Evaluation of the work as a man fed two generals. How one man fed two generals - a brief analysis

The story of how one man fed two generals was written by the famous Russian writer Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin in 1869. By this time, the satirist had already been sent into exile for freethinking, but even after returning from it, Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote works that were quite bold for that time. It was possible to publish the story in Russia with great difficulty, overcoming the prohibitions of censorship. Thanks to the efforts of I. S. Turgenev, the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin was already published in Paris in 1881 in French.

Despite the fact that there are fantastic elements in The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals, this work belongs to the literary direction realism. One of the favorite genres of Saltykov-Shchedrin was story, and the writer has created amazing works in which there is magic. But these are really unique stories: in them the author denounces the true nature of the landowners of his time, mocks their ineptitude, and reveals the essence of such a social phenomenon as bribery. Therefore, "Tales for children of a fair age" are considered realistic. If before Saltykov-Shchedrin writers turned to fairy tales to get away from reality into a fantasy world, then this grandiose satirist shows the world around him without embellishment. This gloomy reality is smoothed out only by the fabulous style of writing.

Composition the work "The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals" is very similar to the composition of most folk tales. It consists of three elements: fabulous beginning "We lived and were" foreshadowing the development of fantastic events; climax, that is, the meeting of the generals with the peasant; denouement, "happy" the end, in which the generals receive a large sum of money, and the peasant - a glass of vodka and a nickel of silver. The author, ironically, notes the injustice of life: the power that does not lift a finger is bathed in gold, while the common people who do all the work are left with nothing.

In a fairy tale, one can conditionally distinguish two storylines: before the appearance of the man and after. In the first line, Saltykov-Shchedrin reveals images of generals. We see that the characters are similar, but the author still endowed each of them with a special character: if the first general is simply stupid and lazy, then the second is also rude. This fact indicates the intention of the author: to portray the generals as typical people with power, but not as faceless beings.

In the second storyline, the central place is occupied by the image of a peasant, as well as the relationship between him and the generals. The writer contrasts the efforts of the peasants with the laziness and helplessness of people who are higher in rank than him.

After analyzing the main storylines of the fairy tale, it can be argued that in "The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals" two opposite social strata are shown: the people and the authorities. In the relationship between these two camps lies the main problem works.

The second camp is represented by two generals who have served all their lives "in some kind of registry", "understood nothing" and they couldn't do anything. Saltykov-Shchedrin, from the first lines of the work, begins to ridicule the representatives of power with their exorbitant pride and, at the same time, extreme unsuitability. An image is created of exclusively negative characters, selfish and lazy. The author specifically does not endow them with names in order to show the typicality of such intellectuals.

In the first camp, the author places only one hero: a nameless peasant who silently obeys all the orders of the generals. The writer endows him with fabulous abilities: either he makes a snare from his own hair, or he bakes provisions on a fire made from two pieces of wood. Saltykov-Shchedrin emphasizes that no matter how the generals scolded him, the peasant never said a word across. The author sadly draws a literary the image of a hardworking people who is accustomed to unquestioningly obey powerful persons.

Why did Saltykov-Shchedrin choose fairy tale genre, although he puts in the work such complex topics as social inequality, abuse of power, life's injustice? Thus, the writer circumvented the strict laws of censorship. If Saltykov-Shchedrin had tried to publish his thoughts as part of a journalistic article, he would have been immediately sent into re-exile. Thus, writing fairy tales, under which a terrifying reality is hidden, helped him allegorically express his attitude to the most important problems of that time, made him an innovator in the field of Russian realistic prose.

"The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals" is satirical tale, which raises the most important problems that have not lost their relevance in our time.

