New Year's miniature scenes and competitions for schoolchildren. Scenario New Year's party for elementary school

Do you want to arrange a fun and interesting New Year's party for your children? Consider our scenarios. New Year 2019 is coming very soon and to make it easier for you to prepare for it, we have prepared for you children's New Year's scenarios 2019 - for matinees and school evenings. Meet the New Year 2019 with fun!

Scenario of a matinee for organizing a meeting of the New Year at an oriental-style school with miracles and adventures. Characters: schoolgirl Diana, her friend Latona, Scheherazade, Jafar, Genie, Aladdin, Sinbad. What is needed for the organization: scenery, masquerade costumes, musical accompaniment, a decorated Christmas tree, a sweet table.

The script was written for holding a New Year's holiday at a school matinee. An interesting journey to the era of Peter the Great, the story of the creation of the New Year. Characters: two presenters, Peter the Great, a reciter of poems, a dance group. What is needed for the organization: serpentine, confetti, Christmas tree, fancy dress and masks, music and lyrics.

Scenario of New Year's celebration for schoolchildren. Active fun game. Characters: Crane, Bear, guys - carolers. What is needed for the organization: costumes for the characters, scenery, musical accompaniment, a laid festive table.

An unusual school script for the New Year celebration with interesting divination and predictions. Actors: Snow Maiden, Vendma-Megerochka, Witch Auda, Witch Irgola, three Snowmen, Snowflakes and Santa Claus. What is needed for the organization: New Year's attributes and costumes, musical accompaniment, sweets and sweets, props for scenes.

The script is designed for children of school age. The history of the emergence of Christmas with songs, round dances and children's performances. Characters: host, scientist cat, Joulupukki, Scrooge McDuck. What is needed for the organization: music and lyrics, props, a New Year tree, skits prepared in advance by the guys, hall decoration, masquerade costumes.

The scenario of the children's New Year's party. Presentation for schoolchildren. Acquaintance with the legendary hero of the fabulous Sherwood Forest, Robin Hood. Interesting tasks and funny contests. Characters: Robin Hood and two presenters. What is needed for the organization: sweets and sweets, a decorated Christmas tree, character costumes, a bow with arrows.

New Year's party for children is held in the school assembly hall. Scenario for schoolchildren. Characters: presenter, Zimushka - winter, Squirrel, Wolf, Fox, Hare, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Snowflakes, guys - readers of poems and montages. What is needed for the organization: musical accompaniment, hall decoration, costumes for the participants in the skits, prizes for the winners.

New Year's Eve Celebration New Year's Eve performance for children in high school. Carrying out children's competitions and games. Characters: Pierrot, Santa Claus, Jester, Capricious Star, Button. What is needed for the organization: a sweet table, hall decoration, costumes of heroes, gifts for participants, a chest, a home-made podium, music.

The scenario of the New Year's holiday at school for children studying at school. A performance for children with their favorite fairy-tale characters, turning into dancing and round dances. Characters: Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Hare, Fox, Mouse, Dog, Tiger cub. What is needed for the organization: a decorated Christmas tree, decorations, masquerade costumes, sweet gifts, a stage.

New Year's performance for high school students. Scenario of meeting the New Year in a circle of friends or employees. Carrying out funny contests, interesting quizzes, funny congratulations and toasts. Characters: Optimist, Pessimist. What is needed for the organization: a decorated Christmas tree, hall decoration, character costumes, prizes for winners, a festive table, music.

A dynamic holiday scenario was developed for holding a New Year's KVN between guests according to all the rules of this famous game. Lots of jokes and fun for all participants of the holiday. Characters: presenter, five teams of players. What is needed for the organization: musical accompaniment, cardboard numbers, prizes for the winners, a festive table.

The script for celebrating the New Year is designed for preschool children. New Year's party for the little ones. Conducting fun games and competitions for kids and their parents. Characters: Parsley, Harlequin, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden. What is needed for the organization: a festive table, masquerade costumes, sweet gifts.

Scenario New Year's party for kindergarten. Festive performance for children. Original ideas for costumes of fairy-tale characters: Harlequin, Petrushka, Snow Queen, Old Lady-merry, Dinka-Ice. Characters: Children. What is needed for the organization: a decorated Christmas tree, hall decoration, character costumes, gifts for participants.

