Interior fat: benefits and applications. Pork internal fat - treatment

They get healthy - pork internal fat - from pork intestines, rendering it on low heat. After cooling, store in a cool place, using it in home treatment.

With bronchitis. When signs of bronchitis appear, mix a dessert spoon of fat in a glass of hot milk. Drink. Health is mixed with turpentine. The resulting mixture is rubbed until completely absorbed into the skin of the chest. In order to avoid hypothermia, the chest is insulated after rubbing.

Burn treatment. In equal quantities, unsalted melted lard is mixed with wood ash powder from the combustion of linden and oak logs. The resulting mixture lubricates the burns.

Treatment of hemorrhoids. The healing of anal fissures, the disappearance of hemorrhoidal cones is facilitated by an ointment prepared from the following components. Recipe: bee honey, it's healthy to take tbsp, add tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oils. Mix the components, apply the resulting ointment to the sore spot. If necessary, then the composition is injected on a special candle cut from potatoes into the rectum. Exercises for hemorrhoids will also help here.

Pulmonary tuberculosis. You will need: kg of bee honey, kg of pork internal fat, a liter of aloe juice (squeeze juice through cheesecloth from aloe leaves passed through a meat grinder), 10 pieces of homemade chicken egg yolks, a pack of cocoa (for example, "Golden Label"). Calcium is useful for such patients.

It is healthy to warm up, melt the honey in a water bath. Combine the components, stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The resulting drug is decomposed into containers, put in the refrigerator for storage. You need to use the mixture for a long time three times a day for st.l. half an hour before meals.

The mass can eventually be divided into fractions. To soften the mixture, put it in a warm place, then mix thoroughly.

Bedsore treatment. Prepared from the following components. Part of crushed black poplar buds, 1 - oak bark powder, 3 - unsalted melted healthy. Thoroughly mix the components until they are evenly distributed in the healthy. Apply the prepared ointment to bedsores 3-5 times a day.

Erysipelas. Recipe: rinse, mince plantain leaves. Mix the resulting slurry with the same amount of pork internal fat, apply to the areas of inflammation. Fresh ointment is applied every other day.

Acne. Yarrow flowers are ground, mixed in an equal amount of fresh lard. Lubricate the affected areas with the resulting ointment at night.

Cough. Put a glass of milk on fire. As it boils, add unsalted pork internal fat 1 tsp, half tsp. drinking soda. Stir thoroughly, drink hot in small sips. During the day, it is required to drink up to 3 glasses of the drink for treatment. Prepare each serving immediately before taking.

Human cells are made up of all kinds of fats, so animal fats must be present in the diet of people. Animal fat is necessary in the human body for the normal course of all processes. Pork fat is especially important, it helps with the structure of the hair and the skin needs it.

Nutritionists do not recommend eating pork fat, as it contains cholesterol, which adversely affects the human body. However, most doctors do not agree with the opinion of nutritionists, since with moderate use of pork fat, useful substances and some harmful ones enter the body.

pork fat- this is a chest with vitamins, it contains a rare arachidonic acid, which is responsible for the activity of female and male hormones, helps in the processing of cholesterol, promotes the functioning of the liver and brain. Also, this fat contains linoleic, oleic and many other types of acids that are so necessary for the normal development of internal organs and systems.

The composition of lard includes carotene, which can affect human vision, it contains a large number of active substances. Fat is rich in vitamins A, K, E and many others, and it also contains iron, copper and iodine for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. pork fat It has a very high calorie content, because of this it is not recommended to use it in large doses for overweight people.

In the food industry, several varieties of pork fat are used: extra subspecies, premium fat, first and second grade. When melted, extra fat acquires a transparent color, its smell will be almost imperceptible and fragrant, and the color before melting is pure white.

The premium fat is similar to the extra grade, only the smell is more pronounced and has not very pleasant notes. The first and second varieties are taken from the inner layers of fat, therefore, the color of such fat will be yellow, slightly cloudy, the consistency is relatively dense and not porous. When melted, this type of fat emits a not very pleasant smell and smells like cracklings.

The highest grade and extra are more suitable for cooking, as they have a pleasant smell and do not spoil the taste of the prepared products.

Where is pork fat used?

