Pixel art face. Programs for creating pixel art

Pixel graphics (hereinafter referred to as simply pixel art) are becoming more and more prominent these days, especially through indie games. This is understandable, because this way artists can fill the game with a great variety of characters and not spend hundreds of hours modeling three-dimensional objects and hand-drawing complex objects. If you want to learn pixel art, then the first thing you will have to do is learn how to draw the so-called “sprites”. Then, when the sprites no longer scare you, you can move on to animation and even selling your work!


Part 1

Collecting everything you need

    Download good graphic editors. You can, of course, create masterpieces in Paint, but it is difficult and not very convenient. It would be better to work in something like:

    • photoshop
    • paint.net
    • Pixen
  1. Buy a graphics tablet. If you do not like to draw with a mouse, then a tablet and a stylus are what you need. Tablets from Wacom, by the way, are the most popular.

    Enable "grid" in your graphics editor. Actually, if your graphics editor does not support grid display, then you should think about finding another program. The grid will allow you to clearly see where and how each individual pixel will be located. As a rule, the rosary is turned on through the “View” menu.

    • You may need to tweak the display settings a bit to get each segment of the grid to actually display a pixel. Each program does this differently, so look for appropriate tips.
  2. Draw with a pencil with a brush size of 1 pixel. Any graphics editor should have a Pencil tool. Select it, set the brush size to 1 pixel. Now you can paint... pixelated.

    Part 2

    Practicing the basics
    1. Create a new image. Since you are learning to draw in the style of pixel art, you should not aim at epic canvases. If you remember, in Super Mario Bros. the entire screen was 256 x 224 pixels, and Mario himself fit into a space of 12 x 16 pixels!

      Zoom in. Yes, otherwise you just can't see the individual pixels. Yes, you will have to increase it very much. Let's say 800% is quite normal.

      Learn to draw straight lines. It seems to be simple, but if you suddenly draw a line 2 pixels thick somewhere in the middle with a trembling hand, then the difference will hit your eyes. Draw straight lines until you have to activate the straight line drawing tool. You must learn how to draw straight lines by hand!

      Learn to draw curved lines. In a curved line, there should be, let's say, uniform “line breaks” (which is clearly visible in the figure a little higher). Let's say, starting to draw a curved line, draw a line of 6 pixels, below it - a line of three, below it - a line of two, and below it - from one pixel. On the other side, draw the same thing (mirrored, of course). It is this progression that is considered optimal. Curves drawn in a “3-1-3-1-3-1-3” pattern do not meet pixel art standards.

      Don't forget to erase the mistakes. The “Eraser” tool must be set up similarly to a pencil, making the brush size equal to 1 pixel. The larger the eraser, the more difficult it is not to erase the excess, so everything is logical.

    Part 3

    Creating the first sprite

      Think about what purpose the sprite will serve. Will it be static? Animated? A static sprite can be saturated with details to overflowing, but it is better to make an animated one simpler, so that later you don’t spend hours redrawing all the details on all frames of the animation. By the way, if your sprite is supposed to be used with others, then they should all be drawn in the same style.

      Find out if there are any special requirements for the sprite. If you're writing for, say, a project, it's reasonable to expect color or file size requirements. However, this will become more important a little later, when you start working on large projects with many different sprites.

      • Objectively speaking, these days, requirements for the size or palette of sprites are rarely put forward. However, if you are drawing graphics for a game that will be played on older gaming systems, then you will have to take into account all the limitations.
    1. Make a sketch. A sketch on paper is the basis of any sprite, since this way you will be able to understand how everything will look and, if necessary, you can correct something in advance. In addition, you can also trace over a paper sketch (if you still have a tablet).

      • Don't skimp on sketch details! Draw whatever you want to see in the final drawing.
    2. Transfer the sketch to the graphics editor. You can trace a paper sketch on a tablet, you can redraw everything by hand, pixel by pixel - it doesn't matter, the choice is yours..

      • When tracing the sketch, use 100% black as the outline color. If anything, you will manually change it later, but for now it will be easier for you to work with black.
    3. Refine the outline of the sketch. In this context, you can, of course, say otherwise - erase everything superfluous. What is the point - the outline should be 1 pixel thick. Accordingly, zoom in and erase, erase the excess ... or fill in the missing with a pencil.

      • When working on a sketch, do not get distracted by the details - their turn will come.

    Part 4

    Coloring the sprite
    1. Brush up on color theory. Look at the palette to see what colors to use. Everything is simple there: the farther the colors are from each other, the more they are not similar to each other; the closer the colors are to each other, the more similar they are and the better they look next to each other.

      • Choose colors that will make your sprite both beautiful and not irritating. And yes, pastels should be avoided (unless your entire project is done in this style).
    2. Choose multiple colors. The more colors you use, the more "distracting" your sprite will be, so to speak. Look at the pixel art classics and try to count how many colors are used there.

