Petr Vasiliev: life after the reality show. "Weighted people": how was the life of the bright participants after the project? Life of people after the project weighted people

The problem of obesity is close to many, which is why reality shows about weight loss are so popular. Russian viewers have been following the success of the participants in the "Weighted People" project for 4 seasons and are undoubtedly worried about how the fate of the heroes turned out and how they look now.

The show is aimed at helping people with critical overweight. Any adult weighing more than 100 kg can take part. The winner will be the one who will be able to reduce body weight the most relative to its initial state. On the way to victory, the participants will not only have training, diets and team tests, but also temptations that must be resisted. The main prize is a large sum and a chance for a happy life in a new body.

Peter got into the first season of the project with a weight of 155 kg. In his youth, he did not suffer from obesity, he participated in competitions. Leaving the sport, the man began to gradually gain weight. He drew attention to this when difficulties arose in his personal life and career.

Peter came to the show not only to lose weight, but also to prove that everyone can change their lives. During numerous tests of the project, he demonstrated determination and confidently went to victory. Peter deservedly took 1st place, dropping almost 58 kg.

After filming, the man was unable to maintain weight and began to recover, despite regular exercise and a healthy diet. Now he weighs 125 kg, but he really wants to return to normal shape.

But in the personal life of the winner, everything is fine. He had a beloved woman and a son, Matvey, was born.

The girl came to the project with a weight of 123 kg. Vesta began to recover rapidly at the age of 23, when she fell into a protracted depression caused by the betrayal of her beloved man. She stopped monitoring weight and nutrition, and all the problems and troubles just stuck. The girl tried to lose weight on her own, but she lacked endurance and patience. Before the project, she was sure that thyroid problems were the cause of weight gain, but numerous analyzes refuted this.

On the project, Vesta was remembered for her energy and positive attitude: she did not give in to difficulties and encouraged other participants. The girl reached the final of season 1 with a weight of 83 kg and took 3rd place.

After filming ended, Vesta continued to lose weight and now feels great at a weight of 70 kg. She maintains a personal blog in which she gives advice to overweight people.

A lawyer from Kazan came to the second season of the show "Weighted People" with 148 kg. Relatives of Timur always had high hopes for him, but due to excess weight, the young man could not achieve his goals. He decided to come to the project and lose weight so that his family would be proud of him.

Among the participants, Timur has established himself as a natural leader and a strong man. He became the captain of his team, all members of which respected his opinion and listened to his advice. Having dropped almost 54 kg in the end, Timur became the winner of the season.

After the show, Timur's life changed dramatically. The man lost weight to 80 kg, but later decided that his ideal weight was 87 kg, and recovered. Leaving the practice of law, Timur became a fitness trainer. Now he helps people with similar problems.

The 32-year-old from Izhevsk began his journey in the second season of the project with 168 kg. Overweight, due to problems with the stomach, he had throughout his life. However, in the last 10 years, the man has added 10 kg per year. Improper diet and sedentary work contributed to obesity and health problems (permanent shortness of breath, sore legs and back). Jacob's family was very worried about him, so his wife signed up the man for the casting of the show.

On the project, Yakov confidently walked towards his goal under the guidance of experienced trainers and nutritionists. It was then that he was able for the first time to overcome his laziness and become responsible. Jacob dropped out of the show early enough, dropping 27 kg.

After the “departure” from the project, the man practically lived in the gym and continued to adhere to the recommendations received from nutritionists. He won a massive cash prize in a competition between the eliminated contestants, as he was able to lose the most weight at home. Now Yakov weighs 90 kg, works as a fitness trainer and helps overweight people.

A resident of Khimki appeared in the third season of the show with a weight of 154 kg. As a child, he was overweight, and for the first time he thought about losing weight and sports only in his youth, when he began to be interested in the opposite sex. Boris studied at the cadet corps and graduated from the Institute of Physical Education. The man began to rapidly gain weight after a difficult divorce and loss of work. Boris spent a lot of time playing computer games and eating fast food. I decided to participate in the project when I realized that I could not lose weight on my own.

Boris showed the best result in losing weight not only in season 3, but in the entire history of the project. He took 1st place, dropping 62 kg.

After the end of the program, Boris abandoned social networks and does not brag about new successes. Judging by the photo from the account of another project participant, the winner failed to keep his form. It is known that Boris planned to invest the winnings in his business project related to a healthy lifestyle.

