P l capitsa quotes. Quotes by Sergei Kapitsa

Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa, (1894–1984), engineer, physicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Nobel Prize in Physics 1978

You can't do good work with someone else's hands.

In the past, it was widely believed that discipline is needed in order to make a person work. This opinion is wrong and must be eradicated. If so, then such a person should be persecuted. Discipline is necessary for people to work in concert.

Of course, one must be able to overcome difficulties, but one must also be able not to raise them before oneself...

At the heart of creative work is always a feeling of protest.

A person is young when he is not afraid to do stupid things.

Money must turn around. The faster you spend, the more you get.

In words, only love is explained, but deeds should be written.

Where doubt ends, science ends.

The main sign of talent is when a person knows what he wants.

Science should be fun, exciting and easy. So must be scientists.

The more fundamental the pattern, the easier it can be formulated.

The interpretation of the experiment is a matter of taste.

A good experiment is one that does not agree with the theory.

Science does not need to be painted with fiction. She is interesting in her own right.

Only contradiction stimulates the development of science. It should be emphasized, not glossed over.

The ability to limit freedom in the country is a matter of good manners of the government.

If there is intuition, then there is a pattern.

Mistakes are not yet pseudoscience. Pseudoscience is not recognizing mistakes.

The topic of work must be changed every eight years, since during this time the cells of the body and blood completely change - you are already a different person.

Collective creativity is nonsense, but creativity in a team is the only kind of real and fruitful creativity.

When theory coincides with experiment, it is no longer a discovery, but a closure.

Deception is a necessary element of a democratic system, since the progressive principle is concentrated in a small number of people, and with democratic government, according to the desires of the majority, progress would be stopped.

Leading means not interfering with good people's work.

Geniuses are born by an epoch, not geniuses give birth to an epoch.

There are two ways to limit a person's freedom: through violence and through the education of conditioned reflexes in him.

The mass media are no less dangerous than the means of mass destruction.

The whole history of mankind consists of mistakes, and despite this, every government considers itself sinless. This is the law of nature and must be obeyed.

To be happy, a person must imagine himself free.

Freedom of creativity - freedom to make mistakes.

In life, a person with endurance always wins. And it is necessary to withstand not half an hour, but years.

Life is like a card game that you play without knowing the rules.

In 1921 Kapitsa came to Cambridge to see Rutherford. He refused to enroll him in his laboratory: the staff is already staffed.
- And tell me, please, professor, what is the accuracy of your work? - asked Kapitsa
- An error of about 10 percent.
- So, you can make the same error in staffing.
Kapitsa was accepted.

Sergei Petrovich Kapitsa - Born February 14, 1928, Cambridge, England (since 1935 lived in the USSR). Soviet and Russian physicist, TV presenter, editor-in-chief of the journal "In the world of science". Since 1973, he has consistently hosted the popular science television program Obvious - Incredible. Died - August 14, 2012, Moscow.

Quotes, aphorisms, sayings, phrases - Kapitsa S.P.

