Night city. Composition on the topic of night, description of the night

Composition on the topic of night, description of the night

At night, the world of people freezes. One by one, the windows of houses go out, the streets and roads become empty. Lonely lanterns illuminate small islands of space.

Darkness reigns around, and myriads of stars light up in the sky. Closer to midnight, the sky brightens in one place, a pale glow gradually flares up. A few minutes later, the full moon appears, on which, even from the ground, strange patterns are visible, created by the relief of its surface. Who sees the face of a person there, who sees outlandish animals or something else.

With the rising of the moon, it becomes so light that you can easily distinguish the silhouettes of houses, trees, even individual leaves on them. And their clear shadow falls on the ground. The whole night world appears before us, as if covered with silver paint.

And, despite the fact that most people sleep sweetly at night, the nightlife in nature continues. In summer, crickets do not stop until dawn. Cats go out for a night walk, they swiftly and silently slip past unnoticed by the human eye. Somewhere in the garden a hedgehog rustles in the bushes. A flock of volatiles breaks from the roof

mice. And night predators hunt in the forest - cats and owls.

It is usually so quiet at night that rare distant sounds - the voices of people, the barking of dogs, the creaking of doors - can be heard as if they are very close.

A special decoration of the night nature is the lunar path on the reservoirs. It stretches from the horizon in the place over which the moon floats, to the very shore. The waves themselves seem to bring light there. And around the path - calm and dark waters. It is a favorite landscape of many artists and photographers.

The night is mesmerizing and inspiring. Each of us at least once admired its mysterious beauty, sung by artists of all times as a magical time of reflection, relaxation, creative inspiration and love.

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The night in the village is quiet and serene. After the noise of city streets, the brightness of neon signs and the smog that covers the sky, you find yourself in the realm of nature. Only the lanterns near the houses glow in the darkness. Suddenly you notice a huge bowl of sky above your head, you see chains of bright stars, you hear the voices of animals and birds.

At night in the village it is good to dream, to mourn. Here, especially in autumn, in bad weather it is so pleasing that you are in a warm, cozy house. Nowhere do you feel the warmth of your home like in a village, a step away from the forest, from the field, loneliness and cold, where there are few people.

What inspires me most of all is that at night in the village the sky overhead is large, endless, that it seems to be within easy reach. I even call the village where my grandmother lives "a huge house with a view of space."

Village night has always been perceived by me as a fairy tale. I fantasized that there was a cave dug deep, deep in the ground under a big tree in the garden. A treasure is buried there. And that an evil sorcerer lives in that cave, he protects treasures and comes out only at night, walks to the river. None of the villagers communicate with him, but everyone knows about him, and they do not tell visitors. And to buy food (the sorcerer must also eat something!) He goes to a neighboring village, pretending to be an ordinary person there.

These are the stories I write about the village. When I go there, the beauty and romance of nature open my creative streak. I even began to draw, sitting in silence, wandering in the evening with my comrades in the outskirts.

At night, the world of people freezes. One by one, the windows of houses go out, the streets and roads become empty. Lonely lanterns illuminate small islands of space.

Darkness reigns around, and myriads of stars light up in the sky. Closer to midnight, the sky brightens in one place, a pale glow gradually flares up. A few minutes later, the full moon appears, on which, even from the ground, strange patterns are visible, created by the relief of its surface. Who sees the face of a person there, who sees outlandish animals or something else.

With the rising of the moon, it becomes so light that you can easily distinguish the silhouettes of houses, trees, even individual leaves on them. And their clear shadow falls on the ground. The whole night world appears before us, as if covered with silver paint.

And, despite the fact that most people sleep sweetly at night, nightlife in nature continues. In summer, crickets do not stop until dawn. Cats go out for a night walk, they swiftly and silently slip past unnoticed by the human eye. Somewhere in the garden a hedgehog rustles in the bushes. A flock of bats breaks down from the roof. And night predators hunt in the forest - cats and owls.