      • Mario - only three colors (if we are talking about the classic version), and even those are located on the palette almost close to each other.
      • Sonic - even though Sonic is drawn with more details than Mario, it is still based on only 4 colors (and shadows).
      • Ryu is almost a classic sprite, as they are understood in fighting games, Ryu is large areas painted in simple colors, plus a little shadow for demarcation. Ryu, however, is a little more complicated than Sonic - there are already five colors and shadows.
    3. Color the sprite. Colorize your sprite with the Fill tool and don't worry about everything looking flat and lifeless - nothing else is expected at this stage. The principle of the “Fill” tool is simple - it will fill with the color you choose all the pixels of the color you clicked on until it reaches the borders.

    Part 5

    Adding Shadows

      Decide on a light source. The bottom line: you need to decide at what angle the light will fall on the sprite. With that in mind, you can make realistic looking shadows. Yes, there will literally be no “light”, the point is to imagine how it will fall on the drawing.

      • The simplest solution is to assume that the light source is very high above the sprite, slightly to the left or right of it.
    1. Start applying shadows using colors that are slightly darker than the base ones. If the light comes from above, where will the shadow be? That's right, where direct light does not fall. Accordingly, to add a shadow, simply add a few more layers to the sprite with pixels of the appropriate color above or below the outline.

      • If you reduce the "Contrast" setting of the base color by slightly increasing the "Brightness" setting, you can get a good color for rendering the shadow.
      • Don't use gradients. Gradients are evil. Gradients look cheap, hacky, and unprofessional. An effect similar to the effect of gradients is achieved using the thinning technique (see below).
    2. Don't forget the penumbra. Choose a color between the base color and the shadow color. Use it to create another layer - but already between the layers of these two colors. You will get the effect of transition from a dark area to a light one.

      Draw highlights. A highlight is the place on a sprite where the most light falls. You can draw a highlight if you take a color that is slightly lighter than the base one. The main thing is not to get carried away with glare, it is distracting.

    Part 6

    Using advanced drawing techniques

      Use thinning. This technique can convey a change in the shadow. With thinning, you can recreate a gradient effect with just a few colors by repositioning pixels to create a transition effect. The number and position of pixels of two different colors will trick the eye into seeing different shadows.

      • Beginners often abuse thinning, don't be like them.
    1. Do not forget about anti-aliasing (elimination of contour irregularities). Yes, the calling card of pixel art is the visible “pixelation” of the image. However, sometimes you want the lines to look a little less visible, a little smoother. This is where anti-aliasing comes in.

      • Add intermediate colors to the bends of the curve. Draw one layer of intermediate color around the outline of the curve you want to smooth out. If it still looks angular, add another layer, this time lighter.
      • If you want the sprite to not blend into the background, don't use anti-aliasing on the outer edge of the sprite on the outside.
    2. Learn how to use selective rendering. What is the point: the outline is drawn with a color similar to those used for filling. It turns out a less “cartoonish” image, and it is precisely due to a more realistic appearance of the contour. Try, say, selectively rendering the skin, while leaving a classic black outline for clothes or objects.

pixel art(written without a hyphen) or pixel art- a direction of digital art, which consists in creating images at the pixel level (i.e., the minimum logical unit that an image consists of). Not all raster images are pixel art, although they are all made up of pixels. Why? Because in the end, the concept of pixel art includes not so much the result as the process of creating an illustration. Pixel by pixel, and that's it. If you take a digital photo, greatly reduce it (so that the pixels become visible) and claim that you drew it from scratch - this will be a real forgery. Although there will surely be naive simpletons who will praise you for your hard work.

Now it is not known exactly when this technique originated, the roots are lost somewhere in the early 1970s. However, the technique of composing images from small elements goes back to much more ancient forms of art, such as mosaics, cross-stitching, carpet weaving and beading. The very phrase "pixel art" as a definition of pixel art was first used in an article by Adele Goldberg and Robert Flegal in the journal Communications of the ACM (December 1982).

Pixel art has received the widest application in computer games, which is not surprising - it made it possible to create images that are undemanding to resources and look really beautiful at the same time (at the same time, they take a lot of time from the artist and require certain skills, and therefore imply good pay) . The heyday, the highest point in development, is officially called video games on consoles of the 2nd and 3rd generation (early 1990s). Further progress in technology, the appearance of first 8-bit color, and then True Color, the development of three-dimensional graphics - all this eventually pushed pixel art into the background and third plans, and then it completely began to seem that pixel art had come to an end.

Oddly enough, but it was Mr. Scientific and technological progress, who pushed pixel graphics to the last positions in the mid-90s, and later returned it to the game - revealing to the world mobile devices in the form of cell phones and PDAs. After all, no matter how useful a newfangled device is, we all know that if you can’t at least play solitaire on it, it’s worthless. Well, where there is a screen with a low resolution, there is pixel art. As they say, welcome back.

Of course, various retrograde-minded elements played their role in the return of pixel graphics, who love to nostalgize over the good old games of childhood, while saying: “Oh, they don’t do that now”; aesthetes who are able to appreciate the beauty of pixel art, and indie developers who do not perceive modern graphic beauties (and sometimes, though rarely, simply do not know how to implement them in their own projects), which is why they sculpt pixel art. But let's still not discount purely commercial projects - applications for mobile devices, advertising and web design. So now pixel art, as they say, is widespread in narrow circles and has earned itself a kind of art status "not for everyone" . And this is despite the fact that for a simple layman it is extremely accessible, because in order to work in this technique, it is enough to have a computer and a simple graphic editor at hand! (the ability to draw, by the way, also does not hurt) Enough words, get to the point!

