Fire and water. All signs of fire in astrology

The main feature of the signs of the zodiac Water is emotions. Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are associated with passionate, deep emotional processes. In this group there is such an attitude to life: everything is for love, and let the whole world fly to hell! The members of this group are often linked in chains of personal obligations to one another. Individuality cannot exist here: everyone must be identified with the beloved. In this group we find creative and unstable people. The lovers are practically inseparable. Everyone is looking for sexual and moral satisfaction in his partner. All three signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are extremely passionate, sometimes even to the extreme. The keyword of this group is INTERDEPENDENCE. This group could take advantage of some of the extraverted traits of fire signs and the practicality of earth signs.
From the point of view of sexual relations, they refer to "smoldering people", people with a long-term love passion. They are usually passive, but can become active in order to possess. Their slogan is: LOVE ME MOST, MAKE ME FEEL NECESSARY!

People of the signs of the zodiac of the element Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are subject to emotions, changeable, have a fairly strong susceptibility. They are characterized by a subconscious response to people, based on insignificant conclusions, a set of phenomena, facts of social life noted at an instinctive level. Distinctive features of people of the signs of the zodiac of the element "Water" are good adaptability and the ability to find a way out of a seemingly hopeless situation, as if water bypasses the obstacles that have arisen. The signs of the zodiac of the element Water are extremely sensitive to the state of mind of those around them, they can hardly endure the offense caused to them, they have a changeable mood, they are not deprived of compassion, they perfectly understand and understand people, they have a good inner instinct, which is why others attribute otherworldly abilities to them.
The most suitable for friendship and love relationships of the signs of the zodiac elements of Water are people of the same element and the elements of Earth, the latter is a reservoir for liquid. Not suitable for relationships is the element of Fire. With people of the element Air, water can quite get along in the case when it is not afraid of opaque air saturated with water vapor or ice crystals.
Positive qualities of the signs of the zodiac of the element Water: responsiveness, attractiveness, sociability, friendliness, poise, patience, adherence to high moral ideals, a creative, skillful category of people with the ability to understand the intentions of others.
The negative qualities of the signs of the zodiac of the element Water: inconstancy and variability of the state of mind, a tendency to idleness, susceptibility to nervous excitement, inability to understand worldly affairs, avoidance of directness, sincerity, unrestrained, dramatic nature, inclined to see only the bad in everything and often showing lack of will.

Zodiac signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Characteristics and associations of the zodiac signs of the element Water:

Zodiac sign - heated water air. Unrestrained and active;
Zodiac sign Scorpion- frozen water. Has the ability to hide intentions and moderate desires;
The sign of the zodiac is inter-ground water. He tries to avoid, go around obstacles without entering into confrontation with them. The main ability is the ability to seep, overcome, flood and prevail over all obstacles.
The talismans of the zodiac signs of the element Water are Undine and Mermaid.

Hot-tempered, quick-tempered, lively mind, quick wit, ability to flare up like wildfire. Impatience in trifles, aversion to long explanations, ability to grasp quickly, impulsiveness. You do before you see (completely thoughtless action). Refuse to repent of the results of your rashness or express discontent. You are hot-blooded, hot-headed, very sexy. You have an explosive temper. Your living warmth and ardor attracts people to you. As a rule, you are lucky, but if not, then failures follow one after another. You should also choose friends and lovers from fire or air - air is necessary for combustion. Fire is incompatible with water. Either the water evaporates or it puts out the fire. Fire can get along with earth, but there is always a danger that the earth will cool the fire, and the fire can burn the earth.
Your advantages: good at making decisions, talkative, cheerful, dynamic and optimistic, courageous, energetic, active, attractive.
Your cons: impatient, like to command, superficial, self-confident, stubborn, often angry and contradictory, indifferent, tear-headed, passionate, love to flirt.
If you are Aries, then the most fiery fire, downright oxygen-acetylene, inextinguishable (tireless). If you are a Leo, you are an even fire, burning evenly and steadily. You are not so impulsive. More firm and consistent. If you are a Sagittarius, then you are a changeable fire, lightning, lightning. You suddenly flare up but also quickly cool down and fade away.
Home conditions: You should live in cool, spacious places with an open fireplace in which the fire crackles. It is also necessary to work in a cool room and in the open air. Confined spaces where the lack of air suppresses the fire are contraindicated for you.
The symbol (talisman) of your element is a salamander that lives in fire (the Spirit of Fire, which brings you good luck).

