I cut off the letter to the literary hero from the story. Composition "Letter to a literary hero" (Letter to Pinocchio)

Tarasova Lada

One of the types of creative work in literature is writing a letter to some literary hero. This type of work allows you to combine work on the development of speech with the development of creative thinking of students. The essay "Letter to a literary hero" (Letter to Pinocchio) was written by Tarasova Lada, a student of grade 7, for the All-Russian essay competition.



Hello, resilient Pinocchio!

My name is Lada, I am 13 years old. I have known you for a long time, however, in absentia: at the age of six, my mother read me a fairy tale by A.N. Tolstoy "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio". How I laughed at your funny pranks.

Time has passed. Recently I came across a book with your adventures, and I decided to re-read it. It seemed to me that your tricks would cause me the same cheerful laugh. But it turned out that not all of your actions I accepted and appreciated positively. Maybe that's why I wanted to write you a letter.

Pinocchio, remember how you were made from an ordinary log, from which stoves and fireplaces are heated in the winter, Papa Carlo. You immediately began to play pranks, but dad Carlo, despite your pranks, fell in love with you and decided to raise you as his own. Having sold his warm jacket, he bought you an ABC book and sent it to school. Papa Carlo dreamed that a “smart, prudent boy” would grow out of his little son.

And how did you do it, Pinocchio? I think it's very bad. You deceived Papa Carlo: instead of going to school, you went to a puppet show. Your thoughts at that time were "small, trifling." When you acted rashly, you didn't think about Papa Carlo.

From that moment on, you begin to commit the most absurd stupidities, mistakes that made me anxious for you. Trusting, curious, open, you acted imprudently. Trusting Fox Alice (this cunning cheat) and Cat Basilio (pretender), he allowed himself to be fooled. They tried to trick you into taking five gold coins from you.

You trusted the "evil forces": the terrible Karabas-Barabas, who treated his actors cruelly, Duremar, the cunning, greedy licker and deceiver. You did not pay attention to the words of those who wished to warn you against wrong deeds: you did not listen to the bird Splyushka warning of danger, the talking cricket, who advised you to take up your mind, argued with Malvina, who saved you from death when you hung upside down on a tree.

Pinocchio! You were ready to be rude to the wise and ancient turtle Tortilla, the inhabitant of the pond, but she opened your eyes to who you really are. "You are a brainless, gullible boy with short thoughts," the turtle said in a calm voice. At the moment it was a fair description of your actions. Turtle Tortilla told you the truth about "friends" Alice and Basilio.

The old turtle did the right thing for you. She understood that you are still small, you do not know life, but you have a good heart. No wonder Tortilla gave you the Golden Key. She believed that you would be able to unravel his secret and help those in need.

After this meeting, Pinocchio changed in you: the eccentric boy stepped aside. You directed your mischief and courage to a useful and necessary thing. Previously, you did not notice those who wanted to help you. Not immediately, of course, but gradually I realized how important it is to have friends and what happiness it is to save them from certain death. “We need to save a comrade - that's all,” you said.

So step by step, Pinocchio, you became more tolerant, kinder, while remaining as cheerful and agile. I was happy for you. You justified the hopes of the wise Tortilla. After long adventures, you made friends in the person of puppet actors, whom you managed to free from the hands of Karabas-Barabas. In order for good to win, you made mistakes, committed absurd stupidities, but were purposeful and active.

Pinocchio, thanks to your adventures, I realized that good always wins, and evil is left with nothing, and that cunning and flatterers are bad friends.

It's good that the fairy tale with your adventures has led you and your friends to the cherished door, behind which you will not grieve Papa Carlo (I hope so).

See you soon, Pinocchio!

Ipatova Irina, 4 B class , gymnasium №196

Letter to your favorite book character

My favorite book is Carlson Who Lives on the Roof, and my favorite character is Carlson himself. He is funny, funny, funny, and most importantly a good friend. Carlson has a propeller on his back, and a button on his stomach, thanks to which he takes off. Carlson loves to eat jam, cakes and sweets. These are his favorite treats. He also likes to play pranks a little and fly over the city, and walk on the roofs.

Previously, he had no friends, but Carlson made friends with one boy. Everyone called him the Kid. He was loyal and a good friend. They flew together and scared the crooks, as Carlson called them. Carlson has a small house that one could not notice. And hitting him, all the chimney sweeps stumbled.

Carlson, you are my favorite hero! I wish you good luck with your other books.

