Singer Pelagia gave birth to who her husband is. Pelageya first spoke about her daughter: “I am a lazy mother”

- a girl who was not afraid to go on stage at an early age with a folklore repertoire. Pelagia- a completely unique performer. Having become a real star, this talented singer never tried to be “fashionable” and “relevant”. She always went her own way, and therefore was always unlike anyone else. On the occasion of such a holiday PEOPLETALK presents you the most interesting facts from her biography.

Many people think that the name Pelagia- this is a stage name, in fact, this is the real name that the girl received in honor of her great-grandmother Pelageya Kirillovna. It means "sea" in Greek.

Pelageya Khanova- prodigy. At the age of three, she discovered the magical world of books, and at three and a half she tapped out short stories of her own composition on a typewriter. At four she made her first appearance in front of an audience, at eight she entered a special school at the conservatory in Novosibirsk and became her youngest student. In 2000, she graduated from high school as an external student and at the age of 14 entered GITIS at the Faculty of Variety, which she graduated with honors in 2005.

The singer's mother recalls that already in infancy, her daughter showed extraordinary abilities: the baby repeated entire musical phrases of lullabies after her, which surprised the pediatrician very much.

In March 1998, the 11-year-old Pelagia received a unique offer: to perform a small solo concert at a meeting of the heads of three powers: Russia, France and Germany. It was the first meeting in this format since Second World War, and the performance of the young singer became the only number of the "cultural program". After this concert, the former French President Jacques Chirac(82) named Pelagia"Russian Edith Piaf(1915−1963)".

At 13 Pelagia gathered like-minded people around her, and so a group appeared "Pelageya", which is included in Association of Independent Musicians. Not wanting to depend on the Russian show business and various production technologies, the guys themselves "promoted" their work.

Song of the singer "Love, brothers, love" became a favorite hit of all Russian troops in Chechnya.

The singer loves to laugh. She never parted with laughter. laughing Pelagia a lot and loud.

The singer has a unique ear and voice, which she considers the most precious gift in her life. Having the widest range of three and a half octaves and unique data, she could not find a vocal teacher - no one took it, they were afraid to spoil it. Therefore, for a long time she studied with her mother.

Pelagia loves to dress up. He has a special passion for dresses with a train.

Since 2012, Pelageya has been participating in the show "Voice" and "Voice. Children" as a mentor coach. AT "Voice" her pupils were Elmira Kalimullina(27), Tina Kuznetsova and Yaroslav Dronov.

The singer does not have a star disease. She is what she is, and is no different from the Pelageya that we are used to seeing on Channel One in the show "Voice". A smile, emotionality, rolling laughter and a friendly look - all this is not a screen image, but a real one.


The popular folklore-ethnic singer Pelageya is known to most Russian viewers. The girl independently created a group, which she called her name. They began to recognize the performer of folk songs after her repeated participation in the Voice program. In this article, we will analyze her biography in detail.

  • Polina's childhood passed in Novosibirsk. By an unfortunate coincidence, her mother lost her voice, and she was a jazz singer by profession. After the tragedy that happened, Svetlana, that was the name of Pelagia's parent, directed all her unspent energy to creating her daughter's career. It was Svetlana who did not sleep at night to sew a costume or come up with and choose the lyrics for her blood. Thanks to the tireless efforts of her mother, the singer has achieved considerable achievements in her career;
  • the future star grew up as an extremely talented child. Listening to her mother's songs, little Polya tried to sing along with her, and at the age of 3 she could already read. Her first book was Gargantua and Pantagruel. In kindergarten, not a single matinee was complete without performances by the future star;
  • at the age of 9, the girl enters a music school in her hometown. A year later, the young singer meets the leader of the famous Kalinov Bridge. Revyakin advised Pelageya to take part in the Morning Star, which she does;
  • after winning the competition, the girl performs in the Kremlin, takes possession of the "Gift of Siberia" scholarship, receives a blessed parting word from Patriarch Alexy, and participates in KVN. And all this at the age of 11!


At the age of 10, Pelageya and her mother moved to the capital for permanent residence. Here, the girl studies at the Gnesinka Music School and at the same time discovers her talent as a humorist, playing in KVN.

