Aspen singer personal life. Creative biography of the singer Evgeny Osin

Evgeny Osin is a popular singer who, over many years of work, has managed to give his listeners a huge number of unforgettable hits. “A girl is crying in a machine gun”, “Jock”, “Fellow traveler”, “Portrait by Pablo Picasso” - each of these compositions became a real hit and brought the performer well-deserved popularity. At the beginning of the new millennium, Yevgeny Osin's popularity slowly waned, he began to have problems with alcohol, but we will remember him as a classic hero of his time, the last romantic of the nineties.

Childhood and youth

Evgeny Osin was born on October 4, 1964 in the family of a bus driver Victor. It is known that the head of the family was a Seventh-day Adventist, perhaps because of his religious views, he divorced his wife when Zhenya was 9 years old. The boy decided to stay with his mother, and together with his younger sister Albina, they moved to an apartment in Tekstilshchiki, on Lublinskaya street. The father moved to Cherepovets and headed the local sect.

Osin studied at school number 188. Among Zhenya's childhood hobbies were pigeons - together with a friend they kept birds on the balcony - and music. Already at the age of twelve, he mastered the drums and two years later began playing drums in the local school ensemble. For some time he even tried to study at a music school, but the young guy got tired of classical and somewhere even boring classes very quickly. In the future, the musician could boast of one document on musical education - a special certificate from the institute for advanced training of cultural workers, which gives the right to work as an ensemble leader at a school or a house of culture.

The area where Yevgeny Osin spent his youth was quite criminogenic. Residential buildings were surrounded by dormitories, factories and vegetable warehouses. Eugene spent his leisure time with his yard friends in the same way: they drank port wine, strummed the guitar, flirted with the girls. After the eight-year-old, Eugene entered the mechanic at the sewing technical school, but he did not even think about working in his specialty.

I have always been a romantic to the core. If he fell deeply in love, he was embarrassed to admit it, but he could make secret gifts to the object of adoration.

In 1986, he gathered around him a small group of musicians, which soon turned into the Nightcap group. Under this name, the team performed for some time, and then carried out a “rebranding” and became known as “Keks”. It is noteworthy that it was in this ensemble that Evgeny first tried on the role of a frontman. He played the guitar and also sang the main vocals.

In creative search

In the same 1986, Osin began to actively cooperate with the Moscow Rock Laboratory, and some time later he performed with two new bands - the Nicolaus Copernicus and Alliance groups. However, in these ensembles, Evgeny Osin no longer occupied such a significant place, permanently remaining on the sidelines.

In 1988, Evgeny Osin became the head of the Ded Moroz team, which operated under the Stas Namin Production Center. But even in this group, the musician did not stay long. And a few months later he migrated to the Bravo group, popular at that time, which only recently left the leading soloist Zhanna Aguzarova.

For several months, Osin took part in the tour activities of the Bravo group as a soloist and even starred in a video prepared specifically for the new album “We'll tell each other“ Bravo! ””. But in the end, he left the band soon enough - the group's frontman Evgeny Khavtan met Valery Syutkin and offered him a place as a soloist. The material recorded with Osin was never officially presented to the public, but clips with his participation can be found on the Web.

"Bravo" with Evgeny Osin, 1989

In the early 1990s, Evgeny Osin created his own musical group - the Avalon group. In this ensemble, the musician again took on all the most important functions, acting as a soloist, guitarist, and also the author of most of the songs. It is noteworthy that the repertoire of this group consisted of songs written in a variety of genres, from jazz to hard rock. With this team, Evgeny Osin recorded and released the album "The Bright Path of Fire", which was practically not noticed by the public.

Solo career of Evgeny Osin

In 1991, Osin began to build a solo career. During this period, he finally found his signature style, combining elements of "courtyard romance" and pop rhythms of that time. In 1992, Evgeny recorded and released his first solo record, 70th Latitude, which immediately became very successful. Almost every song featured on this album soon became a real hit. On this disc, the most popular song by Evgeny Osin, “The girl in the machine is crying”, written to the words of Andrei Voznesensky, was also presented.