Many of the gourmets will never give up fried potatoes with lard and will do the right thing. As scientists have proven, those foods that have been fried in pork fat are much better absorbed by the body than those that have been fried in any kind of oil. In cooking, it is worth using natural fat, then the food will be not only tasty, but also healthy.

According to its properties pork fat similar to human fat. For the beauty of the skin, many cosmetologists advise preparing ointments based on pork fat. Such an ointment will allow you to nourish the skin without weighing it down and under it the skin will be able to breathe. It is suitable for sensitive skin and rinses well under running water.

Creams and masks from pork fat are very easy to prepare, they can be easily mixed with any acids, glycerin, alcohols and other liquids, fat interacts well with medications.

Medicinal properties of pork fat

Widely used in folk medicine pork fat It helps with both internal and external diseases. Many in childhood experienced treatment with pork fat, especially for colds. To lower the temperature, you need to grease the feet with a piece of fat, put on plastic bags and warm socks on top. This procedure was supplemented by drinking herbal tea, brewed in milk with the addition of melted fat and a pinch of ginger or pepper. Such a “swill” does not taste very pleasant, but the effect of it is one hundred percent. After the procedure, a person wakes up healthy and full of energy in the morning.

For diseases of the throat or bronchi, an ointment is prepared with the addition of pork fat. We take about 50 grams of fat, heat it with a water bath, add a couple of tablespoons of vodka and five drops of fir oil to the resulting mass. With the help of such an ointment, a warming compress is made and the chest is rubbed.

To strengthen the immune system, you can use rosehip tincture with lard and bee honey. It is made in a thermos, first pour boiling water over the rose hips at night, and add half a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of fat to the finished broth.

With the last stage of lung disease, a drink based on pork fat will help. To prepare the drink, you need to melt the fat on a quiet fire and, in the melted form, use two tablespoons up to five times a day. This medicine does not have a very pleasant taste, so it is recommended to seize it with honey. You can also mix melted fat with butter and honey and take it according to the previous scheme, you can drink it with warm milk.

For pain in the joints, melted fat with honey is applied to sore spots and wrapped in a warm scarf, it is better to do everything at night. You can also mix fat with salt and rub into the affected area.

An ointment based on pork fat will help relieve pain from sciatica, curvature of the spine and many diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system. To prepare such a remedy, you need to melt the fat in a water bath, then pour homemade milk into it and add ground pepper. Allow this mixture to cool and after cooling, rub into sore spots.

For the treatment of gout, it is worth rubbing the following composition of the ointment: mix about thirty grams of fat with half a glass of milk, add camphor alcohol, about fifty grams of turpentine and about twenty grams of ammonia. Add milk and all other components to the melted fat, the ointment is ready.

Also, fat is able to fight warts, you need to mix melted fat with finely chopped garlic. This mixture is prepared in proportions of 2: 1 and applied to the growth, then sealed with a plaster. The ointment should be applied until the growth dries up and disappears.

For skin problems, you need to mix melted fat with a decoction of coltsfoot herb, medicinal chamomile and calendula. Such an ointment is rubbed into damaged skin for three days, if necessary, you can extend the course of treatment.

In the treatment of burns, melted fat is mixed with sea buckthorn oil, after treatment with such a mixture, a sterile dressing is applied to the burn.

pork fat is an easily accessible product, and the benefits of it are huge. Fat allows a person to get rid of many diseases, including chronic ones.

Harmful properties of pork fat

As everyone knows, a pig is not a model of cleanliness, therefore, all its organs are susceptible to infection by many diseases. When eating pork fat, there is a risk of contracting all kinds of helminths.

Animal fat is very poorly perceived by the human body, it does not undergo hydrolysis. To digest pork fat, the human body uses a large amount of glucose, therefore, a person, eating fat, feels hungry. That is, when absorbing high-calorie foods with fat, the human body will not be saturated and soon a constant desire to eat will lead to obesity.

Very often, unscrupulous sellers put up for sale fat with an expired shelf life. Such a product may contain mycotoxins, these microorganisms can cause mutation of internal organs, reduce the protective functions of immunity and poison the entire body.

When a pig is slaughtered, due to the fear of the animal, ochratoxin is formed in the fatty tissues - this is a harmful substance that is very dangerous for human life.

