Week of the theater in the preparatory group for fgos. Thematic planning of the theater week in the middle group

Ludmila Bobyleva

Theatrical week in the preparatory group "Swallow e".

Goals of the Theater Week:

Moral education of preschool children, the formation of their cultural values, the development of intellectual and personal qualities of children.

Tasks of the Theater Week:

To deepen children's knowledge of the theater as an art form.

To arouse in children an interest in theatrical activities.

To give children an idea about the types of theaters.

Contribute to the creation of a joyful mood in children, develop imagination and creativity.

To improve the improvisational abilities of children, to develop initiative and independence in creating images of various characters.

Organization in kindergarten of conditions for theatrical games, development of children's interest in visiting professional theaters.

Through the theater, to teach a child to see the beautiful in life and in people, to instill in him the desire to bring beauty and kindness into life.

Theater is one of the brightest, most colorful and accessible areas of art for preschoolers. It develops imagination and fantasy, promotes the creative development of children, helps to relax, develops communication skills, increases self-esteem, develops speech, the emotional sphere and simply brings a bright, unforgettable variety to everyday life, enriching the inner world of the child.


Monday "Magic World of Theater"

Conversation "History of the theater"

Purpose: to tell children about the origin of the theater, the history of its development.

Puppet theater "Teremok".

Purpose: to develop verbal and pantomimic expressiveness; activate speech, develop speech expressiveness.

Tuesday "Such a different theater"

Conversations of young theater-goers about the types of theaters.

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the different types of theaters, their purpose and purpose.

Plot - role-playing game "We came to the theater."

Purpose: in a playful environment to give children an idea about the theater, the rules of conduct during the performance, and the intermission.

Wednesday "We are artists, we are spectators!"

Surprise moment: acquaintance of children with a doll "living hand".

Purpose: to talk about the variety of puppets in the theater, to give an idea of ​​​​how to manipulate this puppet.

Drawing competition "Magic world of theatre".

Purpose: to enable children to convey in the drawing their vision of the theater, stage, heroes of performances; development of creative and graphic abilities.

Dramatization games, director's games using a puppet "with a living hand".

Purpose: to develop imagination, pantomimic expressiveness.

Thursday "Puppeteer"

Entertainment game-dramatization "Kolobok".

Purpose: to develop the expressiveness of speech and pantomime of children; to consolidate knowledge of the content of a fairy tale, the ability to use the attributes of the theater.

Theater on flannelgraph based on nursery rhymes and poems.

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of nursery rhymes and poems; develop children's speech, expressiveness, artistry, develop imagination.

Friday "Theatre, theater!"

Photo collage "Give us an applause!"

Purpose: to show the work of educators and children in theatrical activities organized in a group.

Theatrical games using human puppets

Purpose: to give an idea of ​​a new type of dolls: "dolls-people"; develop imagination, pantomimic expressiveness; be able to organize their theatrical activities, taking into account the chosen character.

That's how interesting and fun we had a theatrical week.

I hope that my material will be interesting for work.

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State autonomous vocational educational institution of the city of Moscow

Moscow educational complex named after

Viktor Talalikhin.

(GAPOU IOC named after V. Talalikhin)

Perspective plan for the thematic week in the preparatory group

"Week of Theater"

Compiled by the educator

Budenchuk Svetlana Valerievna

Moscow 2018.


1 half day.

Purpose: to give children an idea about the theater; expand knowledge of theater as an art form; introduce the types of theaters; to educate an emotionally positive attitude towards the theater, to acquaint children with the arrangement of the theater building.

- (artist, make-up artist, hairdresser, musician, decorator, dresser, artist).

Purpose: to form children's ideas about theatrical professions; to intensify interest in theatrical art; Expand words knowledge.


Purpose: to teach children to depict different emotions by means of drawing.

2 half a day.

Plot - role-playing game "We came to the theater."

Purpose: to introduce the rules of conduct in the theater; arouse interest and desire to play (act as a "cashier", "ticketman", "spectator"); cultivate friendships.

