Nikolai Nikolaevich is the court of King Solomon. Why was King Solomon considered a hopeless sinner, and his court as the most just

Nikolai Ge "The Court of King Solomon", 1854

Museum of Russian Art, Kyiv


During the studies of Nikolai Ge at the Academy of Arts, many students imitated Karl Bryullov, and Nikolai also admired the work of this great master, especially loved his famous Pompeii, considering it an ideal. The first paintings, created under the influence of a beloved painter, turned out to be magnificent. It was not for nothing that the young man at the Academy was called the most "brullovist" of the students, and this was by no means a mockery. The two artists never met in person in their lives, but Ge studied Bryullov's work in detail and used his recommendations, heard from the sitters who posed for him. Nikolai Nikolaevich retained this love until the end of his days, although he soon ceased to imitate anyone.

The canvas “The Judgment of King Solomon” is written in an absolutely Bryullov, bright and colorful style. Classical composition, expressive poses, characteristic "speaking" gestures - the work is made according to all academic canons.

Solomon was the son of the illustrious King David and ruled the kingdom of Judah in the 10th century BC. It was Solomon who built the first temple in Jerusalem. But this king was especially famous for his wisdom.

Once in a dream, Solomon heard the voice of God, who said to him: "Ask what to give you." The king asked for wisdom to rule his people fairly. And because Solomon did not ask for any personal benefits, such as longevity or wealth, God fulfilled his request, making Solomon the wisest of kings.

One day, two women with a baby were brought to Solomon's court. They lived in the same house and with a difference of three days gave birth to sons. But at one of them the child died at night. The first woman claimed that her neighbor switched children, taking her living child for herself. The second claimed that she did nothing of the kind, and at night the child of the first woman died. How in this situation was to figure out which of the two women is telling the truth and is the real mother of the child? It was impossible to establish the truth without witnesses, and genetic analysis did not exist at that time. Then King Solomon ordered to bring a sword and divide the child between two women, cutting it in half. Hearing about this decision, the first woman screamed that the child should not be killed, but given to her neighbor. The second one was satisfied. “Let it be neither for me nor for you,” she said.

Then everyone understood who the real mother of the child was. By order of the king, the son was returned to the woman who asked to be left alive. This biblical story impressed many with a non-standard and subtle solution to a controversial issue. Hence the expression "Solomon's judgment" is firmly entrenched in our speech.

However, not only the Holy Scriptures are the main source of information about the life and reign of Solomon, the third Jewish king, the ruler of the united kingdom of Israel in the period of its highest prosperity, namely the tenth century BC. In addition, his name is mentioned in the writings of some authors of antiquity.

Solomon is the third Jewish king, the ruler of the united kingdom of Israel.

And besides, Solomon is an integral character of both the Christian and Islamic religions, who left a deep mark in the culture of different peoples. Shlomo, Solomon, Suleiman - this name in its various sounds is known not only to every Jew, Christian and Muslim, it is familiar to almost everyone, even those far from religion. Since this image has always attracted writers and poets, artists and sculptors who sang his wisdom and justice in their works and brought the life story of this amazing person to this day.

King David. Author: Gvechino.

Solomon was the youngest son of King David, who before ascending the throne was a simple warrior under King Seoul. But having shown himself to be trustworthy, courageous and resourceful, he became the second Jewish king. And the mother was the beautiful Bathsheba, who at first sight conquered the king with her beauty. For her sake, David committed a great sin, for which he paid for all his life: he took possession of her, and then sent her husband to certain death in order to take Bathsheba as his wife.

Bathsheba. (1832). Tretyakov Gallery. Author: Karl Bryullov.

King David died at the age of 70, passing the throne to Solomon, although he was one of his younger sons. But that was the will of God.

King David hands over the scepter to Solomon. Author: Cornelis de Vos.

Solomon was often credited with fantastic qualities: understanding the language of animals, power over genies. Scenes from the life and deeds of Solomon are found in miniatures of Byzantine manuscripts, in stained-glass windows and sculptures of medieval temples, on paintings, as well as in the works of writers.

"Everything passes"

Although the great king Solomon had great wisdom and cunning, his life was not calm. Rumor has it that the king wore a magic ring, which, in the storms of life, brought him into balance and acted as an elixir that healed wounds. An inscription was carved on the ring: "Everything passes ...", which had a continuation on the inside: "This too will pass."

Ring of Solomon.

