The title of the play Thunderstorm has as a direct. The meaning of the title of the play Thunderstorm Ostrovsky composition

The meaning of the title of the drama "Thunderstorm"

After the release of Ostrovsky's drama "Thunderstorm", its contemporaries saw in it a call for the renewal of life, for freedom, because it was written in 1860, when everyone was waiting for the abolition of slavery and serfdom in the country.

In the center of the play is a socio-political conflict: the masters of life, representatives of the "dark kingdom" with their victims.

Against the backdrop of a beautiful landscape, the unbearable life of ordinary people is drawn. But here the picture of nature begins to change gradually: clouds cover the sky, thunderclaps are heard. A thunderstorm is approaching, but is this phenomenon only in nature? No. So what does the author mean by a thunderstorm? This name has a deep meaning. For the first time this word flashed in the scene of farewell to Tikhon. He says: "... There will be no thunderstorm over me for two weeks." Tikhon wants to at least briefly get rid of the feeling of fear and dependence. Thunderstorm in the work means fear and liberation from it. This is the fear driven by tyrants, the fear of retribution for sins. "The storm is sent to us as a punishment," Dikoy Kuligina instructs. The power of this fear extends to many heroes of the drama and does not even pass by Katerina. Katerina is religious and considers it a sin that she fell in love with Boris. "I didn't know you were so afraid of thunderstorms," ​​Varvara tells her.

“How, girl, don’t be afraid!” answers Katerina. Everyone should be afraid. , saw in her a majestic and beautiful sight, but not at all dangerous for a person who can easily appease her destructive power with the help of a simple lightning rod. Addressing the crowd, seized with superstitious horror, Kuligin says: “Well, what are you afraid of, pray tell. Now every grass, every flower rejoices, and we are hiding, we are afraid, just like some kind of misfortune! .. You have a thunderstorm! You made yourself a scare.

Eh, people. I'm not afraid."

If in nature a thunderstorm has already begun, then in life, further events show its approach. Undermines the dark realm of the mind, the common sense of Kuligin; Katerina expresses her protest, although her actions are unconscious, but she does not want to come to terms with the painful conditions of life and decides her own fate; rushes into the Volga. In all this lies the main meaning of the realistic symbol, the symbol of the thunderstorm. However, it is not unambiguous. There is something spontaneous, natural in Katerina's love for Boris, just like in a thunderstorm. But, although, unlike a thunderstorm, love brings joy, this is not the case with Katerina, if only because she is a married woman. However, Katerina is not afraid of this love, just as Kuligin is not afraid of a thunderstorm. She says to Boris: "... If I am not afraid of sin for you, will I be afraid of human judgment?" The storm is hidden in the very nature of the heroine, she herself says that even as a child, offended by someone, she ran away from home and sailed away alone in a boat along the Volga.

The play was perceived by contemporaries as a sharp denunciation of the existing order in the country. Dobrolyubov said this about Ostrovsky's drama: "... The Thunderstorm" is, without a doubt, Ostrovsky's most decisive work ... There is something refreshing and encouraging in The Thunderstorm. This "something" is, in our opinion , the background of the play, indicated by us and revealing the precariousness and the near end of tyranny ... " Both the playwright himself and his contemporaries believed in this.

December 24, 2014

The work of the Russian playwright Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky is widely known to many readers since their school years. He lived a long life. Born in 1823 and died in 1886. And on his life path there was one very important date.

This is one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six. In that year, Alexander Nikolaevich moved from Moscow to St. Petersburg, where literary life was seething. The most popular Russian magazines were published, and here Ostrovsky consolidated his fame as a playwright, which he had won back in Moscow.

Features of the era in which the work was written

The most famous work of this remarkable author was the drama "Thunderstorm". A. N. Ostrovsky wrote it in 1859. And first of all, it is necessary to say what kind of era it was in Russian life. Only two years remain before the great reform, the abolition of serfdom. It was a period when topics and problems were raised that were previously preferred to remain silent.

Attention to the folk theme at that time was attracted everywhere. And in newspapers, and in literature, and in the theater. The play in question was awarded the Uvarov Prize. In 1859, a drama written by Ostrovsky, The Thunderstorm, was first staged on the stage of the Maly Theater. The content and images of the play have been delighting many viewers for one hundred and fifty years.

