Features of the compositional structure of the comedy auditor. Plot and compositional features of the comedy N.V.

N.V. Gogol built his comedy "The Inspector General" on the plot basis of an everyday anecdote, where, due to imposture or an accidental misunderstanding, one person is mistaken for another. This plot was of interest to A. S. Pushkin, but he himself did not use it, losing it to Gogol.

Working diligently and for a long time (from 1834 to 1842) on The Inspector General, reworking and rearranging, inserting some scenes and throwing out others, the writer developed the traditional plot with remarkable skill into an integral and coherent, psychologically convincing and logically consistent interweaving of events. "Unpleasant news" about the arrival of the auditor; commotion among officials; an accidental coincidence - the arrival of Khlestakov, in a hurry taken for the expected auditor, and as a result of this - a number of comic situations and incidents; general awe of the imaginary auditor, bribes under the guise of borrowing money when receiving officials, matchmaking for the mayor’s daughter and the “triumph” of the happy Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky family; the safe departure of the “groom” and, finally, the unexpected exposure of everything that happened thanks to Khlestakov’s intercepted letter, the disgrace of the “triumph”, the thunderous news of the arrival of the real auditor, which turned everyone into a “petrified group” - such is the plot outline on which Gogol embroidered the unfading images of his heroes, gave types-characters, at the same time endowing his comedy-satire with a sense of great social value.

The entire course of events, all the behavior of the characters, strictly motivated and arising with complete plausibility from the personal qualities of these people and the situations that have developed, are connected in The Inspector General by the unity of the plot. The plot is the expected arrival of the auditor and the "mistake" due to which Khlestakov is accepted as the one who was expected. Gogol thoughtfully fulfilled the task of constructing his play, expressed in his own words: “Comedy must knit by itself, with all its mass, into one big common knot. The tie should embrace all faces, not just one or two, touch the one who excites more or less all the actors. Everyone here is a hero...

Gogol's innovation as the author of the comedy was that in The Inspector General there is no obligatory love affair, there are no traditional virtuous persons and reasoners, and an unusually shown vice, which, at the request of the old literary laws, must certainly be punished: the frivolous "dummy" Khlestakov escaped any punishment, and rogue officials, although "petrified", but the viewer knows what awaits them with the arrival of a real auditor. The author himself disparaged his heroes with the truth of their depiction, deeply faithful showing their beings with that same humor and laughter, which, according to Gogol himself, is the only “honest”, “noble person” in The Inspector General.

