The image of Catherine. Her emotional tragedy

Synopsis of a lesson in literature in grade 10.

Topic: “Did Katerina have a different path?”

Target: to analyze the image of the heroine, to understand why Katerina decides to commit suicide, to reveal Katerina's spiritual tragedy.



comprehend the title of the work in comparison with the image of the main character,

explain the need for a conversation with a critic.


Interest in the historical, cultural heritage of their people, respect for their own and other people's lives.


thinking, speech, the ability to consider what is happening from different angles, to justify one's opinion.


Play texts

Illustrations drawn by children

Illustrations from the magazine

Excerpts from critical articles (photocopies)

Group printouts

During the classes:

Org. Moment

U. Hello guys, sit down. Today we will once again plunge into the world of life and morals of the heroes of Ostrovsky's drama "Thunderstorm". In today's lesson, we'll talk in more detail about the image of Katerina, the result of today's two lessons will be writing an essay at home.

So, we opened notebooks and wrote down the number, the topic “Was there a different path for Katerina?”


U. Have you ever been caught in heavy rain during a thunderstorm, when thunder rumbles with all its might, lightning flashes. Remember and write down your impressions and desires that have arisen in you at this moment.

Children work independently

U. And now each of you will read what you wrote down.

Each child reads their opinion

U. Yes, today in the lesson we will talk with you about the fate of Katerina, about the role played in her life by the THUNDER?

As you know, remember, the word thunderstorm in the 19th century for writers had the meaning of FREEDOM, HAPPINESS, PEACE, RENEWAL.

A thunderstorm is a kind of climax in the life of Katerina too.

The main content of the lesson

U. - What events are filled with Katerina's life?

Which of the characters in the drama played an important role in her life? Conversation by

D. Boris, Tikhon, Kabanikha, Barbara

U. What role did each character play in her life?

U. Let's think, clarify what aspects of Katerina's character are revealed in a conversation with Varvara?

U. Let's turn to D. 2, phenomenon 3, 4, 5 "Seeing Tikhon"

How do the characters behave in this scene, how does this characterize them?

U. What is the significance of this scene in the development of events?

D. The despotism of Kabanikh comes to an extreme, Tikhon's inability not only to protect, but also to understand Katerina. After that, Katerina decides to go on a date with Boris.

U. How does Tikhon behave before leaving home?

D. Dreams of getting rid of her mother, tries to object to the bullying of Katerina, but the mother is adamant.

The goal of the Kabanikha is to lead to the complete obedience of the household and, above all, Katerina.

U. Let's turn to D. 2, phenomenon 10 (monologue with a key) Task for groups. (one)

What is the meaning of this scene?

D. any group perform, the rest add.

(the victory of Katerina's natural feeling over the dogmas of house building. The heroine's speech is full of short jerky phrases, ?, ! sentences, repetitions, comparisons.

After the introduction, there are reflections of the heroes. The monologue ends with a strong impulse of feeling.)

U. Thank you, Katerina is going on a date. But in the drama we see the meeting of another pair of young Barbara and Curly. (2)

Task in groups. D. 3, phenomenon 6,7,8. Compare the pictures of the date of Kudryash and the barbarians, Boris and Katerina. Draw your own conclusions.

E. Built on the basis of contrast, the relationship between Boris and the barbarians is limited, the author shows the contrast in remarks //// examples from the text are read.

There is an evolution of the hero's state of mind - from confusion to the assertion of the right to love.

U. What happened to Katerina after her husband arrived? What words does the author use to create a feeling of anxiety, confusion?

D. She didn’t become herself ...

Trembling, eyes like a lunatic

Verbs - action

U. The next task in groups

No. 1 D. 4, phenomenon 4, 5

D (a thunderstorm is approaching, according to the townspeople, as punishment for them, the gloomy color is enhanced by the scene of action - instead of the panorama of the Volga - a narrow gallery with oppressive vaults ... Katerina's remarks are jerky, convey her shock, she is hurt both by hints of a boar, and Tikhon's affectionate joke. Previously, she was protected by the consciousness of her rightness, but now she is unarmed, the caress of her husband, in front of whom she feels guilty, is torture for her. Boris appears, Katerina asks for protection, leans against VARVARA ... ..

#3 Read D.4, scene 6. How does Katerina feel now?

(if in the monologue with the key and in the meeting scene the victory of love in Katerina’s soul is revealed, then in the scene of repentance the power of the norms of religious morality gravitating over Katerina is clearly revealed)

(If Katerina had hidden her sin, learned to pretend, then this would mean that she had adapted to the world around her, would have reconciled herself to foundations and despotism)

Children speak from groups, others can complement

U. The next task for the groups. Before you are excerpts from critical articles, they discuss the image of Katerina. Read, determine which assessment is closer to you and why?

