Perinatal matrices by stanislav grof. Grof matrices

As always, we have a choice: we can fully live the corresponding stage of life and resolve the burden associated with it, or we can get stuck in it, and then the development of the situation can turn against the child.

First matrix: intrauterine phase (conception and pregnancy)

In the case of a fully lived first matrix, the child feels himself floating freely in a perfect paradise. He is a welcome child and feels like he is in the seventh heaven or like in a country with milk rivers and jelly banks. If he lives this time in a negative way, because he is unwanted or is subjected to abortion attempts, he feels like in hell, full of distrust and despondency and doomedly awaits new meanness from his entourage.
We are talking about a long time span from nidation to a later phase, when the fetus first stumbles upon the boundaries of its previously seemingly limitless world. Ideally, the feeling that arises from this should be a feeling of unity with the whole world. Regressive dreams of a country of milk rivers and jelly shores in later life are connected with this early situation. But never again will a child experience this state in such a pure form as at the beginning of his life. All regressive attempts to return this world end in disappointment and frustration.
Our deep aspirations are directed towards unity, although the divine, sacred world for a person who has grown up in polarity is not on this Earth: you can find access to it only by following the spiritual path. In earthly life, we can experience opposites one by one and must take into account the influence of polarities. If we are looking for total security, then we doom ourselves to feel its spatial boundaries in their oppressive, restrictive crampedness. If we strive for complete freedom, then we also encounter the cold that surrounds us at its height.
There is nothing left for us but to sacrifice this heavenly state of unity in order to advance on the path of life and regain unity on a higher level. A variety of spiritual traditions describe transcendental states that allow us to rediscover the beauty of the first phase of our life. external experiences).
People with a positive experience of interaction with the first matrix live, experiencing full-fledged basal trust and taking everything for granted. They are self-confident and seem to be the minions of fate, to whom life gives everything and for whom everything turns out as if by itself. True, such a full-blooded living of the first matrix is ​​fraught with the danger that self-confidence can deprive them of the opportunity to adequately evaluate themselves, especially if they tend to ignore any criticism. Under a lucky star it is difficult for them to notice dark clouds, which as a result often form a huge shadow around them.
Such people easily find positive aspects in life changes, but it is more difficult for them to free themselves from the influence of their mother and dependence on her. They can free themselves from many things, but they cling to this hem especially tightly, not least because they have such wonderful experiences with their mother. Their main chance is to grow up through inner liberation from their mother and truly take responsibility for their lives, and not masterfully stage it. Let us recall the heroines of fairy tales and myths, who somehow had to lose their usual paradise in order to later regain it at a higher level. Otherwise, there is a danger that they will remain eternal teenagers or eternal girls.

Second Matrix: Opening Phase

While the first matrix promises heavenly bliss, the second can be compared rather with expulsion from paradise. Having bumped into the boundaries of its space, the fetus feels that the mother's womb fetters and limits it, and the situation becomes more and more tough. His own growth continuously increases this pressure until, in the opening phase, it reaches its first peak. The incredible pressure also compresses the nourishing blood vessels, which can cause the sensations of coldness and suffocation that are often relived as part of a reincarnation therapy or bonded breathing session. The child is stuck in a dead end. There is no way back to paradise, and the one that opens before him inspires fear, primarily because it is boundless. There seems to be no way out. The light at the end of the tunnel is not visible because the uterine os has not yet opened.
The situation of hopelessness leaves an imprint on people who get stuck in the consciousness of the second matrix. They often feel that they are at the limit of their capabilities, they feel the pressure that plunged them into a hopeless state even during the fights, and in everyday life. They do not know what will happen to them next, and the feeling of meaninglessness can become decisive in their lives. For part of their lives, they may suffer from fears that are activated in explosive situations that lead from their point of view to a dead end. The consequence is a flight reflex in the direction of the old prosperous world of the first matrix.
In looking for a way out of the burden of a strongly pronounced second matrix, it can be helpful to look at the circumstances of a particular person's birth. In this phase, the child presses his head more and more into the still unopened uterine os. Pain and suffering become subjectively unbearable, there is no light, no way out. But at some point, it is this pressure that provokes the opening of the uterine os, and a breakthrough into the next phase begins. In the same way, pressure makes sense in life, helping to open gates and doors, especially if we endure it and deal with it consciously - and, of course, do not lose faith that one day this situation will be resolved.
There is an association with the passage of the underworld, without which it is impossible to enter the light. Nevertheless, many people negatively fixed on the second matrix are roasting in hell for most of their lives, because they do not lose faith that it is in the regression that salvation and deliverance awaits them, and they try to escape. Such people should be helped to realize that in the flow of search they forgot about such an important component of it as the ability to find a way out.
If we feel into a typical situation for such a person, we can understand what kind of frustration his attitude to life is imbued with. For example, a person tends to study carelessly until exam time comes; ends relationships just before they threaten to become committed, and then spends a lot of time grieving over unfinished life situations and open questions. People of the second matrix are distinguished not only by low frustration tolerance, but also often face the problem that they want to achieve a lot at the same time in different areas and, as a result, scatter their forces. If they manage to concentrate energy on one goal, they often have enough resources to ensure that efforts are crowned with success.

Third Matrix: Struggle for Birth

After the child has endured a long phase of pressure and hopelessness, the turn of the third phase comes. Pressure, which does not make much sense to resist, stimulates the gradual opening of the uterine os. A second wind opens, new forces are mobilized. As soon as the light dawned on the horizon again - an image that could well owe its appearance to the situation of obstetric care - the situation, although not losing tension, nevertheless becomes not so deadlocked. Hope comes, even if the forces are already completely exhausted.
A child experiences the same thing when he sees the light at the end of the tunnel. The actual struggle for birth begins, associated with painful and frightening sensations. Passing through the birth canal, the child at every moment feels oppression, pushing out. His head pushes through blood and feces, but from that moment he can start to fight for life.
Each of the many traumatic moments of this phase can, being unprocessed, resurface years or decades later and for a completely different reason. Fear of open spaces and sexual deviations, such as a tendency to suffocate, arousal in connection with the acts of excretion of feces and urine, suddenly find explanations when the third matrix is ​​taken into account. Since the pain of constraint and the joy of release often go hand in hand in this phase, some describe this time space as the first sexual experience.
People fixed on the third matrix can turn into tireless fighters who do not lose sight of their goal even for a moment. They love change and sometimes disaster. Indefatigability may be one of their hallmarks. And if a person with problems in the second matrix in life is accompanied by feelings of fear and meaninglessness, then the prisoners of the third matrix feel obliged to prove to themselves and the world how strong they are in spirit, kind, or how much better they are than others.
In the context of the doctrine of first principles, these people, being Plutonists, are often well acquainted with the god of the kingdom of the dead, because in this phase of exile, children are more closely in contact with death than ever. In general, the third matrix is ​​the most dangerous fragment of the act of birth and is associated with the greatest number of complications.
If the problem of the people of the second matrix is ​​that they tend to give up and run away, then the third difficulty arises with the completion of the case and relaxation. Death and rebirth are the central theme of their lives, but they are often replaced by continuous external changes, testing their strength in the jump to the next level of development. The ersatz rituals of puberty are associated with this phase, as are all kinds of extreme sports and many other life-threatening attempts to grow up.
The emergence of problems in connection with any phase is always associated with a lack of awareness. Just as an infant had to lose its former paradise and struggle to survive outside its mother's body, so many large children are trying to make the jump into adulthood. However, in the absence of awareness, such a rebirth of a person who is responsible for his actions is simply impossible. Bungee jumps, which African children have successfully performed for hundreds of years due to their ritual coloring, even if repeated a hundred times, will not lead us to the Goal. As a result, the hostages of the third matrix are forced to constantly seek new difficulties and trials for themselves, spurred on by the hope, as intense as it is mistaken, that one more extension of the outer boundaries of fear and pain will finally grant them liberation.
Countless mythological battles with dragons indicate how mindfulness helps a person overcome his own immaturity. Fairytale and mythical monsters symbolize violent, instinctive and selfish forces that must be subdued. Only when these inner battles are won does the way open to the princess, the beautiful young woman, and with it to one's own soul. The final breakthrough is made, and the baby, like the adult, moves to a new level of life.

Fourth Matrix: Birth, Liberation

At the time of the final liberation, the child had overcome all the burdens, and life in freedom outside the mother's body opened up before him. All constraint is left behind, and the breadth of the new, unknown world is waiting for the new man to begin to know it. If the previous phases have been lived and suffered consciously, it is possible to leave the past behind and enter the present. At this moment, the opportunity opens up to start everything from scratch. Since everything starts from the beginning in understanding spiritual philosophy, first impressions can have a decisive influence on how a child perceives the world throughout later life.
Frederic Leboyer called our attention to the importance of first impressions in life, but, unfortunately, most of today's adults have not yet had the opportunity to come into the world through childbirth without violence. Blinded by the bright light, hard and suffocatingly forced to take their first breath, many of them have difficulty in how to use the freedom and development opportunities bestowed by the fourth matrix.
In this regard, there is a need to re-live the phases of childbirth that were not completed at the internal level in order to be able to truly free oneself from the sufferings of the past. Many people seek and instinctively find life situations and experiences that support them in this. And someone “hangs” in the same place and needs therapeutic help in order to enter into this process of liberation from generic models that have eaten away at him all the liver.
At the level of the soul, a step towards freedom means, first of all, taking responsibility for one's life. Only those who recognize the laws of the polar world can take advantage of their potential, that is, that every action carries the opposite aspect. When a person embarks on an independent path of gaining freedom, he receives the freedom to dispose of his life, but loses the security and security of a career as an official or official. On the other hand, every little bit of security marks the loss of freedom. The deeper we dare to plunge into the polarity of life, the wider the range of our opportunities for experience becomes.
Ideally, within the fourth matrix, a person makes a real breakthrough and can enjoy the fruits of their efforts. Such a person realized the opportunity to start the life that really suits him. In all significant breakthroughs, you can see the quality of this matrix.

It is not true that a newborn is a blank sheet of paper! Parents, despite all their efforts, “get” completely formed personalities, Grof believes. With his attitude to this world, parents and what is happening around them. If you want to correct something, you have at your disposal pregnancy, a day after childbirth and the first hours of feeding. Will you have time?

Stanislav Grof - M.D., American psychologist of Czech origin. His name is associated with the discovery of a new, transpersonal direction in psychology. According to the theory of Stanislav Grof, a person's character is formed even before his birth. A passionate desire to have a child, a successful pregnancy, natural childbirth, the first feeding - this is what will provide a happy and harmonious future for a small person. Stanislav Grof believes that at the moment when you put a tiny body to your chest for the first time, and dad is filming this event on camera, the formation of a child's personality is completed. All further, including upbringing and education, will work with the effectiveness of a bactericidal adhesive plaster. This is a fact proven by the majority of Grof's patients, who, in the course of research, remembered not only the circumstances of their birth, but also the previous nine months. During this time, the fetus goes through four stages of psychological development, corresponding to the period of pregnancy, labor, childbirth and the first feeding. The information coming “inside” is “uploaded” into matrices (in other words, it is laid out on the shelves of the subconscious), in order to then become the lifelong basis of a person’s actions. And let his relatives argue over whose ears and nose he has. You managed the most important thing - to participate in the formation of the character of the baby!