Air (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini)

Wits, cheerful lively character, talkativeness, sociability. You are good at writing letters (when you have to), but generally prefer phones, do not like to succumb to emotions.
Prefer cold. Plans fascinate you. A couple of them are always brewing in your head. Feature - logical, reasonable arguments, explanations. That is why air signs are associated with thinking, imagination. You live in a world of ideas, thoughts. You like to operate with logical arguments, you have a clear, precise thinking. According to your element, you should choose friends and lovers from air and fire. Air is compatible with water if it is not afraid of the wind, and with the earth if it is not against the wind.
Your advantages: common sense, objectivity, a sense of collectivism, adaptability, willingness to help, impartiality, discretion, love of freedom.
Your cons: stubbornness, self-confidence, duplicity, superficiality, talkativeness and gossip, coldness and calculation, self-will, licentiousness. If you are Libra, you are a pronounced air: cold, calm, focused, your main strength is persuasion.
If you are Aquarius, then you are still air, you are under pressure. You are distinguished by the boiling of thoughts, overcome by plans. You are dying to give freedom, freedom to an unsuspecting world. If you are a Gemini, then you are changeable air - sometimes warm, sometimes cold, and sometimes both at once. On your way, you act with intelligence and charm, and in the same way, if necessary, evade.
Home conditions: air must live in open, windy places, where there is a lot of fresh air, in extreme cases, air conditioning. When working indoors, choose a table by the window. Stay outside if possible.
Your invisible spirit that patronizes and protects you is a sylph who prefers places where there is a lot of air - gardens, fields.

Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

Inconstancy, emotionality, rather acute sensitivity. Association with feelings, an instinctive reaction to people based on minor inferences, events that are subconsciously recorded. You do not need to think, you know at a fairly deep level. You are more adaptable than we think. You may think that you are in a hopeless situation, but others see that you find your way through problems, like water through obstacles. You are very sensitive to the moods of others. If someone throws a rock into your pool, it may ripple for days. You easily give in to mood swings. If someone is in trouble, you sympathize with him. You perfectly feel people, events, places. People even think you're crazy or supernatural. You can't explain why, but your premonitions tend to come true. Watermen should also choose partners from water or land - water needs land as a container. Water is not compatible with fire, but can live with air if it is not afraid of clouds in the fog.
Your advantages: sensitivity, attractiveness, sociability, goodwill, calmness, idealism, creative, artistic nature, the ability to penetrate the thoughts of others, patience.
Your cons: changeability of mood, irritability, evasiveness, stormy melodramatic character, pessimism, laziness, impracticality, spinelessness. Cancer-water vapor, indomitable, energetic. Scorpio-ice, knows how to hide his plans, freeze desires, and when necessary, thaw again. Fish - underground water. They prefer to evade, bypass obstacles rather than fight them, but the main thing is the ability to penetrate, advance, no matter what, and flood, win.
Home conditions - you should live near the water: the sea, lake, swimming pool in the garden or aquarium. Need a quiet place to work. Avoid irritable people and noisy relatives, love good views (ideally with water). Your patron is an undine, a mermaid who loves open water, but can also live in an aquarium.

Earth (Capricorn. Taurus, Virgo)

