Loneliness of older people examples from the literature. The problem of lonely old age

After reading a lot of texts, we have fished out the most popular problems regarding old age. All of them will be useful in writing an essay on the exam in the Russian language. The arguments, selected by us taking into account the specifics of the criteria, form the basis of this work. All of them are available for download in the table format at the end of the article.

  1. A.S. Pushkin in the story "The Stationmaster" writes about Samson Vyrin, who was abandoned by his daughter Dunya, leaving with a young officer. The old man missed her very much and wanted to take care of her, but the kidnapper of his daughter simply pushed the visiting parent out the door. Some time after the death of the caretaker, some lady came to the place of the grave with three children and lay there for a long time. After that, she gave a nickel to the son of the brewer, who accompanied her there, and left. It was the same Dunya who could not get used to the idea that with her indifference she had killed the grandfather of her children.
  2. K. G. Paustovsky in the story "Telegram" writes about an elderly woman Katerina Petrovna from the distant village of Zaborye. She had only one daughter, who lived in Leningrad, and they did not see each other for three years. The old woman did not want to interfere, so she almost did not get in touch. The daughter only sometimes transferred money to her. Once Katerina Petrovna asked Nastya to come, but she did not have time: she ended up in the village only on the second day after the funeral. The daughter felt guilty before her mother for her lonely old age, and stealthily left the village so that no one would see.

The role of old age in human life

  1. The German writer Hermann Hesse in the text "On Old Age" wrote that old age is a new step in a person's life. According to the author, people should accept and recognize their old age. At this stage, you need to perform a large number of tasks, no less than at a young age. If a person eludes them and despises his old age, he will turn out to be an unworthy representative of this stage of life.
  2. In Leo Tolstoy's epic novel War and Peace, the old prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky is present. Despite his advanced age, the hero of the work is full of vitality. He is constantly working: writing memoirs, making calculations from higher mathematics, gardening, looking after buildings. In addition, the prince is interested in what is happening in the field of politics and the military situation in Russia. Old age does not at all prevent Nikolai Bolkonsky from leading a busy lifestyle.

The problem of perception of old age

  1. The story of K. G. Paustovsky “The Old Chef” describes an elderly man who is seriously ill, and is fully aware and accepts an imminent death. He wants to confess before his death, but is unable to invite a priest. Therefore, instead of a clergyman, a simple passer-by comes. He forgives the sins of the old cook and even grants a wish. With the help of music helps the dying person to see the past. The old man recognizes his name and calmly departs to another world.
  2. MM. Prishvin in the story "The Old Mushroom" describes a man of advanced age who talked about old age. One day, his friend was called an old mushroom, and he remembered how he went to the forest. There was a russula, from which the birds and the narrator himself drank after the rain. That is, this mushroom was beneficial, and later had to give seeds in order to produce offspring. The comrade of the narrator was also useful, despite his old age.
  3. Disrespect for older generations

    1. A.P. Chekhov in the play "The Cherry Orchard" tells about an old servant named Firs, who loved, respected his masters and served them all his long life. One day, the residents of the house had to move. They were going to send an elderly man to the hospital, but this was far from a priority task for them. As a result, the gentlemen left, leaving Firs alone in the boarded-up house. There he died.
    2. In the novel in verse by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" mentions the uncle of the protagonist, who became seriously ill and lay dying. Eugene courted him, but it was a burden to him, and he thought to himself about how tiring such a pastime was. Onegin dreamed of the speedy death of the patient in order to quickly throw off the burden of responsibility and receive an inheritance. The author conveys the following thought of a young man: "What a low deceit to amuse a half-dead." However, such thoughts give off cynicism and expose the petty and selfish nature of the speaker. We, young and healthy, owe our lives and everything we have to these “half-dead” people.
    3. Age discrepancy

      1. In the story of I. A. Bunin "Youth and old age" we are talking about a Kurd who told a parable to a handsome Greek. The main idea was that a person should perform only his functions, not wasting his life on earning wealth and protecting it. Then mentally he will remain young, and will be old only in body. Kurd argues that you need to maintain humanity and dignity in yourself, then with age you will not become grouchy.