Its plot is quite simple. It shows the life of ordinary people of the merchant class and the inner experiences of the main character Katerina. Her peculiar love for her husband. Subsequent relationship with her lover Tikhon. And most importantly - respect for traditions and God, which prompted Katya to commit suicide in the tragic finale of the work.

Special class. Genre of the work

In his play, Alexander Nikolaevich continued the theme, an expert on which he had established himself back in the Moscow years. This is the motif of the Russian merchants - estates with their own special traditions. These are people who are not inclined to change in their lives. They live a fairly simple life, and the main thing for them is the observance of traditions. And behind this lies a whole philosophy, which Alexander Nikolayevich knew very well.

Ostrovsky designated the genre of the play "Thunderstorm" as a drama. Readers know that at the end of the work, the main character Catherine dies without overcoming the difficult circumstances of her personal life. But then this play should belong to the genre of tragedy. How to correctly determine the affiliation of the work, based on the storyline and problems in the drama "Thunderstorm"?

The values ​​of merchant families. The complex construction of the work

The virtue of a merchant family is to multiply the fortune, not for the sake of luxury, but in the name of observing a special moral code. This is a very vicious circle, where everyone obeys the traditions. The son must necessarily continue the work of his father, and not go to enter the university or the service. A daughter should be boundlessly submissive to the will of her parents.

The city of Kalinov, located on the banks of the Volga, in which the action of the play takes place, is also a kind of closed world. And news from the big world gets there with great difficulty. Kalinov is separated from him by many barriers.

The meaning of the title of the drama "Thunderstorm" is conveyed with the help of a complex scheme for constructing the work. It has a lower level - a ravine and a whirlpool, the middle one, where the houses of the inhabitants are located, and the upper one - the high bank of the Volga. For the townsfolk, going down into the ravine is like going to hell, and going up to the shore is like going to heaven.

The main character is Katerina. "Thunderstorm": transition from old to new

But there is a main character in the work, in which the opposite is true. When Katerina descends into the ravine, she overcomes herself, reaches a heavenly state of freedom. And if she rises to a high bank, it means that she has come close to death. Because top and bottom are connected. To the whirlpool is only one jump.

Life in the city of Kalinov seemed to have stopped. The image of the inventor Kulibin is very indicative. And at Ostrovsky's, he invents things either invented long ago, like a lightning rod, or completely impossible - like a perpetual motion machine. All the fates of the inhabitants of the city personify the fates of the inhabitants of the then Russia. All the characters are at the crossroads between the old way of life and the new one, including Katerina.

"Thunderstorm" is a play that shows the transition from the traditional merchant world, where a person does not have an individual destiny, private will, but only obedience to what is accepted, to a new world based on the activity of each individual. This is what lies behind the simple events of this work. But what is the meaning of the title of the drama "Thunderstorm"? What role does this phenomenon play in the composition of the play?

Natural phenomenon as a character

Thunderstorm is not only a symbol of the work, but also a participant in the main actions of the drama. A common natural phenomenon has a significant impact on the behavior of many characters. Reveals their characters. And first of all, the meaning of the name of the drama "Thunderstorm" is very closely connected with the main character Katerina.

Even her very personality resembles this natural phenomenon. Inside Katya's character, two irreconcilable extremes cannot converge. She is both a person of tradition and a person who lives in the spirit of the new time, according to her own emotions. The most important thing is that no one exposes her, there were no witnesses to their meetings with Tikhon. She herself admits this.

Katerina, on the one hand, is an impulsive person, she even threatens to throw herself into the Volga, and in the end it turns out that way. On the other hand, she is very pious. She experiences moments of extraordinary uplift in the church. And love for God in this play sounds very clear and voluminous. And, like many believers at that time, the main character considers this natural phenomenon a punishment from heaven. It is during a thunderstorm that Katya confesses her sin.

Bright but tragic consequences

The more the reader thinks about not only the meaning of the title of the drama "Thunderstorm", but also the storyline of the play, the more clearly he understands that Katerina is not opposed to any particular person. Not Kabanikha, not Boris, not Wild, but the whole world order. Some forces that are far superior to the world in which she lives.

And Katya's main enemy is inside her mind. She observes traditions, the concept of sin is significant for her, and at the same time she wants to act at the behest of her soul, love and other feelings. This is a dramatic confrontation between man and the elements. And it has not only very bright, but also tragic consequences.