Holiday for friends. Competitive New Year's program with prizes and gifts, without vulgarity and bad jokes. Characters: presenter, Santa Claus and Snegurochka. What is needed for the organization: musical accompaniment, gifts for the winners, a banquet table, costumes for program participants.

Cheerful New Year's scenario for adults and children. An original meeting of the New Year in nature for the whole family with entertainment events: contests and games. Characters: children and their parents. What is needed for the organization: New Year's melodies, decorated Christmas tree, masquerade costumes, sweet prizes, invitation cards, table, chairs, firewood.

A universal scenario for a fun family celebration of the New Year 2019. A scenario for a large company of adults and children. Family competitions and entertaining quizzes. Characters: parents and their children. What is needed for the organization: music and lyrics, a sweet table, hall decoration, character costumes, prizes for the winners.

New Year's staging of the celebration of the New Year with fairy-tale characters. Script for the whole family. Entertainment events are designed for a large company. Characters: Buffoons, Santa Claus, Winter, Baba Yaga. What is needed for the organization: musical accompaniment, sweet gifts, prizes for the winners of competitions.

Scenario of a festive party for the New Year in the style of the 80s. Performance for adults and children. Incendiary dances until you drop, funny contests and quizzes. Characters: presenter, Santa Claus. What is needed for the organization: dance melodies, a decorated Christmas tree, character costumes, gifts for participants, a banquet table, props.

The script of the festive morning for preschoolers. A playful and funny scene for children. Comic riddles, funny games, interesting contests, driving round dances and singing New Year's songs. Characters: Buffoon, Baba Yaga, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus. What is needed for the organization: music and lyrics, sweet prizes, costumes for characters, scenery.

Scenario meeting of the New Year 2019 for children in elementary grades. Matinee for schoolchildren with fairy-tale characters of their favorite cartoons. Actors: Ivanushka the Fool, Koschey the Immortal, Baba Yaga, Snow White, gnomes, Nightingale the Robber, Little Red Riding Hood. What is needed for the organization: musical accompaniment, hall decoration, masquerade costumes, sweet gifts.

Scenario for the meeting of the New Year in the lower grades. New Year's celebration for schoolchildren. Actors: Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Fairy, Baba Yaga, Little Red Riding Hood, Ivanushka the Fool, Nightingale the Robber, Koschey the Immortal, Seven Dwarfs, Old Man Hottabych, Snow White. What is needed for the organization: New Year's melodies, a decorated Christmas tree, prizes for the winners, a sweet table, decorations, New Year's paraphernalia.

The New Year's scenario was developed for a matinee at school. Fun show for kids. Staging of the educational process. Characters: teacher, troupe of students, support group. What is needed for the organization: music and lyrics, character costumes, gifts for participants, chairs to simulate a class, a wall calendar.

The scenario is designed for holding a matinee at school. Presentation for children. Interesting plot, light humor, good ending. Characters: a group of children, "brothers". What is needed for the organization: musical accompaniment, a smartly decorated Christmas tree, hall decoration, fancy dress, sweets and sweets, prizes for the winners.

New Year's holidays - the most suitable time to communicate with children. Parents and children jointly prepare for the cherished date - they decorate the house, decorate the Christmas tree. And if guests who also have children are expected on December 31 or January 1, this is an occasion to prepare a scene for showing at the New Year's Eve. Learning and rehearsing the role will give the guys great pleasure.

Many scenarios for the holidays sin with protractedness and complexity of preparation. It is better to learn a few small scenes than one big and complicated story. They can be shown with breaks for games and competitions for guests.

The scenes below are suitable not only for home use - you can use them when preparing a holiday at school or in kindergarten.

The best funny scenes for children

Short funny scenes will amuse both children and adults for the New Year 2019. Mini performances will make the holiday fun and memorable.