An earthly everyday person, no stunning plans and projects, practicality, reality. He calls things by their proper names and demands the same from others. You perceive only what you can see, hear, touch, what you can confirm with material things, provable facts - and no fantasies, a naga can be called a prose writer, but for practical advice, they turn to you. You really do things while others just talk about them. Few imagine your i covered depths - you are too proud and independent to open or demonstrate them.
Friends and loved ones must be chosen from earth and water - the earth needs water if you do not want to become a desert. The earth can also exist with fire, if it does not object to its occasional gaiety, and with air, provided it can endure hurricanes from time to time.
Your advantages: practicality, reliability, the ability to live on your income. You do not expect too much from life, you are consistent, persistent, hardworking, able to provide support and protection.
Your cons: dullness, lack of imagination, stinginess, pessimistic view of things, stubbornness, cruelty to oneself and others, callousness.
If you are a Capricorn, you are the most earthy, i.e. secretive, like to control the action from behind the scenes without going on stage. If you are a Taurus, you are reliable and unshakable, personify strength, unshakable like a rock, until your volcanic insides work, If you are a Virgo, then you are efficient, turn over mountains of work, etc. Your motto: Everything has its time. You move mountains with it.
Home conditions: must live on the earth, firmly pressing the soles to their element, love gardens, greenhouses and flower boxes in my windows, as a compromise. You need quiet stability, reliable operation, everything in its place.
Your spirit that brings good luck is a gnome, he lives in an inconspicuous crust, in a garden, he can live in a greenhouse, in a window box with plants.

Astrologers have long noticed a certain similarity in the characteristics of people born under the same zodiac signs.
Signs of the zodiac - what is it, where from, characteristics, dates, elements, crosses - all this, see on this page.

Zodiac signs- constellations located in the thirty-degree sectors of the celestial sphere through which the Sun passes in a year (see the figure above). Hence (360/30) and 12 signs of the zodiac, each of which is in its own sector: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. There is also the 13th sign of the zodiac - Ophiuchus (the story with him is not entirely clear), according to tradition, he was not included in the general group of signs.

The first sign of the zodiac is Aries - because the beginning of the movement of the Sun in the celestial sphere, in the main astrological traditions, is considered the "point of the vernal equinox" (rising exactly in the East, sunset exactly in the West) occurs on March 20th and is currently in the constellation Pisces. Why are they counting from Aries? It so happened - in ancient times, the "point of the vernal equinox" was in the constellation Aries, but over the past millennium it has shifted to the sign of Pisces.

Each of the signs has the main characteristics: the date of the zodiac sign - when the Sun is in this sign; the corresponding element is Fire, Earth, Air, Water; friendly planet - patron; more details in the table below.

The main characteristics of the signs of the zodiac, dates, elements

p/p Zodiac sign: Symbol: The date: Element: Planet:
1. Aries from March 21 to April 20 Fire Mars, Pluto Aries horoscopes
2. Taurus April 21 to May 21 Earth Venus Taurus horoscopes
3. Twins from May 22 to June 21 Air Mercury Gemini horoscopes
4. Crayfish from June 22 to July 22 Water Moon Cancer horoscopes
5. a lion from July 23 to August 23 Fire Sun Leo horoscopes
6. Virgo from August 24 to September 23 Earth Mercury Virgo horoscopes
7. Scales from September 24 to October 23 Air Venus Libra horoscopes
8. Scorpion from October 24 to November 22 Water Mars, Pluto scorpio horoscopes
9. Sagittarius from November 23 to December 21 Fire Jupiter horoscopes Sagittarius
10. Capricorn from December 22 to January 20 Earth Saturn Capricorn horoscopes
11. Aquarius from January 21 to February 19 Air Saturn, Uranus Aquarius horoscopes
12. Fish from February 20 to March 20 Water Jupiter, Neptune Pisces horoscopes

It is worth noting that the end dates of the signs of the zodiac are "playing", sometimes they shift by a day, who is affected - it does not hurt to clarify for a specific year.

Characteristics of the elements of the zodiac signs

Element signs Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - Fire : hot, quick-tempered character, lively mind, quick wit. Impatience in trifles, aversion to long explanations, the ability to quickly grasp the main thing, impetuosity. They are hot-blooded, hot-headed, very sexy. They have an explosive temperament. Their lively warmth and ardor attract people. As a rule, they are lucky, but if not, then failures come one after another (for more details, see your classic horoscope).

Element signs Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - Earth: earthly, worldly person, without stunning plans and projects, practicality and reality. He calls things by their proper names and demands the same from others. They perceive only what they can see, hear and touch, what can be confirmed by material things, provable facts - and no fantasies. They are the ones to turn to for practical advice. They really do things while others just talk about them.