Especially many legends have been preserved about his amazing witty decisions in various court cases. He always found a clever way out of a difficult or delicate situation. The Old Testament describes an event that formed the basis of the parable of a wise judge and a mother who was ready to give her own child just to save his life.

Judgment of King Solomon. (1854). Author: Nikolay Ge

Once, two women came to King Solomon for advice, asking them to resolve their dispute. One of them said that they live in the same house, and that they had a baby each, whom both of them had recently given birth to. And last night, in a dream, a neighbor accidentally crushed her child and shifted the dead one to her, and she took her living son to her and now passes him off as her own. And that now this woman refutes this accusation and claims that the living child belongs to her. And while one was telling this story, the other was trying to prove in a dispute that the child was really hers.

Judgment of Solomon. (1710). Author: Louis Boulogne Jr.

After listening to both of them, King Solomon ordered the sword to be brought, which was immediately executed. Without a moment's hesitation, King Solomon said:

"Let both be satisfied. Cut the living child in half and give each half of the baby."

One of the women, hearing his words, changed her face and pleaded:

"Give the child to my neighbor, she is his mother, just don't kill him!"

The other, on the contrary, agreed with the decision of the king:

"Chop it, let neither her nor me get it",

She said decisively.

Judgment of Slomon. (1854) Novgorod State Museum.

"Do not kill the child, but give it to the first woman: she is his real mother."

Of course, the wise king did not even think of destroying the baby, but in such a cunning way he found out which of the two was telling a lie.

Solomon always invested justice in any disputes in his decisions. Actually, from Solomon it went that the main figure of any court is the judge, and it is he who must determine the degree of guilt and punishment for the triumph of truth.

King Solomon in old age. Author: Gustave Dore

To all the benefactors of King Solomon, he was also the author of a source of poetic skill - the book "Song of Songs" and a collection of philosophical reflections - "The Book of Ecclesiastes." In a modern interpretation, the rules of Solomon, verified by wisdom, look like this:

Passing by the poor - share.
Passing by the young - do not be angry.
Passing by the old ones - bow down.
Passing by cemeteries - sit down.
Passing memory - remember.
When you pass by your mother, stand up.
Passing by relatives - remember.
Passing by knowledge - take it.
Passing by laziness - shudder.
Passing by the idle - create.
Passing by the fallen - remember.
Passing by the wise - wait.
Passing stupid - do not listen.
Passing by happiness - rejoice.
Passing by the generous - have a bite.
Passing by honor - keep.
Passing by debt - do not hide.
Passing by the word - hold.
Passing by feelings - do not be shy.
Passing by women - do not flatter.
Passing by glory - do not amuse yourself.
Passing by the truth - do not lie.
Passing by sinners - hope.
Passing by passion - go away.
Passing by a quarrel - do not quarrel.
Passing by flattery - be silent.
Passing by conscience - be afraid.
Passing by drunkenness - do not drink.
Passing by anger - humble yourself.
Passing by grief - cry.
Passing by the pain - take heart.
Passing by lies - do not be silent.
Passing by a thief - do not sneak.
Passing by impudent - say.
Passing by the orphans - spend money.
Passing by the authorities - do not believe.
Passing by death - do not be afraid.
Passing by life - live.
Passing by God - open up.

Idolatry of Solomon. (1668). Author: Giovanni Pissarro

However, as they say, "there is a hole for an old woman"... According to the scriptures of the Bible, Solomon was very loving and had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines. And in his declining years, it happened that Solomon, for the sake of one of his beloved wives, built a pagan altar and several temples in Jerusalem, thereby violating the vow given to God - to serve him faithfully.

King Solomon brings sacrifice to idols. (17th century). Author: Sebastian Bourdon.

It was this vow that was the key to the wisdom, wealth and glory of Solomon. The wrath of the Almighty affected the well-being of the united kingdom, and soon after the death of the 52-year-old king, an economic and political crisis began, after which the country split into two parts.