Letter to Santa Claus

Daughter: “Mom, please buy me a 96-sheet notebook!”
Mom (surprised): “Why are you so fat?”
Daughter: “I will write a letter to Santa Claus, what gifts I want! To make sure everything fits in!”
Mom: “Just don’t forget to be sure to write to your grandfather how you behaved this year!”
Daughter: “Well, if you write that it’s good, it will be a lie. And if you write that it’s bad, then I won’t see gifts like my own ears. I will write like this: “Dear Santa Claus! During this year, I did a lot of pretty original things!…”

Order for Santa Claus

Son: “Dad, I just sent a letter to Santa Claus!”
Father: “And what did you order him, I wonder?”
Son: “Oh, just a little bit ... Just a designer, a machine gun and a laptop!”
Father: “These are all wonderful things, of course! But maybe you shouldn't ask for a laptop? And then a long list is obtained ... "
Son: “Oh, why are you so worried? You will not buy gifts, but Santa Claus!”

How to get a gift

Child: “Mom, are you glad that the New Year is coming soon?”
Mom: “Well, of course, I’m glad!”
Child: "Will you receive a New Year's gift from Santa Claus?"
Mom: “Santa Claus comes only to children! And my dad will probably buy me a present.
Child: “What would you like to get from him?”
Mom: “To be honest, a mink coat! But I'm not sure that he will give it to me ... "
Child: “And you try to fall to the floor, scream and kick with your feet! It always works for me!"

About Vovochka

Teacher: “Vovochka, is it possible to treat studies like that? That nt day, then deuce! If it goes on like this, your father will soon have gray hair."
Vovochka: “Oh, this will be a great gift for him for the New Year! And then he’s completely bald!”

Cool scenes for teenagers

Teenagers are able to learn large volumes of texts for role-playing. Humor prevails in the skits for them, "adult" realities are introduced.

Santa Claus guard

First guard: "Is Santa Claus in place?"
Guard 2: “Shh, no names, there might be a wiretap. And in general, intolerant sounds.
First: "How should it be?"
The second: “Pensioner Low-Temperature! He will come when the clock shows certain numbers!”
First: "But we don't have a watch!"
Second: "We will be informed!"
First: “What is Baba Yaga? Did you put the heaters anywhere? Did you place heat guns?”
Second: “Everything is under control. Keep the adversary at a distance.
The first one: “No longer young, but still there ... Either the Snow Maiden will change clothes, then Barbie, then Little Red Riding Hood. You have to keep your ears open here. By the way, it's time to do a detour of the territory."
(The guards leave, after a while Baba Yaga jumps out)
Baba Yaga: “What, didn’t they wait ?! Thought you could celebrate New Year's Eve? And I came! Now I’ll catch your frostbitten grandfather, but I’ll put him on the battery! Let your old bones warm up a bit! And I'll take gifts for myself!
(Guards run out, grab Baba Yaga by the arms. The song “Our service is both dangerous and difficult” plays)
The first guard: “You made your way, so you parachuted from the stupa? Now we will put you under lock and key, so as not to interfere with celebrating the holiday!
Baba Yaga: “Boys, maybe not? Or maybe we can agree on a good deal, huh? You will help me deal with my grandfather, and I will take you to my staff. With promotion!
The second guard: “You will negotiate with Koshchei the Deathless. He has also been sitting with us for a long time, on enhanced nutrition, by the way.
Both guards: “Santa Claus has incorruptible security! Happy New Year, guys!
(Baba Yaga is taken off the stage)

New Year's composition

The teacher (sitting at the table): “Holidays, holidays, but I have to work, check notebooks ... So, the essay “So that I ask Santa Claus for the New Year.” Curious what they wrote here. Our first Vovochka ... "
(The teacher opens the notebook, Vovochka enters the stage)
Little Vovochka: “I would ask Santa Claus to make sure that there is no need to write any essays next year!”
(Vovochka leaves)
Teacher: “Well, everything is clear with this, loafer ... Next notebook. Masha. Wait, why is the catalog of cosmetics attached to the essay?
(Opens a notebook, Masha enters the stage)
Mashenka: “I would ask Santa Claus for the New Year for items No. 145, 146 and 172!”
(Masha leaves)
Teacher: “Brevity is the sister of talent, or what? Okay... Who's next? Egor!"
(Egor appears on the stage)
Egor: “To ask something from Santa Claus, you need to write him a letter. Where can I get his personal e-mail? There is no way to do without hacking the system ... "
(Egor leaves in deep thought)
Teacher: “Everything is clear, the hacker is growing. Oh, I'm tired of something, then, probably, I'll double-check.
(all the children run out onto the stage)
Choir: "Happy New Year, new happiness!"

