Alexa singer biography personal life. Alexa: a bright member of the Star Factory has changed beyond recognition

Alexandra Chvikova, in the world of show business, is known to everyone as the singer Alexa. The girl gained her fame thanks to the musical project "Star Factory - 4", where the aspiring star did not take a prize, but was able to enter the top five finalists and receive a special prize from the MIA company - a romantic trip to Venice. After Alex's project, as a famous singer, she was able to achieve no small success, which cannot be said about her personal life and changes in appearance. After an unsuccessful plastic surgery, the girl began to look older than her age.

Today, Alexandra does not hide the fact that she is in a relationship and her personal pictures on social networks have caused many rumors that the singer Alexa got married, photo 2016. And if this is true, then who is the husband of the singer Alexa?

Childhood and the creative path of Alexa

Before finding out whether the famous singer Alexa really got married in 2016, we will tell you about how Alexandra Chvikova became famous and in demand as the singer Alexa.

Alexandra is from Donetsk. Her father is a successful and influential businessman, and her mother did not pursue a career, but devoted herself to the family and raising her daughter. Singer Alexa grew up as an obedient girl, she developed a warm and trusting relationship with her parents. It was they who helped to reveal the talent of the singer in her, since Alexa was embarrassed to speak to the public and preferred to sing alone, behind a closed door. By the way, Alexandra always said that the future husband of the singer Alex must necessarily be like her father, because her dad is the ideal man in the whole world.

As a young girl, she studied singing, dancing, took piano lessons, and wrote poetry. Her dad supported his daughter in everything, and thanks to such support, Alexandra successfully performed at young talent competitions and was able to connect her life with the modeling business.

Musical career - the beginning of the path of the singer Alexa

At the age of 13, Alexandra was able to become a successful model and record her first track "Air Kiss", which immediately began to sound on all Ukrainian radio stations. But the first disc under the same name was not very popular.

In 2004, the girl becomes a member of the Star Factory 4 project, which brought her success. And, despite the fact that Alexa could not take a prize, the project brought her not only fame, but also became a good start in her musical career. After living in a star house, the singer Alexa immediately recorded three songs, then recorded two solo albums, and became the face of the MIA cosmetics company.

Alex's personal life

The singer Alexa met her first love within the walls of a factory house. Another participant in the project, Timati, became her lover. The whole country watched the tender and reverent relationship of their couple, and many fans assumed that the marriage of singer Alex was just around the corner. But to the chagrin of the fans, the couple of Alex and Timati broke up.

The new chosen one of the girl was businessman Umar Dzhambralov, who was 20 years older than her, in 2008 their relationship ended. A new romance with a young TV presenter Leonid Zakolomsky ended as quickly as it began. But the relationship with Alexander Popov made the fans come to the conclusion that the girl had finally met her true love and they would soon see 2016. Indeed, it was rumored that the singer Alexa got married, photo 2016, to the hip-hop artist Lil Pop . But in reality, there was no official registration, as was the marriage of the singer Alex.

2016, the singer is not on social networks, as well as the answer to the request - the singer Alexa got married (photo 2016). But here is a photo of the singer Alex with her lover, the girl herself uploads to social networks. Who her new chosen one is still a mystery, but from the way the singer Alexa signs her photos with her beloved, it becomes clear that the girl is happy. And perhaps, in the near future, we will hear the news that the famous singer Alexa got married in 2016 and take away the photo of the wedding in 2016.

In our selection - the brightest images of domestic stars over the past week. Alexa is very, very talented. Which one do you like the most? Vote! The other day, the singer published a new post, which clearly hints at parting with her lover. Apparently, it was no accident that Alexa's blog recently posted an entry that the girl dreams of finally meeting the one who will make her happy.

The whole country watched the relationship of the Star Factory graduates, Alexa and Timati. 26-year-old Alexa has always been a fragile and slender girl. Alexa, 26, recently posted a photo of her mom that really took fans by surprise. Alexa showed numerous fans a photo of the “dream man”. 26-year-old Alexandra Chvikova, better known under the pseudonym Alexa, gave her first interview after a long break from work and communication with the press.

Very little is now known about Alexa's personal life - the girl is not married, and, apparently, her heart is free. Recently, singer Alexa celebrated her birthday: the Star Factory-4 participant turned 26 years old. As a gift, the birthday girl received a huge bear, which she had dreamed of since childhood.

The girl changed her image and became an active user of the Network. So, Alexa shared on her Instagram ... Singer Alexa entered the history of Russian show business not only as a young talented participant in Star Factory-4, but also as a former passion of rapper Timati.