    • The name of the official The area of ​​city life that he manages Information about the state of affairs in this area Characteristics of the hero according to the text Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky Mayor: general management, police, ensuring order in the city, landscaping Takes bribes, condones other officials in this, the city is not comfortable , public money is plundered “He speaks neither loudly nor quietly; neither more nor less”; facial features are rough and hard; crudely developed inclinations of the soul. “Look, my ear […]
    • In a letter to Pushkin, Gogol makes a request, which is considered to be the beginning, the starting point of The Inspector General: “Do yourself a favour, give some plot funny or not funny, but Russian is purely an anecdote. The hand trembles to write a comedy in the meantime. Do me a favor, give me a plot, the spirit will be a five-act comedy, and I swear it will be funnier than the devil. And Pushkin told Gogol about the story of the writer Svinin, and about the incident that happened to him when he went to Orenburg for materials for the “History […]
    • The period of creativity of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol coincided with the dark era of Nicholas I. After the suppression of the Decembrist uprising, all dissidents were severely persecuted by the authorities. Describing reality, N.V. Gogol creates literary works of genius, full of life's realities. All layers of Russian society become the theme of his work - on the example of the customs and everyday life of a small county town. Gogol wrote that in The Inspector General he finally decided to put together all that bad in Russian society, which […]
    • N.V. Gogol is not in the top 10 of my favorite writers. Maybe because a lot has been read about him as a person, about a person with character flaws, sores, numerous interpersonal conflicts. All these biographical data have nothing to do with creativity, however, they greatly influence my personal perception. And yet one must give Gogol his due. His works are classics. They are like the tablets of Moses, made of solid stone, gifted with letters and for ever and ever […]
    • Explaining the meaning of The Inspector General, N.V. Gogol pointed to the role of laughter: “I am sorry that no one noticed the honest face that was in my play. Yes, there was one honest, noble face that acted in it throughout its entire duration. That honest, noble face was laughter. A close friend of N.V. Gogol, wrote that modern Russian life does not provide material for comedy. To which Gogol replied: “Comedy lies everywhere… Living among it, we don’t see it… but if the artist transfers it to art, to the stage, then we are above ourselves […]
    • The comedy in five acts of the greatest satirical author of Russia, of course, is a landmark for all literature. Nikolai Vasilievich finished one of his greatest works in 1835. Gogol himself said that this was his first creation, written for a specific purpose. What is the main thing the author wanted to convey? Yes, he wanted to show our country without embellishment, all the vices and wormholes of the Russian social system, which still characterize our Motherland. "Inspector" - immortal, of course, […]
    • Khlestakov is the central character of the comedy "The Government Inspector". A representative of the youth of his time, when they wanted to quickly grow their careers without making any effort for this. Idleness gave rise to the fact that Khlestakov wanted to show himself from the other, winning side. Such self-affirmation becomes painful. On the one hand, he exalts himself, on the other, he hates himself. The character is trying to imitate the mores of the capital's bureaucratic leaders, imitates them. His boasting sometimes scares others. It seems that Khlestakov himself begins [...]
    • The era reflected by N.V. Gogol in the comedy "The Inspector General" is the 30s. XIX century, during the reign of Nicholas I. The writer later recalled: “In the Inspector General, I decided to collect in one measure all the bad things in Russia that I knew then, all the injustices that are done in those places and those cases where it is most required from a man of justice, and at once laugh at everything. N.V. Gogol not only knew reality well, but also studied many documents. And yet the comedy The Inspector General is a fictional […]
    • Khlestakov is the central figure in Gogol's comedy The Inspector General. This hero is one of the most characteristic in the writer's work. Thanks to him, even the word Khlestakovism appeared, which denotes a phenomenon generated by the Russian bureaucratic system. To understand what Khlestakovism is, you need to get to know the hero better. Khlestakov is a young man who likes to take a walk, who squandered money and therefore constantly needs them. By chance, he ended up in a county town, where he was mistaken for an auditor. When […]
    • The silent scene in N.V. Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" is preceded by the denouement of the plot, Khlestakov's letter is read, and the officials' self-deception becomes clear. At this moment, that which bound the characters throughout the entire stage action, fear, leaves, and the unity of people disintegrates before our eyes. The terrible shock that the news of the arrival of the real auditor produced on everyone again unites people with horror, but this is no longer the unity of living people, but the unity of lifeless fossils. Their dumbness and frozen poses show […]
    • A feature of Gogol's comedy "The Government Inspector" is that it has a "mirage intrigue", that is, officials are fighting against a ghost created by their bad conscience and fear of retribution. Anyone who is mistaken for an auditor does not even make any deliberate attempts to deceive, to fool the officials who have fallen into error. The development of the action reaches its climax in act III. The comic fight continues. The mayor deliberately goes towards his goal: to force Khlestakov to “let slip”, “tell more” in order to […]