Oligarch and his daughter

Oligarch: “Zlata, daughter, do you know what kind of holiday happens at the end of December?”
Zlata: “Dad, I’m only 11 years old, why should I understand all this? The calendar at our house hangs on the third floor in the fifth room - take the elevator and look.
Oligarch: “Actually, we have already celebrated this holiday, guess for yourself.”
Zlata: “When did we go to Hawaii?”
Oligarch: “No, it was your birthday. Fifth day of every month.
Zlata: “Oh, I remember the holiday when we rode in the tank?”
Oligarch: "No, we celebrated Victory Day."
Zlata: “When did you fly on an airplane?”
Oligarch: “And this is Aviation Day!”
Zlata: “Okay, I give up!”
Oligarch: “The New Year is coming soon! My favorite holiday!"
Zlata: "What's special about him?"
Oligarch: “Well, on this day it is customary to give gifts!”
Zlata: "No, what's so special?"
Oligarch: “And it’s not me who gives gifts!”
Zlata (surprised): “And who?”
Oligarch: "Santa Claus!"
Zlata: “And where is he on the Forbes list?”
Oligarch: “Nothing. Giving gifts is his job. And on this day, everyone gets together, drink, eat tangerines and shout "Christmas tree, burn!"
Zlata: “Why burn it?”
Oligarch: “No, they don’t burn it! Hang lanterns and toys on it. My hands are already itchy. Let's decorate the Christmas tree!"
Zlata: "Come on! Only half of the toys are for me!”
(Dad and daughter leave the stage)

Scenes for the matinee

A morning performance in kindergarten or in elementary school will be decorated with a small scene on a New Year's theme with the participation of several characters.

Movies about Santa Claus

The director reads the main text, the children in costumes act out the performance. Characters can also be inanimate objects.

Director: “We are making a movie about Santa Claus. Camera, motor, let's go! One day, Grandfather harnessed his horse and went to the forest to cut a Christmas tree. And what is happening in the forest: the wind is making noise, the wolves are howling, the owl is hooting. A deer ran past, rattled his hooves. Hares jumped out into the clearing, drummed on a stump. They saw Grandfather with a horse and galloped away. He sat down on a stump and looked around. He sees - a lot of Christmas trees around. He went up to one Christmas tree, touched it. Not good. I looked at another Christmas tree - I didn’t like it either. Looks - the third just right. He swung at her with an ax, and the Christmas tree begs ... "
Christmas tree number 3: “Grandfather-grandfather, don’t cut me! I'm not good for kids. My leg is lame, the needles are crumbling, the bark is all peeled off!
Director: “Grandfather obeyed, but approached another Christmas tree. Touched her. And the needles are strong, and the bark is whole, and the trunk is straight. Suitable for the New Year! Look, the ax has already been lost somewhere! He decided to pull the tree up by the roots. And the Christmas tree tells him ... "
Christmas Tree No. 4: "Pull, pull, old, you still won't have enough strength."
Director: “Grandfather began to drag the Christmas tree. Can't pull out. The rabbits came running to help. Pull-pull - to no avail. They called the wolves. Pull-pull - again it does not work. The wolves called the owl. Everyone began to pull the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree rests, it is not given. Yes, the wind blows here! On the one hand it blows - no way! On the other hand, there is a Christmas tree! Blew from a third party! Here they pulled out the Christmas tree! The grandfather was delighted, put the Christmas tree on the sled and went with it to the kids, to celebrate the New Year! The end of the film!"

Bored Christmas Tree

There is an elegant Christmas tree with a sad look, sadly looking at the floor. The leader arrives.