A resident of Vyksa came to the fourth season of the project with a weight of 183 kg. The woman was never particularly full, but after a difficult pregnancy she gained a lot of weight. Then the problems started. Almost any habitual action was difficult for her - because of her huge belly, Elena could not even fasten her boots without outside help.

While participating in the show, it was hard for Elena, but perseverance and determination helped her adequately pass the tests on a par with other participants. As a result, the mother of many children managed to get rid of 74 kg.

Nikolai Voroshilov became the star of the first season of the show. On the project, the young man showed a phenomenal result. He came to the show with a serious problem: after troubles in his personal life, the guy began to eat stress and eat fast food. As a result, I gained almost a hundred kilograms of excess weight, which I wanted to, but could not get rid of.

On the program "Weighted and Happy" Nikolai managed to lose 85 kilograms. Voroshilov became an incredible handsome man, turning from an obese insecure guy into a real sex symbol. However, in normal weight, the man did not manage to hold out for long: he soon recovered again and now, judging by the posts on Instagram, he is going to participate in the new season of the project.

Alik Zakrevsky (winner of the 2nd season)


“I have been chubby since childhood. In the first year of the institute, he weighed 120 kilograms. But I gained the most last summer - 159. I tried to lose weight more than once. He went on a diet, physically worked. I remember once at a construction site I lost 30 kilograms. But later the weight came back. I lost 10-15 kilograms when I fell in love with someone. But to be honest, the girls didn’t pay much attention to me, ”said Alik in an interview on the eve of the start of the project.

He managed to lose 86 kilograms. After filming was completed, friends and relatives could not believe that Zakrevsky now looks like a completely different person. Changes in appearance led to changes in personal life. In 2014, Alik married journalist Tatyana Korytnaya. Now they are raising a common daughter, Polina.

Marina Vdovenko (winner of the 3rd season)

In the Instagram profile of the winner of the third season of the show, Marina Vdovenko, it is now said that she is a consultant in aesthetic dietology. Apparently, the knowledge acquired on the project was useful to the girl in practice: now she helps people get rid of extra pounds.

She came to the program at a weight of 113 kilograms and lost half her weight during the filming. Now the woman looks great. By the way, you can get some nutritional tips from her for free: Vdovenko often shares them on social networks.

Yulia Fomina (winner of the 4th season)

Julia ended up on the project due to serious family problems. The girl weighed 118 kilograms and lost 62 kilograms in 8 months. She did not give herself concessions and stubbornly walked towards the goal. After the project, the girl nevertheless divorced her husband, but soon found a new love in the face of a classmate. The lovers got married and had a daughter.

Now Fomina is trying to keep herself in shape. She became a successful blogger and founded a nutrition delivery service.

Alexander Repyanchuk (winner of the 5th season)

Alexander took part in the project together with his wife Alla. However, he managed to surpass the result of his wife in the fight against excess weight. From a 148-pound healthy man, he turned into a slender fit guy. Alla also lost a lot of weight and became one of the finalists.

Currently, the couple are happy together. In one of the interviews after the show, they talked about their plans to open a fitness center and start making sausages. The main thing is that one does not interfere with the other.

Arkady Vasilishin (winner of the 6th season)

Arkady was the heaviest participant in all seasons of the project. His weight at the time of joining the show was 235 kilograms. For eight months of filming, he lost 132 kilograms and literally changed beyond recognition.

Now that weight problems are a thing of the past, Vasilishin goes in for sports for his own pleasure. Yes, he recovered a little, but due to an increase in muscle mass, a man spends most of his time in a rocking chair.

His personal life was also quite successful. Arkady is married and has a daughter.

Natalia Tokareva and Alexei Dobryansky (winners of the 7th season)

Alexey and Natalya came to "Weighted and Happy" as a married couple. Together they managed to lose 123 kilograms and win 400 thousand hryvnias. Even before the project, Tokareva was worried that her husband, who is 10 years younger, would leave her and go to some young and slender beauty. After the end of the project, the couple really broke up. It is not known what caused the breakup.

“Today, Natalia and I have friendly relations. We support and respect each other. We do not put an end to our relations. Please do not ask us personal questions to which we do not yet have answers. We will not answer any questions about our personal life, ”Alexey wrote on his page last year.

The project has greatly changed the life of the spouses. They both continue to watch their diet, go to the gym regularly and keep fit.

Member Name: Pyotr Vasiliev

Age (birthday): 15.09.1986

City: Bagrationovsk (Kaliningrad region)

Job: showman

Family: single, no children

Height and weight: 184 cm, 155 kg

Final weight: 97,1

Found an inaccuracy? Let's fix the questionnaire

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Peter from a young age went in for sports, devoted himself to judo. He often appeared as a participant in many competitions, in which he often became the winner.