  • Russia is being turned into a country of fools.
  • Before you act, you need to understand.
  • Life is guided not by logic, but by emotions.
  • Television is engaged in the decomposition of people's consciousness.
  • The lack of competent management hurts science painfully.
  • Failure to understand certain things does not mean the presence of God.
  • Leading means not interfering with good people's work.
  • Culture must be planted! Even by force. Otherwise, we will all collapse.
  • Gathering a herd of Sheep is easy, it is difficult to gather a herd of Cats.
  • The Internet will change the contours of intellectual property rights.
  • 50 years ago there were as many bicycles on the ruble as there are now cars.
  • Mathematics is what Russians teach Chinese in American universities.
  • Only contradiction stimulates the development of science. It should be emphasized, not glossed over.
  • And what will remain after the current generation? Will their text messages be published as a warning to posterity?
  • A woman can be repelled by vulgarity. sometimes she also attracts, so go figure it out.
  • Money is not the purpose of the existence of society, but only a means to achieve certain goals.
  • What is my main difference with the church? I say that it was the man who invented God, but they are the opposite.
  • If everything is subordinated to money, then everything will remain money, they will not turn into a masterpiece or a discovery.
  • History for a long time was an "adjective science" - it was "applied" to the point of view of this or that ruler.
  • Major figures do not let people close to them. Richter didn't budge. The father is too. They valued themselves and their time.
  • I have everything I need - I have a dacha on Nikolina Gora, I have an apartment in Moscow, a car and a computer. Nothing else is needed but ideas.
  • Television, the strongest means of human interaction, is now in the hands of those who are completely irresponsible about their role in society.
  • Some fear that if we lose God, we will lose what remains of our conscience. I don't see any contradictions here. I think you can live according to your conscience and still not believe in God.
  • If instead of the billions that are spent on the military, there were millions on education and health care, then there would be no place for terrorism.
  • The suit disciplines the man, internally organizes. Once upon a time, BBC radio announcers read the news in tuxedos and evening dresses, although the listeners did not see them.
  • Moscow, despite many things that annoy me, is still my city. You have to be able to filter it all out. Every person should have filters - from spam.
  • We deprive the poorest segments of the population of the fact that they do not have access to the Internet, we deprive them of information, thereby driving them into even greater poverty. Everyone should have access to the Internet.
  • Women used to dress more boringly. Now there is a colossal range: from monstrous bad taste to very decently dressed people. But for some reason you notice the second much less often than before.
  • Attempts to formalize the greatest achievements of science as someone else's discoveries - this is just a way to satisfy the vanity of their authors. In fact, these achievements belong to humanity as a whole.
  • If you pretend to be a clever man in front of people, speak to them in some foreign language - they do not forgive you for this. If you speak seriously with people and they do not understand, they will forgive you.
  • Not a computer can bring a person, but the Internet. The remarkable Russian psychologist Alexei Leontiev said in 1965: "an excess of information leads to impoverishment of the soul." These words should be written on every site.
  • A modern experimental physicist needs about a million a year - for instruments, for the entire infrastructure that provides his research. Yes, this is an expensive pleasure, but a boutique on Gorky Street is more expensive.
  • I knew Akunin when he was still the scientific secretary of our editorial office, the Pushkin Library, which published one hundred volumes of Russian literature. What attracts me in his detective stories is that his detective, as a statesman, has responsibility for the task assigned, for the interests of the country. Responsibility is a concept that has practically disappeared now.
  • Nowhere have I seen more hunted men than in America. They are in a terrible state, aggressive feminism is finishing them off. I remember, in Boston, at the institute, a respected teacher, a Russian mathematician, was walking along the corridor, and some secretary was carrying printers. He opened the door for her, and she accused him of sexual harassment, although it was an instinctive movement for him: a woman drags a heavy piece of iron. There was a public scandal, and he had to leave the institute.

Physicist Sergey Petrovich Kapitsa needs no special introduction. From 1973 to 2012, he remained the permanent host of the popular science TV program "Obvious - Incredible" and proved that science can be entertaining and interesting.

Remaining the editor-in-chief of the magazine "In the world of science" and vice-president of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Sergey Kapitsa for many years spoke about science, technology and culture in a way that was understandable and interesting to everyone.

And to this day, his vivid quotes and thoughts are more relevant than ever:

  • If instead of billions, which are spent on the armed forces, if there were millions for education and health care, then there would be no place for terrorism.
  • It is easy to gather a herd of sheep, it is difficult to gather a herd of cats.
  • History has long been an "adjective science" - it was "applied" to the point of view of a particular ruler.
  • Only contradiction stimulates the development of science. It should be emphasized, not glossed over.
  • Moscow, despite many things that annoy me, is still my city. You have to be able to filter it all out. Every person should have filters - from spam.
  • If everything is subordinated to money, then everything will remain money, they will not turn into a masterpiece or a discovery..
  • Television, the strongest means of human interaction, is now in the hands of those who are completely irresponsible about their role in society.
  • The main miracle is that we live.
  • And what will remain after the current generation? Will their SMS be published as a warning to posterity?
  • A woman can be repelled by vulgarity. Sometimes she attracts, so go find out.
  • The suit disciplines the man, internally organizes. Once upon a time, BBC radio announcers read the news in tuxedos and evening dresses, although the listeners did not see them.
  • 50 years ago, there were as many bicycles on Rublyovka as there are now cars.
  • Do you know what my main disagreement with the church is? I say that this man invented God, and they - that the opposite is true.
  • Culture must be planted! Even by force. Otherwise, we will all collapse.
  • Nowhere have I seen more hunted men than in America. They are in a terrible state, aggressive feminism is finishing them off.
  • Women used to dress more boringly. Now there is a colossal range: from monstrous bad taste to very decently dressed people. But for some reason you notice the second much less often than before.
  • Math is what Russians teach Chinese in American universities.
  • I am a Russian Orthodox atheist.
  • A modern experimental physicist needs about a million a year - for instruments, for the entire infrastructure that provides his research. Yes, this is an expensive pleasure, but a boutique on Gorky Street is more expensive.
  • Nothing prevents a person tomorrow from becoming smarter than he was yesterday.
  • Leading means not interfering with good people to work.
  • Not a computer can bring a person, but the Internet. The remarkable Russian psychologist Aleksey Leontiev said in 1965: "An excess of information leads to impoverishment of the soul." These words should be written on every site.
  • At the heart of evolution, which is led by the "moodthe growth of nature”, lies the method of “trial and error”.All those samples that were in accordance withWii with the requirements of evolution­ tions developed.This is how man came into existence. It tookmany millions of years. The man began to transformto call the nature around him also by"trial and error". But the process of conquestcentury of nature was based on the fact that hebegan to generalize the experience of successful trials, accumulatingand passing it on to other people, Ta kim obra thus a mechanism of social heritage emergedand eliminated the need to repeat trial and error. The trial and error method is still the basis of knowledgenature and is used to transform itniya. Everything that now limits the number"trial and error" to be doneto solve the problem, can already be characterized as the beginning of the scientific move.

    At the heart of scientific regularitiesprocesses in nature lies the logical generalization of experience gained from “trials andmistakes." The value of a scientific approach for timesdevelopment of civilization is determined by the fact that experience gained is shared between people and persists over time. That's whythe influence of science on the development of civilization began to grow with the development of writing and printing.


    As is well known, religion is free to disregard the laws sti and therefore answers questions that cannot be answered scientifically, such ascreation of the world, free will, the presence of Goddivine power, etc. That is why religionsthere can be many, but science is onlyto one, like a multiplication table.


    The question is, what part of humanitywill eventually study science coy and is pieces? Here we can resort to logic in the style of Herbert Spen sulfur. If we compare the state organism with an animal and the weight of that part of the animal's body that performs mental work, namely the head, is compared with the weight of all other parts of the body,who do physical work, we we get an interesting result. Let's start with an antediluvian animal, like the dinosaur. it was an animal with a small head and a giantskim body. In the evolutionary development of life on Earth, such an animal did not belongfuture. The future in the struggle for existence belonged to a man whose head weighed is approximately 5-10% of body weight.

    So in the evolutionary development of humanculture of a society will be continuously developing more and more will be spent on it andmore funds, Here you can see that withkind so far provided the development of spiritsthe beginning of man in comparison with the physicalskim, qualitatively more generous opportunities than hitherto provided even the most developed states.


    Properly and clearly established transport andcommunication is at the heart of modern culture.


    It is clear that if the industryconditions life society, science guides its growth.


    It must be remembered that the paths and rates of development of any science are determined by its connection with life.