Moderator: "Hi kids! How elegant you are today, how beautiful! It's worth seeing! This is the way to celebrate the New Year! So, where is our Christmas tree. Where? There she is! Oh, what are you, Yolochka, so sad? Let's find out from her why she is sad?
Christmas tree: "I'm bored here with you! Here are my girlfriends - they are all standing in city squares. There is music, and they are luxuriously dressed, and they have heaps of gifts! But what about me? Eh…”
Leading: “Yes, what are you, Yolochka, saying this? We have a lot of fun here! Look how many girls and boys! They can do everything with us - they dance, sing songs, recite poems.
Christmas tree: “Oh, something is not believed? Is it true that he can sing?
Moderator: “Of course we can! Guys, let's sing for the Christmas tree?
(Children sing a New Year's song)
Christmas tree: "Yes, that's good! I already like you here. What else can you do?"
(Children show numbers, recite poems)
Christmas tree: “Well, now I see that it was not in vain that I ended up here! Do you have gifts for me?"
(Children decorate the Christmas tree with tinsel, paper-cut snowflakes)
Leading: “Yolochka, do you still want to leave us for the square to your girlfriends?”
Christmas tree: “I want to stay with you! You are very cheerful and beautiful, you know how to celebrate a holiday.”
(Children dance around the Christmas tree)

Playing a funny or cool scene for the New Year is a great way to give a new direction to a boring official part of the holiday, to cheer up in the auditorium or at a New Year's Eve banquet. The main condition for such an introduction is surprise and the full impression of improvisation.

This does not preclude the need to carefully consider the text and check the wording, especially if they to some extent concern those present in the hall. The meaning of the act being played should be clear to the audience, therefore the topic is selected in accordance with the main contingent of viewers.

Funny New Year's scene for a corporate party - don't do it like we do

New Year's scenes in a large team are usually built in the form of unexpected improvisation and are designed to get the maximum effect. A funny scene for the New Year at a joint celebration should be played out by artistic people who have the makings of reincarnation, equanimity, some sense of the stage and no fear of general attention. The moment when people who no one can think of as actors takes part in the acting out works well - then the effect produced is all the more unexpected and the audience perceives its ending more cheerfully.

The meaning of the scene “Do not do as we do” is funny and funny sketches (short scenes), in which the New Year does not have to be mentioned. Such a merry drawing of the hall can be used more than once in the evening, each time subordinating it to a new theme, and each time it will be unexpected for the public. In the first - because it flares up in an unexpected place and for no apparent reason, in the second and third - because no one expects them.

Most often, these are not jokes about the New Year, so at the moment the sketch begins, no one understands that this is a pre-designed and rehearsed prank. Each skit can touch on a certain aspect of human relationships, but at the same time do not require special costumes, long rehearsals, paraphernalia and special talents from the participants. Improvisation, ease of execution and ease are welcome. There can be two or more participants in the drawing, it all depends on the written script.

The starting moment is chosen thoughtfully, and allusions to events should be unhackneyed, associative and understandable to everyone present.

Here are three start-ups for writing dialogue to be entrusted to witty people who can keep secrets:

  1. The beginning falls on the next congratulation, which is loudly pronounced with a raised glass. There is a man in the hall who believes that he has more reason to make a toast than the current speaker. They exchange mutual accusations, the intensity of the dialogue increases, allusions are made to circumstances that are clear to the entire team - international events, recent incidents in the office, loud scandals that have ever happened due to dishonest work. In the midst of a scandal, when those present no longer know whether to laugh or separate the disputants, they say congratulations and urge not to do as they did.
  2. A dialogue between a boss and a subordinate is ideal for a New Year's prank. For his success, it is enough that both have a sense of humor, and pronounce the written text quite believably and emotionally. A cool impression is made by Internet memes woven into the dialogue and familiar to everyone, characteristic words that distinguish the participants in the sketch. The skirmish breaks off at the moment of climax, and ends with the same call not to do as they do and have a great coming year.
  3. It is played by two members of the team, between whom there is not even a hint of a personal relationship, and has the character of a skirmish with attacks indicating the existence of a hidden connection. While everyone is sitting with their mouths open and digesting the information they receive, it turns out that this is a New Year's prank.

Each proposed option gives a lot of room for replicas, development of the plot, manipulations with objects and intonation coloring of the dialogue.

Interesting! If there is a videotaker in the room, the replays played will make a beautiful sequence, with interruptions to the reaction of the dumbfounded spectators, which skillful editing will turn into a wonderful memory for all those present.

Impromptu scene about a Christmas tree

A mini-sketch for the New Year is an excellent addition to even the most thoughtful scenario, in which events develop in an interconnected and thoughtful way, flowing from each other. The Christmas tree, as an indispensable New Year's attribute, is present in the design of any hall, both for children and for adults.