25-year-old Alexa has practically ceased to delight fans with her musical novelties, but remains in touch with them on social networks. The 25-year-old singer Alexa, who is regularly accused by fans of ruining her face with plastic surgery, decided to prove the opposite by sharing pictures from a family album.

For a long time, Alexa was in the shadows: the singer rarely appeared at social events and in the news columns. However, Alexa's personal life is still under the heading "secret". This suggested to Alexa's fans that the girl's heart was still occupied. Opinions of the authors may not coincide with the editorial board. What do you think about such dramatic changes in Alexa's appearance?

What happened to the girl now? Alexa (Alexandra Aleksandrovna Chvikova) is a singer of Ukrainian origin, a graduate of the Russian reality show "Star Factory-4". From the age of 11, the future singer performed at festivals and competitions for young talents.

In 2004, Alexa got to the casting of "Star Factory-4", where she gained fame. In her first nomination, Alexa performed the song "Moon Path", previously sung by the popular singer Alsou (originally the song was performed by Vadim Baikov).

The result of her creative activity was the first album "Air Kiss", released in Ukraine in 2001. In the same year, Alexa's video for the song of the same name from this album was released. After the "Star Factory" Alexa releases 3 hits: "Where are you", "Waiting for a date" and "I live with you" and soon disappears from the screens. In this, she was helped, first of all, by the support of her family, especially her father, and the fans of her talent that quickly appeared.

Alexa is a very versatile person. The first time Alexa liked the boy at the age of 7, his name was Dima. Sasha was a very obedient child and always listened to the advice of her parents. Before arriving at the factory, Alexandra Chvikova managed to release her album in her homeland and shoot a video for one of the album's songs - "I have a cool car, we are a dangerous couple."

According to Alexa, she loves all fast and extreme sports in all natural elements, namely rollerblading, skiing and scooter, jet ski. At Ridnaya Ukraine, the well-known Donetsk production company LEVER is engaged in the promotion of the young singer. Another blow to the fragile consciousness of Alexa was the constant presence in her life of strangers who are behind the glass walls of the Star House, watching her life on the Internet.

But this test, the young princess, as all the manufacturers soon began to call her exclusively, passed successfully. However, even after all the tests of the star factory and the subsequent tour, Alexa remained the same sweet child, with an attractive appearance and excellent vocal abilities.

Biography of the singer Alexa

Unfortunately, the romance of a sweet and gentle girl with a "bad guy" ended almost immediately after the completion of the project. True, despite the fact that the beauty, it would seem, has all the data to please him, it is not so easy to meet the ideal.

Alexa broke up with her boyfriend?

The singer told journalist Laura Dzhugeliya about plans for the future, betrayals, as well as relations with Russians ... But still, there are two beloved men in her life - she congratulated one of them on her birthday in her microblog. Among the winners of the 2014 award were Irina Shayk, Victoria Daineko, Svetlana Bondarchuk, Vera Brezhneva and other stars.

On September 4, the singer Alexa turned 26 years old. The former lover of rapper Timati no longer wears pink suits and does not overdo it with tanning. Often, the outfits of stars in ordinary life are much more interesting to consider than images at social events. But if the looks of Western celebrities capture the paparazzi, relentlessly following them on their heels, then Russian celebrities manage with their own ... We remembered other bright (and not so) novels of the artist, who until recently was known, perhaps, ...

At the factory, Alexa also found her prince. The decision to try himself in the promoted project of the first channel 'Star Factory' did not come to Alex suddenly. Nevertheless, Alexa managed to overcome her natural shyness and win over the jury with her charm. By the way, it was at the factory that Alexa was imbued with consciousness, importance, humidity and the severe need to gain new knowledge.

Alexandra Chvikova was born in the family of a Donetsk businessman. She grew up like a princess surrounded by the finest things.

Since childhood, Sasha has shown interest in creativity. The girl attended a music school, danced, wrote songs, and from the age of 11 she participated in music competitions. The father adored his daughter and supported his creative impulses in every possible way, financing musical projects.

For career development Sasha came up with the pseudonym Alexa and moved to Moscow. To express herself, in 2004 she came to the casting of "Star Factory-4". Alexa became the youngest contestant in the history of the Star Factory.

The natural cute image made the singer a favorite of the audience. Before the plastic surgery, Alexa looked very fresh and innocent. The combination of good looks, gentle voice with sensitivity and vulnerability markedly distinguished her from other participants.