Evgeny Osin - Crying girl in the machine

In 1994, the musician's second album, Evgeny Osin in Russia, appeared on the shelves, and two years later, the third disc, Work on Mistakes, was released. The main hit of this time is the song "Kachka".

Evgeny Osin – Portrait by Pablo Picasso

After several successful years in the career of Evgeny Osin, a period of calm begins. The artist has been collecting material for three long years, during which only one of his fresh singles appears on radio stations. In 1999, the album "Birds" went on sale, which was little like the previous ones. The track list included many dance compositions, already recorded using computer technology, rather than live instruments.

Between 2000 and 2010, the musician released seven more albums, many of which are collections of previous hits. From the beginning of the 2000s, Evgeny Osin's popularity began to decline rapidly. He and his work inexorably lagged behind the trends of the time and moved into the "retro" category.

Evgeny Osin's personal life

Despite his popularity, attractiveness and kind character, Aspen was unlucky in his personal life. Once, when Eugene was at the peak of his fame, he went to the store and met a charming beauty on the street and asked her for a phone number. The girl's name was Natalya, she worked in a bank and was married to a teacher of foreign languages. Unable to resist the charms of the musician, she gave herself over to the feelings that overwhelmed her and divorced her husband. Eugene insisted that they not only sign at the registry office, but also get married.

Being a rather jealous person, Eugene insisted that Natalya quit and take up housekeeping. In 2002, she gave birth to a daughter, Agnia, to the singer. By that time, they had acquired a spacious 140-meter apartment on Karamyshevskaya Embankment. The couple put a lot of effort into the renovation. Eugene's pride was a room with billiards and a real pond. The wife tried to cook vegetarian dishes for Eugene, agreed to make her daughter a vegetarian, like dad, and turned a blind eye to the episodic betrayals of the star.

The relationship of the Aspen couple began to deteriorate due to Yevgeny's addiction to alcohol. He increasingly got drunk, rowdy, and once got into a fight during a family vacation in Egypt. Apparently, this was the last straw - Natalya filed for divorce, after which she was against his communication with her daughter.

In 2010, she got married again, and in order to see Agnia, the former idol of incorrigible romantics got a job teaching music at secondary school No. 1287 in Moscow. In this place, under his leadership, the children's and youth ensemble "Fishki" was created. At this place, the singer worked for 5 years, receiving 25 thousand a month. In 2011, the singer returned to touring activities, but his repertoire consisted of songs from past years.

After parting with Natalya Osin, he fell into deep drinking bouts, then returned to creativity, performances, and tours. In 2016, he released his latest album with the telling title "Separation".

Last years of life and death

Evgeny Osin repeatedly tried to take his life into his hands and overcome alcohol addiction, but each time he broke down. In the fall of 2017, he underwent a rehabilitation course in Thailand, where shortly before that, Dana Borisova was treated for cocaine addiction, but upon his return he began to drink again. On March 30, 2018, he himself came to the clinic and was urgently hospitalized. The musician had serious health problems, there was no money for treatment.

The story about Evgeny Osin on NTV

November 17, 2018 it became known about the death of Evgeny Osin. The body was found by his sister Albina. After she lost contact with her brother for a day, the woman opened the door of his apartment with her key. According to her, he had been drinking for the entire week preceding his death. Doctors said the cause of death was cardiac arrest. The musician was 54 years old. Until the last day he remained a man of creativity; in his last voice message addressed to singer Andrei Kovalev, Osin claimed that he continued to write songs, but "not to order, but from the heart."

51-year-old singer Evgeny Osin, who was remembered by the Russian listener for such hits as “The girl in the machine is crying”, “Eighth of March”, “Tanya plus Volodya”, “Kachka”, “Fellow traveler”, got into one of the capital's clinics a few days ago . Doctors assess the condition of the performer as serious. After a thorough examination, Osin was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver. According to doctors, the disease developed due to serious alcohol abuse.

