Poster for the new year of the monkey. How to make a New Year's wall newspaper? To create you need

Making a wall newspaper for the New Year with your own hands. Master class with step by step photos.

Goncharova Irina Ivanovna, educator of the highest category, KEI VO "OSK children's home", Ostrogozhsk, Voronezh region.
Description: The wall newspaper is intended for additional acquaintance with the holiday. It will be of interest to teachers (as new ideas), parents (what you can do with your children) and children (help the teacher in completing individual elements).
Purpose: as a wall decoration for the New Year holiday.
Target: performance of work using various materials, tools.
Wall newspaper is a kind of folk art. Usually dedicated to holidays or current events. Combines amateur performances in painting, poetry and the art of writing congratulatory texts. For convenience, I divided my newspaper into three thematic blocks and will show how we collected it.
New 2016 year according to the eastern calendar - the year of the Fiery Red Monkey.
The element of 2016 is fire.
You can give whatever you want, both original and practical gizmos, but the main thing is that your gift should bring pleasure and joy to relatives and friends. But you should definitely give this year's talisman - this is a figurine or a figurine of a monkey. Such a talisman of your household will protect throughout this period.
2016 is the year of the Red Fire Monkey and must be met in natural fabrics. Give preference to fiery (“tongues of flame”) or silvery tones, as they are all juicy, bright and will invariably bring happiness and good luck. The monkey is smart, restless, curious, rather eccentric, loves to shock and be the center of attention, as well as play in public. But since ancient times, it has been considered a symbol of insight, wisdom, thrift and extraordinary prudence.
The monkey loves everything shiny and sparkling, so do not spare tinsel and lights this year. But do not overdo it, she will not like bad taste either.
Choose two or three main colors that will harmoniously fit into your interior.
It is better to use Christmas balls as big and bright as possible, and it is better to leave small Christmas tree decorations until the next New Year.
Don't forget the garlands and decorative candles. This will especially please the hostess of the coming year.
DIY decorations will be to the liking of the Fire Monkey, so try to use at least one DIY decor item.
To protect yourself from negative energy, you need to hang a bell in front of the front door, which will happily welcome guests.
Be sure to use this year's symbol Monkey. You can buy Christmas decorations with her image, put a figurine of the Monkey on the table, or even make a small composition yourself, where she will be present. Improvise and do not be stingy - after all, in this way you can achieve the location of the hostess of the coming year.
1st block "Mistress of the Year - Fire Monkey".
- execute the application;
- pick up material on the recommendation of the celebration of the new year;
- develop accuracy in working with scissors, a hole punch, glue.

Materials and tools:
Monkey template (from the Internet, resized in Photoshop), hole punch, printed selection of tips on tinted paper, lace napkin; red gouache, glue, scissors, stapler, rhinestones and faux fur for decoration.

A monkey.

Cut out the monkey pattern. Let's make a skirt. We cut the openwork napkin in half, carefully cut off the openwork part and paint it over with red gouache.

We assemble and fix with a stapler.

We glue on the paper first a monkey, then a skirt. As a decoration, we will make a forelock and beads for the monkey.

Let's go through the edge of the sheet with tips with a snowflake hole punch. Glue on whatman paper.
The first block is ready.
2nd block Congratulations "Happy New Year!"
- pick up congratulations;
- to form the ability to cut out according to patterns, carefully stick;
- promote the development of fine motor skills when working with small parts;
- observe safety precautions with piercing and cutting objects.

Materials and tools:
A postcard with the image of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, a sheet of green paper, sheets of origami paper with a pattern, scissors, a simple pencil, rhinestones, a green “grass” thread, a few paper clips, an awl, curly scissors, sequins - snowflakes, double-sided tape, ready-made small wish cards.




According to the template, cut out the letters from origami paper and stick them on.

Christmas tree execution. Fold the paper in half. From the middle of the top we draw a line diagonally.

Cut out with curly scissors.