Element signs Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - Air: intelligence, cheerful, lively character, talkativeness, sociability. They are a kind of family "translator", an interpreter, they do not like to succumb to emotions. They prefer coldness. Plans overwhelm them. Several of them are always in your head. Feature - logical, reasonable arguments, explanations. That is why air signs are associated with thinking, imagination. They live in a world of ideas, thoughts, they like to operate with logical arguments, they have clear, precise thinking.

Element signs Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - Water: inconstancy, emotionality, rather acute sensitivity. Association with feelings, an instinctive reaction to people based on minor inferences, events that are subconsciously recorded. They may think that they are in a hopeless situation, but others see that they find their way through problems, like water through obstacles. They are very sensitive to the moods of others. If someone throws a stone into their pool, it may ripple for days. They are easily moody. They perfectly feel people, events, places. People even consider them abnormal or supernatural. Their premonitions usually come true.

Also, all signs of the zodiac are divided according to their characteristics into three fours (crosses):
1. Cardinal Cross - Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn: dates fall at the beginning of one of the four seasons, when a new process is born, in these signs their Elements (Fire, Water, Air, Earth) are maximally active.
2. Fixed, permanent cross - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius: dates fall in the middle of one of the seasons, when nature is in a stable state, the corresponding Elements are as stable as possible.
3. Mutable Cross - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces: dates fall at the end of one of the seasons, when nature is unstable and changeable, the elements are in a state of medium, moderate mobility.

Each sign of the Zodiac is a certain type of energies called "elements". There are only four of them in astrology. Two of them are active - Fire and Air (they are considered "positive", male, active). The other two elements are passive. These are Water and Earth - "negative", female, perceiving. The names of the elements in astrology are well known to everyone, but they do not quite coincide with those substances that are tangible by a person on a daily basis.

Equilateral triangles can be inscribed in. There are four of them - according to the number of elements. The vertices of these triangles unite the signs of the Zodiac into groups, one for each specific element. Counting from the day in the first group include the signs of Fire: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. The triangle, starting from the point of the summer solstice, includes Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. The next three are Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. They are united by a triangle, the first vertex of which is the point of the autumnal equinox. These signs are subject to the elements of Air. The triangle that groups earthly Taurus and Virgo starts from the top at the point of the winter solstice.

Briefly about the main

The thinnest material element is Fire. It is expressed in each of us, but this element was most fully generated, which manifests itself in the aspirations and spiritual orientation of a person. Fire is the world of thoughts and ideas. It exists at an abstract level and is perceived by the same abstract tool as thinking is.

Briefly, in one key word, the horoscope describes as follows: Aries - aspiration, Leo - confidence, Sagittarius - leadership. The second sign is fixed (permanent). On a psychological level, Leo manifests himself as an executive and constant type. Aries, belonging to the main ones, is characterized by activity, energy, initiative. Sagittarius is mutable, which requires constant action from him to maintain emotional and other balance.

Signs of Fire: details about each

Aries are active, energetic, ambitious, restless and stubborn. They strive to be the first and achieve what they want in any way. Confident and courageous, but until adulthood they can be naive idealists and romantics, which brings many disappointments. Aries are often charming and original people who are in the spotlight. They are trusting, sincere and loyal. They love independence, do not know how to restrain emotions, are very demonstrative in expressing their views. Noble - they always try to come to the aid of those who are in misfortune. Unforgiving, impatient. Failure in business relationships or rejected love does not plunge them into long philosophizing. This, on the contrary, encourages them to take active steps in search of alternatives.

Leo is a sign of Fire and is ruled by the Sun. These people are energetic, sincere and creative. But this is one side. On the other hand, Lions are stubborn, proud and conceited. They like to be on top and rule, occupying a prominent position in society. By nature, they are leaders and leaders. But to achieve the goal with painstaking work is beyond their strength. They want everything, a lot and at once. For them, the opinion of others is important. Men are very assertive and able to defend their point of view with their fists. Women tend to look sophisticated, which is not always and not everyone succeeds. Lions can be very noble, but do not encroach on their pride - there will be no trace of this quality.