Conversations about the rules of conduct in the theater, give the concept of the proverb "Audience culture".

Purpose: To give children an idea of ​​the rules of conduct in public places; to form a personal attitude to non-compliance and violation of the rules.

1 half day.


Purpose: to expand children's knowledge that fairy tales can not only be read, but also watched; who is working on showing the fairy tale in the theatre; to intensify interest in theatrical art.


2 half a day.

-Finger theater "Teremok".

Purpose: to develop the ability of children to use the finger theater in free activities; distribute characters; convey the characteristics of the characters in the story.

1 half day.

- Making a Petrushka doll.

Purpose: to continue to teach how to use waste material in work (plastic spoon).


- D / and "We came to the theater"

Purpose: to repeat the rules of conduct in the theater.

2 half a day.


Purpose: to consolidate skills in modeling, development of creativity and imagination in children

- D / and "Guess the hero of a fairy tale"

Purpose: according to the description, name the hero of the fairy tale and the correct name of the fairy tale.

1 half day.

Purpose: To teach to convey the image of a favorite character in a drawing; use the material at the request of the children in the work; develop creative abilities.


Purpose: to introduce children to different types of theaters; to deepen interest in theatrical games; enrich vocabulary.


Purpose: A conversation about how to use dolls correctly, which is a tool for driving bi-ba-bo dolls.

2 half a day.


1 half day.


Purpose: to create a joyful mood in children, to teach them to transform into heroes of a fairy tale.

Working with parents:

Folder-slider "Theatre and Children", an exhibition of methodological literature, "Weekend Route" - the repertoire of children's theaters for March and April, an exhibition of children's drawings and crafts on the theme: "Theater through the eyes of children."



State autonomous vocational educational institution of the city of Moscow

Moscow educational complex named after

Viktor Talalikhin.

(GAPOU IOC named after V. Talalikhin)

Perspective plan for the thematic week in the preparatory group

"Week of Theater"

Compiled by the educator

Budenchuk Svetlana Valerievna

Moscow 2018.


1 half day.

Viewing the presentation "What is theatre?"

Target: give children an idea about the theater; expand knowledge of theater as an art form; introduce the types of theaters; to educate an emotionally positive attitude towards the theater, to acquaint children with the arrangement of the theater building.

- Acquaintance with theatrical professions(artist, make-up artist, hairdresser, musician, decorator, dresser, artist).

Purpose: to form children's ideas about theatrical professions; to intensify interest in theatrical art; Expand words knowledge.

- Productive activity-drawing "We are spectators" (emotions)

Purpose: to teach children to depict different emotions by means of drawing.

2 half a day.

Plot - role-playing game "We came to the theater."

Purpose: to introduce the rules of conduct in the theater; arouse interest and desire to play (act as a "cashier", "ticketman", "spectator"); cultivate friendships.

Conversations about the rules of conduct in the theater, give the concept of the proverb "Audience culture".

Purpose: To give children an idea of ​​the rules of conduct in public places; to form a personal attitude to non-compliance and violation of the rules.


1 half day.

- Conversation with children on the topic: "Visiting a fairy tale."

Purpose: to expand children's knowledge that fairy tales can not only be read, but also watched; who is working on showing the fairy tale in the theatre; to intensify interest in theatrical art.

- Preparation (rehearsal) of the fairy tale "Turnip on the contrary" for children of younger and older groups.

2 half a day.

- Finger theater "Teremok".

Purpose: to develop the ability of children to use the finger theater in free activities; distribute characters; convey the characteristics of the characters in the story.


1 half day.

- Making a Petrushka doll.

Purpose: to continue to teach how to use waste material in work (plastic spoon).

- Making a poster for the fairy tale "Turnip on the contrary"

D / and "We came to the theater"

Purpose: to repeat the rules of conduct in the theater.

2 half a day.

- Productive activity-sculpting based on the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit"

Purpose: to consolidate skills in modeling, development of creativity and imagination in children

- D / and "Guess the hero of a fairy tale"

Purpose: according to the description, name the hero of the fairy tale and the correct name of the fairy tale.