  • "The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals", summary
  • A. S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky" N. V. Gogol "Inspector General" I. S. Turgenev "Poems in prose", 6.82kb.
  • , 71.33kb.
  • M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Tales: "The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals", , 16.45kb.
  • M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. The story of how one man fed two generals, 106.2kb.
  • Lesson topic: M. E. Saltykov Shchedrin. Satirical depiction of moral vices, 39.35kb.
  • M. E. Saltykov Shchedrin "The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals." , 33.98kb.
  • T
    Bykova E.S., teacher of Russian language and literature, MOU MOOSH №4
    lesson topic:
    M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

    "The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals"

    ( analysis of the work).

    Lesson Objectives:

    • educational: to help students understand the features of the allegorical artistic manner of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin and reveal the enduring significance of his works on the example of "The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals";
    • developing: develop the skill of expressive reading, reading by roles; oral and written monologue speech;
    • educational: to cultivate respect for a person, for his skill; cultivate a sensitive attitude to the artistic word.

    Equipment: materials of the stand "Today at the lesson", an exhibition of books, a portrait of the writer, students' workbooks on literature, a textbook-reader on literature.

    During the classes:

    1. Organizing time: check the readiness of the class for the lesson, students check their workplace.
    2. Activation of students' knowledge. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.
    - Truth! The truth is always the same! Two times two is four in life and in art . Good and evil, truth and lies, loyalty and betrayal are the same in the book and in life. Remembering your life experience, you can cite popular sayings as confirmation: “The word of truth will outweigh the whole world”; "Stand boldly for a just cause"; "The truth pricks the eyes"; "Everything blows away, only the truth remains."

    Yes, there really is one. But! True, one, but the paths to it are different.

    - What do you think these paths are?

    - And why did I talk about such a concept - “truth” today at a literature lesson?

    1. The topic of the lesson.
    - Every writer, like any person about whom we know nothing, is like a closed book for us. To understand M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin as a person, it is not enough to look at his portrait, it is not enough to get acquainted with the facts of his biography. A true writer is a vast and inexhaustible world. Of course, works will help to open it.

    So, we will analyze the tale of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals" to answer the following questions:

    What did M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin want to say with his work?

    Why was Shchedrin able to tell this truth?

    1. Analysis of the work:
    a) first impression

    - Did you read the fairy tale to the end, what seemed funny to you, and what was sad?

    - What is the main problem that the author poses with this tale?

    The relationship between government and people.

    What do you know about the reforms of the 1860s? (First, students name the abolition of serfdom) From this point of view, what is the problematic of the work?

    The liberation of the oppressed masses of the people from all forms of slavery.

    b) vocabulary work;

    - Review your text and name the elements of the Russian fairy tale in the text (underline at home with a pencil).

    Fairy-tale beginning: “once there were two generals”, the movement of generals from comfortable St. Petersburg apartments to a desert island “at the behest of a pike, at my will” - from the famous Russian fairy tale about Emel and the magic pike; fairy-tale expressions: “it’s said and done”, “it can’t be described with a pen, it can’t be said in a fairy tale”, “I drank chalk-beer, it flowed down my mustache, it didn’t get into my mouth.”

    Expression printout:

    • Once upon a time there were two generals, and since both were frivolous. That soon at the behest, at my will, found themselves on a deserted island.
    • No sooner said than done. One general went to the right and saw trees growing, and all sorts of fruit on the trees...
    • How much fear the generals gained during the journey from storms and from different winds, how much they scolded the man for his parasitism - neither to describe it with a pen, nor to tell in a fairy tale.
    • It turned out that the peasant even knows Podyachka, because he was there, he drank chalk-beer, it flowed down his mustache, it didn’t get into his mouth!
    • They went to the treasury, and how much money they raked in here - neither in a fairy tale to say, nor to describe with a pen!
    + In folk tales, all these expressions serve as a kind of sayings, are used, accompanying magic. Here they carry an ironic meaning, a mockery.

    c) active conversation, checking homework;

    What event does not fit into a fairy tale plot?

    The reason why the strange event happened was moving to the island. The generals "were both frivolous", that is, not serious, and for this unexpected for themselves they were punished.