What is loneliness? How should a person deal with this feeling? Why do people get lonely? These and other questions are touched upon in the text by the well-known publicist B.P. Ekimov. However, the author considers the problem of loneliness in most detail.

To better understand this topical issue, B.P. Ekimov analyzes the reasons why a person experiences a feeling of loneliness. The author refers to the dialogue between Mariana and father and son. The nanny lived out her lonely days in a nursing home without complaining about life: “In general, she was invigorated with all her might and clearly tried to convince us how good, nice life she was. » The prose writer draws readers into the circle of experiences of his hero, describing his inner state. Mariana felt lonely in this house, but she pretended that she was fine: “It was felt that if we offered her now to leave this wonderful shelter with a wonderful well-established life and go home with us, she would go to the car without hesitation. »

The position of the author of the text is expressed clearly and unambiguously. The publicist gives very convincing arguments in favor of the need to take care of lonely people, help them so that there are more positive moments in their lives.

It is difficult to disagree with the opinion of the author. It is unlikely that anyone will deny that a lonely person needs support. You need to think more often about the people around you, because maybe among them there are lonely people who need help.

My agreement with the author's position can be substantiated by the following literary example. Let us recall the work of M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" Lonely people usually become those who for some reason do not accept society, the laws of life, etc. Pechorin is uncommon, so he is always alone. They cannot understand him, from this he tries to isolate himself from the whole world. Pechorin is trying to realize himself, but these attempts turn into suffering and loss.

An excellent example of the problem of human loneliness is the story of F.M. Dostoevsky "White Nights". The writer tells about a lonely Dreamer, whose happiness did not take place. The hero meets a girl, Nastenka, in whom he finds salvation from loneliness and truly falls in love with her. However, Nastya leaves the dreamer, but apologizes for the betrayal in a letter. The protagonist forgives her and still continues to love, left alone in a cold city that does not understand him.

I read the text of B.P. Ekimov with interest, and I think that readers will think about the problem raised by the author and understand how important it is to sympathize with people who experience loneliness.

Very often, having lived a hard life, full of painful memories and caring for loved ones, in their declining years, old people eke out their existence in nursing homes. Why do older people spend the last years of their lives alone? B.P. invites us to think about this question. Yekimov.

Analyzing the problem, the narrator gives the example of the story of his nanny, who is forced to spend the rest of her life in a nursing home. The hero focuses on the reputation of the place, on the quality of service and on the positive feedback from Maryana herself, however, he and his father, by the behavior and look of the woman, notice that if the nanny had the opportunity to return home, she would not hesitate to leave "this wonderful shelter" . Mariana spent her whole life caring for others, and even when she got into a nursing home, she got a free job in the kitchen and "was very pleased with her career." This woman asked to give the rest of her pension to the younger brother of the protagonist and with her whole appearance tried to portray happiness and former young agility - however, the narrator felt that it was only a mask. To his own shame, he felt that, no matter how Maryana tried to convince everyone of the well-being of her own existence, she would in any case want to live the rest of her life with her loved ones. The hero's heart told him that he had done wrong, and the nanny's death without a trace only agitated his conscience more.

The author believes that always and under any circumstances it is necessary to appreciate what our loved ones do and have done for us. Care and respect are only a small part of how we can thank them for their universal kindness, but many even forget about this.

I fully agree with the opinion of the publicist and also believe that none of us has the right to undeservedly doom our loved ones to a lonely old age. All of us should appreciate and respect those who put their soul into us.

In the story of A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryona Dvor", the author describes the lonely old age of a woman who spent her whole life caring for loved ones. Matrena always selflessly helped everyone around, and in return she received only indifference. No matter how unfavorable fate was for her, Matrena always responded to everything with good nature and friendliness and never burdened those around her with her requests - and in response to strangers she always responded with responsiveness. However, when a woman really needed help, she did not follow either from her adopted daughter, or from her neighbors, or from her friends and sisters - they were only able to share the poor belongings of the heroine after her death.