Children express their opinion.

U. Could Katerina find the way to salvation in her soul? Why?

Let's imagine that Katerina had the opportunity to turn to a modern specialist - a psychologist. What advice would she have?

Let's make a list of Katerina's For the Hereafter, based on the text of the play. Let's make a table using quotes:

Positive sides

Negative sides

Children perform in groups.

U. So, it turns out that there are more positive things in Katerina's life. If you close the negative column, it turns out that the life of the heroine will be filled with expectations and hopes with which it will be possible to build a new life

To summarize, why couldn't Katerina see these hopes and save her soul? What is the nature of the environment?

D. (the bonds of marriage are sacred, she grew up in a patriarchal environment, if she leaves home, she will violate the house-building orders, having been refused by Boris, she had two ways - to return home and submit or die. She chose the latter, no one could provide Katerina at that moment of psychological support ...)

U. Thank you, you did a wonderful job today in the lesson, I would like to note…………..


Let's write down homework, we talked a lot about Katerina today, at home you will write an essay on the topic: “Strengths and weaknesses of Katerina’s behavior.”

Appendix to the lesson

No. 1 D. 4, phenomenon 4, 5

Follow how Katerina's state of mind is revealed, how tension grows in the development of the action, how the scene of Katerina's repentance is motivated.

What is the difference in Katerina's state of mind?

#3 Read E.4, scene 6. How does Katerina feel now?

Positive sides

Negative sides

1. Let's turn to D. 2, phenomenon 10 (monologue with a key) Task for groups.

What feelings does Katerina experience, how are these feelings reflected in her speech?

What is the meaning of this scene?

2. Task in groups. D. 3, phenomenon 6,7,8. Compare the pictures of the date of Kudryash and the barbarians, Boris and Katerina. Draw your own conclusions.

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for discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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Love is an inexhaustible and eternal theme for directors. How skillfully they manage to show an ideal relationship in a variety of and sometimes very difficult situations. When watching such films, you want to sigh sadly and say: “What a pity that this does not happen in life!”

website decided to collect 14 most memorable love stories, when watching which there was a desire to be in the place of the main character and experience the same strong emotions.

1. P.S. I love you (2007)

Not everyone is able to cope with the loss of a loved one. So the main character of the film, having lost the meaning of life, plunges into a long depression - she does not leave the house, loses her job and lives on memories of a happy past. Unfortunately, only in such films can a loved one predict everything and have time to prepare instructions for later life without him, which will help to cope with pain, and someone who is ready will be nearby. support in such a difficult situation.

2. Notebook (2004)

A touching story of the relationship between a young man and a girl from different social strata, who fell in love with each other at a very young age, and although life presented many trials, they don't give up on your happiness. Unfortunately, you rarely see this in life, and it is unlikely that someone will spin in a dance right on the road.

3. Redemption (2007)

The fantasy of a child was able to destroy the lives of several people, but how beautifully everything began: a feeling of dizzying love, strong emotions and boundless happiness. While watching the film, many viewers forgot that these are just actors, and not lovers who cannot breathe without each other.

4. The Fault in Our Stars (2014)

Despite the severity of the disease, the heroes of the film "The Fault in Our Stars" dare to be happy. Of course, the finale in such a situation is a foregone conclusion, but it takes a lot of courage to dare and let a person into your life, knowing that this fairy tale will not end with the words “And they lived happily ever after.”

5. Moulin Rouge! (2001)

Paris - where, if not in this city, you can believe in true love? The one that does not recognize any conventions. A riot of colors takes you to the world of true love, where everyone loves and loves so that sparks fly, the moon sings, and death has to wait and give time to two lovers. After such stories it is difficult to return to our ordinary and real world.

6. Fountain (2006)

One of the most touching and beautiful stories about the power of love. Main character ready to make any sacrifice- neglecting the last hours of communication with his beloved, he goes on a crazy journey, which seems to be the only possible salvation.

7. Chocolate (2000)

In real life, you rarely meet a person who knows how to make people around him happier with the help of simple things and truths. But the young and attractive Vienna has a real gift. Time will pass, and she will be able to reach out to the feelings of not always friendly residents of the town, as well as charm the wanderer. And this wanderer is also unusual - rebellious on the outside, but caring and kind on the inside. It's impossible not to fall in love with this.

8 Vanilla Sky (2001)

What is necessary for happiness? “The same” person or thing, ideal appearance or unlimited financial opportunities? Sometimes these thoughts make reality unbearable. The hero of the film felt for himself how wonderful life is when you are young, rich, beautiful, and how everything collapses, lose only the shell. But love can take the mask off anyone.

