Outline of a lesson in astronomy (Grade 11) on the topic: Lesson in astronomy "Motion and phases of the Moon. Eclipses of the Sun and Moon"

Many people from school know what a lunar and solar eclipse is. Someone happened to observe these astronomical phenomena with their own eyes. Recently, there has even been a trend and to stare at an eclipse, especially a solar eclipse, people rush to the geographical zone of visual observation as if to a free attraction. But is this spectacle really harmless for its direct viewers and for all people in general? Only a few people know about the impact a lunar or solar eclipse has on life. There is a lot of information in astrology about these phenomena and their impact on a person, some of which is presented in this article.

Solar and lunar eclipses

Every year the Sun and Moon are eclipsed up to seven times. Alternating in pairs, these phenomena occur during full moons and new moons.

During periods of influence of eclipses of the Sun or Moon (at least a week before and after the phenomenon), the number of people seeking astrological consultation increases dramatically. This is due to significant changes and fateful events that happen at this time in the lives of many people, and solar and lunar eclipses play an important role in this.

According to astrology, a solar and lunar eclipse has a significant, often adverse effect on the fate and health of all people. Eclipses have a particularly strong effect on the weak physically or mentally and those who were born during such a phenomenon or who have an eclipse in their personal horoscope that aspects the planets and other important points. So, if the degree of the current eclipse coincides with the planet of the natal chart, then it is possible with 100% certainty to predict the implementation of some important events in the life of the owner of the horoscope. If you analyze the personal birth horoscope more deeply, you can find out more specifically the most probable events.

However, it is a mistake to think of eclipses only as harmful phenomena playing a purely sinister role. Astrologers believe that eclipses, as a catalyst, launch the process of implementing a karmic program, not only individual, but also collective. Like a heavenly scalpel, they open the formed abscess of karmic problems and allow them to be realized in the shortest possible time. Therefore, if some bad event happens to a person during an eclipse, in fact it is not so bad. As in the expression: "Whatever is done, everything is for the best." This means that a person has paid his debts and freed himself from part of his karmic burden. That is, the main function of eclipses is our purification and liberation. Although for many this "medical" procedure turns out to be very painful, because it passes abruptly and without any "anesthesia".

There is some difference between the effects of a solar and lunar eclipse on a person. To understand what it is, you need to separately understand the essence of the influence of each phenomenon.

Solar eclipse

The sun is the source of solar energy ("life-giving prana") necessary for the life of all living things. In astrology, the Sun is identified with male energy. It symbolizes the life force, creativity, spirit and consciousness of a person, his ego or "I". However, the events triggered by solar eclipses are not always caused by us and are often associated with external factors, with our surroundings and environment, but they are necessarily reflected in us. For example, if something happens to a person close to you or on a global level - in your country of residence, then this will naturally affect you as well.

A solar eclipse occurs on a new moon. During a solar eclipse, the "vital prana" is interrupted or reduced, which negatively affects all living beings. Once in the darkness of the eclipse, the consciousness seems to be darkened, the will weakens, the human mind is worse oriented in situations, thoughts are confused, the percentage of erroneous and inadequate actions increases. It is believed that men and creative individuals of both sexes have the hardest time during a solar eclipse.

In conditions of a solar eclipse, the well-being of many people worsens. It is especially difficult for the main organ of the body - the heart. Already an hour after the Sun begins to close the Moon, the power of the heart to release blood into the circulatory system increases, blood pressure rises, there is a failure in the system of regulation and blood supply to all organs of the body. The number of strokes, heart attacks and other health problems associated with a malfunction of the heart is on the rise.

On a global scale, a solar eclipse adversely affects the entire society. The negative effect that the eclipse produces on an individual basis accumulates in society and increases tension in it, contributes to destructive tendencies, which leads to mass unrest, a tense political situation and military conflicts, outbreaks of epidemics. The number of accidents, catastrophes and accidents is increasing, especially due to human fault. In this "dark" time, the ego of politicians goes off scale and in order to satisfy it, they lose control over themselves, make harmful and erroneous moves that can lead to various adverse consequences for entire countries.

Moon eclipse

Lunar eclipses coincide with the full moon and occur at least twice a year. Since the Moon in individual astrology symbolizes the soul of a person, his subconscious and controls unconscious processes, the emotional sphere, the result of the impact of a lunar eclipse is mental imbalance and increased emotionality.