Let me remind you the story:

16 Then two harlot women came to the king and stood before him.
17 And one woman said, O my lord! I and this woman live in the same house; and I gave birth with her in this house;
18 On the third day after I gave birth, this woman also gave birth; and we were together, and there was no stranger with us in the house; only we two were in the house;
19 And the woman's son died in the night, for she slept him;
20 And she arose in the night, and took my son from me, while I, your servant, was sleeping, and laid him on her bosom, and laid her dead son on my bosom;
21 In the morning I got up to feed my son, and behold, he was dead; and when I looked at him in the morning, it was not my son whom I gave birth to.
22 And the other woman said, No, my son is alive, and your son is dead. And she told her: no, your son is dead, but mine is alive. And they spoke thus before the king.
23 And the king said, This one says, My son is alive, but your son is dead; and she says: no, your son is dead, and my son is alive.
24 And the king said, Give me a sword. And they brought the sword to the king.
25 And the king said, Cut the living child in two, and give half to one and half to the other.
26 And the woman, whose living son was, answered the king, for all her inward parts were agitated with pity for her son: O my lord! give her this child alive and do not kill him. And the other said: let it not be either for me or for you, cut it down.
27 And the king answered and said, Give this living child, and do not kill him: she is his mother.
28 And all Israel heard of the judgment, as the king judged; and they began to fear the king, for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him to execute judgment.

All the time I feel some embarrassment when I show the children pictures on this plot and remind the story. And the point, of course, is not that women are harlots, but cruelty: how is it possible to give an order to kill her child in front of a mother? (The fact that an innocent baby has the right to life, as you think already in the second place). Well, by the way, nothing is said about the fact that the woman who replaced the child received some kind of punishment, nothing is said.

The Judgment of Solomon is not the most popular of the Old Testament stories, but perhaps the oldest painting on the Old Testament theme illustrates just it. We are talking about this Pompeian fresco:

Judgment of Solomon, fresco "Doctor's House", Pompeii, 1st c. AD (until 79)
About her
The two figures in the last fragment are presumably Socrates and Aristotle, jealous of Solomon's wisdom. Perhaps new chronologists will see this as additional evidence that Pompeii perished during the Renaissance. But I am not completely sure that Solomon's judgment is depicted here. For some reason, the baby is almost the same height as adults, all the characters are dwarfs. Although, of course, it looks very convincing.

Other images on this plot date back to the Christian era.

Bible of São Paulo fuori la Mura, c. 880
Iconographically, it is somewhat close to the Pompeian fresco. The baby lies on the likeness of an altar, in the hand of a warrior who is about to cut it - an ax, not a sword
According to the Bible, the judgment took place at the beginning of Solomon's reign, when he was still a young man. In paintings and sculptures, he is most often shown young, sometimes very young, but sometimes a middle-aged man and even an old man.

Word bone plate, Byzantium, 10th-11th centuries
Both in this case and in the previous one, the influence of antique style is still very strong.

Master of Jean de Mandeville (slave 1350-1370). Judgment of Solomon is here - on images with a red background

Miniatures of the "World Chronicle" of Fulda Abbey, ca. 1350-1375
Here the baby has already been tortured in order

"Bible of Wenceslas", ca. 1389-1400
Babies lie in cradles, and one of the harlots is very scary. How could she feed herself, let alone someone else's baby?

Master Boucicault, ca. 1412-1415.
The baby is again lying on the chopping table, which no longer resembles an altar in any way.

Stefano d "Antonio Vanni, fresco of the refectory of Sant'Andrea, in Cerchina, ca. 1440-1450
The baby is tormented again

Pietro Lamberti or Nanni di Bartolo, capital of a column in the Doge's Palace, Venice, 1420s

The same, from a different angle

Nuremberg Chronicle Hartmann Schedel, 1493

Lucas Cranach the Elder, c. 1537
Lucas Cranach is still a medieval, gothic artist. But another Lucas - van Leyden - is much more renaissance

Lucas van Leyden, 1515 This is an aquatint from a drawing, but of high quality, that's why I put it here

Jammaria Mosca (between 1493 and 1507-1574)
There is also a lot of medieval here, despite claims to be classic

Girolamo Pacchiarotto (1474-1540), beg. 16th century

1854. Oil on canvas. 147x185.
Museum of Russian Art, Kyiv, Ukraine.

During the studies of Nikolai Ge at the Academy of Arts, many students imitated Karl Bryullov, and Nikolai also admired the work of this great master, especially loved his famous Pompeii, considering it an ideal. The first paintings, created under the influence of a beloved painter, turned out to be magnificent. It was not for nothing that the young man at the Academy was called the most "brullovist" of the students, and this was by no means a mockery. The two artists never met in person in their lives, but Ge studied Bryullov's work in detail and used his recommendations, heard from the sitters who posed for him. Nikolai Nikolaevich retained this love until the end of his days, although he soon ceased to imitate anyone.