Sakharova Maria, 4 B class, gymnasium No. 196

Letter to your favorite book character

They are interesting, funny and educational. From them I learned that you are very brave and kind. How could you not be afraid to fight Oorfene Deuce and his wooden soldiers! You have very good friends: the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, the Cowardly Lion and your beloved dog Totoshka. They are loyal and the best, because they helped to cope with all the difficulties on the yellow brick road. I would love to have such unusual friends!

I think you are very lucky that you ended up in a magical land and made new friends! Looking forward to more stories about your adventures!

Alena Bondareva, 9 years old, Tsarskoye Selo Gymnasium of Arts named after A.A. Akhmatova

Hello Harry! My name is Alena. I'm nine years old. I go to school.

I have read Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone many times.

You must have been afraid, but I doubt it. When I read the book, it was very scary. When I read it to the end, I thought you looked like me.

I get scolded a lot, just like you. I, too, do not succeed and have enemies, like you have Malfoy. And my enemy is Lesha. He is also from my school. He, like Malfoy, has bodyguards - two Wan.

But I have best friends: Eva and Andrey. We also had many adventures, just like you. Goodbye, Harry!

Nemykina Maria, 9 years old, Tsarskoye Selo Gymnasium of Arts named after A.A. Akhmatova

Hello princess! I really like the fairy tale "About the dead princess and the seven heroes", which was written by A.S. Pushkin. I have read it many times. Most of all I like the beginning of the story. There is a lot of interesting and informative in the fairy tale. You are my favorite heroine - kind, modest and shy. You and I are similar in character .. Together with you, I lived through all the difficult cases and learned a lot. Goodbye Maria

Svyatoslav Ivanov, 2 "B" class, gymnasium 330

Hey Carlson! You are very funny and kind. I dream that you come to visit me. I will treat you to jam. I really want to play with you. I will give you a gift and you will fly away to your fairyland. Goodbye! Glory.

Boris Egorov, 2 "B" class, gymnasium 330

Hello dear Gulliver! My name is Borya. I am eight years old, I am in the second grade. I really enjoy your adventures. I read them when I was six years old. I often imagined that I was traveling to different countries. I have a lot of LEGO toy people. And I played Lilliput. Only my little men did not quarrel. And I was also very worried about you when you were in Brobdingnag. It must have been very scary to fight wasps and be the toy of the giants.

Dear Gulliver, take me with you on a new journey. Goodbye, Borya.

Andrey Pantyushin, 2 "B" class, gymnasium 330

Hello Johnny Sparrow! My name is Andrew. I am in the second grade. I met you and Jenifyr Kotes three years ago by reading the book "Pirates of the Cat Sea - Boarding!" The story about seafarers and treasure hunters captivated me. I learned a lot of sea signs and legends. Johnny, I liked you because you are kind, brave and brave. I look forward to the fourth book of your adventures. Goodbye, Andrey!

Karina Bogdanova, 2 "B" class, gymnasium 330

Hello Ellie! Karina, a student of the 2nd "b" class, is writing to you. In the summer I read a book about your adventures. I would like to ask you, did you go back to the tin woodcutter, Scarecrow and others? If so, I would really like to know how they are doing, what is new with them, will they have new friends, has anything happened to them? How do you think? I would like a friend like you. It is a pity that you live in a fairy tale. Karina.

Grodzinsky Sasha, 3rd grade, )

Letter to your favorite book character

Hello Deniska!

The summer holidays are over and the new school year has begun. How many interesting and funny things happened during the summer holidays - just like in the book that my grandfather once gave me to read. This book was called "Red Ball in the Blue Sky" and was written by Viktor Dragunsky. Grandfather said that my dad read this book when he was the same age as I am now. Therefore, it was even more interesting to read.

On the pages of stories about a boy. whose name was Deniska Korablev, and his faithful friend Mishka, I met you. I really enjoyed reading about your high school life and fun adventures. I often laughed when I read about your adventures with Mishka, and I really wanted to be your friend. I could take part in concerts with you, go to New Year's holidays, sing songs about Vasya's dad, who is strong in mathematics, and sit with a firefly in a box. because it is alive and glowing.

I have re-read the stories that I liked the most. After all, it was very interesting to read, because we are the same age, and similar cases happen to us. Therefore, I consider you, Deniska Korablev, my best book hero, and whenever I want to meet you, I just open the book and read the stories I love.

