Rooster or chicken? Let's draw both! How to teach a kid to draw a chicken with a pencil How to decorate a live chicken with paints.

How easy it is to draw a chicken with a pencil in stages - for children and adults. We learn to draw a beautiful chicken in stages with a pencil with a child. Learn how to quickly and easily learn how to draw a beautiful chicken.

Every person in his life wants to learn how to draw beautifully and quickly, children especially love to draw and want to learn how to draw beautifully, they are interested in learning how to draw not only nature, the sun, flowers, houses, people, but also domestic animals, wild animals.

Today we will see how you can easily and quickly learn how to draw one of the pets, a chicken. Take a sheet of paper and a pencil, look carefully at the picture where the chicken is drawn. Look at the location of the chicken, how and where her different parts of the body are located.

The body of a chicken is drawn in the center of the picture, the tail of the chicken is on the left, the head of the chicken is on the right, and the legs of the chicken are drawn below.

First, start drawing the chicken from the body, draw the body of the chicken in the form of a large circle.

Now from the circle on the right side draw the neck and head of the chicken, it should be drawn in the form of a triangular figure, with a rounded end.

At the end of the rounded part is the head of the chicken, draw the chicken's eyes and beak. On the left side from the body to the top, draw the chicken's tail, near the body it is slightly narrowed, and widened at the end of the tail.

Now draw a scallop for the chicken, it is on the head of the chicken and earrings, they are under the beak of the chicken, the earrings are the decoration of birds. Draw the chicken's tail so that you can see the feathers on the tail, as shown in the figure.

Below, under the torso of the chicken, draw the paws, they should be of medium length and fingers on the paws.

In the center of the body of the chicken, draw her wing, it is drawn to the top and divided into feathers. Now erase the extra lines, circle the outline of the chicken brighter.

Let's try to draw another chicken

Take a sheet of paper and a pencil, look carefully at the picture where the chicken is drawn. Look at the location of the chicken, how and where her different parts of the body are located.

In the center of the picture, the body of the chicken is drawn, on the left is the tail of the chicken, on the right is the breast of the chicken, on top is the head of the chicken, and below are the legs of the chicken.

Now, in the same way, mentally, divide your sheet of paper for different parts of the hen's body.

First, start drawing the chicken from the body, draw the body of the chicken in the form of a large oval, the left side of the oval is slightly smaller than the right side, draw a slight concavity on top.

From most of the oval to the top, draw another oval, it should be wider from below, and narrower towards the top. The middle of the oval should be concave on both sides - this will be the chicken's neck and head.

Draw the chicken's eye, it is located at the top of the head. On the opposite side of the eye, draw the bird's beak and divide it into two parts. On top of the head, draw a chicken scallop, below, under the beak, draw earrings for the chicken.

Now look at the part of the hen's body where the head connects to the body of the hen. Draw a zigzag line from left to right, this will be the plumage of the chicken, it will decorate the chicken, and emphasize the border between the body and neck of the chicken.

In the center of the body of the chicken, draw the wing of the chicken and divide it into feathers, the plumage of the chicken gives beauty. From the left side up, draw the chicken's tail, divide it into feathers. At the bottom, under the body, draw two paws of a chicken, from above the paws are expanded, to the bottom they are narrowed, draw fingers for the chicken.

Draw the eyes for the chicken and color the pupil. Now erase the extra lines, circle the outline of the chicken brighter.

Look what a beautiful chicken you have turned out. Color the chicken as shown in the top picture or any colors you like.

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Learn to draw yourself, teach your children to draw, to draw a chicken step by step, it took you a little time, but now you know how to draw this magnificent pet. We wish you good luck in your future work.

Children love to draw. When a two-year-old child receives a pencil in his hands, his eyes glow with happiness. Poking the paper with a pencil, he puts dashes, strokes and squiggles. Then he asks adults for help.

At this age, one should not require a child to draw complex objects with a pencil - a dog, a cat or a chicken. Teach your child how to hold a pencil correctly. A chicken is drawn with a four to five year old kid, if he has an idea about creativity lessons.

Lessons in the nursery group

In kindergarten, at the lessons of creativity, one and a half - two-year-old children are taught how to hold a pencil. Kids create pictures with the help of a teacher. The teacher holds the child's hand with his hand, draws the outline of the drawing with a pencil.

Plots are simple:

  • clouds and rain;
  • boletus fungus;
  • snowman;
  • a leaf of a tree;
  • grass on the lawn;
  • Sun.

Before class, show the finished drawing. Sometimes templates are used. Draw an object on which details are added:

  • eyes, mouth, antennae and legs of a funny caterpillar;
  • wheels and windows by the car;
  • paws, eyes and scallop of a chicken.

Classes last no more than five minutes. For longer, children cannot focus on one subject. Praise should be given after class. Children's drawings are given to parents at the end of the day. Being engaged in drawing at home, the kid is sure to be praised, even if he did everything with your help.

We depict a chicken

It is necessary to create complex drawings, for example, a chicken, in stages. First draw the general outline, then the details. It is not advisable to draw small and complex details that go beyond the contour with a small child.

You can draw a chicken in stages in different ways. Try two options: side view and front view.

  1. Start with an oval. A small oval egg will be the body for the chicken.
  2. Then draw the head and neck.
  3. Nice crown ponytail.
  4. Finish drawing. Add chicken wing, eye, beak, scallop and paws.

Drawing a chicken step by step full face is also not difficult.

Draw a circle.

  1. Add wings on the sides, and a collar at the top of the neck.
  2. A round head will decorate the neck.
  3. There is a beautiful scallop on the head, at the bottom there are “panties” for the paws.
  4. Draw the details: paws, eyes, oval beak, feathers on the wings.
  5. Finishing the image. We color the beak and paws in yellow, and the scallop in red.

