Fathers and children Turgenev Arkady. "Fathers and Sons": characters

The image of Arkady Kirsanov in Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" can rather be attributed to the past than to the new generation. He is a student of Bazarov, but his "nihilism" is more simplified.

How the author shows the image of Arkady Kirsanov in the novel

Arkady is, in a way, an intermediate link between the old and the new. His life position was formed under the influence of two factors: era and age. His fascination with the ideas of nihilism is superficial. He is not like that, simply, the desire for freedom, independence from centuries of established traditions seem to him attractive values. This is very typical for young people entering adult independent life. And at the same time, all these nihilistic views are perfectly combined in his soul with other properties that are very far from nihilism.

By nature, Arkady Kirsanov is a very kind person. On the way to the estate, an avalanche of feelings swept over him, at the sight of a landscape familiar from childhood, dirty ragged men, destroyed village houses. He is full of desire to fix all this, but the hero has no idea how to translate desires into reality. He sees only the good in people, does not feel hatred for anyone, pities Evgeny's parents. For a convinced nihilist, this is a sign of weakness.

What could connect Kirsanov Arkady and Bazarov

In the image of Arkady, Bazarov found a man who admired him, absorbed all his beliefs and actions. Seeing such compliance, Bazarov begins to re-educate his friend, to make him his follower. But, rather quickly, Eugene realizes that this is not feasible and Arkady Kirsanov, whose appearance is soft and insecure, cannot be re-educated. Foundations and principles pull him to their side.

From the first pages of the novel, the reader sees how Arkady submits to his friend. The influence of Bazarov is very great and the characterization of Arkady Kirsanov in the first chapters fully confirms this.

But having lived among the familiar environment and native people, the young man begins to understand that he is under the influence of a strong personality and does not live quite the way he wants. Gradually, he becomes independent and moves away from Bazarov.

His enthusiastic judgments of nihilism proved alien to him. Throughout the novel, Arkady copies his friend, tries to be like him. However, he failed to endure his role to the end.

In other words, Arkady Kirsanov in the novel "Fathers and Sons" was never a nihilist. And he himself probably did not like Bazarov very much. Just a young man who was carried away did not quite clearly understand his goal in life, and Bazarov took advantage of his gentleness and inspired ideas that were completely alien to him.

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Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" reveals several problems at once. One reflects the conflict of generations and clearly demonstrates a way to get out of it, preserving the main thing - the value of the family. The second one demonstrates the processes taking place in the society of that time. Through dialogues and skillfully crafted images of heroes, a type of public figure that has barely begun to emerge is presented, denying all the foundations of the existing statehood and ridiculing such moral and ethical values ​​as love feelings and sincere affection.

Ivan Sergeevich himself does not take sides in the work. As an author, he condemns both the nobility and representatives of new social and political movements, clearly showing that the value of life and sincere affection is much higher than rebelliousness and political passions.

History of creation

Of all the works of Turgenev, the novel "Fathers and Sons" was the only one written in a short time. From the moment the idea was born to the first publication of the manuscript, only two years passed.

The first thoughts about the new story came to the writer in August 1860 during his stay in England on the Isle of Wight. This was facilitated by Turgenev's acquaintance with a provincial young doctor. Fate pushed them in bad weather on the railway and under the pressure of circumstances, they talked with Ivan Sergeevich all night. New acquaintances were shown those ideas that the reader could later observe in Bazarov's speeches. The doctor became the prototype of the main character.

(The Kirsanov estate from the film "Fathers and Sons", the location of the filming is the Fryanovo estate, 1983)

In the autumn of that year, upon his return to Paris, Turgenev worked out the plot of the novel and began writing chapters. Within six months, half of the manuscript was ready, and he finished it after his arrival in Russia, in the middle of the summer of 1861.

Until the spring of 1862, reading his novel to friends and giving the manuscript for reading to the editor of the Russian Messenger, Turgenev made corrections to the work. In March of the same year, the novel was published. This version was slightly different from the edition that was published six months later. In it, Bazarov was presented in a more unsightly light and the image of the main character was a bit repulsive.

