New ranking of the most beautiful cities in the world. What are the most beautiful cities in the world

Russia- the biggest country in the world! With its history, unique culture, exquisite architecture and its natural beauty! With forests, fields, rivers, lakes and other gifts of our nature! Man is also a creation of nature. So who, no matter how man, will help Russia become even more beautiful!

What are the most beautiful cities in Russia?

St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg- the city of the empire, which is rightfully considered the most beautiful city! Peterhof, the Winter Palace, Nevsky Prospekt, drawbridges and many other attractions without which this unique city with white nights would not exist!


Moscow is the capital of our country. There is a lot of history here, a lot of non-standard and classic ideas in architecture that cannot be compared with anything! See the quiet, calm and at the same time luxurious Arbat, or walk past those streets that tell the stories of our country's past with their appearance. Both are beautiful and incomparable sights, as well as the Kremlin, Red Square, Triumphal Arch, Resurrection Gates, Museums and exhibition halls - all this is Moscow.


Third on this list - Kazan. A city where several religions from Islam to Buddhism met and neighbored by friendly communities. A lot of beauty in this city is the amazing Pink Mosque, the Peter and Paul Cathedral, the Syuyumbina Tower, the Kazan Cathedral, the Millennium Bridge, and for the smallest - a stunning puppet theater.


Fourth in this ranking Kaliningrad. The city is an era that was built for the Germans by the Germans themselves. The ancient Gothic architecture is striking in its beauty and unusualness - squares, parks, gardens, museums, as well as the King's Gate, Palmburg Bridge and the hallmark of this city - Königsberg Cathedral.

Nizhny Novgorod

Nizhny Novgorod- the largest regional center of Russia which has always been famous for its rich and world history. This city is very rich in historical and modern sights. The main masterpiece is the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, the Chkalov Stairs, the Nativity Church. The most popular sights of Nizhny Novgorod can be seen.


Yekaterinburg- this is a real decoration of the Urals. This city is unique in its beauty and history. Pre-revolutionary places that miraculously remained untouched during the difficult Soviet period, monuments, palaces, gardens, churches, as well as the Tsarsky Bridge, the Zheleznov Estate, the Great Zlatoust and the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral.


Vladimir- one of the few historical and ancient cities. Most of the monuments of Russian architecture have been preserved here. The most beautiful gardens, parks, monasteries, museums and many other attractions that this city has.


The eighth city Sochi. The city is a garden that is immersed in greenery, the beauty of nature fascinates, streets and alleys, unusual color, architecture, this is what creates the mood of the city. Climate, picturesque vegetation, clear sea, parks, waterfalls, fortresses, canyons and more can be seen in this amazing city.


Decent, ninth place Rostov-on-Don. Green city, where a lot of greenery and flowers. Squares, parks, the beauty of ancient buildings, gardens with huge hundred-year-old trees. This city is famous for its multiple sculptural compositions, which you want to see again and again.


Number ten Volgograd is a city with unique architecture, with churches, fountains and a large number of military glory memorials, the most famous of them is Motherland, which is located on Mamaev Kurgan.


Krasnoyarsk- a handsome city, it is located on the banks of the Yenisei with straight and even streets, captivates with many historical monuments and its green reserves. There are a lot of chapels, temples and churches, many amazing fountains that in summer days give mood to guests and residents of the city.


Pyatigorsk– city of museum and mineral waters. Amazing nature in this area - mountains, caves, forests, lakes, healing springs, historical sculptures, beautiful streets and alleys that fascinate with their beauty.

Yoshkar — Ola

Yoshkar — Ola- a city that everyone needs to see. The beauty of this city will surprise every inhabitant of Russia. Many masterpieces in this city are the Tsarevokokshaisky Kremlin, the “12 Apostles” Complex, and there is also an animated clock that every three hours, accompanied by musical accompaniment, the “12 Apostles” come out of the tower, led by “Jesus”, pass along the balcony and hide in the neighboring tower.


Irkutsk- a unique ancient city with modern buildings and original architecture. The main attraction of this city is Lake Baikal.


Samara- the fourteenth city in the twenty most beautiful cities in Russia - this city is known for numerous monuments and sculptures, and Samara is one of the largest transport hubs in Russia.


