Open Library - an open library of educational information. Russia

After winning power, the Bolsheviks had to solve two problems: to keep it in a sharp struggle with other socialist parties and to create a new statehood to replace the collapsing old one.

The Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets showed that the struggle ahead was not easy. The Mensheviks and Right Social Revolutionaries condemned the actions of the Bolsheviks and demanded that a new Cabinet of Ministers be created together with the Provisional Government. Having been refused, these factions left the congress. The Left SRs remained at the congress, but refused to enter the government.

At the suggestion of V.I. private ownership of land, egalitarian land use, periodic redistribution of land, the prohibition of rent and hired labor... In fact, this was a project of the Socialist-Revolutionaries).

At the congress, the first Soviet government was formed - the Council of People's Commissars (SNK), headed by V. I. Lenin. The All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK) was elected, which, along with the Bolsheviks, included the Left Social Revolutionaries.

The decrees adopted by the congress and the bodies elected at it were declared temporary and existed until the convocation of the Constituent Assembly.

The "Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia" adopted on November 2 proclaimed the abolition of national oppression, provided equality, self-determination of nations up to secession and the formation of an independent state, abolished all national and religious privileges and restrictions, declared the free development of any nationality.

Estates were liquidated; the civil rights of men and women were equalized; the church is separated from the state, and the school from the church.

To "combat counter-revolution, sabotage and speculation" in December 1917, the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VChK) was created, headed by F. E. Dzerzhinsky.

Following Petrograd, Soviet power was established throughout the country, but not everywhere peacefully and bloodlessly.

Only after bloody battles did the Soviets take power in Moscow, and not without weapons was the new government established in the Don, Kuban, and South Urals. Mostly peacefully, Soviet power was established in the Central Industrial Region.

In October-November, Estonia, Belarus, and Baku became Soviet. In Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, the forces that defended their sovereignty won.

In early 1918, the power of the Central Rada in Ukraine was overthrown. The Crimea and Central Asia (with the exception of Khiva and Bukhara) came under the control of the Soviets.

From the end of October 1917 to March 1918, Soviet power established itself in almost the entire territory of the former Russian Empire.

The reasons for this "triumphant procession" were that the first decrees, which were of a general democratic nature, met the vital interests of the majority of the country's population.

The Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks, who opposed the Bolsheviks, hoped to seize power with the help of the Constituent Assembly.

According to the results of the elections to the Constituent Assembly, the Bolsheviks collected 23.9% of the vote, the Social Revolutionaries - 40%, the Cadets - 4.7%, the Mensheviks - 2.3%

Lenin V.I. performing at the Tauride Palace. 1917, 4 (17) -17 (30) April. Petrograd. Photo by Volkov P.I.

- Decree about printing ( 27 OK 1917) closed all press organs that called for open resistance and disobedience to the workers and peasant government. Thus, the canceled February Revolution censorship. "As soon as the new order is consolidated, all administrative influences on the press will be stopped, full freedom within the responsibility to court, according to the broadest and progressive law in this respect." MAY 14, 1918 Gorky A.M.. wrote in the New Life newspaper:

"The Soviet government again strangled several newspapers hostile to it. It is useless to say that such a method fight it is not honest with enemies, it is useless to remind that under the monarchy decent people unanimously considered the closing of newspapers a mean business, it is useless, because the concepts of honesty and dishonesty are obviously beyond the competence and beyond interests power, insanely confident that it can create a new statehood on the basis of the old - arbitrariness and violence ... "

- 4 NYA 1917 The Council of People's Commissars received the right to issue urgent decrees without discussing them by the CEC. The government was endowed not only with executive, but also with legislative power.

- 11 NY 1917 titles, estates, ranks and ranks were eliminated

Introduction to enterprises factory-factory ( working) control (14 NY 1917-16 OK 1918) (yet 6 MAY 1917 was accepted law on the formation of factory committees)

Introduction of elected revolutionary courts and tribunals ( 22 NY 1917). Laws that contradicted the decrees of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars, as well as minimum programs RSDLP(b) and left SR parties, were cancelled. Justice was ordered to be administered on the basis of revolutionary legal consciousness.