With the advent of A. N. Ostrovsky, much has changed in Russian literature, and the main changes have occurred in dramaturgy: the writer discovered a new conflict in Russian life, a new environment - the merchant class, which brought its heroes and a new meaning to the plays, therefore, fundamentally new titles of works. These changes are clearly visible in A. N. Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm".
Why did the author name his drama that way? After all, it is not about a natural phenomenon at all.
This question can be answered by considering the play itself, the conflict in it. The main character of "Thunderstorm", Katerina, lives in the city of Kalinov, on the banks of the Volga, where the patriarchal way of life reigns, where everything is ruled by tyrant merchants: Wild, Kabanikha and the like. The inhabitants of Kalinov live in a special state of the world - crisis, catastrophic. The foundation that supports the old order is collapsing, and with it the established way of life.
The first action introduces us into the pre-stormy atmosphere of life. Outwardly, everything is still calm, but the crisis is still ahead. The carelessness of people only increases the tension that prevails in nature and life. A thunderstorm is moving towards Kalinov...
At the beginning of the play, we get to know some of the inhabitants of Kalinovo and the main character, who lives in the Kabanikhi family and suffers from oppression, “bondage” of the patriarchal world, from humiliation and pressure from the mother of the family, the merchant’s wife. The storm is advancing not only on the city, in the soul of Katerina, too, its approach is felt. The heroine is in disarray, realizing that she loves not her husband, but another person, Boris, and is tormented: her duty to her husband makes her suffer and is torn in her choice. She realizes that she will commit a sin if she goes to meet Boris, and the punishment for this sin will come sooner or later. But Katerina decides to go on a date with her lover, walks for ten days without thinking about anything, and comes to her senses due to the unexpected arrival of her husband. She begins to repent of her deed, she is overcome by fear of the coming punishment and pangs of conscience. The heroine feels the approach of a thunderstorm and something terrible: “How ... not to be afraid! Everyone should be afraid. It’s not that it’s scary that it will kill you, but that death will suddenly find you ... with all your sins, with all your evil thoughts ... A thunderstorm is sent to us as a punishment so that we feel ... ”
The situation in the play heats up because of the experiences of Katerina, because of the feeling of something inevitable. The clouds are thickening more and more, thunder is already heard. The heroine cannot stand the tension and suffering, she can no longer live in a lie, and in the midst of a natural disaster (thunderstorm), she publicly confesses everything to Kabanikh and her husband. The indignation of others is like a thunderstorm.
Katerina cannot live on, she is sick of her husband, the world, her family. She is superfluous here, because no one understands her, in this society there is no place for love. Boris is afraid to break out and take his beloved from the “dark kingdom”, since he himself is under his rule. Katerina decides to commit suicide: for her in the grave is better than at home.
Thus, society (Kalinovtsy), with its “pious” and “righteous” judgment, dooms the heroine to death, because she violated the usual foundations. The inhabitants of Kalinov do not want to notice the approaching collapse of the patriarchal world, its disintegration. It is doomed to destruction, since the real goals and values ​​that formed its basis have sunk into the past.
A. N. Ostrovsky noticed in time the doom of the patriarchal world and decided to show it to the reader in his play. He depicted the gradual destruction of the old, familiar foundations as a thunderstorm, slowly approaching and flaring up in full force. She sweeps away everything in her path. The thunderstorm represents changes in life and society, which is why the title of the work is ambiguous and symbolic. The word "thunderstorm" is the key to the play.