2. Tools.

What do you need to create pixel art? As I said above, a computer and any graphic editor capable of working at the pixel level is enough. You can draw anywhere, even on the Game Boy, even on the Nintendo DS, even in Microsoft Paint (another thing is that drawing in the latter is extremely inconvenient). There are a great many raster editors, many of them are free and functional enough, so that everyone can decide on the software on their own.

I draw in Adobe Photoshop because it's convenient and because it's been a long time. I won’t lie and tell, mumbling my false teeth, that “I remember Photoshop was still very small, it was on the Macintosh, and it was with the number 1.0” This was not. But I remember Photoshop 4.0 (and also on a Mac). And so for me the question of choice never stood. And therefore, no, no, but I will give recommendations regarding Photoshop, especially where its capabilities will help greatly simplify creativity.

So, you need any graphics editor that allows you to draw with a tool in one square pixel (pixels can also be non-square, for example, round, but we are not interested in them at the moment). If your editor supports any set of colors, great. If it also allows you to save files - just great. It would be nice to know how to work with layers, since when working on a rather complex picture, it is more convenient to decompose its elements into different layers, but by and large this is a matter of habit and convenience.

Shall we start? Are you probably waiting for a list of some secret tricks, recommendations that will teach you how to draw pixel art? And the truth is, there isn't much of it. The only way to learn how to draw pixel art is to draw yourself, try, try, don't be afraid and experiment. Feel free to copy other people's work, don't be afraid to seem unoriginal (just don't pass off someone else's work as your own, hehe). Carefully and thoughtfully analyze the work of masters (not mine) and draw, draw, draw. Several useful links are waiting for you at the end of the article.

3. General principles.

However, there are a few general principles that are worth knowing. There are really few of them, I call them "principles" and not laws, because they are rather advisory in nature. After all, if you manage to draw an ingenious pixel art bypassing all the rules - who cares about them?

The most basic principle can be formulated as follows: the minimum unit of an image is a pixel, and if possible, all elements of the composition should be proportionate to it. I will decipher: everything that you draw consists of pixels, and the pixel should be read in everything. This does not mean that there cannot be elements in the picture at all, for example, 2x2 pixels, or 3x3. But it is still preferable to build an image from individual pixels.

The stroke and in general all lines of the picture should be one pixel thick (with rare exceptions).

I am by no means saying that this is wrong. But it's still not very pretty. And to make it beautiful, remember one more rule: draw without kinks, round smoothly. There is such a thing as kinks - fragments that are out of order, they give the lines an uneven, jagged look (in the English-speaking environment of pixel artists they are called jaggies):

Kinks deprive the drawing of natural smoothness and beauty. And if fragments 3, 4 and 5 are obvious and easily corrected, the situation is more complicated with others - the length of a single piece in the chain is broken there, it would seem a trifle, but a noticeable trifle. It takes a little practice to learn to see and avoid such places. Kink 1 is knocked out of the line because it is a single pixel - while in the area where it is wedged, the line consists of segments of 2 pixels. To get rid of it, I softened the entry of the curve into the bend by extending the top segment to 3px, and redrawing the entire line in 2px segments. Breaks 2 and 6 are identical to each other - these are already fragments of 2 pixels in length in areas built by single pixels.

An elementary set of examples of oblique lines, which can be found in almost every pixel art manual (mine is no exception), will help to avoid such breaks when drawing:

As you can see, a straight line is made up of segments of the same length, shifted by one pixel as it is drawn - this is the only way the effect of linearity is achieved. The most common construction methods are with a segment length of 1, 2 and 4 pixels (there are others, but the options presented should be enough to implement almost any artistic idea). Of these three, the most popular can be safely called the length of the segment of 2 pixels: draw a segment, move the pen by 1 pixel, draw another segment, move the pen by 1 pixel, draw another segment:

Easy, right? It just takes a habit. Knowing how to draw slanted lines in 2 pixel increments will help with isometrics, so we'll take a closer look at it next time. In general, straight lines are great - but only until the task of drawing something miraculous arises. Here we need curves, and a lot of different curves. And we adopt a simple rule for rounding curved lines: the length of the curve elements should decrease/increase gradually.

The exit from the straight line to the rounding is carried out smoothly, I indicated the length of each segment: 5 pixels, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, again 2 (already vertical), 3, 5 and beyond. Not necessarily your case will use the same sequence, it all depends on the smoothness that is required. Another rounding example:

Again, we avoid kinks that spoil the picture so much. If you want to check the learned material, here I have a skin for Winamp drawn by an unknown author, a blank:

There are gross errors in the picture, and just unsuccessful rounding, and kinks are found - try to correct the picture based on what you already know. That's all for me with the lines, I propose to draw a little. And don't let the simplicity of the examples fool you, you can only learn to draw by drawing - even such simple things.

4.1. We draw a bottle with living water.

1. The shape of the object, while you can not use color.

2. Red liquid.

3. Change the color of the glass to blue, add shaded areas inside the bubble and a light area on the intended surface of the liquid.

4. Add white highlights on the bubble, and a dark red 1 pixel wide shadow on the liquid areas bordering the bubble walls. Looks good, doesn't it?