    - What analogies can you name in connection with the generals getting on a desert island? What work do you remember?

    Reminds me of Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe novel. A simple shipwrecked sailor did not lose heart, but showed will and courage and in a few years turned the island into a flowering garden, made his home comfortable and safe.

    “The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals” was written a century and a half after “Robinson Crusoe”. The novel was repeatedly published in Russia. In what way do you see the differences between the situation of the novel and the “Tale…”?

    Robinson with honor withstands all hardships and wins, he has been fighting from the first day. Generals from the first steps reveal complete helplessness and almost die. They cannot determine the parts of the world, climb a tree and pick "every kind of fruit," catch fish and any game that inhabits an uninhabited island in abundance.

    Confusion, surprise, despair.

    - Remember: what is the peculiarity of the texts in the newspaper found by the generals?

    Found scraps of newspapers report only luxurious, refined feasts

    + "so that all guests receive a piece."

    - This is not a feast, it is a celebration of life for the elect.

    They are accustomed to live by the labor of others, finding themselves on a desert island without servants, they discovered the habits of hungry wild animals.

    – Support your statements with text (p. 239)

    - Let's try to determine what literary device the author uses? Open your workbooks, re-read the main techniques in the work of M.E. Salykov-Shchedrin.

    This is grotesque.

    - “... bit off an order from his comrade and immediately swallowed it”, what kind of reception is this?


    What is the meaning of artistic exaggeration?

    + Show image more funny; show its essence; "execute him with laughter."

    - "Who is the villain who played such a joke on us!"?

    Man, Russian man.

    - What is the difference between a peasant and generals? You can read a fragment of the text (p. 242)

    + “Under a tree, with his belly up and with his fist under his head, a huge man was sleeping and in the most impudent way shied away from work.”

    The man is completely calm - he is resting from his labors.

    - How do the generals perceive it? How are men treated?

    + "Slacker!"

    - Is it possible to assume that not only the generals attack the Russian peasant, but also the author ?! Why the generals are outraged is understandable to us, but why the author ...?

    The huge man is a jack-of-all-trades, but he is so accustomed to his slave position that even where no law obliges him to work, he acts according to the established order of things. The man only makes an attempt to “give a shot” and immediately obeys.

    - What labor skills of a peasant help the generals not only to survive on a desert island, but also to return home?

    + He got apples from a tree, got potatoes from the ground, made a snare for catching hazel grouses, took out a fire, baked various provisions, gathered swan fluff, builds a boat, skillfully twists a rope from wild hemp.

    "... and by the evening the rope was ready" - for whom is the rope?! What is the meaning of this moment?

    The author once again emphasizes that the Russian peasant has lost his human dignity. He is filled with servile joy that he managed to please the generals. The generals are convinced of the firmness of their rights to exploit the labor of others.

    - Define the literary device (hyperbole). Hyperbole is like a magnifying glass; it helps to look more closely at the phenomena of life, at its contradictions.

    - He made a snare out of his own hair and caught grouse - what kind of literary device is this?


    - Why did the peasant, with all the abundance on the island, take one apple for himself. And is it sour? Why didn’t he eat himself, at least after he had prepared a whole lot, but waited for the generals to come up with the idea: “Shouldn’t we give the parasite a particle too”?

    A low level of citizenship, self-awareness, the ability to stand up for one's own, even if limited, but still rights.

    d) work in notebooks;

    - Formulate written answers to the questions: how does M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin relate to the peasant? What is the meaning of opposing the peasant and the generals?

    - Again we turn to the monograph by Alexei Sergeevich Bushmin: “Shchedrin was a great lover of the people. He loved the people without blind admiration for them, as he understood the strengths of the masses of the people, but no less vigilantly saw their weaknesses ... ". Bilateral attitude towards the people - loving and critical.