During the period of influence of the eclipse of the moon, the mind is wounded and suppressed by emotions rushing outward, often negative. "Subconscious demons", which until that time dozed, waiting for their "finest hour", awaken and break free. The lunar eclipse is this very hour when the number of conflicts and related situations increases in society. Emotionally excitable people, especially women and children, begin to hysteria, be capricious, cry, and make scandals on every occasion. But for people who aspire to the Light and are determined to do Good, an eclipse can cause spontaneous impulses of the soul, inspire them to heroic deeds and the accomplishment of good deeds.

The lunar eclipse is like a surgeon, they open us and take out our internal problems and desires, what is hidden inside our soul, in the subconscious. Everything that a person accumulated in himself, consciously restrained, suddenly spills out and often leads to events. That is, during a lunar eclipse, the life situation is formed under the influence of our feelings, thoughts, internal problems, and everything that happens is inextricably linked with them. This is the difference between a lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse.

During the active phase of the impact of eclipses (one month before and the same after the eclipse), many people awaken the desire to do something important or new, but astrologers urge to refrain from such actions, since a person at this time is less objective in his views. The negative impact of a solar eclipse can last for several months, but the consequences of events and important things started in the active phase can stretch for years.

Following the recommendations of astrologers and certain rules outlined in a separate article on this topic, you will learn what to do to avoid the negative effects of eclipses and how to use the time when lunar or solar eclipses occur in the sky.

The sun is shining, but not as bright as it used to be, the temperature is slowly dropping. The dimensions of the resulting crescent are reduced, and as a result, the black disk has ceased to let in the slightest rays of light. Instead of a bright and warm day, an unusual night surrounds you, and there is no Sun in the sky, only a large black circle shining with unusual silvery rays.

The noise of nature subsides almost immediately, and the plants begin to fold their leaves. After a few minutes, everything will return to its place and the streets of the city will come to life. Many years ago, such phenomena terrified people wildly, instilling panic and fear of the inevitable in their hearts.

What is a lunar eclipse?

This is the moment when the Moon enters the shadow area of ​​the Earth. During this period, all three components: the Sun, the Earth and the Moon are located on the same line in such a way that the Earth does not transmit sunlight to its satellite. Therefore, this phenomenon occurs only on the full moon.

During the period, when it happens, you will be able to see the moon in a completely darkened form or in partially darkened. Half the population of the Earth can observe the phenomenon, from which the moon is visible at the time of the eclipse.

Since the diameter of the shadow of the Moon is more than 2 times smaller than the diameter of the Earth, it can completely cover the disk of the Moon. That's what it is full eclipse. If the moon is partially immersed in the shadow of the Earth, then this phenomenon is called private.

In the presence of a curved line created by the arrangement of the three main objects, people may not see a total eclipse at all. If the earth's shadow covers only a small part of the lunar disk, then as a result of this, one can see the covering of the lunar disk with penumbra. Their location will affect the duration of the eclipse phases.

A total lunar eclipse doesn't mean she's out of sight. It's just that the lunar disk takes on a different color - dark red. The scientific explanation for the change in color lies in the refraction of the sun's rays going to the moon. Passing along a tangent path to the globe, the rays are scattered and only red rays remain (blue and cyan color spectra are absorbed by our atmosphere).

Just these rays reach the surface during an eclipse. The nature of the "focus" is exactly the same as during sunset, when a delicate pink or orange color is observed far beyond the horizon.

How does solar happen?

Planets with their satellites, as everyone knows, are constantly moving: The moon is around the globe, and the earth is around the solar disk. In the process of constant movement, specific moments may arise when the Sun can be obscured by the lunar disk. This can happen in full or in part.

A solar eclipse is the shadow from the lunar disk that falls on the Earth. Its radius reaches the mark of 100 kilometers, which is several times less than the radius of the globe. Because of this, it is possible to observe a natural phenomenon only on a small strip of the Earth.

If you are in this band of shadow, you will be able to see a total eclipse, during which the solar orb will be completely covered by the Moon. At this point, the lighting disappears and people can watch the stars.

The inhabitants of the planet, who are near the strip, will be able to admire this phenomenon only in private. A partial eclipse is characterized by the passage of the Moon not in the central part of the Sun, covering only a small part of it.

At the same time, the onset of gloomy darkness around is not so strong, and you will not be able to see it during the day. About 2,000 kilometers is the distance from the site of the total eclipse at which you can observe a partial eclipse.

A solar eclipse is a truly unique phenomenon. which we can observe. This is possible only for the reason that the sizes of the Sun and the Moon are almost the same when viewed from the Earth, despite the enormous difference in their sizes (the Sun is almost 400 times larger than the Moon). The difference in size is compensated by the location of the solar disk, which is located at a great distance.