Ulyanovsk- one of the most beautiful and historical cities in Russia. Walking along the shady narrow streets with wooden sidewalks, all this creates the atmosphere that reminds of the great Russian history.


Yaroslavl- this city is more than a thousand years old, it has many historically significant places, with ancient churches, the main of which is the Transfiguration Monastery, which replaces the Kremlin.


Voronezh- a beautiful city, decorated with wonderful cultural and architectural monuments, with museums, churches and cathedrals. Walking along the quiet streets, you can feel and see the beauty of these places with a great past, with a wonderful present and a successful future, where in every corner of this city there is a history of these places.


Pskov- a city where the atmosphere of an ancient city, here you can enjoy the historical beauty of the city, visit the Kremlin and see what the Gremyachaya Tower looks like.


Completes the top 20 most beautiful cities in Russia - Arkhangelsk. One of the oldest cities in the Russian North. It is located at the mouth of the northern Dvin. City of Sea Glory, which has: a beautiful embankment, historic quiet streets, wooden estates, Arkhangelsk Arbat. And only in this city the first New Year tree in Russia is put up.

The Russian Federation among all countries of the world is the undisputed champion in terms of area. It is not surprising that it is here, among 1100 cities and towns, that you can find those whose beauty and originality are breathtaking. Each settlement is famous for its rich history, culture, sights, monuments and architecture. We offer you to get acquainted with the most beautiful of them.

1. St. Petersburg

The city on the Neva since its foundation in 1703 leaves no one indifferent. The foundation of the cultural capital of Russia was laid by the great Tsar Peter I, making his brainchild one of the most beautiful cities in the world thanks to the involvement of world-famous architects, engineers, artists and sculptors in its construction. Garden and park complexes, museums and palaces are unparalleled, and the priceless collections stored in the Hermitage and the Russian Museum cannot be viewed even in a few months. Every traveler dreams of visiting Northern Palmyra in order to feel the spirit of this intelligent and sophisticated city.

2. Moscow

Moscow deservedly occupies the second position in the ranking. The capital of Russia is one of the oldest cities in the country and was founded in 1147 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Countless times the city was plundered and burned, but the locals restored their beloved Mother See with enviable persistence, making it only more beautiful each time. Today, more than 10 million people live in Moscow and the region, the most visited sights are Red Square, the Kremlin, the Triumphal Arch, the Tretyakov Gallery, Old Arbat, the Museum of Fine Arts. Pushkin.

3. Kazan

The city of Kazan is the administrative, political and financial center of the Republic of Tatarstan. The city was founded around 1000 AD, while initially it was a small settlement and a fortress, which later became a significant city for the Golden Horde. Two diverse cultures - Russian and Tatar - are organically intertwined in Kazan, so here you can find many churches adjacent to mosques. The most popular sites for tourists are the National Museum and Library, the Opera and Ballet Theatre, the Kazan zoo and botanical garden, the Churches of the Epiphany and Peter and Paul.

4. Yekaterinburg

The first settlement was founded on the site of the future Yekaterinburg in 1723; half a century later, the city received an official status granted to it by Catherine II. In Soviet times, most of the architectural and historical monuments were destroyed, and the city lost the lion's share of its attractiveness. Today Yekaterinburg is the center of the Ural region and gladly opens its doors to tourists. With particular interest, guests visit the Tsarsky Bridge, the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, the Zheleznov estate, as well as the Church on the Blood, built on the site of the execution of the Royal Family.

5. Nizhny Novgorod

Nizhny Novgorod, the oldest and most beautiful city in Russia, is located in the heart of the Volga region. The settlement stretches on two banks of the Oka River at once and was founded at the beginning of the 13th century. The rich history of the city is reflected in numerous old buildings, merchant houses, built in the best traditions of native Russian architecture. The Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, whose construction dates back to the 16th century, is considered a symbol of the city. At the service of travelers are the Pechersky Monastery, Rukavishnikov's estate, Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street and the house-museum of Peter I.

6. Kaliningrad

The ancient German city was built in 1255. Kaliningrad became Russian after the Great Patriotic War, which affected the external appearance of the city not in the best way. Despite the post-war devastation, Kaliningrad and its inhabitants found the strength to restore their native land, to preserve priceless historical monuments as much as possible. The soul of the city is the Wrangel Tower, the Cathedral, the Royal Gates, the Church of Queen Louise, the monument to Baron Munchausen.