At night, it is usually so quiet that rare distant sounds - the voices of people, the barking of dogs, the creaking of doors - are heard as if they are very close.

A special decoration of the night nature is the lunar path on the reservoirs. It stretches from the horizon in the place over which the moon floats, to the very shore. The waves themselves seem to bring light there. And around the path - calm and dark waters. It is a favorite landscape of many artists and photographers.

The night is mesmerizing and inspiring. Each of us at least once admired its mysterious beauty, sung by artists of all times as a magical time of reflection, relaxation, creative inspiration and love.

At night, the world of people freezes. One by one, the windows of houses go out, the streets and roads become empty. Lonely lanterns illuminate small islands of space.

Darkness reigns around, and myriads of stars light up in the sky. Closer to midnight, the sky brightens in one place, a pale glow gradually flares up. A few minutes later, the full moon appears, on which, even from the ground, strange patterns are visible, created by the relief of its surface. Who sees the face of a person there, who sees outlandish animals or something else.

With the rising of the moon, it becomes so light that you can easily distinguish the silhouettes of houses, trees, even individual leaves on them. And their clear shadow falls on the ground. The whole night world appears before us, as if covered with silver paint.

And, despite the fact that most people sleep sweetly at night, nightlife in nature continues. In summer, crickets do not stop until dawn. Cats go out for a night walk, they swiftly and silently slip past unnoticed by the human eye. Somewhere in the garden a hedgehog rustles in the bushes. A flock of bats breaks down from the roof. And night predators hunt in the forest -

Felines and owls.

It is usually so quiet at night that rare distant sounds - the voices of people, the barking of dogs, the creaking of doors - can be heard as if they are very close.

A special decoration of the night nature is the lunar path on the reservoirs. It stretches from the horizon in the place over which the moon floats, to the very shore. The waves themselves seem to bring light there. And around the path - calm and dark waters. It is a favorite landscape of many artists and photographers.

The night is mesmerizing and inspiring. Each of us at least once admired its mysterious beauty, sung by artists of all times as a magical time of reflection, relaxation, creative inspiration and love.

  • Description of Night

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Composition on the topic of night, description of the night

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17/08/02, Draven
At night it becomes magnificent. No, you won’t find fountains with incredible tints in it, or buildings made of lanterns in the literal sense of the word, as on Novy Arbat. He just throws off the daytime dullness and puts on my favorite black color, against which a tiny light glows brightly in the distance. I like to climb the tower in the old city and look at the ships passing by, on which people are having fun, to see only the light from the deck and only guess what exactly is happening there. Or look around the city from a height when it fits in the palm of your hand. And only lights, lights and a quiet wind ...

17/08/02, SpiderMax
Especially when it's very late. There is almost no one on the streets, it is quiet, calm, the light of the lanterns. And if you drive a car through the city at night, then this is a complete baldness. The city at night attracts with bright lights, the stars from the sky look at me with bright eyes. I love the city at night, and night walks too, it's romantic and exciting :-) If you find a good place where you won't be disturbed and you can look at the stars while drinking beer and crunching chips, nastalgia will flood your soul...

17/08/02, Lady_Vamp
I especially like driving around the city at night. Irkutsk lights up with colorful lights, everything becomes different, not the same as on a hot day, everything changes. And I also fell in love with the night city because at this time of the day the traffic police are sleeping, and I can safely drive a car ... well, I’m still small, and driving licenses under 18 are not valid ...

26/09/02, Felina
Beautiful.. everything takes on a different color... everything that seemed so gloomy and dull in the light of day comes to life.. street lamps, numerous neon signs, a stream of car headlights, paths lit by the moon.. life begins.

27/09/02, Nobody
During the day, a cluster of faces ... clothes ... smells .... a crowd that does not express anything. And at night a special smell, color, just at night the city looks special

21/12/02, Lacara
Nothing can be better than sparkling neon lights, warm streets, cars, scattering of stars. When you walk with a cigarette in your hands, and you just feel good because the night has come, that you are alive, that everything is still ahead. Night city is your hope for the best. This is the only truth.