“Thunderstorm” is one of the brightest works of A. N. Ostrovsky. It was written in 1859, during the fundamental changes taking place in Russian society. And it is no coincidence that Ostrovsky chose just such a title for his play.
The word "thunderstorm" has a huge meaning. A thunderstorm is not only a natural phenomenon, but it is also a symbol of change in the “dark kingdom”, in the way of life that has existed for several centuries in Russian life.
In the center of the play is the conflict between the representatives of the “dark kingdom” and their victims. Against the backdrop of beautiful calm nature, the unbearable life of people is drawn. And the main character - Katerina - can not stand the oppression, the humiliation of her human dignity. This is also evidenced by changes in nature: the colors are thickening, a thunderstorm is approaching, the sky is darkening. Feels like a thunderstorm is coming. All this is a harbinger of some terrible events.
For the first time the word "thunderstorm" sounds in the scene of farewell to Tikhon. He says: "... There will be no thunderstorm over me for two weeks." Tikhon really wants to escape at least for a while from the musty atmosphere of his parents' house, to escape from the power of his mother Kabanikha, to feel free, so to speak, "to take a walk for the whole year." Under the “thunderstorm” he understands the oppression of the mother, her omnipotence, fear of her, as well as fear of retribution for committed sins. “The storm is sent to us as punishment,” says Dikoy Kuligin. And this fear of retribution is inherent in all the heroes of the play, even Katerina. After all, she is religious and considers her love for Boris a great sin, but she cannot help herself.
The only one who did not become afraid of a thunderstorm was the self-taught mechanic Kuligin. He even tried to resist this natural phenomenon by building a lightning rod. Kuligin saw in a thunderstorm only a majestic and beautiful sight, a manifestation of the strength and power of nature, and not a danger to man. He tells everyone: “Well, what are you afraid of, pray tell? Now every grass, every flower rejoices, but we hide, we are afraid, as if some kind of misfortune! .. You are all in a thunderstorm! .. You made yourself a scarecrow out of everything. Eh, people. I'm not afraid."
So, in nature, a thunderstorm has already begun. But what happens in society? In society, too, not everything is calm - some changes are brewing. Thunderstorm in this case is an omen of the coming conflict, its resolution. Katerina is no longer able to live according to the house-building rules, she wants freedom, but she no longer has the strength to fight with those around her. It is no coincidence, by the way, the appearance of a crazy lady on the stage, which is accompanied by thunderclaps. She predicts the main character's imminent death.
Thus, the thunderstorm is the impetus for the denouement of the conflict. Katerina was very frightened by the words of the mistress, the thunderclaps, mistaking them for a sign “from above”. She was a very emotional and believing nature, so she simply could not live with sin in her soul - the sin of loving a stranger. Katerina threw herself into the abyss of the Volga, unable to endure a terrible, difficult, forced existence, which fettered the impulses of a hot heart, not reconciled with the hypocritical morality of the tyrants of the “dark kingdom”. These were the consequences of the storm for Katerina.
It should be noted that the thunderstorm is also a symbol of Katerina's love for Boris, Dikiy's nephew, because there is something elemental in their relationship, just like in a thunderstorm. Just like a thunderstorm, this love does not bring joy to either the heroine or her lover. Katerina is a married woman, she has no right to cheat on her husband, because she took an oath of allegiance before God. But the marriage was completed, and no matter how hard the heroine tried, she could not love her lawful husband, who was not able to either protect his wife from the attacks of her mother-in-law, or understand her. But Katerina longed for love, and these impulses of her heart found an outlet in affection for Boris. He was the only inhabitant of the city of Kalinov who did not grow up in it. Boris was more educated than others, he studied in Moscow. He was the only one who understood Katerina, but could not help her, because he lacked determination. Did Boris really love Katerina? Probably not. Obviously, this was not such a strong feeling, for the sake of which it was possible to sacrifice everything. This is also evidenced by the fact that he leaves Katerina all alone in the city, advises her to submit to fate, foreseeing that she will die. Boris traded his love for the inheritance of the Wild, which he will never receive. Thus, Boris is also the flesh of the flesh of the Kalinovsky world, he is taken prisoner by this city.
Ostrovsky in his work was able to show the changes that took place in Russian society in the middle and second half of the 19th century. This is evidenced by the title of the play “Thunderstorm”. But if in nature after a thunderstorm the air becomes cleaner, there is a discharge, then in life after a “thunderstorm” it is unlikely that anything will change, most likely everything will remain in its place.