Funny scenes with a Christmas tree are appropriate for a humorous scenario, and the New Year is a fun holiday where people prefer to laugh, have fun, express good wishes and hope for the best.

To successfully bring the idea to life, it is enough to find 9 participants who can play their role without costume and singing.

Although you can choose directly in the hall, carrying a hat with pieces of paper for a lot. It's great if the host of the scene can sing a children's song on his own, but both the phonogram option and the simple reading of the text are accepted. The task of the participants is to depict the characters from the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” with gestures and facial expressions. The reaction of the audience is not difficult to predict. In order for universal fun to reign in it, it is absolutely not necessary to have the skills of a professional mime. Enough diligence with which the participants try to play their roles.

The final stage - dancing under the tree and singing songs, will certainly find those who want to join them. For the manager of the evening, the signal for the performance of a festive miniature may be the feeling that the mood has subsided and the audience needs emotional recharging.

Scene Old Year against New with dressing up

A New Year's scene with this name is from a proven classical repertoire, which invariably works with a good version of the text. Such cool sketches should be written by an author who fully owns the situation in the team, the relationship between employees and departments. But this is not enough for the complete success of the played New Year's miniature. You need to skillfully insert into the text the events of the outgoing year, expected from the new change, hints at political topics and well-known memes. The task is not easy, but doable, especially since it is not worth delaying the execution.

In the classic version, the presenter, three employees, performers of the roles of the Old and New Years take part. Only the last two participants will need special costumes - one is beautiful and brand new, the other is pretty shabby.

In order for the main idea of ​​the sketch being played to be clear to the audience, they should have explanatory inscriptions on their chests - 2018 and 2019.

Such short scenes, at first glance, are funny; they are not often chosen for the New Year. People laugh at sad things. Because the text contains accusations of the old year, in which there were not only achievements, but also disappointments - economic destabilization, rising prices, negative legislative changes. But in the end, they try to bring back the outgoing Old Year, because the New Year promises them even bigger and less pleasant changes.

The scenario can be reduced, as well as the number of participants - leave the presenter, employee and performers of the role of the year. But the text should be well thought out so as not to reduce the festive mood of the audience.

Merry New Year celebration.

Scene-congratulation Flower-semitsvetik

This New Year's scene is a great opportunity to defuse the atmosphere in the hall a little, or just to cheer those present. It needs advance preparation. With a large number of those present, seven volunteers are selected, each of which clings to the chest with a petal or just the name of a color.

Changing the conditions of the event:

  • a mini New Year's scene will require pre-prepared funny predictions, which can be distributed randomly with petals, or presented in the form of lots for drawing;
  • the funny scene becomes solely due to the humor of the author of the predictions;
  • if the goal is to cheer up those present, they do not write negative prophecies about the New Year, but only promise good changes in the future or turn the process into a joke;
  • in a small team, such predictions can be arranged in the form of a large flower with petals according to the number of those present at the holiday.

Small but funny mini scenes with predictions do not have to be arranged in this way. New Year is a time of fun jokes and dressing up. Prophecies about the future can be distributed by a funny clown for whom non-binding remarks are written, a gypsy in disguise or a one-eyed pirate with a parrot on his shoulder. The main thing in this plan is to instill hope in people for the future, to cheer up or add optimism. BUT.

Scene-performance with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden

Another indispensable attribute included in any, funny, and not very, scenario of the New Year. Under this name, there are many variations, ranging from dressing up the Snow Maiden in an unusual costume (in this case, the reaction of Santa Claus to her unusual appearance is played out, and the main comic effect is achieved by slurred explanations about the reasons for the transformation.

The scene for the New Year can be played out with the involvement of unexpected participants from the auditorium, trying to reconcile the quarreled grandfather and granddaughter, and with characters whose origin is hinted at by one or more accessories.

Have you had dreams with a New Year theme?


A great option to cheer up is to tell a New Year's fairy tale, which the characters comment on in the most unexpected way - with characteristic phrases, body movements or remarks. The way to engage the entire audience is to make it react in a certain way to the inserted cues. It can be applause, the clink of glasses and whistles, screams. Santa Claus gradually speeds up the pace of the story, the audience does not have time to reorganize and in the right place they give signals at random.

It resembles a popular children's game, but gradually draws in everyone present, laughing out loud at their own mistakes.