Russia is unique in that, due to its vast territory, it found itself in four climatic zones at once. It is clear that in different parts of it the climate ...

7. Novosibirsk

Novosibirsk is one of the youngest cities in Russia, the city was founded in 1893. Despite the fact that there are few historical sights here, Novosibirsk is notable for its special beauty and beauty and is not inferior in attractiveness to its older rivals. The most ancient objects of Novosibirsk are three cathedrals: Alexander Nevsky, St. Nicholas and Voznesensky. The largest railway station is also located in Novosibirsk. The guests of the city are offered excursions to the only museum of the Sun in the world, as well as to original and outlandish monuments - a traffic light and a sausage.

8. Sochi

The Black Sea coast of Russia is impossible to imagine without a precious pearl, whose name is Sochi. The first thing that comes to mind at the mention of this city is the sun, palm trees, the sound of the surf, cozy beaches, restaurants and an unimaginable number of vacationers who come here from all over the country. There is something to visit in Sochi: the famous Arboretum, the Oceanarium, the Museum of Ethnography, the Riviera entertainment park. The local places are rich in natural attractions, the most famous of which are Mount Akhun, Sochi National Park, Yew-Boxwood Grove and Eagle Rocks.

9. Rostov-on-Don

Rostov-on-Don is a major port located in the south of the country. The city was founded in 1749, since then the settlement has received many nicknames - "the gates of the Caucasus", "The southern capital of Russia", "The city of five seas". This region is characterized by the interpenetration of cultures of different peoples - Christian churches peacefully coexist with mosques and synagogues. The main attractions of Rostov-on-Don are the Twins Fountain, a drawbridge, the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin, and a monument to Stepan Razin.

According to a sociological survey, Muscovites perceive their city as a place where they can realize themselves in the spiritual, financial, business and cultural...

10. Arkhangelsk

Arkhangelsk is a city with an interesting history, founded in 1584 by order of Ivan the Terrible. At different times, the monarchs of the Russian State arrived in Arkhangelsk - Tsar Peter I founded a shipyard here, and then ordered the creation of the Arkhangelsk Admiralty, the first governor of which was Grand Duke Golitsyn. After the beginning of the reign of Catherine II, Arkhangelsk became an important trading center; under Alexander II, the city became famous for its timber industry enterprises. Today, Arkhangelsk has preserved a lot of sights, including architectural objects of wooden architecture. Travelers are amazed by the abundance of maritime monuments and monuments to soldiers who died in the fleet.

11. Vladimir

Founded in 1108 by Vladimir Monomakh. The first settlements appeared on the territory of Vladimir about 30 thousand years ago. Today the city is the center of the region of the same name, it is included in the Golden Ring of Russia. The population of the city is 355 thousand people, the area of ​​​​the agglomeration is 125 sq. km. Sightseeing: Golden Gates, Dmitrievsky Cathedral, water tower, Historical Museum, Planetarium, Trinity Church, Vladimirsky Central.

12. Volgograd

Founded in 1589, the original name is Tsaritsyn. Throughout its history, it has undergone many lootings, after which each time new fortresses and defensive walls were erected on the site of the destroyed buildings. The glory of the city was brought by the battles taking place on this territory during the Great Patriotic War, when Volgograd was known as Stalingrad. Volgograd was awarded the title of Hero City. In honor of the battle that took place here, a world-famous monument was erected - "Motherland".

When scientists estimate the age of cities, they rely on the very first mention of them in chronicles or annals. However, often archaeological excavations ...

13. Krasnoyarsk

Date of foundation of the city - 1628, former names - Novokachinsky prison, Big prison. Krasnoyarsk is one of the largest cities in the country, the population is about 1.5 million people who live in 7 administrative districts. Today it is considered the educational, sports and industrial center of the Siberian region. Sightseeing: Krasnoyarsk Pillars, Trinity Cemetery, Chernaya Sopka, Park of Culture. Gorky.

14. Pyatigorsk

Pyatigorsk is a resort town in the Stavropol Territory. The first mention of Pyatigorsk dates back to the 14th century, the official date of the foundation of the city is 1780. On the territory of the settlement there are balneological and mud springs, an uncountable number of sanatoriums, rest houses and boarding houses. Pyatigorsk is characterized by a rich variety of flora and fauna, the city and the region have excellent ecology and healthy air, which has a beneficial effect on a number of diseases.