"Star Factory" turned out to be a difficult test for the girl. Exhausting rehearsals, psychological pressure, the constant presence of strangers, fierce competition and high demands caused depression, numerous stresses and tears. At the same time, the young star gained tremendous experience, new knowledge, and proved herself worthy to a wide audience and specialists in the music field.

What happened to singer Alexa? What is singer Alexa doing now?

The time when Alexa had plastic surgery was not the best in a creative and personal way. She tried to regain her outgoing popularity after participating in the show. But the changes in appearance did not bring the desired result. Today, Alex is almost never remembered, except perhaps as an example of unsuccessful plastic surgery. Alexa continues to lead a luxurious life, plays sports, sometimes appears at social events and even sings with friends.

Alexa is a singer who has become popular throughout the post-Soviet space. In 2009, she disappears from the television screen, ceases to give concerts and appear in public. The artist is engaged in the design of various jewelry, which she presents on her pages on social networks.

Alexa's personal life is full. At first she was in a civil marriage with rapper Timati. Then the girl often changed lovers. In 2018, she began dating a famous computer scientist from Ukraine. According to rumors, Alexa is going to marry him soon.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alexa (singer)

After the start of the Star Factory project, many music lovers started talking about the popular performer. Fans began to find out what the singer's career is like, what her height, weight, age is. How old is Alexa (singer) is easy to calculate. In 2018, the artist celebrated her 30th birthday. The actress announced the event on her Instagram page.

Alexa (singer), a photo in her youth and now which can be viewed on pages on social networks, has a height of 175 cm. The artist weighs only 51 kg.

The girl considered herself complete, so she struggled with being overweight for a long time. She almost reached anerexia, which only psychiatrists helped to cope with.

Biography and personal life of Alexa (singer)

The biography and personal life of Alexa (singer), from the period the girl appeared in the Star Factory show program, attracted the attention of a multi-million army of music lovers throughout the post-Soviet space.

On a fine September day, a baby was born in one of the Donetsk maternity hospitals. The girl was named Sasha in honor of her dad, with whom she is still more friendly.

Father - Alexander Chvikov was engaged in business, he produced concrete blocks, which were then used in construction. Sashenka's mother kept house and developed the creative side of the baby's character.

Since childhood, the girl sang well, danced, played the piano and wrote poems. In a regular school, Alexandra felt squeezed, so her parents transfer her to home schooling.

From the age of 10, Sashenka took part in vocal festivals that took place in Donetsk and Ukraine. In addition, Alexa attended a modeling studio, where she was taught how to walk correctly and show herself, to stay relaxed in front of the camera.

At the beginning of the new millennium, the singer became famous in her native country by releasing the song “Air Kiss”. At the age of 16, the girl goes to conquer the Russian army of listeners.

As a result of a tough selection, Alexandra, 16, got to the Star Factory - 4. She took the creative pseudonym Alexa for herself.

The young artist impressed the jury and the audience with her talent. She was able to become the finalist of the project, but did not manage to win. The first place was taken that year by Irina Dubtsova.

After participating in the Factory, the artist became incredibly popular. She was happy, believing that her dream was coming true. Alexa's producer is the famous composer Igor Krutoy, who led the 4th Star Factory.

For several years, the Russian pop star has been actively performing. She often took part in various television projects. But in 2006, Alexa began to conflict with her producer. She believed that the fees from the concerts should be entirely hers. This led to a break in relations with Igor Krutoy.

Then Alexa began to collaborate with other music producers. First it was Yana Rudkovskaya, and then Alexander Seltsov. But the previous success was not achieved. The singer tried to get into the Eurovision Song Contest, but in the Russian qualifying round she was overtaken by Peter Nalich, who did not even become a finalist of the project.

In 2011, Alexa disappeared from the TV screen completely. She stopped performing and writing songs. The actress began to experiment with her appearance. But this caused a negative reaction from the public. In 2015, the show business star underwent plastic surgery, returning her original appearance.

Currently, the artist travels and creates jewelry. She recently introduced a new collection of jewelry.

The personal life of the artist was actively discussed immediately after the Factory. She was in a relationship with rapper Timati. But this did not lead to marriage. Then the artist often changed fans. Alexa is currently dating Vlad Tislenko, a computer scientist from Kyiv.

Family and children of Alexa (singer)

The family and children of Alexa (singer) are among her priority issues. The singer is currently single and has no children yet. But the star of show business dreams of the birth of a daughter or son. She thinks it will happen soon. Just enough to find a beloved spouse.