1 half day.

Drawing "My favorite hero"

Purpose: To teach to convey the image of a favorite character in a drawing; use the material at the request of the children in the work; develop creative abilities.

- Acquaintance of children with types of theaters (table, puppet theater bi-ba-bo, puppet puppets).

Purpose: to introduce children to different types of theaters; to deepen interest in theatrical games; enrich vocabulary.

- Examination of bi-ba-bo dolls with children.

Purpose: A conversation about how to use dolls correctly, which is a tool for driving bi-ba-bo dolls.

2 half a day.

- Evening of riddles based on the works "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Fly-Tsokotuha", "Fedorino's grief", "Gingerbread Man", "Teremok", "Turnip".


1 half day.

- Showing the fairy tale "Turnip on the contrary"

Purpose: to create a joyful mood in children, to teach them to transform into heroes of a fairy tale.

Working with parents:

Folder-slider "Theatre and Children", an exhibition of methodological literature, "Weekend Route" - the repertoire of children's theaters for March and April, an exhibition of children's drawings and crafts on the theme: "Theater through the eyes of children."

Problem: External interest of children and parents in the theater and theatrical activities.

Justification of the problem: 1. Insufficient attention of parents and children to the theater, due to its absence in the city.

  1. The skills of children in "acting skills" are not formed.
  2. Superficial knowledge of parents about different types of theatrical activities in kindergarten and its application.

Target: Formation in children and parents of interest in the theater and joint theatrical activities.

Tasks: 1. Awaken the interest of children and parents in the theater.

  1. To instill in children primary skills in the field of theatrical art (use of facial expressions, gestures, voice, puppetry techniques).
  2. To interest parents in acquiring, making different types of theater and provide information on how to play at home with children.

Project participants:

  1. educators
  2. Children of the senior and preparatory group
  3. Parents.

Location: BDOU VMR "Kindergarten "Harmony"

Project type:

- according to the composition of participants: group (children, parents, teachers);

- according to the target setting: informational, practice-oriented, research, creative (project participants collect information, implement it, draw up the results in the form of a photo report, a series of performances).

Implementation period: 5 days

Organization of activities of the project participants:

Interaction and cooperation of all project participants.

Stages of work on the project:

Stage I - preparatory:

- survey of parents;

- monitoring the activities of children;

- allocation of goals and objectives;

— creation of conditions for project implementation.

Stage II - main:

- work with children;

- Interaction with parents.

Stage III - final:

— summing up the results of the project implementation;

— correlation of expected and actual results.

With kids:

- watching the performance and talking about what they saw;

– presentation or virtual tour for children on the topic of various types of theater;

- active use in joint activities with children of different types of theater;

- playing sketches, nursery rhymes, mini-scenes, etc. in individual work;

Drawing with children curtain options, stage design.

- creation of a play environment for independent theatrical activities of children in kindergarten (making theaters, tickets, decorating numbers on chairs in the auditorium; selection of music, props);

- rehearsals with children for further showing of performances to real spectators - children of the younger group.

With parents:

— visual information for parents, consultations in parental corners;

- posters of theatrical performances of visiting theaters for children in the city: with an invitation to visit and take photographs of memorable meetings with the theater;

Making dolls for the Puppet Theater of the Preschool Educational Establishment together with children, the exhibition “We are seriously playing with dolls”

Expected results:

- arouse the interest of children and parents in the theater;

- involve parents in the life of the kindergarten;

- to acquaint children and parents with the history of the theater, its types, methods of making and playing;

- to instill in children primary skills in the field of theatrical art: the use of facial expressions, gestures, voices, puppetry;

- to interest parents in acquiring, making different types of theater and give information about how to play at home with children.

Evaluation criteria: Evaluation of performance based on the results of the work is manifested in two areas: children and parents.


- knowledge of the main types of theaters and theatrical art;

- possession of primary skills of "acting";

- interest shown in productions, preparation for performances.