9. Sweet November (2001)

The problems of the protagonist of the film are familiar to each of us: constant employment and the inability to live a full life. Break through the callousness of character only a girl like Sarah, who admires both strength and fragility at the same time, is always easy-going, but at the same time a very sensual nature, can be a hero.

10. For once in your life (2013)

Creativity, relationships, friendship and a chance to start all over again - you can't imagine a more ideal scenario. " That's what I love about music - even the most banal scene is suddenly filled with great meaning.". It is a pity that our lives are not accompanied by soul-stirring soundtracks.

11. See you (2016)

In dark times, bright people are especially clearly visible. Lou bursts into Will's life like a firework - in strange outfits and with a peculiar view of the world. Sometimes we all need a meeting with such a person who could believe in you, disinterestedly giving not only self-confidence, but also the feeling that life is filled with meaning.

12. Fall in love with me if you dare (2003)

They met at graduation, a romantic relationship did not work out, but they remained friends for a long 20 years. Emma is smart, interesting and always ready to help, Dexter is handsome and irresponsible, who constantly needs this help. He tells her about all his girls, and she, holding back inner feelings and pain, becomes support and support. They are constantly looking for alternative options and do not dare to confess their feelings. In life too it often seems that any happiness is short-lived and unreliable Better to keep your feelings to yourself. What a pity that many still lack determination, like the heroes of the film "One Day".

14. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)

You can’t just part with a person who was once dear. Some little things will remain in memory, forever reminding of him: special words, songs, trinkets that make sense only in a certain context, and much more. So Joel makes a mistake, deciding to destroy the memories of the former, but in time he realizes how much he loves this eccentric girl, and tries to keep her in his memory in any way. But if it were possible to erase memories from memory, would you like to do it? In a fit of strong emotions, perhaps yes, but then they would definitely regret it.

And which on-screen couple has become the standard of relationships for you? Share in the comments.

The story "Childhood", the first part of Gorky's autobiographical trilogy, was written in 1913. In it, the mature writer turned to the theme of his past.

In the center of the story is the boy Alyosha, by the will of fate "abandoned" to his mother's family. After the death of his father, Alyosha was raised by his grandfather and grandmother. But besides them, there were many people in Alyosha's life - numerous uncles and aunts, who all lived under one roof, cousins, guests ... They all raised the hero, influenced him, sometimes without wanting it.

The life of Alyosha and his family is difficult, filled with many difficulties. Its main quality is restlessness, instability. At one time, the grandfather's family was quite rich, but when Alyosha went to school, everything went wrong. The boy had to collect rags, steal firewood. For this, he was disliked at school, although the hero studied well. It got to the point that Alyosha did not have money to buy a book, and the priest did not let him into his classes.

But besides material problems, Alyosha had many other trials as a child. Gorky describes to us the life and customs of the merchant environment, where cruel laws reigned: the grandfather beat the grandmother, the boy's uncles constantly fought because of the inheritance of his mother, the children cruelly mocked the weaker ones. Death and grief haunted Alyosha from birth. His loved ones were dying before his eyes: father, brothers, Tsyganok, mother. All this could not but leave its mark in the soul of the hero.

But even such a childhood ended very early for Alyosha. After the death of his mother, his grandfather told him that he could not support his grandson and that Alyosha needed to go "to the people."

But a child is a child, he can find joy and happiness everywhere, because it is in his nature: “Our life is not only amazing because a layer of all bestial rubbish is so prolific and fat in it, but because through this layer all the same the bright, healthy and creative victoriously sprouts, the good - human grows, arousing indestructible hope for our rebirth to a light, human life.

A bright spot in Alyosha's life was his grandmother, a truly moral and spiritual person. It was she who was closest to Alyosha. It was the grandmother, it seems to me, who helped the boy to keep the light in his soul and carry it later into adulthood.

The Good Deed also became a bright person in the fate of Alyosha. He was a rather educated man, to whom Alyosha was drawn with all his heart. In general, the boy was very capable, many of the sciences that his grandfather and mother taught him were easy for the hero. But, unfortunately, in childhood the boy did not receive a systematic education.

What is the idea of ​​the story "Childhood"? The author writes in it: “As a child, I imagine myself as a beehive, where various simple, gray people carried, like bees, the honey of their knowledge and thoughts about life, generously enriching my soul with whatever they could. Often this honey was dirty and bitter, but all knowledge is still honey.

So, Gorky is sure that childhood is a very important time in the life of every person. It is in childhood - the origins of character, worldview, mental state. In other words, it is then that the personality is formed. And it is so important that it is at this time that the child meets good, kind, understanding people on the way, so that the child is loved and protected from everyday hardships.