From the fold, we cut the lines obliquely, approximately at the same distance.

We unfold and bend the resulting corners. We glue the Christmas tree on whatman paper, decorate with sequins.

We cut out Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden, paste it.

Cut out bullfinches, glue. We stretch a thread from one bullfinch to another. To do this, you need to make several holes with an awl and pull the loop inside out into them. Fasten the loops on the reverse side with paper clips. Postcards - we fix congratulations along a fixed thread.

The second - a congratulatory block - is ready.
3rd block - artistic and poetic.
- to form an aesthetic perception of nature;
- introduce the poetic image of the winter season;
- educate interest in the knowledge of the surrounding reality.

Materials and tools:
A selection of poems and photos, curly scissors, a “leaflet” hole puncher, velvet red paper, green paper, a bow, a simple pencil, PVA-M glue, double-sided tape.

Photos are taken from the Internet and processed in Photoshop.
Poems about winter are created most often under the impression of nature, frozen in immobility, but not losing its charm. There are several memorable holidays in winter, so a lot of thematic lines have been written where this time of year serves as a backdrop for the development of events. One can only be surprised at the variety of poetic images in poems about winter. Poems are distinguished by the clarity of images, as a rule, a rhythmic pattern is clearly visible in them, there are no superfluous layers. They are similar to this season itself, so simple, but for all its coldness, so attractive and expected.
Spinning lightly and clumsily,
The snowflake sat on the glass.
It was snowing thick and white at night
The room is light from the snow.
A little powdery fluff flying,
And the winter sun rises.
Like every day - fuller and better,
Fuller and better New Year ...
A. Tvardovsky
Happy winter has come
With skates and sleighs
With powdered ski tracks
With a magical good fairy tale.
On a decorated Christmas tree
The lanterns swing.
May the winter be cheerful
It doesn't end anymore!
I. Chernitskaya
Has piled up,
All trees
In lace:
Snow on the pines
On the bushes
They ate in white coats.
And tangled in the branches
Stormy blizzards.
N. Goncharov
On fluffy, soft paws,
A Christmas tree is coming to our house!
Slightly resinous, tart smell,
Since childhood, everyone knows!
Will stand modestly in a corner,
Waiting with gifts guys ...
Bright light bulbs chains,
And blink and shine!
colorful toys,
And rustling serpentine,
And sweets and crackers
We'll hang it how we want!
And we stand around the crowd,
Hiding your excitement
Forgetting what it is
Made it yourself!
M. Takhistova

I will cut out the photos and stick them on whatman paper in parallel with the poems about winter.
Decorate the top right corner.

The New Year differs from other holidays in that they prepare for its arrival not only with gifts, but also with all kinds of decorations. Moreover, the most popular are those that are made by hand, and this is especially true if there are children in the house. Kids will be happy to participate in the process - because they do not yet have their own finances to buy gifts, but this does not mean that they do not want to make them. In addition to all kinds of garlands, calendars and toys, you can also make a poster for the New Year 2016. The topic of how to draw New Year's posters in stages is most relevant on the eve of the holiday.

It's time to make a choice what you can draw a poster for the New Year 2016

Before you get started, there are a few things you need to know for sure.

  1. What can be drawn? If artistic talent is fully present, then it is much easier to choose - do-it-yourself posters for the New Year will turn out to be professional, colorful, and the plot can be the most difficult. There are an incredible number of plots - the Snow Maiden or Santa Claus alone and together, as well as with kids, hares and other forest animals. Heroes can stand or be in motion - walk, ride, dance, etc. Those who do not know how to draw or are not very confident can use the tips on how to draw a poster for the New Year in stages.
  2. Now you need to determine which poster can be drawn for the New Year. The plot was chosen in the last paragraph. But how it will be decorated - with paints, pencils, felt-tip pens - you also need to think in advance. It is undesirable to use felt-tip pens, except for tracing contours, as they quickly lose color saturation, and the overall impression will be spoiled.