4 matrices by Stanislav Grof

Matrix 1. Paradise or the matrix of love

It "fills up" when the baby is in the womb. At this time, the baby receives his first knowledge about the world, basic and deep. With a successful pregnancy, the child formulates for himself: “The world is OK, and I am OK!”. But for a positive position, this period must be really prosperous. And not only for medical reasons, but also from the point of view of the unborn baby.

And for him, first of all, it is important to be desired. If a mother flutters throughout her pregnancy at the thought of the upcoming replenishment, her feelings will certainly be transmitted to the baby as the setting “everything is fine with me” for any life situation. By the way, a child's sexual self-awareness is also directly dependent on "internal" information. For example, if the girl's mother strongly desires a boy, in the future the baby may have serious problems with the female nature, up to infertility.

It is also very important that the mother's body works like a Swiss watch. A healthy pregnancy is a sure guarantee that the baby will feel comfortable, expecting only pleasant surprises from life.

Your task: to lay in the subconscious of the child a positive attitude towards the world and towards oneself.

Time to decide: your pregnancy.

Correct result: self-confidence, openness.

Negative result: low self-esteem, shyness, a tendency to hypochondria.

  • Emotional discomfort experienced by the mother;
  • Expecting a child of a strictly defined gender;
  • An attempt to terminate a pregnancy.

Matrix 2. Hell or victim matrix

This matrix is ​​formed in contractions, during the first acquaintance of the child with the environment. The child experiences pain and fear. His experiences are: “The world is ok, I am not ok!”. That is, the child takes everything that happens at his own expense, believes that he himself is the cause of his condition. Labor induction causes irreparable damage to the formation of the second matrix. If during this period the child experiences too much pain caused by stimulation, then the “victim syndrome” is fixed in him. In the future, such a child will be touchy, suspicious and even cowardly.

It is in fights that the child learns to cope with difficulties, to show patience and resistance to stress.

Having coped with her fears, mom can control the course of contractions. This will allow the child to gain tremendous experience in independent problem solving.

During the period of contractions, the baby simply needs to feel the support of his mother, her empathy for him.

After all, now he must learn to look boldly into the future. If the result of the struggle was his benevolent acceptance into a new, kind, glorious world, then he again returns to paradise. The child can experience these feelings only in the mother's stomach. Where you can feel her warmth, smell, heartbeat. Then the newborn is applied to the breast, and he once again receives confirmation that he is loved and desired in this world, that he has protection and support.

If the mother demands “to do something, only as soon as possible!”, Then the baby will, if possible, avoid responsibility. There is also an opinion that the use of anesthesia, which is almost always combined with stimulation or is done by itself, lays the foundation for the emergence of various kinds of addictions (including alcohol, drugs, nicotine, food). The child remembers once and for all: if difficulties arise, doping is needed to overcome them.

Your task: form the right attitude to difficulties and patience.

Time to decide: contractions.

Correct result: patience, perseverance, perseverance.

Negative result: weakness of spirit, suspiciousness, touchiness.

Possible errors in solving the problem:

  • Stimulation of labor activity
  • C-section
  • Mom's Panic

Amendment for "Caesar": Grof believed that babies born through a caesarean section skip the second and third matrices in development, and remain at the level of the first.

The result of this may be the problems of self-realization in a competitive environment that a person will experience in the future.

It is believed that if the caesarean section was planned, and the baby did not pass the contractions test conceived by nature, then he will try to escape from problems, and not solve them on his own.

3 matrix. Purgatory, or the matrix of struggle

The third matrix is ​​laid down as the baby passes through the birth canal. In terms of time - a short period, but do not underestimate it. After all, this is the first experience of independent actions of the baby. Because now he is fighting for his life himself, and his mother only helps him to be born. And if you provide him with proper support at this critical moment for the child, in overcoming difficulties he will be quite decisive, active, not afraid of work, will not be afraid to make a mistake.

The problem is that doctors are often involved in the birth process, and their intervention is not always justified. For example, if a doctor puts pressure on a woman in labor to advance the fetus (as often happens), the child may develop an appropriate attitude towards work: until prompted, pushed, the person will not move in indecision and will miss happy opportunities.

The third matrix is ​​also related to sexuality.

Birth hint: A woman in labor who is in an altered state of consciousness tends to reproduce the scenario of her own birth. And what did our mothers see in Soviet maternity hospitals? With rare exceptions, alas, nothing good.

You can change this picture:

  • Signing up for special courses to prepare for childbirth
  • Picking up a good maternity hospital in advance. Moreover, you need to pay attention not only to the big name and technical equipment, but also to the willingness of the staff to support your desire to give birth naturally and preferably without medical intervention.
  • By correlating the decision on caesarean section or anesthesia with information on perinatal matrices. If such manipulations are not due to medical indications, but to the desire for comfort, you will deliberately harm the child's psyche.

According to Grof, the passivity of many men, their inability to achieve the object of their love, is precisely the result of a “flaw” in the third matrix.

Your task: develops efficiency and determination.

Time to decide: childbirth.

Correct result: determination, mobility, fortitude, diligence.

Negative result: fearfulness, inability to stand up for oneself, aggressiveness.

Possible errors in solving the problem:

    Medical pain relief

    Epidural anesthesia

    Containment of contractions

    Unwillingness to participate in childbirth (“I can’t - that’s all!”).

Amendment for cesareans: The influence of the third matrix is ​​so weakened in them that it becomes obvious that a baby born through a caesarean section will not be able to grow up as a purposeful and active person.

4 matrix. Paradise again, or the matrix of freedom

The first hours of life are the time to reap laurels after trials. And you are obliged with all generosity, love and cordiality to provide them to the baby. After all, now he must learn to look boldly into the future. If the result of the struggle was a benevolent acceptance of him into a new, kind, glorious world, then he returns to paradise again: "The WORLD is OK, I am OK." The child can experience these feelings only on the mother's stomach, where you can feel her warmth, smell and heartbeat. Then the newborn is applied to the breast, and he once again receives confirmation that he is loved and desired in this world, that he has protection and support.

Such a ritual has long been traditional in Europe, as, indeed, in many domestic maternity hospitals. However, there are still quite a few where mother and baby are separated from each other, which, from the point of view of Grof's theory, is very dangerous. After all, this is how a child learns that all his labors and sufferings are in vain. And since there is no need to wait for a reward, then the future awaits him gloomy.

Amendment for "Caesar": These babies are usually even less lucky: immediately after giving birth, they can be separated from their mother for a long time. Therefore, for the correct formation of the fourth matrix, psychologists recommend that women choose epidural anesthesia in order to take the newborn into their arms immediately after birth.

Your task: formation of the child's attitude to life prospects and full-time acquaintance with the world.

Time to decide: first hours of life.

Correct result: high self-esteem, love of life.

Negative result: laziness, pessimism, incredulity.

Possible mistakes:

  • Cutting the umbilical cord at the stage of pulsation
  • Birth trauma of the newborn
  • "Separation" of the newborn from the mother
  • Rejection or critical attitude towards the newborn
  • Careless treatment of doctors with a newborn

Correction of matrices after childbirth

If you had a caesarean section, you need:

  • To stimulate the child to achieve the goal from infancy;
  • Give breastfeeding, which is harder than bottle feeding;
  • Teach to reach for toys and other necessary things;
  • Do not limit his activity by constant swaddling and the walls of the arena;
  • In the future, find a psychotherapist who will help the child “work through” the moment of his birth;

If there was a difficult pregnancy or separation from the child in the hospital, you need to:

  • Take the baby in your arms as often as possible;
  • Take him for a walk in a backpack - "kangaroo";
  • breastfeed;

If there was an imposition of forceps, you need:

  • Before demanding independent results from the child, patiently help him
  • Do not rush the baby when he is trying to solve some problem. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

A lot has been written about the feelings and emotions of the expectant mother during childbirth - both in scientific and in
fiction. And what does the baby feel at this time? Grof's matrix theory is just one of the attempts to describe this.

So, how will the baby experience the process of his own birth? What will he experience at this moment? What sensations will accompany his arrival in this world and what trace will this event leave in the soul of a little man? Are birth experiences reflected in the child's psyche and how? How can we, adults, help or alleviate this ordeal, and is it worth it? There are a lot of questions ... To answer them, psychologists used various methods, for example, biographical, when some patterns were traced in the description of a person’s life and an attempt was made to identify the relationship between the characteristics of the human psyche and how the process of childbirth went - was labor activity slow and sluggish, or fast and uncontrollable.

Among the many methods of studying this interesting process, there were even such extraordinary ones as the use by the researcher of mild degrees of drug arousal in order to introduce his own body into that psychophysiochemical state, which is akin to the state of a person being born. Doctors have long established an approximate "chemical picture" of the state of a baby leaving the mother's womb - the content of adrenaline, endomorphins (biologically active substances that affect the nervous system) and other components in the blood. It was this chemical picture that some of the brave researchers tried to recreate in themselves in order to once again feel what we felt during our own birth.

Pre- and perinatal psychology is a new area of ​​knowledge (a subfield of developmental psychology) that studies the circumstances and patterns of human development in the early stages: prenatal (antenatal), perinatal (intranatal) and neonatal (postnatal) phases development, and their impact on the rest of life. Perinatal - the concept consists of two words: peri (peri) - around, about and natos (natalis) - related to birth. Thus, pre- and perinatal psychology is the science of the mental life of an unborn child or a newly born child (the science of the initial phase of human development - prenatal and perinatal).
We must say right away: we have not yet come to a consensus about what the child feels during childbirth. But some general patterns can still be identified.

The first of them is the recognition that the onset of labor is the strongest stress for the child - mental, physiological and even almost moral stress. We can say that the child for the first time in his life is faced with injustice and deceit. A warm, cozy mother's womb, which for so long provided everything necessary for life, suddenly becomes aggressive and unfriendly. She begins to vomit out of herself, "cast out of paradise."

Stanislav Grof most consistently characterized the state of the child from conception to childbirth.

Stanislav Grof - American physician and psychologist of Czech origin, one of the founders
transpersonal psychology. In the concept of prenatal (prenatal) human existence he created, four main periods are singled out, which are stored in the human subconscious. Grof calls them basic prenatal matrices (BPMs) and describes in detail what happens on each of these matrices, what the child experiences, what are the characteristics of living each of these matrices, and how BPMs can influence human behavior in later life. Each matrix forms a unique strategy of attitude towards the world, surrounding people, and oneself.

4 basic perinatal matrices:

 contractions (matrix 1);
 passage through the birth canal (matrix 2);
 childbirth itself (matrix 3);
 primary contact with the mother (matrix 4).


Primordial unity with the mother (fetal experience before birth)

This matrix refers to the original state of intrauterine existence during which the child and mother form a symbiotic union. If there is no harmful effect, the conditions for the child are optimal, considering safety, protection, a suitable environment and the satisfaction of all needs.

The first perinatal matrix: "Matrix of naivety"

When it begins to form is not very clear. It most likely needs to have
the formed cerebral cortex in the fetus - i.e. 22-24 weeks of pregnancy. Some authors suggest cellular memory, wave memory, and the like. In this case, the matrix of naivety begins to form immediately after conception and even before it. This matrix forms the life potential of a person, his potential, the ability to adapt. Desired children, children of the desired sex, have a higher basic psychic potential during a healthy pregnancy, and this observation was made by mankind a long time ago. 9 months in the womb, from the moment of conception to the moment of the start of labor - PARADISE.

Even the very moment of conception is imprinted in our psyche. Ideally, the child lives in conditions that correspond to our idea of ​​​​Paradise: complete security, the same temperature, constant satiety, lightness (floats, as in weightlessness).