  • the girl is invited to represent our country in the program "New Names of the Planet" at the UN, she also sings a duet with many pop stars, performs at charity events, official meetings of heads of government, alternative projects, for example, "Learn to swim";
  • in 2001 he graduated from school and entered the RATI on the stage. After 2 years, he performs at the bottom of the city in the Northern capital. Even then, the Pelageya group was formed and officially celebrated its first birthday. In the interval between studies and performances, Pelageya manages to flash in one of the episodes of the film about the Ryazan poet. A couple of years later, Khanova finishes her studies, having received an “excellent” mark in her certificate in all subjects;
  • at the age of 23, the girl established herself as a professional folk performer in the Two Stars project, where she worked in a duet with Dashulya Moroz. Later, in the “Property of the Republic”, the viewer could again enjoy the extraordinary abilities of the Siberian woman. The issue was dedicated to the work of Sukachev, with whom, at a younger age, our heroine sang a duet. In this program, by voting, the singer was declared the winner of the contest for the best performance of Garik's song.

Then for Pelageya the days of a glorious solo career on the Russian stage began. She was invited and took part in the Bubble opera, the Devil's Dozen project, numerous radio programs and even an audio performance.

Participation in the show Voice

  1. In 2012, the singer's moment of glory comes, as for the first time she becomes a mentor and co-host of the large-scale project "Voice". For three seasons in a row, Khanova has been trying to be nice to Agutin, patient to the mocking Gradsky, flirtatious to the explosive Bilan. And she does it very well.
  2. In one of the seasons, the performer suddenly changes her appearance dramatically, turning from a plump laugher into a serious and slender lady. Later, Pelageya admits that she did not feel very comfortable in the new image of a thin woman. Soon she gained a few pounds, and everything fell into place.
  3. In 2014, Khanova works on the Voice. Children ”, where he sincerely tries to help rising stars become professional pop artists. As a mother-mentor, Pelageya spends several seasons, managing to also participate in KVN, voices a ladybug in a cartoon, reads a voiceover in a documentary about Alexander Pakhmutova.

Personal life

After an unsuccessful marriage with director Dima Efimovich, with whom the singer officially broke up in 2012, Pelageya meets the charming hockey player Ivan Telegin.

The lovers carefully hide their relationship and secretly marry away from prying eyes. After that, Pelageya, now Telegina, begins serious preparation for childbirth: she significantly cuts down concerts and performances, refuses to participate in the Voice. In January 2017, Taya is born.

  • At birth, the singer was named Pelageya. The name was unusual, besides, it was worn by the girl's great-grandmother. But during the paperwork, the baby was recorded by Polina. Later, when the girl received her first passport, the mistake was corrected and the name Pelageya was returned;
  • Polina never saw her own dad. The singer's mother was married several times, and the girl received her last name from her stepfather, who, however, was not present in her life for long;
  • When Polya arrived in Moscow for the Igor Nikolaev competition, it turned out that there were no nominations for folk performers. However, the girl nevertheless demonstrated her talent on the stage and won first place, and is also awarded a prize amount of 1 thousand dollars;
  • Pelagia in 2016 begins to meet with a famous athlete. Commenting on her romance with a hockey player, the singer claimed that she was not involved in the previous breakup of her chosen one with her common-law wife. Telegin left his former passion with a baby in his arms to start caring for his new lover;
  • While working in the Two Stars project, Pelageya refuses to continue the performances that the show's producers planned for her in a duet with Dasha Moroz. According to the singer, she was too physically exhausted and could not support Daria on the project due to health problems. After the filming was stopped, Pelageya was hit by a stream of unflattering statements about her by the project management in the media;
  • The singer's first husband, Efimovich, with whom they lived for about two years, did not leave the heroine any joyful memories of himself after the divorce. Pelageya wanted to erase the former from life once and for all, so she returned her maiden name;
  • During the performance of the singer in Evyan, at the invitation of Rostropovich, the whole audience applauded her, and Vishnevskaya predicted a great future for the young talent on the opera stage. In addition to the listed celebrities, Hillary Clinton, Jacques Chirac, Boris Yeltsin listened to Pelageya, who, by the way, even shed a tear when he heard the heartfelt motives of a Russian folk song performed by Poli.


  1. Ljubo.
  2. The self-titled album called "Pelageya".
  3. Single.
  4. Grandpa's songs.
  5. Siberian drive.
  6. The Cherry Orchard.
  7. Trails.
  8. Not for you (illegal).