- the percentage of participation of parents in joint activities;

- the percentage of parents' participation in the preparation of conditions for the activities of children.


  1. Informational:

— photo-video materials;

- library fund.

  1. Scientific and methodological:

- Counseling with parents.

  1. Didactic support:

- selection of works for dramatization;

- collection of postcards, photographs about the theater;

- selection of games for the development of acting skills;

- design of theatrical, musical and disguise corner in the group.

  1. Personnel:

- educators.

  1. TSO: — projector;

- notebook;

- camera;

- music Center.

Project planning contributes to:

- effective and systematic assimilation of knowledge about the theater and theatrical art by children

- effective work of the educator with parents within the framework of the project.

Preparatory stage:

  1. Questioning of parents - identification of a problem, selection of information on the identified problems;
  2. Observation of children's theatrical activities - identifying the problem, selecting information on the identified problems;
  3. Consultation for parents: "Theatrical activity in kindergarten", "Do-it-yourself theater", "Using theatrical activity in working with insecure children".

Raise the level of information, awareness of parents in this matter, joint creation of conditions for the implementation of the project.

  1. Action "Give a fairy tale to children". Creation of conditions for acquaintance with various types of puppet theaters by making puppets, followed by the organization of the exhibition "We Seriously Play with Puppets".
  2. Selection of visual material, preparation of presentations, etc. Create conditions for the implementation of the project: Designing corners for dressing up, theatricalization and filling them with attributes; presentations, etc.

Main stage:

  1. Electronic presentation "Introduction to the theater". Tell the children about the different types of theatre. Increasing children's interest in the theater.

2. Production of various types of theaters (planar, on a cone, finger, shadow) with children and with the help of parents.

  1. Acting classes, speech expressiveness exercises, preparation for performances, staging of RNS.
  2. Showing a fairy tale: "Different wheels" (glove theater);
  3. Involving parents in the manufacture of costumes, dolls.
  4. Presentation of the project "Theater Week" in the form of a photo report on the work done. Involvement of parents in the life of the preschool educational institution, generalization and summing up with the children. Photo album about the project.

The final stage: Processing and design of project materials. Performance analysis.

The theater is a fabulous place where characters come to life and all dreams come true. willingly participate in dramatizations and director's games. March 27 is International Theater Day. Joint activities of the teacher with children are dated for this date. This week there is an expansion of children's ideas about the types of theater, theatrical professions. Children learn new things about the theaters of their native city, the culture of the audience and the educational value of performances. The result of the week is a dramatization for children of the younger group "Zayushkina hut". You will find a detailed description of sketches, exercises, selection of poems about the theater, round dance games in the annex to the plan "Thematic week" Theaters of our city ".

Social and communicative development

For social and communicative development, the teacher gives children work assignments, talks about fire safety, remembers for the country or region, introduces them to the premises of the theater.

cognitive development

The teacher introduces children to the topic of the week through the presentation “Theatres of our city”, offers games for the development of creative thinking, interesting experiments with water and air. The teacher introduces the game "Colorful Journey", talks about the signs of March, conducts a game - a fairy tale "Vegetables and Fruits", aimed at the cognitive development of children.

Speech development

The teacher introduces the game of speech development "Live Words", continues to teach children to determine the place of sound in a word, to develop phonemic hearing. The children get acquainted with the work of A. Barto "In the theater", compose fairy tales and show creativity in games with different types of theater.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Creating conditions for artistic and aesthetic development, the teacher involves older preschoolers in the manufacture of a cone theater, introduces new theatrical attributes, and prepares for the staging of the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut". Preschoolers find out the structural features of musical instruments and practice plane modeling.

Physical development

Continuing work on physical development, the teacher introduces children to the folk game "Paints", work continues with the sensory panel. Children fix the rules of the games "Oncoming runs", "Sick cat", etc.