15. Yaroslavl

Founded in 1010, it is considered one of the oldest cities in the country. Today it is the administrative center of the region of the same name, the population of the agglomeration is more than 600 thousand people. Yaroslavl stands on the path of the Golden Ring of Russia route, the historical part of the city is under the protection of UNESCO. The most visited sights: more than two dozen churches, Semenovsky bridge, Demidovsky pillar, River Station, a monument to Yaroslav the Wise, Knopf's house.

16. Pskov

Founded in 903, former name - Pleskov. It is considered one of the most important tourist, historical and educational centers of the district of the same name. During the Great Patriotic War, it was under Nazi occupation for three years, for which Pskov was awarded the title of "City of Military Glory". Sightseeing: Art Gallery, Museum-Reserve, Offices of Command, House-Museum of V.I. Lenin, House of Crafts, Planetarium, Folk Art Center.

Regular sociological surveys, which are conducted among the local population, are designed to identify the most comfortable cities for living in each country...

17. Suzdal

The city is located in the Vladimir region, for the level of tourism development and the preservation of historical monuments of architecture has been repeatedly awarded orders, including the Order of the Badge of Honor. The population of the city is about 10 thousand people, the first mention of the settlement dates back to 999, officially the status of the city was assigned in 1778. Today Suzdal is part of the famous "Golden Ring of Russia" and is protected by the state as a protected area. Main attractions: Assumption and St. Nicholas Church, Pokrovsky, Vasilyevsky, Alexander monasteries, more than three dozen monuments-museums of wooden architecture, the bust of Pozharsky, a monument to soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War.

18. Voronezh

It is located 534 km from the capital of Russia, is the center of the region of the same name. Date of foundation - 1586, the population in 2016 was more than 1 million people. Due to its favorable location, it was considered the cradle of the Russian Navy and the region in which the famous airborne troops were most developed. In 2008, Voronezh was awarded the Order of the City of Military Glory for the heroism shown during the Great Patriotic War. The main local attractions are the museum "Arsenal", the house-museums of Bunin, Durov, Kramskoy, Diorama, five theaters. The unofficial symbol of the city is the monument to Emperor Peter I.

19. Samara

One of the Russian million-plus cities with an agglomeration area of ​​about 3 million people. Samara was founded in 1586, the first mention of a settlement located on the site of the current city dates back to 921. Oil refining and mechanical engineering are developed in the region, many food industry enterprises were built during the Soviet period. The city is famous for its squares, of which there are 17. Popular attractions are the Art Museum, monuments of ancient architecture, historical buildings, monuments, steles and high reliefs.

All people get used from childhood to the area and environment where they were born and live. When a person becomes an adult, sometimes you critically rethink ...

20. Vladivostok

The city is the administrative center of Primorsky Krai. Vladivostok was founded in 1860 as a military post in Peter the Great Bay, which belongs to the Sea of ​​Japan. Proximity to China determines a number of names given to Vladivostok by the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire - "Trepang Bay" or "Salt Bay". The first settlers arrived here a year after the establishment of the post, and two years later the first land sale deal was concluded here. The number of residents living in the local agglomeration is more than 700 thousand people. The main sights of the city include the museum of the study of the Amur region, the oceanarium, the Vladivostok fortress, the Military History Museum.

There are many attempts to rank the top beautiful cities in the world. Every year, various magazines, travel agencies, travelers write their own ratings, and they always differ from each other. Although there are, of course, unconditional favorites that fall into any list. We will try to compile a generalized top 10 beautiful cities in the world. He does not pretend to be the ultimate truth, but represents the opinion of the majority of people who love to visit different parts of the globe.

Rating Features

Deciding to compile the top beautiful cities in the world, you may encounter a big problem: there are many cities, and the list is limited. Any ratings should be based on some objective criteria. But what are the common indicators of beauty? Style? Diversity? Historical and cultural significance? But there is still the atmosphere of the city, the charm. How to evaluate all this? The surest way is to ask people who have seen different cities of the world. Of course, their opinions will differ, and sometimes very much, but in general, polls help to reveal the opinion of the majority, and this is a fairly sure way to find the truth.