After the capture of the Winter Palace, the majority of Ministers of the Provisional Government released surrendered in the Kremlin junker, under the "honest general" word released Krasnov P.N.. 29 DK 1917 decrees of the Council of People's Commissars "On the elective beginning and organization of power in the army" and "On the equalization of all military personnel in rights" were issued

- 15 JAN 1918 Decree of the Council of People's Commissars on the organization of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army was published. Service there was voluntary. The command staff was elected, there was no unity of command, the only structural units were detachments, the number of which could be different.

Red Guard of the plant "Vulkan"

There was a lot of work to be done to turn this army into a regular one.

Supreme council of the people farms - VSNKh(chairman from IN 1918 - Rykov A.I.) (2 DK 1917), a "Red Guard attack on capital" was carried out. The Bolsheviks actively involved workers and soldiers in the work of the state apparatus (especially in the people's commissariats of internal affairs, foreign affairs, military and naval affairs). But still, in the summer of 1918, in the central state apparatus, the share of officials with pre-revolutionary experience was more than 50% of employees, and in the economic people's commissariats 70-100%

The All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage was created under the leadership of Dzerzhinsky F.E. (7 DK 1917). Before k.IN 1918 Bolsheviks not a single one was shot politician. But already in 1917 the garrison Peter and Paul Fortress decided for each attempt on one of his leaders shoot 100 prisoners. This "initiative" was supported by prisons in many other cities of the country. In a special note to Dzerzhinsky F.E. Lenin V.I. pointed out: "The bourgeoisie commits the worst crimes, bribing the dregs of society and degraded elements, soldering them for the purposes of pogroms.

Stalin I.V. at the desk

Supporters of the bourgeoisie, especially from higher officials, from bank officials etc., sabotage work, organize strikes in order to undermine the government in its measures aimed at carrying out socialist transformations. It even comes to sabotage of food work, threatening starvation of millions of people ... Urgent measures are needed to combat counter-revolutionaries and saboteurs. "Describing the essence Cheka, Stalin I.V. pointed out that " GPU or the Cheka is punitive organ Soviet power ... He punishes mainly spies, conspirators, terrorists, bandits, speculators, counterfeiters.

It represents something like a military-political tribunal, created to protect the interests of the revolution from attempts by the counter-revolutionary bourgeoisie and their agents.

- nationalized transport ( JAN 1918). At the same time, the All-Russian Congress railroad workers dissolved VIKZhel and elected a new All-Russian Executive Committee trade union railway workers (VIK Zheldor), in which the majority of members were Bolsheviks

Railroad workers. Slavyansk

All foreign loans canceled royal and the Provisional Government FV 1918) in the amount of 16 billion rubles.

Transferred to the peasants landlord land with an area of ​​approx. 150 million hectares, as well as livestock and equipment. Debt eliminated Peasant Land Bank in the amount of 23 billion. rub. Then peasants obliged to pay rent payments local councils (nationalization) (NYA 1917-FV 1918). Thus, without prior notice, the land was introduced into mode state property. Explaining the content of this act, Lenin V.I. made no secret of the fact that the land was actually being nationalized. But formally, until 1928, it was considered not state, but popular property

Permian. Peasant Land Bank

Decree SNK about the expulsion of "kulak elements from the cooperative bodies" and the forced involvement of the cooperative apparatus in the service of the state food business ( 12 AP 1918)

- society divided by two class. In fact, it exacerbated civil war"white" and "red"

Liquidated Senate, Synod, State Council, ministries, councils, thoughts, bourgeois parties

The Congress of Soviets became the supreme body of power, and during breaks - All-Russian Central Executive Committee, people's commissariats were created, acted local authorities - Soviet bureaucratic system that used authoritarian methods of leadership

Lenin V.I. in a group of employees of the Secretariat of the Council of People's Commissars in the Kremlin. 1918 October

Food dictatorship(food orders, combos) (5 MAY 1918). At fists there were 50 million hectares of land out of 80; kulak farms gave 5% commodity of bread, middle peasants - 60%, poor - 35%

Accepted" Declaration of rights peoples Russia" (2 NY 1917), which promised equality, right on the sovereignty and self-determination for all peoples Russia. Independence proclaimed Ukraine and Finland (6 DK 1917), as well as Poland ( AV 1918).