The use of scenes for the New Year is a simple and proven way to diversify what is happening at the celebration, charge those present with fun and carelessness, a sense of magic and the coming sacrament. For this purpose, there are many traditional and classic options that work basely for the public.

On the other hand, self-made and modern ones help to evoke unexpected and pleasant impressions for the New Year, leave unforgettable impressions, leave material evidence of the holiday that took place.

New Year's Eve is coming and you want to have a fun party for the kids? Decorate the room, decorate the Christmas tree.

The doors and walls of the hall can be decorated with Christmas decorations and tinsel, which is attached so that it forms the contours of Christmas trees and snowmen.

You can hang holiday greetings on whatman or colored paper in the hall. Prepare a festive concert, put on it New Year's skits for children for 2019.

In the first short children's New Year's scene, the Snow Maiden appears.

I am the Snow Maiden,
I felt sad in the forest.
Songs, jokes and fun
I bring you to the holiday.

Good at our Christmas tree
Have fun and dance
We will be with you today
Celebrate the New Year together!

Then, in this fun New Year's skit for children, she addresses the children:
Guys, where is Santa Claus? He's been gone for a long time.

The phone rings. Snow Maiden:
– Hello! Hello grandfather! Where are you now? Are you in the forest, sitting under the Christmas tree? Why in slippers? Where are your boots? Their Baba Yaga and Serpent Gorynych were stolen? Don't worry, the guys and I will figure something out!

In the next children's New Year's scene, Baba Yaga appears, who says that she stole the felt boots because she liked them. She makes riddles for the children. If the guys guess them, she will give the felt boots to Santa Claus.

- wiggles ears
Rides under the bushes
Gray coward.
Call him ... (Bunny)

- Near the Christmas tree in every house
Children lead a round dance.
What is the name of this holiday?
Answer ... (New Year)

However, Baba Yaga is in no hurry to fulfill her promise. First, the guys must tell poems to the Serpent Gorynych, who also appears at the holiday. Children take turns reading New Year's poems, and Zmey Gorynych takes off felt boots from Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga:
- What about me, barefoot? I have arthritis and rheumatism.

Finally, in this short New Year's scene, Santa Claus appears, who gives Baba Yaga slippers and puts on felt boots. He lights the garlands on the Christmas tree:

- Light up with bright lights,
green beauty,
Give the kids joy!
Count together: one, two, three! (The Christmas tree lights up.)

New Year's skits for children for 2019 are completed by the presentation of gifts, fun games, contests and dances near the New Year tree.

Baba Yaga and Serpent Gorynych watch the performance, and then thank the guys and say that they will go to a fairy-tale land to tell how much fun they had at the children's party.

New Year's scenes - miniatures for children of primary school age.

Konysheva Ludmila Borisovna
Place of work: teacher MKOU secondary school, village Vichevshchina, Kumensky district, Kirov region.

New Year's scenes - miniatures "Gifts for Santa Claus".

Material Description: this material will be of interest to primary school teachers, educators, organizers of events with children, and even children of primary school age. Cheerful miniature scenes will decorate the holiday, help out in preparing an artistic number, and create a good mood.

Target: to teach children the skill of reincarnation to create a festive mood among the audience.

Tasks: to promote the disclosure of the creative abilities of children;
develop expressive speech, acting skills and memory of students;
teach interaction in a theatrical performance.

Scene 1 "In the forest clearing."

Characters: presenter, fox, hedgehog, hare, squirrel, bear, wolf, mouse.

Props: masks of the heroes of the scene, a basket with dummies of edible mushrooms, large carrots, walnuts, a barrel of honey, a New Year's lantern, very small felt boots.

Leading: Noisy in the forest clearing
It suddenly became the New Year!
This is Santa Claus
The people decided to surprise.
We argued for a long time, decided
A gift for Grandfather was chosen.

Fox: Me for Santa Claus
I draw roses in the snow.
I'm very tired
All waving its tail.
Accept, Frost, bouquet (looks around)
Oh, it was covered in snow... (sadly)

Hedgehog: Yes, the gift is so good
What you won't find soon...
(looks around, looking for painted flowers in the snow)
(referring to the audience)
You can't find a better gift
Than dried mushrooms.