Our list includes only 10 beautiful cities in the world, and this is negligible. Since any settlement has its own face, and for some, it may seem the most beautiful. Undoubtedly magnificent cities remained outside our list: Florence, Istanbul, Bruges, Budapest, Cape Town, Sydney, Rio de Janeiro and many others. But this is the shortcomings of all ratings, it is impossible to grasp the immensity. Here is our version of the list with the rationale for why this city entered the top, and what you should definitely see in it.

10. London

Let's start our list of beautiful cities in the world with the main city of the British Empire. London is a city of unique history, with an original architectural image and a unique atmosphere. A special energy reigns in it: youth and maturity, money, art, irony, imperial history.

The main charm of London is its endless variety. It really has everything: the majestic Parliament, Buckingham Palace, cozy Notting Hill, Stylish Chelsea, bohemian Soho, the grandiose St. Paul's Cathedral, the modern towers of the City. This is only the most superficial look at the dignity of the city.

The mandatory city program includes the following attractions:

  • Big Ben. The clock on the Parliament Tower has long been the main symbol of London. The guides can tell many stories from the life of the clock, the bell and the tower. The neo-Gothic Parliament building with graceful spiers, towers and lancet window openings was built in the second half of the 19th century.
  • Buckingham Palace. The home residence of the royal family is the epitome of monarchy. On holidays, the queen and her heirs greet the people from the balcony of the palace. And on weekdays, it is worth seeing the changing of the guard and taking pictures of the famous guardsmen in high bear hats and red uniforms.
  • Tower. The fortress, built in the 11th century, was a palace, a prison, a museum, and a place for storing treasures. It has retained its historical appearance almost unchanged and you need to go into it to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of ancient history and mystery.

And you also need to walk around London, go to the British Museum and the Tate Gallery, wander through the streets of the City, lie on the lawn in Hyde Park, take a boat trip to Greenwich, climb to a height in London Eye.

9. Prague

It is impossible not to include the capital of the Czech Republic in our ranking of the most beautiful cities in the world. Almost everyone who has been here falls in love with the city forever. The reason for this is the unique historical center, which was formed in the Middle Ages, and today plunges into the era of mysticism and mystery.

The city was formed from two independent settlements and now there are two distinctive districts: the Old Town with the Town Hall Square and houses decorated with signboards in medieval traditions, and Mala Strana, lying at the foot of the majestic Prague Castle. The Royal House, Prague Castle, is today the largest active government residence in Europe. Here you definitely need to see the St. Vitus Cathedral, the towers of which can hardly fit into the camera lens, go inside and admire the stained-glass windows and Gothic decoration. To the right of the cathedral there is a small lane, Zlata street. Here, jewelers once lived in dollhouses and the writer whose Prague Castle inspired him to write the mystical novel The Castle.

The famous Charles Bridge with Gothic bridge towers and luxurious sculptures connects the two sides of the city and the two banks of the Vltava. You also need to see the colossal Wenceslas Square in Prague, furnished with houses in the Art Nouveau style, take a walk to the New Place and its town hall, look at the two Cathedrals of St. Nicholas on each side, climb to a beautiful example of baroque architecture and an excellent observation deck - the Strahovsky Monastery, take a walk along the embankment , finding the Dancing House and little Venice on the Chertovka River. And, of course, walk and walk around Prague, looking at houses and soaking up the atmosphere.

8. Hong Kong

Listing the beautiful cities of the world, it is worth remembering the stunning Hong Kong. It surprisingly combines the traditions of Asia and the East, history and modernity. This city on 260 islands was a British colony for more than 100 years. In the 2nd half of the 20th century, it experienced rapid economic growth and became the true financial capital of Asia. Today, Hong Kong is largely seen as the city of the future, although many national traditions are preserved here. There is a lot to see in this city.

You should definitely take a look at Victoria Peak - this is the highest point in the city, it offers a fantastic view. To complete the experience, it is best to climb the mountain on an old funicular tram. Hong Kong is a city of skyscrapers, today there are more than 300 such structures, and many of them are real masterpieces of architecture. Tourists should definitely see the sitting Buddha statue, which is one of the ten tallest sculptures in the world. The beauty of the city is created not only by buildings, but also by the most beautiful parks: Kowloon, Hong Kong, Ocean, as well as embankments with stunning views of the city panorama. And in Hong Kong there are several temples and monasteries that amaze with their elegant traditional oriental look.