The singer's work, like herself, is imbued with an inexplicable charm. There is something unusual in Pelageya's voice, some notes that penetrate the soul. Maybe that's why the performer managed to break through to the podium of popularity and become a recognizable folk singer not only in our country.


  1. Name: Polina Sergeevna Telegina (Khanova).
  2. Birth: 14.07.1986.
  3. Zodiac: Cancer.
  4. Birthplace: Siberia, city of Novosibirsk.
  5. Parents: Svetlana Khanova.
  6. Height: 163 cm.

What do you think of Pelagia? Looking forward to your answers below!

Pelagia ( Pelageya Sergeevna Telegina) is a Russian folk singer with a peculiar voice. Pelageya is the founder and soloist of the Pelageya group, the genre of which she herself refers to rock-ethno and art-folk. Pelageya performs Russian folk songs, romances and author's compositions.

Childhood and education of Pelageya

Mother - Svetlana Khanova was a jazz singer. However, due to illness, she lost her voice. Throughout her subsequent career, Pelageya's mother worked as a director and taught acting in one of the Novosibirsk theaters. Currently, Svetlana Khanova is involved in her daughter's career. As stated in the biography of Pelagia on Wikipedia, her mother is a producer, author of lyrics for songs, arrangements, and administration also lies with Svetlana.

Pelagia does not remember her father. And reporters found the singer's stepfather, whose surname she bore in her maiden name. Andrey Khanov is an avant-garde artist. “Svetlana is my ex-wife, and Pelageya is my adopted daughter. But we do not support relations…”, he told reporters.

The artist spoke about the singer’s own father in a rather harsh form: “He didn’t give a damn about the very fact of her birth. Not to mention everything else. Svetka was a pop singer - she performed in restaurants, at discos. Hence the corresponding lifestyle. Well, it turned out that she gave birth to some scoundrel who never cared about her daughter.

At the age of 8, Pelageya Khanova became a student at a special music school at the Novosibirsk Conservatory. Pelageya turned out to be the first vocalist in the history of the institution. Here she was heard by the leader of the musical group "Kalinov Bridge" Dmitry Revyakin. The musician advised the parents to bring their daughter to the capital, where the girl could participate in the Morning Star contest.

In the photo: 8-year-old Pelageya Khanova during a performance (Photo: Khamelyanin Gennady / TASS)

At the Morning Star competition, Pelageya received the title of "Best Folk Song Performer in Russia in 1996" and received a $1,000 award. And very soon the unique voice of the girl was heard abroad. Jacques Chirac called the young Pelageya "Russian Edith Piaf". The singer applauded Hillary Clinton, a Boris Yeltsin, shedding tears, called her "a symbol of a resurgent Russia," according to Pelageya's biography on 24-media.

At the age of ten, a talented girl signed a contract with Feelee Records and moved to Moscow. Pelageya studied at the music school at the Gnessin Institute, as well as at school No. 1113 with an in-depth study of music and choreography. Pelageya became a scholarship holder of the Young Talents of Siberia Foundation. In addition, the young singer participated in the international UN program "New Names of the Planet", in the projects "Learn to swim", a tribute to Depeche Mode, sang in duets with Garik Sukachev, Vyacheslav Butusov, Alexander F. Sklyar, Inna Zhelannaya.

By invitation Tatyana Dyachenko in 1998, Pelageya, already known to many, spoke at the summit of the heads of Russia, Germany and France. There, the girl sang for three presidents at once.

The biography on the Know Everything website reports that Pelageya was born so talented not only in music, but also in general development, that at the age of three she mastered the first novel - Gargantua and Pantagruel by Rabelais, and at the age of ten she read avidly "Masters and Margaret."

Pelagia's career in show business

At the age of 14, Pelageya graduated from school as an external student and entered the Russian Academy of Theater Arts in Moscow (1999). In the same year, she became a singer of the Pelageya group and released her first single, Lyubo, which became quite popular.

In the photo: Pelageya performs the Russian folk song "Love, brothers, love" (Photo: Sergey Miklyaev / TASS)

In 2001, at the request of cultural and art workers, Pelageya received an apartment from the Moscow government, according to a biography on her website.

From that moment on, the singer's rapid ascent to the singing Everest began. At the same time, Pelageya constantly worked on her vocal abilities, went on tour, and made studio recordings. In 2003, Pelageya released her debut album "Pelageya" - a retrospective of her best songs, and at the same time graduated with honors from the theater academy.