04/06/03, datex
At night, the city looks mysterious and dreamy and you want to dream and relax with it.

16/10/03, Johnny
Night St. Petersburg is fabulous... Illumination of bridges, embankments, cathedrals, buildings - just magic... Carnival of flowers. The city “puts on” its full dress, and a fairy tale begins... And we (people) are different... During the day we all run somewhere, hurry, push, we don’t notice anything, everyone is tense, tired... And the night is the time of romance , the time of lovers... The time of cats, and divorced bridges, the time of dreams... And the city helps us to open up, to realize ourselves... Walk around the city at night more often... If there is such an opportunity...

21/10/03, XorNotPen
I love the view of the city at night in any form (sounds, huh?)! When I am in Dormitory No. 1 of the SU-HSE, especially in the evening, I go to the 14th floor and admire. Well, nothing, winter is coming, it will get dark early, everything will be super! Well, even from many toys where there is a sky in the form of a night city, I extract these same pictures, rewrite them in a separate folder, and then look through at my leisure ... Cool, no more words;))

05/11/03, Cosa Nostra
It has a special atmosphere, special air, special rhythm. I so want the night to never end. So many lights around, cars. And in the afternoon everything is again somehow boring.

23/02/04, Knight
At night, any city becomes unique, Be it Moscow, Paris or London. Night covers the city with a kind of "poetic sadness", the streets become deserted, the bustle of the day disappears and you want to walk along its streets. It is especially great to drive a car around the city - the absence of other cars makes the trip easy and enjoyable. Oh, if right now it was summer, and in my garage - a convertible ...

23/02/04, Tiffany
In general, I love the night more than the day. This is my time of day. During the day, everything is somehow everyday, too light, dust, dirt, crowds of people. And at night - a completely different matter ... quiet, calm, beautiful - lights, dark hushed houses, night freshness. Night Peter is generally a fairy tale. So I like to walk around the city at night ... not alone, of course. Walking alone like that, somehow, you know, is fraught :) By the way, at night it’s great to walk around cemeteries :) But this is probably a topic for another topic.

24/02/04, aurora
oh! such romance. there are no eternal traffic jams, no idiots knocking you down (although I don’t remember such a case that they knocked you down :)), but people scurrying back and forth are very stressful, and in the evening it all somehow dissolves. the atmosphere itself pleases me, however, why lie, the center is mainly lit, and the outskirts are bad. But, for that it is darkness ... a friend of youth.

03/03/04, clear as raindrops
Darkness is my element, night Peter - these lights, illuminated houses, embankments, the fluctuating surface of the water - this is something enchanted, lurking, it seems, under the surface, as if something important is about to happen, something important will open. I love to walk at night, deserted streets, lights, the feeling that no one will touch and separate, and there is still a lot of time to be with a person - at night it is easier to open up and be open, to admit to childhood fears and haunting feelings, you feel real and that life around is not a useless illusion...

03/03/04, Ahora
Eh! How I love night time, and therefore the night city! At night, all the most interesting begins! -different... different people, different air, different sounds, different smells... But it's all so cool! If it were my will, I would generally lead a nocturnal lifestyle!

03/03/04, Amarok
Because for the day, especially now, everything is depressing and depressing: heaps of shit mixed with black snow that has not yet thawed, with gobies looking out from under it, the remains of New Year's fireworks and waste products of dogs, which are found in abundance in every yard and on every street. It's full of people, everywhere, wherever people look, sometimes they just enrage, horror, everyone runs somewhere, pushes, fusses, is rude ... brrr ... sometimes I would just take an AK and mow it down. This is during the day, and at night EVERYTHING changes, all these miserable people crawl into holes and peacefully snore for themselves. The night hides all the shortcomings of the city, at night it seems, and probably just beautiful, the night is always a good pastime, these are people who are not in a hurry, you just plunge into a completely different life, which is a hundred times better than usual. Well, about the clubs - I’m already silent, it’s most there just at night ... It’s a pity, but soon the nights will be so short ...