Let the lessons of creativity develop the imagination and bring joy!

The chicken is a poultry from the order Galliformes, the Chicken family. A chicken is a female bird, a female. And the rooster is a male, the leader of the chicken coop. Usually, whole chicken families, consisting of several hens and one rooster, live in a chicken coop in a courtyard in villages and villages. We want to teach you how to draw a chicken correctly. Perhaps such a bird walks around the yard of your grandparents, if they live in the village. So, let's start drawing this bird in stages with a pencil.

Stage 1. We will start with a sketch. Let's depict, as it were, the frame of our future drawing. These are the lines along which or along which we will draw the chicken. Let's draw a large oval diagonally across our sheet of paper. Or else this figure reminds us of a large egg. At one end of the oval, draw two lines, connected by their edges and forming a kind of triangle. At the other end of the oval, we show with curved lines the outlines of the head of the future chicken. Below, under the oval, we place two straight lines, at some distance from each other and diverging slightly from top to bottom. These are the lines of the limbs of the chicken.

Stage 2. We begin to draw the lines of the body of the chicken, using the sketch made. From the base of the triangular figure we draw the line of the back, then we lift it up and show the line of the neck, which smoothly passes into the head line, on top of which we make a zigzag crest. Then we draw a line of the chin, passing into the abdomen and below into the protrusions, from which we will then draw the limbs. Finish with a back line to the base of the triangle.

Stage 3. We outline the entire triangle with tail lines. We do this over the lines of the triangle, forming the uppertail and undertail. And below, under the protrusions of the legs, we draw straight lines of the limbs, diverging at the lines of the fingers. And three fingers are directed forward, and one back. The ends of the fingers are pointed, they have claws.

Stage 4. Now we draw the muzzle of the chicken. These are beautiful eyes. We can only see one, as the chicken is standing sideways. In front of the muzzle we show a sharp beak of two halves, on the upper part of the beak there are nostrils in the form of slits. Behind the beak hang chic earrings. Draw a small wing on the front of the body. Chickens fly low and close, so their wings are not very developed.

Stage 6. And now, with small dashes, we will depict, as it were, the plumage of a chicken. On the tail, on the border of the head and body, along the entire body we make small strokes showing us that the body of the chicken is covered with feathers.

Stage 7. Here is the black and white drawing that we managed to depict.

Step 8. Let's color our cute chicken. We chose brown for her, and the paws and beak are yellow. The plumage is shown with dashed strokes.

In this lesson we will learn how to draw a chicken with a pencil. Where without her. It can only be more useful than a guinea pig and a platypus. Chicken is not only valuable meat and delicious eggs, but also a regular filling of our pillows. The bird is smart and quick-witted, and voluntarily sacrifices itself to humans in order to save their little lives. Do you think she's dumb? And you try to go into the chicken coop with a big machete and shout: Let's make salads right now! Do you think the feathered one will believe that you came to cut the dill? It will carry its eggs along with the nest in the direction of Saudi Arabia. It’s good that roosters don’t lay eggs, otherwise even the most cold-blooded killer will not survive a whole farm of screaming morning mouths for the sake of a handful of eggs. A few words off topic:

  • We consider the Ryaba Hen to be the most famous chicken, magically interacting with the tails of mice and laying golden eggs.
  • The mystery of humanity is the chicken and egg problem. What was the first? Geneticists racked their brains, calculating the chronology of the development of the chicken, and, here it is! The domestic chicken known to us is a hybrid of two other species. This means that in order for a hybrid egg to appear, a chicken must first appear. Relief.
  • Jews are smart people, you can't argue. Chicken is the main element in their dinners and lunches. But not because it is the food of aristocrats, but simply to slaughter a bird is much cheaper and easier than cattle. Where can we go to the Jews, everywhere they will benefit.

Let's get to work.

How to draw a chicken with a pencil step by step

Step one. We draw a jug, or shorts, call it what you want. This will serve well for creating a feathered bird in it.
Step two. We draw a body, correlating its upper and lower points with the corners of the jug, so that the head is on the left, the tail is to the right, but you yourself know where they grow from - from below.
Step three. We circle the elements of the body in more detail. There are not many details here, so I will not comment, everything is clear from the pictures.
Step four. Let's remove the auxiliary lines. Not enough feathers.
Step five. Let's add more plumage, correct the muzzle, remove extra lines, a little shadow under the legs in order to give the effect of movement. And throughout the body we will add shading.
Ready. Don't forget to leave your thoughts and suggestions

Hello! Today we will tell you about how to draw a chicken! This lesson continues the series of step by step animal drawing lessons - they are all very simple but, nevertheless, based on basic body proportions, which is very important for beginner artists. We have already drawn a cow, a goat and a goose, and today we will learn to draw a chicken. Let's get started!

Step 1

First, we outline a head with a neck and a torso with a pair of rounded figures. The figure that indicates the head and neck is very similar to an elongated pear, and the one that represents the torso is like an inverted potato tuber.

Step 2

Let's draw plumage for our chicken in the lower part of the neck, a round eye on the top right and a small beak.

Step 3

Now let's draw the plumage of the tail and outline the contours of the wing - it looks like an oval elongated in width. Here we outline a pair of paws with smooth lines - pay attention, if you do not take claws, their shape is very similar to the contours of elegant glasses.

Step 4

Now you can clean up the entire drawing, erase the extra lines, confidently outline the remaining ones and paint over the eye. do not forget an important detail - a white highlight, it must be left.

It was a lesson about how to draw a chicken with a pencil step by step, and it was prepared for you by the artists of drawingforall. We hope you liked it and everything worked out for you. See you!

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