About the talented singer and several other gifted children, the autobiographical film Geeks (2006) was made.

Pelageya continued to tour Russia and the CIS countries. Between tours in 2007, Pelageya released her first studio album "Girls' Songs", which received the Fuzz magazine award in 2007 in the "Best Album" nomination. Rolling Stone magazine gave Pelageya's album 4 points out of 5. However, the album was criticized by other experts.

The album includes such well-known songs as “Valenki”, “When we were at war”, “Nyurkina song” by Yanka Diaghileva, “Shchedrivochka”, “Chubchik” in a duet with Garik Sukachev.

The biography on Pelageya's website reports that in 2007 the group had the "Discovery of the Year" nomination on MuzTV, despite the absence of clips, and in 2008 Pelageya received the Triumph Award for her contribution to Russian culture.

In the photo: singer Pelageya (Photo: Marina Lystseva / TASS)

In 2009, Pelageya received the Nashe Radio award in the field of rock and roll "Soloist of the Year" (beating Zemfira and Diana Arbenina).

In 2009, Pelageya presented her fans with a new album - a recording of a live performance at the Ice Palace in St. Petersburg. The accompaniment of the Trans-Baikal Cossack choir gave the disc a special charm. This disc provided Pelageya with the first place in the Chart Dozen hit parade in the Soloist nomination.

Pelageya's second studio album, Paths, was released in 2010. The album "Paths" included twelve author's compositions composed by Pavel Deshura and Svetlana Khanova with the participation Andrey Starkov, as well as nine revised folk songs. "Paths" was warmly received by criticism, the Kommersant newspaper wrote about the album that "Pelageya with taste can change masks so calmly, drifting from the manner of Inna Zhelannaya to the Melnitsa group, from Valeria to Valentina Ponomareva."

In 2015, Pelageya became the winner in the nomination "Best Folk Performer" of the first Russian National Music Award.

Fans continue to expect Pelageya's new album, although in 2013 the singer announced plans to record the Cherry Orchard album.

Pelagia on television

Back in 1997, Pelageya became the youngest member of the KVN team of Novosibirsk State University, she could be seen on TV in major league games.

In 2009, the already famous singer appeared on stage as a participant in the Two Stars project, where she performed with Daria Moroz. Pelageya was often invited to TV, she participated, in particular, in such projects as "Property of the Republic" with Yuri Nikolaev and Dmitry Shepelev.

2012 was marked for Pelageya by a new project. The singer was invited to the vocal talent show "Voice" as a mentor. She recruited a team of talented stars. Her ward Elmira Kalimullina took second place.

In 2014, Pelageya became a mentor at the subsidiary project "Voices", in which young talents demonstrated their skills. Since her ward Ragda Khanieva(a native of Moscow, but an Ingush by blood) according to the results of the project, she took second place, the head of the Republic of Ingushetia Yunus-bek Yevkurov awarded Pelageya with the title of Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic.

In the photo: Pelageya on the set of the music program "Voice" (Photo: Global Look Press)

In 2015, Pelageya returned to KVN as a member of the jury ("Voting KiViN 2015").

Pelageya's personal life

Pelageya tried not to advertise her personal life, but she was married for the second time, and marriage with a hockey player Ivan Telegin made a fuss in 2016, since the athlete went to the singer from his wife, who had just given birth to his son.

In the photo: Olympic hockey champion Ivan Telegin and his wife, singer Pelageya (Photo: Mikhail Metzel / TASS)

With her future first husband Dmitry Efimovich Pelageya met when she was 11 years old. This happened at a KVN performance in 1997. Dmitry Efimovich was the director of the Comedy Woman project. In 2010 they got married. But they lived together for only two years.

In the photo: director of the TV show "Comedy Club" Dmitry Efimovich and singer Pelageya (Photo: Global Look Press)

In 2016, the news reported on the romance of Pelageya and the young hockey player Ivan Telegin. Telegin is a right forward of the Kontinental Hockey League club CSKA, bronze medalist of the 2016 World Championship. Pelageya performed the country's anthem at the opening of the World Ice Hockey Championship in the capital's Park of Legends Ice Palace before the match between the national teams of Russia and the Czech Republic.