    Scientific work refers to the field of human activity that can successfullydevelop only by those who are creativesky gifts. It is well known that in art ve, literature, music can successfully workonly a small number of peoplewith creative abilities. ThatThe same applies to scientific work, herecan also work successfully only creativelyski gifted lu di.


    Please note that it is not possible to support keep all areas at the same high level,so it is much better to focusefforts on those of them where we are strong people and where good scientific traditions have developed. Mainly it is necessary to develop those areas in science where we have been fortunate enough to havea great, brave and talented scientist. Ho well known that no matter how you support a gifted person, he's still nothingwill not make a major and leading in science. Poe Therefore, during the development of a particular area, we first of all should come from creativeforces of the person working in this area. After all, our science is a creative matter, as is art, like music, etc. You can not think that having created in canned food­ torii branch by writinghymns or cantatas, we will get them: if there is no major composer in this department,equal in strength, for example, to Handel, then everythingstill nothing will work. lame not nauyou want to run, no matter how much money you spend on it. Thatthe same is true in science.


    It is undeniable that science is one for the whole humanworld, and therefore it develops on an international scale.


    The main thing is not to forget the international significance of science. Any policy about soblen ness, which is only for the benefit of charlatansand half-educated, must be nipped in the bud.


    I firmly believe in the internationality of science andI believe that real science should bebeyond all political passions and struggles,no matter how you aim it there­ lis to involve, and Iryu that scientific work that I did all life, eat dos the lingering of all mankind, whereno matter how I create it.


    Every cultured country must be zaininterested in the development of big science ki and those nicknames on a global scale and by all means<должна>contribute to their development.

    Narrow selfishness, imagining that one can taking without giving can only be the policy of a stupid person. No wonder the scripture says: "The hand of the giver will not fail." Life experience shows that narrow egoism as in the life of an individual, and in the life of the state is never justified.

    The point is that we mustways to be able to use the achievements of the world the howl of culture, put them into practice, raisingthus the cultural life of our country.If another time we do not know how to do it before sufficiently intense, then we must blame only yourself and not imagine that bysecrecy, we can overtake the West. Any great and fundamental achievement technology is always the result oflocal work. Therefore, I believe that inof great technology, as well as great science in on a global scale is of fundamental interest Wana every civilized country, since from itsdevelopment depends on the development of one's own culturetours. The development of world culture is beyond the powerone country. Therefore, everything that is at least a little acts on the development of this great science and those nicks should be made public. Opening of the Popo radiotelegraph you were the basis vano on the works of Hertz, Branly, Riga and others.Then after Popov a big step was taken forward Marconi, Fleming and many others, and we have I eat as a result of radio todayhis day. The more we give to world scienceand technology, the more we get from it ...

    Our strength must be in the dynamics. Wemust overtake everyone, walking along from covered path so fast that no one could catch up with us. Imagine what­ secret pathsyou can overtake - this is not real power. If awe will choose this path of secret advancement,we will never have faith in our power, and other­ some we will not be able to convince of it.


    When will our science be trulyDovaya, she will not need for­ secrecy. In science, you can only go catching up orahead. No scientific tina if she not widely developed, cannot be recognizedachievement of science. It's hidden in the ground minerals who only become<тогда> value when they are retrieved and used.

    A classified scientific achievement isappreciate his absence.


    You can't hide ideas. In general, the correct policy of any strong technique is to seek its own strength in the dynamics of development. Paving butyou paths, openly run in­ redi, relying only on the strength of their legs.


    If our criterion will always be onlywhat has been done and tested in the West, and will always overcome the fear of startingsomething of their own, then the fate of our thosedevelopment - "colonial" dependence bridge from Western technology. Maybe wesomething along these lines shouldlearn from the English. The English say: british is the best (British is the best).While in England, I tried to object to them, II told them: this is better with the French, this is withAmericans, etc. They answered: becausethis is ours, it is always for us there is a beam shim. In this exaggerated formulation of the questionhas its own power and logic. Maybe in herEnglish arrogance is felt, but, althoughin our credo "everything abroad is better" andthere is modesty - it dooms development to neck technology for a miserable future.