Kyiv, the ancient capital of Russia "handsome Kiev sends you greetings" - the building of the Kiev Duma

To n.MR 1918 the period of the "triumphant march of Soviet power" is over.

Army Bank Bureaucracy State Power Political Power Leader War Provisional Government of the Cheka Supreme Council of the National Economy GPU State Apparatus State Body State Council Citizenship Action Social Declaration Decree Activity Railways Law Property Inequality

After winning power, the Bolsheviks had to solve two problems: to keep it in a sharp struggle with other socialist parties and to create a new statehood to replace the collapsing old one.

The Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets showed that the struggle ahead was not easy. The Mensheviks and Right Social Revolutionaries condemned the actions of the Bolsheviks and demanded that a new Cabinet of Ministers be created together with the Provisional Government. Having been refused, these factions left the congress. The Left SRs remained at the congress, but refused to enter the government.

At the suggestion of V.I. private ownership of land, egalitarian land use, periodic redistribution of land, the prohibition of rent and hired labor... In fact, this was a project of the Socialist-Revolutionaries).

At the congress, the first Soviet government was formed - the Council of People's Commissars (SNK), headed by V. I. Lenin. The All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK) was elected, which, along with the Bolsheviks, included the Left Social Revolutionaries.

The decrees adopted by the congress and the bodies elected at it were declared temporary and existed until the convocation of the Constituent Assembly.

The "Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia" adopted on November 2 proclaimed the abolition of national oppression, provided equality, self-determination of nations up to secession and the formation of an independent state, abolished all national and religious privileges and restrictions, declared the free development of any nationality.

Estates were liquidated; the civil rights of men and women were equalized; the church is separated from the state, and the school from the church.

To "combat counter-revolution, sabotage and speculation" in December 1917, the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VChK) was created, headed by F. E. Dzerzhinsky.

Following Petrograd, Soviet power was established throughout the country, but not everywhere peacefully and bloodlessly.

Only after bloody battles did the Soviets take power in Moscow, and not without weapons was the new government established in the Don, Kuban, and South Urals. Mostly peacefully, Soviet power was established in the Central Industrial Region.

In October-November, Estonia, Belarus, and Baku became Soviet. In Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, the forces that defended their sovereignty won.

In early 1918, the power of the Central Rada in Ukraine was overthrown. The Crimea and Central Asia (with the exception of Khiva and Bukhara) came under the control of the Soviets.

From the end of October 1917 to March 1918, Soviet power established itself in almost the entire territory of the former Russian Empire.

The reasons for this "triumphant procession" were that the first decrees, which were of a general democratic nature, met the vital interests of the majority of the country's population.

The Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks, who opposed the Bolsheviks, hoped to seize power with the help of the Constituent Assembly.

According to the results of the elections to the Constituent Assembly, the Bolsheviks collected 23.9% of the vote, the Socialist-Revolutionaries - 40%, the Cadets - 4.7%, the Mensheviks - 2.3%.

Even before the elections, the Bolsheviks declared that the Soviets were the most acceptable form of democracy. After winning a majority in the elections, their confidence has grown. However, it was unrealistic to expect that the deputies would agree to transfer power to the Bolsheviks. This decided the fate of the Constituent Assembly. On the night of January 7, 1918, by decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, it was dissolved, thereby the socialists lost all possibility of eliminating the Bolsheviks by peaceful means.

In January 1918, the Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies merged with the Soviet of Peasants' Deputies. Russia was proclaimed the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR). The All-Russian Congress of Soviets became the supreme body of power, and in the intervals between its meetings, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK) elected at it. The Council of People's Commissars remained the supreme executive body.

The new composition of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee included representatives of the Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries. However, already in March 1918, the bloc of Bolsheviks and Left Social Revolutionaries broke up. The Left Socialist-Revolutionaries left the government in protest against the Brest peace concluded on March 3. Three months later, the Mensheviks and Right SRs were withdrawn from the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and local Soviets, and in July 1918, the Left SRs, who tried to raise an anti-Bolshevik revolt in Moscow. A one-party system was established in the country.

