The images of people's intercessors in Nekrasov's poem who live well in Russia. Images of people's intercessors in the poem N

In his poem, N.A. Nekrasov creates images of "new people" who came out of the people's environment and became active fighters for the good of the people. Such is Yermil Girin. In whatever position he may be, whatever he does, he strives to be useful to the peasant, to help him, to protect him. Honor and love he earned "strict truth, intelligence and kindness."

The poet abruptly breaks off the story about Yermil, who ended up in prison at the moment when the village of Stolbnyaki in the Nedykhanyev district was rioting. The suppressors of the rebellion, knowing that the people would listen to Yermila, called him to exhort the rebellious peasants. Yes, apparently, the people's defender did not tell the peasants about humility.

The type of an intellectual-democrat, a native of the people, is embodied in the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov, the son of a laborer and a half-impoverished deacon. If not for the kindness and generosity of the peasants, Grisha and his brother Savva could have starved to death. And the young men respond to the peasants with love. This love from an early age filled Grisha's heart and determined his path:

fifteen years old

Gregory already knew for sure

What will live for happiness

Wretched and dark

native corner

It is important for Nekrasov to convey to the reader the idea that Dobrosklonov is not alone, that he is from a cohort of those who are brave in spirit and pure in heart, those who fight for the happiness of the people:

Russia has already sent a lot

His sons, marked

The seal of the gift of God,

On honest paths

I cried a lot...

If in the era of the Decembrists the best people from the nobility stood up to protect the people, now the people themselves from their midst send their best sons to fight, and this is especially important, because it testifies to the awakening of people's self-consciousness:

No matter how dark vakhlachina,

No matter how crowded with corvee

And slavery - and she,

Blessed, put

In Grigory Dobrosklonov

Such a messenger.

Grisha's path is a typical path of a democrat-raznochinets: a hungry childhood, a seminary, "where it was dark, cold, gloomy, strict, hungry", but where he read a lot and thought a lot ...

Fate prepared for him

Glorious path, loud name

people's protector,

Consumption and Siberia.

And yet the poet draws the image of Dobrosklonov in joyful, bright colors. Grisha found true happiness, and the country whose people bless "such a messenger" for battle should become happy.

In the image of Grisha there are not only features of the leaders of revolutionary democracy, whom Nekrasov loved and revered so much, but also features of the author of the poem himself. After all, Grigory Dobrosklonov is a poet, and a poet of the Nekrasov direction, a poet-citizen.

The chapter "A Feast for the Whole World" includes songs created by Grisha. These are joyful songs, full of hope, the peasants sing them as if they were their own. Revolutionary optimism sounds in the song "Rus":

The army rises - Innumerable,

The power in it will be indestructible!

In the poem there is an image of yet another people's intercessor - the author. In the first parts of the poem, we do not yet hear his voice directly. But in the chapter "A Feast for the Whole World" the author directly addresses the readers in lyrical digressions. In this chapter, the language acquires a special coloration: along with folk vocabulary, there are many bookish, solemn, romantically elevated words (“radiant”, “lofty”, “punishing sword”, “the embodiment of the happiness of the people”, “slavery is heavy”, “Russia is reviving ").

Direct author's statements in the poem are imbued with a bright feeling, which is also characteristic of Grisha's songs. All the author's thoughts are about the people, all his dreams are about people's happiness. The author, like Grisha, firmly believes in "the strength of the people - the mighty strength", in the golden heart of the people, in the glorious future of the people:

The limits have not yet been set for the Russian people: Before them is a wide path!

The poet wants to instill this faith in others, to inspire his contemporaries to a revolutionary feat:

Such soil is good. The soul of the Russian people... O sower! come!..