Ivan Telegin and Pelageya Khanova secretly got married in June 2016. After the wedding, Pelageya refused to participate as a coach-mentor in the 5th season of the Voice show and the new season of the Voice show. Children,” and also cut back on her singing activities to prepare for childbirth, according to her biography on Wikipedia.

The addition to the star family became known six months later, during the KHL All-Star Game in Ufa. On January 21, 2017, the singer Pelageya gave birth to Ivan Telegin's daughter Taisiya. The newly-made father was presented with a tumbler doll for his daughter. "Teammates, staff and coaching staff of the CSKA team, the administrative staff and all employees of the club congratulate the happy parents and wish them pleasant efforts, joy and patience, as well as the health of the mother and newborn."

The hockey player already has a son from a civil marriage, and Pelageya is the first child.

In general, Pelageya's romance with hockey player Telegin became a stormy news in the spring of 2016. In early February, ice colleagues congratulated Ivan Telegin on his newborn son Mark, who was presented to the hockey player by his wife Evgeny. But in the personal life of the hockey player there was already Pelageya, whom he soon married.

In the photo: Pelageya with her husband Ivan Telegin (Photo: Mikhail Metzel / TASS)

As Homefire wrote, “A painful affair with a married man has tormented the singer’s heart for a long time. Familiar stars are sure: Pelagia would never have dared to take her husband and father away from the family. Therefore, Ivan himself broke the vicious circle. The feeling for the talented beauty turned out to be too deep, and he simply could not live by deceit.

In 2014, Pelageya lost weight, appearing on the Voice show in a new image. At the same time, rumors spread that Pelageya allegedly lost weight thanks to a special chewing gum for weight loss, which must be chewed before meals.

In this regard, the following announcement even appeared on the official website of Pelageya:

"Attention! Anyone who wants to lose weight! In connection with the changed image of Polina, publications appeared from the supposedly Polina face - her stories about some products. Pelageya did not take any berries, poisons, mushrooms and other dietary supplements! I did not give any interviews in favor of these funds! Be careful - you are being scammed! To everyone who wants to lose weight, there is only one advice from Pelageya - proper nutrition.

Although Pelageya officially stated that she was not on social networks, official accounts on Instagram, Facebook, VKontakte are maintained on behalf of the group. Personal life and an affair with hockey player Telegin made Pelageya a popular heroine of gossip and tabloid news, although the girl always emphasized that she was not very interested in this and the group itself positioned itself as "non-format". The popularity of Pelageya, of course, was added by her participation in the TV show "Voice" on Channel One.

Pelageya's husband Ivan Telegin appears very often in the photo with his wife. But recently, a picture appeared on the Web in which Ivan kisses a pretty brunette. Fans decided that the fact of treason was obvious. Who is this mysterious girl, and is the marriage of the singer and hockey player really bursting at the seams? Pelageya herself gave an interview and commented on this compromising situation.

Pelageya and Ivan Telegin: a love story

Ivan Telegin is a talented hockey player who plays for the national team. At the last Olympics, he and his team showed a brilliant game and brought Olympic gold to our country.

Pelageya is a performer of folk songs, a singer in the genre of "folk" and "folk-rock". She gained immense popularity after the release of the grandiose project "Voice" in 2011, where she acted as a mentor to the contestants.

Two years ago, Ivan Telegin and Pelageya got married. Family life was very successful, a child was born in marriage. Recently, everyone was excited by scandalous footage in which an athlete kisses another woman. Has family happiness really come to an end, and in 2019 the spouses will have a break in relations due to infidelity?

Beloved by millions, the singer and mentor of the popular project "Voice" for a long time kept silent about her personal life. But in 2016 it became known that the performer had an affair with a young hockey player Ivan Telegin. The couple met at the beginning of the year. Rumors about the novel spread after the young people were seen at dinner in a restaurant. Soon a photo was published in which Pelagia poses at the match in a T-shirt with the name of her lover, then it became clear that people had a warm relationship.

At first, this novel caused heated discussions on the Web. It turned out that Ivan left his past lover with a baby in her arms and in every possible way refused to help his common-law wife and son. Many began to call the singer nothing more than a homemaker. Pelageya herself did not comment on this situation in any way, which caused even more condemnation from Internet users. Only after some time, in an interview, she said that she did not take Ivan away from the family. According to the Voice star, the hockey player at that time had already broken up with his former lover. At the time of the meeting, he was a free man. The performer admitted that her conscience would not allow her to break up someone else's family.