With a rare use of pork fat, a person may not feel its negative properties. However, if you use this product daily, then obesity may occur, which will lead to malfunctions in the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract and blockage of blood vessels.

It is not recommended to use pork fat people with elevated cholesterol levels and with cholesterol plaques, hepatitis of any form, pancreatitis and pancreatic necrosis, and diseases associated with memory loss.

How is rendered pig fat prepared?

In order to melt the fat, you need a small saucepan, cut the frozen fat into medium cubes and heat it over low heat. After the fat is melted, you need to pour it into another pan, add salt and diced onion. Boil the fat until the onion changes color to yellow. After cooking, we pass the fat through compacted gauze and leave to cool on the table. After cooling, move the pan to a cold place.

You can cook fat using the second method, cut the internal fat of the pig and melt it in a bowl, sometimes stirring over low heat. We filter the resulting mass and put it in a warm place to settle the cracklings. After insisting for several hours, filter the mass again. After the second filtering, put the cracklings on the bottom of the jar, and put the fat on top. In a jar, fat can be stored for a long time and anyone can cook a delicious dish with the addition of pork fat.

This fat is more useful for external use than for internal use. However, if you do not abuse this product, you can get a lot of useful substances and trace elements from it. On the basis of this fat in the autumn-winter period, you can do rubbing for your four-legged friends. Such rubbing will allow the pet not to get sick in the cold winter cold and you will not have to spend money on expensive things for animals.

Interior rendered pork fat

Homemade lard.

How to melt lard.

The benefits and uses of pork interior fat.

Lard, recipe with photo.

Melted lard can be prepared from subcutaneous fat and from interior fat. Interior is fat that is attached to the internal organs of the animal.

Any lard from pork fat can be cooked simply in a frying pan. Cut into pieces and fry over low heat, periodically draining the melted heat. No problem.

But it is believed that only pork interior fat has healing properties.

In folk medicine, it is used to treat cough. It is taken both inside with tea or milk, and for rubbing. There are different recipes with honey, cocoa, propolis.

Interior lard is used as the basis for homemade ointments for skin diseases, varicose veins, etc.

Nowadays, home craftsmen themselves make environmentally friendly cosmetic creams based on suet.

From my own experience. I remember how, as a child, milk with lard saved me from a wild cough. I remember that it was not tasty, but I quickly recovered.

And I also had to make an ointment from a series of interior lard, it did help when pharmacy ointments only caused deterioration.

Interior lard is widely used in cooking. In Soviet cookbooks, it is often found, for example, in cutlets or dough for chebureks. If you read the composition of today's factory dumplings, interior fat is almost always indicated there.

Many people are used to frying potatoes in lard. You can mix interior lard and vegetable oil when frying potatoes, it turns out with a beautiful reddish crust and is tastier.

And in the old days it was widely used in baking. As you know, with lard they do not get stale for a long time. And shortbread cookies are more tender.

However, today we have lost the habit of baking with natural animal fat. Therefore, its taste bothers many, and me too. I tried to bake according to the original recipe, it is on a mixture of pork fat and butter. Did not like. Perhaps more spices should have been added.

And now I use it mainly for the preparation of non-stick grease for baking. A wonderful thing. I very rarely use baking paper. The grease recipe is very simple, in the bread recipe.

Therefore, once a year I buy interior fat in the market and prepare very pure lard from it, without the smell and without the taste of fried lard.

Interior fat is sold in the markets in the meat rows. Usually it is rolled like this white roll without pork skin. By the way, it is quite inexpensive.

Important: when rendered, pork fat always smells. This odor can be mild or very strong and unpleasant. Therefore, when buying nutritive fat, be sure to pay attention to its appearance and smell. Choose beautiful fat with a minimum of red blotches, fresh: white and without a sharp unpleasant odor.

Due to the possible strong smell, it is better to cook lard in the warm season with the window open, then the smell is very weak, only next to the stove.

There are different ways to get cleaner rendered visceral fat. The process always consists of two stages: long soaking and rendering.

I use a water bath for melting. This is relatively long. It usually takes me 3-4 hours to render 1 kg of lard, but the result is worth it.

Lard from pork interior fat


1. Interior fat - 860 g

Result: 700 ml of lard and 130 g of cracklings.