7. Barcelona

Choosing the most beautiful cities in the world, many people remember the capital of Catalonia. Barcelona appeared in the 3rd century BC. But her modern beauty, of course, is of later times.

The heart of the city is the Gothic Quarter, which has retained its appearance since the 14th century. Life here is in full swing, today there are many restaurants, shops, bars. But the spirit of the Middle Ages is preserved, and the cathedral plays an important role in this. The Gothic spiers of the temple, its stained-glass windows are an excellent example of the architecture of the late Middle Ages. The "new" part of the city is a unique example of urban planning. Under Queen Isabella, the ancient fortress walls were destroyed and a new city with a clear linear structure was founded. This area of ​​Eixample today is the most prestigious and respectable in the city.

There is an incredible number of houses in the Catalan Art Nouveau style, as well as the famous buildings of the architect Antoni Gaudí, for which millions of tourists come here. The main buildings of the architect are the still unfinished, grandiose Sagrada Familia (Temple of the Holy Family), the houses of Mila and Batllo, the palace and the Park Güell. But besides this, there are many beautiful places in Barcelona. This is Plaza de España with a monumental building of the Museum of Art, a former bullfighting arena and a “singing” fountain, this is Ramblai Street, Grazia Boulevard, Montjuic Hill with an ancient fortress, a river port, and you won’t see Barcelona in one day, it deserves a big and deep dive.

6. St. Petersburg

Undoubtedly, it should be included in the top most beautiful cities in the world. Its historic center is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The most beautiful cities in the world (photo attached) are always distinguished by their special architecture. The historical center of the city was planned by Emperor Peter the Great. It is worth starting to explore St. Petersburg from the Peter and Paul Fortress - the heart of the city. And then you can go to the other side of the Neva. Be sure to take a walk from the end of Nevsky Prospekt to its very beginning, to the Admiralty. The walk will allow you to see a large number of palaces of the aristocracy, Anichkov and Green bridges, Kazan Cathedral, and, finally, go to Admiralteisky Prospekt, and from there to Palace Square.

Then you can walk to St. Isaac's Cathedral and the Bronze Horseman, wander along the embankments, walk to the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood and the Mikhailovsky Palace. A special look at the beauties of St. Petersburg opens from the water. Therefore, it is worth taking a boat ride and seeing the majestic and ceremonial city. Since the Northern capital is included in the list of the 10 most beautiful cities in the world on the water, bridges acquire special significance here, many of which are real masterpieces of architectural and engineering thought. The most mystical and complex character of the city opens up during the White Nights, when amazing light reigns here, giving a romantic touch to all buildings.

5. Paris

Describing the most beautiful cities in the world, the top 10 of which we compile, it is impossible to ignore the capital of France. Poets, writers, artists have written about her beauty more than once. "Gray Rose", as M. Voloshin called Paris, strikes with elegance and style. The city is ideal for romantic walks, for a leisurely promenade. The obligatory program in the French capital begins, of course, with Notre Dame de Paris. This is the heart of the city, from this place the city was once born. The second thing everyone who comes to Paris wants to see is the Eiffel Tower. She is the most photographed object in the world, her lacy silhouette can be admired day and night, and she is extremely photogenic.

The third most important object is the Louvre with its glass pyramids. But the beauty of Paris is not limited to these sights. To feel its charm, you need to walk through the Tuileries Park, reach the Arc de Triomphe, walk along the embankments, looking at bridges and houses, reach the perfect Place des Vosges, look into the Palais Royal. Stop at the Conciergerie Palace, see the Les Invalides, the Pantheon, the building of the Opera Garnier. The Montmartre area deserves special attention with its cabarets, restaurants, artists on the square, the Sacré-Coeur Cathedral and the funicular. The charm of this area cannot be expressed in words, it must be felt. Emotions of a completely different kind are evoked by the modern and technological area of ​​De Fance skyscrapers, walking there, it’s even hard to believe that this is Paris.