5. Similarly, we draw a bottle with a blue liquid - here the same color of glass, plus three shades of blue for the liquid.

4.2. We draw a watermelon.

Let's draw a circle and a semicircle - these will be a watermelon and a cut out slice.

2. Let's mark the cutout on the watermelon itself, and on the slice - the border between the crust and the pulp.

3. Fill. Colors from the palette, the average shade of green is the color of the crust, the average red is the color of the pulp.

4. Denote the transitional area from the peel to the pulp.

5. Light stripes on a watermelon (finally, he looks like himself). And of course, seeds! If you cross a watermelon with cockroaches, they will spread themselves.

6. We bring to mind. We use a pale pink color to indicate highlights above the seeds in a section, and by laying out the pixels in a checkerboard pattern, we achieve some kind of volume from the cut out slice (the method is called dithering, about it later). We use a dark red tint to indicate the shaded places in the section of the watermelon, and dark green (again, checkerboard pixels) to give volume to the watermelon itself.

5. Dithering.

Dithering, or blending, is the technique of mixing pixels in a distinctly ordered (not always) pattern in two bordering areas of different colors. The simplest, most common and effective way is to alternate pixels in a checkerboard pattern:

The reception was born due to (or rather contrary to) technical limitations - on platforms with limited palettes, dithering made it possible, by mixing pixels of two different colors, to get a third one that was not in the palette:

Now, in an era of limitless technical possibilities, many say that the need for dithering has disappeared by itself. However, proper use of it can give your work a characteristic retro style that all fans of old video games will recognize. Personally, I like to use dithering. I don't know it very well, but I love it.

Two more options for dithering:

What you need to know about dithering to be able to use it. The minimum width of the blending zone must be at least 2 pixels (those same checkers). More is possible. It's better not to do less.

Below is an example of bad dithering. Despite the fact that such a technique can often be found on sprites from video games, you need to be aware that the TV screen significantly smoothed the image, and such a comb, and even in motion, was not fixed by the eye:

Well, enough theory. I suggest you practice a little more.

Pixel art can be drawn in any raster graphics program, it's a matter of personal preference and experience (as well as financial capabilities, of course). Someone uses the simplest Paint, I do it in Photoshop - because, firstly, I have been working in it for a long time, and secondly, I am more comfortable there. Somehow I decided to try the free Paint.NET, I didn’t like it - it’s like with a car that recognizes a foreign car with an automatic transmission in Zaporozhets is unlikely to sit down. My employer provides me with licensed software, so I have a clear conscience before Adobe Corporation ... Although the prices for their programs are unthinkable, and they burn in hell for it.

1. Preparation for work.

Create a new document with any settings (let it be 60 pixels wide, 100 pixels high). The main tool of a pixel artist is a pencil ( Pencil Tool, invoked by hotkey B). If the toolbar has a brush enabled (and an icon depicting a brush), hover over it, press and hold LMB- a small drop-down menu will appear in which you should select a pencil. Set the pen size to 1 pixel (in the top panel on the left, a drop-down menu Brush):

Pixel art for beginners. | Introduction.

Pixel art for beginners. | Introduction.

A few more useful combinations. " ctrl+" and " ctrl-» zoom in and out of the image. It is also useful to know that pressing ctrl and " (quotes-Christmas trees, or the Russian key " E”) toggles the grid on and off, which is a great help when drawing pixel art. The grid step should also be adjusted for yourself, it is more convenient for someone when it is 1 pixel, I'm used to the cell width being 2 pixels. Click Ctrl+K(or go to Edit->Preferences), go to the point Guides, Grid & Slices and install Gridline every 1 pixels(to me, I will repeat, it is more convenient 2).

2. Drawing.

Finally, let's start drawing. Why create a new layer ( Ctrl+Shift+N), switch to black pen color (pressing D sets the default colors, black and white) and draw the character's head, in my case it's such a symmetrical ellipse:

Pixel art for beginners. | Introduction.

Pixel art for beginners. | Introduction.

Its bottom and top bases are 10 pixels long, then there are segments of 4 pixels, three, three, one, one and a vertical line 4 pixels high. It is convenient to draw straight lines in Photoshop with a clamped Shift, although the scale of the image in pixel art is minimal, nevertheless this technique sometimes saves a lot of time. If you made a mistake and drew too much, climbed somewhere past - do not be discouraged, switch to the eraser tool ( Eraser Too l or key " E") and delete what you don't need. Yes, be sure to set the eraser to also set the pen size to 1 pixel so that it erases pixel by pixel, and the pencil mode ( Mode: Pencil), otherwise it will not erase what is needed. Switching back to a pencil, I remind you, through " B»

In general, this ellipse is not drawn strictly according to the rules of pixel art, but this is required by the artistic concept. Because this is the future head, it will have eyes, a nose, a mouth - enough details that will eventually draw the viewer's attention to themselves and discourage the desire to ask why the head is such an irregular shape.

We continue to draw, add a nose, antennae and mouth:

Pixel art for beginners. | Introduction.

Pixel art for beginners. | Introduction.

Now eyes:

Pixel art for beginners. | Introduction.

Pixel art for beginners. | Introduction.