    - To show that the peasant is poor in every respect, and above all, poor in consciousness.

    e) a concise retelling of the denouement of "The Tale ...";

    - The denouement is sustained in a folklore manner. In a Russian fairy tale, the hero is always rewarded for good deeds. However, the satirical beginning is clearly felt. The generals, having become rich, remembered their savior, but they themselves did not go out to him, but sent him their grace with one of the servants: “... a glass of vodka and a nickel of silver: have fun, man!”

    1. Homework:
    - And what would happen to the generals on a desert island if they had not met a peasant? (express their opinions)

    The answer to this question can be found in the fairy tale "The Wild Landowner".

    1. Summing up the lesson. Evaluation of the work of the class and students.
    Let's go back to the beginning of our lesson and look at the questions:
    • What did M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin want to say with his work?
    • Why was Shchedrin able to tell this truth?
    + M.E. Saltykov- Shchedrin wanted to say that ...

    Firstly, the generals are stupid, and the peasant is smart.

    Thirdly, who does not work, he eats.

    Fourthly, the peasant himself is to blame: why does he obey the generals. In his soul, he remains a slave, and therefore lives poorly.

    - This is true? Yes, it's all true. And why was the author able to tell this truth?

    But it was the "untruth" that showed the most important thing: life is often arranged unfairly.

    A grotesque story about how one man fed two generals was created by M.E. Shchedrin in the genre of satirical literature.

    Surprisingly, Shchedrin's fairy tales contain in miniature all the problems, all the images of modern society.

    All available to him satirical arsenal - from irony to the grotesque, the writer uses to express his attitude to reality.

    The plot is simple : an uninhabited island, two generals who came from nowhere. They are hungry and unaccustomed to anything, although the island abounds with the gifts of nature.

    Miraculously, they find a peasant, catch him and, as usual, make the "parasite" work.

    For them, the fairy tale ends well - the man not only saved them from hunger, but also delivered them to their native Petersburg, for which was rewarded the generals told him a silver nickel and a glass of vodka . Deserved!

    Have fun man

    In a short narrative, the author embraced the exciting theme of people and power . We see swaggering, arrogant generals who know absolutely nothing, and a peasant - resourceful and quick-witted, ready to cook soup in a handful for the gentlemen. twist ropes for yourself.

    The main idea that the author conveys to us is that the reason for such an attitude towards the people is not so much in those who rule, but in the character of the people themselves.
    Eternal the habit of being guilty of everything and sincere gratitude for the minuscule that is bestowed on him from the master's shoulder.

    And the final "Have fun, man!" once again emphasizes the hopelessness of the situation of the common people.

    We continue to consider the topic - how one man fed two generals:

    The story of how a man fed two generals, Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E. wrote in the middle of the nineteenth century, but this literary legend has not lost its popularity and relevance to the present day. There are many grotesque exaggerations and incredible events in the work. Despite the heavy style of presentation inherent in the great writer, the story is easy to read. Paradoxically, certain elements of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in his tale of social and social vices are also inherent in modern relations. Of course, now you will not meet generals who are looking for rolls on trees, but unreasonable arrogance, a contemptuous attitude towards others is inherent in some individuals who consider themselves generals. However, this first of all characterizes them.

    Once upon a time, two frivolous generals lived in this world, who served from birth until their retirement somewhere in the military department and did not know anything else. Having retired, they lived in St. Petersburg on Podyacheskaya Street with their cooks. But once it happened, at the behest of a pike, the generals woke up on a desert island under one blanket. Convinced that they were not dreaming and that they really were sitting in nightgowns and orders on the seashore, they began to look around and look around. And when they wanted to eat, they decided to explore the island. On the island, they found game in the thicket, and fish in the reservoirs, and various fruits on the trees, but they just didn’t manage to catch anyone and didn’t reach the fruit. But the old issue of Moskovskie Vedomosti was found. The gentlemen began to go wild with hunger, almost swallowed each other, even fought. Then they cooled down, calmed down, wanted to leaf through the newspaper, but everything is written there about lunches and dinners.