In his poem, N. A. Nekrasov creates images of “new people” who came out of the people's environment and became active fighters for the good of the people. Such is Yermil Girin. In whatever position he may be, whatever he does, he strives to be useful to the peasant, to help him, to protect him. Honor and love he earned "strict truth, intelligence and kindness."
The poet abruptly breaks off the story about Yermil, who ended up in prison at the moment when the village of Stolbnyaki in the Nedykhanyev district was rioting. The suppressors of the rebellion, knowing that the people would listen to Yermila, called him to exhort the rebellious peasants. Yes, apparently, the people's defender did not tell the peasants about humility.
The type of an intellectual-democrat, a native of the people, is embodied in the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov, the son of a laborer and a half-impoverished deacon. If not for the kindness and generosity of the peasants, Grisha and his brother Savva could have starved to death. And the young men respond to the peasants with love. This love from an early age filled Grisha's heart and determined his path:
... about fifteen
Gregory already knew for sure
What will live for happiness
Wretched and dark
native corner
It is important for Nekrasov to convey to the reader the idea that Dobrosklonov is not alone, that he is from a cohort of those who are brave in spirit and pure in heart, those who fight for the happiness of the people:
Russia has already sent a lot
His sons, marked
The seal of the gift of God,
On honest paths
I cried a lot...
If in the era of the Decembrists the best people from the nobility stood up to protect the people, now the people themselves from their midst send their best sons to fight, and this is especially important, because it testifies to the awakening of people's self-consciousness:
No matter how dark vakhlachina,
No matter how crowded with corvee
And slavery - and she,
Blessed, put
In Grigory Dobrosklonov
Such a messenger.
Grisha's path is a typical path of a democrat-raznochinets: a hungry childhood, a seminary, “where it was dark, cold, gloomy, strict, hungry”, but where he read a lot and thought a lot ...
So? Further known:
Fate prepared for him
Glorious path, loud name
people's protector,
Consumption and Siberia.
And yet the poet draws the image of Dobrosklonov in joyful, bright colors. Grisha found true happiness, and the country whose people bless “such a messenger” for battle should become happy.
In the image of Grisha there are not only features of the leaders of revolutionary democracy, whom Nekrasov loved and revered so much, but also features of the author of the poem himself. After all, Grigory Dobrosklonov is a poet, and a poet of the Nekrasov direction, a poet-citizen.
The chapter “A Feast for the Whole World” includes songs created by Grisha. These are joyful songs, full of hope, the peasants sing them as if they were their own. Revolutionary optimism sounds in the song "Rus":
The army rises - Innumerable,
The power in it will be indestructible!
In the poem there is an image of another people's intercessor - the author. In the first parts of the poem, we do not yet hear his voice directly. But in the chapter “A Feast for the Whole World”, the author directly addresses the readers in lyrical digressions. In this chapter, the language acquires a special coloration: along with the folk vocabulary, there are many bookish, solemn, romantically elevated words (“radiant”, “lofty”, “punishing sword”, “the embodiment of the happiness of the people”, “serious slavery”, “Russia reviving ”).
Direct author's statements in the poem are imbued with a bright feeling, which is also characteristic of Grisha's songs. All the author's thoughts are about the people, all his dreams are about people's happiness. The author, like Grisha, sacredly believes in “the strength of the people - a mighty strength”, in the golden heart of the people, in the glorious future of the people:
The limits have not yet been set for the Russian people: Before them is a wide path!
The poet wants to instill this faith in others, to inspire his contemporaries to a revolutionary feat:
Such soil is good -. The soul of the Russian people... O sower! come!

Essay on literature on the topic: Images of people's intercessors in the poem by N. A. Nekrasov “Who should live well in Russia”

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Images of people's intercessors in the poem by N. A. Nekrasov “Who should live well in Russia”

In his poem, N.A. Nekrasov creates images of "new people" who came out of the people's environment and became active fighters for the good of the people. Such is Yermil Girin. In whatever position he may be, whatever he does, he strives to be useful to the peasant, to help him, to protect him. Honor and love he earned "strict truth, intelligence and kindness."

The poet abruptly breaks off the story about Yermil, who ended up in prison at the moment when the village of Stolbnyaki in the Nedykhanyev district was rioting. The suppressors of the rebellion, knowing that the people would listen to Yermila, called him to exhort the rebellious peasants. Yes, apparently, the people's defender did not tell the peasants about humility.

The type of an intellectual-democrat, a native of the people, is embodied in the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov, the son of a laborer and a half-impoverished deacon. If not for the kindness and generosity of the peasants, Grisha and his brother Savva could have starved to death. And the young men respond to the peasants with love. This love from an early age filled Grisha's heart and determined his path:

fifteen years old

Gregory already knew for sure

What will live for happiness

Wretched and dark

native corner

It is important for Nekrasov to convey to the reader the idea that Dobrosklonov is not alone, that he is from a cohort of those who are brave in spirit and pure in heart, those who fight for the happiness of the people:

Russia has already sent a lot

His sons, marked

The seal of the gift of God,

On honest paths

I cried a lot...

If in the era of the Decembrists the best people from the nobility stood up to protect the people, now the people themselves from their midst send their best sons to fight, and this is especially important, because it testifies to the awakening of people's self-consciousness:

No matter how dark vakhlachina,

No matter how crowded with corvee

And slavery - and she,

Blessed, put

In Grigory Dobrosklonov

Such a messenger.

Grisha's path is a typical path of a democrat-raznochinets: a hungry childhood, a seminary, "where it was dark, cold, gloomy, strict, hungry", but where he read a lot and thought a lot ...

Fate prepared for him

Glorious path, loud name

people's protector,

Consumption and Siberia.

And yet the poet draws the image of Dobrosklonov in joyful, bright colors. Grisha found true happiness, and the country whose people bless "such a messenger" for battle should become happy.