Doctors are making great efforts to stabilize the condition of a celebrity. This is not Osin's first hospitalization due to problems with alcohol addiction. In the winter of this year, the singer spent several days in the hospital, as his illness worsened.

In the 90s, Osin was at the peak of his popularity. His songs sounded from the stalls, and Yevgeny himself even took part in the election campaign of Boris Yeltsin. However, the musician's career began to decline in the mid-2000s. In 2012, he was still working at school, teaching music lessons to children, and even created a group, which included his daughter Agnia.

Problems with alcohol completely destroyed the Aspen family. His beloved wife left the artist, taking the child with her. Eugene was very upset by these events, because he considered Agnia the most valuable person in his life. In order not to suffer from loneliness and forget about grief, he abused alcoholic beverages.

“I fell into a situation of hopelessness. I'm not a poor man, I have a hell of a lot to eat, but women and happiness - no. My daughter doesn't want to talk to me for two years. I suffer a lot from this, ”said Osin.

// Photo: Petr Terekhov /

The 90s star lives alone in a four-room apartment. He has repeatedly complained about his health and told reporters that doctors come to his house, put droppers. He developed pancreatitis and pancreatic problems. Osin said in an interview that he foresees that he will die soon, so he does not allow himself to marry again. Nevertheless, women surround Aspen with affection and care. Many of the fair sex, with whom he is friends, help the artist clean up the apartment, because, according to him, there is a real mess.

The last album released by Evgeny Osin was the disc "Separation", which arrived on store shelves in June of this year.

Evgeny Osin, the song "The girl in the machine is crying", video

"Eugene Osin. Life is like a song" NTV program (presenter Leonid Zakoshansky), video

The famous Russian singer and musician Yevgeny Osin was born in Moscow. Yevgeny Osin's date of birth is October 4, 1964 (10/04/1964). Evgeny Osin's manner of performing music is very peculiar - it combines elements of pop and courtyard music, as well as rock and roll.

The most popular songs performed by Yevgeny Osin: “A girl is crying in a machine gun”, “Portrait by Pablo Picasso”, “Fellow Traveler”, “Jock”, “Eighth of March”, “Tanya plus Volodya”.

Passion for music came to Evgeny Osin back in his school years, when he played drums in a school ensemble. Eugene left the music school without finishing his studies there.

Yevgeny Osin had the right to create his own musical group at the establishment of culture, which he took advantage of in the eighty-sixth year, organizing a group called Kolpak. It was later renamed "Keks". In the ensemble, Evgeny Osin sang and played the guitar. Later, Osin played percussion instruments in the Nicolaus Copernicus and Alliance groups.

In the famous center of Stas Namin, Evgeny became the head of the musical group "Ded Moroz", however, in the same year (1988) he moved to the famous group "Bravo", which Zhanna Aguzarova left shortly before. During his short work at Bravo, Evgeny Osin took part in the recording of a music album (then he was not published, but appeared in the collection of the Bravo group much later), went on tour with musicians and starred in a music video.

In 1989, Evgeny Khavtan preferred Evgeny Osin, and Osin left the team, creating his own group, which he called Avalon. He himself played, composed music (from jazz to rock) and lyrics.

In the early nineties of the last century, Evgeny Osin began to play music in the style of the seventies. In the group, almost all the musicians were girls,
romantic music and "live" instruments were used. Evgeny Osin made a bet on the texts of little-known authors, no one believed in commercial success before him. Osin correctly judged that the songs of non-professionals come from the heart, they are real. The audience appreciated the new style of Yevgeny Osin's performance, and most of the songs turned into real hits. However, in fairness, it must be said that the famous poet Andrei Voznesensky wrote the text of “the girl in the machine gun”.

Yevgeny Osin has a daughter, her name is Agnia.

Evgeny Viktorovich OSIN (October 4, 1964, Moscow, USSR - November 17, 2018, Moscow, Russia) - Soviet / Russian singer, musician, songwriter. Known for the original genre of performance, combining the so-called yard romantic music with pop rhythms and rock and roll.