08/03/04, clear as raindrops
Yesterday I stood in the middle of the bridge (Liteiny Bridge in St. Petersburg, who knows), a wide embankment, strings of orange lights going into the distance, headlights of passing cars and a humid night wind, the bridge is arched and all this can be seen from above, huge spaces filled with life, I climbed at some pipe lying at the edge, and looked into the distance for a long time ... how easy it is to imagine how you fly over black water to distant lights ... and then I raised my head and saw many white birds in the black sky. they flew along the river. appeared from the fog over the bridge and disappeared in it ... for about half a minute they flew in wedges, in an unreal orange glow over the bridge. the best moment of that day.

30/04/04, aurora
you walk around the city at night and think: "Is this true, or just an awesome dream?" YES, everything is like in a dream. The concept of "night city" is when the rays of the setting sun appear on the houses .... the sun has set and light darkness has fallen ... the darkness is thickening and the figures of people are barely distinguishable ... the eyes are poorly perceived at least something ... there are few people on the streets, and they either walk around too, or they just forgot something, so they wander around, there are few cars ... minibuses no longer go .... shops have long been closed .. Yes, and the traffic light is blinking ever yellow, empty roads .... KAIF ..

13/06/04, Prada
I love Moscow at night. It's so romantic and exciting to move from place to place by car, walk, breathe in the cool night air... At night, most sleep, and on the streets you can meet mostly romantics, at least on the main streets of the city. And how nice in the center at night! Everything just breathes history. It is a pity that soon all this will not happen, and the old-timers from the historical center of Moscow will be settled in Medvedkovy...

27/03/05, OPOSSUM
I don’t know how to write beautifully, so I’ll just say that at night the city lives a special, completely different life from daytime. it has different rules, different values, different sounds, it has a different face. and this life, or rather, the atmosphere of a sleeping city at first glance, I love so much ... I love the lights of the night city, I love party-goers living at night, I love late passers-by, hurrying about their unknown business ...

27/03/05, Scarlett
Moscow at night, illuminated by lights, is simply breathtakingly beautiful. I'm not talking about Peter.

17/04/05, Position Girl

17/04/05, Confucius
Although I am a philosopher, I find it difficult to put it into words so simply... This is something extraordinary!.. It is like a separate, independent organism living its own special life... It is for this indescribable atmosphere that I adore Duke Nukem 3D, GTA 3 toys and others cultivating a night city :) Just as you peer into the light of a distant window, you imagine that life is also flowing there ... Special, different from others ... This is actually a feeling that is difficult to convey in words; As they say, you have to feel it yourself :)

12/05/05, Elizabeth
I like to walk along the central streets when it is already dark, but all the shop windows and lanterns are on fire. Lots of lights and iridescent white snow. It is a pity that then the snow turns into a dirty gray, and the picture is not at all the same.

09/10/05, LyaMur
Very beautiful, especially in St. Petersburg. It's cool to drive around the city at night by car. The bridge over the Neva, in front of the Nevsky sparkles with its lights, a warm car and lights everywhere.

19/05/06, Shabby Angel
The best remedy for depression is a walk around the city at night... I don't care if there are hooligans... I don't care if it's dangerous... Minsk at night is beautiful... The most romantic place in the whole universe is Gorky Park at three o'clock in the morning. And the safest, by the way. And Skaryna Prospekt at four in the morning in autumn is a delightful sight... Switched-on illumination, rare duty trolleybuses... Passers-by with their worries and problems... I love Minsk at night!

09/10/06, Selina
At night, the city is even more beautiful than during the day, it is simply magnificent. Quiet, calm and no one interferes, it's just great. Everything glows, and it's cool to kiss at night =)

01/04/07, Mohito Love
It has already become a tradition for me to ride around Moscow in the evening and at night after fitness. At night, this city becomes a hundred times more beautiful - so many lights are lit, buildings take on some other shape .. Look at the mirror reflection of the night city in the river on the embankment - it's hard to look away, right? And the air becomes different - it stinks less of exhausts and some other muck, fresher. I love not only the crystal clear countryside air, but also the aroma of the city at night - slightly reeking of asphalt and dust - too. It has something attractive and filling with energy and cheerfulness, probably this "something" explains so many "owl-people" in megacities .. Looking at the city at night, I understand that urbanization is not evil, but quite the natural component of the world, although it looks somewhat unusual.