The canvas “The Judgment of King Solomon” is written in an absolutely Bryullov, bright and colorful style. Classical composition, expressive poses, characteristic "speaking" gestures - the work is made according to all academic canons.

The picture is based on a biblical parable:

“Then two harlot women came to the king and stood before him.
And one woman said: Oh, my lord! I and this woman live in the same house; and I gave birth with her in this house; on the third day after I gave birth, this woman also gave birth; and we were together, and there was no stranger with us in the house; only we two were in the house; and the woman's son died in the night, for she slept him; and she arose in the night, and took my son from me, while I, your servant, was sleeping, and laid him on her breast, and she laid her dead son on my breast; I got up in the morning to feed my son, and behold, he was dead; and when I looked at him in the morning, it was not my son whom I gave birth to.
And the other woman said: No, my son is alive, and your son is dead. And she told her: no, your son is dead, but mine is alive. And they spoke thus before the king.
And the king said, This one says, My son is alive, and your son is dead; and she says: no, your son is dead, and my son is alive.
And the king said, Give me a sword. And they brought the sword to the king.
And the king said, Cut the living child in two, and give half to one and half to the other.
And that woman, whose son was alive, answered the king, for her whole inwardness was agitated from pity for her son: O my lord! give her this child alive and do not kill him. And the other said: let it not be either for me or for you, cut it down.
And the king answered and said, Give this living child, and do not kill him: she is his mother.
And all Israel heard of the judgment, as the king judged; and they began to fear the king, for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him, to execute judgment” (1 Kings 3:16-28).

The Russian artist with French roots, Nikolai Ge, filled his whole life with the preaching of spiritual beauty. His latest works are unusually excited, permeated with emotionality, sincerity and spirituality. On the day of his death, we offer to recall the 7 great paintings of the painter.

"The Judgment of King Solomon" (1854)

He could have become a mathematician, but the passionate desire to create was stronger. After two years of study at the mathematical department of the philosophical faculty of St. Petersburg University, Nikolai Ge in 1850 entered the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. The time of study fell on the last dark years of the reign of Nicholas I. Students were credited with strict adherence to the canons of classicism and its main themes: mythological plots and ancient heroes. Young Ge decides that if you follow, then the best. In those years, Karl Bryullov was a role model for many at the Academy, and Nikolai, who admired the author of Pompeii, was no exception.
“The Judgment of King Solomon” is a work that is written in an absolutely Bryullov style: bright and colorful. A well-known biblical story about the provocative decision of King Solomon to cut a child in two, which caused a quarrel between two women, each of whom claimed that she was the mother of the child. The canvas was painted in accordance with academic canons - a classical composition, characteristic “speaking” gestures and expressive poses.

"The Last Supper" (1866)

After graduating from the Academy, Nikolai Ge, trying to free himself from the “stuffiness” of the country frozen in anticipation and without waiting for the issuance of financial subsidies for an internship, leaves with his young wife for Italy. The result of attempts to create a reporting, program canvas of Ge is the creation of a large number of sketches, however, none of the ideas is brought to life. In a happy family life, several years fly by, but there is still nothing to report to the Academy. Ge reads a lot, works and does not stop for a single day in search of ideas for his first great canvas. And then one day the theme itself finds the artist.
In the process of studying the life of Christ, one of the key gospel events clearly stands before Ge. All that remains is to transfer it to the picture. The artist has been looking for a long time among friends and acquaintances for those who would have an internal or external resemblance to the disciples of Christ. As a result, he writes the Apostle Peter from himself, and Herzen becomes the starting point for writing the central character. The picture-revelation shocked the viewer with truth and realism. Yes, that's exactly what happened! A cramped and twilight room, through the rag on the window you can see how the blue of the night sky is fading, a low table on three legs, behind which the characters are placed - all this is amazingly convincing. In the foreground is the dark silhouette of Judas, nervously throwing on his cloak as he walks. Young John jumped up impetuously, Peter looks after the traitor in bewilderment, the rest of the apostles are shocked. And only Jesus froze in a detached and mournful pose - he knows what will happen: the inevitable betrayal of Judas, the denial of Peter, a painful death.
The picture was accepted by the public, and Ge at such a young age became a professor at the Academy of Arts - it was an unprecedented case. However, the church thought otherwise: the interpretation of the plot was recognized as non-canonical, there was “inadmissible materialism” on the canvas. As a result, the painting was forbidden to be reproduced.