Ostrovsky can rightfully be called a great Russian playwright. In his works, he first showed the life and way of life of the merchant class. In the play "Thunderstorm" the writer described the state of provincial society in Russia on the eve of reforms. The playwright examines such issues as the position of a woman in the family, the modernity of Domostroy, the awakening in a person of a sense of personality and dignity, the relationship between the “old”, oppressive, and “young”, mute.
The main idea of ​​“Thunderstorm” is that a strong, gifted and courageous person with natural aspirations and desires cannot live happily in a society dominated by “cruel morals”, where Domostroy reigns, where everything is based on fear, deceit and submission .
The name "Thunderstorm" can be considered from several positions. A thunderstorm is a natural phenomenon, and nature plays an important role in the composition of the play. So, it complements the action, emphasizes the main idea, the essence of what is happening. For example, a beautiful night landscape corresponds to a date between Katerina and Boris. The expanses of the Volga emphasize Katerina's dreams of freedom, a picture of cruel nature opens up when describing the suicide of the main character. Then nature contributes to the development of action, as if pushing events, stimulates the development and resolution of the conflict. So, in the scene of a thunderstorm, the elements induce Katerina to public repentance.
So, the name “Thunderstorm” emphasizes the main idea of ​​the play: self-esteem awakening in people; the desire for freedom and independence begins to threaten the existence of the old order.
The world of Kabanikhi and the Wild comes to an end, because in the “dark kingdom” a “beam of light” appeared - Katerina is a woman who cannot put up with the oppressive atmosphere that prevails in the family, in the city. Her protest was expressed in love for Boris, in an unauthorized departure from life. Katerina preferred death to existence in a world where she was “sick of everything”. She is the first lightning of that thunderstorm that will soon break out in society. The clouds over the "old" world have been gathering for a long time. Domostroy has lost its original meaning. Kabanikha and Dikoy use his ideas only to justify their tyranny and tyranny. They failed to convey to their children the true faith in the inviolability of their rules of life. Young people live according to the laws of their fathers as long as they can achieve a compromise through deceit. When oppression becomes unbearable, when deceit saves only partially, then a protest begins to awaken in a person, he develops and is able to break out at any moment.
Katerina's suicide woke up a man in Tikhon. He saw that there is always a way out of the current situation, and he, the most weak-willed of all the characters described by Ostrovsky, who unquestioningly obeyed his mother all his life, accuses her of the death of his wife in public. If Tikhon is already able to declare his protest, then the "dark kingdom" really does not have long to exist.
The storm is also a symbol of renewal. In nature, after a thunderstorm, the air is fresh and clean. In society, after the thunderstorm that began with Katerina's protest, renewal will also come: the oppressive and subjugating orders will probably be replaced by a society of freedom and independence.
But the storm occurs not only in nature, but also in Katerina's soul. She committed a sin and repents of it. Two feelings struggle in her: fear of the Boar and fear that “death will suddenly find you, as you are, with all your sins...” In the end, religiosity, fear of retribution for sin prevail, and Katerina publicly admits in sin. None of the residents of Kalinovo can understand her: these people, like Katerina, do not have a rich spiritual world and high moral values; they do not feel remorse, because their morality is - if only everything was “covered”. However, recognition does not bring relief to Katerina. As long as she believes in Boris's love, she is able to live. But, realizing that Boris is no better than Tikhon, that she is still alone in this world, where everything is “embarrassing” to her, she finds no other way out than to rush into the Volga. Katerina broke the religious law for the sake of freedom. The storm also ends in renewal in her soul. The young woman completely freed herself from the shackles of the Kalinovsky world and religion.
Thus, the thunderstorm that occurs in the soul of the main character turns into a thunderstorm in society itself, and all the action takes place against the backdrop of the elements.
Using the image of a thunderstorm, Ostrovsky showed that a society that has become obsolete, based on deceit, and the old order, which deprives a person of the opportunity to manifest the highest feelings, is doomed to destruction. It is as natural as the purification of nature through a thunderstorm. Thus, Ostrovsky expressed the hope that renewal in society would come as soon as possible.

It was first staged on stage in 1859. The writer wrote his work in the era of realism, when all phenomena and objects were endowed with a symbolic meaning. Drama is no exception. Let's decide what is the meaning and symbolism of the title of Ostrovsky's play.

The meaning of the title of the drama Storm

When you read a playwright's play, you involuntarily single out the main character Katerina. But the writer does not name the work in honor of Katerina, he chooses the symbolic name Thunderstorm, and for a reason.

In the play, a thunderstorm is presented as a natural phenomenon, where various events are accompanied by frequent bad weather, and the inhabitants of Kalinovo live in anticipation of the elements. But not only a thunderstorm acts as a natural phenomenon, here it is also an actor. It became a challenge to the established order, where the writer denounces tyranny in everyday life and shows the protest that should have arisen.

The thunderstorm is also a characteristic of individual characters in the drama. So we see the Boar, whose character is like thunder. Everyone is afraid of her and does not dare to contradict her. She is also a representative of the old orders.