02/04/07, orsana2
It is always beautiful, my favorite city - in the morning and in the evening, at dawn and at sunset, hot summer, dull autumn, cold winter, and joyful sunny spring day. But in a completely special way, mysteriously, enigmatically, it is beautiful at night. It is reflected by lights in the dark mirror surface of the majestic Dnieper, its beautiful churches and monuments take on a special beauty in night illumination, its wonderful streets beckon with warm comfort and mystery of their night lights. However, what can I say, see for yourself: http:// viewtopic.php?t=69

21/05/07, President of the TrainZZyes
... and even from the car window! I love to ride around the city at night and look at the lights and sleepy streets. It’s also interesting: what kind of eccentric over there in that window on the nth floor does not sleep at half past three, like ia?

19/07/07, JeMMa FeRRaRi
I love the romance of the night metropolis, neon lights, backlighting... For me, this is the best time of the day, the time when I am most emotional, most happy...

03/08/07, Lareolla
because it's great my city is not very big, but so beautiful ... I like to walk around the historical center at night, when the temples are illuminated, I like to walk along the main street, where you will definitely meet friends, I just like to walk a lot, and then return through the whole city home in a taxi ... so cool ...

03/08/07, Sofia 3
I like to take walks around the city at night and look at it from the window of my apartment. The panorama from the window and the view that covers the street are different things, but still there are lights everywhere. The street is bathed in the light of lanterns and car headlights. Palmyra is already accustomed to this light and they walk calmly, side by side, without fear into the darkness. And I, past the advertising windows ... Remembering how we wandered together, how they did not mean separation. I am attracted by Moscow at night - billboards, luminous posters, dark silhouettes of passer-by figures. I will never leave this city, because I fell in love ... And who knows, maybe someday I can become a part of this night idyll too!

27/05/08, Contra cynic
I live in St. Petersburg. I love to walk around St. Petersburg at night. Especially in summer when it's warm. You will go to Nevsky. Beautiful lighting, street restaurants. You sit down to drink beer or mineral water (it depends on your mood), you go to the Fontanka embankment, the light of lanterns is reflected in the dark muddy water, and the horses on the Anichkov Bridge look menacing. If you turn off Nevsky Prospekt, you will pass to the Field of Mars. In the twilight of St. Petersburg, an eternal flame burns tirelessly. The bridges are starting to come up. The city seems to be torn apart for several hours. Then the bridges will close again, and lone cars will run along them. At night, the city is a completely different life.

19/05/09, Too lazy to invent a nickname
Hehe, about cattle, it's all true, but I see more positive in it. The special smell of asphalt heated by cars, the bright multi-colored lights, the evening freshness, the absence of running crowds as during the day, but at the same time liveliness - this is all my favorite Moscow at night. I'm glad I live here. I am glad that I can see all this beauty every day, just leaving the house. Thanks to my parents for taking me out of the village)

10/10/09, Elf of the Lakes
I went out a couple of times at night - damn, so cool! Quietly, you can wallow on the road - there are no cars, you can go down to the lake and look at the reflection of the moon. And there's a lot more that can be done, and hopefully I'll do it all someday. Thank God, I do not live in the center, where life does not stop at night.

03/04/10, your dream
When you sit on the windowsill at night, listen to music quietly, breathe in the incredibly fresh night air, you understand that not everything is as bad as it seems.

01/07/10, Anticyclone
I like the summer night or evening city, when the lanterns shine and the green leaves on the trees are illuminated. And I like the smell of the air at night in the city. Especially after a hot day, it is good when the sunset is red in the evening, and lightning sparkles at night.

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