The main reason that served to eliminate the multi-party system in the country was the signing of the Brest Peace.

As early as November 7, 1917, People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs L. D. Trotsky addressed the belligerent powers with a proposal to conclude peace. Consent was received only from Germany.

Being a supporter of the world revolution, V. I. Lenin nevertheless understood that for Russia, with its economy destroyed by the war and a weakened army, the continuation of the war would be disastrous, primarily for the Bolshevik regime. N. I. Bukharin’s group came out categorically against the conclusion of peace, hoping that the continued war would ignite the fire of the world revolution.

L. D. Trotsky defended a special position, proposing: "Demobilize the army, but do not sign peace." He believed that Germany did not have the strength to attack, and the Bolsheviks would thus be left with "clean hands" without conducting any separate negotiations. Heading the Russian delegation, he tried to drag out the negotiations, so that later, declaring that the German conditions were unacceptable for Russia, he would interrupt the negotiations. As a result of such compromise tactics, the Germans launched an offensive on the Eastern Front, and the Soviet government received an ultimatum with even more difficult conditions.

Under the threat of resignation, V. I. Lenin managed to convince the Central Committee of the party, and then the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, to accept the conditions of Germany.

Under this agreement, Russia lost Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, and some regions of the Transcaucasus.

From the first days of its existence, the new government tried to build an economic model in accordance with its ideas about it: the elimination of private ownership of the means of production, their socialization, the absence of commodity-money relations in the presence of administrative product distribution from a single center.

In November 1917, a decree and the "Regulations on workers' control" were adopted, which applied to production, the purchase and sale of raw materials and finished products, and the financial activities of enterprises. Trade secrets have been eliminated. All business correspondence, books, reports were placed at the disposal of the controllers, which could not but cause a sharp protest on the part of the industrialists.

The nationalization of private banks and individual enterprises begins, and from the summer of 1918 - of entire industrial sectors. The nationalized enterprises were transferred to the jurisdiction of the Supreme Council of the National Economy (VSNKh).

The policy of the Bolsheviks in the field of agriculture was also not very democratic.

On the basis of the decree "On granting the People's Commissar of Food Extraordinary Powers to Combat the Rural Bourgeoisie, Hiding Grain Stocks and Speculating on them," the Bolsheviks switched from bartering goods between town and country to seizing "surplus" foodstuffs and concentrating them in the hands of the People's Commissariat of Food. For the practical implementation of such a policy, armed food detachments of workers were created.

In order not to turn against themselves all sections of the village, the Bolsheviks went to the creation of kombeds (committees of the poor), which were supposed to assist the food detachments in seizing the "surplus" from the wealthy peasants. The organization of kombedov split the village into supporters and opponents of Soviet power. Seizure of grain, redistribution of grain reserves, tools, industrial products sowed enmity and hatred among the peasants. Thus, the government, which declared itself a democracy, in a short time passed to a dictatorship.

When preparing this topic, it is necessary to analyze the first decrees of the Soviet government, to identify the reasons for the so-called triumphal march of Soviet power in November 1917 - March 1918. It is also necessary to characterize the new structure of the authorities, the main events of the Bolsheviks in the socio-economic, political and cultural spheres and in the field of national relations, their results and consequences.

Peace Decree - announcement of Russia's withdrawal from the war, an appeal to all warring powers with a proposal to start peace negotiations without annexations and indemnities;

Land Decree - in fact, the Socialist-Revolutionary program for the socialization of the land, popular among the peasants, was actually adopted: the abolition of private ownership of land, the gratuitous confiscation of landowners' lands and their division among the peasants according to labor and consumer standards. The demands of the peasants are fully satisfied;

Decree on power - the proclamation of the transfer of power to the Soviets, the creation of a new power structure, the rejection of the principle of separation of powers as a bourgeois one.

It should be noted that initially the Bolsheviks turned to all socialist parties with a proposal to join the Council of People's Commissars and the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, but only the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries agreed ( got about 1/3 of the seats). Thus, until March 1918 the government was bipartisan.