Normal first BPM - we love and know how to relax, rest, rejoice, accept love, it stimulates us to develop.

The traumatized first BPM can subconsciously form the following behavior programs: in case of an unwanted pregnancy, the program “I’m always at the wrong time” is formed. If parents were thinking about abortion - fear of death, the program "As soon as I relax, they will kill me." With toxicosis (preeclampsia) - "I'm sick of your joy", or - "how can you develop when children die of hunger." If mom was sick - “if I relax, then I will get sick.” Who finds it difficult to bear the second part of the process in rebirthing - to relax, then most likely there were problems in the first matrix.

So, the first matrix that Grof is talking about is a long period from conception to the preparation of the mother's body for childbirth. This is the golden age. If the course of pregnancy is not complicated by psychological, physical or other problems, if the mother desires and loves this child, he is very happy and comfortable in her womb. He is imbued with his mother in the literal and figurative sense - not only depending on her physically, but also spiritually - her love. This period ends (one would like to say that all good things come to an end!) with the appearance of warning chemical signals in the body, and then with mechanical contractions of the uterus. The primary and habitual balance and harmony of existence are violated, the child experiences psychological discomfort for the first time.


Antagonism with the mother (contractions in a closed uterus)

The second perinatal matrix refers to the first clinical stage of labor. intrauterine
existence, close to the ideal under normal conditions, is coming to an end. The world of the fetus is disturbed, at first insidiously - through chemical influences, later in a rough mechanical way - by periodic contractions. This creates a situation of complete uncertainty and threat to life with various signs of bodily discomfort. At this stage, uterine contractions affect the fetus, but the cervix is ​​​​still closed, and there is no way out. Mother and child become a source of pain for each other and enter into a biological conflict.

Second Perinatal Matrix: "The Victim Matrix"

It is formed from the moment of the onset of labor until the moment of complete or almost complete dilatation of the cervix. Approximately corresponds to 1 stage of childbirth. The child experiences contraction pressure forces, some hypoxia, and the “exit” from the uterus is closed. In this case, the child partially regulates his own birth by releasing his own hormones into the mother's bloodstream through the placenta. If the load on the child is too high, there is a danger of hypoxia, then he can somewhat slow down his birth in order to have time to compensate. From this point of view, labor stimulation disrupts the natural process of interaction between mother and fetus and forms a pathological matrix of the victim. On the other hand, the fear of the mother, the fear of childbirth, provokes the release of stress hormones by the mother, spasm of the placental vessels occurs, fetal hypoxia, and then the victim matrix is ​​also formed pathological. With a planned caesarean section, this matrix cannot be formed, with an emergency one, it is formed

The second BPM begins from the moment the contractions begin to the full opening of the cervix and the beginning of attempts. At this moment, the uterine contraction force is about 50 kilograms, imagine that the body of a 3 kilogram child can withstand such pressure. Grof called this matrix “Victim” because the state of the victim is when it’s bad, you are under pressure and there is no way out. At the same time, a feeling of guilt arises (expulsion from Paradise), the guilt is taken over: "I was bad and they expelled me." Perhaps the development of a trauma of love (loved, and then hurt and pushed out). In this matrix, passive strength is developed (“you won’t take me with your bare hands, I’m strong”), patience, perseverance, and the ability to survive. A person knows how to wait, endure, endure the inconveniences of life.

The negatives of this matrix are divided into two groups: when it is absent (caesarean: planned and emergency) and when it is excessive.

With an insufficient first matrix, a person does not have enough patience, it is difficult for him, for example, to sit through a lesson or lecture, to endure an unpleasant situation in his life. The influence of anesthesia leads to "freezing" in life situations that require patience. With an emergency cesarean (when the contractions were, and then they stopped), it is difficult for a person to bring the matter to an end. With rapid childbirth, a person tries to solve problems very quickly, “with a tip”, and if something does not work out, refuse.

With an excess of the second matrix (prolonged childbirth) - a person has a strong role of the Victim in his life, he attracts situations when he is “pressed”, crushed, either by the authorities or in the family, he suffers, but at the same time he subconsciously feels comfortable in this role . During odostimulation, the program “until I am pushed, I will not do anything” is recorded.

After a period that is meant to be a time of bliss, tranquility, silence, peace, "swinging in the ocean of the mother's womb", the time of testing comes. The fetus is periodically compressed by uterine spasms, but the system is still closed - the cervix is ​​not open, the exit is not available. The womb, which has been guarding and safe for so long, becomes threatening. Since the arteries that supply the placenta pierce the muscles of the uterus in a complex way, each contraction of the placenta limits the flow of blood, and therefore oxygen, nutrition for the baby. He begins to experience an overwhelming sense of increasing anxiety and a sense of impending danger to life. Grof believes that at this stage, the born baby experiences a state of horror and hopelessness. It is amazing that each person experiences this stage in their own way. Someone “makes a decision” to look for a way out and subordinates his entire state to this search. Someone shrinks from horror and makes every effort to restore the former peace. Someone falls into a state of inactivity, experiencing a kind of paralysis. Some psychologists draw parallels between this matrix of intrauterine development and how, in adulthood, a person begins to respond to changed situations. The way an adult experiences a state of increasing anxiety, how he solves the problems of impending danger - the roots of his behavior, perhaps - in the decision that he "made" in the mother's womb.


Synergism with the mother (pushing through the birth canal)

This matrix is ​​associated with the second clinical stage of labor. Contractions continue, but the cervix is ​​already wide open, and the difficult and difficult process of pushing the fetus through the birth canal gradually begins. For a child, this means a serious struggle for survival with crushing mechanical pressure and often with suffocation. But the system is no longer closed, and there is a prospect of ending the unbearable situation. The efforts and interests of the child and the mother coincide. Their joint intense desire is to end this basically painful condition.

The Third Perinatal Matrix: "The Matrix of Struggle"

Approximately corresponds to the 2nd period of childbirth. Formed from the end of the period of disclosure until the birth of the child. It characterizes the activity of a person at the moments of life, when something depends on his active or expectant position. If the mother behaved correctly in the difficult period, helped the child, if he felt that during the struggle he was not alone, then in later life his behavior would be adequate to the situation. With caesarean section, both elective and emergency, the matrix does not appear to form, although this is debatable. Most likely, it corresponds to the moment the child is removed from the uterus during the operation.


The third BPM covers the period of attempts, when the child moves from the uterus through the birth canal. Normally it lasts 20-40 minutes. This matrix develops active strength (“I will fight and cope”), purposefulness, courage, courage. Negatives of this matrix can also be both its excess and its deficiency. So with a caesarean section, a rapid birth, pushing out a child, people in the future do not know how to fight, when a situation of struggle arises, they must be pushed in the back. Children intuitively develop this matrix in fights and conflicts: he fights, he is beaten.

The excess of the third matrix is ​​manifested in the fact that for these people their whole life is a struggle, they fight all the time, they always find against whom and with whom. If at the same time asphyxia developed (the child was born blue or white), a huge feeling of guilt arises and in life this is manifested by a game with death, a deadly struggle (revolutionaries, rescuers, submariners, extreme sports ...). With the clinical death of a child in the third BPM, a program of hidden suicide arises. If obstetric forceps were used, someone's help is needed in action, but on the other hand, he is afraid of this help, because it is painful.

With breaks, there is a fear of one’s strength, a feeling of guilt, a program “as soon as I use my strength, it will cause harm, pain.”

During childbirth in the breech presentation in life, people tend to do everything in an unusual way.

The third stage is associated with the opening of the cervix. There is an exit option. A very important moment in psychological terms - first a person makes a decision - to look for a way out or not, and only then does the possibility of a way out appear! At this time, the child is doomed to begin the "struggle for survival." Regardless of whether he “made” the decision to go out or do his best to preserve the situation, uterine contractions push him out. He begins to gradually move along the birth canal. His body is subjected to crushing mechanical pressure, lack of oxygen and suffocation.

Grof notes that these circumstances make him related to mythological characters passing through complex labyrinths, or to fairy-tale heroes wading through impenetrable thickets. If the psyche has the courage to overcome obstacles, if the inner determination to overcome has already matured, then the passage through the birth canal will be the first experience of a purposeful path for the child. There is only one way - you have to be born. But how a person overcomes this path, whether he is helped in the passage of the path or not - according to the author of the theory, much depends on these circumstances in his later life.

According to Grof, it is during this period that the foundations of most behavioral, psychological and, as a result, social problems are laid. The first serious life test, which a person has not been able to overcome on his own, since he was "came to the rescue", lays the installation and in the future to expect help from the outside. When a child is born from a family womb, psychologically budding off from his parents, taking on the burden of self-establishment of social relations, he "remembers" the experience of his own birth.


Separation from mother (termination of symbiotic union with mother and formation of a new type of relationship)

This matrix refers to the third clinical stage of labor. Painful experiences reach their climax, pushing through the birth canal comes to an end, and now extreme tension and suffering are replaced by unexpected relief and relaxation. The period of breath holding and, as a rule, insufficient oxygen supply ends. The baby takes his first deep breath and his airways open up. The umbilical cord is cut, and the blood that previously circulated through the vessels of the umbilical cord is sent to the pulmonary region. The physical separation from the mother is completed and the child begins to exist as an anatomically independent being. Once the physiological balance is restored, the new situation is incomparably better than the two previous ones, but in some very important respects it is worse than the original undisturbed primal unity with the mother. The biological needs of the child are not met on a continuous basis, and there is no constant protection from temperature changes, annoying noises, changes in light intensity, and unpleasant tactile sensations.

The fourth perinatal matrix: "Matrix of freedom" It starts from the moment of birth and its formation ends in either the period of the first 7 days after birth, or in the first month, or it is created and reviewed throughout a person's life. Those. a person throughout his life reconsiders his attitude to freedom and his own capabilities, taking into account the circumstances of his birth. Different researchers estimate the duration of the formation of the 4th matrix in different ways. If for some reason a child is separated from his mother after birth, then in adulthood he may regard freedom and independence as a burden and dream of returning to the matrix of innocence.

From the moment of birth to 3-9 days - FREEDOM + LOVE

This matrix covers the period from the moment the baby is born to 5-7 days after birth. After hard work and the experience of childbirth, the child is freed, loved and accepted. Ideally, a mother should take the child in her arms, give her breast, the child needs to feel care, love, security and freedom, relief. Unfortunately, in our maternity hospitals, only in recent years have they begun to think about and implement the principles of the non-traumatic fourth matrix. For most of us, unfortunately, subconsciously freedom is associated with cold, pain, hunger, loneliness.

In connection with the birth experience, we also determine the experience of love in our life. You can love according to the first BPM and the fourth. Love according to the first BPM is reminiscent of placing a loved one in an artificial womb: “I am everything for you, why do you need others - you have me, let's do everything together ....” However, such love always ends, and after a conditional 9 months, a person is ready to die, but to break free.

Love at the fourth BPM is a combination of love and freedom, love is unconditional, when you love no matter what the other person does and give him the freedom to do whatever he wants. Unfortunately, this is extremely difficult for many of us.

There are also other situations associated with childbirth, for example, if the child was expected to be a boy or a girl, and he was born of a different sex, there is a trauma of gender identity (“will I justify the hopes of my parents”). Often these people try to be the other sex. If a premature baby is placed in an incubator, then a barrier between oneself and the world subconsciously arises. In the case of twins, a person needs a feeling that someone is nearby, during childbirth, the second has a trauma of abandonment, that he was betrayed, left him, and the first has guilt that he abandoned, left.