Novgorodsky Ivan, 3rd grade, GUVK "Secondary school No. 53 - multidisciplinary lyceum" (Ukraine )

Letter to your favorite book character

Hello Deniska Korablev!

Vanya, a 3rd grade student from Novgorod, is writing to you. I learned about you for the first time when I was still very young, when my mother read Viktor Dragunsky's book "Deniska's Stories" to me. Most of all in the book I liked the story about semolina, how you threw it out the window and hit your uncle on the hat, and told your mother that you ate it. After that, I do not deceive my mother, because I know: the secret becomes clear.

A little later on TV I saw a movie about you and your best friend Mishka. What I liked the most was how you traded a new car and a firefly. Then I realized that you are a kind boy, not greedy and love wildlife. Watching the film, I dreamed of getting into your yard, building a rocket with your friends, riding a motor bike, going to a circus for a performance, and inventing a costume for a carnival. Even my mother, when I go to visit, tells me with the words from the film: "Vanya, do not disgrace the name !!!"

How did you feel about your toys? After all, I also have a favorite bear, whom I consider a friend from childhood. I really want many boys and girls to read stories about you, Deniska, and they all fall in love and make friends with you just like me.

Khrenova Lisa, 4b grade, GBOU school No. 530 with in-depth study of the natural and mathematical cycle

Letter to your favorite book character

Hello dear Winnie the Pooh!

I had the opportunity to write you a letter. I live in the 21st century, nowadays every apartment has a computer and the Internet. It's very convenient and great. You can learn a lot of interesting things. Here, for example: if you want to lose weight, then you type any diet in Yandex and follow the advice. You don't know about the mobile phone yet. I don't know how people used to live without it?! After all, I can connect with friends, with people close to me, wherever I am! I wish we could move magical objects into your fairy tale, then we could communicate via Skype and write emails.

Goodbye! Sincerely, Lisa.

Kozhemyakina Katya, 4b grade, GBOU school No. 530 with in-depth study of subjects in the natural and mathematical cycle

Letter to your favorite book character

Every child knows my favorite fairy tale character.

Hello Harry Potter!

I dream that one day I will receive an invitation to the school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I know that only the chosen ones can get there.

I like that they teach to do good and help people. We are also taught in school good and good deeds.

I'll be waiting for your answer!

Andrey Masterskikh, 4b grade, GBOU school No. 530 with in-depth study of natural and mathematical subjects

Hello Mishka!

Andrey Mastersky is writing you from the city of Pushkin. I am interested in reading stories about your adventures, authored by Victor Dragunsky. Most of all I like the stories: "Mishkin's porridge", "Phone", "Friend", "Knock-knock-knock". You are brave, funny, resourceful. I would love to have a friend like you and play together. I would be very happy if you came to visit us. We have a beautiful city. There are parks where you can walk, bike, and in winter you can ski. We have a lot of fun. Come. Will wait.

Ganiev Denis , 3 cells ass, Borovsk secondary school (Republic of Belarus)

Letter to your favorite book character

L. Lagin "Old Man Hottabych". Together with Volka Kostylkov, I made friends with an unusual old man - a genie. His name was Old Man Hottabych. The old man was very funny. He always wanted to give palaces and treasures. The genie did not understand that ordinary boys do not need this.

I am 13 years old, like Volka. I would ask the old man for a long life for my grandfather. He is my beekeeper. The bees, like trained ones, listen and understand their grandfather. They don't even bite him. For my mother, I would ask for an easy job. She is a police officer. Mom often stays late at work and comes tired. I feel sorry for her. And let old Hottabych give dad a new car. On it, we would often go to my grandfather. For myself, I would ask a brother or sister. And let Hottabych give a puppy to my old dog Naida. She has no puppies of her own. That is why she is sad.

No treasure can replace loved ones, family! Hottabych, let everyone be fine!

Zagorets Alina, 5-A class, GUVK "Secondary school No. 53 - multidisciplinary lyceum" (Ukraine)

Letter to your favorite book character

Hello Dunno!

I have started a new school year. Lessons, textbooks, homework began. And then I remembered about you, about my favorite literary hero! After all, you also mastered the sciences of being a musician, being an artist, you wanted to learn how to compose poetry, you even wanted to become a mechanic! And you didn’t always succeed, let’s be honest, you didn’t succeed at all.

