin Dvor” is a prototype of a righteous corner in the country. 3. The image of Matryona. 4. Final meaning of the story. AI Solzhenitsyn has a special place in Russian literature of the 20th century. He is like a chronicler of this era, truthfully reflecting reality, without embellishing or distorting anything. In his works there is no call to […]
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