Fox: Do you want to poison your grandfather?
Should we cancel New Year's Eve?

Hedgehog: What a cry! What an emergency!
I did not take poisonous ones! (shows a basket of mushrooms).

Hare: I will give Grandfather a carrot -
Will run, jump deftly.
Squirrels in the forest clearing
Play with him in the burners.

Squirrel: What are you, rabbit? He is a grandfather!
And he's three hundred years old!
Difficult to compete with squirrels
He can't keep up with us!
We give him all the squirrels
Cooked walnut. (pulls out walnuts)

Bear: Since Frost is three hundred years old,
He doesn't have any teeth!
How will he chew on a nut?
Your gift is just laughter!
From the bear people
We will give a barrel of honey! (shows a barrel of honey)

Wolf: What did the bears think?
Judge for yourself, children.
Frost will eat honey a little
And go to sleep in a lair.
So he will sleep all winter,
Paw, like a bear, suck.
Our flashlight shines brightly
It's perfect for a gift!
It's perfect for a gift!
Santa Claus walks a lot,
A flashlight is a light on the road. (shows Christmas lantern)

Mouse: Although we are a small people,
We are frost boots
We decided to donate here.
Will wear boots.
New felt boots
Nothing that tiny! (shows boots)

All: Santa Claus, don't be angry
Accept our gifts! (Give gifts to Santa Claus)

Characters: mother of Zaya and hares - Bunny, Belyanchik, Ushastik, Fluff.

Props: hare masks, fake TV, large carrots, saucepan and ladle, Snickers and Bounty chocolate.

(On the stage, the bunnies Belyanchik, Ushastik and Fluff are watching TV, Zaya's mother cooks dinner, Bunny runs in).

Bunny(runs to brothers): Belyanchik, Ushastik, Fluff, have you seen where my carrot is?
Belyanchik: Yah you!

Eared: Once upon a time we...

Fluff: You see, the movie is cool on TV!

Bunny (comes to mom): Mom Zaya, please give me the most delicious carrot.

Mom Zaya: But, Bunny, we already had breakfast ...

Bunny: Yes, it's not for me!

Mom Zaya: And to whom?

Bunny: I want to make a gift to Santa Claus, otherwise he always brings gifts to everyone, but no one gives him anything ...

Mom Zaya: Well, if so, here's the biggest and most delicious carrot!

(gives Bunny a large carrot, he takes it in his hands and turns to the audience).

Bunny: I love my grandfather very much
I'll give him a carrot!

(the brothers listen and join in the conversation).

Belyanchik: Your carrot is nonsense
Here's my Snickers - yes! (pulls out Snickers chocolate)
It tastes better, you know...

Eared: (interrupts and takes out Bounty chocolate)

"Bounty" he needs more
He has not been to the south
I didn't eat coconuts
Let the old man try...

Bite your tongue!
I know what he needs!
support me together (referring to the audience).
Is he a man or not?
We'll give him Gillette!

Bunny: What are you, he rarely shaves,
Grandpa walks with a beard!

Belyanchik: I would give "Rastishka"
Let it grow up and up and out!

Eared: Adult uncle does not grow!
Well, what is the use of "Rastishka"!

Fluff: I'm thinking, friends
It's time for grandpa to bathe.
"Johnsons Baby" is just a fairy tale
He doesn't sting his eyes at all!

Belyanchik: No, the gift is better than mine!
Listen to which one:
Suddenly frost in the north
Freeze your nose
"HALLS" will immediately take it in your mouth,
And grandfather's nose will go away!

Eared: Can "MISTER PROPER" take,
Clean up the house for the holidays?

Belyanchik and Fluff: (pick up singing):
"MISTER PROPER" - more fun,
The house is clean twice as fast!

Eared:(thinks) Or "Tide", or maybe "BOSCH" -
Also, in general - that's good!

Fluff: I love my family
Juice like this, I drink it
Liters ten or five ....

Mom Zaya: You'll burst, baby, again!

Fluff (offended): And you pour, and move away!

Bunny(raises hands): My family!
And, in my opinion, it is very harmful for someone to watch TV all day. Where is my carrot? It's delicious and heartfelt! (takes a carrot and runs away, the brothers shrug their shoulders in bewilderment and exchange glances).

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