There is no clear understanding of the purpose. “Everyone teaches and I must

How to learn English, French, German? I can't remember anything. How to learn grammar? This question was asked at least once by everyone who began to learn a foreign language. And I must say that 80% of students stumble upon the same rake that interferes with mastering the language and incredibly angry.

So, we present the top 5 mistakes of all beginner "polyglots":

1. I bought books and tried to study, but it's too difficult. And .... of course, I gave up after a couple of classes. It happens often. On the basis of enthusiasm, we buy the coolest and most expensive manuals, sit down comfortably and start teaching. And after 10 minutes, the former fuse was gone. This is because any language requires a consistent explanation, first the alphabet, then the basics of grammar, etc. By learning a language from books, we involve ourselves in a maelstrom of difficulties. And complexity is the worst enemy of enthusiasm.

Recipe: Arm yourself with help. Let your tutor explain the grammar clearly and consistently. Gives examples, shows pictures, gives diagrams - this is all your foundation. If you put it well and with high quality now, then you will not face the fact that you are not able to correctly formulate a phrase, compose a letter or even ask for directions while abroad.

2. There is little time for classes, I used to teach, but I forgot. Irregularity of classes is the most common problem. But the thing is, we're lying to ourselves here. No time? Seriously? Pay attention to how long you put off your studies? A week, a month, six months? If the deadline is more than a month, this indicates that you are definitely lazy. Yes, there is work, study, family, but there are also times when we sit with a stupid series and think how boring it is. And here you need to catch this moment by the tail! Yes, if you start calling some tutor who needs to go to the other side of the city, you will most likely drop the call without waiting for an answer. And if you sit down at the textbook, you will close it in 5 minutes.

Recipe: Open your favorite series in a foreign language. If you couldn’t find it, then turn on some interesting video on YouTube, be sure to have subtitles and be sure to write out phrases. The next time you get bored, open the notes and read it once or twice.

Even better, while there is an extra half an hour, go to the page of your foreign language at TutorOnline school and find one of the tutors who. Start the lesson with him by explaining that you have 10-20-30 minutes and would like to work on some of the grammar topics or even just practice speaking. No, it doesn't sound strange, many of our students have busy schedules and that's exactly what they do. Tutors welcome active students and are always happy to help.

3. I have been studying for several months, but I do not know anything. It's a matter of repetition. Be sure to memorize new words and pronounce them constantly. Hang the list on the fridge, on the mirror, on the door, anywhere. But each time repeat all the words, if necessary - peep. Set yourself a goal of 100 new words every month. It's only 3-4 words a day.

If you feel like you don't understand the grammar, don't ever tell your tutor if you've asked 3 times and you don't understand - ask 103, that's right! And the effect will definitely be!

4. I don't know why. Lack of purpose is the main enemy of the result. Recipe: To learn a language, you must clearly answer the question why you need it. Otherwise, you will study only from time to time, wasting knowledge in between.

5. This is not mine. I would like to learn, but I can't. Remember! There is no language in the world that you cannot learn! The TutorOnline online school has been operating for 6 years, and we have had hundreds of students who came with absolutely zero level, but good tutors work wonders. You will definitely succeed, it is only important not to stop, but to do!

TutorOnline believes in you and is always glad to see you at the lessons!, with full or partial copying of the material, a link to the source is required.

Write your comments below!

With you, as always, Oksana Dolinka, and today I am filming this video for you from Singapore, from one of the most famous places in this city - from the zoo!

The zoo in Singapore is considered one of the best in the world, because its area is huge, the number of various animals from all over the world is more than 2,500 thousand, and, besides, getting into the territory of the Singapore Zoo, you seem to find yourself in a real tropical jungle! In general, the place is just great!

Well, today we will talk about the main components of success in learning English. Why it’s not possible to learn it, what stops us, what hinders us, and what needs to be done in order to.

You know, I get a lot of letters from people with different, very different questions about learning English, about their successes and failures, about their successes and failures. And this gave me the opportunity to identify the main reasons why some people fail to master English, while others quite successfully achieve it.