    Excessive modesty is even morewealth than overconfidence ness.


    They must create their own place in the country scientists, and not wait until someone comes and that's it will do for them.


    <Когда я> talking to different scientists I am still surprised by many some of them: “They give you so much, you, of course,you can do everything easily…” And so on and so forth.As if we didn't have the same initial odds with all of them, so to speak, when westarted working. It's like everything I've achieved has fallen like a gift from heaven and I haven't spent God knows how much strength, my nerves for everything what I have achieved. People are bastards in this regard,they think life is somehow unfairto them that everyone around is to blame, except<их>samih. But what is it for?­ there is a fight like not<для того, чтобы>apply surrounding conditions to develop their abilities sti and create working conditions for yourself?


    Scientists should strive to be at the forefront places in the development of our culture and not yampour that "we have something more important." itit’s up to the leaders to figure out whatmy important and how much attention you can getpour science, technology, etc. But the work of a scientist isseek his place in the country and in the new system and not wait until he is told what to do.


    People are divided into three categories. Some go ahead and spend all their strength to move nau ku, culture and humanity forward, is aboutaggressive people. Others, and most of them,go next to progress, on the side, they do not interfereand do not help; and finally, there are people who stand behind and hold on to the culture - this is conservative vative people, cowardly and without imagination zheniya.

    Those who go ahead have tomost of all, they are forging new paths forprogress, all kinds oftorments of fate, ... the question is why there is people who choose this pathmakes them go­ redi, when it is more pleasant and calmer to walk on the side, even if you do not drag behind?

    I personally think there are two reasons.A smart person can't help but be progressive nym. To be progressive, to understand the new and to what it leads to, only a smart person can, endowed with courage and imagination. But This is not enough. Gotta have tempera wrestler's ment. When mind connects with tempera ment, a person truly becomes progressive.


    In science, at a certain stage in the development of new fundamental ideas­ ny, erudition is not the main feature thatallows the scientist to solve the problem, the main thing here is imagination, concrete thinking andbasically courage. Sharp Booleanthinking, which is especially characteristic of mathematicians, rather interferes with the postulation of new foundations, since it fetters the imagination.


    Of course, scientific truth will always break throughway to life, but make this way fast and moremore directly depends on people, and not on the truth.


    Leadership in science has its own, absolutelyspecial specifics. Let me give you a comparison.There is a caravan of ships on the sea - one shipgoes ahead, the second is only a little behindFrom him. But leadership in science is not a caravan of ships coming from­ covered sea, but Karavan ships going through the ice, where the leading ship must pass pave the way, breaking the ice. Itshould be the strongest and should you take the right path. And although the gap between the first and second ship is small, but significantthe value and value of the work of the forward vessel quite different.


    Strong natures prefer to go newways instead of following calmlyon beaten paths.


    Life shows that you have to try a lot before you achieve anything. Therefore, the main condition<успешной научной>ra bots are very high rates. Only whenopportunity to try many various paths leading to problem solving we're rather attacking the right one.


    In scientific work, one must not lose speed. itas with an airplane: if you lose speed, it falls.


    One of the main principles of any successful struggle, wherever it takes place dila - on arena, in the laboratory, at the front, etc. - this is "speed and onslaught" and­ mixed with themboldness and determination.


    The worst thing is when people are not sure about the casemumble and do not act quickly and clearly. ...FastA company of actions in science decides almost everything.


    Innovation requires scale, power, re courage, trust. You can't mum pour and pre give reflexes.


    Since science is the highest level of intellecttual labor, requiring very attentive attitude towards oneself, then it can be distorted in the hands of a dignitary, mercifully condescending to a conversation with a scientist.


    There is nothing more inhibiting healthy developmenttie than guide<со стороны>less than qua qualified people are more qualifiedbathrooms. This is especially true in<отношении>development of science.