    • By the beginning of the fourth act of the comedy The Inspector General, the mayor and all the officials were finally convinced that the auditor sent to them was a significant state person. By the power of fear and reverence for him, the “wick”, “dummy”, Khlestakov became the one whom they saw in him. Now you need to protect, protect your department from revisions and protect yourself. Officials are convinced that the inspector needs to be given a bribe, “slipped” in the way it is done in a “well-ordered society”, i.e. “between four eyes, so that ears do not hear”, […]
    • The great artistic merit of N. V. Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" lies in the typicality of its images. He himself expressed the idea that the "originals" of most of the characters in his comedy "are almost always in front of my eyes." And about Khlestakov, the writer says that this is “a type of much scattered in different Russian characters ... Everyone, even for a minute ... was or is being made by Khlestakov. And a dexterous officer of the Guards will sometimes turn out to be Khlestakov, and a statesman will sometimes turn out to be Khlestakov, and our sinful brother, a writer, […]
    • N. V. Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General" has a peculiar character of a dramatic conflict. There is neither a hero-ideologist in it, nor a conscious deceiver who leads everyone by the nose. The officials themselves are deceiving themselves, imposing on Khlestakov the role of a significant person, forcing him to play it. Khlestakov is in the center of events, but does not lead the action, but, as it were, involuntarily involved in it and surrenders to its movement. The group of negative characters, satirically depicted by Gogol, is opposed not by a positive hero, but by the flesh of the flesh […]
    • N.V. Gogol wrote about the concept of his comedy: “In The Inspector General I decided to collect in one measure all the bad things in Russia that I knew then, all the injustices that are done in those places and those cases where the most is required from a person justice, and at once laugh at everything. This determined the genre of the work ─ socio-political comedy. It deals not with love affairs, not with the events of private life, but with the phenomena of the public order. The plot of the work is based on a commotion among officials, […]
    • Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol noted that the main theme of "Dead Souls" was contemporary Russia. The author believed that "it is impossible otherwise to direct society or even the whole generation towards the beautiful, until you show the full depth of its real abomination." That is why the poem presents a satire on the local nobility, bureaucracy and other social groups. The composition of the work is subordinated to this task of the author. The image of Chichikov, traveling around the country in search of the necessary connections and wealth, allows N. V. Gogol […]
    • What is the image of a literary hero? Chichikov is the hero of a great, classic work created by a genius, a hero who embodied the result of the author's observations and reflections on life, people, and their actions. An image that has absorbed typical features, and therefore has long gone beyond the framework of the work itself. His name has become a household name for people - crafty careerists, sycophants, money-grubbers, outwardly "pretty", "decent and worthy". Moreover, other readers' assessment of Chichikov is not so unambiguous. Comprehension […]
    • The work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol fell on the dark era of Nicholas I. These were the 30s. XIX century, when in Russia, after the suppression of the uprising of the Decembrists, reaction reigned, all dissidents were persecuted, the best people were persecuted. Describing the reality of his day, N.V. Gogol creates the poem “Dead Souls”, brilliant in depth of reflection of life. The basis of "Dead Souls" is that the book is a reflection not of individual features of reality and characters, but of the reality of Russia as a whole. Myself […]
    • The legendary Zaporizhzhya Sich is the ideal republic that N. Gogol dreamed of. Only in such an environment, according to the writer, mighty characters, courageous natures, real friendship and nobility could be formed. Acquaintance with Taras Bulba takes place in a peaceful home environment. His sons, Ostap and Andriy, have just returned from school. They are a special pride of Taras. Bulba believes that the spiritual education that his sons received is only a small part of what a young man needs. "It's all rubbish, what stuff […]
    • Compositionally, the poem "Dead Souls" consists of three externally closed, but internally interconnected circles. landowners, the city, Chichikov's biography, united by the image of the road, plot-related by the main character's scam. But the middle link - the life of the city - itself consists, as it were, of narrowing circles, gravitating towards the center; this is a graphic representation of the provincial hierarchy. Interestingly, in this hierarchical pyramid, the governor, embroidering on tulle, looks like a puppet figure. True life boils in civilian […]
  • In the comedy "The Government Inspector" N.V. Gogol acts as an innovative playwright. He overcomes the traditional techniques of classicism poetics, vaudeville techniques, departs from the traditional love affair, turning to a satirical depiction of society, a city that grows into a grandiose symbol of the Russian state. “I wanted to put together everything bad in Russia and at one time ... laugh at everything,” wrote N.V. Gogol. Let's try to analyze the plot-compositional structure of the work.