In the image of Grisha there are not only features of the leaders of revolutionary democracy, whom Nekrasov loved and revered so much, but also features of the author of the poem himself. After all, Grigory Dobrosklonov is a poet, and a poet of the Nekrasov direction, a poet-citizen.

The chapter "A Feast for the Whole World" includes songs created by Grisha. These are joyful songs, full of hope, the peasants sing them as if they were their own. Revolutionary optimism sounds in the song "Rus":

The army rises - Innumerable,

The power in it will be indestructible!

In the poem there is an image of yet another people's intercessor - the author. In the first parts of the poem, we do not yet hear his voice directly. But in the chapter "A Feast for the Whole World" the author directly addresses the readers in lyrical digressions. In this chapter, the language acquires a special coloration: along with folk vocabulary, there are many bookish, solemn, romantically elevated words (“radiant”, “lofty”, “punishing sword”, “the embodiment of the happiness of the people”, “slavery is heavy”, “Russia is reviving ").

Direct author's statements in the poem are imbued with a bright feeling, which is also characteristic of Grisha's songs. All the author's thoughts are about the people, all his dreams are about people's happiness. The author, like Grisha, firmly believes in "the strength of the people - the mighty strength", in the golden heart of the people, in the glorious future of the people:

The limits have not yet been set for the Russian people: Before them is a wide path!

The poet wants to instill this faith in others, to inspire his contemporaries to a revolutionary feat:

Such soil is good. The soul of the Russian people... O sower! come!..

The poem "To whom it is good to live in Russia" was created in the mid-70s, during a new democratic upsurge, when Russia was on the verge of a revolution. The Narodniks, who preached revolutionary ideas, pinned all their hopes on the peasantry. With the aim of revolutionary propaganda, a mass movement of the intelligentsia into the people began. However, "going to the people" was not successful. The peasant masses remained indifferent to the revolutionary preaching of the Narodniks. The question of how to instill revolutionary consciousness among the masses, direct them to the path of active struggle, is especially acute in the current situation. In the populist environment at that time there were disputes about the forms and methods of propaganda in the countryside. In the image of Grisha Dobrosklonov, the author is also included in this dispute. Nekrasov did not doubt the need for a lively connection between the intelligentsia and the people and the effectiveness of revolutionary propaganda among the peasants even when "going to the people" failed. Such a fighter-agitator who goes along with the people, influencing the consciousness of the peasantry, is Grisha Dobrosklonov. He is the son of a deacon who lived "poorer than the last poor peasant", and "an unrequited laborer", who salted her bread with tears. Hungry childhood and harsh youth brought him closer to the people, determined the life path of Gregory.

... about fifteen

Gregory already knew for sure

What will live for happiness

Wretched and dark

native corner.

In many of his character traits, Grisha resembles Dobrolyubov. Like Dobrolyubov, Dobrosklonov is a fighter for peasant interests, for all the "offended" and "humiliated". He wants to be the first there, "... where it is difficult to breathe, where grief is heard." He does not need wealth and is alien to concerns about personal well-being. The Nekrasov revolutionary is preparing to give his life for “so that ... every peasant lives freely and cheerfully in all of holy Russia!”.

Gregory is not alone. Hundreds of people like him have already come out on the “honest” paths. Like all revolutionaries

Fate prepared for him

The path is glorious, the name is loud

people's protector,

Consumption and Siberia.

But Gregory is not afraid of the upcoming trials, because he believes in the triumph of the cause to which he devoted his whole life. He sees that the people of many millions themselves are awakening to struggle.

The army rises


The strength will affect her


This thought fills his soul with joy and confidence in victory. The poem shows what a strong effect the words of Gregory have on the Vakhlak peasants and on the seven wanderers, what they infect with faith in the future, in happiness for all of Russia.

Grigory Dobrosklonov - the future leader of the peasantry, the spokesman for his anger and reason. His path is hard, but also glorious, “only strong, loving souls” enter it, true happiness awaits a person, because the greatest happiness, according to Nekrasov, is in the struggle for the freedom of the oppressed. To the main question: “Who is it good to live in Russia?” - Nekrasov answers: fighters for the happiness of the people. This is the meaning of the poem.

Would our wanderers be under their native roof,

If only they could know what happened to Grisha.

He heard immense strength in his chest,

Gracious sounds delighted his ears,

Sounds of the radiant hymn of the noble -

He sang the embodiment of the happiness of the people.

The poet connects the fate of the people with the successful connection of the peasantry and the intelligentsia, offering his own solution to the question of how to establish contact and mutual understanding, how to eliminate the gap between them. Only the joint efforts of the revolutionaries and the people can lead the peasantry onto the broad road of freedom and happiness. In the meantime, the Russian people are only on their way to a "feast for the whole world."