So here I am, I moved to the 5th grade and thought that everything was going well with my studies. But no, new obstacles and difficulties await me on the way. But it's okay, I'm not discouraged, I'm used to overcoming new obstacles. So even more interesting. What do you wish, my dear Dunno! Try, try, go ahead, and if it doesn't work, start again. And you will definitely learn to play the balalaika, the violin, and the trumpet. I only ask you very much: be patient and hardworking.

I think you'll succeed. Say hello to all the shorties from the Flower City! Goodbye.

Your reader Alina Zagorets.

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school with. Olshanka

Chernyansky district of the Belgorod region

Letter to your favorite literary hero

(methodological development of the Russian language lesson)

Prepared by:

teacher of Russian language and literature

Letter to your favorite literary hero

Goals: to revive the epistolary genre of students' creative works;

ensure the development and improvement of the culture of speech and the culture of feelings;

to focus students' attention on the values ​​of their native language.

I . Speech workout.

And the sheet in the envelope is clean,

There are no letters or lines on it,

The smell of autumn leaves -

A fallen leaf from a tree.

Only your address and name

I'll write on the envelope

I'll find the blue box

I'll drop my sheet.

You will receive my letter

And suddenly you will be delighted:

Living in the world is much better

If a friend remembered a friend.

(Y. Akim)

Read the poem to yourself.

What is the main idea of ​​this poem?

Read the poem, highlighting intonational pauses and words that are logically stressed.

Board writing:

    “Epistole” - “message”, translated from Latin. The “epistolary” genre is one of the lyrical genres in the form of a letter addressed to a friend, beloved in prose and poetry.

This is an excerpt from a personal letter:
“I can't write letters. Why are they written at all? Perhaps, keeping them, you can see that over time, the views and handwriting change, and it even begins to seem that the person who wrote them has also changed. Evolution in letters could be useful for observations by Darwin, who, if he wished, would have seen the extinction of atavisms in words and deeds. Life experience is the accumulation of atavisms and their gradual loss. Controversial?

II . Work on the topic.

1. Introductory speech of the teacher

– Our lesson will be devoted to the ancient, noble, but, unfortunately, lost by us art – the ability to write letters.
A modern young man is not shy to say: “I don’t know how to write letters, I’d rather call you by phone, send SMS…”
It would never occur to him that admitting this is almost as indecent as if he had simply announced: “You know, I won’t be able to read this - I didn’t overcome the letters?”
It's a fact, you can't get away from it. The art of writing letters has been lost. Greeting cards also began to be written much less. And if on one of the pre-holiday days you look at these colored postcards at the post office, you can be amazed at the squalor of the texts of traditional congratulations to friends, relatives, and loved ones.
But once our compatriots knew how and loved to write. Then they didn’t have a postcard to print on it hastily ... and happiness in their personal lives! Then they carefully chose the words, respecting themselves and the correspondent, whitewashed the draft so that the search for a word that expressed pain and joy would remain the secret of the writer, and the reader would perceive what was found - the only thing.
It is good that many literary works have preserved examples of this art and the writing process itself. Let's remember them. (Answers from students: "Eugene Onegin", Pushkin, "War and Peace" by Tolstoy, "Garnet Bracelet" by Kuprin, "Crime and Punishment", "Poor People" by Dostoevsky.)
Now much is said about the need to revive lost cultural traditions, voices are heard about the importance and significance of the epistolary genre. And I would like to call our lesson like this: "Learn to write letters!" I urge you to be partners in the revival of the art of epistolary writing.
Why do you think it is so important to be able to write letters? Why did people invent writing at all?
Work with the epigraph written on the board.
This is an excerpt from a personal letter:
I can't write letters. Why are they written at all? Perhaps, keeping them, you can see that over time, the views and handwriting change, and it even begins to seem that the person who wrote them has also changed. Evolution in letters could be useful for observations by Darwin, who, if he wished, would have seen the extinction of atavisms in words and deeds. Life experience is the accumulation of atavisms and their gradual loss. Controversial?
What is controversial in this statement?
How does the author feel about letters?
What lines from his passage convince you that letters are very important?
Letters really shorten distances, make it possible to bring a dear, dear person closer at least for a few minutes. They make it possible for a meaningful, mutually enriching dialogue to take place: to some extent, they form a person's character, in any case, polish it. After all, in a letter, as in a diary. A person concentrates, sort of systematizes and “sums up” himself, cognizes himself, explains himself to another.
The epistolary syllable, of course, has always been an indicator of the culture and self-consciousness of a person.