    The originality of the author was already in the fact that the exposition in the comedy follows after the plot. The plot of the play is the first phrase of Gorodnichiy: "... the auditor is coming to us." And only after that we plunge into the atmosphere of life in the county town, find out what orders are established there, what local officials do. Here we will learn some details: about how the guests of charitable institutions are kept, what procedures the judge has established “in government places”, what happens in educational institutions ..

    The plot of the real intrigue of the comedy, as we noted above, is the first replica of Gorodnichiy. IN AND. Nemirovich-Danchenko in the article "Secrets of Gogol's stage charm" noted Gogol's extraordinary courage and innovation in creating the plot. “The most remarkable masters of the theater,” he says, “could not start a play except in the first few scenes. In The Government Inspector, there is one sentence, one first sentence: “I have invited you, gentlemen, in order to tell you unpleasant news: the auditor is coming to visit us,” and the play has already begun. The plot is given, and its main impulse is given - fear. However, it is worth noting that there is no fear here yet. The plot in the play is distinguished by comedy, satire, and psychologism. The arrival of the auditor is certainly unpleasant news, but the situation is traditional. Gorodnichiy has extensive experience in such cases (he deceived two governors). The inspector is coming, but they are not afraid of him yet. The city still holds the initiative in its hands. However, the city is already set in motion. The mayor vigorously distributes instructions to officials. Gogol showed himself to be a talented playwright, inventing such a plot, thanks to which all the actors of the comedy immediately set in motion. Each of them acts according to his character and his crimes. We also note that the protagonist himself is not present either in the exposition or in the plot of the play.

    Further, Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky appear in the comedy and bring news of the mysterious guest of the tavern. Here Gogol uses the image of messenger-heroes, traditional for comedies. Only the news they bring is unconventional. From nothing they create the image of the auditor. The arrival of a stranger seems unexpected to them, his behavior is mysterious (he lives, observes, does not declare himself). And this is where confusion begins among the officials, fear arises. The scene depicting the heroes-heralds is extremely important in the artistic fabric of the play. Some researchers believe that it is a kind of completion of the plot in the real conflict of the play. Other critics (who indicated the presence of two intrigues in the plot - real and "mirage") see in it the plot of a "mirage" intrigue. It seems that we can consider this scene as a development of the action after the plot (Gorodnichiy's message) in the real conflict of the play.

    The scene of Gorodnichiy's first acquaintance with Khlestakov is built on a very complex comedy. This scene is also a development of the action both in a real and in a "mirage" conflict. Khlestakov feels fear, believing that they are going to send him into a debt hole. The mayor believes that his interlocutor is distinguished by cunning and deceit: “what a fog he let in!”. The characters do not understand each other, being on different wavelengths, as it were. But the Governor regards all Khlestakov's behavior as some kind of subtle game, the conditions of which he quickly accepts. And the seduction of the imaginary auditor begins. To begin with, Anton Antonovich gives him a bribe. This is a turning point in Gorodnichiy's behavior. He overcomes shyness and feels more confident. The situation is certainly familiar to him and familiar. Then he invites him to live in his house, visit charitable institutions, a district school, a prison. In a word, it is active. We note here the comedy in the development of the conflict. “From the point of view of common sense, the hero who leads the action, the attacker, the attacker, should be the auditor, since he is a government official who came to the city with an audit, with a check, and Khlestakov does not attack anyone, since he is not an auditor. He turns out to be the object of an attack, by an absurd coincidence he was mistaken for an auditor, and he repels this attack as best he can. The hero leading the action is the Mayor. At the heart of all his actions is one desire: to deceive the auditor, to create the appearance of well-being, not to allow a single person in the city to tell the auditor about malfeasance.<…>All this “on the contrary” will go through all the most important moments in the development of the conflict.”

    The events of the third act also represent a very stage in the development of the conflict. Khlestakov probably begins to guess that he is being mistaken for an important state person, and begins to play this role, very naturally. He talks about his life in the capital and lies to such an extent that he completely exposes himself. The scene of lies is the culmination of the hero's self-exposure. However, the Governor and other officials take the hero's lie for granted. What is the reason for such behaviour? As the researchers note, “fear set the stage for deception. But Khlestakov's sincerity deceived him. An experienced rogue would hardly have led Gorodnichiy, but the unintentionality of Khlestakov's actions confused him.<…>... In all cases - even at the moment of the most incredible lies - Khlestakov is sincere. Khlestakov invents with the same sincerity with which he previously spoke the truth, and this again deceives the officials. This is followed by the scene of the visit of the imaginary auditor by local officials - he takes money from everyone. The scene of bribes contains a crudely comic move. The first visitor, the judge, is still embarrassed to offer Khlestakov money: he does it clumsily, with fear. However, Khlestakov resolves the tense situation by asking for a loan. And then he borrows from each of the officials, and the amounts increase from visit to visit. Then follows the scene of courtship of Khlestakov for the daughter and wife of Gorodnichiy. He is wooing Marya Antonovna. This scene contains a parody of a love affair. As V. Gippius notes, “the unity of time required a fast pace, but still gave scope within five acts and twenty-four real hours. As if mocking this rule, Gogol contains two explanations, a misunderstanding with rivalry, an offer and an engagement within a half-act and a few minutes, in order to laugh at this “phantom” in the last act. Thus, the scenes of lies, bribes and matchmaking are the development of the action in the real conflict of the play and at the same time the culminating episodes in the “mirage” conflict.