  1. The plot of the poem.
  2. The theme of public intercession.
  3. Heroes - "protectors".
  4. Grisha Dobrosklonov as a "conscious defender".

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov entered Russian poetry as a "people's mourner". The folk theme became one of the central ones in his work. But the poet was never a simple everyday writer; as an artist, he was primarily concerned with the drama of the people. The theme of the "people's intercessor" is also heard in the poem "To whom in Russia it is good to live."

In the poem “To whom it is good to live in Russia”, the author himself appeared as a people’s “intercessor”, who not only expressed his attitude towards the people by the fact of creating this work, but was able to understand his soul, truly reveal his character. What is the real happiness of a person in Russia? What needs to be done to make everyone happy? he asked himself. The poet believed that in order to resolve these issues, people are needed who are able to join the struggle and lead others. The theme of popular intercession is widely represented in the poem. Intercessor is one of the key words in the work. The people's intercessor is one who not only pities, sympathizes with the peasants, but serves the people, expresses their interests, confirming this with actions and deeds. Such characters are shown in the images of Yakim Nagogoy, Ermila Girin, Savely Korchagin, Grisha Dobrosklonov.

In Yakima Nagoi, a peculiar character of the people's truth-seeker is presented. He lives a beggarly life, like all the peasantry, but is distinguished by a rebellious disposition. Yakim is ready to stand up for his rights. This is what he says about the people:

Every peasant has a Soul that is a black cloud, Wrathful, formidable - and Thunders should thunder from there, Bloody rains to pour.

Ermila Girin is a peasant whom the people themselves chose as a steward, recognizing his justice. Even as a clerk, Yermila won authority among the people for the fact that:

... they will advise
And he will provide information;
Where there is enough strength - will help out,
Don't ask for gratitude
And if you give it, you won't take it!

But Yermila was also guilty: he shielded his younger brother from recruitment, but the people forgave him for his sincere repentance. Only Ermila's conscience did not calm down: he left the steward, hired a mill. And again the people fell in love with him for his good treatment, for his even attitude towards the landowner and the poor, for his kindness. "Grey priest" characterizes Yermila in this way:

He had everything that is necessary For happiness and tranquility, And money, and honor, An enviable, true honor, Not bought either by money, Nor by fear: strict truth. Mind and kindness.

It can be seen from the priest's statement that Girin achieved honor with “strict truth”, “mind and kindness”. He is worried about the attitude of the people towards him, but Yermila himself judges himself even more strictly. He seeks to alleviate the situation of the peasants, to help them financially, although he himself is not yet ready for a revolutionary action. Kirin is already satisfied that his conscience is clear, that he makes life a little easier for others.

Savely the Bogatyr represents another type of Russian peasant. He is the embodiment of strength and courage. Despite the rods and hard labor, he did not resign himself to his fate. “Branded, but not a slave,” he says about himself. Savely embodies the best features of the Russian character: love for the motherland and people, hatred for the oppressors, self-esteem. His favorite word - "nadday" - helps to see in him a person who knows how to cheer up his comrades, rally, captivate. Saveliy is one of those who stood up well for "the patrimony." Together with the peasants, he executes the hated manager, the German Vogel. People like Savely will not stand aside at the moment of peasant unrest.

The most conscious of the "people's defenders" is Grisha Dobrosklonov. He devotes his whole life to the struggle, lives among the people, knows their needs. The future of Russia, the poet believes, belongs to people like Grisha Dobrosklonov, for whom "fate prepared a glorious path, a loud name of the people's intercessor, consumption and Siberia." The songs of Grisha Dobrosklonov reflect his thoughts about life ideals, his hopes for a brighter future:

Share of the people, Happiness, Light and freedom First of all.

The image of Grisha Dobrosklonov helps to understand that truly happy is the one on whose side the truth is, on whom the people hope, who chooses an honest path for himself, being the “people's defender”. The poem shows the difficult childhood of Grisha, tells about his father and mother.

Grigory's reflections on the fate of the people testify to the liveliest compassion that makes Grisha choose such a difficult path for himself. The image of Grisha is closely connected with the revolutionary democratic ideas that began to appear in society in the middle of the 19th century. Nekrasov created his hero, focusing on the fate of N. A. Dobrolyubov. Grigory Dobrosklonov is a type of revolutionary raznochinets. He was born into the family of a poor deacon, from childhood he felt all the disasters that are characteristic of the life of ordinary people. Grigory was educated and, being an intelligent and enthusiastic person, cannot remain indifferent to the situation in the country. Grigory is well aware that now there is only one way out for Russia - radical changes in the social system. The common people can no longer be the same dumb community of slaves that meekly endures all the antics of their masters.

The image of Grigory Dobrosklonov in Nekrasov's poem "Who Lives Well in Russia" inspires hope in the moral and political revival of Russia, in a change in the consciousness of the simple Russian people.

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