2. Understanding the concept of "Epistolary genre"

Recall what you know about the epistolary genre.

What types of letters do you know?

What are the main parts of a letter?

What speech formulas are appropriate to use in the beginning. the main body, the end of the letter?

How to get the correct address?

What are the rules to follow when writing a letter to a friend?

3. Work on editing the text of the letter.

Hello S.
I am writing to you from home on February 24 this year. So I decided to write to you.
We have everything as always. And how are you?
Soon we will have a review of amateur performances. In the last winter holidays, we went to the Kremlin for a Christmas tree. I really enjoyed the New Year's performance there.
Okay, I'm done writing to you. There is nothing more to write.

Bye then.

– Does the text of this letter meet the requirements for statements of the epistolary genre? Let's go back to the previous lessons. What compositional parts are missing? (There is no main part in which the addressee would tell in detail about his life, there are no questions to the interlocutor, the etiquette form of the end of the letter is not observed.)
– What tasks of the epistolary genre have not been fulfilled? (No extension, no desire to be an interesting conversationalist.)
- Correct the text, edit the main part, come up with options for the final phrases.

In what literary works are such letters and notes found? Who wrote them?

Text No. 1



(A. Milne. Winnie - Pooh and everything - everything - everything; Christopher Robin)

Text No. 2

My dad and mom!

I live well. Just wonderful. I have my own house. He is warm.

It has one room and a kitchen. And recently we found a treasure and bought a cow. And the tractor tr - tr Mitya. The tractor is good, but he does not like gasoline, but loves soup.

(E. Uspensky. Uncle Fedor, dog and cat; Uncle Fedor)

Text No. 3

Place a pole katlet three packages of malac and one fork on white. sq. about new Gor., And then your baby wakes up square.

(E. Uspensky. Kolobok is on the trail; Vasya)

Text No. 4

In the ministry. The teacher torments me for every ashupka steves a couple. Prashu has taken the measure and asvabadit me for my health and education, thank you. Khachu paluchit pension. Thank you again for this and hello.

(L. Davydychev; I. Semenov)

Text #5

Dear Mom!

I am so glad that you will come soon and take me to 1st grade by yourself.

Come soon.

Your daughter.

(I. Tokmakova. Alya, Klyaksich and the letter "A"; Alya)

What etiquette features are violated in these letters, and which ones are observed?

Today we will try to write a letter to a literary hero. Of course, you choose this hero yourself, because you must be well acquainted with his biography and his actions.

Before writing a letter, think about how you feel about him, what you want to tell him, what to tell him about.

Now I will introduce you to a letter from your peer, which he wrote to the heroes of the film "Midshipmen, forward!"

Hello midshipmen!

For a long time I did not dare to write you a letter, although I had long wanted to do so. Maybe you want to know what a boy living in the 90s thinks of youXXcentury.

I just recently found out about you, but I would very much like to make friends with you, Alyosha Korsak, and with you, Sasha Belov, and with you, Nikita Olenev.

How I envy you, cadets of the navigation school, because you know how to fence, on a horse, and shoot a pistol! It is on your skill, courage, nobility that the fate of Russia depends, the fate of many people - Anastasia Yaguzhinskaya, Chancellor Bestuzhev, Sofya Zotova, Vasily Lyadashchev.

Yes, you have had to fight with enemies more than once: the bayonet junker Kotov, the cavalier de Brilly, the life surgeon Lestok and many others. And luck always accompanied you, because you came out victorious from all difficult, confusing situations.

What I still envy is your friendship. I thought about it a lot and realized that I was wrong, because I almost lost my best friends. Now we are always together, like you midshipmen.

Thank you for that.

Sincerely -

student of the 7th "b" class Vyacheslav Komarov.

Is the letter written correctly?

Why did the boy turn to the heroes of a literary work?

Are there three main parts in the letter?

What speech turns named in the table did Vyacheslav Komarov use?

Now let's write our letter to the literary hero.

Do you know which of the literary heroes lived at:

London, Baker Street, 221b? (Sherlock Holmes)

It is interesting that in London, on Baker Street, at house number 000b, a memorial plaque is fixed, on which it is written that "from 1881 to 1903 the private detective Sherlock Holmes lived and worked here." There is still a museum of the famous detective here. Almost every day, letters from readers arrive at this address, but they do not disappear in the trash or disappear in the mail. Each such letter is answered by a special secretary, whose duties include working with the correspondence of Sherlock Holmes. True, you can receive a letter with the following content:

“With all due respect to you, sir, we are no longer able to deliver your letter to Mr. Holmes ....” or “We believe, sir, that you should find out: Mr. Holmes is no longer among us ...”