Please note that at such a small scale, the eyes do not have to be round - in my case, these are squares with a side length of 5 pixels, which do not have the corner points drawn. When returned to the original scale, they will look quite round, plus the impression of sphericity can be enhanced with the help of shadows (more on this later, see the 3rd section of the lesson). In the meantime, I will slightly correct the shape of the head by wiping a couple of pixels in one place and painting them in another:

Pixel art for beginners. | Introduction.

Pixel art for beginners. | Introduction.

We draw eyebrows (nothing that they hang in the air - I have such a style) and mimic folds in the corners of the mouth, making the smile more expressive:

Pixel art for beginners. | Introduction.

Pixel art for beginners. | Introduction.

The corners don't look very good yet, one of the rules of pixel art is that each pixel of the stroke and elements can touch no more than two neighboring pixels. But if you carefully study the sprites from the games of the late 80s - early 90s, this error can be found there quite often. Conclusion - if you can’t, but really want to, then you can. This detail can be played with shadows later during the fill, so for now we draw further. Torso:

Pixel art for beginners. | Introduction.

Pixel art for beginners. | Introduction.

Don't pay attention to the ankles for now, it looks awkward, we'll fix that when we get to the fill. Small correction: let's add a belt and folds in the crotch area, and also select the knee joints (using small fragments of 2 px protruding from the leg line):

Pixel art for beginners. | Introduction.

Pixel art for beginners. | Introduction.

3. Fill.

For each element of the character, for now, three colors will be enough for us - the main color of the fill, the color of the shadow and the stroke. In general, according to the theory of color in pixel art, you can advise a lot of things, at the initial stage, do not hesitate to spy on the work of the masters and analyze exactly how they select colors. The stroke of each element can, of course, be left black, but in this case the elements will certainly merge, I prefer to use independent colors that are close to the main color of the element, but with low saturation. It is most convenient to draw a small palette somewhere near your character and then take colors from it using the eyedropper tool ( Eyedropper Tool, I):

After selecting the desired color, activate the bucket tool ( Paint Bucket, G). Also be sure to turn off the Anti-alias function in the settings, we need the fill to work clearly within the drawn contours and not go beyond them:

Pixel art for beginners. | Introduction.

Pixel art for beginners. | Introduction.

We fill in our character, which cannot be filled in - we draw it manually with a pencil.

Pixel art for beginners. | Introduction.

Pixel art for beginners. | Introduction.

Pay attention to the ankles - due to the fact that these areas are only 2 pixels thick, I had to abandon the stroke on both sides, and I only stroked it from the intended shadow side, leaving a line of the main color with a thickness of one pixel. Also note that I left the eyebrows black, although it doesn't really matter.

Photoshop has a handy selection by color feature ( Select->Color range, by poking at the desired color with an eyedropper, we will get a selection of all areas of similar color and the ability to instantly fill them, but this requires that the elements of your character are on different layers, so for now we will consider this function useful for advanced users of Photoshop):

Pixel art for beginners. | Introduction.

Pixel art for beginners. | Introduction.

4. Shade and dithering.

Now select the colors of the shadow and, switching to the pencil ( B) carefully lay out the shady places. In my case, the light source is somewhere to the left and above, in front of the character - therefore, we mark the right sides with a shadow with an emphasis on the bottom. The face will become the richest in the shadow, because there are many small elements that stand out in relief with the help of a shadow on the one hand, and on the other they themselves cast a shadow (eyes, nose, mimic folds):

Pixel art for beginners. | Introduction.

Pixel art for beginners. | Introduction.

The shadow is a very powerful visual tool, a well-designed shadow will favorably affect the appearance of the character - and the impression that he will make on the viewer. In pixel art, a single pixel, misplaced, can ruin the whole work, at the same time, it would seem that such minor corrections can make the image much prettier.

As for dithering'ah, in an image with such a miniature size, in my opinion, it is completely superfluous. The method itself consists in "kneading" two neighboring colors, which is achieved by staggering the pixels. However, to give you an idea of ​​the technique, I'll still introduce small areas of blending, on the pants, on the shirt, and a bit on the face:

Pixel art for beginners. | Introduction.

Pixel art for beginners. | Introduction.

In general, as you can see, nothing particularly complicated. pixel art it is attractive because, having learned some patterns, anyone can draw well by himself - just by carefully studying the work of the masters. Although yes, some knowledge of the basics of drawing and color theory still does not hurt. Dare!

Walking on the Internet in the morning, I wanted to write a post about Pixel Art, in search of material I found these two articles.

Part 6: Smoothing
Part 7: Textures and blur
Part 8: World of tiles


There are many definitions of pixel art, but here we will use this: a pixel art image if it is entirely handmade, and there is control over the color and position of each pixel that is drawn. Undoubtedly, in pixel art, the inclusion or use of brushes or blur tools or degradation machines (degraded machines, not sure), and other software options that are “modern” are not used by us (actually put at our disposal means “at our disposal” , but logically it seems more correct like this). It is limited to tools like "pencil" and "fill".

However, you can't say that pixel art or non-pixel art graphics are more or less beautiful. It's fairer to say that pixel art is different and better suited for retro games (like Super Nintendo or Game Boy). You can also combine the techniques learned here with non-pixel art effects to create a hybrid style.