The reasons " triumphal procession of Soviet power”, i.e. relatively peaceful ( except Moscow) and quickly establishing it throughout the country. The main one is the almost instantaneous implementation by the Bolsheviks ( albeit in a declarative form) of their promises, which at first provided them with the support of the population, especially the peasants.

In the political sphere:

December 18 (31), 1917- Decree on the equalization of the civil rights of men and women;

December 7 (20), 1917- creation of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission ( Cheka);

5 - 6 (18 - 19) January 1918- opening and dispersal of the Constituent Assembly by the Bolsheviks. The reason is the refusal to vote for the Declaration of the Rights of the Working and Exploited People proposed by the Bolsheviks;

January 12 (25), 1918- adoption by the III All-Russian Congress of Soviets of the Declaration of the rights of the working and exploited people: Russia was proclaimed a Soviet federal socialist republic - the RSFSR;

July 10, 1918 - the first Constitution of the RSFSR: fixed the new power structure of the Soviets. Its characteristic feature is its pronounced ideologization: the deprivation of the exploiting classes of voting rights, the course towards a world revolution, etc.;

July 1918- an unsuccessful rebellion of the Left Social Revolutionaries, who opposed the new peasant policy of the Bolsheviks and the signing of the Brest Peace with Germany. Results: the formation of a one-party government and a one-party political system in the country.

In the socio-economic sphere:

October - December 1917- decrees on the introduction of an 8-hour working day and workers' control at enterprises, the nationalization of banks and large enterprises;

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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The main decisions of the II All-Russian Congress of Soviets (October 25-27, 1917) Decree on peace Decree on land Decree on power Conclusion of a general democratic peace with the belligerent powers Solving the agrarian issue (SR agrarian program) Creation of new authorities (SNK and All-Russian Central Executive Committee)

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State authorities Council of People's Commissars (SNK) (Bolsheviks, Left SRs) All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK) (Bolsheviks, Left and Right SRs) V.I. Lenin Ya.M. Sverdlov All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VChK) F.E. Dzerzhinsky Supreme Council of the National Economy (VSNKh) N. Osinsky

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Constituent Assembly (January 5-6, 1918) Chairman V.M. an appeal to the belligerent powers to start peace negotiations; declaration proclaiming the creation of the Russian Democratic Federal Republic

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The dissolution of the Constituent Assembly (January 6-7, 1918) The Bolsheviks proposed to the Constituent Assembly to adopt the Declaration of the Rights of the Working and Exploited People, which legitimized Soviet power and its first decrees. Assembly Adoption of the Decree on the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly "The guard is tired" Zheleznyak Powers transferred to the III All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies (01/10/1918)

7 slide

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Positions in the government on the issue of the Brest Peace Immediate conclusion of a separate peace with Germany Continuation of the revolutionary war "We do not stop the war, we demobilize the army, we do not sign peace" V.I. Lenin L.D. Trotsky N.I. Bukharin

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Signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Signing of the armistice agreement Arrival of the Soviet delegation to Brest-Litovsk Soviet delegation

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Brest peace Lost territories, according to the terms of the Brest peace Poland, Lithuania, part of Latvia, Belarus and Transcaucasia were torn away from Russia. Soviet troops were withdrawn from Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Ukraine. The Black Sea Fleet with all the infrastructure was transferred to the Central Powers. Russia paid 6 billion marks in reparations, plus the payment of losses incurred by Germany during the Russian revolution - 500 million gold rubles. The Soviet government pledged to stop revolutionary propaganda in the Central Powers and allied states formed on the territory of the Russian Empire.