Perhaps now you will recognize yourself, hear about your problems and also learn how to deal with them.

So, she is one of the main reasons why many fail in learning English - this is the belief "I'm not like that." I am not the same as those who succeeded, I am different. I have a different mindset, the exact sciences are more given to me, I have no talent for languages, I am not like that, I am different than those who have learned

What should you do if you have such a conviction?

Tell yourself that you can! Cast off any doubt that you have no aptitude for languages!

This is a false belief! After all, have you learned your native language? Do you speak Russian, or some other native language? So you can learn the language! Just believe that you can! Why are you worse than others? Nothing! And you can do it too!

In general, if we talk about success in general, then everyone has long known that the main key to success is WHAT you think. If you think you can, then you can. You can do whatever you want. If you think you can't, you can't. All you have to do is set yourself up, your inner computer, so that you, as well as those who have succeeded in learning English, are able and able to do it! And you will do it! I believe in you!

Another of the main, main reasons for failure in learning English, and you probably know it - is the lack of regularity. Here, whatever you do, but if you constantly skip classes, find other, more important things, then ... Let's be honest. It will be incredibly difficult for you to succeed. It is a fact.

Everyone who is fluent in English, knows, speaks English quickly and easily, believe me, most of these people studied English regularly. Persistently and regularly.

I'm sure you yourself understand that you can learn English a little every day for a month or two and achieve better results than if you study it for six months but irregularly.

And the third, so-called attitude or belief, sitting like a weed in our heads, is:

Why do I need it (in the sense of English)? So much time lived or lived without him, I will live now.

Of course I will live. But how? Denying yourself all the opportunities and prospects that offers, literally, presents on a silver platter, knowledge of the English language?

Saying “Why do we need English” is like taking a step back when the whole world is rushing forward. Let's honestly admit to ourselves that, in fact, under the phrase “why is it needed, why learn English?” hiding something completely different. In fact, when we say this, we mean that ... that we are simply lazy, that we do not want to spend money on this, that we do not believe that we can do this and so on.

I understand this very well, because I myself at one time had similar thoughts and beliefs ..

Those who have achieved success in learning English, who have learned to speak it, these people knew exactly what they needed English for and why they needed it. They succeeded in learning it because they knew that knowing English would add more money to their wallet through a new job, a new position, new contracts, increased self-confidence and self-confidence, made it possible to travel abroad with great pleasure, expanded their horizons and add new acquaintances…

I am sure that since you are watching this video right now, you are also studying or want to study English. And why do you need it? What are your reasons for learning English? Share it in your comments below this video. Write what you want to achieve, what do you want to get with the help of knowledge of English?

Increase self-confidence? Make new deals with foreign companies? Travel abroad with confidence?

Looking forward to your comments below.

And at the end of our meeting today, I want to say that success in learning English, of course, cannot be achieved if there is no clear and effective system for learning it.

An effective, well-thought-out, effective system is the key to your success in learning English. Having such a system, you can be sure that you will achieve your goal, that you will learn to speak and understand it.

At the heart of my English in 4 Weeks training program is just such a carefully thought out system that has been specifically designed to help those who learn English to learn it, learn this language and get the expected result.

Can't learn English? Can't remember foreign words? Can't speak the language you're learning? Perhaps you are hindered by a number of misconceptions and excuses. There are a huge number of excuses that prevent you from learning English: “no ability to speak languages”, “it was necessary to start in childhood”, “it is necessary to go to England or America ...” and a bunch of others. In fact, these are just myths that we decided to debunk.

The most common myths that interfere with learning English

Myth 1: Learning a foreign language requires special abilities and a high level of IQ

In countries such as Sweden and the Netherlands, the majority of the population speaks a foreign language. Was everyone there, without exception, born with the ability to speak languages? Of course not! Moreover, almost all international athletes and souvenir sellers speak English, but not all academics. This is because when learning a language, motivation, opportunity for practice, time and effort invested, and the choice of an effective teaching method play a primary role.