But still try to write a letter to the great detective.

How do you write an address? How do you contact him? Remember how it is done in England. What will you write about? What would you like to say or ask? How will you end your letter?

Reading and reviewing 1-2 letters.

III. Homework assignment.

Write a letter to one of the literary characters with different goals:

A) whose actions you condemn;

b) whom you want to invite to visit;

C) who would you like to contact with a request;

D) other options.

Letter to a literary hero

I cannot but express to you, Vera Nikolaevna, my indignation. It may be cruel of me, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I want you to know it, no matter the pain it may cause you.

You are a cruel woman who did not want to understand the feelings of the person who idolized you. He loved with a sublime, pure, platonic love, he bowed before you. After all, perhaps this love would illuminate your life path, you were waiting for just such a love.

After all, you wanted to be loved, would you not deny that sometimes you were visited by crazy thoughts about the possibility of responding to this unearthly love? But what kept you? Decency? Loyalty to your husband? Family condemnation? No, fear! Yes, yes, it is fear. You were mortally afraid to change your way of life, your favorite monotony. And what have you achieved? You killed this love, you killed your admirer. It's like pulling the trigger yourself.

Of course, you repented and now quite often think about how your life would have turned out if you had answered his noble love. But now it is too late, there is no way back, and you will ask yourself this question all your life, and his death will lie on your conscience. Maybe I'm wrong. I have no right to condemn you, but still I condemn you for the fact that you missed your only chance in life - to be loved. But you have made your choice.


For the preparation of this work, materials from the site http://ilib.ru/

Nomination "Letter to my favorite literary hero"

Letter to Yushka from A.P. Platonov's story "Yushka"

Hello Yushka!

An unfamiliar girl is writing to you from the distant village of Orekhovo, Kursk region, Kastorensky district.

My name is Dasha. I am an ordinary girl. I live with my mom and dad. I have a very good friendly family.

I study in the 7th grade. There are 14 people in our class. Not only Russian girls and boys study in the class, but also students of Turkish nationality. We are all very friendly with each other. Sometimes, however, we can quarrel, but very quickly we forget about our grievances. Together we solve all our problems, work together on a difficult task, together we take part in the labor landing. Basically, we do everything together.

I met you, Yushka, quite recently, when I read A.P. Platonov’s story “Yushka”. This story touched me to the core. I could not even imagine that there could be so much evil in the world. I, Yushka, feel very sorry for you. I'm ashamed of those kids who offended you. Probably, their parents did not explain to them that elders should be treated with respect. You, Yushka, forgive them. They will grow up and realize that they were not quite right. But, okay… children. What about adults? The adults just blew me away. I have never in my life seen one adult treat another so shamelessly. They probably have a lot of their own problems that they cannot solve, and therefore they take out all the evil that has accumulated in their souls on you. Forgive them too. They do this not from evil, but from worldly hopelessness.

Dear Yushka! I'm proud of you! I am proud that you carry the proud name of a man high. You have not lost the best human qualities, such as kindness, generosity, modesty, the desire to help a person at any second. After all, not everyone is able to sacrifice themselves for the sake of another person. And you are capable! By sacrificing yourself, you helped an orphan girl survive, get an education, and showed by your example how to treat people. She, like you, loved people, treated them. She never left the village where you lived. Your country has become her home.

Yushka! You are very similar to one person that I read about recently. This is a doctor - Fedor Petrovich Gaaz. It was a German by nationality. But most of his life he lived in Russia. He was a doctor and carried this title highly. He never thought about himself, but only about others. He helped the poor, humiliated and offended prisoners. He never charged anyone for his work. He, like you, raised someone else's child, only a boy. And when Haaz died, ordinary poor people erected a monument on his grave and wrote on it: "Hurry to do good before it's too late ...".

I would like these words to become the motto of every person. Even if not everyone, then the majority. Moreover, the world is now so alarming. People! Let's do more good deeds. Let's be patient with each other. May your smiles brighten.

And you, Yushka, forgive us. Forgive our heartlessness, heartlessness, rudeness. Sorry! I ask your forgiveness on behalf of our entire generation.

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