    When I was called to a meeting, I didn’t postureThey were afraid to order a pass to the Kremlin for me. WhenI came to the booth, the phone was busy and Ihad to wait. It seemed symbolic to me.but: with us, science is still sitting in the entrance and waiting, when they give her a pass to the leading places. After allonly then can the scientist successfully and ho It's good to work when he feels respect for himself.


    The tragedy of our government<в том>, what,like most governments in the world,above them<понимания>, they do not know how to chat healers from doctors, charlatans - from inventors, magicians and black magicians - from scientists.


    In the West, people have long understood that a person,which the "game of nature" was pleasing but do scientists, it is necessary to put in such conditions thatif this "game of nature" would­ la would be completelyused and he<бы>worked productively. Atus up to such a pro­ stand the truth of utilitarianismhave not arrived yet. ... After all, people are engaged question catfish ear living behind a cow: how much does she need walk as much as possible - so that she gives a lotth milk. Why not ask the questionhow to care for a scientist so that he works withfull devotion? Our<руководители>soonthey will take care of the cow, it is clearer to them than scientist.


    Friendly environment for developmentany kind of creativity is more important than all material wealth.


    The question arises whether the position citizen in the country only by his politicalweight? After all, there was a time when the patriarch stood next to the emperor, then the church wasbearer of culture. The church is dying, Patri arhi came out in tee rage, but in the country one cannot do without ideological leaders ... Sooner or later, we will have to raise scientists to "patriar shih "ranks ... Without this patriarchal position scientific research country independently culturallycannot grow, Bacon noticed this inhis "New Atlantis".


    To organize in the country an effective scientific work is a much more difficult task.more powerful than the organization of defense and the army.


    The first condition for the success of science isthorny supply. After all, a person, no matter how smart he is, but if he is not fed, hewill die. Science for its health needs modest in size, but varied pitanie, and most importantly - filed on time, on time.


    He demanded our scientist first-classwork in this state of supply so as logical as to demand from a naked person that he should have an elegant look.


    The most valuable thing in science and what forms the basisbig science cannot be planned, since it is achieved by a creative process, the success of which is determined by the talent of the scientist.


    Any ... attempt to take into account and evaluate about productivity of scientific work, in essence,is reduced to conditional accounting, which does not haveno value or meaning. Take into account thatof course, everything is possible, but sometimes accounting can appearjust collecting numbers, no one needs. Consider the value of scientific work you just as absurd and worthless as taking into account the racemoves on paints, canvas, brushes, models, sketches, etc. for the artist's painting. If the picture is bad, then of course it's discarded money. If this is a work by Raphael, thenhe is interested to know how much was spent on whitewash, or how he paid off his­ delami. The main value is creative si la, the ability of the artist. How to evaluate it rubles? Only for mass production oleograph paper price plays a role. But is it art?

    The same is the case with creative science. work.


    The most important and difficult thing in the organization of science isthis selection is really the most creativegifted youth and the creation of those conditionsin which her talent could quickly unfold to its fullest. To do this, you need to be able to assess the creative abilities of young people,when she is just starting her scientific work.


    If any diligent readernyh books, accumulating useful information, but not striving for generalization, not seekingsomething new, considers himself a scientist - heis mistaken, just like everyone who shares withhim this belief. He don't move science, hosmart acquirer of knowledge, living replacement encyclopedic dictionary. What would impressno effect on the surrounding collections tion of knowledge, it is far from science, oswhose new element is more creative stvo.It can be said with certainty that among there are always many encyclopedias of professors stov, which can be a good teachermi, but essentially from­ no one is a scientist and, and rather, an original ra side by side at the factory, which is in rethe result of observing somethe production process came to a new modernmachine modifications or improved pro cess, although his knowledge is much narrower and more limited,than a university worker.