A total solar eclipse is sometimes accompanied by such an effect as a solar corona - people can see layers of the atmosphere of the solar disk that cannot be seen at normal times. A very mesmerizing sight that everyone needs to see.

Which total eclipse is longer and why?

About 1.5 hours is the maximum duration of a total lunar eclipse.

The brightness of the moon can be of different levels (at the beginning of the eclipse). In some cases, the lunar disk is not visible at all, and sometimes, on the contrary, it may seem that there was no eclipse at all - the Moon can be so bright.

A solar eclipse can only be seen on a new moon., when the lunar disk cannot be seen from the Earth due to its location in the solar system. This creates the illusion that during an eclipse, the solar disk is covered by something else that cannot be connected with the Moon in any way.

The shadow cast by the moon on the surface of the globe is cone-shaped. Its tip is located a little further from the Earth, which leads to the formation of a black spot when a shadow hits the earth's surface.

The spot diameter is approximately 150-250 kilometers. The speed of its movement on the surface of the Earth is 1 km per second, which is why any one place on the planet cannot be closed for a long time.

The total phase of a solar eclipse lasts no more than 7.5 minutes, partial 1.5-2 hours.

What's the difference between them?

The main difference between a solar and a lunar eclipse is that the former is considered more external, affecting the events taking place around a person. Therefore, lunar eclipses are considered more internal, having a connection with the emotional side of a person (life problems, reflections, and so on).

In some cases, internal reflections lead to new events that have a direct connection with the external part. Arguing on a psychological level, one can come to a logical conclusion: events that are not consciously caused by a person will be brought along with the appearance of solar eclipses, and conscious events that have come into being due to our feelings and will be associated with lunar eclipses.

Moon and omens

If a solar eclipse, according to many superstitions, does not bring anything good, then the lunar eclipse carries another symbol - a new beginning.

During a lunar eclipse, it is recommended to get rid of your bad habits, since it will become much easier to do this during this period. It is believed that if you quit smoking during a lunar eclipse, you will not return to this harmful process.

Speaking of conception during a lunar eclipse, this is highly discouraged.. As the signs say, a child conceived at this time will receive all the bad qualities of his parents.

Our grandmothers also said that you can’t borrow money during a lunar eclipse. Now, of course, it is impossible to hear this without an ironic smile, but you should not be such a skeptic, because we all know how a lunar eclipse affects the human body. Some and beliefs have a certain meaning.

What to avoid during a lunar eclipse, according to ancient beliefs:

  • lend money and borrow yourself
  • get married and get married
  • dissolve the bonds of marriage
  • conduct operations
  • move to another habitat
  • buy expensive goods
  • make big deals.

Superstition and heavenly bodies

“In 15 minutes, residents of Yekaterinburg will also be able to watch the solar eclipse,” the phrase was said in the news release. But this is not only an excuse for local residents to run out into the street with tinted windows in the hope of seeing a unique process. Very often, this natural phenomenon causes anxiety or even panic in people.

Even despite the great progress in the field of astronomy, genetic memory sometimes loudly reminds of itself. Most residents experience extreme stress or fear during eclipses., therefore, it is undesirable for too impressionable citizens to start any business or make serious decisions.

Couples in love have one tradition - to offer their heart and hand during solar eclipses., they say, so romantic. At the time of the proposal, the closed Sun is shaped a bit like an engagement ring with a large diamond. It is believed that no girl is able to refuse such a romantic gesture.

If during this period you managed to twist your leg or break your heel, then this means that the path you have chosen is wrong.

A popular sign says that the year in which this phenomenon is observed will be unfavorable for the crop., and what you still manage to collect will not be stored for a long time.

But not all omens are bad. For example, if you spilled water during an eclipse or got caught in the rain, then this is considered a good sign and awaits you.

If you listen to all folk signs, then for the period of a solar eclipse you cannot:

  • travel
  • drink alcoholic beverages
  • drive a car
  • make expensive purchases
  • to make friends or just get to know
  • to risk.

For especially superstitious people, there is one solution: during a solar eclipse, they simply close all the windows, thereby blocking themselves from the “light”.

The recommendations of most astrologers are that 2 weeks before the solar eclipse, it is necessary to solve all the problems that have accumulated before this time, and complete all the work that has been started. As the interpreters of the stars note, the period of a solar eclipse is very favorable so that you can successfully say goodbye to unnecessary connections, bad habits and pieces of furniture or clothing that you are tired of.