Check out the theme week snippet


OOcognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Morning greeting "Morning in kindergarten." Purpose: to bring joy from meeting with friends.Viewing the presentation "Theaters of our city". Purpose: to enrich the knowledge of children about the theaters of the city.Didactic game "Live words". Purpose: to introduce the rules of the game.Drawing according to the idea with the subgroup "My favorite character". Purpose: to form the ability to convey images while maintaining proportions.Psychogymnastics "Different faces". Purpose: to form the ability to switch from one image to another.
The game "Why (why, why) do you need to do this?". Purpose: to form in children an idea of ​​the need for labor, to expand knowledge about labor processes.Cognitive activity "How to get dry from the water." Purpose: to evoke the joy of new discoveries.Exercise "Who do I see, what do I see." Purpose: to activate speech and attention.Di. "Draw the figure." Purpose: to develop creative imagination, the ability to complete an incomplete drawing.P.i. "Bear and bees". Purpose: to form the ability to jump on a hill. P.i. "Carp and pike". Purpose: to remember the rules of the game.
2 p.d.Conversation "How to behave in the theater." Purpose: to fix the rules of etiquette.Introduction of the album "Types of theatre". Purpose: to tell children about the theater of puppets, animals and others.Reading A. Barto "In the theater". Purpose: to expand ideas about the theater through literature.Making characters of the cone theater based on fairy tales. Purpose: to choose fairy tales, to form paper design skills.Working with the touch panel "How we know the world." Goal: develop imagination, remember the purpose of the senses.


OOSocial and communicative developmentcognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Find a friend game. Purpose: To promote team building.Game “Reading” TRIZ. Purpose: to form the ability to graphic modeling.Ball game "Theatrical professions". Purpose: to enrich the vocabulary of children with words - actor, costume designer, make-up artist, decorator, etc.Round dance "At Grandma Malania" Purpose: to develop imagination.Work with cards for visual gymnastics. Purpose: to consolidate the technique of performing exercises.
Labor assignments. Purpose: to form the ability to bring the work started to the end, responsibility.The teacher's story about folk signs of March. Purpose: to develop interest in the knowledge of relationships in nature.Exercise "Composing fairy tales." Purpose: to encourage children to compose stories about the heroes of fairy tales, to develop imagination.Independent games in the theater corner. Purpose: to create conditions for the development of director's game.P.i. "Oncoming Crossings". Purpose: to teach children to run from one side of the playground to the other at a fast pace. P.i. at the School of the Ball. Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to perform various actions with the ball, to develop coordination of movements, eye, dexterity.



GOU Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 1352




1 half day

1. Acquaintance with the concept of theater: (slide show, paintings, photographs). Types of theaters (musical, puppet, drama, theater of animals, etc.).
Purpose: to give children an idea about the theater; expand knowledge of theater as an art form; introduce the types of theaters; develop an emotionally positive attitude towards the theater.

2. Display of illustrations, photographs of Moscow theaters. Purpose: to introduce children to the structure of the theater building, to pay attention to the originality of architecture and the beautiful facade with different types of theaters.
3. Acquaintance with theatrical professions (artist, make-up artist, hairdresser, musician, decorator, dresser, artist).
Purpose: to form children's ideas about theatrical professions; to intensify interest in theatrical art; Expand words knowledge.

4.Mobile game "Owl".

5. Reading the fairy tale "Geese - swans."

2nd half of the day

6. Plot - role-playing game "We came to the theater."
Purpose: to introduce the rules of conduct in the theater; arouse interest and desire to play (act as a "cashier", "ticketman", "spectator"); cultivate friendships.
7. Conversations about the rules of conduct in the theater, give the concept of the proverb "Audience culture".
Purpose: To give children an idea of ​​the rules of conduct in public places; to form a personal attitude to non-compliance and violation of the rules.

8. Application "Fairytale bird".

9. Work with parents: visual - thematic screen "Rules of conduct in the theater."


1 half day

1. Acquaintance of children with the finger theater, the mitten theater, the shadow theater.

Purpose: to give children ideas about the features of this type of theater.