If the mother had abortions before this child, they are recorded in the psyche of this child. Can
experience the fear of violent death and a sense of guilt, the fear of giving yourself freedom (suddenly they will kill you again).

Pain relief in childbirth can leave the program that my pain is not felt or intoxicated.

The fourth period is the birth itself. Grof believes that this is the completion of the feat. A sudden change of all
previous conditions of existence - the transition from water to air type of existence, a change in temperature, the action of the strongest stimulus - light, the action of atmospheric pressure - all these conditions in combination cause the strongest stress of the whole organism of the newborn. According to most psychologists, it is birth shock that allows the child's psyche to develop so intensively in the first three years of life. There is an opinion that a person is never so close to death as at the moment of birth. And at the same time, it is after this test that the impossible in other periods of life becomes possible. Three years after his birth, any child carries out such an intellectual program that even a Nobel laureate cannot afford. And the feat of birth is one of the main reasons for such achievements.

Rapid childbirth, caesarean section, premature birth - this is the strongest stress for the child, which later, according to Grof, will negatively affect his psyche and physiology. But full-fledged breastfeeding for up to a year, good care and love can compensate for negative prenatal matrices. And a loving mother knows and feels this without any theories.

Probably each stage of biological birth has a specific additional spiritual component. For a serene intrauterine existence, this is the experience of cosmic unity; the onset of labor is parallel to the experience of a sense of all-encompassing absorption; the first clinical stage of labor, contraction in the closed uterine system, corresponds to the experience of "no way out" or hell; pushing through the birth canal in the second clinical stage of labor has its spiritual counterpart in the struggle between death and rebirth; the metaphysical equivalent of the completion of the birth process and the events of the third clinical stage of childbirth is the experience of ego death and rebirth.

The first matrix is ​​of particular importance. The process of its formation is due to the most complex processes of development of the fetus, its nervous system, sensory organs, various motor reactions. It is the first matrix that makes the body of the fetus and the newborn child capable of forming complex mental acts, for example, in the normal position of the fetus, it reflects the biological unity of the fetus and mother. Under ideal conditions, this is how it is, and the formed matrix is ​​manifested by the absence of boundaries of consciousness, “oceanic consciousness”, connected “with mother nature”, giving food, security, “bliss”. Under the influence of unfavorable factors during the first months and years of life, symptoms may appear, the content of which will be an unconscious danger, "inhospitability of nature", perverted perceptions with a paranoid tinge. It is assumed that if such a person develops a mental disorder already in adulthood, the main symptoms will be paranoid disorders, hypochondria. With various complications during pregnancy (fetal hypoxia, emotional breakdowns in the mother during pregnancy, the threat of abortion, etc.)

memories of a “bad bosom”, paranoid thinking, unpleasant bodily sensations (trembling and spasms, hangover syndrome, disgust, a feeling of depression, hallucinations in the form of a meeting with demonic forces, etc.) are formed.

The second matrix is ​​formed over a relatively short period of time (4-5 hours) as contractions intensify. For the first time after a period of "bliss" and security, the fetus begins to experience strong external pressure, aggression. Activation of this matrix under the influence of unfavorable factors during the subsequent life of a person can lead to the detection in the patient's nervous system, i.e. in the memory of situations that threaten the survival or integrity of the human body. There are also experiences of being in a confined space, apocalyptic visions of a world ominously painted in dark colors, a feeling of suffering, being trapped, a hopeless situation that does not see an end, a feeling of guilt and
inferiority, meaninglessness and absurdity of human existence, unpleasant bodily manifestations (feeling of oppression and pressure, heart failure, fever and chills, sweating, shortness of breath).

Of course, all statements about matrices are largely conjecture, but some
The hypothesis was confirmed in the study of patients who underwent caesarean section. The latter leads to the fact that a child born by caesarean section does not pass the 3rd and 4th matrices. This means that these matrices cannot manifest themselves in the next life.

S. Grof, who specifically dealt with this issue, concludes that “having reached the level of birth under hypnosis, those who were born by caesarean section report a feeling of wrongness, as if they are comparing the way they went into this world with some kind of phylogenetic or archetypal matrix , showing what the process of birth should be. It is amazing how they clearly lack the experience of a normal birth - the challenge and stimulus contained in it, the collision with an obstacle, the triumphant exit from a compressive space.

Of course, this knowledge served as the basis for the development of special techniques. When giving birth by cesarean section, transpersonal psychologists believe that in order to eliminate the consequences of an unexpected break in contact with the mother, a number of special measures should be taken immediately after birth (lay the baby on the stomach, place it in slightly warmed water, etc.) and then the newborn develops " psychologically favorable impression of the world.

At the same time, it is known that experienced obstetricians have long sought (in the absence of fetal suffering) during a cesarean section to restrain the rapid removal of the newborn, because this, through the reticular formation, contributes to the inclusion of the respiratory system, more precisely, the first breath of the newborn.

Recognition of the role of perinatal matrices makes it possible to come to the fundamentally important conclusion that the fetus lives its own mental life in the womb. Of course, the latter is limited by the unconscious mental, but, nevertheless, the fetus can register its own mental processes occurring during childbirth. Knowledge of the pattern of activation of matrices makes it possible to predict the symptoms of the development of the clinical picture under specific conditions of exposure to harmful factors.

Ways of information transfer

If we recognize that the fetus and newborn have the ability to record information about the perinatal period for life, then the question immediately arises of how this information can be transmitted from the pregnant woman to the fetus and vice versa. According to modern ideas, there are 3 main ways:

1. Traditional - through the uteroplacental blood flow. Hormones are passed through the placenta, the level of which is partly controlled by emotions. These are, for example, stress hormones, endorphins, and so on.

2. Wave - electromagnetic radiation of organs, tissues, individual cells, etc. in narrow ranges.

For example, there is a hypothesis that an ovum, which is in favorable conditions, can accept not any spermatozoon, but only one that matches it in terms of the characteristics of electromagnetic radiation.

The zygote (fertilized egg) also notifies the mother's body of its appearance at the wave level, and not at the hormonal level. Also, the sick organ of the mother emits “wrong” waves to the fetus, and the corresponding organ in the unborn child can also form pathological.

3. Water - through the aquatic environment of the body. Water can be an energy-informational conductor, and a mother can transmit some information to a fetus simply through the liquid media of the body.

The electromagnetic field of a pregnant woman works in the millimeter range, changes in accordance with environmental changes and plays the role of one of the adaptation mechanisms. The child, in turn, also exchanges information with the mother in the same range.

Interestingly, the problem of surrogate motherhood can be viewed from a completely different angle.

A surrogate mother carrying someone else's (genetically) child for 9 months inevitably influences him informationally and this is partly her child. A gestating child also affects its biological step-mother.

The problem of "unwanted children", i.e. children unwanted for one of the parents or for both, children of the unwanted sex, children with a further violation of social adaptation - this is the bread of a large army of specialists in civilized countries. "Unwanted" is a very vague concept. Which of the relatives is hindered by the appearance of this child, when, for what reason - always in different ways. How do children in the perinatal period learn about their undesirability? Maybe then all the problems of a person that can no longer be attributed to undesirability are shoved off. Enthusiasts deal with these problems, and all this is nothing more than hypotheses, although they are very beautiful and, one would like to believe, true in some way.

Practical Conclusions

If a child can be influenced by the mother, is it possible to bring him up in utero?
Perinatal psychology claims that it is not only possible, but necessary. For this, there are programs of prenatal (prenatal) education.

The main thing is a sufficient amount of positive emotions experienced by the mother. Classically, pregnant women were asked to look at the beautiful, at nature, at the sea, not to get upset over trifles.

It is very good if the mother draws, even without knowing how to do it, and conveys her expectations, anxieties and dreams in the drawing. Needlework has a huge positive effect. Positive emotions include the “muscular joy” that a child experiences when his mother does physical education and sports, and during long walks. To perceive all this, the fetus uses its sense organs, which are developed in utero to varying degrees.


First of all, the fetus has a sense of touch. At about 7-12 weeks, the fetus can feel tactile stimuli. The newborn also experiences “tactile hunger” and there is the concept of “tactile saturation”, which should occur by 7 months if the child is carried enough in the arms, massaged and generally touched. In Holland there is a system called "haptonomy". This is a system of tactile interaction between mother and fetus. You can talk with the child, say kind words to him, ask him his name, pat his stomach and determine the answer by his pushes. These are the forms of the first game. The father can also play with the child.


The auditory and vestibular apparatus of the fetus are formed by 22 weeks of pregnancy. Newborns hear quite well. In the early days, they may be disturbed by fluid in the middle ear cavity - this is amniotic fluid that did not have time to flow out or be absorbed. Some children hear well right away.

In utero, children also hear, but they are disturbed by the noise of the mother's intestines, uterine vessels, and the beating of the heart.

Therefore, external sounds reach them poorly. But they hear their mother well, because. acoustic vibrations reach them through the mother's body. Newborns will recognize the songs that their mothers sang to them, the beat of the heart and her voice.

There are many specialists all over the world who deal with music and pregnancy. It has been proven that children whose mothers sang during pregnancy have a better character, are easier to learn, more capable of foreign languages, more diligent. Premature babies who have good music playing in the incubator gain weight better.

In addition, singing mothers give birth more easily, because. their breathing normalizes, they learn to regulate exhalation.

In order for the child to hear the father, it is necessary to make a large cardboard mouthpiece, put it on the stomach and speak or sing into it.

You can put headphones on your stomach or put them behind a bandage and turn on calm music.

But it is impossible to silence a child with music for a long time, because. it's still kind of aggressive. As for what kind of music a child needs and when, there are many versions, and even at the Conservatory prof.

Yusfin does it.

Some believe that the child needs Mozart and Vivaldi, some - that folk lingering songs and lullabies, some - that popular easy music.


The reaction of pupils to light is observed from 24 weeks of pregnancy. Whether the red part of the spectrum passes into the uterus, as some believe, is not very clear. The newborn sees well enough, but does not know how to focus his vision, so he sees everything blurry. It is not exactly clear which objects he sees better - at a distance of 25-30 cm (i.e., the mother's face when the baby is lying at the breast) or 50-70 cm (a carousel toy).

Most likely, this distance is individual. But the toy should be hung as soon as possible.

Toys, according to some observations, should be black and white or shiny, or yellow. The idea that the child sees everything upside down does not find support. There is the concept of "bonding" ("attachment", "imprinting") - this is a very important event to restore the first emotional contact of the newborn with the mother after birth. Usually a few minutes after birth, the baby begins to look into the mother's eyes very consciously and look at her face. Often this happens before he took the breast, sometimes an hour or two after birth. Whether he really looks at the features of her face or not is difficult to say, but it is very impressive for everyone. Taste. Smell
In utero, the child feels the taste.


Biography (overview):

Stanislav Grof was born in 1931 in Prague (Czechoslovakia).

Graduated from Charles University in 1956

in 1965 (aged 34) he defended his doctoral thesis and became a doctor of philosophy in medicine at the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, at that time a practicing psychoanalyst.

From 1956 to 1967 S. Grof is a practicing psychiatrist-clinician, actively studying psychoanalysis.

From 1961, he headed research in Czechoslovakia on the use of LSD and other psychedelic drugs for the treatment of mental disorders. The use of LSD in Czechoslovakia was banned and he left for the US, where LSD research had not yet been banned.