Analysis of the work

Main plot

The protagonist of the novel, the nihilist Bazarov, together with the young nobleman Arkady Kirsanov, arrives at the Kirsanovs' estate, where the protagonist meets his friend's father and uncle.

Pavel Petrovich is a refined aristocrat who absolutely does not like either Bazarov or the ideas and values ​​​​he shows. Bazarov also does not remain in debt, and no less actively and passionately, he speaks out against the values ​​and morals of the old people.

After that, young people get acquainted with the recently widowed Anna Odintsova. They both fall in love with her, but temporarily hide it not only from the object of adoration, but also from each other. The protagonist is ashamed to admit that he, who spoke vehemently against romanticism and love affection, now suffers from these feelings himself.

The young nobleman begins to be jealous of the lady of the heart for Bazarov, there are omissions between friends and, as a result, Bazarov tells Anna about his feelings. Odintsova prefers him a quiet life and a marriage of convenience.

Gradually, relations between Bazarov and Arkady deteriorate, and Arkady himself is fond of Anna's younger sister Ekaterina.

Relations between the older generation of the Kirsanovs and Bazarov are heating up, it comes to a duel, in which Pavel Petrovich is injured. This puts a bullet between Arkady and Bazarov, and the main character has to return to his father's house. There he becomes infected with a deadly disease and dies in the arms of his own parents.

At the end of the novel, Anna Sergeevna Odintsova marries for convenience, Arkady and Ekaterina, as well as Fenechka and Nikolai Petrovich, marry. They play their weddings on the same day. Uncle Arkady leaves the estate and goes to live abroad.

Heroes of Turgenev's novel

Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov

Bazarov is a medical student, by social status, a simple man, the son of a military doctor. He is seriously interested in the natural sciences, shares the beliefs of nihilists and denies romantic attachments. He is self-confident, proud, ironic and mocking. Bazarov does not like to talk much.

In addition to love, the protagonist does not share the admiration for art, he has little faith in medicine, regardless of the education he receives. Not referring to himself as a romantic nature, Bazarov loves beautiful women and, at the same time, despises them.

The most interesting moment in the novel is when the hero himself begins to experience those feelings, the existence of which he denied and ridiculed. Turgenev clearly demonstrates the intrapersonal conflict, at the moment when the feelings and beliefs of a person diverge.

Arkady Nikolaevich Kirsanov

One of the central characters of Turgenev's novel is a young and educated nobleman. He is only 23 years old and barely graduated from university. Due to his youth and temperament, he is naive and easily falls under the influence of Bazarov. Outwardly, he shares the beliefs of the nihilists, but in his heart, and further in the story it is clear, he appears as a generous, gentle and very sentimental young man. Over time, the hero himself understands this.

Unlike Bazarov, Arkady likes to speak a lot and beautifully, he is emotional, cheerful and values ​​affection. He believes in marriage. Despite the conflict between fathers and children shown at the beginning of the novel, Arkady loves both his uncle and his father.

Odintsova Anna Sergeevna is an early widowed rich person who at one time married not out of love, but out of calculation in order to save herself from poverty. One of the main characters of the novel loves peace and her own independence. She never loved anyone and never became attached to anyone.

For the main characters, she looks beautiful and inaccessible, because she does not reciprocate with anyone. Even after the death of the hero, she remarries, and again by calculation.

The younger sister of the widow Odintsova, Katya, is very young. She is only 20 years old. Catherine is one of the most endearing and pleasant characters in the novel. She is kind, sociable, observant and at the same time demonstrates independence and obstinacy, which only paint a young lady. She comes from a family of poor nobles. Her parents died when she was only 12 years old. Since then, she has been raised by her older sister, Anna. Ekaterina is afraid of her and feels uncomfortable under the gaze of Odintsova.