Osin began to get involved in music at the age of fourteen, playing drums in a school ensemble. I tried to study at a music school, but then quit before finishing my studies. After unfinished studies, Osin had a certificate from the Institute for Advanced Studies of Cultural Workers in his hands, giving him the right to work as the head of an amateur ensemble at the level of a regional house of culture.

In parallel, he was engaged in pigeons. He kept them on the balcony in a box. The future singer dreamed of his own big dovecote. And one day his dream came true. For five hundred rubles, Zhenya bought a real dovecote. He was proud of her, and when he became popular, he even filmed in the video "The girl in the machine is crying." Shooting and further promotion of the clip cost the price of your own car. Then no one suspected that this song would become a super hit and glorify Aspen throughout the country.

“When popularity came and I became a famous artist, I had to sell the dovecote,” the singer admitted. - I could not pay the birds the same attention. All the time was occupied by music and tours.

But this is a little later, but for now ...

In 1986, he created his own group "Night Cap", later renamed "Keks" (in which he was a vocalist and played the guitar). Then he played in the groups "Nicholas Copernicus" (percussion) and "Alliance" (drums) under the auspices of the Moscow Rock Laboratory (1986-87).

In 1988, at the Stas Namin Center, he led the group "Ded Moroz", where he was a vocalist and showman - the album "Man from the Star" was recorded. In the same year, he was invited to the Bravo group after the departure of Zhanna Aguzarova. Osin took part in Bravo's touring activities, starred in a video and recorded for the album "Let's say Bravo to each other!" Officially, the album was never released due to Aspen's departure from the group, but was in circulation in magnitizdat, and for many years later got on the Internet. Also, several songs from this album with Osin's lead vocals were included on the Bravo disc, Songs of Different Years.

After leaving Bravo, Osin created his own group Avalon, in which he played the guitar, sang and composed music and poetry. The group's repertoire included a lot of music of various directions from jazz to "heavy". Recorded with "Avalon" almost unnoticed album "Shining Path of Fire" (published by "Becar Records").

In 1991 he turned to the repertoire and style of the 70s.

The popularity of Aspen was gaining momentum every day. After the song “The girl in the machine is crying”, which in the early 90s came from every iron, the singer gave out another hit. And the whole country sang again: “But I do not believe what they say. All guys write about girls. I will answer silently. I don't want to doubt you."

In 1992 he released the disc "70th latitude". Osin performed songs where romantic courtyard music is mixed with pop rhythms and the aesthetics of rock and roll of the 60s. All the instruments on the album were live, and most of the musicians were girls. The album was a huge success, more than half of the songs from it became hits.

Osin says: “I sang romantic songs by non-professional authors that no one wanted to release. All my compositions can be compared to home songs with a guitar. These are things that touch because they are written from the heart. Now there are a lot of corrupt authors who write to order. All their writings are about nothing, just rhyming phrases. My songs may not be very literate, but they are real.

However, the author of the words of the song “A girl in the machine is crying”, which became the main hit of the album, was Andrei Voznesensky, and the composer of the song “Portrait by Pablo Picasso” was the Polish pianist and composer Wladyslaw Szpilman (Roman Polanski’s film “The Pianist” is about him).

In 1994, the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" was recording the album "Evgeny Osin in" Russia ".

In 1996, the album "Work on Errors" was released, and in this album Osin also appears as a composer who successfully works in the traditions of music of the 60s-70s. The main hit of the album was the song "Kachka".

After “Working on Errors”, Osin begins to record a new album, but the creation process takes a very long time (for all this time only one song “Tanya plus Volodya” is released), and the new album “Birds” was released only in 1999.

The album has little space for the former courtyard lyrics: now the compositions are more energetic, even danceable, and unlike previous albums with live instruments, computers were used in the recording of this one.

In the late 1990s - early 2000s, Osin began to collaborate with young performers (including rappers), starred in many videos, as well as projects, such as, for example, "Old songs about the main thing."
In 2000, the Golden Collection album was released, and the next year two albums at once - Bagel and Baton (containing children's songs) and All the Same Girls (most of the songs of which were written by businessman Ildar Khairullin). Both albums were unsuccessful.