Myth 2: Children are better language learners than adults.

There are studies that claim that children learn a language faster and easier than adults. However, not because they are more capable - it's just that children have a different approach to learning the language.

Unlike adults, they “absorb” a foreign language without thinking too much about the rules and logic. They are less afraid to speak up and make mistakes, and this is one of the reasons why language learning is easier for them.

On the other hand, scientists have found that, through discipline and a systematic approach, adults actually progress faster in language acquisition. They are able to understand and use complex grammatical structures, learn more new words, and get through a particular topic faster. So again, the key factors in learning a language are motivation, the opportunity to practice, the time and effort invested, and the choice of an effective teaching method.

Myth 3: Living in a foreign country guarantees language learning

Many people think so, however - in some places, immigrants in America do not speak English perfectly even after 20 years of living there. Many of them continue to speak with thick accents and make the same mistakes for decades, such as “He help you?” instead of “Did he help you?” or “I call you” instead of “I will call you”.

The reason is that immigrants outside of everyday communication often do not make efforts to improve their knowledge. They do not feel the need for this and their level of English is quite enough at the household level. This example shows that for many it becomes an unexpected discovery: living in a foreign country does not automatically mean that you will automatically master the language at a high level and will have good grammar, pronunciation or a large vocabulary beyond what is necessary in everyday life.

It is also important to remember that native speakers with whom you will communicate will usually not correct your mistakes out of courtesy. Therefore, even living in another country, you need to continue to pay attention to its study.

The main advantages of learning a language in another country are that there are more opportunities for practice and there is a language environment. However, now, with sufficient motivation and access to the Internet, you can create these opportunities at home.

Myth 4: Attending a language course is enough to learn a language

Mastering grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, and listening and reading skills requires a significant amount of time, repetition, and practice, which is simply not possible in the classroom. In addition, different students go through the material at different speeds and require different amounts of practice. Therefore, if you are studying English in a group, we advise you to supplement your teaching with modern technologies. The computer is a patient and free tutor available at any time.

Myth 5: A textbook is enough to learn a language

Any textbook on General English contains the amount of material sufficient for just getting acquainted with a particular topic. In order to really learn and practice various aspects of the language, you need to select resources for each of them separately, and some of them are much more effective for learning than textbooks.

For example, it is better to do a grammar exercise online than in a notebook, as the site will automatically check it and point out errors. New words are much faster and more convenient to learn using mobile applications, and a lecturer from Youtube will usually explain the grammar topic in a clearer and more interesting way than a paragraph in a textbook.

Myth 6: The best way to learn a foreign language is just to speak

In fact, we learn a language through reading and listening. This is how we get new words and grammatical structures. But, through speaking and writing, we practice and use the language. Therefore, in order to speak and write well and correctly, you must first read and listen a lot.

Myth 7: Mistakes are unacceptable

In fact, it all depends on the situation. In a situation where you use language, for example when talking to a foreigner, the main thing is the transfer of information. Therefore, it is better to speak with errors than to make the interlocutor wait a few minutes until you correctly build a sentence and look up the exact translation of the word in the dictionary. But in a situation where you are working on a language, for example, during a lesson, you should first of all think about how to say the sentence correctly, because mistakes are very easy to fix and remember.

However, this is not a complete list of misconceptions about language learning that can be listed. But we are sure: if you have enough motivation to learn English, not a single myth and stereotype will become a hindrance!

You will see all articles, exercises, films, audio stories with voice acting by native speakers, parallel texts from the "English for free" section.
The second part "Why can't I learn English?" located .
The third part of the article "Why can't I learn English?" published.

Why can't you learn English? Part 1

Sometimes you want to imagine yourself in the role of chieftain: the drafts are bare, and the enemy (in this case, the English language) simply falls on his face at your very appearance. But unfortunately, this does not always happen in life, and instead of a brave warrior, you have to intensely suppress the word "looser" that appears in your head and ask yourself: "Why can't I learn English?" Let's try to figure out how to emerge victorious from this fight and whether it is possible at all. First, let's determine the reasons for your "I can't" and "I can't."