That is, a liter jar of lard needs 1200-1300 grams of interior fat.


1. Expand the lard and cut out, if any, large blotches of blood. Cut into pieces, the smaller the better. I have them about 3 cm.

2. Arrange the pieces of fat in liter jars. No need to hit hard. To fill with water. Add vinegar 6-9% for the first time, 1 tablespoon per jar. Close jars with lids. Put for soaking in the interior of the refrigerator.

3. Change the water in the jars twice a day. Soaking time 3-4 days.

4. Drain the water. Pour the fat into a thick bowl. I have a cauldron. Put in a water bath, that is, in a pot of hot water, so that the bottom touches the water.

Bring the water in the bath to a boil. Reduce to a minimum and boil, periodically adding water to the bath.

Collect the melted fat with a ladle in a bowl or ladle. Fat is hot, so enameled or stainless steel dishes are better.

5. After 3 hours, I was left with cracklings and very little fat. Cracklings can be stored in the freezer and used in cutlets or minced meat for stuffing dumplings or pastries.

6. Ready lard hardens slowly at room temperature. When the process is over, it is still liquid, because all the time we add hot. Strain the lard through a colander lined with gauze (wide bandage) in several layers.

7. Cool at room temperature. Store in refrigerator compartment. Pure lard in the refrigerator is perfectly stored for a whole year.

There are additional methods for deodorizing already prepared pork fat. I tried to add 100 grams of milk per liter of finished lard, then mix and bring to a boil. Didn't notice the difference. Perhaps the milk should be market.

By the way, adding milk shortens the shelf life of lard.

© Taisiya Fevronina, 2016.

You are an active person who cares and thinks about your respiratory system and health in general, continue to play sports, lead a healthy lifestyle and your body will delight you throughout your life. But do not forget to undergo examinations on time, maintain your immunity, this is very important, do not overcool, avoid severe physical and severe emotional overload. Try to minimize contact with sick people, in case of forced contact, do not forget about protective equipment (mask, washing hands and face, cleaning the respiratory tract).

  • It's time to start thinking about what you're doing wrong...

    You are at risk, you should think about your lifestyle and start taking care of yourself. Physical education is obligatory, and even better start playing sports, choose the sport that you like best and turn it into a hobby (dancing, cycling, gym or just try to walk more). Do not forget to treat colds and flu in time, they can lead to complications in the lungs. Be sure to work with your immunity, temper yourself, be in nature and fresh air as often as possible. Do not forget to undergo scheduled annual examinations, it is much easier to treat lung diseases in the initial stages than in a neglected form. Avoid emotional and physical overload, smoking or contact with smokers, if possible, exclude or minimize.

  • It's time to sound the alarm!

    You are completely irresponsible about your health, thereby destroying the work of your lungs and bronchi, pity them! If you want to live long, you need to radically change your whole attitude towards the body. First of all, go through an examination by such specialists as a therapist and a pulmonologist, you need to take drastic measures, otherwise everything may end badly for you. Follow all the recommendations of doctors, radically change your life, it may be worth changing your job or even your place of residence, absolutely eliminate smoking and alcohol from your life, and keep contact with people who have such addictions to a minimum, harden, strengthen your immunity, as much as possible be outdoors more often. Avoid emotional and physical overload. Completely exclude all aggressive products from everyday use, replace them with natural, natural products. Do not forget to do wet cleaning and airing the room at home.

  • Interior lard is the adipose tissue of an animal that lines the space of the animal's internal organs. It differs greatly from ordinary fat both in appearance and in its properties. The first difference that catches your eye is its consistency. It crumbles easily, unlike whole pieces of ordinary bacon, which can only be cut with a knife. But the differences don't end there.

    Interior lard can bring much more benefits to the body than the product to which we are accustomed. Its benefits are so diverse that it is used to treat many diseases.

    The composition of interior lard

    A variety of health benefits are due to its rich composition, which contains important nutritional and biologically active components. First of all, despite the fact that this product is an animal fat, it contains surprisingly little cholesterol. An excess of this substance in foods can cause significant harm to human health. At the same time, it contains an extremely useful substance - arachidonic acid.

    Arachidonic acid is a fatty acid that in the human body can stimulate mental activity. It is also extremely useful for people who suffer from increased acidity of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it can bring significant benefits to people who suffer from gastritis or peptic ulcers.