In 2003, two collections of Aspen were released - "Mood for Love" and "Star Series".

In 2009, the second album of children's songs, Bagel, Loaf and Bagel, was released. It also included songs performed by other artists, and the composition "Alphabet" was performed by Evgeny's daughter, Agnia.

In the 90s, Osin often toured Russia and abroad, performing songs "live" (as part of a group of ten people, eight of which are on stage). He also starred in television programs, released more than ten video clips.

He voiced the singing of Lev Malinovsky (actor Valery Garkalin) in the film "Pops".

In parallel with his career success, the singer experienced changes in his personal life.

In one of the banks (Note - according to another version, which is more plausible for our frequenter of the wine departments - in the store) he met a pretty employee Natalya and invited her to his concert. Later, Osin found out that she had a husband. For some time, Zhenya and Natalya stopped talking, and then their relationship resumed. Natalya told her husband that she had fallen in love with another, and began to live with the singer. The girl's mother was against this union, but the lovers did not pay attention to her.

In 2000, they got married, and two years later they had a daughter, who was named Agnia. Osin doted on the girl. However, with the birth of a child, relations with his wife began to deteriorate. Evgeniy more and more often applied to the bottle. His career also went down: the singer was no longer invited to shoot ...

Osin lived on income from performances at corporate parties, which became less and less every year. At some point, Natalia decided to divorce. She took Agnia with her and forbade the singer to communicate with her daughter. For Aspen, this was a real blow. Since then, without alcohol, he could not imagine his life.

« Eugene several times promised himself to start a new life without alcohol,- say his fans on the Internet. - But all such attempts did not last long. Zhenya broke down again. Of course, he needs a woman to guide him through life. But he didn't meet one. That's why it's going downhill."

In one of the attempts to sober up, Osin even got a job as a music teacher at the school where his daughter studied. Now he could see her at least within the walls of the educational institution. The idol of millions became the artistic director of the children's group "Chips" (in this group, by the way, his daughter performed). The children adored him, Yevgeny himself liked him at school.

“I worked at school for almost five years,- Osin says in an interview with a slurred tongue. - I have already left school, I do not work. But I'm glad I worked there. This is a good experience for me. I studied the psychology of children in full, I understood how to communicate with them. I had both high school students and juniors. They paid twenty-five thousand rubles a month.

In 2014, Osin turned fifty years old. Zhenya did not throw noisy parties on the occasion of the holiday. With material wealth, the singer is tense. According to psychologists, after fifty men change their psychology. Osin has not changed anything in this regard.

“Nothing happens, the person feels as usual, the singer boasts. - Although the age is not felt. I feel like I'm 25 years old!"

However, despite the "young" age, the singer does not want to live at all. He rarely leaves his four-room apartment and increasingly thinks about death. Eugene claims that a black streak has begun in his life again.

During the conversation, Osin barely spoke the words.

- Zhenya, why are you drinking? - correspondents of “Interlocutor. Ru" (April, 2015).

I drink because I don't have anyone. Yes, fans to hell. For them, I have now recorded an album. Live - with drums, with keys, with guitars. I'm preparing it for release. My album is huge. It's a bomb, just a bomb. I listened to it and realized that I did not live in vain. Maybe it's a suicide album because I'm dying. Just on the brink of death. But the album is about to come out. There is such a person, Vitaly Yarygin, he will probably release him without me, because I am in a very poor state of health.

- What hurts you?

Everything hurts: both the soul and the heart. The fact is that the album is also called "Separation" ... I had a friend with whom we were together from the very beginning and with whom we recorded all my songs - Sanya Alekseev. He died a few years ago, and left the songs to me, and I recorded all these songs.

According to Aspen, his subtle mental organization was broken by love ups and downs. Eugene says that he recently broke up with his beloved woman. Because of this, he again went into a binge. When asked why they broke up, Eugene replies immediately:

- Yes, stupid! She left me. And we were together for five years. She is generally a guitarist, a guitar teacher ... Now she is gone. I have nobody.