4. Amsterdam

The capital of the Netherlands is a special city, it does not hit the eyes with brightness and does not shake the scale of buildings. But Amsterdam should undoubtedly be included in the ranking of the most beautiful cities in the world due to its restrained and austere architecture, distinct national flavor and special character. People go to the capital of Holland, first of all, for the atmosphere of freedom and romance. The city has almost half a thousand bridges, many of which are quite remarkable, and more than 50 canals. You should definitely swim under the bridges; a special, unforgettable view of the city opens up from the water. All visitors tend to get to the main square of the city, called Dam, from the word dam. The second place where any tourist goes is the Red Light District. In addition to the refuge of sin, the beautiful Old Church (Oude Kerk) of the 13th century and many houses from the 15th-17th centuries have been preserved here.

The city also has several other interesting temples. Also worth seeing are the fine examples of the Dutch Neo-Renaissance - the Railway Station and the Rijksmuseum. The impressive remains of defense structures - the towers of Montelbanstoren, Monetnaya, the Wailing Tower - make a strong impression. But, probably, the main attraction of Amsterdam is the narrow houses clinging to the edges of the canals, boat houses and endless bridges.

3. Venice

Many beautiful cities of the world, located on the water, are compared with Venice. This is a certain standard, an example of style and unusualness. The city is located on 118 islands, which are connected by more than 400 bridges.

The most famous bridges worth seeing are the following: Rialto, Sighs, Academies, Straw. Be sure to swim under them, and then go through them. In this case, two Venice opens. Although, of course, the view of the city is more mesmerizing from the water. Its beauty is made up of famous objects: the Doge's Palace, San Marco's Piazza and Cathedral, the Church of Santa Maria della Salute, the palazzo along the Grand Canal, the churches of San Giorgio Maggiore and Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari.

An additional bonus to the beauty of the city are the nearby Burano, San Michele, Torcello, each of which is original and incredibly interesting. Venice is a city for unhurried walks and admiration, here you need to wander along the streets and embankments, looking at houses, bridges, churches.

2. Madrid

When asked what is the most beautiful city in the world, one can often hear in response: "Madrid". It really amazes with luxury and scope. Vibrant, noisy Madrid was created specifically to make an indelible impression on the visitor. Local attractions are always huge, richly decorated, luxurious.

Such is the Communications Palace in Cibelis Square, such are the buildings along Gran Via and Mayor. The Royal Palace, the Mayor Square complex, embody the greatness of the Spanish crown, symbolize the times when the country was among the leaders of world powers.

The city has excellent conditions for walking: wide, green boulevards, squares, spacious squares and streets. All major attractions are concentrated in a small space. It is worth taking a walk along Prado Boulevard, along the most famous museums, seeing the modern Atocha train station, walking along Alcala Street to Las Ventas Arena and going out to the eternally crowded Sol Square - the very heart of the city.

1. Rome

Remembering the most beautiful cities in the world, one cannot help but think of the capital of Italy. The Eternal City is infinitely diverse and beautiful. It combines ancient monuments such as the Forum and the Colosseum with stunning Renaissance architecture. Baroque coexists with classics and modernity. There are so many sights in Rome that they can even be listed for a very long time. The mandatory program includes St. Peter's Basilica, the Pantheon, the Castel Sant'Angelo, the complexes and del Popolo, the Spanish Steps and much more.

Therefore, if you still do not know where to spend your summer holidays, I suggest that you visit one of these heavenly places.

to your attention twenty-five cities that won the hearts of millions people of our planet. You won't believe which one took first place.

25. San Francisco, USA

The Golden Gate Bridge, the tallest building in Transamerica, the Coit Tower and the beautiful scenery of the surroundings will enchant you at first sight and leave pleasant memories for a lifetime.

24. Chiang Mai, Thailand

"Rose of the North" is how the Thais poetically call Chiang Mai. Majestic buildings and temples of unprecedented beauty - it is simply impossible not to fall in love with this city!

23. Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon combines Moorish and medieval architecture. The greatest attraction of Lisbon is the ancient castle of St. George.

22. Sydney, Australia

The breathtaking opera house, the Harbor Bridge and the city's unrivaled beaches have propelled it to #22 on our list.

21. Budapest, Hungary

Numerous thermal springs of Budapest with its luxurious baths will immerse you in an atmosphere of tranquility and comfort. The local capital of Hungary is called the "Queen of the Danube". It is not surprising, because surrounded by this full-flowing river, the city impresses with its sights and neoclassical architecture.