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Chronology of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk November 7, 1917 People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs L.D. Trotsky addressed the governments of all the warring powers on the conclusion of a general democratic peace November 14, 1917 Germany agreed to start negotiations with the Soviet government November 20, 1917 Negotiations between Soviet Russia begin and Germany November 24 to December 4, 1917 Armistice announcement December 9, 1917 Peace negotiations begin January 28, 1918 Negotiations break in response to German demands February 5, 1918 Austro-German troops begin an offensive along the entire front February 19, 1918 d. the Soviet government agreed to Germany's terms in Brest-Litovsk 22 February 1918 Germany agrees to make peace, but on new terms 23 February 1918 The Soviet government accepts Germany's terms 3 March 1918 Separate peace between Germany is concluded in Brest-Litovsk and Soviet Russia March 14, 1918 IV Extraordinary Congress of Soviets ratified the Brest peace treaty

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Consequences of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, as a result of which large territories were torn away from Russia, which fixed the loss of a significant part of the country's agricultural and industrial base, provoked opposition to the Bolsheviks from almost all political forces, both from the right and from the left. The treaty for the betrayal of the national interests of Russia almost immediately received the name "obscene peace." The Left Socialist-Revolutionaries, who were in alliance with the Bolsheviks and were part of the "Red" government, as well as the faction of the "Left Communists" within the RCP (b) that had formed, spoke of the "betrayal of the world revolution", since the conclusion of peace on the Eastern Front objectively strengthened the conservative Kaiser regime in Germany . The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk not only allowed the Central Powers, who were on the verge of defeat in 1917, to continue the war, but also gave them a chance to win, allowing them to concentrate all their forces against the Entente troops in France and Italy, and the liquidation of the Caucasian Front unleashed Turkey’s hands to act against the British on the Middle East and Mesopotamia. There is an opinion that by concluding the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and withdrawing Russia from the war, the Bolsheviks fulfilled their earlier obligations to Germany for its support in their seizure of power in Russia. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk served as a catalyst for the formation of a “democratic counter-revolution”, expressed in the proclamation of the Socialist-Revolutionary and Menshevik governments in Siberia and the Volga region, the uprising of the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries in July 1918 in Moscow, and in general the transition of the civil war from local skirmishes to large-scale battles.

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The uprising of the Left SRs Yakov Blyumkin On July 6, 1918, two Left SRs, employees of the Cheka Yakov Blyumkin and Nikolai Andreev, presenting the mandates of the Cheka, went to the German embassy in Moscow and killed the German ambassador, Count Wilhelm von Mirbach. Blumkin fired several shots at the ambassador, and Andreev, running away, threw two bombs into the living room. The ambassador died on the spot. The criminals fled. The murder of Mirbach served as a signal for the armed action of the Left SRs against the Soviet government led by the Bolsheviks. Lenin himself took over the leadership of the suppression of the rebellion. Workers from Soviet and communist agencies, delegates to the Congress of Soviets, and workers from Moscow were mobilized to fight the rebels. Within a few hours, the rebellion was eliminated.

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The first transformations of Soviet power State administration 1917 Liquidation of ministries, the Synod, the Senate and other old authorities. The convocation of the Soviets, the creation of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK) and the government - the Council of People's Commissars (SNK). The liquidation of the old judicial system and the creation of revolutionary tribunals and local courts. In the localities, power was transferred to provincial, district, city and district soviets. 1918 Rural poor committees organized. Establishment of the Council of Workers' and Peasants' Defense and its transformation into the Council of Labor and Defense in April 1921. 1921 Creation of the State Planning Commission National Question 1917 "Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of Russia" Formation of the Ukrainian Republic and the transfer of independence to Finland.

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Economic sphere 1917 Adoption of a law on workers' control, covering the financial activities of enterprises, production, trade in raw materials and products. Creation of the All-Russian Council of the National Economy (VSNKh) and local economic councils. Nationalization of banks and liquidation of financial institutions of foreign states. 1918 Liquidation of foreign and domestic loans concluded by the tsarist and Provisional governments. Decree on the socialization of the land. Nationalization and the establishment of a monopoly on foreign trade. Nationalization of food, oil, heavy industry and railway transport. The beginning of the suppression of the kulaks and the establishment of a food dictatorship. 1919 Decree on the surplus appropriation and the establishment of the policy of "war communism". 1920 Decree on universal labor service. Adoption of the plan for the State Electrification of Russia (GOELRO). 1921 Organization of the State Planning Commission. Nationalization of industry, finance, transport and communications. Replacing the surplus tax with a tax in kind, the transition to a new economic policy (NEP).

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