- What should be your favorite?

- To match the concepts. I would like to have a slender little woman. No models needed. The main thing is that she be wise and understand me. Until then, there is none!

- Maybe you should look for your soul mate on the Internet?

- On what Internet? It's a total betrayal!

The singer, even in an alcoholic frenzy, talks about his daughter, without whom he cannot imagine his life. But, as he claims, the ex-wife does not allow to see the child.

I haven't seen my daughter for over a year.- says the singer. - My wife does not allow me to communicate with my daughter, forbids, sets me up. You say: Surrounded on all sides. I have now problems and with Homeowners' association. Simply impossible. In general, the full program was overlaid: debts and rent, and the garage. Tell for a long time.

- Do your relatives help you? Do you have a sister?

- Yes, we communicate with my sister, of course. I not only have a sister, I also have a mother, a daughter and a nephew.

Maybe you should see a psychologist?

- Which psychologist? I need to go to the 67th hospital. They put such a thing there - droppers, so as not to drink. Four flasks hang, and here you are dripping for four or five days. Here it helps. But if you call a doctor home, all this is garbage. I'm in the hospital and going now.

- Today?

- No not today. Maybe tomorrow. I don’t have anyone now: everyone just threw me and betrayed me. I think, of course, about my daughter. And the daughter does not call, does not answer my calls. Moreover, I bought gifts for her birthday, but she does not take them away. I bought gold earrings for five hundred dollars. My sister gave me two branded and very expensive jackets. But she doesn't take them either. I sold a motorcycle for three hundred thousand. I offer my wife alimony of 120 thousand. She says she won't take less than two hundred. And how to live in general?

But between business and pouring suffering with alcohol, the announced album “Separation” was released in 2016. And fortunately, even during the life of the singer ...

New Russian sensations. DEGREE OF DESPAIR:

In July 2017, Osin told the media that due to problems with his spine, his legs gave out and that he had no money for treatment. However, this information has not been confirmed.

On August 15, 2017, Evgeny Osin left home in an unknown direction. Three days later, the singer's sister went to the police with a statement about the disappearance of the artist.

On August 18, it became known that he was in an alcohol addiction treatment center in Thailand, where he was placed at the initiative of friends.

On May 22, 2018, the media reported that Evgeny Osin got into an accident. A few days earlier, he went to the traffic police on a recently purchased motorcycle, intending to register it. Not far from his home, he lost control and fell off a motorcycle on a turn, which then crushed his leg. The doctors who arrived provided first aid and diagnosed a broken toe, but Osin refused to be transported to the hospital for applying and fixing the splint and left on a motorcycle, as he intended to register the vehicle at all costs that day. According to an eyewitness who called an ambulance, the singer was absolutely sober.

Was Yevgeny Osin killed for the sake of an apartment and by whom?:

The last months of his life, Evgeny Osin did not feel sorry for himself at all. It seems that the singer was completely indifferent to the fact that his health is not eternal. According to relatives, a few weeks before his death, the performer practically stopped getting out of bed.

Evgeny was visited only by his sister, and even then occasionally. Osin, with his obstinate character and irrepressible desire to drink, moved away from society, turning into an outcast. The body could not stand the long-term alcohol addiction, the singer's health deteriorated again, his legs began to fail.

All this news turned Aspen in the eyes of society into a simple alcoholic, who could only give up. But now new, previously unknown facts about the once popular performer have surfaced. It turns out that Eugene worked, and how! Before his death, Evgeny Osin contacted his friend and stage colleague Andrei Kovalev: “Andryukha, this is Evgeny Osin again. I write songs with the last of my strength, but not to order, but from the heart,- turned in his last SMS to his friend and colleague singer Andrei Kovalev Evgeny Osin. The singer's voice is "braided". Apparently, even at that moment the artist was decently drunk, - the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes Aspen.