  1. Whatever you want to draw: a Christmas tree, a snowflake or a fabulous house - you can first conduct a couple of lessons on sheets of small format. If the drawings turn out to be successful, then how to draw a New Year's card with your own hands, you can no longer think about it.
  2. But about the paper on which the drawing will be depicted, you need to think about it. New Year's drawings on whatman paper look best - it has the right size. By the way, a do-it-yourself New Year's wall newspaper will also look fun and will delight all family members. Just like a poster, a wall newspaper for the New Year will be appropriate in kindergarten or school, and even in the office. You can use not only white, but also blue or black sheets, on which it is handy to draw in silver and white colors.
  3. And finally, start implementing the tips on how to draw a New Year's poster in stages.

Step-by-step instruction

So let's get started.

First, the composition is thought out. The sheet is conditionally divided into four parts. If a poster is drawn for the New Year, then it will immediately be clear what part of the sheet should be depicted.

Now the first contours are drawn, which are the basis.

To make a moving three-dimensional object easier and more reliable, you should help yourself with additional lines, using them as a skeleton around which the volume is created.

To draw a picture for the New Year beautifully, you need to follow the sequence of drawing details, and then the result will not make you blush.

The final touch of any do-it-yourself Happy New Year poster will be a congratulatory inscription or even a small quatrain.

With strict adherence to all instructions, there will be no particular difficulties with how to draw a poster for the New Year.

How to make a Kupavka doll How to make a heart box with your own hands, a step-by-step master class with a photo How to make an origami paper heart, video We sew New Year's socks for gifts

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All sections | Do-it-yourself wall newspapers for the new year. new year posters

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Not a single New Year's holiday is complete without a wall newspaper. New Year's wall newspaper allows you to congratulate a large number of people. Surprise with unexpected congratulations, unique design and possibly small gifts. A do-it-yourself wall newspaper for the New Year 2019 will bring pleasure to all those who will consider and read it. Many will be able to see themselves on the wall newspaper, laugh at funny stories, and get a prediction from the future.

The question of how to make posters for the New Year will be asked by everyone who will have this event.

The wall newspaper for the new year will be appropriate in the following institutions:

Public organizations;
State bodies;
Commercial organizations;
Educational establishments.

Materials and tools for creating a wall newspaper

In order to create a unique and interesting wall newspaper, you must:

Sheets of white paper;
colored paper;
Quilling paper;
Colored and satin ribbons;
Christmas decorations, Christmas tinsel;
Colored pens;
Sweets (as gifts);
Papers with predictions (if the idea of ​​​​the newspaper requires it);
Newspaper templates.

New Year's posters to school

The original New Year's poster for schoolchildren is a difficult task. Now it is hard to surprise modern children. This is due to the fact that schoolchildren are busy playing games on the computer, and spend little time on real creativity. Therefore, the creation of a wall newspaper for the new year 2019 is a fun event that can unite the whole class.

Before you carry out a wall newspaper, you need to decide on the general idea:

You can congratulate everyone with beautiful congratulations, decorating the wall newspaper with New Year's pictures;
You can congratulate specific people;
Describe interesting stories that happened to the class, supplementing them with photographs;
Describe your class. Attach photos of students and teachers. Prepare funny greetings;
Write unique poems about teachers and their merits;
Represent your class in the future. Substitute the students' heads for the templates of the figures of famous people. Such a wall newspaper will be remembered for a very long time by the whole class, and maybe the whole school.

DIY poster for kindergarten

Very often in the kindergarten, children congratulate their parents, and educators help children create a congratulatory poster for the New Year 2019 with their own hands. This poster can:
Post photos of children with beautiful rhymes;
Post photos of parents with children;
Place photos of parents in childhood next to photos of children, for comparison. It is very interesting if there are photos of parents when they were small, and children will be from children's matinees in order to keep the New Year theme;
Choose ready-made templates on the theme of the New Year from the existing list.