Sagittarians are restless personalities, which is manifested in their desire to learn, see and do everything in the world. Their minds are full of ideas. They often rely on intuition, and it rarely fails them. Straightforward, no matter what. They perceptively observe life and do not hold back from expressing their opinion about the environment. Natures are passionate, prone to romance. In feelings and intentions honest and direct. Sociable, but often lonely, as they are incorrigible idealists-maximalists. They are able to trust people even after disappointments, they believe in love and friendship endlessly. An ineradicable faith in the best is one of the secrets of Sagittarius' success.

Fire Signs Compatibility

The compatibility horoscope of fire signs speaks of harmonious relationships in such pairs: Aries-Sagittarius. He warns of big problems in the union of the signs of the same name: Aries-Aries, Leo-Leo, Sagittarius-Sagittarius. One can believe this, knowing that the fire goes out when the flames of two fires converge, directed at each other.

At the time of birth, the Sun is in one of the 12 signs of the Zodiac. Each sign is a combination of two energy characteristics: the element and the type of its manifestation. There are four elements of the horoscope, representing the main types of energy: fire, earth, air and water.

4 elements of the horoscope

The element of the horoscope shows a certain kind of consciousness and a method of direct perception to which a person is tuned. Each of the four elements manifests itself in three forms, reflecting the type of manifestation, quality and direction of the elements: cardinal, fixed and mutable.

Since the signs that manifest one form or another are crosswise in relation to each other, such a division is called crosses. In astropsychology, crosses symbolize the strategy of an individual's behavior. Every person has all kinds of energy. Only one is more pronounced, the other less. It depends on the total number of planets that fall into each element. We will consider the element and the cross of the sign of the Sun.

"The element of a sun sign horoscope is usually the dominant element in considering the overall psychological makeup of a person. The element of the sun sign shows many things: it reveals where you come from. In other words, it shows where your consciousness is rooted, what sphere of experience you are attuned to and from what sphere of being and activity do you draw strength.

The element of the sun sign also shows what is "real" for a given person, since it is the subconscious assumption of what is real and what is not that determines how a person will focus his energy. It also determines the most important need for energy replenishment, since this is the main energy that we are constantly depleting. "(S. Arroyo)

4 elements of the horoscope. Element Fire

What is the element of Fire? This is our vital energy, physical activity, will. Fire people are people of action, strength, and significant belief in themselves. They are very active, mobile, often aggressive. They are characterized by impulsiveness, enthusiasm, sincerity.

Signs of the elements Fire: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

In the three signs, the element of Fire goes through three stages of development. These stages determine the presence of three behavioral strategies. The first is the stage of origin and rapid growth. cardinal position. This is an action in a certain direction, movement towards a goal, an initiative. The exponent of the Fire element in the cardinal strategy is Aries.

The second stage is stabilization and strengthening. A fixed position, symbolizing constancy, stability and perseverance. The strategy of fixed signs will be a wait-and-see attitude. And its expression is the sign of Leo. The third stage will be rebirth and transformation.

The strategy at this stage will be adaptation to the environment, flexibility, adaptability to circumstances. This position is called mutable, from the English word "capable of change." And the sign of Sagittarius serves as a channel for the fiery element in its mutable manifestation.

Through the synthesis of elements and strategy, we can give a figurative description of the fiery element in each sign. I like the description given by P. Maksimov in the "Short Course of Scientific Astrology": "The fire of Aries is the hottest, burning. It is a physical fire. The most impulsive. "Here and now."

The fire of the Lion is no longer so hot, it illuminates and warms everything around, it is bright so that as many people as possible can see it. Light on stage. The fire of Sagittarius is no longer fire at all, but light or hot air over cooling coals.

It no longer burns, it does not shine everywhere, it illuminates the path. Sagittarius is somewhat close to air in its intellectual orientation. A beam of light from above (or up)."

Now, from a practical point of view - what gives you the knowledge that you, or someone close to you, belong to the fire element?

From the point of view of personal application, you first of all gain knowledge of your most important need for energy replenishment and the most powerful channel for replenishment of resources. Fire signs draw energy from the Sun, fire and physical activity.

If you feel tired or in a bad mood, light a candle, if the weather is nice - go out into the sun, if possible, go to the gym, fitness club, or just do some physical activity.