I wrote you a song that will break all your hits, - Yevgeny Osin convinced Kovalev. - We have the last great guitarist from those times, Vadik Vershin. He played with Gazmanov, in a group with Alla Pugacheva, in the Monte Cristo group. He'll play a solo for you! By the way, a vocalist from Metallica came to a concert in a nightclub to him. If he didn't like the performance, he would turn around and leave. And he sat and drank beer for two sections, and then patted Vadik on the shoulder and said: “I didn’t know that there were such cool guitarists in Russia!” And this guitarist Vadik Vershinin will play such a solo for you absolutely free of charge that you will not find it a little!

This was the last conversation between Evgeny Osin and his friend. It is not known if the late musician recorded his hit on any medium. Let's hope that this is the case.

FAVORITE (last clip):

He died on November 17, 2018 in his apartment in Moscow. According to preliminary data, death came from cardiac arrest. The body of the singer was discovered by his sister, who began to look for him after a week of loss. The health of Yevgeny Osin was undermined by the constant intake of alcohol in immoderate quantities.

(According to the materials of the websites WIKIPEDIA, SOBESEDNIK.RU, KP, LIFE.RU)


  1. Boy (E. Osin - urban folklore)
  2. Good evening, Moscow! (E. Khavtan - V. Stepantsov)
  3. Eighth of March (urban folklore, revised by E. Osin, A. Alekseev)
  4. I feel sad and light (E. Khavtan - V. Stepantsov)
  5. Yalta (G. Gladkov - I. Shaferan)
  6. Two girls (urban folklore, E. Osin)
  7. I don't believe (urban folklore, revised by E. Osin, A. Alekseev)
  8. A girl is crying ... (O. Feltsman, revised by E. Osina - A. Voznesensky)
  9. Rain and I (R. Mayorov - O. Gadzhikasimov)
  10. Autumn (V. Zharov)
  11. Autumn evening (urban folklore, revised by E. Osin, A. Alekseev)
  12. Fellow traveler (A. Alekseev, K. Alekseev)
  13. Girls of the 70s (E. Osin)
  14. You are not more beautiful (Yu. Antonov - I. Bezladnaya, M. Polyakov)
  15. For what? (E. Osin)
  16. I love you (E. Osin)
  17. Do not walk beside me (E. Osin, A. Alekseev - urban folklore)
  18. Note (S. Dyachkov - O. Gadzhikasimov)
  19. Don't, don't cry (E. Osin)
  20. Kachka (urban folklore, revised by A. Alekseev, E. Osina - urban folklore)
  21. Memoirs (Yu. Shakhnazarov - V. Sautkin)
  22. To friends (A. Lyashchenko)
  23. Epilogue (E. Osin)

1, 3, 5-23 - with the Avalon group
2, 4 - with the group "Bravo"

Entries 1989-96, except (14) - 2000s

Archive size: 146.8 MB
Quality: MP 3 (256 kbps)
Total playing time: 79 min. 49 sec.

* * *

CD 2

1. Prologue (E. Osin) / Portrait by Pablo Picasso (V. Shpilman - A. Berison)
2. Stop, stop, people! (urban folklore, revised by A. Alekseev - E. Osin, urban folklore)
3. Internship student (urban folklore, revised by A. Alekseev - urban folklore)
4. Love is to blame for everything (A. Zatsepin - L. Derbenev)
5. Conversation with happiness (A. Zatsepin - L. Derbenev)
6. Oriole (A. Alekseev, V. Vershinin - S. Yesenin)
7. Little girl (E. Osin)
8. Sweets / duet A. Zaretsky / (E. Osin, A. Zaretsky - A. Kushnir)
9. I am growing / duet by A. Zaretsky / / (E. Osin, A. Zaretsky - A. Barto)
10. Nakhodka / duet by A. Zaretsky / (E. Osin, A. Zaretsky - S. Mikhalkov)
11. Everything will pass, Maria / feat. Afric Simone/
12. Three guitars (I. Khairulin)
13. Kisses of Julia (I. Khairulin)
14. Do not be sorry (I. Khairulin)
15. Light of first love (I. Khairulin)
16. And yet ... (I. Khairulin)
17. Hearts are knocking (urban folklore, revision by E. Osin, A. Alekseev)
18. Lacy clouds (E. Osin, A. Alekseev)
19. Not a family (E. Osin, A. Alekseev)
20. Winter evening (urban folklore, revised by E. Osin, A. Alekseev)
21. Bright path of fire (E. Osin)
22. Dream /remix/ (E. Osin)

Recordings 1991-2016

Archive size: 146.8 MB
Quality: MP 3 (256 kbps)
Total playing time: 79 min. 54 sec.