    In the fifth act, we have a climax in the development of real intrigue - this is the scene of Khlestakov's exposure. The mayor triumphs: he not only managed to hide his affairs from the auditor, but also almost intermarried with him (this scene is also the climax in the development of the "mirage" intrigue). However, his triumph is overshadowed by the arrival of the Postmaster with a letter that reveals the true state of affairs. The scene of reading Khlestakov's letter is the culmination of a real conflict and at the same time the denouement of a "mirage" intrigue. However, the comedy does not end with this episode. This is followed by the appearance of a gendarme, who announces the arrival of a real auditor. This scene represents the denouement in the real conflict of the play. Thus, the plot action returns to where it began. Gogol's Silent Scene has received various interpretations by critics. One of its interpretations: the real auditor has finally arrived and the city is waiting for a real fair punishment. Another version: the arrived official is associated with heavenly punishment, which all the actors of the comedy are afraid of.

    Thus, N.V. Gogol is an innovator in the development of dramatic techniques, in the depiction of the conflict. In his comedy, he almost completely abandoned the love affair. The love triangle Marya Antonovna - Khlestakov - Anna Andreevna is defiantly parody. The plot is based on an unusual case, an "anecdote", which, however, allows you to deeply reveal social relations and ties. The protagonist is not present in either the first or the last act of The Inspector General: he is absent both in the plot and in the denouement. The climax in the development of the real conflict also occurs without Khlestakov. The dynamics of the "Inspector" follows a certain rule - "already wants to reach, grab it with his hand, when suddenly insanity." This equally applies to Gorodnichiy, to his ambitious hopes, and to Marya Antonovna, to her love aspirations. The basis of the action of the play is not personal clashes, but a general, social principle. Gogol has no positive characters in the play. The ideal leaves the writer in the subtext. This is an idea, a moral criterion, from the standpoint of which the author evaluates social vices. According to Gogol, laughter is the only positive aspect of comedy. These are the main features of the poetics of Gogol the playwright.

    Essay plan
    1. Introduction. The originality of the artistic structure of comedy.
    2. The main part. Plot-compositional originality of "Inspector".
    — Exposition in the plot of a comedy.
    - Tie.
    - Herald Heroes. Action development.
    - The first acquaintance of the Governor with Khlestakov. Action development.
    — The third and fourth acts of the comedy. The development of action in a real conflict and culminating episodes in a "mirage" intrigue.
    — Fifth act. The climax and denouement of the play /
    3. Conclusion. Gogol's innovation.