The period is not very long - only a week after the eclipse and 2 weeks before - try not to show weakness and not succumb to temptations, control yourself (do not show aggression, greed and ambition). During this period, only kindness, generosity and nobility should radiate from you. Only in this way can you find peace in this life.

Solar and lunar eclipses are the most interesting phenomena of nature, familiar to man since ancient times. They are relatively frequent, but are not visible from all areas of the earth's surface and therefore seem rare to many.

Solar eclipses occur on new moons, when the Moon, revolving around the Earth, is between the Earth and the Sun and completely or partially obscures it. The Moon is located closer to the Earth than the Sun, almost 400 times, and at the same time, its diameter is also less than the diameter of the Sun by about 400 times. Therefore, the apparent sizes of the Moon and the Sun are almost the same, and the Moon can cover the Sun.

It would seem that solar eclipses should occur every 29.53 days, that is, every new moon (see Phases of the Moon and planets). Actually it is not.

The moon moves around the Earth from west to east, and its apparent path in the sky intersects at an angle of 5 ° with the ecliptic - the apparent path along which the apparent annual movement of the Sun takes place against the background of stars due to the revolution of the Earth around it. The points of intersection of the lunar path with the ecliptic are called the lunar nodes and are separated by 180 ° from each other. The lunar nodes are constantly shifting along the ecliptic to the west (that is, towards the movement of the moon) by 19.3 ° per year, or 1.5 ° per month. Therefore, the Moon alternately passes the lunar nodes (that is, crosses the ecliptic) every 13.6 days and in the middle of these time intervals it moves away from the ecliptic by 5 °. When new moons occur far from the lunar nodes, the Moon does not cover the Sun (Fig. 1, new moons 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14). But approximately every six months, new moons occur near the lunar nodes, and then solar eclipses occur (Fig. 1, new moons 3, 4, 5, 10, I, 12).

The spherical Moon is illuminated by the Sun, and since the linear diameter of the Moon is almost 400 times smaller than the solar diameter, the lunar shadow has the shape of a converging round cone and is surrounded by a divergent penumbra cone (Fig. 2). When the new moon occurs at a distance of no more than 11 ° from the lunar node, the lunar shadow and penumbra fall on the Earth in the form of oval spots, which run along the earth's surface from west to east at a high speed - about 1 km / s. In areas of the earth's surface that are in the lunar shadow (A in Fig. 2), a total solar eclipse is visible, that is, the Sun is completely covered by the Moon. In areas covered with penumbra (B, C in Fig. 2), a partial solar eclipse occurs: from the southern zone C of the penumbra, the closed northern (upper) part of the solar disk is visible, and from the northern zone C - its southern (lower) part. Outside the lunar penumbra, an eclipse does not occur at all. Thus, a solar eclipse is not visible on the entire surface of the Earth, but only where the shadow and penumbra of the Moon runs through.

The path of the moon's shadow across the earth's surface is called the band of a total solar eclipse. The width of this band and the duration of a total solar eclipse depend on the mutual distances of the Sun, Earth, and Moon during the eclipse. Most often, its width is from 40 to 100 km, and the duration of the total eclipse phase is 2-3 minutes. The greatest possible width of the band of a total eclipse does not exceed 270 km, the duration of a total eclipse reaches 7 min 31 s. But such eclipses are extremely rare.

If during a solar eclipse the Moon is at the greatest distance from the Earth, then the lunar disk will be slightly smaller than the sun, and the lunar shadow does not reach the Earth. Around the dark Moon, a bright ring of the uncovered surface of the Sun is visible, i.e., an annular solar eclipse will occur (Fig. 3, / 4), which can last up to 12 minutes.

On either side of the band of a total or annular eclipse, sometimes up to a distance of almost 3500 km, only a partial eclipse (B and C) is visible.

Total and annular solar eclipses begin with partial phases. The eclipse can only be observed through a dark filter (dark glass). Through the dark glass, you can clearly see how the Moon gradually obscures the Sun from its right edge. When the Moon completely covers the Sun, i.e. only during a total eclipse, twilight sets in, bright stars and planets appear in the darkened sky, and around the eclipsed Sun you can see a beautiful radiant pearl-colored glow - the solar corona. At the end of a total (or annular) eclipse, decreasing partial phases follow.

When new moons occur at a distance of 11 to 17 degrees from the lunar node, the lunar shadow passes by the Earth, and only the lunar penumbra falls on the earth's surface, and then only a partial eclipse occurs in the areas covered by it. At new moons, which occur at a distance of more than 18 ° from the lunar nodes, the shadow and penumbra of the Moon pass by the Earth and solar eclipses do not occur at all.