The girl loves nature, thinks a lot, she is direct and not flirtatious.

Father of Arkady (brother of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov). Widower. He is 44 years old, he is a completely harmless person and an undemanding owner. He is soft, kind, attached to his son. By nature, he is a romantic, he likes music, nature, poetry. Nikolai Petrovich loves a quiet, calm, measured life in the countryside.

At one time he married for love and lived happily in marriage until his wife died. For many years he could not come to his senses after the death of his beloved, but over the years he found love again and she became Fenechka, a simple and poor girl.

Refined aristocrat, 45 years old, uncle of Arkady. At one time he served as an officer of the guard, but because of Princess R. his life changed. A secular lion in the past, a heartthrob who easily won the love of women. All his life he built in the English style, read newspapers in a foreign language, conducted business and life.

Kirsanov is a clear adherent of liberal views and a man of principles. He is self-confident, proud and mocking. Love at one time knocked him down, and from a lover of noisy companies, he became an ardent misanthrope who in every possible way avoided the company of people. In his heart, the hero is unhappy and at the end of the novel he finds himself far from his loved ones.


“A Russian person is good only because he has a bad opinion of himself”.

“Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it”.

“Personality is the main thing; the human personality must be as strong as a rock, for everything is built on it”. Pavel Petrovich.

“You deny everything, or, to be more precise, you destroy everything ... Why, you need to build”.

“Time flies sometimes like a bird, sometimes it crawls like a worm; but it happens especially well for a person when he doesn’t even notice - how soon, how quietly it passes”.Author

Composition. Analysis of the plot of the novel

The main plot of Turgenev's novel, which has become classic, is Bazarov's conflict with the society in which he found himself by the will of fate. A society that does not support his views and ideals.

The conditional plot of the plot is the appearance of the main character in the Kirsanovs' house. In the course of communication with other characters, conflicts and clashes of views are demonstrated, which test Evgeny's beliefs for stamina. This also happens within the framework of the main love line - in the relationship between Bazarov and Odintsova.

Contradiction is the main technique that the author used when writing the novel. It is reflected not only in its title and is demonstrated in the conflict, but also reflected in the repetition of the protagonist's route. Bazarov ends up twice on the Kirsanovs' estate, visits Odintsova twice, and also returns twice to his parents' house.

The denouement of the plot is the death of the protagonist, with which the writer wanted to demonstrate the collapse of the thoughts expressed by the hero throughout the novel.

In his work, Turgenev clearly showed that in the cycle of all ideologies and political disputes there is a large, complex and diverse life, where traditional values, nature, art, love and sincere, deep affections always win.

Arkady Nikolaevich Kirsanov is a young nobleman, student and friend of Bazarov. This is a typical representative of the younger generation, unlike Bazarov, standing much closer to his “average” level. Of course, Arkady is passionate about the latest teachings, young people tend to get carried away, but his interest is very superficial. Arcadia in "nihilism" is attracted by independence from authorities and traditions, the right to audacity and self-confidence, as well as a complete sense of freedom.

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These opportunities tend to be of great value to every young person. The hero does not try to think about the very essence of "nihilism", the usual properties of youth are far from "nihilistic" ideas and principles. Arkady is a simple, unsophisticated, good-natured young man who is very attached to the values ​​and lifestyle of the nobility.

Under the influence of Bazarov, Arkady at first hides his real qualities and diligently strives to imitate his idol (Bazarov). He suppresses his heartfelt attachment to the poetry of the traditional life of the nobility and rejects the values ​​of "his" culture. Because of this, a real conflict of generations arises between Arkady and his father. However, this conflict is not so deep. Time passes, the son gains life experience, and the differences between him and his father are gradually smoothed out. Arkady is losing his former intolerance and is already ready to make certain compromises with life. Having fallen in love with Odintsova, he is well aware of the hopelessness of this feeling and finds his family happiness by marrying Katya, Odintsova's sister.