    And then it dawned on one general - we need to find a peasant to feed them. He will bake bread for them, and fry grouse, and pick up various fruits. There is a man everywhere - and on a desert island there is. We went and found a huge peasant who was sleeping, a parasite, in the shade and did not even think that without him the gentlemen had already been starving for 2 days. The gentlemen attacked him with abuse and shouting and forced him to work. The peasant was frightened, picked up sweet apples and fed the hungry, and left one sour apple for himself. Then he dug potatoes somewhere, kindled a fire and roasted the game. The generals are glad, they tied the peasant with a rope, which he himself tied, so that he would not run away while they were resting after dinner.

    The gentlemen on the island got fed, again they became plump and loose. A man even adapted to cook stew in his palms. Everything would be fine, but melancholy seized the generals, pulled them to their apartments and to their cooks. They began to demand that the peasant take them to Petersburg. The peasant is glad that the generals are pleased with him, they do not disdain the work of the servants - he is ready to please the masters in everything. He built a boat so that it was possible to cross the ocean, laid swan fluff there for softness, made all sorts of supplies, and they set off across the sea-ocean to St. Petersburg itself. Well, the gentlemen scolded the peasant for the wind and pitching, for the huge waves, but the peasant, you know, rows and does not blow in his mustache. We finally made it to the house. The generals drank coffee, ate buns - they became satisfied. And the treasury paid their pension in full for all the time while they were loitering on the island. The generals are satisfied that everything turned out this way. But they didn’t forget the peasant either - they sent him a silver nickel and a glass of vodka: have fun, man!

    Fairy tale analysis

    In the form of a literary tale M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin created a whole cycle of works. The attractiveness of this form is caused by the acute satirical orientation of the writer. Under the conditions of the existing censorship, the genre of satire and parody was the most acceptable. Only in such a language was it possible to freely discuss the existing social ulcers, to reveal the overdue contradictions. Moreover, the writer gravitated toward the people and, in a certain sense, adjusted his work to the folk style. A fairy tale is the most accessible form of presentation.

    The study of the story about how one man fed two generals, the analysis of other fairy tales show that the author builds his works on the opposition of two social forces - the people and the ruling class. The people, primarily the peasantry, appear as a tortured, downtrodden mass. The ruling class actively takes advantage of this and only increases exploitation and intensifies oppression. At the same time, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin does not justify or defend such downtroddenness. The satirist stigmatizes these qualities among the people. It is noteworthy that the focus is on the fact that the man himself wove the rope with which he was tied. By this the writer emphasizes the unconsciousness of the masses. The peasant is glad that gentlemen generals do not disdain his work, he is ready to endure everything in order to serve him.

    M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin is far from being revolutionary. His political views do not go beyond satire. However, an analysis of the work, as well as the entire work of one of the pillars of Russian literature, shows that society cannot continue to develop in this direction. The story leads to the conclusion that if there were no such gentlemen - generals, the people - the peasant would live richly and cheerfully on his island, being able to feed himself and provide for everything.

    Satirical methods in the tale of a peasant and two generals

    In his fairy tale M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin used almost the entire range of techniques adopted in satirical literature:

    • grotesque (ultimate exaggeration):
    • sarcasm (caustic mockery);
    • "Aesopian" language (allegory);
    • allegory (an allegorical comparison in order to emphasize one or another side);
    • hyperbole (exaggeration);
    • fantasy (non-existent display of events);
    • irony (joke, mockery).

    The behavior of generals who do not have any skills and do not know elementary things is grotesque. It is fantastic how the gentlemen ended up on a desert island "at the behest of a pike", the peasant's abilities are unrealistic. The assertion is hyperbolic that since the generals had served in the military registry from birth, they did not understand or know anything else. Satire slips through every line of the story. The writer is ironic both over the peasant and over the gentlemen. The final phrase carries a large semantic load. Have fun, man, says M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, rewarding him with a glass of vodka and a nickel of money. This shows the assessment of the masses by those in power. Completely dependent on the result of people's labor, incapable of independent service, the generals consider people their servility, indebted to them for everything by virtue of the fact that they are masters.