2. Finger gymnastics "Bird", "Owl" and others. Purpose: speech development, development of intelligence, spatial thinking, creative abilities of children

3. Drawing "My favorite hero" Purpose: To teach to convey the image of your favorite character in the drawing; use the material at the request of the children in the work; develop creative abilities.

4. The mobile game "Geese-swans".

2nd half of the day

5. Conversation with children on the topic: "Visiting a fairy tale."
Tasks: to expand children's knowledge that fairy tales can not only be read, but also watched; who is working on showing the fairy tale in the theatre; to intensify interest in theatrical art.
6. The game "Come up with a funny and sad dialogue between the Mouse and the Bunny." Purpose: to develop communicative qualities; diversify intonation expressiveness; pay special attention to the diction of children.

7. Making invitations for children of the younger group to the play "Geese - Swans".


1 half day

1. Desktop - printed games "Cinderella", "Aibolit".

2. Showing children a costume performance based on the fairy tale "Geese - Swans" for children of the younger group.

3.Mobile game "Hunters and hares".

2nd half of the day

4. Children's games with sounding instruments. Purpose: to give children an idea about the musical design of performances.
5. The game "Try it yourself." Finger Theater "Kurochka Ryaba".

Purpose: to develop the ability of children to use the finger theater in free activities; distribute characters; convey the characteristics of the characters in the story.
6. Plot - role-playing game "A trip to the puppet theater."

Purpose: To introduce children to the structure of the theater building, to pay attention to the originality of architecture and the beautiful facade. Enrich children's vocabulary.

7. Working with parents: inviting everyone to watch the performance.


1 half day

1. Acquaintance of children with types of theaters (table, puppet theater bi-ba-bo, puppet puppets). Purpose: to introduce children to different types of theaters; to deepen interest in theatrical games; enrich vocabulary.
2. Examining bi-ba-bo dolls with children. A conversation about how to use dolls correctly, which
is a tool for driving bi-ba-bo dolls.
3. Reading the Russian folk tale "Zayushkina's hut", a conversation on the content.
4. Showing the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut" using bi-ba-bo toys by the teacher. After the show, invite the children to independently try to beat the heroes of the fairy tale with the help of bi-ba-bo toys. Purpose: to introduce children to theatrical art.

2nd half of the day

5. Evening of riddles based on the works "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Fly-Tsokotuha", "Fedorino's grief", "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Turnip".

6. Independent musical creativity of children (imitation of animal movements) based on the works "Clockwork Horse", music by V. Gerchik; "Waltz of the Cat", music by V. Zolotarev.

7. Mobile game "Bears and bees".

8. Games "What we did, we will not say."
Purpose: To develop resourcefulness, imagination, fantasy. Cultivate kindness. Prepare children for actions with imaginary objects.


1 half day

1. Construction from building material on the theme "Tower and house for a hare and a fox."

2. Psycho-gymnastics. Purpose: to learn to use intonations, pronouncing phrases sad, joyful, angry, surprised. Learn to build dialogues by choosing a partner on your own.
- “A sad and cheerful puppy” (based on the fairy tale by N. Suteev “Who said meow?”).

3. Drawing a poster for the upcoming bubble show. Involve children in art activities.

4. Acquaintance with musical theaters. Purpose: To give an idea of ​​the various genres of musical theater, such as “opera”, “ballet”, “musical fairy tale”.

2nd half of the day

5. Application "Teremok stands in the field." Purpose: to improve the ability of children to cut circles from squares of different sizes, to develop fine motor skills of fingers, to develop creativity; compose a composition; add different elements.
6. Psycho-gymnastics: "Different faces."
Goal: Encourage children to experiment with their appearance (facial expressions, gestures). To develop the ability of children to switch from one image to another.

7. Rhythmoplasty. Musical compositions: "A Trip to the Zoo", "The Fox is Coming", "Dance of the Animals". Purpose: To develop the motor abilities of children; dexterity, flexibility, mobility. Teach evenly, move around the site without bumping into each other.
8. Musical folk and round dance games according to the age of children.

9. Work with parents: to invite parents together with their children to convey their impressions received during the week of the theater through visual activity.

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