    In comedy N.V. Gogol acts as an innovative playwright. He overcomes the traditional techniques of classicism poetics, vaudeville techniques, departs from the traditional love affair, turning to a satirical depiction of society, a city that grows into a grandiose symbol of the Russian state. “I wanted to put together everything bad in Russia and at one time ... laugh at everything,” wrote N.V. Gogol. Let's try to analyze the plot-compositional structure of the work.
    The originality of the author was already in the fact that the exposition in the comedy follows after the plot. The plot of the play is the first phrase of Gorodnichiy: "... the auditor is coming to us." And only after that we plunge into the atmosphere of life in the county town, find out what orders are established there, what local officials do. Here we will learn some details: about how the guests of charitable institutions are kept, what procedures the judge has established “in government places”, what happens in educational institutions ..
    The plot of the real intrigue of the comedy, as we noted above, is the first replica of Gorodnichiy. IN AND. Nemirovich-Danchenko in the article "Secrets of Gogol's stage charm" noted Gogol's extraordinary courage and innovation in creating the plot. “The most remarkable masters of the theater,” he says, “could not start a play except in the first few scenes. In The Government Inspector, there is one sentence, one first sentence: “I have invited you, gentlemen, in order to tell you unpleasant news: the auditor is coming to visit us,” and the play has already begun. The plot is given, and its main impulse is given - fear. However, it is worth noting that there is no fear here yet. The plot in the play is distinguished by comedy, satire, and psychologism. The arrival of the auditor is certainly unpleasant news, but the situation is traditional. Gorodnichiy has extensive experience in such cases (he deceived two governors). The inspector is coming, but they are not afraid of him yet. The city still holds the initiative in its hands. However, the city is already set in motion. The mayor vigorously distributes instructions to officials. Gogol showed himself to be a talented playwright, inventing such a plot, thanks to which all the actors of the comedy immediately set in motion. Each of them acts according to his character and his crimes. We also note that the protagonist himself is not present either in the exposition or in the plot of the play.
    Further, Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky appear in the comedy and bring news of the mysterious guest of the tavern. Here Gogol uses the image of messenger-heroes, traditional for comedies. Only the news they bring is unconventional. From nothing they create the image of the auditor. The arrival of a stranger seems unexpected to them, his behavior is mysterious (he lives, observes, does not declare himself). And this is where confusion begins among the officials, fear arises. The scene depicting the heroes-heralds is extremely important in the artistic fabric of the play. Some researchers believe that it is a kind of completion of the plot in the real conflict of the play. Other critics (who indicated the presence of two intrigues in the plot - real and "mirage") see in it the plot of a "mirage" intrigue. It seems that we can consider this scene as a development of the action after the plot (Gorodnichiy's message) in the real conflict of the play.
    The scene of Gorodnichiy's first acquaintance with Khlestakov is built on a very complex comedy. This scene is also a development of the action both in a real and in a "mirage" conflict. Khlestakov feels fear, believing that they are going to send him into a debt hole. The mayor believes that his interlocutor is distinguished by cunning and deceit: “what a fog he let in!”. The characters do not understand each other, being on different wavelengths, as it were. But the Governor regards all Khlestakov's behavior as some kind of subtle game, the conditions of which he quickly accepts. And the seduction of the imaginary auditor begins. To begin with, Anton Antonovich gives him a bribe. This is a turning point in Gorodnichiy's behavior. He overcomes shyness and feels more confident. The situation is certainly familiar to him and familiar. Then he invites him to live in his house, visit charitable institutions, a district school, a prison. In a word, it is active. We note here the comedy in the development of the conflict. “From the point of view of common sense, the hero who leads the action, the attacker, the attacker, should be the auditor, since he is a government official who came to the city with an audit, with a check, and Khlestakov does not attack anyone, since he is not an auditor. He turns out to be the object of an attack, by an absurd coincidence he was mistaken for an auditor, and he repels this attack as best he can. The hero leading the action is the Mayor. At the heart of all his actions is one desire: to deceive the auditor, to create the appearance of well-being, not to allow a single person in the city to tell the auditor about malfeasance.<…>All this “on the contrary” will go through all the most important moments in the development of the conflict.
    The events of the third act also represent a very stage in the development of the conflict. Khlestakov probably begins to guess that he is being mistaken for an important state person, and begins to play this role, very naturally. He talks about his life in the capital and lies to such an extent that he completely exposes himself. The scene of lies is the culmination of the hero's self-exposure. However, the Governor and other officials take the hero's lie for granted. What is the reason for such behaviour? As the researchers note, “fear set the stage for deception. But Khlestakov's sincerity deceived him. An experienced rogue would hardly have led Gorodnichiy, but the unintentionality of Khlestakov's actions confused him.<…>... In all cases - even at the moment of the most incredible lies - Khlestakov is sincere. Khlestakov invents with the same sincerity with which he previously spoke the truth, and this again deceives the officials. This is followed by the scene of the visit of the imaginary auditor by local officials - he takes money from everyone. The scene of bribes contains a crudely comic move. The first visitor, the judge, is still embarrassed to offer Khlestakov money: he does it clumsily, with fear. However, Khlestakov resolves the tense situation by asking for a loan. And then he borrows from each of the officials, and the amounts increase from visit to visit. Then follows the scene of courtship of Khlestakov for the daughter and wife of Gorodnichiy. He is wooing Marya Antonovna. This scene contains a parody of a love affair. As V. Gippius notes, “the unity of time required a fast pace, but still gave scope within five acts and twenty-four real hours. As if mocking this rule, Gogol contains two explanations, a misunderstanding with rivalry, an offer and an engagement within a half-act and a few minutes, in order to laugh at this “phantom” in the last act. Thus, the scenes of lies, bribes and matchmaking are the development of the action in the real conflict of the play and at the same time the culminating episodes in the “mirage” conflict.
    In the fifth act, we have a climax in the development of real intrigue - this is the scene of Khlestakov's exposure. The mayor triumphs: he not only managed to hide his affairs from the auditor, but also almost intermarried with him (this scene is also the climax in the development of the "mirage" intrigue). However, his triumph is overshadowed by the arrival of the Postmaster with a letter that reveals the true state of affairs. The scene of reading Khlestakov's letter is the culmination of a real conflict and at the same time the denouement of a "mirage" intrigue. However, the comedy does not end with this episode. This is followed by the appearance of a gendarme, who announces the arrival of a real auditor. This scene represents the denouement in the real conflict of the play. Thus, the plot action returns to where it began. Gogol has acquired various interpretations of critics. One of its interpretations: the real auditor has finally arrived and the city is waiting for a real fair punishment. Another version: the arrived official is associated with heavenly punishment, which all the actors of the comedy are afraid of.
    Thus, N.V. Gogol is an innovator in the development of dramatic techniques, in the depiction of the conflict. In his comedy, he almost completely abandoned the love affair. The love triangle Marya Antonovna - Khlestakov - Anna Andreevna is defiantly parody. The plot is based on an unusual case, an "anecdote", which, however, allows you to deeply reveal social relations and ties. The protagonist is not present in either the first or the last act of The Inspector General: he is absent both in the plot and in the denouement. The climax in the development of the real conflict also occurs without Khlestakov. The dynamics of the "Inspector" follows a certain rule - "already wants to reach, grab it with his hand, when suddenly insanity" . This equally applies to Gorodnichiy, to his ambitious hopes, and to Marya Antonovna, to her love aspirations. The basis of the action of the play is not personal clashes, but a general, social principle. Gogol has no positive characters in the play. The ideal leaves the writer in the subtext. This is an idea, a moral criterion, from the standpoint of which the author evaluates social vices. According to Gogol, laughter is the only positive aspect of comedy. These are the main features of the poetics of Gogol the playwright.