    Even in the most favorable environment, it is impossible to accurately establish the initial mo cops, on on the basis of which scientists can be selected, just as it is impossible to accurately­ clarify how toread the picture of the great master from others. Onto observe, study, look closely at the car tinam, arrange exhibitions where canvases hang side by side, presenting a wide field for comparison comparisons and comparisons, and then immediately against the background mediocrity stand out picture give out running master. She will stand out on her ownhimself, as a prominent scientist stands out, skazhem, at an international conference.


    By attending postgraduate examinations, Iusually observed that the university pro the fussura the most highly valued student is not the one whorye most understands and the student who rye most knows. And science needspeople who are­ looking forward to everything understand. Therefore, to select students from the university to graduate school according to It is very difficult for exam data. To right correctly select promising graduate students, it is necessary to observe them for a certain period of time.while they are busy with such work,where they could show their creativityvein, your skill itself­ think carefully.


    Not only Newtons and Darwins do science. Their achievements would be completely impossible, if they did not rely on a whole mass of semi-Newtonian and semi-­ Darwins, whose names areswallowed by history, but whose activitiesleft its mark on science. Last comeone has to solve not only world and fundamentalny questions; there are many less common, butimportant and major tasks, to solve which these people are needed. Scientific discoveriesof equal importance are based on the results, according toreceived by these minor partymi scientific affairs, and their staff is alsonecessary, as an army is necessary for a gene ral. And these scientists of the second, third and lower classes must be approached carefully and with care. livo; it is necessary to take into account their psychology and create<для них>suitable soil, also choose carefully. Their main character sticky is not much different from ha characteristics genius, only their creative powers are not so great and the number is not so limited.


    In scientific discoveries, there have been cases whenit is difficult to specify to whom the open tiem, since it is usually difficult to find openings thatrye ever in one form or another is nottold in advance. Decisive in opr division of authorship must, apparently, be considered Which scientist put the most effort into proving evidence both theoretically and experimental significance of the phenomenon.


    There is no person more unfortunate than a failedscientist.


    Only when you work in the laboratory yourself,experiment with your own hands cops, pus Kai often even in their most routine part,Only under this condition can one achieveworthwhile results in science. By someone else's handsyou won't do a good job. ...I am sure that inthe moment when even the greatest scientist pen starts working in the laboratory, heonly stops its growth, but generally does not stops being a scientist.


    It is necessary to put forward the slogan that an academician who himself does not work scientifically is no longer a scientist.


    Science requires absolute honesty.

    All the experience of my previous work taughtme to the fact that with the release of any new rabots is located enough people who are onshe collapses. I know it's inevitablelaw of human nature, and every worker who manages to do something new.


    Scientists should remember that the most important andinteresting scientific discoveries are those that which cannot be foreseen.


    If it were possible to accurately foresee the timesdevelopment of scientific work, then scientific work was would be production and would lose its charm andfascination.


    Science should be fun, exciting andsimple. So must be scientists.


    We somehow do not know how to do the most seriousnye deeds and at the same time laugh and joke. But this is so uplifting and helpful!


    The scientific approach is the absence of emotions.


    Scientists of exact knowledge can influence on the development of the social sciences. What is the calls us all, people of science? This is faith in the power of the objective method of knowing the laws of nature. dy, free from prejudice. Undoubtedly that the main strength of the scientific method lies first duty in a strictly objective knowledge research institutes, estimate ke and generalization of the studied phenomenanature. In the name of these principles, we scientists andshould support each other, regardless from our area of ​​work.


    We must teach the state machinebe built on the basis of social science, and its you need to learn how to calculate in the same way as engineers now calculate­ electricskuyu car: it should be easy to buildon and operate with high efficiency. Meaningfor humanity the development of social ok is quite obvious.


    Scientific work with an emotional approach isnot science, but journalism.


    In science, we invariably observe: than funda mentally open pattern ness, the shorter it can be formulated.


    The main quality of the great, universally significant - it's simplicity.


    The larger the person, the more resistancewhose in itself and the more against gossip in the challenges that life sets before him.The range of these contradictions is the measure human genius.