Why can't I learn English, huh?

Based on my experience, I can quite accurately classify all the obstacles in learning English. Well, it’s not in vain that they say: “You need to know the enemy by sight”, because it will be easier to defeat him. So, are you ready? Go!

By myself, by myself, by myself....

Remember how the hero of the film "Station for Two", not wanting to waste time on sensual courtship, offered the lady: "Itself, itself, itself"? So it is in our case. Perhaps when answering the question: "Why can't I learn English?" it pays to be objective and acknowledge that you rely on yourself. This is not so bad, but provided that your level of proficiency is a solid Intermediate and above. You, in fact, do not need to study the language, but to polish it. But this approach is dangerous if your level:

Full Beginner;
- Beginner;
- Pre-Intermediate.

Firstly, which of us can force ourselves to exercise regularly, at least 2 times a week, and not from time to time? There is no such. Simply no. Someone is enough for a month, a week, even 3 months, and then the damn routine wins up and the hurdy-gurdy turns on again: “Why can’t I learn this unfortunate English language”? Therefore, the tutor will act not only as a torch of knowledge :-) but also in the role of overseer and controller.

Secondly (and this is no less scary), you will not notice your mistakes in pronunciation, grammar, reading. Yes, you can peep the keys for exercises, you can learn a phrase. However, where is the guarantee that you will be able to use it in the right context? For example, there is a turnover "I beg your pasrdon", which means "I'm sorry." It has not been used for a long time either in the USA or in England.

Many language textbooks and English dictionaries are full of ready-made linguistic templates. It is possible that you will memorize the words, and your self-esteem will increase. But who will warn you that modern English has already spat out the phrases you have learned by heart on the sidelines of life? This is not a straight way, but an ordinary sidewalk, figuratively speaking.

The tutor will “knock you on the head” (just kidding) for trying to thoughtlessly cramming “rotten” phrases. Studying with an English tutor via Skype (Skype) or in linguistic courses, you will not get a dead language "a la Latin", but a living one. What do you choose: "life" or "death"?

No immersion in English. There is not...

So, even if you can force yourself to exercise regularly, that is, you are a kind of "iron-man", that is, an "iron man", then even in this case you will not be able to create an optimal program for yourself. You take an English tutorial and, gritting your heart, bore it with your eyes day and night, but I will tell you: you do NOT have immersion in the language, and the efficiency of such study will be lower.

Immersion in the language implies a reasonable and balanced balance between, and, of course, traditional translation and grammar exercises. As a rule, inexperienced students focus on one thing, but in the end they fail to overcome English.

So why couldn't I learn English?

The above are just a few reasons, as there are others, which we will discuss in the second article in the Why Can't I Learn English? series. The main thing you have to understand is that everything is based on money. Why did I suddenly switch from the heavenly to the earthly? But because even in order to give your beloved a bouquet of flowers and declare that you didn’t care about this "material world", you need ... yes, yes, they are the very ones. Therefore, remember that it is more profitable now to invest in a tutor in order to achieve the result and keep it for life. Exactly

Many people after studying at school despaired of learning a foreign language. But at that time, you had little chance of actually learning English. The reason for this is not your inability for languages, but poor presentation, lack of motivation, communication with native speakers and good tools.

Fortunately, now you have all the opportunities for effective and fast learning. Let's take a look at all the errors that need to be eliminated so as not to step on the same rake now.

Mistake #1. Lack of motivation

What was your motivation at school? Fives, parents' praise, a good certificate? To do this, it is not at all necessary to know the language well, it is enough to complete the tasks of the teacher, and this is not the same thing.

To really learn a language, you need something more than grades. Maybe English will be useful to you to get a well-paid job or make friends in another country? The more serious your motivation, the more likely you are to finish the job, and not forget about it in a week or two.