    Interior fat is also very rich in vitamins. It contains a large amount of vitamins A, E, K and D. Vitamins are vital substances that the human body can only receive with food. Vitamin A is involved in the fight against various infections, and is also necessary for the health of hair, skin and nails. Vitamin E prevents the aging of the body, prevents the development of thrombosis, and also strengthens the cardiovascular system. In addition, vitamin A is most effectively absorbed together with vitamin E.

    Vitamin K is necessary for the absorption of calcium (which, by the way, is also rich in interior lard). Vitamin D helps our body fight depression. This product is of great benefit as a means for the prevention of beriberi. Especially if you regularly use it in winter.

    Also, interior lard is rich in minerals. Calcium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus and magnesium - these vital nutrients are contained in it in large quantities.

    The benefits of interior lard

    This product is, without a doubt, one of the healthiest fats. Its benefits are retained even with intensive heat treatment. Therefore, it is used as various ointments, as well as warm compresses. The internal fat obtained from pork is of great benefit to the human body. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and other biologically active compounds.

    Especially actively the benefits of internal pork fat are noticeable as a means for healing the skin, hair and nails. This product contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the health of these tissues. Regular consumption of it in food improves the appearance, as well as strengthens them.

    The benefits of lard for the treatment of skin diseases, as well as for the treatment of burns, are invaluable. The use of this product on the damaged surface prevents the formation of scars and scars, as well as accelerates healing. Regular consumption of it helps to strengthen the immune system, improves the body's resistance to infections, and also reduces the likelihood of respiratory viral diseases.

    Interior lard for the treatment of diseases

    • Joint pain

    The use of compresses at night, based on internal pork fat, relieves pain in various diseases and injuries of the joints. Also, its benefit is to improve joint mobility. In diseases of the joints, it is necessary to apply a special warm compress to them. This requires a fairly dense fabric that retains heat well.

    • Skin diseases

    Pig internal fat is an excellent treatment for eczema. To do this, use a special mixture based on egg whites, as well as nightshade and celandine.

    • burns

    Ointment based on interior fat helps to improve the condition of the skin with burns. Thanks to its use, the healing of burn surfaces is accelerated, and scarring of the skin is also prevented.

    Salt for respiratory diseases

    The internal fat of the pig is of great benefit in diseases of the respiratory system. Our ancestors knew about it and often used it to treat these diseases. Compared to badger or bear fat, which are also used for treatment, it is much easier to get pork fat. Thanks to its use, expectoration is enhanced, which stimulates a more intense release of microbes during a cold. Another important point is its ability to strengthen the immune system.

    Before use, it must be melted over low heat. Due to this, it acquires a homogeneous consistency, which makes it much more convenient to use. If the fat was of good quality, then the smell after this procedure from it will be insignificant and pleasant. Cooled, it is already completely ready for use.

    A very effective tactic for colds, which allows you to fully appreciate its benefits, is rubbing. This improves mucus secretion. Its use is especially important for painful dry cough. To do this, you need to rub the chest and back of the patient (in this case, rubbing in the region of the heart should not be carried out). After that, the patient is dressed in cotton clothes and covered with a warm blanket.

    Such procedures allow for a few days to completely clear the lungs of the patient. Salt brings even greater benefits in combination with fir oil.

    Internal use for colds

    Just as great as a means to relieve well-being, with a cold, lard brings as a means for internal use. The use of a teaspoon of warm interior fat allows you to get rid of acute coughing fits.

    In addition, it is very useful for colds to mix this product with tea or warm milk. You can add honey to it, which will bring even more benefits. This product must be consumed warm.

    The harm of interior lard

    Even such a product, which brings great benefits to people and is used to treat a wide variety of diseases, can also bring harm. The internal fat of a pig is harmful to humans, mainly if the animal has been infected. To avoid infection with worms and other microbes, it must be subjected to heat treatment before use.

    It should also be remembered that animal fat is a very high-calorie product and can cause significant harm to your figure. To avoid this, it is enough just to use it in reasonable quantities.

    A large amount of fat can disrupt the functioning of the liver and digestive gland in people who suffer from diseases of these organs. Therefore, with these diseases, it is better to refrain from using it.

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