In 2016, in the summer, the lovers formalized their relationship. In the photo with his wife, Ivan Telegin, Pelageya's husband, always looked very happy. Six months later, family happiness became even greater: the couple had their first child - daughter Taisiya.

Family life of Ivan Telegin and Pelageya

Two years ago, Pelageya accepted a marriage proposal from Telegin. The singer often appeared at social events and showed off a ring on her ring finger. At first, she preferred not to talk about her relationship with the then 24-year-old national team athlete. Moreover, then the scandal about Ivan's departure from the family was in full swing, and accusations fell on the singer as a homemaker.

The mentor of the Voice project introduced her chosen one to her family, who was received very well. Soon the wedding took place, which the journalists learned about only a week later. The newlyweds tried not to advertise the celebration, which took place in a restaurant on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway, and the registration itself took place at the Kutuzovsky registry office. Only close friends of the couple were present, including hockey player Igor Makarov and his wife Lera Kudryavtseva.

After all the ceremonies, the couple went on vacation to Greece. Joint photos of Pelageya's husband Ivan Telegin and his wife increasingly began to appear on the Web, in which lovers demonstrate their happiness.

A few months later, news publications began to publish pictures of the pregnant Pelageya. She, like a loving wife, tried not to miss a single important match involving her husband. At one of these hockey meetings, journalists filmed the singer with a noticeably rounded tummy. Now it has become clear to fans that the couple will soon have a baby.

In January, the couple had a daughter, who was given the name Taisiya. Pelageya quickly got into shape after giving birth. Fans thought that she would "disappear" for at least a year and devote herself entirely to motherhood. But a month later, the singer came out with her husband. Pelageya's husband Ivan Telegin in the photo with his wife was captured on one of the evenings of the Comedy Club program.

On the set of the Smak program, the folk singer said that they are happy in family life. True, spouses do not have much time for each other. From the very morning, when his wife and daughter are still sleeping, Ivan goes on the ice to train, and in the evening the singer herself is often busy until late on the set. Nevertheless, the spouses manage to exist harmoniously and pamper their charming daughter with their attention and love. Pelageya often comes to many competitions where Ivan participates. She considers her husband a real hero and supports him in everything.

Scandal, breaking news

After the Olympics, where the hockey player became the Olympic champion, rumors spread about Ivan's betrayal. A certain girl named Karina published a picture with Ivan, where she hugs the hero of the Olympiad. Of course, this photo did not become a reason for accusations against Ivan. Internet users thought that this was just a fan expressing her joy and gratitude to the athlete for the victory. But that was only the beginning.

After some time, footage appeared where the brunette kisses Telegin on the lips. Ivan celebrated the successful completion of the Olympic Games and his birthday in the restaurant. Pelageya was not seen next to him, but there was a girl Karina, who was not shy in showing her feelings for a married man. These pictures raised a stormy wave of discussions.

Followers began vying to accuse Ivan of treason, and tried to understand who this mysterious stranger was. Even more fans were interested in the question - how did Pelageya's wife react to all this?

The singer did not remain silent for a long time and commented on the scandal. Pelageya called Karina "a girl of easy virtue" and said that neither she nor her husband could be held responsible for the behavior of such women. There was no betrayal, just the girl was too frank in her behavior. Also, the mentor of the show "Voice" hastened to reassure the fans and assured that there would be no divorce.

“We are fine,” the singer replied to numerous gossip. Pelageya said that now she and her husband are going to the Kremlin for the awards ceremony for Olympic champions.

Indeed, it seems that the delicate situation could not make a crack in family life. In February and March, just after the scandalous story, a lot of joint photos appeared, where the spouses spend time together and look absolutely happy. For example, recently there was a joint visit to Vladimir Putin. At a reception with President Ivan Telegin, they thanked him for the gold medal. In gratitude for the Olympic Games in Korea, he received a cash prize of 8 million rubles and a prestigious BMW car. The head of state also congratulated the athlete on his 26th birthday and presented him with a memorial book by the brilliant hockey coach Anatoly Tarasov.

Pelageya Khanova is currently one of the most popular artists performing in the folk genre. She was truly able to make folklore close to the broad strata of Russian society.