    A great scientist does not always meanbig man. Evidence from the time kov tell us that often people who are gifted given by a brilliant mind, are endowed with philistine spirit. brilliant scientists malo, but even less frequently­ nial scientist combinedis with a big man.


    There is something eternal in the life of a genius that never does not lose interest, which makes people interested in the life of great people of anyera. This not only relates­ to people, but < and to all the highest achievements of human culture.


    Understanding<великих> works of art wa continuously grows with time until achieve recognition of genius. The same happened walks with great scientific discoveries and achievements. The same is true for good wines, with good violins. In this way,the hallmark of greatness is continuous growth<при ­ knowledge > over time.


    When our school educates young people, it values ​​obedience more than talent. Whateverlo would be in our school with the Lomonosovs? Maybe be, already many of them filtered out from science by our school? It is difficult to answer this question, but it is even difficult to answer: it is goodor bad? We cannot answer with certaintyis it necessary at this historical intervaldevelopment of the country in a given field of science or art, a clear and rigid system and organizationzation or freedom of action­ features of original geniuses. It is possible that the strength and success of our era in the social structure, and not in practical talents that geniuses in science, art ve, lite rature at this stage of our We don't need development. This is not a paradox, but di alectics of the historical moment of our time orgy. Geniuses are born by an epoch, not geniuses give birth to an epoch.


    Physicist Sergey Petrovich Kapitsa needs no special introduction. From 1973 to 2012, he remained the permanent host of the popular science TV program "Obvious - Incredible" and proved that science can be entertaining and interesting.

    Remaining the editor-in-chief of the magazine "In the world of science" and vice-president of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Sergey Kapitsa for many years spoke about science, technology and culture in a way that was understandable and interesting to everyone.

    And to this day, his vivid quotes and thoughts are more relevant than ever:

    1. If instead of billions, which are spent on the armed forces, if there were millions for education and health care, then there would be no place for terrorism.
    2. It is easy to gather a herd of sheep, it is difficult to gather a herd of cats.
    3. History has long been an "adjective science" - it was "applied" to the point of view of a particular ruler.
    4. Only contradiction stimulates the development of science. It should be emphasized, not glossed over.
    5. Moscow, despite many things that annoy me, is still my city. You have to be able to filter it all out. Every person should have filters - from spam.
    6. If everything is subordinated to money, then everything will remain money, they will not turn into a masterpiece or a discovery..
    7. Television, the strongest means of human interaction, is now in the hands of those who are completely irresponsible about their role in society.
    8. The main miracle is that we live.
    9. And what will remain after the current generation? Will their SMS be published as a warning to posterity?
    10. A woman can be repelled by vulgarity. Sometimes she attracts, so go find out.
    11. The suit disciplines the man, internally organizes. Once upon a time, BBC radio announcers read the news in tuxedos and evening dresses, although the listeners did not see them.
    12. 50 years ago, there were as many bicycles on Rublyovka as there are now cars.
    13. Do you know what my main disagreement with the church is? I say that this man invented God, and they - that the opposite is true.
    14. Culture must be planted! Even by force. Otherwise, we will all collapse.
    15. Nowhere have I seen more hunted men than in America. They are in a terrible state, aggressive feminism is finishing them off.
    16. Women used to dress more boringly. Now there is a colossal range: from monstrous bad taste to very decently dressed people. But for some reason you notice the second much less often than before.
    17. Math is what Russians teach Chinese in American universities.
    18. I am a Russian Orthodox atheist.
    19. A modern experimental physicist needs about a million a year - for instruments, for the entire infrastructure that provides his research. Yes, this is an expensive pleasure, but a boutique on Gorky Street is more expensive.
    20. Nothing prevents a person tomorrow from becoming smarter than he was yesterday.
    21. Leading means not interfering with good people to work.
    22. Not a computer can bring a person, but the Internet. The remarkable Russian psychologist Aleksey Leontiev said in 1965: "An excess of information leads to impoverishment of the soul." These words should be written on every site.
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