After Peter graduated from high school, he left sports. He began to devote a lot of time to studying in college, and at night he worked part-time at the club as an MC.

When sports were a thing of the past, the guy's weight began to grow. Peter did not pay much attention to this, but only until the girls stopped getting to know him. True, then it was too late, he could not cope on his own.

Excess weight had a negative impact not only on communication with his girlfriend, but also on work.. Peter noted that it is incredibly difficult to live with excess weight, you have to feel disadvantaged in almost everything.

I came to the “Weighted People” project not only to lose weight, but also to regain lost health, to become a happy person. Plus, Peter noted that he wants to prove by his own example that you can change your life, you just need to take the first step.

On the project, he had an affair with Vesta. The young people fell in love with each other so much that Peter even decided to take the chosen one as his wife. True, after the show, the wedding did not take place.

Returning home, Peter continued to play sports, promotes sports and a healthy lifestyle, bought himself a Mercedes coupe, as well as a short leather jacket, which he could only dream of before.

Peter confidently walked to the final, showing the participants his determination. In one of the competitions, when the participants lost more than 40 kg, they were asked to remember how heavy they lived before participating in the project. The hardest thing was for Peter, who carried half a centner.

In the final of the “Weighted People” project, the winner was Petr Vasiliev, who proved to everyone that it is never too late to start living from the beginning!

After the project, I met a girl, they had a son, he was named Matvey.

On the project, Peter showed a strong-willed character, dropping 57.9 kg (initially, the young man weighed 155 kg). It should be noted that Peter went in for sports in his youth, so great physical exertion was not new to him.

According to him, the most difficult thing was in the first two weeks of the show, when it was necessary to completely change all your habits, preferences, daily routine. But it turned out to be quite easy to maintain the result after the project:

- After the project, I became interested in crossfit, at recent competitions in Kaliningrad I showed the 8th result among 15 people. The plans are to undergo specialized training at a medical university in order to become a professional trainer, - says Peter.

Now he weighs 104 kg, but this is no longer fat, but muscles. The young man is actively engaged in order to keep himself in shape.

As for appearance, he admits that due to the sharp weight loss, he encountered sagging skin on his stomach and arms. I solved the problem with body wraps and massage.

Season 2 winner - Timur Bikbulatov

30-year-old Kazan came to the show with a weight of 148 kg. His path was not easy: despite the fact that he was the captain of one of the teams, the participants voted for his expulsion. Timur managed to return and prove that his rivals were not in vain afraid of him: in 16 weeks he threw off 53.7 kg.

Upon returning to Kazan, Timur did not abandon training. He devoted cardio and strength training for 3 hours 5 days a week - and achieved a result of 92 kg. After Timur restored the muscular frame and stabilized his weight, he decided to undergo a skin tightening operation.

- I do not understand people who refuse to lose weight, referring to the fact that the stomach and chest will then look ugly. With rapid weight loss, the consequences with the skin can be avoided, however, even if problems appear, they are easily eliminated, given the high level of modern plastic surgery. Excess weight is killing us, and all appearance problems are secondary compared to this.

Timur spoke in detail about the operation on social networks and even posted photos and videos from the operating room. According to him, he is very pleased with the results and has already returned to training. By the way, now Timur works as a personal trainer and offers long-term weight loss courses, including training, an individual diet and, if necessary, plastic surgery.

Vice-champion of the first season - Alexey Uskov

Alexey did not reach the final of the show, however, according to the rules, he got the opportunity to come to the final weigh-ins. His result - minus 63.5 kg - allowed him to take second place in the first season of "Weighted People" and receive a prize of 500,000 rubles.

However, the participant failed to save the result. In his own words, in just a year he gained 50 kilograms, refusing to train. On social networks, Alexei admitted that he wants to take on himself and lose those extra pounds again. He did not exclude the appeal to plastic surgeons.

Vice-champion of the second season - Yakov Povarenkin

32-year-old Izhevsk resident Yakov Povarenkin managed to lose even more weight after the end of the project. Returning home, he continued training and worked out in the gym for 8-10 hours.

As a result, after losing 56.9 kg on the show, he lost another 20 kg. This allowed the man to radically change his life. Today he trains in functional training and crossfit and "leads" more than 30 people.