    1. Lion P.E., Lokhova N.M. Literature: For high school students and entering universities: Textbook. M., 2002, p.210.

    2. Mann Yu.V., Samorodnitskaya E.I. Gogol at school. M., 2008, p. 97.

    3. Bogomolova E.I., Zharov T.K., Kedrova M.M. A guide to literature. M., 1951, p. 151., p. 152.

    4. Mann Yu.V., Samorodnitskaya E.I. Gogol at school. M., 2008, pp. 118–119.

    5. Gippius V. Gogol. L., 1924, p. 99.

    Subject: N. V. Gogol "The Inspector General". Features of the compositional structure of comedy - page №1/1

    Literature lesson in grade 8

    Topic: N.V. Gogol "Inspector". Features of the compositional structure of comedy.

    Target: Summarize the knowledge gained in the study of comedy.


    To reveal the features of the construction of a dramatic work;

    Raising a love for Russian classical literature;

    Development of skills in the analysis of a work of art.

    Equipment: laptop, projector, camera, cards.
    During the classes:

    1. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.
    (the topic is written on the board)

    II Warm-up

    Scenery, backstage, prompter, intermission, tragedy, comedy, stage direction, monologue, dialogue.

    What unites these words? (they all refer to a dramatic work)
    - What is drama? (a work intended to be staged).

    Explain the meaning of each word

    III Introductory speech of the teacher. (slide 1)
    The author of The Inspector General is N.V. Gogol dreamed of a comedy "with malice and salt."

    He attached great educational importance to the theater. Dreamed of the theater as a school for society

    “In The Inspector General, I decided to collect everything bad in Russia, which I then knew, in the injustice that is done in those places and in those cases where justice is most required of a person, and at one time laugh at everything.”

    In what historical period was comedy created, why did it become so relevant?

    (message "Nikolaev Russia in the time of Gogol")

    IV Practical work
    Today we will try to plunge into the theatrical life and start preparing for the performance

    Many people are involved in the creation of the play. What professions will we meet in the theater? (director, decorator, dresser, illuminator, etc.)