In the novel by I. S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”, the writer describes the disdainful attitude of the protagonist towards his elderly parents, who loved their son with all their hearts. Eugene was bothered by their care and attention, he did not understand how important he was for his family and therefore did not show reciprocal feelings and was in no hurry to please his parents with his arrival. The hero seemed cold towards his parents and only in the face of death did he realize that their love was the most sincere and pure feeling in his life. Bazarov realized too late that he should have spent more time with his family and given her love and care while there was such an opportunity.

Thus, we can conclude that care, love and attention are the least that we can give to our loved ones, who are attached to us with all their hearts. And if there is an opportunity to fill someone's life with meaning, it will be at least cruel to miss it.

please help me in Russian language. Arguments on the problem of loneliness from liters, life, journalism, etc. and received the best answer

Answer from Nata[guru]
the problem of loneliness has always been relevant, and many authors of literary works have always turned to this topic with interest.
For example, the theme of loneliness by M. Yu. Lermontov. A difficult childhood, a lonely adult life - everything left an imprint on the poet's work, found its way out in it. Contemporaries describe Lermontov as a closed, sharp person. Perhaps he was so because he met few people on his way who met his high intellectual and moral requirements, perhaps for a number of other reasons. But loneliness is clearly read in every poem by Lermontov, his gloomy motives replace the life-affirming poetry of A. S. Pushkin. But from the amount of sorrow and loneliness, his poems do not cease to fascinate, do not cease to please.
How terrible is this life of shackles
We are alone to drag.
Share the fun - everyone is ready:
Nobody wants to share sadness.
I am alone here, like the king of the air,
Suffering in the heart is constrained,
And I see how fate obediently
Years go by like dreams;
And they come again, with a gilded one,
But the same old dream
And I see a solitary coffin,
He is waiting; why linger over the earth?
No one will break about it
And they will (I'm sure)
Have more fun about death
What about my birth ...
Lermontov's "Demon" is the embodiment of absolute loneliness. However, he did not achieve it himself, he sought unlimited freedom. his image causes sympathy and regret, he is humane and sublime. the demon is lonely involuntarily, he suffers from his heavy, like a curse, loneliness and is full of longing for spiritual intimacy. Cast down from heaven and declared an enemy of the celestials, he could not become his own in the underworld and did not get close to people.
"Loneliness in the Net" is one of the brightest and most interesting books about loneliness. To
The heroes of his book get to know each other on the Internet, in chat rooms, spend a lot of time talking, and exchange life stories, fantasies that can confuse many. And then they meet in reality, in Paris, and this is where the story of a real relationship begins. The heroes go through many trials, the main of which is the meeting itself .... "Of all that is eternal, love has the shortest time." - said the author, and he is probably right. But from any rule there are exceptions that confirm it. It is for such exceptions that one should hope, moreover, boldly believe in them. No other way.

Probably, few people thought about their future old age. What is she? Old age in the circle of close and dear people - children, grandchildren, friends? Or such a lonely old age as in the story of K. G. Paustovsky "Telegram"?

The main character is Katerina Ivanova, an old, lonely woman who lives in the countryside. Her daughter Nastya lives in the city, who has not been visiting her for four years. The author shows the image of a woman with deep compassion: she was left “alone in the world” in her old age. Katerina Ivanovna lived out her last days alone.

In my opinion, daughter Nastya was mistaken, leaving her mother alone. It is hard for a person to live when he realizes that no one needs him. Katerina Ivanovna did not need much. She just wanted her daughter to visit her.

Everyone, sooner or later, becomes old and old. The responsibility for his peaceful old age falls on the shoulders of his children. They must help him. This help should be expressed not only in monetary terms, but also in communication and attention.