Three and a half months ago, one of the brightest participants in the show, Elena Sadikova, could not dress herself, her daughters called her grandmother, and the eldest, Alina, believed that she did not have a mother and she did not want to be like this woman. The reason for this was overweight - at the age of 37, the arrow of the scales showed 180 kg. Now Lena is admired by relatives, and fans are attacking social networks with words of support - a woman who has lost 74 kg has returned to her native Vyksa after the Weighted People project.

Trying to lose weight lasted a week

In her youth, the girl’s weight did not cause concern, rather the opposite - Lena grew up so thin that on the first of September she was carried on her shoulder by a high school student, like the smallest first-grader. At the age of 17, the girl got married and after a while her daughter Alina was born, and then Karina.

For a loving family, Elena was ready for anything - every day she invented culinary delights to surprise the household. Along with new dishes, extra pounds came into the life of the girl - every year Lena gained 5-10 kg.

I could easily cook meals for 50 people - this is not a problem for me, - Elena says confidently. So the woman recovered to 130 kg.

Being a lifestyle activist, 33-year-old Elena did not lose heart, but cherished the hope of losing weight in order to take part in the annual show "The Bride" in Vyksa.

I tried to lose weight every year, but I only had enough for a week. And I decided, I weigh 130, which means 130. I will participate anyway, - Elena recalls.

Rested with Malakhov in Thailand

Elena sewed a beautiful white dress for the competition and prepared a poem of her own composition, in which she confessed her love to her husband from the stage. The performance of the participant went “with a bang” and the next day Elena was already known to many residents of Vyksa.

The spirit of competition encouraged the woman to apply for the next project "Vacation with Malakhov". The questionnaire had to tell why she should go to Phuket with Andrey Malakhov.

Every year I make a wish card and I wrote in the application for participation that my wishes written on this card always come true. And one of the conceived is to go on a trip with Malakhov, who is able to fulfill the host himself, thereby proving that the card works, - Elena laughs.

The next day, the woman goes to apply for a passport, and after a while Elena turns out to be one of the 10 lucky ones whom Malakhov chose for vacation.

In 2014, Elena Sadikova entered the Vacation with Malakhov project. Participants spent two weeks with the TV presenter in Thailand A photo: Social network

For two weeks we lived in a luxurious hotel, every day we went on two or three excursions, sailed on a yacht. It was a fairy tale.

After the rest, the participants became so friendly with each other that they continue to communicate to this day - every year they meet with families in Abkhazia.

Nearly died in childbirth

When Elena's husband wanted a third child, the woman refused. Allegedly, "and so you live in raspberries - a wife, two daughters." Elena was pushed to take a risky step by her husband's diabetes mellitus - after the doctors' diagnosis, the man completely drooped. And the devoted wife decided at all costs to give birth to a third child.

The pregnancy was difficult. Elena gained up to 155 kg and there were strong pressure surges.

One day I felt so bad that I was taken to intensive care. The pressure jumped 220 to 180 and they decided to do a caesarean section.

Elena managed to give birth to a healthy daughter, but for the next nine months the woman hardly walked - the seam did not heal in any way.

There was no trace left of Elena's activity. A mother of many children could hardly move around the house, and getting to the bus stop was a real journey.

My husband called me for a walk all the time. And I was very lazy. I found excuses that I needed to cook food or iron clothes.

Before going to bed, Elena seemed to have clear images of tomorrow's freshly prepared dishes. Especially satisfactorily, the stomach rumbled at salads with a lot of mayonnaise and side dishes fried in oil.

"My daughter called me a bag of potatoes"

When the mother of many children was no longer able to dress herself, the daughters sounded the alarm. Alina renamed her mother in the phone book as "1000 kg" and stopped obeying. And Karina cried every now and then, because she was afraid of losing her mother.

I asked my mother to lose weight in a good way. She didn't listen. I think that I lost my mother a long time ago and I don’t want to be like her, ”Alina said terrible words.

The eldest daughter Alina despised her mother for extra pounds A photo: Social network

When Alina called me a bag of potatoes, something turned over in me. I felt so offended that I could not sleep, - says Elena.

On the same sleepless night, at three o'clock in the morning, a woman filled out a questionnaire for the "Weighted People" project. The questionnaire consisted of 26 questions of the kind “what will it give you?” "Who do you want to lose weight for?"

“We don’t need happy and fat people”

Soon Elena is preparing for a Skype interview, which is successfully completed and goes to the next tour in Moscow.

When I entered the casting room, I saw a bunch of people and cameras there - photographers, editors, psychologists. They asked a lot and personal. Psychologists hit the patient, to the point, led to emotions. They said that “we don’t need happy and fat ones,” - this is how Elena remembered one of the casting days.