So, here you will learn the technical part of pixel art. However, I will never make you an artist...for the simple reason that I am not an artist either. I won't teach you human anatomy or the structure of the arts, and I won't say much about perspective. In this guide, you can find a lot of information about pixel art techniques. In the end, you will need to be able to create characters and scenery for your games, as long as you pay attention, practice regularly, and apply these tips.

- I also want to point out that only some of the images used in this guide are enlarged. For images that are not enlarged, it would be good if you take the time to copy these images so that you can study them in detail. Pixel art is the essence of pixels, it is useless to study them from afar.

In the end, I have to thank all the artists who joined me in creating this guide in one way or another: Shin, for his dirty work and line art, Xenohydrogen, for his color genius, Lunn, for his knowledge of perspective, and Panda, the stern Ahruon, Dayo, and Kryon for their generous contributions to illustrate these pages.

So, let's get back to the point.

Part 1: The Right Tools

Bad news: you won't draw a single pixel in this part! (And that's no reason to skip it, is it?) If there's a saying I can't stand, it's "there are no bad tools, only bad workers." In fact, I thought that nothing could be further from the truth (except maybe "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger"), and pixel art, very good proof. This guide aims to familiarize you with the various software used to create pixel art and help you choose the right one.
1.Some old stuff
When choosing software for creating pixel art, people often think: “Choice of software? This is madness! All we need to create pixel art is paint! (apparently a play on words, drawing and a program)” Tragic mistake: I talked about bad tools, this is the first one. Paint has one advantage (and only one): you already have it if you're running Windows. On the other hand, it has a lot of shortcomings. This is an (incomplete) list:

* You cannot open more than one file at the same time
* No palette management.
* No layers or transparency
* No non-rectangular selections
* Few hotkeys
* Terribly uncomfortable

In short, you can forget about Paint. Now we will see the real software.

2. In the end...
People then think, "Okay, Paint is too limited for me, so I'll use my friend Photoshop (or Gimp or PaintShopPro, it's the same thing), which has thousands of possibilities." This can be good or bad: if you already know one of these programs, you can do pixel art (disabling all options for automatic anti-aliasing, and turning off many of the advanced features). If you don't already know these programs, then you will spend a lot of time learning them, even though you don't need all of their functionality, which would be a waste of time. In short, if you've been using them for a long time, you can create pixel art (I personally use Photoshop out of habit), but otherwise, it's much better to use programs that specialize in pixel art. Yes, they exist.
3. Cream
There are many more pixel art programs than one might think, but here we will consider only the best. They all have very similar characteristics (palette control, preview of repeating tiles, transparency, layers, and so on). The differences are in convenience… and price.

Charamaker 1999 is a good program, but distribution seems to be on hold.

Graphics Gale is a lot more fun and easy to use, and it's priced around $20, which isn't too bad. I will add that the trial version is not limited in time, and comes with enough kit to make good enough graphics. Only it doesn't work with .gif, which isn't such a problem since .png is better anyway.

The software most commonly used by pixel artists is ProMotion, which is (clearly) more convenient and faster than Graphics Gale. And yes, she is precious! You can buy the full version for a modest amount... 50 euros ($78).
Let's not forget our Mac friends! Pixen is a good program available for the Macintosh and it's free. Unfortunately I can't tell you more because I don't have a Mac. Translator's note (French): Linux users (and others) should try , and GrafX2 . I urge you to try them all in demo versions and see which suits your convenience. In the end it's a matter of taste. Just be aware that once you start using a program, it can be very difficult to switch to something else.

To be continued…

Translator's notes from French to English

This is a great guide to pixel art written by Phil Razorback of LesForges.org. Many thanks to Phil Razorback for allowing OpenGameArt.org to translate these guides and post them here. (From a translator into Russian: I didn’t ask permission, if anyone has a desire, you can help, I don’t have enough experience in communicating in English, let alone French).

Translator's note from English to Russian

I am a programmer, not an artist or translator, I translate for my friends artists, but what good is lost, let it be here.
Original in French somewhere here www.lesforges.org
French to English translation here: opengameart.org/content/les-forges-pixel-art-course
I translated from English because I don't know French.
And yes, this is my first post, so design suggestions are welcome. Plus, the question is, should the remaining parts be published as separate articles, or is it better to update and supplement this one? In this tutorial, you will learn how to turn a photo of a person into pixel art as a fictional arcade game character from the early 90s.
James May - aka Smudgethis - developed this style in 2011 for a music video for a dubstep rock act. Nero's first hit, Me & You - where he created an animation to show an old game featuring Nero's two members. The game was a 2D rhythmic platformer with 16-bit graphics similar to Double Dragon but far superior to 8-bit retro classic games like Super Mario Bros.
To create this style, characters still need to be blocky but more complex than older games. And while you have to use a limited color palette to achieve the look, remember these games still had 65,536 colors.
Here James shows you how to create a character from a photo using a simple color palette and the Pencil tool.
Like the animation guide, you will also need a photo of the person. James used the photo of a punk that is included in the project files for this tutorial.
Once completed, check out this 16-bit After Effects Animation Tutorial where James will show you how to take this character in AE, animate it, and apply retro game effects.