In addition, the replenishment of vital energy and the successful resistance to stress are also facilitated by interaction with other people of the fiery type. In joint activities, you will be able to replenish each other's resources without making any special efforts and getting mutual pleasure from it.

From the point of view of external application, knowing that your partner belongs to the fire element will allow you, in NLP terms, to "speak in the language of the interlocutor." This will help you to match your expectations with the needs, opportunities and aspirations of the interlocutor. Remember that his consciousness is set to consider everything through the prism of the fiery element - active influence on the environment and situation.

At the same time, do not try to restrain the initiative of Aries, this will only cause irritation. Try to find a productive way to channel his energy in a positive direction. Don't rush Leo. Remember that he is the king of beasts and respect his measured actions, which will surprise you with constancy, loyalty, generosity and creativity.

Do not be dismissive of the advice and statements of Sagittarius. Perhaps you will be annoyed by his desire to generalize and philosophize everything. But remember that its fire illuminates the path to the goal, it is able to expand your vision of the situation, the necessary actions and give you confidence in yourself.

“The element of the solar sign determines the most important need for energy replenishment, since this is the main energy that we constantly deplete. We have all heard the expression that a person is “not in his element”, that is, he is dealing with a sphere of activity that is alien to him true nature.

For example, an airy person who is trying to give up his intellectual needs and earn his living by working as a laborer is likely to feel out of his element. If this person does not compensate for this by participating in social or intellectual activities in his spare time, he will gradually deplete himself, because his air element of the horoscope will not be recharged.

In other words, the element of the sun sign is the fuel that a person needs to feel alert and healthy! It is the source of our main energy, allowing us to replenish our vitality to cope with the stresses and demands of everyday life.

Although in theory a person can compensate for spending most of his time on work in which he feels "out of his element", any person must find the type of work that will truly fit his horoscope element if he wants this the profession satisfied him for a long time." (S. Arroyo)

4 elements of the horoscope. Element Earth

The earth element of the horoscope is our material world, our ability to be "here and now", practicality and realism. People of the earth element of the horoscope are reliable and hardworking, they do everything very thoroughly and are always aimed at obtaining a specific result. Their firmness and constancy lead to admiration, but slowness and some coldness can make those who do not have enough earthly elements nervous.

Signs of the elements Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

The earth signs are Taurus (fixed cross), Virgo (mutable cross) and Capricorn (cardinal cross). I will repeat the main essence of the position of each cross: a cardinal cross is an action in a certain direction, a movement towards a goal, an initiative; fixed - constancy, stability and perseverance, waiting position; mutable - adaptation to the environment, flexibility, adaptability to circumstances. Those. each of the three signs acts, waits or adapts within the framework of the earth element - our material world, on the earthly, physical level.

If you belong to the sign of the earth element, then you need to know about the significant power that the earth can give you. Touching the ground will help you tune in to the power of growth of trees and plants, feel like a part of nature and fill you with colossal strength. Any activity related to the objects of the material world or material values, the use and mastery of natural processes, will help you feel in your element.

If you feel energy depletion, first of all take care of your body: massage, salt or mud baths, any salt cleansing, masks, scrubs, peeling, etc. Body work is your resource. Any body-oriented therapy will help restore strength. Physical relaxation, relaxation is the first thing you should strive for in stressful situations. And then the body itself will begin to restore your energy, which will lead to the rectification of any situation.

If someone from your environment was born under the sign of the earth element, remember their instinctive attunement to the material world and its practical use. When interacting with people of the earth element, always keep in mind that they consider everything through the prism of practicality, expediency and the possibility of real application. At the same time, Taurus is the most stubborn, but also the most patient.

Don't try to change it. He can remain silent about his displeasure for a long time, avoiding conflict, but in the end he will surprise you with the strength with which he will fight back when his patience runs out. Virgos will be able to adapt to any circumstances and benefit from them for themselves. On the one hand, they are complaisant and executive, but, on the other hand, high demands on themselves and others make them sometimes be too critical and grouchy.

If you take their comments or attacks calmly, you can benefit greatly from communicating with them, thanks to their analytical mind and ability to soberly assess the situation. When communicating with Capricorns, remember that unmanifested sensitivity can be hidden behind external dryness.