Since the new moons near the lunar nodes occur in about half a year (177-178 days), there are always two solar eclipses of a different type every year. Much less often, two new moons in a row, separated by a time interval of one month, can occur on both sides of the same lunar node, and then two partial eclipses will occur at each node. During the year there will be four, and in exceptional cases even five. Such an incident occurred in 1935 and will not happen again until 2206.

Most often, there are 2-3 solar eclipses per year, and one of them, as a rule, is total or annular. But since in different years the lunar shadow runs over different regions of the earth's surface, in each such region total or annular solar eclipses occur very rarely. So, in the vicinity of Moscow, a total solar eclipse was on August 19, 1887, and the next one will occur only on October 16, 2126. Partial solar eclipses are observed on average in each locality every 2-3 years.

Lunar eclipses occur when the Moon enters the Earth's shadow, which also has the shape of a round cone and is surrounded by penumbra (Fig. 4). Since the earth's shadow is directed in the direction opposite to the Sun, the Moon can pass through it only on full moons, when they come near one of the lunar nodes. If the full moon occurs at a distance of no more than 5 ° from the node, then the moon is completely immersed in the earth's shadow, and a total lunar eclipse occurs. If the full moon occurs at a distance of 5 to 11 ° from the node, then the lunar eclipse is partial, that is, the moon does not completely sink into the earth's shadow. With full moons occurring further than 11 ° from the lunar node, the Moon does not fall into the earth's shadow, but can pass through the earth's penumbra. In this case, there will be practically no weakening of the moonlight, and such an eclipse will not be noticed.

The moon gradually sinks into the earth's shadow with its left edge. During a total eclipse, the color of the moon becomes brown or dark red, since the sunlight, refracted in the earth's atmosphere, still weakly illuminates the moon with predominantly red rays, since they are least scattered and weakened by the earth's atmosphere. A total lunar eclipse can last up to 1.8 hours, and together with the previous and subsequent partial phases, up to 3.8 hours.

As a rule, every year there are 1 - 2 lunar eclipses, but there are years when there are no eclipses at all. Lunar eclipses are visible from the entire night hemisphere of the Earth, where at this time the Moon is above the horizon. For this reason, in each locality they are observed more often than solar ones, although they occur 1.5 times less often.

Back in the VI century. BC e. astronomers have found that after 6585 1/3 days, which is 18 years 11 1/3 days (or 10 1/3 days, if there were 5 leap years in this period), all eclipses repeat in the same sequence. This period of repetition of eclipses is called saros and allows you to pre-determine the days of upcoming eclipses for many years to come. During one saros there are 43 solar eclipses and 28 lunar eclipses. By adding 18 years 11 1/3 (or 10 1/3 days) to the dates of eclipses observed during one saros, we can determine the occurrence of eclipses in the future. So, the eclipse of the Sun, which took place on February 25, 1952, was repeated on March 7, 1970, then it will be observed on March 18, 1988, etc. Based on the saros, it is possible to predict the day of the eclipse, but without an exact indication of the place of visibility and the moment offensive. At present, the onset of eclipses is calculated with great accuracy on the basis of the theory of the motion of the moon.

Photo: Sebastien Decoret/Rusmediabank.ru

Modern astrologers do not view eclipses as impending disasters, although they completely underestimate their impact. And what happens at the time of eclipses has a fateful influence and can manifest itself both two or three weeks before the eclipse itself, and after. But the consequences of eclipses affecting a person's astrological chart sometimes last much longer, it happens that decades can pass.

Relatively fatalities associated with eclipses, it must be said that this inevitability is directly related both to the personal choice of a person made earlier, and the events that entailed the consequences associated with it, and to the implementation of the planned, what was chosen by us even before the incarnation. Therefore, during periods of eclipses, we need to be more attentive to what is happening around, with us, our friends and relatives. Because what happens during these periods is more significant than we can imagine at first. Projects, events and ideas and people who come to us during periods of eclipse become an important part of our lives for a long time.

However, it must be remembered that making any decisions between eclipses is NOT worth it , like not needed on eclipse days:
- start important events, transactions;
- to make decisions;
- participate in public events;
- get married;
- do shopping;
- to do operations;
- sign contracts

Planned events even during the week before the eclipse it is rarely possible to reconcile with the way they were conceived, planned, because, as a rule, they tend to take on a different scope at a much faster speed.