    1) The history of the creation of satirical tales by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

    The cycle of fairy tales by Saltykov-Shchedrin is considered the result of his satirical work. His appeal to the fairy tale genre is due to the fact that social evil in the era of the 80s of the 19th century penetrated into all spheres of life, grew into everyday life, and a special satirical form was required. The first fairy tales appeared in 1869, the rest were printed during 1880-1886. They include all the main satirical themes, they intertwine the fantastic and the real, the comic is combined with the tragic, the grotesque is widely used in them, and the amazing art of the Aesopian language is manifested.

    2) Features of the genre. Tale of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals" belongs to the genre of a satirical literary tale.

    A literary fairy tale is an epic narrative, predominantly of a prosaic nature, with a focus on fiction; reflects the ancient ideas of the people about life and death, about good and evil; created by a specific writer and reflects the peculiarities of his attitude to the world. The tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin in no way contradict the spirit of the Russian folk tale. They are completely original phenomena, not mixed with any other well-known literary and folk tales.

    “A fairy tale,” wrote Gogol, “can be a lofty creation when it serves as an allegorical garment, cloaking high spiritual truth, when it reveals, tangibly and, apparently, even to a commoner, a matter accessible only to a sage.” Such are Shchedrin's fairy tales, their lofty ideological content is expressed in public art forms. They are written in real folk language - simple, concise and expressive. Based on the rich imagery of folk tales, proverbs and sayings, Shchedrin created images in the artistic interpretation of complex social phenomena, each image contains a satirical meaning. The fairy tale, as a genre, gradually matured in the writer's work, formed from such elements of his satire as hyperbole, fantasy, figurativeness of folk speech, and the use of zoological similitudes.

    3) Characteristics of the heroes of the fairy tale.

    images of generals. Mikhail Evgrafovich satirically portrayed the images of the generals. Ironically characterizing the appearance of the characters, the author draws the reader's attention to their frivolity. “Soon, at the behest of the pike, at my will,” finding themselves on a desert island, the generals “at first did not understand anything and began to talk as if nothing had happened to them.” Describing the actions of the characters, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin writes about the lack of the simplest knowledge of the masters about objects and phenomena. So grotesquely portrayed by the writer is the inability of the characters to determine the cardinal points: “We started looking for the north, became this way and that, tried all the countries of the world, but since we had served in the registry all our lives, we didn’t find anything.” The judgment of one of the generals that: “Who would have thought, Your Excellency, that human food in its original form flies, floats and grows on trees?” - causes both ridicule and pity for those who, having lived life, know so little about it. When describing the image of generals, artistic details are important, which also have a grotesque character. For example, the only object reminiscent of a past life was on a desert island one issue of the Moskovskie Vedomosti newspaper, but even there, “no matter what they looked at, everything testified to food.” The only thing that the generals knew how to do was to make the peasant work. Therefore, having found a peasant who was evading business under a tree, the generals immediately pounced on him. Here, in the speech of the gentlemen, lust for power appears, they remembered the skill that they mastered so well: “Sleep, couch potato! - I suppose you don’t know with your ear that here two generals are dying of hunger for the second day! Now march to work!” Having become “cheerful, loose, well-fed, white,” the generals again embarked on reasoning, reflecting on the Babylonian pandemonium, on the global flood. Returning with the help of a peasant to Petersburg, the gentlemen "went ... to the treasury and how much money they raked in."