In 1967-1969, having received a scholarship from the Psychiatric Research Support Foundation (USA), he completed a two-year internship at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA.

As a research director, he continued to work at the Maryland Center for Psychiatric Research.

In 1973-1987 he worked at the Esalen Institute (California, USA). During this period, together with his wife Christina, he developed the technique of holotropic breathing, which became a unique method of psychotherapy, self-knowledge and personal growth.

In 1977 he became one of the founders of the International Transpersonal Association.

Currently, he is a professor in the Department of Psychology at the California Institute for Integral Studies, and also conducts training seminars for professionals.

In 2007, Stanislav Grof was awarded the title of Honorary Professor of Moscow State University.

Research (briefly):

Stanislav Grof conducted research on the effect of the LSD drug on human consciousness and developed the psychotherapeutic technique of holotropic breathing. He experimentally proved the possibility of transpersonal experiences for any person and developed an extended cartography of the psyche. Grof showed that emotional and psychosomatic diseases are characterized by a multilevel structure, biographical, perinatal and transpersonal dynamics. He developed a hypothesis according to which many conditions that are characterized by physicians as psychoses and are treated with medications are in fact crises of spiritual growth and psycho-spiritual transformation.

TRANSPERSONAL EXPERIENCES- a layer of deep experiences, located behind the biographical and perinatal levels of consciousness. This is a modern term for a wide range of experienced states: spiritual, mystical, religious, magical, parapsychological and supernatural. In an ordinary, or "normal" state of consciousness, we perceive ourselves as solid material bodies, and our skin, being the surface of the body, is the boundary that separates us from the outside world. In transpersonal experiences, all these limitations seem to be overcome. In them we experience ourselves as a play of energy or as fields of consciousness, not limited by their physical carrier. Space and time also lose their boundaries. We can experience various historical and geographically distant events as if they were happening here and now. Moreover, transpersonal experiences often involve such entities and areas that are not considered part of objective reality - deities, demons and other mythological characters from different cultures; Heaven, purgatory and hells.

Grof began his medical career as a classical psychoanalyst who believed that psychedelic drugs used in psychiatry under controlled conditions could greatly speed up the process of psychoanalysis.

In the course of his work, Stanislav Grof came across an interesting fact - regardless of education, gender, mental status, personality problems and other criteria, the experiences of all participants in the process of therapy have a lot in common. Clients resurrected the period of intrauterine development, the process of birth, and also talked about impressions that they did not have and could not have in reality. Patients turned out to be participants in events from other historical eras, felt identity with animals and plants, contemplated fantastic images of micro- and macrocosms. Particularly exciting were the feelings of unity with the Universe, dissolution in Being, the disappearance of subject-object relations, the experience of the ego. This was accompanied by a feeling of going “to another level of consciousness”, an experience of the super-significance of the revealed truths.

Soon, the unprecedented richness and range of experiences during LSD psychotherapy sessions convinced him of the theoretical limitations of the Freudian model of the mind and the underlying mechanistic worldview.

These observations led Grof to believe that the “map of inner space” includes, in addition to consciousness and the traditionally understood unconscious, two additional important areas: the perinatal level of the psyche, which relates to our birth experiences, and the transpersonal level, which goes far beyond the usual limitations. our body and ego.

The result of these studies new cartography of the psyche consists of three areas:

The experimental data allow us to construct the following sequence of living in a holotropic session:

1. Sensory-aesthetic level .

It usually occurs during the first sessions, characterized by numbness in the limbs, muscle blocks, dizziness, and various visual images.

2. The level of the individual unconscious (memories from his biographical past).

This stage corresponds to the Freudian concept of the unconscious and represents a return to various moments, events and stages of one's past, both repressed and accessible to consciousness..

Memories from the biography do not appear separately, but form dynamic combinations - systems of condensed experience, abbreviated COEX. COEX system is a dynamic combination of memories with their accompanying fantasies from different periods of a person's life, united by a strong emotional charge of the same quality.

Psychological and bodily traumas experienced by a person during life can be forgotten on a conscious level, but are stored in the unconscious sphere of the psyche and affect the development of emotional and psychosomatic disorders - depression, anxiety, phobias, sexual disorders, migraine, asthma, etc.

Any of the systems of condensed experience (COEX), according to Grof, has a theme characteristic of it.

For example, a single COEX constellation may contain all the main memories of events associated with insults, humiliation and shame.

The common denominator of another COEX system may be the horror of experiencing claustrophobia, suffocation, and feelings associated with oppressive and limiting circumstances.

Rejection and emotional deprivation leading to distrust of others, is another very common COEX motif.

Systems of condensed experience are considered especially important, including the perinatal area, as well as those cases when our physical health or life was in danger.

SKO is not just a repository and rubricator of memories.

It is something like a scheme of response, experience, processing of impressions. When an impression arrives, it fits into one of the COEX systems, activates it, triggers the reactions accumulated in it. COEX systems affect every area of ​​our emotional life - perception of ourselves, others and the world around us.

These are the driving forces behind emotional and psychosomatic symptoms and set the stage for our difficulties in dealing with ourselves and others.

3. perinatal level .

Reflects the client's experience of a successive embryonic period followed by birth. At this stage, the client regresses both at the level of bodily reactions (body movements, reflexes) and the affective component.

The clinical aspect lies in the fact that a person in the process of a respiratory session re-lives the perinatal period and his birth, while experiencing the same "feelings" that he experienced while in the mother's womb and passing through the birth canal. In my practice, clients often relive their birth. Rarely, but there are situations when a person relives the mother's attempts to have an abortion. In these cases, the support of a psychologist is especially important.

4. transpersonal level (transpersonal ).

Experiences of the transpersonal level refer to the experience of altered states of consciousness, such as visions, ecstasies, hallucinations, identification of a person with other people, animals, plants, God, and so on, are diverse and have religious experiences as their source.

S. Grof argues that the experience gained during hallucinations from LSD or holotropic breathing is real and the person will really receive information about the real world. For example, a person identifying himself during hallucinations with a historical figure describes the biographical details of this person, even if he did not know anything about him before. S.Grof also claims that if a person identifies himself with the Absolute or God, he receives objective and real information about the existence of a higher being.

Grof began his medical career as a classical psychoanalyst who believed that psychedelic drugs used in psychiatry under controlled conditions could greatly speed up the process of psychoanalysis. However, the unprecedented richness and range of experiences during LSD psychotherapy sessions soon convinced him of the theoretical limitations of the Freudian model of the mind and the underlying mechanistic worldview. The emerging cartography of the mind as a result of these studies consists of three areas:

1) the (Freudian) personal and biographical unconscious (the unconscious "IT" or "Id");

2) the transpersonal unconscious (which also includes Jung's narrower ideas of the archetypal or collective unconscious);

3) the perinatal unconscious, which is a bridge between the personal and transpersonal unconscious and filled with symbolism and concrete experiences of death and rebirth.

This area of ​​the unconscious carries the greatest transformative potential. In his recent works, Grof constantly emphasizes that the perinatal is not limited to intrauterine life and the process of childbirth, but forms a more all-encompassing structure of psycho-spiritual transformation, valid for all stages of the development of consciousness.

The vast clinical experience of Grof himself and his students, as well as the recorded experience of world spiritual traditions, indicates that regression to the perinatal level is often a necessary condition for access to the transpersonal.

perinatal level- level related to the experience of birth and death.

In the concept of prenatal (prenatal) human existence he created, four main periods are distinguished, which are stored in the human subconscious.

Grof calls them basic prenatal matrices (BPMs) and describes in detail what happens on each of these matrices, what the child experiences, what are the characteristics of living each of these matrices, and how BPMs can influence human behavior in later life.

Each matrix forms a unique strategy of attitude towards the world, surrounding people, and oneself.

4 basic perinatal matrices:

1. contractions (matrix 1);

2. passage through the birth canal (matrix 2);

3. actual childbirth (matrix 3);

4. primary contact with the mother (matrix 4).


Primal unity with mother

(intrauterine experience before birth)

This matrix refers to the original state of intrauterine existence during which the child and mother form a symbiotic union. If there is no harmful effect, the conditions for the child are optimal, considering safety, protection, a suitable environment and the satisfaction of all needs.


"Matrix of Naivety"

When its formation begins is not very clear. Most likely, it requires the presence of a formed cerebral cortex in the fetus - i.e. 22-24 weeks of pregnancy. Some authors suggest cellular memory, wave memory, and the like. In this case, the matrix of naivety begins to form immediately after conception and even before it. This matrix forms the life potential of a person, his potential, the ability to adapt. Desired children, children of the desired sex, have a higher basic psychic potential during a healthy pregnancy, and this observation was made by mankind a long time ago.

9 months in the womb, from the moment of conception to the moment of the start of labor - PARADISE.

Even the very moment of conception is imprinted in our psyche. Ideally, the child lives in conditions that correspond to our idea of ​​Paradise: complete security, the same temperature, constant satiety, lightness (floats as if in weightlessness).

Normal first BPM- we love and know how to relax, rest, rejoice, accept love, it stimulates us to develop.

Injured first BPMcan subconsciously form the following behavior programs: in case of unwanted pregnancy, the program "I'm always at the wrong time" is formed. If parents thought about abortion - fear of death, the program "Only I relax - they will kill me." With toxicosis (preeclampsia) - "I'm sick of your joy", or - "how can you develop when children die of hunger." If mom was sick - "if I relax, then I'll get sick" Who finds it difficult to bear the second part of the process in rebirthing - to relax, then most likely there were problems in the first matrix.

So, the first matrix that Grof is talking about is a long period from conception to the preparation of the mother's body for childbirth. This is the golden age. If the course of pregnancy is not complicated by psychological, physical or other problems, if the mother desires and loves this child, he is very happy and comfortable in her womb. He is imbued with his mother in the literal and figurative sense - not only depending on her physically, but also spiritually - her love. This period ends (one would like to say that all good things come to an end!) with the appearance of warning chemical signals in the body, and then with mechanical contractions of the uterus. The primary and habitual balance and harmony of existence are violated, the child experiences psychological discomfort for the first time.


Antagonism with mother(contractions in closed uterus)

The second perinatal matrix refers to the first clinical stage of labor. Intrauterine existence, close to the ideal under normal conditions, is coming to an end. The world of the fetus is disturbed, at first insidiously - through chemical influences, later in a rough mechanical way - by periodic contractions. This creates a situation of complete uncertainty and threat to life with various signs of bodily discomfort. At this stage, uterine contractions affect the fetus, but the cervix is ​​​​still closed, and there is no way out. Mother and child become a source of pain for each other and enter into a biological conflict.

Second Perinatal Matrix: "The Victim Matrix"

It is formed from the moment of the onset of labor activity until the moment of complete or almost complete disclosure of the cervix. Approximately corresponds to 1 stage of childbirth. The child experiences the forces of contraction pressure, some hypoxia, and the "exit" from the uterus is closed. In this case, the child partially regulates his own birth by releasing his own hormones into the mother's bloodstream through the placenta. If the load on the child is too high, there is a danger of hypoxia, then he can somewhat slow down his birth in order to have time to compensate. From this point of view, labor stimulation disrupts the natural process of interaction between mother and fetus and forms a pathological matrix of the victim. On the other hand, the fear of the mother, the fear of childbirth provokes the release of stress hormones by the mother, spasm of the placental vessels occurs, fetal hypoxia, and then the victim matrix is ​​also formed pathological.

With a planned caesarean section, this matrix cannot be formed; with an emergency one, it is formed.