Step 1

Open the Animation Guide (16 bit) .psd and 18888111.jpg (or photo of your choice) to use as a base for the character. A full-length profile photo will work best and help you get the color palettes and styles for your 16-bit shape.
The animation guide has several poses on separate layers. Choose the one that best matches the pose in your photo - since we don't have legs in the frame, I went for the standard pose at level 1.

Step 2

Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M), select the head from your photo and copy (Cmd /Ctrl + C) and paste it (Cmd /Ctrl + V) into the Animation Guide (16bit).psd.
Scale the image to fit, proportionally. You will notice that as the PSD dimensions are very small, the image will instantly begin to draw a pixel.

Step 3

Create a new layer and draw an outline with one pixel black pencil (B), using the animation guide provided in it and the photo as a base. \ P
The supplied guide helps develop a range of characters from larger boss figures or thinner female ones. This is a rough guide for composing and animating my pixel artwork characters.

Step 4

Using the Eyedropper Tool (I), sample the darkest skin tone area in the photo and create a small square of color. Do this three more times to create a four tone skin tone palette.
Create another layer below the outline layer and use a one pixel brush and a four color color palette to shade the image (again using the photo as your guide). \ P
It's best to keep all the elements of your artwork, or different layers, as this makes it easy to reuse them on other shapes. This is especially useful for "baddies" since most 16-bit games use very similar numbers. For example, one buddy might have a red shirt and a knife, while a later one is identical except for the blue shirt and gun.

Step 5

Repeat this process for other parts of the figure, shading the fabric to match other elements in the original photo. Don't forget to continue sampling with the Eyedropper tool to create color palettes first, as this provides a consistent set of colors that looks great and fits into the relatively limited color palette of 16-bit games.

Step 6

Add data to enhance your character with shades, tattoos, an earring, and more. Have dinner here and think about how you want your character to appear in the game environment. Perhaps they can use an ax or have a robotic arm?

Step 7

To bring your character to life, repeat the previous steps using the other five animation guide layers. This process may take some time to master and create seamless results, but short cuts can be made by reusing elements from previous frames. For example, in this six-frame sequence, the head remains unchanged.

Step 8

To check the animation sequence is in order, open the Animation panel in Photoshop and make sure that only the first frame of the animation is currently selected. You can add new frames and turn layers on and off to make your animation, but the quickest way is to use the "Make Frames From Layers" command in the panel pop-up menu (top right).
The first frame is a blank background, so select it and click on the panel trash icon (at the bottom) to delete it.

If you liked playing with Lego as a child (or you continue to play with it even as an adult), you will surely be interested in isometric pixel art. It may depend on technology and be more like an exact science than an illustration. But in such art there is no 3D perspective, you can move the elements of the environment with maximum simplicity.

We will create the character as a logical point of reference for the pixel art, as it will help determine the proportions for most of the other items we may be creating. However, first you need to learn some basics of isometric pixel art, and then move on to character creation; if you don't want to learn the basics and draw a cube, skip to step 3. Now let's get started.

1. Pixel lines

These lines are the basis for the most common (and interesting) style of isometric pixel art, the style we'll be using in this tutorial:

They are two pixels long for every pixel down. Such lines look relatively soft and are used for square surfaces:

The most commonly used line structures (as in the figure below) will work well, but the drawing will get more angular and rough with each step increase:

For contrast, here are some unevenly structured lines:

Very angular and do not look

Beautiful. Avoid using them.

2. Volumes

Our character won't follow isometric rules exactly, so let's first create a simple cube to figure out the proportions.

Create a New Document in Photoshop with Resolution 400x400px.

I like to open an additional window for the same file using the menu Window > Arrange > New Window/lessons.(Window > Arrange > New Window…). This allows, working at an increase 600% follow the result in the zoom window 100% . Using the grid is up to you, but sometimes I find it more annoying than helpful.

Let's zoom in on the document and create one of the lines 2:1

I prefer to use 5% gray instead of black, so that later I can add shadows (black and low opacity) and be able to select each color separately with the magic wand.

There are several ways to draw a line:

1. Using Line tool(Line Tool) with mode Pixels(Pixels) unchecked Smoothing(Anti-alias) and thickness 1px. As you draw, the tilt angle tooltip should show 26.6°. In fact, the Line tool can not be called convenient, it creates jagged lines if the angle is not accurate.

2. You need to create a selection 20 x 40 px, then choose K pencil(Pencil Tool) 1px and draw a dot in the lower left corner of the selection, after that, while holding down the key Shift click in the upper right corner. Photoshop will automatically create a new line between the two points. With practice, this way you can create smooth lines without selection.

3. You need to draw two pixels with a pencil, select them, click Ctrl+Alt, then drag the selection to a new location so that the pixels converge at the corners. You can also move the selection using the arrow keys on your keyboard while holding alt. Such a method is called Alt offset(Alt Nudge).

Here we have created the first line. Select it and move it like in step 3, or just copy and paste, moving the new layer down. After that, flip the second line horizontally through the menu Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontally(Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal). I use this feature so often that I even made a keyboard shortcut for it!