Childhood- this is the time when any emotional experience is felt much deeper, because everything happens for the first time: the first smile, the first step, the first word, the first tenderness and love, the first misfortune, the first victory, the first offense, the first creativity, the first humiliation, the first despair from impotence. There are a lot of such memories: small, short, sometimes some kind of imprints of individual images, and sometimes you remember only the feeling, the sensation left after the event.

And what happened then and with whom, rather exists in the world of fantasy and imagination than it was in reality. A person is filled with this throughout his life. This gives him the strength and energy to live, to love the whole world.

From there, from childhood, at L. Tolstoy forces were taken for that many years of work and kindness that he gave to people. Tolstoy, as an adult, recalls a case from childhood for which he is ashamed. He reflects on his act, finding no excuse for himself and calling it "... dark spots on the pages of my childhood memories." We learn about it from the story " Childhood", where Seryozha Ivin suggested that Ilenka stand on his head, as he himself did: "Try to do this; right, it's easy. But really, why doesn't he want to show anything? What a girl he is... he definitely needs to stand on his head!" All the boys grabbed him and put him on his head, feet up. Everyone laughed.

The author says that at that moment he was not even as convinced as before, "that all this is very funny and fun." When, escaping, Ilenka swung a lexicon at Seryozha, he offered to leave him, "if he doesn't understand jokes." The author says that he did not then realize that the poor thing was crying, probably not so much from physical pain, but from the thought that five boys, who, perhaps, liked him, for no reason, all agreed to hate and persecute him.

The author is absolutely unable to explain to himself cruelty of his action: “How did I not approach him, protect him and console him? Is this wonderful feeling drowned out in me by love for Seryozha and the desire to appear before him as well done as he is?

L. Tolstoy reverently remembers his home, brother. Atmosphere in the house L. Tolstoy was filled with the love of the people around him close to each other, in contrast to the atmosphere filled with "hot mist of mutual enmity of everyone with everyone" Maxim Gorky. As he said about her Bitter: "Too plentiful cruelty the dark life of a foolish tribe."

Explain cruelty in the relations of people, which Alexei observed in childhood, is possible only because at this time, which the author describes, his mother's brothers insistently demanded that the grandfather divide the property. “They were afraid that my mother would demand a dowry assigned to her, but withheld by her grandfather, because she had married with a cigarette, against his will,” says Bitter.

From the story of M. Gorky "Childhood" we learn about the grandfather's cruel act against the author in childhood. When Aleksei dyed the edge of the white tablecloth blue, his grandfather whipped him unconscious. He fell ill, lying upside down for several days in bed in a small room with one window and a red inextinguishable lamp in the corner in front of an icon case with many icons. After this cruel punishment, Alexei "had a restless attention to people", "... it was as if they had skinned his heart, it became unbearably sensitive to any insult and pain, his own and someone else's", he began to empathize more, sympathize with other people, live someone else's life as if it were his own, feeling other people's suffering with tears in his eyes. The kindness, care and understanding of his grandmother warmed his heart, healed the wounds, but the "scars" will always remind of the past and leave an imprint on the author's later life.

From similar situations in the clash of good and evil, meeting with cruelty Some people come out with a desire to do good, and others with hatred. grandfather in M. Gorky explains his cruelty cruel his father's attitude towards him. The older girls in the work "Jane Eyre" by S. Bronte, who yesterday felt injustice, cruelty and rudeness, today do the same with the younger girls in the orphanage: they take away bread, hate those around them. Unlike L. Tolstoy, M. Gorky and Sh. Bronte experience these experiences firsthand, encountering cruelty and injustice in childhood for the first time. These events shape their attitude towards themselves and the world: will they hate the whole world or will they be indulgent and merciful towards it, striving to increase good, feeling every grief and misfortune of everyone to whose lot it fell, as their own, as that which never will not be erased from memory, always reminding that it can be with someone. But knowing that any kind word, support of a person can relieve pain and suffering, make a person happy, give him strength, faith and hope in the future, in goodness and justice. The attitude of Miss Tempel and Helen Burns helps Jane Eyre not to lose heart and not fall into despair, hating everyone around her and herself. She begins to live by her own interests, passion for drawing, reveals her talent, ability to learn foreign languages. Opening her inner world, she becomes happy. The words of Ellen Burns become her guiding star: "Even if the whole world hates you and considers you bad, but you are clear before your own conscience, you will always find friends."

"... maybe you won't understand what I'm going to tell you, because I often speak very incomprehensibly, but you will still remember and then someday you will agree with my words. Know that there is nothing higher and stronger, and healthier, and more useful for life henceforth, like some good memory, and especially one taken from childhood, from the parental home. "The best upbringing is. If you collect a lot of such memories with you in life, then a person is saved for life. And even if only one good memory remains with us in our hearts, then even that can someday serve us to salvation" (F. M. Dostoevsky "The Brothers Karamazov").

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