    How did two generals end up on a desert island? ("at the pike's command, at my will")

    Give a brief description of the two generals (frivolous, they have served in some kind of registry all their lives, they don’t know or understand anything)

    What was comical in the guise of generals who found themselves on a desert island? (“they are in nightgowns, and they have an order hanging around their necks”)

    What surprises generals the most? (“that human food in its original form flies, swims and grows on trees”)

    Who did the hungry generals decide to find? (man)

    How did the peasant behave when he saw the generals? (began to serve them)

    How did the generals and the peasant leave the desert island? (a man made a boat, and they sailed away from a desert island)

    How did the generals thank the peasant? (“they sent him a glass of vodka and a nickel of silver”)

    The image of a man.
    The very appearance of a peasant in a fairy tale is fantastic: he suddenly appears on a desert island, on which the generals also ended up “at the behest of a pike”. The appearance of the peasant is in contrast to the appearance of the two generals: "a huge man was sleeping with his belly up and his fist under his head." The peasant became so accustomed to his own lack of will that, seeing the gentlemen even on a desert island, he immediately began to fulfill their slightest desires: “First of all, he climbed a tree and picked the generals ten of the ripest apples, and took one sour apple for himself.” The man is interested in whether the gentlemen generals are satisfied with his zeal.
    The hero even weaves a rope for himself, with which the generals will later tie him to a tree so that he does not run away: “Now a man picked up wild hemp, soaked it in water, beat it, crushed it - and by the evening the rope was ready. With this rope, the generals tied the man to a tree so that he would not run away. All the behavior of a peasant tells the reader about his slavish essence: he has no desire to resist, to stop listening to worthless generals who can do nothing. The writer sincerely sneers at the peasant, calling him either a "sluggish man", a "parasite". The very thoughts of the character are absurd: “... the peasant began to breed beans, how would he please his Generals for the fact that they favored him, the parasite, and did not disdain his peasant labor!” The leitmotif in the description of the peasant is an ironic statement about the hero as a parasite who is constantly scolded by two generals.

    4) Satirical techniques used by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in his fairy tale.
    The satirical form became for M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin the opportunity to speak freely about the pressing problems of society. In the fairy tale "The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals" various satirical devices are used: grotesque, irony, fantasy, allegory, sarcasm - to characterize the characters portrayed and describe the situation in which the main characters of the fairy tale found themselves: two generals. Grotesque is the fact that the generals got on a desert island "at the behest of a pike, at my will." Fantastic is the writer's assurance that "generals served all their lives in some kind of registry, they were born there, brought up and grew old, therefore, they did not understand anything." The writer also satirically depicted the appearance of the characters: "they are in nightgowns, and they have an order hanging around their necks." Saltykov-Shchedrin ridicules the elementary inability of the generals to find food for themselves: both thought that "rolls in the same form will be born as they are served with coffee in the morning." Depicting the behavior of the characters, the writer uses sarcasm: “they began to slowly crawl towards each other and in the blink of an eye they went berserk. Shreds flew, there was a screech and a gasp; the general, who was a calligraphy teacher, bit off an order from his comrade and immediately swallowed it. The heroes began to lose their human appearance, turning into hungry animals, and only the sight of real blood sobered them. Satirical techniques not only characterize artistic images, but also express the author's attitude to the depicted. The writer treats the peasant with irony, who, frightened by the powers that be, “first of all climbed a tree and picked the generals ten of the most ripe apples, and took one sour apple for himself.” Makes fun of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin generals' attitude to life: "They began to say that here they are living on everything ready, and in St. Petersburg, meanwhile, their pensions are accumulating and accumulating."

    Satire- a kind of comic, merciless ridicule, criticism of the existing reality of a person, phenomena.
    satirical tricks, which are used by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin in his fairy tale:
    Grotesque- the ultimate exaggeration, based on an unusual combination of fantastic and real.
    Sarcasm- a caustic expression of mockery.
    Aesopian language- a special language, allegory, with the help of which the writer expresses his attitude to the depicted.
    Allegory- an allegorical image of an object in order to identify the most significant features.
    Hyperbola- a strong exaggeration.
    Fiction- a way of depicting reality in an unrealistic form.
    Irony- a way of expressing ridicule.