From the beginning of the fights to the beginning of the attempts - EXILE FROM PARADISE or


The second BPM begins from the moment the contractions begin to the full opening of the cervix and the beginning of attempts. At this moment, the uterine contraction force is about 50 kilograms, imagine that the body of a 3 kilogram child can withstand such pressure.

Grof called this matrix "Victim" because the state of the victim is when it's bad, you are under pressure and there is no way out.

At the same time, a feeling of guilt arises (expulsion from Paradise), guilt is taken over: "I was bad and they expelled me."Perhaps the development of a trauma of love (loved, and then hurt and pushed out). In this matrix, passive strength is developed (“you can’t take me with your bare hands, I am strong”), patience, perseverance, and the ability to survive. A person knows how to wait, endure, endure the inconveniences of life.

The negatives of this matrix are divided into two groups:

Ø when it is not available (caesarean: planned and emergency) and

Ø when it is excessive.

With insufficient first matrixa person does not have enough patience, it is difficult for him, for example, to sit through a lesson or lecture, to endure an unpleasant situation in his life. The influence of anesthesia leads to "freezing" in life situations that require patience. With an emergency cesarean (when the contractions were, and then they stopped), it is difficult for a person to bring the matter to an end. With rapid childbirth, a person tries to solve problems very quickly, "with a tip", and if something does not work out, refuse.

With an excess of the second matrix (prolonged labor)- a person has a strong role of the Victim in his life, he attracts situations when he is "pressed", crushed, either by the authorities or in the family, he suffers, but at the same time he subconsciously feels comfortable in this role. During rhodostimulation, a program is recorded "until they push me, I will not do anything."

After a period that is meant to be a time of bliss, tranquility, silence, peace, "swinging in the ocean of the mother's womb", the time of testing comes. The fetus is periodically compressed by uterine spasms, but the system is still closed - the cervix is ​​not open, the exit is not available. The womb, which has been guarding and safe for so long, becomes threatening. Since the arteries that supply the placenta pierce the muscles of the uterus in a complex way, each contraction of the placenta limits the flow of blood, and therefore oxygen, nutrition for the baby. He begins to experience an overwhelming sense of increasing anxiety and a sense of impending danger to life.

Grof believes that at this stage, the born baby experiences a state of horror and hopelessness.

It is amazing that each person experiences this stage in their own way.

Ø Someone "makes a decision" to look for a way out and subordinates his entire state to this search.

Ø Someone shrinks from horror and makes every effort to restore the former peace.

Ø Someone falls into a state of inactivity, experiencing a kind of paralysis.

Some psychologists draw parallels between this matrix of intrauterine development and how, in adulthood, a person begins to respond to changed situations. How adult a person experiences a state of increasing anxiety, how he solves the problems of impending danger - the roots of his behavior, perhaps - in the decision that he "made" in the mother's womb.


Synergism with the mother (pushing through the birth canal)

This matrix is ​​associated with the second clinical stage of labor. Contractions continue, but the cervix is ​​already wide open, and the difficult and difficult process of pushing the fetus through the birth canal gradually begins. For a child, this means a serious struggle for survival with crushing mechanical pressure and often with suffocation. But the system is no longer closed, and there is a prospect of ending the unbearable situation. The efforts and interests of the child and the mother coincide. Their joint intense desire is to end this basically painful condition.

The Third Perinatal Matrix: "The Matrix of Struggle"

Approximately corresponds to the 2nd period of childbirth. Formed from the end of the period of disclosure until the birth of the child. It characterizes the activity of a person at the moments of life, when something depends on his active or expectant position. If the mother behaved correctly in the difficult period, helped the child, if he felt that during the struggle he was not alone, then in later life his behavior would be adequate to the situation. With caesarean section, both elective and emergency, the matrix does not appear to form, although this is debatable. Most likely, it corresponds to the moment the child is removed from the uterus during the operation.

Attempts and childbirth - LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL - MATRIX OF FIGHT or


The third BPM covers the period of attempts, when the child moves from the uterus through the birth canal. Normally it lasts 20-40 minutes.

In this matrix, active strength is developed (“I will fight and cope”), purposefulness, courage, courage

The negatives of this matrix can also be both its excess and its deficiency.

So with a caesarean section, a rapid birth, pushing out a child, people in the future do not know how to fight, when a situation of struggle arises, they must be pushed in the back. Children intuitively develop this matrix in fights and conflicts: he fights, he is beaten.

The excess of the third matrix is ​​manifested in the fact thatthat for these people their whole life is a struggle, they fight all the time, they always find against whom and with whom. If at the same time asphyxia developed (the child was born blue or white), a huge feeling of guilt arises and in life this is manifested by a game with death, a deadly struggle (revolutionaries, rescuers, submariners, extreme sports ...). With the clinical death of a child in the third BPM, a program of hidden suicide arises. If obstetric forceps were used, someone's help is needed in action, but on the other hand, he is afraid of this help, because it is painful. With breaks, there is a fear of one's strength, a feeling of guilt, a program "as soon as I use my strength, it will cause harm, pain."

During childbirth in the breech presentation in life, people tend to do everything in an unusual way.

The third stage is associated with the opening of the cervix. There is an exit option. A very important moment in psychological terms - first a person makes a decision - to look for a way out or not, and only then does the possibility of a way out appear! At this time, the child is doomed to begin the "struggle for survival." Regardless of whether he "made" the decision to go out or by all means try to preserve the situation, uterine contractions push him out. He begins to gradually move along the birth canal. His body is subjected to crushing mechanical pressure, lack of oxygen and suffocation.

Grof notes that these circumstances make him related to mythological characters passing through complex labyrinths, or to fairy-tale heroes wading through impenetrable thickets. If the psyche has the courage to overcome obstacles, if the inner determination to overcome has already matured, then the passage through the birth canal will be the first experience of a purposeful path for the child. There is only one way - you have to be born. But how a person overcomes this path, whether he is helped in the passage of the path or not - according to the author of the theory, much depends on these circumstances in his later life.

According to Grof, it is during this period that the foundations of most behavioral, psychological and, as a result, social problems are laid..

The first serious life test, which a person has not been able to overcome on his own, since he "came to the rescue", lays the installation and in the future to expect help from the outside. When a child is born from the family womb, psychologically budding off from the parents, taking on the burden of self-establishment of social relations, he "remembers" the experience of his own birth.


Separation from mother (termination of symbiotic union with mother and formation of a new type of relationship)

This matrix refers to the third clinical stage of labor. Painful experiences reach their climax, pushing through the birth canal comes to an end, and now extreme tension and suffering are replaced by unexpected relief and relaxation. The period of breath holding and, as a rule, insufficient oxygen supply ends. The baby takes his first deep breath and his airways open up. The umbilical cord is cut, and the blood that previously circulated through the vessels of the umbilical cord is sent to the pulmonary region. The physical separation from the mother is completed and the child begins to exist as an anatomically independent being. Once the physiological balance is restored, the new situation is incomparably better than the two previous ones, but in some very important respects it is worse than the original undisturbed primal unity with the mother. The biological needs of the child are not met on a continuous basis, and there is no constant protection from temperature changes, annoying noises, changes in light intensity, and unpleasant tactile sensations.

Fourth Perinatal Matrix: "Matrix of Freedom"

It starts from the moment of birth and its formation ends in either the period of the first 7 days after birth, or in the first month, or it is created and reviewed throughout a person's life. Those. a person throughout his life reconsiders his attitude to freedom and his own capabilities, taking into account the circumstances of his birth. Different researchers estimate the duration of the formation of the 4th matrix in different ways. If a child is for some reason separated from his mother after birth, then in adulthood he may regard freedom and independence as a burden and dream of returning to the matrix of innocence.

From the moment of birth to 3-9 days - FREEDOM + LOVE

This matrix covers the period from the moment the baby is born to 5-7 days after birth. After hard work and the experience of childbirth, the child is freed, loved and accepted. Ideally, a mother should take the child in her arms, give her breast, the child needs to feel care, love, security and freedom, relief. Unfortunately, in our maternity hospitals, only in recent years have they begun to think about and implement the principles of the non-traumatic fourth matrix. Most of us, unfortunately, subconsciously associate freedom with cold, pain, hunger, loneliness. I strongly recommend that everyone read Leboyer's book "Birth Without Violence", which very vividly describes the experiences of a child in childbirth.

In connection with the birth experience, we also determine the experience of love in our life.

You can love according to the first BPM and the fourth.

Love for the first BPMresembles the placement of a loved one in an artificial womb: "I am everything for you, why do you need others - you have me, let's do everything together ..." However, such love always ends, and after a conditional 9 months a person is ready to die, but to break out on freedom.

Love on the fourth BPM is a combination of love and freedom, love is unconditional, when you love no matter what the other person does and give him the freedom to do whatever he wants. Unfortunately, this is extremely difficult for many of us.

There are also other situations related to childbirth, for example, if the child was expected to be a boy or a girl, and he was born of a different sex, there is a trauma of gender identity ("will I justify the hopes of my parents"). Often these people try to be the other sex. If a premature baby is placed in an incubator, then a barrier between oneself and the world subconsciously arises. In the case of twins, a person needs a feeling that someone is nearby, during childbirth, the second has a trauma of abandonment, that he was betrayed, left him, and the first has guilt that he abandoned, left.

If the mother had abortions before this child, they are recorded in the psyche of this child. You can experience the fear of a violent death and a sense of guilt, the fear of giving yourself freedom (suddenly they will kill you again). Pain relief in childbirth can leave the program that my pain is not felt or intoxicated.

The fourth period - the actual birth.

Grof believes that this is the completion of the feat. A sharp change in all previous conditions of existence - the transition from water to air type of existence, a change in temperature, the action of the strongest irritant - light, the action of atmospheric pressure - all these conditions in combination cause severe stress for the entire body of the newborn. According to most psychologists, it is birth shock that allows the child's psyche to develop so intensively in the first three years of life. There is an opinion that a person is never so close to death as at the moment of birth. And at the same time, it is after this test that the impossible in other periods of life becomes possible. Three years after his birth, any child carries out such an intellectual program that even a Nobel laureate cannot afford. And the feat of birth is one of the main reasons for such achievements.

Rapid childbirth, caesarean section, premature birth - this is the strongest stress for the child, which later, according to Grof, will negatively affect his psyche and physiology.

But full-fledged breastfeeding for up to a year, good care and love can compensate for negative prenatal matrices. And a loving mother knows and feels this without any theories.

Probably each stage of biological birth has a specific additional spiritual component. For a serene intrauterine existence, this is the experience of cosmic unity; the onset of labor is parallel to the experience of a sense of all-encompassing absorption; the first clinical stage of labor, contraction in the closed uterine system, corresponds to the experience of "no way out" or hell; pushing through the birth canal in the second clinical stage of labor has its spiritual counterpart in the struggle between death and rebirth; the metaphysical equivalent of the completion of the birth process and the events of the third clinical stage of childbirth is the experience of ego death and rebirth.

The first matrix has a special meaning.

The process of its formation is due to the most complex processes of development of the fetus, its nervous system, sensory organs, various motor reactions. It is the first matrix that makes the organism of the fetus and the newborn child capable of forming complex mental acts, for example, in the normal position of the fetus, it reflects the biological unity of the fetus and mother.