The most recent and difficult test was to successfully pass the medical examination. For the project, those who could withstand strict nutrition and physical activity were selected. A film crew came to the home of the selected applicants and filmed a short video.

It was trash. They filmed absolutely everything - how I rattle dishes in the kitchen, how my daughter snaps at me, how hard it is to get out of bed, how my daughter helps me put on my pants. Thank God that everything did not go on the air, - Elena sighs with relief.

Elena heard the cherished phrase after five months of casting. Then the family did not take the participation of mother and wife seriously, they believed that they would return home in two weeks. But Lena herself decided to prove the opposite and compete for a place in the final.

“My body went crazy without food”

The woman realized that she was stuck tightly while filming at the Sochi airport:

I had to go up and down the stairs many times. Filmed for 10 hours. For me it was a feat.

And the hardest part hasn't even started yet. When the participants were put on hard food, Elena's body began to rebel.

Ate very little. The body was not enough, he went crazy. Portions seemed tiny. I would have lost my temper long ago if there was anything but water in the refrigerator in the place where we lived. We only had 24/7 access to it.

Elena told Komsomolskaya Pravda that “brownies” were assigned to the participants, who accompanied them on the street and indoors. Passports and telephones were taken away from all those who were losing weight, and access to the street was restricted. Harmful habitual food was replaced with vegetables and side dishes were removed.

Breakfast was an almond flour casserole with berry syrup. Sugar was replaced with stevia. And salt was consumed with a reduced sodium content. Fruits and cereals were completely excluded from the diet. All dishes were prepared without oil, baked or steamed.

Participants were fed broccoli, squid, shrimp salads, and soups that had green beans instead of potatoes. Coffee was replaced with chicory, and participants often had to eat healthy, but unloved by many flaxseed porridge on the project.

Now many people ask Elena for a diet, hoping to repeat the success of a woman. But the show's nutritionist Yulia Bastrigina does not recommend repeating such meals for a long time:

The participants were prepared such meals as part of the show. In an extremely short time, people had to show great results. For a person in other conditions, such a diet is contraindicated.

“I was afraid that they would send me home for tears”

Elena considers her “red team” and coach Natalya Lugovskikh to be the main achievement of the project.

Yelena Sadikova considers getting into the “red” team the main achievement A photo: Social network

Natasha made us do cardio every morning. Before breakfast, we walked for 40 minutes, ran down the street. I always ended up behind everyone and cried. It was very hard. But I was afraid to show tears, so as not to be sent home.

In Elena's team, all colleagues in one way or another came into contact with sports before. Some were wrestlers, some were swimmers. In the life of a mother of many children, there was no sport at all.

Weighing at the end of each week was also a test. According to the scenario, the participants should weigh in in short tops, which upset Elena very much:

I pulled my pants up to hide my stomach, and they tell me to dump it out. I got hysterical and started crying. I say, it's ugly and unaesthetic - my stomach is like a tractor moved. But the organizers don't care - dump it and that's it.

Closer to the final, Elena was given a video from Malakhov, where the TV presenter supported an old friend and asked not to give up.

"They called me a rokovuha"

At the final, Elena Sadikova made a splash. In the thinner beauty, neither the husband, nor the children, nor the participants themselves recognized the former obese woman. If at the beginning of the project Lena was dubbed Choli's mother, now Karmen and Rokovuha have become her nicknames.

My husband was delighted, and my daughter decided to follow my example. I'm not upset that I didn't win. I want everyone to see that I have turned from a nag into a different person, ”says Elena.

If earlier Elena Sadikova was called Choli's mother on the project, now the nickname "Rokovukha" has been attached A photo: Social network

After the project, the sport was not abandoned - the ex-participant of the show immediately signed up for a local gym.

Fans do not give Elena a pass on social networks, for many a woman has become a motivator - the questions "how did you achieve such a result?", "Share useful recipes?" is under each photo of the former participant. True, because of such popularity, Elena does not have enough time at all.

I wanted to thank everyone who wrote to me after the final. Therefore, she slept very little for two days - she answered messages and calls. There were a lot of them, I was even scared, but now I see a sincere interest and I want to write my story on Instagram.

The red team turned out to be so friendly that the participants communicate even after the project.

Many will come to visit me in Vyksa this summer, even our coach Natasha Lugovskikh. And I plan to start a trip to the dolmens in a month and do yoga there, - Elena shared her plans.

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