Wall newspaper made in an adult institution

If a poster is being prepared for a commercial organization, a government organization, or another body, it is necessary to select such templates, texts and topics so that they are of interest to an adult.

If there is a wall newspaper in the office, the wall will take on a more festive look. A voluminous poster will allow you to put a lot of information on it and make you stay near it longer.

For such a wall newspaper, you can choose a design containing:

Comic predictions for the new year;
Small gifts (can be sweet) to all those who will read the newspaper. For example: (read the New Year's rhyme, get the candy for yourself from Santa Claus's bag);
Photos of the successes of employees for the year (birth of a child, marriage, advanced training, etc.)
Beautiful nominal congratulations, decorated in a comic style;
Templates where you can substitute heads for figures cut out of magazines.
Whichever option is chosen, there is confidence that the person who will read the wall newspaper will enjoy the holiday, and if he has not yet realized that the holiday is rapidly approaching, he will understand it very quickly.
Step-by-step master - a class on creating a wall newspaper
Divide the wall newspaper into conditional blocks. This means that you need to think about where the name of the wall newspaper will be located, photos, texts, gifts, predictions and other planned information are posted;

Decide on the drawings that will fill the wall newspaper. These can be symbols of the year (note the symbol of 2019 is the Yellow Pig), images of fairy-tale characters, including Santa Claus, deer, snowmen, and so on. Photos of certain persons;
Prepare additional paraphernalia that will decorate the wall newspaper: toys, tinsel, ribbons, sparkles, predictions, sweets, three-dimensional figures, and so on;
Choose fonts, colors and ways to decorate and decorate the wall newspaper, as well as templates;
Pick up congratulatory, informative, comic, educational and other texts;
Treat the preparation of a wall newspaper with a soul, leaving a piece of happiness, joy and positive emotions on it.

The main thing in a wall newspaper is a positive start, and after the start of work, the fantasy itself will develop, and beautiful pictures, original ideas and interesting congratulations will pop up in your head. And a large number of templates will reduce the time for preparing a wall newspaper.

A bright do-it-yourself wall newspaper for the New Year 2019 (we think you have already picked up the templates) is a great gift for a large number of people, pleasant emotions and a sense of celebration.

A hand-made New Year's wall newspaper for the 2016 meeting is a great opportunity to give a good mood to your friends and loved ones on this bright holiday. Today we will hold master classes and tell you how to make a bright festive wall newspaper (poster) for a kindergarten or school using simple materials at hand. And what if you decorate the walls of your home office with funny New Year's drawings? Colleagues will definitely be delighted! So, let's get to work.

Wall newspaper for the New Year 2016: materials and tools

When designing any wall newspaper, it is important to harmoniously combine the main elements - the title, texts of congratulations and poems, drawings, notes. It is better to highlight the main words with bright catchy colors that immediately attract the attention of readers.

Before starting work, stock up:

  • paper sheet - size A1
  • drawing templates
  • pieces of flat foam - thickness up to 5 mm
  • ceramic tiles - as a work surface
  • black marker
  • scissors
  • with PVA glue
  • colored wax crayons
  • double sided tape
  • stationery knife
  • satin ribbon
  • candy wrappers

How to draw a New Year's wall newspaper for 2016 year of the Monkey - step by step instructions

  1. To begin with, we find and print templates for New Year's items and characters. On thematic sites you can always find a lot of Christmas trees, Santa Clauses, Snow Maidens and Snowmen. Of course, you can choose a color option, but the use of a black and white blank format gives scope to our imagination.

  2. Selected and printed blanks must be cut out and placed on a sheet of drawing paper. Do not forget to mark with a marker the location of individual parts.

  3. We remove the details from the sheet and make the background with blue or blue wax crayon.

  4. We place the figures on pieces of dense foam and outline the contours with a black marker. Now the parts can be removed and manually finish the internal details.