  1. Mirage birds (E. Osin)
  2. Dream (E. Osin)
  3. Excuse me (E. Osin)
  4. Living Sea (E. Osin)
  5. Tanya + Volodya (O. Chelyshev)
  6. Gagarin (E. Osin)
  7. Game (E. Osin)
  8. Drug addict (E. Osin)
  9. Look out the window (O. Chelyshev)
  10. Chiki-chiki (E. Osin)
  11. Hurry (E. Osin)
  12. A girl is crying /remix/ (O. Feltsman, revised by E. Osina - A. Voznesensky)
  13. Don't walk beside me /remix/ (E. Osin, A. Alekseev - urban folklore)
  14. White blizzard (E. Osin, A. Alekseev)
  15. On the path (urban folklore, revised by E. Osin, A. Alekseev)
  16. Dream sail (E. Osin, A. Alekseev)
  17. Fisherman's song (urban folklore, revised by E. Osin, A. Alekseev)
  18. Rain again (A. Alekseev)
  19. Nastya (A. Alekseev)
  20. Separation (A. Alekseev)
Recordings 1998-2016

Archive size: 146 MB
Quality: MP 3 (256 kbps)
Total playing time: 79 min. 44 sec.

Evgeny Osin was born in Moscow, date of birth - 09/04/1964. His father was a trolleybus driver, was a member of the Adventist sect. Eugene has a sister, Albina. When he was 9 years old, his parents divorced.

As a child, Zhenya learned to play the drums, went to a music school, but he quickly got bored with classes. After school, Osin decided to become a director. Eugene entered the Institute of Culture, but did not finish his studies and received a certificate stating that he could be the head of an amateur ensemble.


Eugene participated in the work of many musical groups, in 22 he created the Night Cap group, later renamed Keks. But the group broke up, then Osin worked in the collectives "Nicholas Copernicus", "Alliance". S. Namin notices him and invites him to work with the "Father Frost" group.

Then a happy accident happened in Aspen's biography. Zhanna Aguzarova decided to leave the group, and the team was looking for a vocalist. Auditions were organized, in which S. Krylov and S. Penkin participated. But E. Khavtan chose Aspen. The singer worked with the band for almost a year, went on tour, recorded one of the albums. Then V. Syutkin was taken into the group, and E. Osin took up a solo career.

He wrote the songs "Jock", "The girl in the machine is crying", "Portrait of the work of Pablo Picasso", thanks to which the singer became famous. The first album was called "70th latitude". Then two more were recorded: "Evgeny Osin in Russia", "Work on mistakes". The singer is very popular, goes on tour, successfully performs at concerts.

In the 2000s, Osin participates in musical television projects, collaborates with young singers. The album "Golden Collection", a collection for children "Baubel and Baton" appear, but the former glory is gone.

Osin became addicted to alcohol, but tried to get rid of the addiction. He began to visit temples, lived in a monastery for some time. Later, Eugene took up a solo career. In 2010 he lost his close friend A. Alekseev, who died tragically. Osin dedicated his new album "Separation" to him.

Personal life

In the late 90s, Eugene met Natalya, who became his wife. She worked in a bank, but was married. The love interest led to the fact that Natalya left the family and married Aspen.

In 2002 they had a daughter, Agnia. Eugene spent a lot of time with her, composed many songs and poems for her. However, due to Aspen's addiction to alcohol, Natalya left him, forbidding her to see the girl.

After the divorce, Eugene lived with another woman, but she also left him. Journalists became aware that Osin was raising an illegitimate daughter, Anastasia Godunova.

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