Even before you open a dictionary or download an app, you should clearly understand why you are starting to learn. So now answer the question:

Why am I going to learn English?

Mistake #2. Lack of communication with native speakers

At school, we rarely spoke to each other in English, only when we handed over dialogues or texts memorized by heart. It is unlikely that this contributed to the improvement of conversational skills, because we did not come up with our own answers, did not try to ask questions or speak on our own, but simply paraphrased texts from the textbook.

Don't use learned phrases. To learn a language quickly, you need to communicate in a foreign language often and a lot. And the best option for this (except moving to another country) is to find friends for correspondence or Skype.

There are many resources on the Internet where you can easily make a pen pal in English. Here is some of them.


Here you can quickly find many pen pals from all over the world or participate in discussions on the forum.

My Happy Planet

On this site there is an opportunity to correspond with native speakers. In addition, there is a database of video lessons recorded by users - a great opportunity to watch and listen more often if you are still embarrassed to talk to foreigners.

My Language Exchange

Another resource where you can find pen pals, use text and voice chat, lesson plan and other features.


On this site you can find a teacher from among native speakers and remotely communicate with him one on one.

Mistake #3. Lack of interest

A good goal is a must, but motivation alone will not get you far. In order to keep learning day after day, you need sincere interest. Just what was missing in school.

It is very important to make your learning as interesting as possible, especially at the initial stage, when you know too little to communicate with people, read books or watch TV shows.

Getting through this period while maintaining an interest in learning is a difficult task, but it is quite doable. An interesting Aword application will help you, which implements a special learning technique that does not at all resemble school cramming.

Firstly, here you learn words supported by images - each new word is accompanied by a corresponding picture, which settles in memory better than a set of letters.

Secondly, you repeat the words by performing different tasks: show a picture that matches the word, choose a translation from a number of options, arrange the letters in the correct order and write the whole word.

Training in this way is much more fun than just reading the words and copying them in a notebook. It's more like a game with interesting tasks, personal progress and achievements.

In addition, in the Aword application, all words are divided into topics: exams, movies, books, travel, and so on. Therefore, you learn not those words that seemed necessary to the author of the textbook, but those that are useful to you.

You can study with Aword from any device running iOS or Android.

You can learn words at any free time. One session lasts no more than four minutes, so you have time to repeat words or learn a few new ones while drinking tea, having lunch, standing in traffic or waiting in line.

And this helps to correct the next big mistake that prevents you from quickly learning English - the lack of training in addition to the main classes.

Mistake #4. Lack of exercise outside of class

Language learning is best given to young children and people who have moved to another country. What unites them?

Both children and immigrants often look at talking people, listen a lot and try to interact. This is very different from school lessons of 40 minutes a day two or three days a week.

The more often you listen and try to understand a foreign speech, watch how native speakers speak, and read books and articles in English, the faster you will learn the language.

Here are a few possibilities for this:

  • Read books in English. Choose a book by an English-speaking author that you have already read and love very much and read it in the original. An exciting activity and many discoveries await you. Translators, despite all their skill, cannot always convey the original style of the author.
  • Watch movies and series in English. Can be with or without subtitles. Now many online cinemas like Megogo, ivi, TVzavr and others provide the opportunity to watch movies in original voice acting or with Russian subtitles.
  • listen to the radio in English. On this resource you will find many radio stations from all over the world.

You may argue that your level of English is not high enough to read books and watch movies.

If you've already mastered the basics, the Aword app will help you learn words for a specific movie, book, TV series, or other source of information.

The large catalog of the application contains specialized dictionaries with words from popular films and books, series, news channels, games, songs. You just need to find what you want to watch, read or listen to and add a dictionary to your list of learned words.

If you learn the main words of the work, it will be much easier for you to comprehend it in the original. You will keep your interest in language learning at any stage: while reviewing basic words or while preparing to communicate with native speakers, watch movies and read books.

If your school program was at least half as interesting, you would already know English perfectly. Now you have all the tools you need to quickly master the language. Get motivated and keep going!

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