What is going on on the day of the eclipse practically uncontrollable. Especially during the solar, since at this time information that could be provided to us, but cannot be perceived by our consciousness objectively and completely. That is why decisions should be made no earlier than a week after the eclipse. That is, solar eclipses are dictated by external circumstances and are associated with events that occur outside of our will, as a karmic predestination. Whereas lunar eclipses on the contrary are caused by our thoughts and feelings. They point to the sphere of life where the changes associated with the solar eclipse will take place.

In the summer of 2018, three will occur, start and end the same series of eclipses 2N two partial solar and between them - one full lunar.

Saros Series 2 N

This is a difficult eclipse family, as its members bring unfortunate news regarding friendships or relationships. You will be dealing with ideas of separation or ending unions. However, while the picture may look bleak as long as the eclipse is in effect, the real results are quite positive. You will be immediately aware of what needs to be done, and quick action can bring good results. The themes of this series of eclipses are activities related to personal relationships.

1. First partial solar eclipse happen July 13 2018 in 21° Cancer at 03:02:16 UT (at 06:02:16 in Moscow). It will be possible to observe the eclipse from Tasmania, southern Australia, or eastern Antarctica. And also in the waters of the Indian Ocean (between the above parts of the world).

2. Total eclipse of the moon will take place July 27 2018 in 05° Aquarius at 20:22:24 UT (at 23:22:54 in Moscow). The duration of the eclipse is 1 hour 43 minutes. It will be possible to see the eclipse from the territory of southern and eastern Africa, the Urals, southern Russia, the Middle East, southern and central parts of Asia. At the same time, a penumbral lunar eclipse will be observed from all points of the Earth, except for North America, Kamchatka and Chukotka.

3. Last partial solar eclipse 2018 will happen 11th August in 19° Leo at 09:47:28 UT (at 12:47:28 in Moscow). The eclipse will be visible in Northeast China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, the Far East and Siberia. Also, people in the central part of Russia, Scandinavia, Greenland and northern Canada will be able to see the phenomenon.

And this article describes the meanings when the degree of the eclipse connects with the planets of the radix.

The Universe calls us to mercy, altruism and love, as well as to the knowledge of its secrets. Are you ready for this?

On this site, in the comments, you have the opportunity to ask the author, the astropsychologist Delphi, your question about a particular eclipse and where the degree of any of the eclipses falls in your horoscope, indicating:

1.Date (dd.mm.yyyy), time (local) and place your birth.

2. Place of residence and location at the time of the eclipse.

Event locations- indicate country, region, district and locality, so that I can establish the exact geographical coordinates of this place.

Moreover, no exact time of birth it is impossible to indicate the house of the natal chart, since even for 4 minutes time, the grid of houses shifts by 1 degree, and for 24 hours does full rotation around its axis.

An eclipse is usually called an astronomical situation, during which one celestial body completely blocks the light of another celestial body. The most famous are eclipses of the Moon and the Sun. Eclipses are considered interesting natural phenomena familiar to mankind since ancient times. They occur relatively often, but are not visible from every point of the earth. For this reason, eclipses seem to be a rare factor to many. As everyone knows, the planets and their satellites do not stand in one place. The earth revolves around the sun, and the moon revolves around the earth. Periodically, there are moments when the Moon completely or partially covers the Sun. So why do solar and lunar eclipses occur?

Moon eclipse

During its full phase, the moon appears copper-red, especially as it approaches the center of the shadow region. This shade is due to the fact that the rays of the sun, tangent to the surface of the earth, passing through the atmosphere, are scattered and fall into the shadow of the Earth through a thick layer of air. This is best achieved with rays of red and orange hues. Therefore, only they color the lunar disk in such a color, based on the state of the earth's atmosphere.

solar eclipse

A solar eclipse is a lunar shadow on the surface of the Earth. The diameter of the shadow spot is about two hundred kilometers, which is several times smaller than the earth. For this reason, the eclipse of the sun can only be seen in a narrow strip in the path of the moon's shadow. An eclipse of the Sun occurs when the Moon falls between the observer and the Sun, blocking it in the process.

Since the Moon on the eve of the eclipse is turned to us by the side that does not fall on the light, then on the eve of the eclipse of the Sun there is always a new moon. Simply put, the moon becomes invisible. There is an impression that the Sun is covered by a black disk.

Why do solar and lunar eclipses happen?

The phenomena of solar and lunar eclipses are well observed through. Observers have been able to achieve great achievements by confirming the effect of the gravity of large objects in space on light rays.

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