  5. Pieces of foam plastic with painted templates for the future wall newspaper should be laid out on the surface of the ceramic tile, and then carefully cut along the contour using a clerical knife. It turned out foam plastic figures of New Year's characters. We take a green wax crayon and circle the branches of the Christmas tree along the contour.
  6. Finely cut colored candy wrappers into many shiny fragments.

  7. We proceed to the "decoration" of individual details with the help of sequins from candy wrappers. To decorate the Christmas tree, apply glue to its surface (except for the green contours), and then “shower” with shiny pieces. In the same way, only from blue sequins, we “make” the details of clothes for Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden - hats, collars, mittens.

  8. We decorate the inscription "Happy New Year 2016" and other elements with colored crayons. It remains to glue the individual parts to a sheet of drawing paper with double-sided tape and that's all - the wall newspaper for the New Year 2016 is ready with your own hands. You can also use satin ribbons as a decoration for the Christmas tree.

    And here are other original photos of New Year's wall newspapers for 2016 in a kindergarten or school:

    Let's look at another master class on creating a wall newspaper for the New Year 2016 with our own hands. We will need the following materials and tools:

    • paper sheet A1 format
    • gouache or watercolors
    • PVA glue
    • tassel
    • colored paper
    • Toothbrush

    How to make a wall newspaper for the New Year 2016 with your own hands: step by step instructions

    Before starting work, you need to create a layout of the future wall newspaper. To do this, we take a regular sheet of paper and mark a title, illustrations, notes on its surface. Such preliminary preparation will allow you to assess the compliance of all elements in size and location. After all, it will be a shame if the title written in the final version turns out to be too large, and the notes are very small and invisible against the general background.

    1. We apply a tone on a sheet of drawing paper in the form of stains, waves, snowflakes or small dots. The main thing is that the base should not "hurt the eye" and be kept in calm shades - blue, blue, yellow. You can leave margins 2 cm wide around the edges of the sheet.
    2. We make the markup of the main elements of the New Year's wall newspaper - the place of the title, inscriptions, drawings. For example, the location of the title can be done in different ways: above the text, on the side, diagonally, obliquely.

    3. Drawings for the New Year's wall newspaper for 2016 can be done by yourself using watercolors or gouache. Applications from New Year's coloring pages, cut out and pasted on a wall newspaper, look original. It remains to beautifully paint in "Christmas" colors.

    4. Colored paper details can be easily made unusual and festive. We take a dry brush, dip it in gouache and “poke” paint on paper. For the same purpose, you can use a toothbrush.

    5. In the wall newspaper for the New Year 2016 we post interesting notes about the holiday - the names of Santa Claus in different countries, the history of the origin of the New Year and Christmas trees, poems. The result is this cute creation:

    How to make a poster for the New Year 2016 with your own hands: a step-by-step master class

    A New Year's poster is a great opportunity to cheer up with a dose of good humor. What can be placed on the poster? Drawings, applications, friendly cartoons, funny notes and photos. And, of course, the symbol of 2016 is the cheerful Monkey!

    Necessary materials for work:

    • paper sheet
    • paints - watercolor or gouache
    • colored pencils or markers
    • ruler
    • scissors
    • photo - schoolchildren or employees at work
    • New Year's magazine clippings

    Posters for the New Year 2016 - step by step instructions

    1. We place all the elements of the poster on a sheet of drawing paper, and then glue it.
    2. We make signatures, comments, notes for each image. New Year's poems of your own composition will be the "highlight" of your holiday poster.
    3. We paint the sheet with bright colors. However, do not forget about the observance of color harmony - catchy "flashy" shades may look too harsh in the overall composition.

    How to make a New Year's poster - 2016 with your own hands, video

    Creating a wall newspaper or a poster for the New Year 2016 is not difficult - just stock up on the simplest materials and tools. Beads, rhinestones, shiny paper, satin ribbons and sequins will be great decor elements. A little imagination - and the New Year's surprise is ready!

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