The artist became popular in her childhood, having won several of the most prestigious vocal competitions in the Russian Federation. Pelageya was able to become the winner in the "Morning Star", which young vocalists from the vast Russian expanses sought to come to. A large number of listeners remember her performances in KVN, where she showed herself not only as a good performer, but also as a comedian.

The artist won the hearts of numerous listeners of the Russian Federation with her excellent data and charming smile. Pelageya performs, gathering a large number of listeners.

Currently, the popular performer is a jury member of the show "Voice". She treats all participants with understanding, supporting them in all situations.

Many fans believe that the popular artist has a Tatar nationality. But Pelageya claims that she is Russian and has nothing to do with the Tatar nation. What is the height, weight, age, how old is Pelageya Khanova? These questions have been of great interest to all admirers of the artist's talent for several decades, since the mid-90s of the last century.

It is known that the girl celebrated her 30th birthday. But the concert tour in honor of this event, she postponed indefinitely. The reason for this was the birth of a daughter.

Pelagia is not very tall. Her height is only 163 cm. Her weight is very small - only 57 kg. The artist is actively involved in sports. She plays badminton with her husband. Every day, Pelageya runs about 2-3 km, and also does a set of exercises that makes her feel better.

The popular singer Pelageya observes the daily routine. She has developed a diet that she follows every day. But sometimes a Russian pop star can break loose and eat something sweet. But then, over the next few days, the popular artist sits down on bread and water.

Biography of Pelageya Khanova (singer)

The biography of Pelageya Khanova (singer) began in the mid-80s of the last century. Novosibirsk becomes the hometown of a talented performer. The father left the family before the birth of Pelageya. Mother played jazz. The surname was given to the girl by the next husband of her mother, who adopted the girl at the age of 5. Although the man broke up with the mother of the Russian pop star a long time ago, Pelageya continues to communicate with him. She considers him to be her real father. A girl often sees a man, and considers his children from another marriage to be her brother and sister.

Immediately after the birth of the girl, her parents were given a certificate in the name of Polina, assuring that this is an analogue of the name Pelageya. A teenager at the age of 14 officially changed him to Pelageya. She says that the beloved grandmother of the popular singer had such a name. The old woman died shortly before the birth of her granddaughter. She was very much looking forward to it. When a girl was born, her parents decided to name their daughter after her.

At the age of 4, the girl performed a song for the first time. Even then, she impressed with her vocal abilities. Since that time, she began to be invited to a wide variety of events, where she invariably found herself in the spotlight. Grateful listeners already in those distant years rewarded the girl with applause, invariably calling for an encore.

At the age of 8, she began to study at a special school in Novosibirsk, where she learned the basics of musical art. At the age of 9, Pelageya won the Morning Star. After that, she became a member of the KVN team from Novosibirsk, showing her excellent vocal skills.

At the age of 10, she began to study at the Moscow Gnesinka. The teachers prophesied a bright future for the talented student. In mid-1998, he speaks at a summit attended by Presidents from the Russian Federation, the French Republic and Germany.

After graduating from a special school as an external student, at the age of 14, the future popular performer becomes a student of the RATI, after which she founded the Pelageya group. Since 2004, everyone has been talking about a young singer with an unusual name, performing in the genre of folklore. She performed with the most famous Russian pop stars. For example, in a duet, the girl sang with Garik Sukachev, Sergei Shnurov, Philip Kirkorov and many others.

Since 2012, she began to participate in the show project "Voice". First as a coach-mentor, and then as a member of the jury.

Currently, Pelageya has released several music albums. She is very loved by Russian listeners who are waiting for the arrival of the artist.

Pelageya tried herself in the cinema. She has acted in several films. The girl wants to play in some Russian comedy, but she has not yet been invited.

Personal life of Pelageya Khanova

The personal life of Pelageya Khanova passes in front of numerous fans of her singing talent. The singer impresses with her beauty and originality, so the best and most worthy men often revolve around her. This gives rise to a lot of rumors about the relationship of the popular performer.

Currently, the girl is married to a young and talented hockey player. Young people love each other very much. They appear everywhere together, showing their true love. Recently, a daughter appeared in the family, whom mom and dad love very much. They try to give the girl as much attention as possible.