Turgenev considered the main property of people of the "golden mean" to be the ability to get along with the surrounding reality, to compromise with it and come to terms with certain circumstances. Just like Arkady, Bazarov was also passionately in love with Odintsova, but his passion was huge and painful, bringing incredible suffering. Arkady's readiness to easily come to terms with the hopelessness of his love at first looks comically happy with the irrepressible Bazarov passion. But it was Arkady's ability to deal with reality that opened up for him the perfect opportunity for a quiet family well-being on a thriving estate.

Updated: 2012-12-12

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Roman I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" became a landmark work of its time. In it, the author managed to reflect the eternal opposition of two generations on the example of several families, as well as in a more global sense - the opposition of young nihilism and the established principles of Russian public life. The novel presents a whole gallery of interesting images, each of which is important and interesting. The image and characterization of Arkady Kirsanov with quotes in the novel "Fathers and Sons" will help to fully reveal the inconsistency of the image of the protagonist.

The formation of the character of Arcadia

Arkady Kirsanov is a hereditary nobleman. He was lucky to be born into a family where sincere love reigned. He was brought up according to noble traditions. When his mother died, the father devoted his energies to giving the child everything he needed.

When the young man entered the university, Nikolai Petrovich went to St. Petersburg with him and lived there for the first three years of study. He tried to keep abreast of his son's interests and to know his comrades.

The conditions in which Arkady grew up formed in him a love for beauty, admiration for nature, art and a warm attitude towards his loved ones. Yielding to the rebellious youthful impulse, he falls under the influence of Yevgeny Bazarov. Arkady greatly appreciates the friendship of this man. And after him declares himself a nihilist.

Father and son

Returning home after graduation, Arkady tries to demonstrate to his father that he is no longer the enthusiastic young man he was before. But immediate enthusiasm and love for the father breaks out:

"Arkady quickly turned to his father and kissed him loudly on the cheek."

On the way to his native estate, he sees that his family's property is on the verge of decline, he lights up with various plans and ideas for transformations. The spring atmosphere distracts him from these thoughts, and again immediacy breaks through his behavior with his father:

“Arkady looked and looked, and, gradually weakening, his thoughts disappeared ... He threw off his overcoat and looked at his father so cheerfully, such a young boy, that he hugged him again.”

Sometimes Arkady feels superior to his father. When Nikolai Petrovich tells him about his beloved, the son scolds him for his awkwardness and embarrassment, saying that he fully supports his father:

“... and a feeling of condescending tenderness for a kind and gentle father, mixed with a feeling of some kind of secret superiority, filled his soul. “Stop, please,” he repeated again, involuntarily enjoying the consciousness of his own development and freedom.

Progressive views and a tender attitude towards his father allow Arkady to accept the news of the appearance of his half-brother with sincere joy.

Arkady and Bazarov

The meeting with Bazarov allowed Arkady Kirsanov to accept the ideas of a new emerging trend - nihilism. Bazarov, being a well-formed and integral personality, has strong views and principles. Eugene becomes Arkady's mentor. Young Kirsanov follows the ideas of his comrade with incredible zeal. He admires this man:

"...I can't express to you how much I value his friendship...".

Despite all the efforts to match the appearance of progressive youth, Arkady's sentimentality and enthusiasm betray a gentle person in him. Gradually, Arkady realizes that he and Yevgeny are moving away, he sees how different their thoughts are. Not embarrassed by emotions, he says goodbye to his friend forever:

"... Arkady threw himself on the neck to his former mentor and friend, and tears just splashed from his eyes ...".

Love Arkady Kirsanov

Arkady is not alien to the romanticism of his father, so his soul is open to tender feelings. Having met Odintsova, he imagines himself in love. The young man is tormented by the thought that Anna Sergeevna does not take him seriously, considering him a young man. Carried away by the pangs of jealousy, he does not notice how close he is to his sister Odintsova, Katya. Suddenly he realizes that next to this girl is very good and interesting. Katya becomes Kirsanov's wife, together they find happiness.

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