Now let's combine our lines:

Then, Alt-Offset again, flip the copy vertically and merge the two halves to complete our surface:

It's time to add a "third dimension". Alt-shift the square surface and move it to 44px way down:

Tip: If you hold down the arrow keys while moving Shift, the selection will shift to 10 pixels instead of one.

To make the cube look neater, let's soften the corners by removing the leftmost and rightmost pixels from the squares. After that, add vertical lines:

Now remove the unnecessary lines at the bottom of the cube. To start coloring our figure, choose any color (preferably a light shade) and fill the top square with it.

Now increase the brightness of the selected color by 10% (I recommend using the HSB sliders on the control panel) to draw lighter corners along the front of our color square. Because we've cropped the cube a bit, these lighter lines will look prettier over the black edges (instead of replacing them) as in the image below:

Now we need to remove the black edges. Use the trick from the second line drawing method for the eraser (which should be set to normal eraser tool(Eraser Tool) mode Pencil(Pencil Mode), Thickness 1px).

Select the color of the top square with Pipettes(Eyedropper Tool). To quickly select this tool, while drawing with a pencil or filling, press the key alt. Use the resulting eyedropper color to fill in the vertical line in the middle of the cube. After that, reduce the brightness of the color by 15% and fill the left side of the cube with the resulting color. Decrease the brightness further 10% for the right side:

Our cube is complete. It should look clean and relatively smooth when zoomed in. 100% . We can continue.

3. Add a character

The style of the character can be completely different, you are free to change the proportions or elements as you wish. As a rule, I make a thin body and a slightly large head. The lean body of the character helps keep the lines straight and simple.

It would be logical to start with the eyes. If we were strict with isometric angles, then on the face one eye should be lower, but on a small scale we can neglect this feature to make the faces of the characters more pleasant. This will make the drawing neat even despite the size.

We make the character small, because after a while you may want to add a car, a house, an entire square or even a city to it. Therefore, the character should be one of the smallest elements in the illustration. Graphical efficiency should also be considered; try to make the character as attractive as possible with as few pixels as possible (large enough to represent facial features). In addition, small objects are much easier to draw. The exception is when you only want to show the character, their emotions, or their resemblance to someone.

Let's create a new layer. The eyes only need two pixels - one for each eye, with a blank pixel in between. Skip one pixel to the left of the eyes, add a vertical line:

Now add another layer and draw a 2px horizontal stripe, this will be the mouth. Use the arrows on your keyboard to move and when you find the perfect position, move the layer down. Do the same with the chin, it should just be a longer line:

Finish the hair and the top of the head, then soften the corners. You should get something that looks like:

Now leave a blank pixel next to the second eye, add sideburns (which will also help draw the character's ears) and a few more pixels above them until the very hairline. Then leave one more empty pixel, this is where the ear will start and the line that marks the end of the head. Go ahead and soften the corners of the lines:

Add a pixel for the top of the ear and reshape the head if you like; heads are usually drawn already in the neck area:

Draw a line from the chin - this will be the chest. The beginning of the neck will be at the ear, a few pixels down and a couple of pixels diagonally so that our character's shoulders are visible:

Now in the place where the shoulders end, add a vertical line with a length of 12 pixels to make the outer side of the arm, and the inner side will be two pixels to the left. Connect the lines at the bottom with a couple of pixels to make a hand / fist (in our case there is no detail, so do not pay attention to this element) and just above the place where the hand ends, add a line 2:1 , which will act as a waist, then draw a chest line and get a finished upper body. The character's other arm is not visible, but it will look fine as it is covered by the torso.

You should end up with something similar to this:

Of course, you can use any aspect ratio you like; I prefer to draw different options side by side before deciding which is best.

Now for the lower torso we will add some more vertical lines. I like to leave 12 pixels between soles and waist. The legs are very easy to draw, you just need to make one leg a little longer, which will allow the character to look more voluminous:

Now we will add color. Finding a good skin color is always difficult, so if you want to use the same one as in this tutorial, its code is #FFCCA5. Color matching for the rest of the elements shouldn't be a problem. After that, determine the length of the sleeves, the position of the cut of the shirt, its style. Now add a dark stripe to separate the shirt from the body. I prefer to make all decorative elements lighter than black (especially when many elements are on the same level, for example from a shirt to leather or pants). This allows you to get the necessary contrast, while the image will not be too rough.

You can add light effects to almost every color zone. Avoid too many shadows or using gradients. A few pixels more ( 10% or 25% ) a light or dark color is enough to make the elements look three-dimensional and take away the flatness of the illustration. If you want to add a vibrant color to an area that already has 100% brightness, try lowering its saturation. In some cases (for example, when drawing hair), this can be a good way to change the shades.

You can try many hair options. Here are some ideas:

If you continue to create characters, little things like clothing style, sleeve length, pants length, accessories, clothing, and skin color will come in very handy for variety.

Now all that's left to do is put both elements together and evaluate how they look in the same setting:

If you want to export your creation, PNG is the ideal format.

That's it, job done!

I hope this lesson is not too confusing. I think I've talked about the maximum number of tips and aesthetic tricks. You can freely expand your isometric pixel world - buildings, cars, interiors, exteriors. Doing all this is possible and even interesting, although not so easy.

Interpreter: Shapoval Alexey

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