20. Bangkok, Thailand

"Cheap and cheerful" - these words are about Bangkok. This is where you can relax inexpensively and tastefully. The city surprisingly combines the divine beauty of Buddhist temples and rich, crazy nightlife.

19. Cape Town, South Africa

The Castle of Good Hope with its dungeons and interesting exhibits will take you back to the times when Cape Town was the center of the economic and social life of the country. And the South African Museum will reveal the secrets of ancient rock paintings. Above the city, like a guard, Mount Table rises, and on the other side, Cape Town is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

18. Chicago, USA

Chicago is the birthplace of the world's first skyscrapers. It was here that the blues was born and jazz culture is actively developing, and comedy shows are considered the best in the country.

17. Dubai, UAE

Believe it or not, in the 1970s Dubai was a small tribal settlement. Now it is one of the richest cities in the UAE with the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa, luxurious artificial islands and beaches.

16. St. Petersburg, Russia

The white nights of St. Petersburg will drive even the biggest cynic crazy. And what is the spectacle of breeding bridges worth! The Hermitage, walks along Nevsky Prospekt and Palace Square, the fabulous Church of the Resurrection of Christ, the majestic Winter Palace will captivate you.

15. Barcelona, ​​Spain

It is incredible how harmoniously the ancient and the new are combined in this city! Along with narrow streets and bulky buildings of past centuries, you will notice luxurious modern apartments and hotels.

14. Buenos Aires, Argentina

In Buenos Aires, you can either sit in a cozy cafe and take a walk in the shade of one of the city parks, or have fun at a noisy party with lots of lights and impressive shows. The unique architecture of the city is its main highlight.

13. Florence, Italy

Romance, romance, and once again romance... The city seemed to be frozen in one of the past centuries. Majestic cathedrals, the best museums in the world, luxurious galleries - Florence combines uniquely beautiful architecture and a cozy atmosphere.

12. New York, USA

Center for Western Culture. Admire the grandeur of skyscrapers, ride a bike through the local square, eat pizza in one of the legendary cafes - in this city everyone will find entertainment to their liking.

11. Berlin, Germany

The Brandenburg Gate, the Berlin Wall and ancient bridges - this amazing city will not leave you indifferent.

10. Shanghai, China

Life in the multi-million dollar Shanghai moves at a frantic pace, but it's worth stopping for a moment to admire the incredible beauty of the Jade Buddha Temple.

9. Siem Reap, Cambodia

This relatively new city is located near Angkor Wat - the mysterious city of temples and at the same time the largest religious monument in the world.

8. Hanoi, Vietnam

A tour of Hanoi should start from the Old Quarter - the largest market in the country, visits to numerous theaters and the Museum of Vietnamese Women.

7. Paris, France

The sights of Paris are countless. After visiting the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower, don't forget to visit one of the local restaurants. Incredibly delicious cuisine and the romantic atmosphere of evening Paris will not let you get bored.

6. Marrakech, Morocco

A city of fragrant spices and bustling markets. When visiting Marrakesh, don't forget to visit the Medina. In its center you will see Jam al-Fna Square. There you can meet acrobats, storytellers, musicians, water sellers, dancers.

5. Prague, Czech Republic

In Prague, the old and the new are mixed. The modern highlight of Prague is the Dancing House. Narrow streets lined with paving stones lead to the mysterious Gothic castles and squares. Prague is called the pearl of Europe.

4. Beijing, China

The history of Beijing began over 3,000 years ago. If you visit this ancient city, be sure to walk the Chinese Wall and visit the famous imperial palace of the Forbidden City.

3. London, UK

Cultures of different peoples mixed up in London. Today 33 languages ​​are spoken here. Classical English architecture, works of art from all over the world, food and entertainment for all tastes - this is what this huge and very beautiful city offers us.

2. Rome, Italy

The ancient Roman poet Albius Tibull called Rome the Eternal City. From the sights in Rome, eyes just run up. The Pantheon, St. Peter's Basilica, the Sistine Chapel, the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore - a month is not enough to visit all the sights of Rome!

1. Istanbul, Turkey

Istanbul combines European and Asian principles, Islam and Christianity. The city is known for its excellent coffee, delicious food, ancient architecture and wonderful oriental bazaars. And a Turkish bath at the end of a hot summer day will help you relax and immerse yourself in the quiet, calm atmosphere of an Istanbul night.

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