Under ideal conditions, this is how it is, and the formed matrix is ​​manifested by the absence of boundaries of consciousness, "oceanic consciousness" associated "with mother nature", which gives food, security, "bliss". Under the influence of unfavorable factors during the first months and years of life, symptoms may appear, the content of which will be an unconscious danger, "inhospitability of nature", perverted perceptions with a paranoid tinge. It is assumed that if such a person develops a mental disorder already in adulthood, the main symptoms will be paranoid disorders, hypochondria. With various complications during pregnancy (fetal hypoxia, emotional breakdowns in the mother during pregnancy, the threat of abortion, etc.), memories of a "bad womb", paranoid thinking , unpleasant bodily sensations (trembling and spasms, hangover syndrome, disgust, feeling of depression, hallucinations in the form of a meeting with demonic forces, etc.).

Second matrix is formed within a relatively short period of time (4-5 hours) with increased contractions. For the first time after a period of "bliss" and security, the fetus begins to experience strong external pressure, aggression. Activation of this matrix under the influence of unfavorable factors during the subsequent life of a person can lead to the detection in the patient's nervous system, i.e. in the memory of situations that threaten the survival or integrity of the human body. There are also possible experiences of being in a confined space, apocalyptic visions of the world, ominously painted in dark colors, a feeling of suffering being driven into a trap, a hopeless situation that does not see an end, a feeling of guilt and inferiority, the meaninglessness and absurdity of human existence, unpleasant bodily manifestations (feeling of oppression and pressure, heart failure, fever and chills, sweating, shortness of breath).

Of course, all provisions about matrices are largely a hypothesis, but the hypothesis received some confirmation in the study of patients who underwent caesarean section. The latter leads to the fact that a child born by caesarean section does not pass the 3rd and 4th matrices. This means that these matrices cannot manifest themselves in the next life.

S. Grof, who specifically dealt with this issue, concludes that "having reached the level of birth under hypnosis, those who were born by caesarean section report a feeling of wrongness, as if they are comparing the way they went into this world with some kind of phylogenetic or archetypal matrix showing what the process of birth should be like. It's amazing how they clearly lack the experience of a normal birth - the challenge and stimulus contained in it, the encounter with an obstacle, the triumphant exit from a compressive space. "

Recognition of the role of perinatal matrices makes it possible to come to the fundamentally important conclusion that the fetus lives its own mental life in the womb. Of course, the latter is limited by the unconscious mental, but, nevertheless, the fetus can register its own mental processes occurring during childbirth. Knowledge of the pattern of activation of matrices makes it possible to predict the symptoms of the development of the clinical picture under specific conditions of exposure to harmful factors.

Grof's perinatal matrices. First feat in life

A lot has been written about the feelings and emotions of a future mother during childbirth - both in scientific and fiction literature. And what does the baby feel at this time? Grof's matrix theory is just one of the attempts to describe this. So, how will the baby experience the process of his own birth? What will he experience at this moment? What sensations will accompany his arrival in this world and what trace will this event leave in the soul of a little man? Are birth experiences reflected in the child's psyche and how? How can we, adults, help or alleviate this ordeal, and is it worth it? There are a lot of questions ... To answer them, psychologists used various methods, for example, biographical, when some patterns were traced in the description of a person’s life and an attempt was made to identify the relationship between the characteristics of the human psyche and how the process of childbirth went - was labor activity slow and sluggish, or swift and uncontrollable.

Among the many methods of studying this interesting process, there were even such extraordinary ones as the use by the researcher of mild degrees of drug arousal in order to introduce his own body into that psychophysiochemical state, which is akin to the state of a person being born. Doctors have long established an approximate "chemical picture" of the state of a baby leaving the mother's womb - the content of adrenaline, endomorphins (biologically active substances that affect the nervous system) and other components in the blood. It was this chemical picture that some of the brave researchers tried to recreate in themselves in order to once again feel what we felt during our own birth.

Pre- and perinatal psychology(eng. Pre- and perinatal psychology) is a new field of knowledge (a sub-branch of developmental psychology), which studies the circumstances and patterns of human development in the early stages: prenatal (antenatal), perinatal (intranatal) and neonatal (postnatal) phases of development, and their influence for the rest of your life. Perinatal - the concept consists of two words: peri (peri) - around, about and natos (natalis) - related to birth. Thus, pre- and perinatal psychology is the science of the mental life of an unborn child or a newly born child (the science of the initial phase of human development - prenatal and perinatal).

We must say right away: we have not yet come to a consensus about what the child feels during childbirth. But some general patterns can still be identified.

The first of them is the recognition that the onset of labor is the strongest stress for the child - mental, physiological and even almost moral stress. We can say that the child for the first time in his life is faced with injustice and deceit. A warm, cozy mother's womb, which for so long provided everything necessary for life, suddenly becomes aggressive and unfriendly. She begins to vomit out of herself, "cast out of paradise."

Stanislav Grof most consistently characterized the state of the child from conception to childbirth. Stanislav Grof is an American physician and psychologist of Czech origin, one of the founders of transpersonal psychology. In the concept of prenatal (prenatal) human existence that he created, four main periods that are stored in the human subconscious. Grof calls them basic prenatal matrices (BPM) and characterizes in detail what happens on each of these matrices, what the child experiences, what are the characteristics of living each of these matrices, and how BPM can influence human behavior in later life. Each matrix forms a unique strategy of attitude towards the world, surrounding people, and oneself.

4 basic perinatal matrices:

    contractions(matrix 1);

    passage through the birth canal (matrix 2);

    proper childbirth(matrix 3);

    primary contact with the mother (matrix 4).


Primal unity with mother

(intrauterine experience before birth)

This matrix refers to the original state of intrauterine existence during which the child and mother form a symbiotic union. If there is no harmful effect, the conditions for the child are optimal, considering safety, protection, a suitable environment and the satisfaction of all needs.

First perinatal matrix: "Matrix of Naivety"

When its formation begins is not very clear. Most likely, it requires the presence of a formed cerebral cortex in the fetus - i.e. 22-24 weeks of pregnancy. Some authors suggest cellular memory, wave memory, and the like. In this case, the matrix of naivety begins to form immediately after conception and even before it. This matrix forms the life potential of a person, his potential, the ability to adapt. Desired children, children of the desired sex, have a higher basic psychic potential during a healthy pregnancy, and this observation was made by mankind a long time ago.

9 months in the womb, from the moment of conception to the moment of the start of labor - PARADISE.

Even the very moment of conception is imprinted in our psyche. Ideally, the child lives in conditions that correspond to our idea of ​​​​Paradise: complete security, the same temperature, constant satiety, lightness (floats, as in weightlessness).

Normal first BPM - we love and know how to relax, rest, rejoice, accept love, it stimulates us to develop.

The traumatized first BPM can subconsciously form the following behavior programs: in case of an unwanted pregnancy, the program "I'm always at the wrong time" is formed. If parents thought about abortion - fear of death, the program "Only I relax - they will kill me." At toxicosis e ( preeclampsia f) - "Your joy makes me sick", or - "how can one develop when children die of hunger." If mom was sick - "if I relax, then I'll get sick" Who finds it difficult to bear the second part of the process in rebirthing - to relax, then most likely there were problems in the first matrix.

So, the first matrix that Grof is talking about is a long period from conception to the preparation of the mother's body for childbirth. This is the golden age. If the course of pregnancy is not complicated by psychological, physical or other problems, if the mother desires and loves this child, he is very happy and comfortable in her womb. He is imbued with his mother in the literal and figurative sense - not only depending on her physically, but also spiritually - her love. This period ends (one would like to say that all good things come to an end!) with the appearance of warning chemical signals in the body, and then with mechanical contractions of the uterus. The primary and habitual balance and harmony of existence are violated, the child experiences psychological discomfort for the first time.


Antagonism with mother

(contractions in a closed uterus)

The second perinatal matrix refers to the first clinical stage of labor. Intrauterine existence, close to the ideal under normal conditions, is coming to an end. The world of the fetus is disturbed, at first insidiously - through chemical influences, later in a rough mechanical way - by periodic contractions. This creates a situation of complete uncertainty and threat to life with various signs of bodily discomfort. At this stage, the uterus contractions affect the fetus, but the cervix is ​​still closed, and there is no way out. Mother and child become a source of pain for each other and enter into a biological conflict.

Second perinatal matrix: "The Victim Matrix"

It is formed from the moment of the onset of labor until the moment of complete or almost complete dilatation of the cervix. Approximately corresponds to 1 stage of childbirth. The child experiences the forces of contraction pressure, some hypoxia, and the "exit" from the uterus is closed. At the same time, the child partially regulates his own childbirth release of its own hormones into the mother's bloodstream through the placenta. If the load on the child is too high, there is a danger of hypoxia, then he may somewhat slow down his childbirth in order to compensate. From this point of view, labor stimulation disrupts the natural process of interaction between mother and fetus and forms a pathological matrix of the victim. On the other hand, the fear of the mother, the fear of childbirth provokes the release of stress hormones by the mother, there is a spasm of the vessels of the placenta, hypoxia fetus and then the matrix of the victim is also formed pathological. With a planned caesarean section, this matrix cannot be formed, with an emergency - it is formed

From the beginning of fights to the beginning of attempts - EXILE FROM PARADISE or ARCHETYPE OF SACRIFICE

The second BPM begins from the moment the contractions begin to the full opening of the cervix and the beginning of attempts. At this moment, the uterine contraction force is about 50 kilograms, imagine that the body of a 3 kilogram child can withstand such pressure. Grof called this matrix "Victim" because the state of the victim is when it's bad, you are under pressure and there is no way out. At the same time, a feeling of guilt arises (expulsion from Paradise), guilt is taken over: "I was bad and they expelled me." Possible development injury love (loved, and then hurt and pushed out). In this matrix, passive strength is developed (“you can’t take me with your bare hands, I am strong”), patience, perseverance, and the ability to survive. A person knows how to wait, endure, endure the inconveniences of life.

The negatives of this matrix are divided into two groups: when it is absent (caesarean: planned and emergency) and when it is excessive.

With an insufficient first matrix, a person does not have enough patience, it is difficult for him, for example, to sit through a lesson or lecture, to endure an unpleasant situation in his life. The influence of anesthesia leads to "freezing" in life situations that require patience. For an emergency caesarean (when contractions were, and then they stopped) it is difficult for a person to bring the matter to the end. With rapid childbirth, a person tries to solve problems very quickly, "with a tip", and if something does not work out, refuse.

With an excess of the second matrix (long childbirth) - a person has a strong role of the Victim in his life, he attracts situations when he is "pressed", crushed, either by the authorities or in the family, he suffers, but at the same time he subconsciously feels comfortable in this role. During rhodostimulation, a program is recorded "until they push me, I will not do anything."

After a period that is meant to be a time of bliss, tranquility, silence, peace, "swinging in the ocean of the mother's womb", the time of testing comes. The fetus is periodically compressed by uterine spasms, but the system is still closed - the cervix is ​​not open, the exit is not available. The womb, which has been guarding and safe for so long, becomes threatening. Since the arteries that supply the placenta pierce the muscles of the uterus in a complex way, each contraction of the placenta limits the flow of blood, and therefore oxygen, nutrition for the baby. He starts experiencing everything. volume a feeling of increasing anxiety and a sense of impending danger to life. Grof believes that at this stage, the born baby experiences a state of horror and hopelessness. It is amazing that each person experiences this stage in their own way. Someone "makes a decision" to look for a way out and subordinates his entire state to this search. Someone shrinks from horror and makes every effort to restore the former peace. Someone falls into a state of inactivity, experiencing a kind of paralysis. Some psychologists draw parallels between this matrix of intrauterine development and how, in adulthood, a person begins to respond to changed situations. The way an adult experiences a state of increasing anxiety, how he solves the problems of impending danger - the roots of his behavior, perhaps - in the decision that he "made" in the mother's womb.