    What, in your opinion, is the tale of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin "The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals" - satirical or humorous? Prove your point. (The tale of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin is satirical, since it ridicules the vices of contemporary reality and man.)

    The fairy tale form has always attracted Saltykov-Shchedrin. His first stories date back to 1869. However, the vast majority of them were written between 1884 and 1886.

    The attractiveness of the fabulous form for Saltykov-Shchedrin is easily explained. The great satirist wrote his works in "Aesopian language". Fairy tales provide samples of public and most convincing allegories. After all, a fairy tale (as well as a fable) has long been created by the people themselves. And Shchedrin, as you know, cared for the people, worried about their fate, for the troubles they endured. Experiencing such feelings, the satirist condemned high-ranking officials, parodying them in every possible way in his works.

    We find a reflection of all this in The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals. The beginning, typical of a folk tale - "there once were" - sets the tone for the rest of the story. Quite realistic, it is hidden behind a fantastic plot: two generals who “served ... all their lives in some kind of registry; they were born there, brought up and grew old, therefore, they did not understand anything, ”they end up on a desert island. And since these heroes had never put their hands on anything before, they could not get their own food on the island. And this is despite the fact that trees “grow on the island, and there are all sorts of fruits on the trees. The general wants to get at least one apple, but they all hang so high that they have to climb. I tried to climb - nothing came of it, I just tore my shirt off. So the generals remained hungry.

    The only thing that one of the generals found was the old “number of Moskovskie Vedomosti”, which the unfortunate people began to read. A little lower Shchedrin writes: “They write from Tula: yesterday, on the occasion of the capture of sturgeon in the Upa River ... there was a festival in the local club. The hero of the occasion was brought in on a huge wooden dish, overlaid with cucumbers and holding a piece of greenery in its mouth. Dr. P., who was the foreman on duty that day, carefully watched that all the guests received a piece. The gravy was the most varied and even almost whimsical ... "

    Here one of the techniques of the poetics of the fairy tale genre of Saltykov-Shchedrin manifested itself - a polemic with a literary opponent.

    But reading will not be full! The hunger took its toll. The generals did not find anything to eat around them. And then their eyes turned to each other. In the blink of an eye, these two buddies turn into predators, ready to tear and eat the other. It’s good that everything went off without a hitch: “Shrines flew, there was a screech and groan; the general, who was a teacher of calligraphy, bit off an order from his comrade and immediately swallowed it ”

    It is not known what would have happened to these heroes if they had not met a simple man. Feeling their class superiority, the generals ordered him to get them food. It was not difficult for the man to carry out the order. And here the contrast between the characters of the tale is obvious. The generals are caricatured by Saltykov-Shchedrin. A man is the embodiment of all the positive qualities that ordinary people have: ingenuity, hard work, readiness for difficulties. The man “first of all climbed a tree and picked the generals ten of the most ripe apples, and took one sour one for himself. Then he dug in the ground and got potatoes from there; then he took two pieces of wood, rubbed them together, and brought out the fire. Then he made a snare out of his own hair and caught a hazel grouse. Finally, he lit a fire and baked so many different provisions that it even occurred to the generals: shouldn’t we give the parasite a piece?

    The most striking thing is that the peasant's efforts were not appreciated by negligent generals. Even when they, upon arrival in St. Petersburg, received the money, they sent their savior, as if in gratitude, “a glass of vodka and a nickel: have fun, man!”

    So, the analyzed fairy tale is built on the contrast of the positive (in the face of a peasant) and the negative (on the example of two generals). And in this opposition lies the reflection of social and social phenomena that were inherent in reality, the existing orders of Russia at that time. Here those sincere feelings of Saltykov-Shchedrin were manifested, which were characteristic of the satirist in relation to the people and the "higher" class. It seems to me that the word "higher" really should be enclosed in quotation marks. And there is a simple explanation for this: the same generals unadapted to life, whom Saltykov-Shchedrin denounces in The Tale of How One Man Feeded Two Generals.

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