The storm is also raging in the soul of Katerina, who protests against the prevailing foundations and cannot come to terms with them. She begins to fight injustice and throws herself into the river, freeing her living soul, choosing death. So it turns out that the meaning of the title of the drama is much broader than to show the life of people in anticipation of this natural phenomenon. The point is to show the changes and turning points that are caused by the rejection of the rules, foundations, mores and the loss of morality.

The symbolism of the play Thunderstorm Ostrovsky

Getting acquainted with the drama of Ostrovsky, we can notice the different symbolism that the writer uses in his work. First of all, it is a thunderstorm, which is both a symbol of God's punishment and punishment for sins, and a symbol of change, rebellion. It is also a symbol of the new, the future.

Often Katerina remembers birds and dreams of becoming one of them. Here, the birds symbolize freedom, independence, the lightness that the heroine dreamed of getting, freeing herself from the swampy swamp of life.

Still symbolically, the writer uses a river in his work. It is like a boundary between two lives. On one side of Kalinov, where the old foundations and the dark kingdom. On the other side, the ideal life. For everyone it is different, but it is special, one in which everyone would like to be. At the same time, the Volga also becomes a symbol of death, although it sounds strange. After all, water is essentially life. But on the other hand, by jumping into the river, Katerina gained the very freedom that she so dreamed of. She was freed from the dark realm.

Where are you, a thunderstorm - a symbol of freedom?

A. Pushkin

A sultry summer day ... It seems that some terrible sinister force is hanging over the earth, ready to destroy everything. Earth, trees, birds, sky - everything is waiting for a refreshing thunderstorm. When you read the drama "Thunderstorm", there also comes such a moment that you feel how the dark sinister forces are thickening, how all living things are suffocating, how they tremble and rush to life, to the light of Katerina.

The drama "Thunderstorm" was written by Ostrovsky during a period of social upsurge, when the foundations of serfdom were cracking and in the stuffy, terrible atmosphere of reality, the approach of the "storm" was felt.

The clouds gather in the drama in the first act, although outwardly everything is calm so far.

Here, in the city of Kalinovo, everything is run by people of cruel morals, hiding their vices under the guise of piety and religiosity. Such is the Kabanikha, who adheres to the old morality, old traditions in life. “The hypocrite ... She clothes the poor, but completely seized her home,” Kuligin speaks of her. Indeed, Kabanova has long suppressed the personality of her son, Tikhon, and does not give life to Katerina, but with the wanderer Feklusha, who praises her, admires her, shares her views, Kabanikha easily finds a common language.

The figure of the Wild is an image of an immoral person for whom the goal of life is money. He is the richest in the city, and this allows Wild to cruelly mock poor peasants and household members, to be tyrannical. However, Wild gives in to people who have more power and more significant capital than him. In hypocrisy, hypocrisy, greed and hatred for the people of the Wild, it is akin to Kabanikhe.

It is against this "dark kingdom" that the young forces rise up: Katerina, Kudryash, Barbara. And the main conflict of The Thunderstorm is the clash of the awakening bright personality with dogmas, despotism, falseness and stuffiness, the spiritual callousness of the world of boars and wild ones.

It is not for nothing that Dobrolyubov calls Katerina “a ray of light in the dark kingdom”, since the greatness of her character lies in integrity and inner harmony, in the ability to always and everywhere be herself, without changing anything. Who will not be attracted by the moral beauty of this girl, brought up in an atmosphere of love and freedom! Now she is suffocating in the Kabanovs' house, which seems to her a "prison", "bondage". Her soul requires space, will, love, and not the cruelty and hypocrisy of the mother-in-law Kabanikh. “What a frisky I was! Katerina says to Varvara. "I'm completely smitten with you."

Katerina is a religious person, but her deep and free faith differs from the outward religiosity of Kaba-nikha, who will never break out of her heart, like an element, the cry of the soul: “Why don’t people fly!” Material from the site

Katerina protests against such an existence, she does not want to come to terms with it and submit to the pressure of hypocrisy, hypocrisy, injustice, but she does not know how to deal with them. "It's better to die," she says.

Katerina's protest, expressed in her death, is something akin to a thunderstorm - a strong and terrible element of nature. And even if Katerina died, and boars and wild ones still walk the earth, new generations of people will still come who will be able to understand the tragedy of the heroine as a call for a cleansing and formidable storm, washing away lies, ignorance, despotism from the face of the earth. And these generations will already be able to fight for their happiness!

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