Family of Pelageya Khanova

From childhood, Pelageya was raised by her mother. She saw the girl's talent at an early age and tried to develop it. It was her beloved mother who took Pelageya to various song contests, the jury of which appreciated her gift. Currently, the woman works in her daughter's team. She arranges concerts, does accounting.

The family of Pelageya Khanova currently consists of herself, her mother, her beloved husband and daughter. The singer, despite the incredible employment, tries to spend a lot of time with them. She walks with her daughter, attends events with her husband.

The performer considers numerous admirers of her talent as members of her family, who often give the girl flowers and small gifts.

Children of Pelageya Khanova

For a long time, Pelageya regretted that her children were not born. She and her first husband Dmitry were very busy people, so they had no time to give birth to a child. In 2017, a popular performer became a mother for the first time. She gave birth to a charming girl, whom it was decided to name Taisia.

The children of Pelageya Khanova, according to her confession, are her compositions, which are loved by many residents of the Russian Federation. The girl loves each of them. In particular, she loves Russian folk songs, which she always performs at her concerts.

The artist also considers the children in the show project “Voice. Children". Pelageya is interested in the creative fate of everyone.

Daughter of Pelageya Khanova - Taisiya

The daughter of Pelageya Khanova - Taisiya was born on a January day in 2017. For a long time, the popular performer did not know how to name the girl. And only after the birth of a charming daughter, she came to the decision that her daughter should be named Taisia.

A few days later, information appeared on the network that Pelageya had given birth to a daughter, an extract from the hospital, a photo of which appeared in several media, was held secretly.

Currently, the daughter of a popular artist is one year old. The event was held in a quiet family circle. The girl was presented with a doll, a children's educational computer and one musical instrument.

Former husband of Pelageya Khanova - Dmitry Khrustalev

The ex-husband of Pelageya Khanova, Dmitry Khrustalev, is one of the founders of Comedy Vumen. Young people met at the time when they played in KVN.

Young people began to meet since 2005. They dated for several years. In 2010, Pelageya and Dmitry officially registered their marriage. But after 2 years, frequent scandals began to arise in the family. The reason was the frequent tour of both spouses. In 2014, they decided to divorce. After the divorce, Pelageya and Dmitry maintained friendly relations.

Currently Dmitry is free. He meets with one or the other girl. Recently there was information about his possible wedding in 2018, but the name of the chosen one has not yet been disclosed. The artist himself does not want to answer journalists' questions, saying that soon everyone will know everything.

Husband of Pelageya Khanova - Ivan Telegin

Soon after breaking up with her ex-husband, the popular artist met Ivan Telegin. He is one of the best hockey players in the Russian championship. Young people fell in love with each other. Telegin left his ex-wife, he was not stopped even by his daughter, who was born shortly before.

Young people got married immediately after the hockey player's divorce. The husband of Pelageya Khanova, Ivan Telegin, says that he is happy. He literally carries his wife in his arms, considering him the best in this world.

Recently, on her wedding anniversary, the NHL star gave her wife a ring. Together they went on a trip to Svetlogorsk, where the popular performer became one of the jury members.

Photos of Pelageya Khanova (singer) in Maxim magazine, to the great joy of many admirers of her talent, sometimes appear on the pages of the publication. Candid photos are not to be seen here. The girl is removed only in a bathing suit. She believes that in this form it is possible to appear before men. And naked Pelageya never appeared on the pages of the publication. She believes that only beloved men are awarded such a privilege.

On the pages on Instagram there are a large number of photos taken on the beach. They give fans the opportunity to see their favorite frankly next to their beloved husband. The girl literally glows with happiness. It can be seen with the naked eye that she is happy, loves and is loved.

Instagram and Wikipedia Pelageya Khanova (singer)

Instagram and Wikipedia Pelageya Khanova (singer) are very actively maintained by the most popular performer. She often tells her fans the most detailed information about herself and her loved ones.

Wikipedia allows you to learn about the life, work and relationships of a popular artist. Here are listed all the songs she has ever performed. Also, admirers of the artist's talent can find out what awards Pelageya has been awarded.

The Instagram page contains a large number of photos. Here you can see not only Pelageya herself, but her relatives: mother, husband, friends. But photographs of the beloved daughter cannot be found. The girl believes that pictures of a small child should not appear on the Internet.

There are also accounts of the performer in other social networks, but they are not so active. Pelagia apologizes to subscribers. She explains everything by her busyness with creative activity.

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