    I propose to choose a critic who will evaluate everything that happens.
    1.Let's look at the features of the composition of the comedy

    5 actions, each with 6 to 16 events, 25 specific characters

    -What is a tie? (letter from Chmykhov, appearance of Dobch. and Bobch.)

    What is comedic conflict based on? (miss of the mayor and officials)

    Climax? (Khlestakov's lies in Phenomenon 4, in act 3)

    What is a disconnect? (Postm. Brings a letter. Phrase about the arrival of a real auditor)

    - Comedy has an epigraph. Which? (3 editions 36, 41, 42)

    Why did Gogol take it?

    2. Actors, characters.

    Gogol attached great importance to the acting. He himself attended rehearsals, gave instructions to the actors.

    Carefully prescribed the characters and costumes of the main people.

    Let's list the heroes and give a brief description of them.

    While we are giving a description, Christina will be a dresser, and Nurlan will be a decorator. Think about how you see the sets and costumes.

    (After the description of the heroes, the floor is given to Nurlan and Kristina)

    What does the critic disagree with?
    3. Rehearsal of individual scenes

    Anna Andreevna and Marya Antonovna. (Lena, Saule)

    Khlestakov's monologue (Andrey)

    Who is the main character of the comedy?

    (Khlestakov is the most difficult image in the play, p.ch., having become the culprit of deceit, Khlestakov did not deceive anyone. He has no remarks to the side)
    Monologue of the Governor

    Why did the mayor mistook Khlest for an auditor? Fear set the stage for deceit, the mayor may lose everything

    • . Image of a silent scene. (to photograph)

    • . Christina's message about the silent scene (while Christina is talking, upload the photo to the computer)

    • Image analysis of a silent scene from a photograph. Correlation with the text of comedy
    V. Summary of the lesson.

    Nurlan's message "Inspector at the Maly Theater"

    VI D.z. Textbook Questions

    N.V. Gogol built his comedy "The Inspector General" on the plot basis of an everyday anecdote, where, due to imposture or an accidental misunderstanding, one person is mistaken for another. This plot was of interest to A. S. Pushkin, but he himself did not use it, losing it to Gogol.

    Working diligently and for a long time (from 1834 to 1842) on The Inspector General, reworking and rearranging, inserting some scenes and throwing out others, the writer developed the traditional plot with remarkable skill into an integral and coherent, psychologically convincing and logically consistent interweaving of events. "Unpleasant news" about the arrival of the auditor; commotion among officials; an accidental coincidence - the arrival of Khlestakov, in a hurry taken for the expected auditor, and as a result of this - a number of comic situations and incidents; general awe of the imaginary auditor, bribes under the guise of borrowing money when receiving officials, matchmaking for the daughter of the mayor and the “triumph” of the happy Skvoznik Dmukhanovsky family; the safe departure of the “groom” and, finally, the unexpected exposure of everything that happened thanks to Khlestakov’s intercepted letter, the disgrace of the “triumph”, the thunderous news of the arrival of the real auditor, which turned everyone into a “petrified group” - such is the plot outline on which Gogol embroidered the unfading images of his heroes, gave types of characters, endowing at the same time his comedy satire with a sense of great social value.

    The entire course of events, all the behavior of the characters, strictly motivated and arising with complete plausibility from the personal qualities of these people and the situations that have developed, are connected in The Inspector General by the unity of the plot. The plot is the expected arrival of the auditor and the "mistake" due to which Khlestakov is accepted as the one who was expected. Gogol thoughtfully fulfilled the task of constructing his play, expressed in his own words: “Comedy must knit by itself, with all its mass, into one big common knot. The tie should embrace all faces, not just one or two, touch the one who excites more or less all the actors. Everyone here is a hero...

    Gogol's innovation as the author of the comedy was that in The Inspector General there is no obligatory love affair, there are no traditional virtuous persons and reasoners, and an unusually shown vice, which, at the request of the old literary laws, must certainly be punished: the frivolous "dummy" Khlestakov escaped any punishment, and rogue officials, although "petrified", but the viewer knows what awaits them with the arrival of a real auditor. The author himself disparaged his heroes with the truth of their depiction, deeply faithful showing their beings with that same humor and laughter, which, according to Gogol himself, is the only “honest”, “noble person” in The Inspector General.

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