"Heralds of the Resurrection" (1867)

The new work of the artist "Messengers of the Resurrection" in Russia, no one understood and did not recognize. They refused to accept her for an exhibition at the Academy of Arts. Exhibited in the art club of friends, the picture was also not successful. The same fate befell the first version of the painting "Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane". Both in St. Petersburg and at the Munich exhibition of 1869, where the artist sent her along with the Messengers of the Resurrection, her images were considered far-fetched and speculative. Ge was given to understand that he did not justify the hopes placed on him. Only years later, the public will grow to understand the plot, but in the days when Ge returned from sunny Italy to gray St. Petersburg and so needed support, the public remained indifferent.

"Christ with His Disciples Enters the Garden of Gethsemane" (1889)

After a series of canvases on a historical theme, frustrated by the lack of understanding of his work and harsh criticism, the master, who lost faith in his talent, left St. Petersburg in 1875 and settled in the Chernigov province. He radically changes his life: he builds an unusual workshop with a system of mirrors, masters the stove business and starts laying stoves, and occasionally paints portraits of his neighbors to earn money. Acquaintance in 1862 with Leo Tolstoy becomes fateful for Ge: he understands that he is not alone in search of the ideal, he clearly sees that creativity can serve life itself. The artist returns to work at a qualitatively new level.
While Nikolai Ge was almost forgotten in St. Petersburg, his painting “Christ with His Disciples Enters the Garden of Gethsemane” appears at one of the traveling exhibitions. The work undoubtedly deserves the right to stand on a par with the best paintings: an exciting and disturbing mood, the extraordinary beauty of color, the plot. The apostles solemnly descend the steps into the darkness, and only Jesus stops for a moment to raise his eyes to the infinitely beautiful starry sky. The painting was again subjected to harsh criticism of the church.

"Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane" (1869-1880)

Ge with renewed vigor turns to gospel themes - his canvases now sound like passionate sermons. He rewrites the Garden of Gethsemane and shows the viewer already ready for the great sacrifice of Christ. He leaves all doubts in the Garden of Gethsemane and without fear goes to the end towards his destiny. The artist's paintings began to appear regularly in St. Petersburg: they were removed from exhibitions, subjected to merciless censorship and persecution. But, exhibited in private apartments, the works of the master gathered crowds of spectators. The banned paintings were talked about, they were discussed in the newspapers and taken abroad. The master was pleased: "I will shake all their brains with the sufferings of Christ ... I will make them weep, not be touched." Ge becomes the apostle of the new art. He tells young artists about a form that can convey a feeling. He himself writes the way he teaches: without nature, without a sketch, without a contour.

“What is truth? Christ and Pilate (1890)

The construction of the canvas can overturn the traditional understanding of the understanding of good and evil, light and shadow. Pilate stands in a powerful stream of sunlight, while Christ, on the contrary, seems to be immersed in darkness. But if you take a closer look at the canvas, you can see that the procurator is standing against the sun and his face is plunged into darkness. The dark folds of the toga entangle Pilate's body like ropes. The face of Christ, tormented by torture, on the contrary, is illuminated, his clothes turn purple when looked at closely, and a divine radiance appears around the entire figure. Two personalities, two worldviews were shown by the master in an unconventional and bold way. It is clear that the church did not accept this view. She was shocked by the image of Christ, which absolutely did not correspond to the centuries-old tradition of depicting the Savior as a spiritually perfect and outwardly beautiful person. Tretyakov initially refused to buy the painting, but after an angry but reasoned letter from Tolstoy, in which he scolded the patron for "collecting manure" and "refusing to take the pearl," Tretyakov changed his mind and purchased the painting.

Calvary (1893)

"Golgotha" Ge remained unfinished. The public saw it after the death of the master. The innovative form of the work, using the favorite technique of juxtaposing characters, is filled with the deepest moral meaning. The Son of God is sent to a shameful death. From the left, a hand invades the field of view, which with an imperious gesture signals the beginning of the execution. Jesus knows what he has to go through. He wrings his hands frantically and raises his eyes to heaven, to the Father. In the Passion Cycle, Ge also writes two versions of the Crucifixion, which, when looked at, create a depressing impression.
"What is truth?" and "Golgotha" produce the effect of an exploding bomb. The indignant clergy and the public turn to the king and he orders the paintings to be removed from the exhibition. “Can this ragamuffin and vagabond be Christ? Can you paint like this? This Ge has completely forgotten how to write!”
Nikolai Ge died on June 13, 1894. Until the end of his days, he was sure that art can help a person to see clearly and improve this world a little.

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