The father of our heroine is engaged in business. He has supported his daughter in her creative work for many years. It is his dad Alex who incredibly loves and consults with him on any occasion.

Little is known about the artist's mother. The woman was doing housework. She developed the creative talent of her only daughter.

Former civil husband of Alexa (singer) - Timati

During her stay at the Star Factory, the young singer fell in love for the first time. She began dating a guy named Timati, who performed rap songs. After the project, young people began to live together, dreaming of an early marriage. They were stopped only by the young age of the girl.

In 2008, the lovers broke up. They declared that they would no longer live together. The girl left for her native Donetsk, where she got married a few months later.

Former common-law husband of Alexa (singer) - Timati, according to rumors, took the girl from under the crown. The lovers began to live together again. But not for long. A year later, they broke up, this time for good.

After a short time, Timati got married and became a dad. He is currently active. His work is loved by many fans.

Recently, the performer got into the reports of information agencies due to a quarrel with a colleague. Details of the conflict have not yet been disclosed.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexa (singer)

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexa (singer) are often updated with the most reliable information about the popular artist.

Many people have probably seen on TV screens and in newspapers the development of relations between such famous people as rapper Timati and singer Alexa. Their love story was incredibly romantic, because such different people complemented each other so much. According to witnesses of those relationships: “It was going to the wedding!”. But, unfortunately, due to the influence of various circumstances, the stars are no longer together. Why did Alexa and Timati break up? This article will tell you about it.

Acquaintance of Timati and Alexa

Why did Alexa and Timati break up? Let's start from the very beginning. This couple met at the casting of the show "Star Factory 4" in 2004. Timati at that time was 21 years old, but Alex was only 16 years old. The guys immediately found a common language, and their romance began to develop so rapidly that doubts arose about the sincerity of their feelings.

It is worth paying attention to the process of conquering Alexa, because it was very romantic. Timati, not embarrassed by others, gave Alex tender kisses, showered her with a huge number of flowers, supported the girl during her stage appearances.

Alexa's father was very worried about the couple's relationship, because the guy with a lot of tattoos and a desire to become famous did not inspire confidence. Alexa also had constant conflicts with her mother, because she argued that even on the show you need to maintain decency, and kissing is not included in this concept.

Timati - Alexa: relationship after the end of the show "Star Factory 4"

After the end of the Star Factory 4 project, all the participants of the show went on a tour of the country. It was at that moment that the relationship between Alexa and Timati began to deteriorate.

After the end of the tour, a very strong quarrel arose between the couple, as a result of which the young people decided to leave, and Alexa returned to her hometown - Donetsk.

After a certain time, Timati went for Alexa (breaking her wedding) and their relationship lasted another year. In the general account, the couple was together from 2004 to 2007, not taking into account breaks. So why did Alexa and Timati break up? And what prompted the man to disrupt such an important event in the life of a girl? Was there love?

Did Timati really disrupt Alexa's wedding?

After the first separation of the couple and Alexa's return to her hometown, her parents decided to speed up the process of "forgetting" Timati, and introduced the singer to a young coal oligarch. Their relationship led to an engagement, and Alexa's father insisted that the wedding take place as quickly as possible.

Alexa was not in love with the man who was to become her husband, but she did not resist the will of her parents either. In turn, when Timati found out about Alexa's engagement, his world shook. At one point, he realized that he was not able to live without this girl.

After realizing the above fact, Timati decided to go to Donetsk. In the dark, he snuck into Alexa's house and woke her up with a kiss. Young people seriously discussed their relationship, and came to the conclusion that they should be together.

In a matter of minutes, having collected all the necessary things, Alexa and Timati got into a taxi, which was already waiting for the couple around the corner of the house. And in half an hour they flew by plane to Moscow.

After this situation, Alexa had to try to get the forgiveness of her parents.

This story was heard from the lips of all journalists. There were no denials from the side of the star couple, they only smiled mysteriously, so it’s impossible to say for sure whether this was true.

Gift idea from Timati for Alexa on her coming of age

A memorable moment in the relationship of the couple was the gift that Timati wanted to present to the girl on her coming of age.

Since Timati has been drawing sketches for creating men's jewelry for a long time, it was not difficult for him to make a sketch for a women's ring. The rapper was also fond of studying various precious stones, but in the ring for Alexa he decided not to invent anything and opted for the classic - diamonds.

The ring was created in Italy by one of the well-known jewelers. It is made of white gold, with diamonds and a monogram (until now unknown, since Timati kept it a secret). In addition, the ring has a special secret: only Alexa can open it and, accordingly, put it on.