They do not want to let anyone into their inner world. Let them know that you are ready to share any feelings with them, but do not violate the boundaries they set. Learn from them purposefulness, independence, the ability to plan your actions and cut off everything unnecessary.

4 elements of the horoscope. Element Air

The element of air is intelligence, communication, information exchange, abstract thinking. The air element includes Gemini (mutable cross), Libra (cardinal) and Aquarius (fixed). People of the air element are easy-going, very mobile, have a lively mind. They grasp everything quickly, but rarely remember something for a long time.

Signs of the element Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

They are sociable, easily adapt to new ideas and people, but are not always disciplined. If you are an air sign, you should know that fresh air is your main source of energy. During the holidays, it is better for you to relax in the mountains or in the forest. This will help you recharge your batteries for the next few months. It is ideal, of course, to live in such an area, but this is not always possible.

If you live in the city, then walking in the parks, going out into the countryside on the weekends will help you recover after a working week. Breathing exercises are a great way to relieve stress and clear energy. Give them at least a few minutes a day - and you will establish contact with the resource element for you.

Communication with people of the air type will also help to feel a surge of strength. In general, any communication, as well as the collection and exchange of information is the best resource for you in crisis situations.

If one of your loved ones belongs to an air sign, then, on the one hand, you should be patient, because. their peculiar lightness, excessive rationalism and lack of emotional depth often cause irritation. On the other hand, you get an excellent opportunity, using the intellectual resources of your partner, to expand your own knowledge in a particular area.

At the same time, do not expect constancy from Gemini and do not blame him for unreliability. Useless. It is better to listen to what he says - and the Gemini speak a lot - and you will learn a lot of interesting and useful things about yourself and the world. Do not force the representative of Libra to engage in hard physical labor or any activity that requires thoughtless application of strength. Their sophistication does not accept this. Libras are great partners.

Their purposefulness and flexibility will help you see new goals in life. The unpredictability and love of freedom of Aquarius in intimate relationships can create the feeling that you are sitting on a powder keg. To some extent, this is indeed true. However, there is a plus in the Aquarian desire for novelty. Their ability to generate new ideas and perseverance in achieving them will definitely benefit you as well. Aquarians always care about friends and loved ones.

4 elements of the horoscope. Element Water

The water element of the horoscope is our emotionality, intuition, sensitivity. "Water signs are in touch with their feelings, they are attuned to the subtleties and nuances that other people do not even notice. The water element of the horoscope represents the realm of deep emotions and emotional reactions, ranging from forced outbursts of feelings and overwhelming fears to an all-encompassing love for the universe" (C .Arroyo).

Signs of the elements Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

Water signs tend to be vulnerable to resentment and have a strong need for security. "However, the sensitivity of water signs should not be considered a weakness, since water has tremendous power and penetrating power, especially if it is purposefully directed in the right direction" (S. Arroyo). The elements of Water include Cancer (cardinal cross), Scorpio (fixed) and Pisces (mutable).

The main source of replenishment of energy for these signs is water, especially running water. The best pastime would be hiking or driving to a river, lake, sea or ocean. This will positively affect the physical, emotional and mental state.

For those who belong to the water signs, the best way to relieve stress is with a cool shower. If this is not possible, then at least just wash yourself or stand by the running water. It will take away negative emotions. And always remember that intuition is your most powerful resource.

If any of your loved ones belong to a water sign, try to be tolerant of their touchiness. After all, their sensitivity and ability to empathize can provide you with significant support in difficult moments, and intuitiveness will prompt a way out of the crisis better than any lengthy reflection. Provide a sense of security to Cancers, and they will create such a hearth for you, where you will be pulled all your life.

Scorpio authority and the desire for possession often act overwhelmingly on others. However, their emotional intensity, sexuality and magnetism make them so attractive that it often does not even occur to many to resist their influence.

Pisces, with their dreaminess and impracticality, can, of course, create problems for you, but they cannot be surpassed in intuitiveness, spirituality and the ability to love. Open up to their love - and their shortcomings will go by the wayside for you.

Elena Korionenko,

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