Synergy with mother

(pushing through the birth canal)

This matrix is ​​associated with the second clinical stage of labor. Contractions continue, but the cervix is ​​already wide open, and the difficult and difficult process of pushing the fetus through the birth canal gradually begins. For a child, this means a serious struggle for survival with crushing mechanical pressure and often with suffocation. But the system is no longer closed, and there is a prospect of ending the unbearable situation. The efforts and interests of the child and the mother coincide. Their joint intense desire is to end this basically painful condition.

Third perinatal matrix: "The Fight Matrix"

Approximately corresponds to the 2nd period of childbirth. Formed from the end of the period of disclosure until the birth of the child. It characterizes the activity of a person at the moments of life, when something depends on his active or expectant position. If the mother behaved correctly in the difficult period, helped the child, if he felt that during the struggle he was not alone, then in later life his behavior would be adequate to the situation. With caesarean section, both elective and emergency, the matrix does not appear to form, although this is debatable. Most likely, it corresponds to the moment the child is removed from the uterus during the operation.


The third BPM covers the period of attempts, when the child moves from the uterus through the birth canal. Normally it lasts 20-40 minutes. In this matrix, active strength is developed (“I will fight and cope”), purposefulness, courage, courage

The negatives of this matrix can also be both its excess and its deficiency. So with a caesarean section, a rapid birth, pushing out a child, people in the future do not know how to fight, when a situation of struggle arises, they must be pushed in the back. Children intuitively develop this matrix in fights and conflicts: he fights, he is beaten.

The excess of the third matrix is ​​manifested in the fact that these people have a whole life - a struggle, they fight all the time, they always find against whom and with whom. If at the same time asphyxia developed (the child was born blue or white), a huge feeling of guilt arises and in life this is manifested by a game with death, a deadly struggle (revolutionaries, rescuers, submariners, extreme sports ...). With the clinical death of a child in the third BPM, a program of hidden suicide arises. If obstetric forceps were used, someone's help is needed in action, but on the other hand, he is afraid of this help, because it is painful. With breaks, there is a fear of one's strength, a feeling of guilt, a program "as soon as I use my strength, it will cause harm, pain."

When giving birth in a breech presentation in life, people tend to do everything in an unusual way

The third stage is associated with the opening of the cervix. There is an exit option. A very important moment in psychological terms - first a person makes a decision - to look for a way out or not, and only then does the possibility of a way out appear! At this time, the child is doomed to begin the "struggle for survival." Regardless of whether he "made" the decision to go out or by all means try to preserve the situation, uterine contractions push him out. He begins to gradually move along the birth canal. His body is subjected to crushing mechanical pressure, lack of oxygen and suffocation. Grof notes that these circumstances make him related to mythological characters passing through complex labyrinths, or to fairy-tale heroes wading through impenetrable thickets. If the psyche has the courage to overcome obstacles, if the inner determination to overcome has already matured, then the passage through the birth canal will be the first experience of a purposeful path for the child. There is only one way - you have to be born. But how a person overcomes this path, whether he is helped in the passage of the path or not - according to the author of the theory, much depends on these circumstances in his later life.

According to Grof, it is during this period that the foundations of most behavioral, psychological and, as a result, social problems are laid. The first serious life test, which a person has not been able to overcome on his own, since he was "came to the rescue", lays the installation and in the future to expect help from the outside. When a child is born from the family womb, psychologically budding off from the parents, taking on the burden of self-establishment of social relations, he "remembers" the experience of his own birth.


Separation from mother

(termination of the symbiotic union with the mother and the formation of a new type of relationship)

This matrix refers to the third clinical stage of labor. Painful experiences reach their climax, pushing through the birth canal comes to an end, and now extreme tension and suffering are replaced by unexpected relief and relaxation. The period of breath holding and, as a rule, insufficient oxygen supply ends. The baby takes his first deep breath and his airways open up. The umbilical cord is cut, and the blood that previously circulated through the vessels of the umbilical cord is sent to the pulmonary region. The physical separation from the mother is completed and the child begins to exist as an anatomically independent being. Once the physiological balance is restored, the new situation is incomparably better than the two previous ones, but in some very important respects it is worse than the original undisturbed primal unity with the mother. The biological needs of the child are not met on a continuous basis, and there is no constant protection from temperature changes, annoying noises, changes in light intensity, and unpleasant tactile sensations.

Fourth perinatal matrix: "Freedom Matrix"

It starts from the moment of birth and its formation ends in either the period of the first 7 days after birth, or in the first month, or it is created and reviewed throughout a person’s life. Those. a person throughout his life reconsiders his attitude to freedom and his own capabilities, taking into account the circumstances of his birth. Different researchers estimate the duration of the formation of the 4th matrix in different ways. If for some reason a child is separated from his mother after birth, then in adulthood he may regard freedom and independence as a burden and dream of returning to the matrix of innocence.

From the moment of birth to 3-9 days - FREEDOM + LOVE

This matrix covers the period from the moment the baby is born to 5-7 days after birth. After hard work and the experience of childbirth, the child is freed, loved and accepted. Ideally, a mother should take the child in her arms, give her breast, the child needs to feel care, love, security and freedom, relief. Unfortunately in our maternity hospital Ah, only in recent years have they begun to think about and put into practice the principles of the non-traumatic fourth matrix. For most of us, unfortunately, subconsciously freedom is associated with cold, pain, hunger, loneliness. I strongly recommend that everyone read Leboyer's book "Birth Without Violence", which very vividly describes the experiences of a child in childbirth.

In connection with the birth experience, we also determine the experience of love in our life. You can love according to the first BPM and the fourth. Love according to the first BPM is reminiscent of placing a loved one in an artificial womb: “I am everything to you, why do you need others - you have me, let's do everything together ....” However, such love always ends, and after a conditional 9 months a person is ready to die but break free. Love at the fourth BPM is a combination of love and freedom, love is unconditional, when you love no matter what the other person does and give him the freedom to do whatever he wants. Unfortunately, this is extremely difficult for many of us.

There are also other situations associated with childbirth, for example, if the child was expected to be a boy or a girl, and he was born of a different sex, there is a trauma of gender identity ("will I justify the hopes of my parents"). Often these people try to be the other sex. If a premature baby is placed in an incubator, then a barrier between oneself and the world subconsciously arises. In the case of twins, a person needs a feeling that someone is nearby, during childbirth, the second has a trauma of abandonment, that he was betrayed, left him, and the first has guilt that he abandoned, left.

If the mother had abortions before this child, they are recorded in the psyche of this child. You can experience the fear of a violent death and a sense of guilt, the fear of giving yourself freedom (suddenly they will kill you again). Pain relief in childbirth can leave the program that my pain is not felt or intoxicated.

The fourth period - in fact childbirth. Grof believes that this is the completion of the feat. A sharp change in all previous conditions of existence - the transition from water to air type of existence, a change in temperature, the action of the strongest irritant - light, the action of atmospheric pressure - all these conditions in combination cause severe stress for the entire body of the newborn. According to most psychologists, it is birth shock that allows the child's psyche to develop so intensively in the first three years of life. There is an opinion that a person is never so close to death as at the moment of birth. And at the same time, it is after this test that the impossible in other periods of life becomes possible. Three years after his birth, any child carries out such an intellectual program that even a Nobel laureate cannot afford. And the feat of birth is one of the main reasons for such achievements.

Swiftchildbirth , C-section , prematurechildbirth - this is the strongest stress for the child, which later, according to Grof, will negatively affect his psyche and physiology. But full-fledged breastfeeding for up to a year, good care and love can compensate for negative prenatal matrices. And a loving mother knows and feels this without any theories.


Probably each stage of biological birth has a specific additional spiritual component. For a serene intrauterine existence, this is the experience of cosmic unity; the beginning of childbirth parallel to the experience of feeling everything volume lasting absorption; the first clinical stage of labor, contraction in the closed uterine system, corresponds to the experience of "no way out" or hell; pushing through the birth canal in the second clinical stage of labor has its spiritual counterpart in the struggle between death and rebirth; the metaphysical equivalent of the completion of the birth process and the events of the third clinical stage of childbirth is the experience of ego death and rebirth.

First matrix is of particular importance. The process of its formation is due to the most complex processes of development of the fetus, its nervous system, sensory organs, various motor reactions. It is the first matrix that makes the body of the fetus and the newborn child capable of forming complex mental acts, for example, in the normal position of the fetus, it reflects the biological unity of the fetus and mother. Under ideal conditions, this is how it is, and the formed matrix is ​​manifested by the absence of boundaries of consciousness, "oceanic consciousness" associated "with mother nature", which gives food, security, "bliss". Under the influence of unfavorable factors during the first months and years of life, symptoms may appear, the content of which will be an unconscious danger, "unfriendly childbirth", perverted perceptions with a paranoid tinge. It is assumed that if such a person develops a mental disorder already in adulthood, the main symptoms will be paranoid disorders, hypochondria. With various complications during pregnancy ( hypoxia intrauterine fetus, emotional breakdowns in the mother during pregnancy, the threat of termination of pregnancy, etc.), memories of a "bad bosom", paranoid thinking, unpleasant bodily sensations (trembling and spasms, "hangover" syndrome, disgust, a feeling of depression, hallucinations in the form of encounters with demonic forces, etc.).

Second matrix is formed within a relatively short period of time (4-5 hours) with increased contractions. For the first time after a period of "bliss" and security, the fetus begins to experience strong external pressure, aggression. Activation of this matrix under the influence of unfavorable factors during the subsequent life of a person can lead to the detection in the patient's nervous system, i.e. in the memory of situations that threaten the survival or integrity of the human body. There are also possible experiences of being in a confined space, apocalyptic visions of the world, ominously painted in dark colors, a feeling of suffering being driven into a trap, a hopeless situation that does not see an end, a feeling of guilt and inferiority, the meaninglessness and absurdity of human existence, unpleasant bodily manifestations (feeling of oppression and pressure, heart failure, fever and chills, sweating, shortness of breath).

Of course, all provisions about matrices are largely a hypothesis, but the hypothesis received some confirmation in the study of patients who underwent C-section. The latter leads to the fact that a child born by caesarean section does not pass the 3rd and 4th matrices. This means that these matrices cannot manifest themselves in the next life.

S. Grof, who specifically dealt with this issue, concludes that "having reached the level of birth under hypnosis, those who were born by caesarean section report a feeling of wrongness, as if they are comparing the way they went into this world with some kind of phylogenetic or archetypal matrix showing what the process of birth should be like. It's amazing how they clearly lack the experience of a normal birth - the challenge and stimulus contained in it, the encounter with an obstacle, the triumphant exit from a compressive space. "

Of course, this knowledge served as the basis for the development of special techniques. When giving birth by caesarean section, transpersonal psychologists believe that in order to eliminate the consequences of an unexpected break in contact with the mother, a number of special measures should be taken immediately after birth (laying the child on stomach, put in slightly heated water, etc.) and then the newborn develops a "psychologically favorable impression of the world."

At the same time, it is known that experienced obstetricians have long sought (in the absence of fetal suffering) during a cesarean section to restrain the rapid removal of the newborn, because this, through the reticular formation, contributes to the inclusion of the respiratory system, more precisely, the first breath of the newborn.

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