Initially, this gift was supposed to be presented along with a marriage proposal, but something did not work out.

The resumption of relations: Alexa and Timati

Why they broke up then is not completely clear. But after their relationship for some time resumed. In 2010, both stars were invited to Yalta for the well-known children's contest "New Wave". Even during the flight, the couple took several photographs in which Alexa is sitting in Timati's arms.

During the competition, young people did not leave each other and constantly held hands. In the evenings, the couple could be seen in various romantically decorated restaurants in Yalta.

Unfortunately, this relationship did not last more than a few months. So why did Alexa and Timati break up if everything was so beautiful?

The reason for the final separation of Alexa and Timati

Why did Timati break up with Alexa? He has his own opinion on this matter. According to Timati, he belongs to the type of people who prefer to be constantly in the spotlight, and for this you need to attend various parties and meetings every day. And Alex, in turn, is one of those who prefer to spend the evening at home. On the basis of such differences in character, the couple broke up. The rapper stated that he was not able to change himself, and Alexa was not obliged to endure this state of affairs, so the best option for them would be if Timati let the girl out of her life.

Did Timati really leave Alex? The girl also has her own version. According to Alexa, things were a little different. Timati constantly went to various parties, and Alexa was at home. For the girl, this situation, although it was unpleasant, was ready to put up with it. But the end of her patience came exactly at the moment when she saw the pendant on the singer Yulia Volkova, which Timati always wore without taking off. Timati then justified himself by saying that they had love with Alexa, but with Volkova they had passion, and these are completely different things. For Alexa, this did not become an argument and, having collected her things, she left Timati.

Whatever it was, but there is no longer such as Timati-Alexa. They broke up back in 2010, but the echoes of this beautiful love story are still heard. Only the two of them know the true reason for the breakup.

How Alex survived the breakup with Timati

Did Timati and Alexa love each other? The history of the relationship of this beautiful couple worries all fans. But only they know the answers to all questions, everything else is versions and conjectures. One thing is for sure: parting with Timati for Alexa was a fairly strong blow. For several weeks, the singer fell into depression, from which her father helped her to get out of, who always supported Alexa and was initially against her relationship with Timati.

Further, the young singer decided to completely plunge into work, and the girl embodied all her pain and experiences in the famous song “My Vendetta”. As the singer later said, with this song she put an end to their relationship.

Alexa's personal life for 2016

For several years now, Alexa has been the happy wife of hip-hop artist Andrei Popov. The singer is five years older than her chosen one, and at the time they met, the performer was not even an adult yet.

The couple met during the filming of the video for the beginning musical group La La by Babes, in which Alexa starred as Andrei Popov's lover.

In addition to the love of music, young people are connected by the state of their parents. Popov, like Alexa, is the child of a fairly wealthy person.

According to some reports, the couple is expecting a child.

Timati's personal life for 2016

After breaking up with Alexa, the rapper had many different girls, some of them lingered in his life for several years, and some, for example, Alena Shishkova, left a huge contribution to his life (daughter Alice).

Timati met with Alena Shishkova for several years, the daughter of Alice became the fruit of their love. But, unfortunately, the couple broke up. The initiator of the gap was Alena Shishkova, because she fell in love with football player Anton Shunin. To date, the couple maintains good relations and even celebrated their daughter's birthday together in the Dominican Republic (Alice is 2 years old).

Timati's last romance is observed with "Vice-Miss Russia" Anastasia Reshetova. The couple has an age difference of 13 years, but this does not interfere with their relationship at all.

It is likely that this particular girl will become Timati's official wife, since she is already informing the public that she dreams of having children in a few years, and their birth without a stamp in her passport is unacceptable for her. And knowing Timati's attitude towards children, he may not be able to resist the pressure of the beauty.

After analyzing the lives of Alexa and Timati at the present stage, we can say with confidence that "everything is for the best." Alexa is a happy wife, and perhaps already a mother, and Timati can attend parties, develop as a rapper and, of course, raise his beloved daughter Alice.

This is how Timati and Alexa live today. The love story of this couple was incredibly romantic, especially the moment when Timati took Alexa out of the crown, but even this faded away, leaving only memories behind. And perhaps this love did not exist at all, no one can be completely sure of this. According to some sources, the couple's feelings were real, but according to others, this is a beautifully played story that should have hooked the audience. Whatever the truth, but this couple will forever remain in the hearts of those people who watched the development of their relationship.

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