Lonely old age happens for various reasons. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in the story "The Stationmaster" also shows a terrible picture of the loneliness of an elderly person. The hero of the story, Samson Vyrin, abandoned by his daughter Dunya because of her beloved, is going through parting with his daughter in the same way as Katerina Ivanovna. In the novel by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, Plyushkin was left alone in his old age through his own fault. Because of the fear that the children will ruin him, eat him up, he removes them from himself and turns into complete insignificance. The loss of family feelings and ties leads him to degradation.

Each of us will someday grow old and may be in the place of these heroes. We must love and remember our parents and loved ones. After all, we owe our birth to our parents. It was they who laid in us such qualities of character and brought up in us such feelings that allowed us to live with dignity in society.

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Lonely old age (essay in the format of part C of the Unified State Examination)
Litra.RU::Lonely old age (essay in the format of part C of the Unified State Examination) Telegram Paustovsky K.G.

The problem of loneliness: an example from the literature, an argument

The problem of loneliness: an example from the literature, an argument. The problem of human loneliness

The problem of loneliness has been relevant at all times. It also exists in the modern world. Of course, today people use the Internet and various means of communication that allow them to communicate unlimitedly. However, according to psychologists, the one who most often turns to social networks, more than others, feels a sense of loneliness, that is, the absence of a soul mate. Sometimes such a person comes up with any life events and stories. And this is all in order to attract attention. Often the problem of loneliness arises in those people who do not want to accept the society that surrounds them.

They oppose themselves to others, try in every possible way to protect themselves from the whole world and often go against generally accepted norms and traditions.

It is easier to accept the existence of a problem when a person does not have family, friends and loved ones. However, situations are different. Sometimes a feeling of loneliness visits a person who is surrounded by relatives. Unfortunately, such a phenomenon exists, although it seems simply incredible.

So, there is the problem of the loneliness of a child in the world of adults. The arguments given by psychologists testify to the danger of this phenomenon. After all, fears and emotions experienced at an early age have a strong influence on the formation of personality, and, consequently, on the whole life of a person. That is why adults should pay attention to the problem of their baby.

What are the reasons why a child becomes lonely? The most obvious of them is the lack of attention from people close to him. Often, adults are so absorbed in their worries and problems that they simply do not have enough free time for their child. Think about it, maybe in your family there was such a situation? If yes, then it requires immediate correction. And there is a weighty argument in favor of such a step. The problem of loneliness, according to psychologists, leads to the fact that children become withdrawn, oppressed and alienated. The child, left to himself for a long time, goes into the world of thoughts and fantasies he has created.

The reason for loneliness at an early age may be the wrong approach of parents to education. Some fathers and mothers mistakenly believe that they know better than the child himself what he needs. In this case, the interests of an unformed personality are ignored. It is impossible to exert such pressure on a small person. And on this occasion, psychologists have a weighty argument. The problem of loneliness that has arisen in the process of such upbringing can alienate the child from his parents, as it will gradually degenerate into misunderstanding.

The problem that has arisen requires immediate elimination. Of course, the ways to solve it are not easy, but they exist. The constant efforts of people close to him will help drive away the feeling of loneliness from the child. Parental love will serve as the main assistant in this. But it should not be expressed in material wealth, but in sincere sensitivity, care and participation in the life of the baby. You need to constantly be interested in the affairs of your child and not dismiss him when he invites you to play with him.

The problem of child loneliness in literary works

Many writers and publicists raised the topic of lack of attention to the life and interests of a small person. They often discussed how the problem of loneliness arises. Arguments from the literature that can be given on this topic - the story of Pavel Sanaev - "Bury me behind the plinth." The protagonist of the work is the boy Sasha Savelyev. He tells readers about lost dreams and unfulfilled hopes due to the moral indifference of adults. The boy has no toys and no friends. All this is replaced by only a small mouse. When she is gone, Sasha will fully feel the loneliness of a child among adults.

The same feeling seizes the heroine of the story written by Dina Sabitova “Three of your names”. This is a story about the terrible fate of a girl who went through a real hell of a half-starved impoverished life, first in her own family, and then in an orphanage and with foster parents.

Often, representatives of the strong half of humanity do not have any attachments and close ties. Some men consider this condition the norm. Is it so? To understand this issue, it is necessary to consider what kind of argument is given by psychologists in opposition to this.

The problem of loneliness, according to experts, may lie in inadequate self-esteem of a man. Such a person simply moves away from relationships with the people around him. He is afraid of criticism of his abilities and talents, which will bring him pain.

The reason for the loneliness of a man may be the lack of communication skills in communicating with others. Often the basis of such immaturity is shyness, which arose due to psychological trauma received in childhood or adolescence.

The cause of male loneliness can be the presence of social phobia. The roots of this phenomenon lie deep and lie in the imposition of an adult opinion on the boy. For example, the beginning of a visit to a kindergarten with a psychological unpreparedness of the baby. This causes fear and leads to a desire to spend time alone, away from other children.

The reason for the isolation of a man can be a psychopathology, expressed in depression, autism, schizophrenia, a tendency to alcoholism. The problem of loneliness also arises in those young guys who have a strong emotional attachment to their mother. However, not only as a result of the underdevelopment or degradation of the personality, a person does not contact the world around him. As a direct contrast to everything said above, another, fairly weighty argument can be made. The problem of loneliness sometimes becomes an element of spiritual growth. Here we are talking about the pinnacle of human development.

The theme of male loneliness in literary works

The feeling of lack of affection haunts many representatives of the strong half of humanity. Numerous arguments directly related to the problem of human loneliness are found in the works of domestic and foreign writers. There are books that are literally permeated with this feeling, and among them are the works of Gabriel Garcia Márquez.

In many works of this author, the problem of loneliness is raised. Arguments from literature written by Marquez - the hero of his novel "The Outsider". In addition, Albert Camus wrote about loneliness, as well as Truman Capote ("Breakfast at Teffany's") and Hermann Hesse ("Demian"). In these works, loneliness is a special life canvas with hopes and torments woven into it, alienation and solitude, internal conflicts and contradictions.

A weighty argument to the problem of the loneliness of a person who has chosen the path of service is L. Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. In this work, we are presented with the image of the great commander Kutuzov. He saves the country and spares the lives of soldiers, giving Moscow without a fight. The main task that the commander-in-chief sets himself is to rid Russia of enemies with minimal losses for his army. However, the authorities have a different opinion. She wants to achieve glory at any cost. As a result, the author raises the problem of the tragic loneliness of a person. The arguments for it are the resignation, and then the untimely death of the great commander. That is the price of the decision.

In many works of Russian writers, the problem of loneliness was raised. Arguments from the literature on this issue - the hero of A. Pushkin, Eugene Onegin. At first glance, he could be attributed to a socially active person. Onegin was gladly received in secular society. Moreover, the hero received real pleasure from leading such an idle life. However, at the end of the novel, Onegin concludes for himself that he has always been "a stranger to everyone ...".

What other works deal with the problem of loneliness? Arguments from the literature can be given as follows:

  1. Roman I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". His protagonist Bazarov is lonely both in love and in friendship and views.
  2. Roman Y. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time". In it, the image of Pechorin is a multifaceted loneliness, both lyrical and civil, as well as universal.
  3. Comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit." Her hero, Alexander Chatsky, experiences loneliness, not finding support for his thoughts in society. He perceives his situation as a personal tragedy.

Complaints about this condition can often be heard from the fairer sex. Moreover, the topic of such loneliness excites, as a rule, women themselves. Unfortunately, even married ladies or those who have a love relationship can experience such a feeling.

What is the origin of this problem? Psychologists explain its presence:

Complexes and insecurity when women compare themselves with beauties from the covers of glossy magazines;

Stereotypes, when ladies believe that men only love blondes, marry bitches, etc.;

Lack of meaningfulness in the search for a partner.

But be that as it may, the psychology of female loneliness, as a rule, concerns the absence of a beloved man nearby. Even those divorced girls who have children speak of the emergence of this feeling. They project their condition onto the baby, saying: "No one needs us." The desire of a woman to have a family is inherent in nature itself. Little girls already in kindergarten begin to play mother-daughters, cook soup in a plastic saucepan and swaddle dolls. At the same time, they dream of a handsome husband and a luxurious white veil.

However, such is the female psychology that even wearing a wedding ring on her hand, a representative of the weaker sex may feel lonely. Often this is explained by the fact that many families live as if by inertia, and the spouses are not interested in each other's moods and thoughts. It often happens that a woman lovingly prepares dinner for her husband, receiving a “thank you” on duty in response.

Sometimes ladies doom themselves to loneliness after an unsuccessful romance. They are painfully experiencing the situation, experiencing humiliation. And here comes the problem of overcoming loneliness. The arguments given by psychologists indicate that it needs to be addressed. Otherwise, the woman will become even more unhappy than she was before. She will be prevented from creating new relationships by the fear of her prejudice that all men are evil.

The theme of woman's loneliness in literary works

A. I. Solzhenitsyn tells about the life of a simple Russian collective farmer in his story “Matryona Dvor”. This is a lonely woman who lost her husband at the front and buried six children. Matrena Vasilievna, that is the name of the main character of the story, struggles alone with the hardships of life. She, who has seniority at the state farm, is not paid a pension. She was also unable to obtain payments for the loss of a breadwinner. However, Matrena did not lose her human feelings. She readily responds to someone else's misfortune and continues to bear the cross of the keeper of the hearth.

Very clearly female loneliness is shown in the novel by L. Tolstoy "Anna Karenina". This is a work about breaking the relationship of the main character with all spheres of life. Here the author also highlights the problem of the influence of loneliness on a person. The arguments in favor of the fact that the love of Vronsky and Anna is doomed to failure are obvious. Alienation of society and its rejection of the feelings that have arisen, contrary to the morality of secular circles. A young and cheerful woman at the beginning of the novel is eventually driven to complete despair and dies under the wheels of a train.

The problem of lack of demand, the appearance of a feeling of abandonment and misunderstanding on the part of young people often accompanies the elderly. This is exacerbated by the fact that older people also experience a lack of support and care from the state. But often this is a problem of loneliness of a person who has devoted himself to others. Arguments in favor of the need to solve it are the social aspects of the issue.

What are the causes of loneliness in old age? This is the absence of relatives and children or separate living from them. It is not easy for old people to endure the death of a spouse. The Russian state is characterized by another problem of loneliness of the elderly. The arguments for the seclusion of the elderly are financial helplessness and the inability to cope with household and hygiene issues.

The theme of loneliness of the elderly in literary works

The story of K. G. Paustovsky "Telegram" tells about the life of an old village woman. His main character, Ekaterina Ivanovna, had to experience loneliness, despite the fact that she has a daughter, Nastya. The author raises the problem of loneliness of old people. The arguments confirming her existence are the main character's awareness of her uselessness, because her daughter has not visited her for four years. This leads to the fact that the old woman lives out her days all alone.

The same problem was also raised by A. S. Pushkin. In his story "The Stationmaster" he showed how terrible the picture of the loneliness of an old man is. The hero of history, Samson Vyrin, was left by his daughter, who went after her beloved.

How loneliness changes a person was convincingly shown to us by N.V. Gogol. The hero of his novel "Dead Souls" Plyushkin himself removed his children from himself. He was afraid that they would ruin him. The result of Plyushkin's loneliness was the degradation of personality.

However, Nastenka loves another and remains true to her feelings. She apologizes for her betrayal in a letter written to Dreamer. He forgives the girl, but, continuing to love her, remains alone in a cold city that does not understand him.

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