Natalya Varvina VKontakte official page. Natalia varvina and her pages in social networks

Natalya Varvina today is a completely self-sufficient actress and creative person. She was born on November 3, 1982 in Volgograd and from childhood she showed herself creatively. She was always drawn to the stage and attention. Television for Natalia was not new: even before moving to Moscow, she was the host on Volgograd TV. It is not surprising that Natalya Varvina leads Instagram willingly and pays a lot of attention to him.

But Varvina became a star on an all-Russian scale during her participation in Dom-2. While others were looking for quick success, Natalia was in no hurry. She seemed to have settled on the project and, despite short novels, declared that she would look for a person who would please her. As a result, the “search” dragged on for four years, and the blonde with plump lips became a long decoration of the project.

Of course, she was not impregnable. Maxim Orlov, macho Andrey Cherkasov, and even the program staff paid their attention to her. But Natalya left the perimeter anyway in the status of a loner. Is this period over for her? No matter how! She nevertheless got married, but not for anyone, but for Alexei Mikhailovsky, the producer of the entire Dom-2 project!

For a while she acted in films. She played a prominent role in the movie Point Dock Ten Last Days. She also tried to make a musical career - first in the "house" group "Istra Witches", then solo. Natalia did not achieve much success in this (otherwise we would all know about it), but her life is already going well.

Instagram Natalia Varvina

Unfortunately, now the ex-participant of the show does not indulge in frequent publications. Natalya Varvina publishes a photo every few days. Nevertheless, Instagram users continue to subscribe to her page. Today, Natalia already has about 115 thousand subscribers.

The beauty loves to pose in a variety of angles. These are beach photos, and photos from holidays in restaurants, and views of the places where she happens to be. Natalia also pays attention to traditional Instagram stamps: photos of food, her own legs, numerous selfies.

Natalya Varvina also uses Instagram to share her memories. These are children's photos, and a flash mob “five years ago”, and thanks to parents. The current photos of Natalia collect hundreds of "likes" and comments. The owner of the photoblog herself, however, almost never appears in the discussions, but answers mainly to those she knows personally.

Account: varvina

Occupation: ex-participant of the TV project "Dom-2", actress

Natalya Varvina considers her Instagram to be a “bridgehead” for communicating with subscribers. The latter trustingly listen to her, and no wonder, because Natalia's life is a real fairy tale about Cinderella!

Instagram Natalia Varvina is an open dialogue with a subscriber. There is no place for intrusive advertising or meaningless photos of legs against the backdrop of the ocean. The girl very openly shares her life with subscribers, uploads pictures full of family warmth and comfort. Here you have Natalia herself with her husband, their large family, friends and faithful dog Ronald.

Natalya Varvina uses photos from Instagram to spite the yellow press! Before the media has time to “sniff out” about her marriage, wedding, pregnancy or illness, a detailed photo report immediately appears on the girl’s page. Apparently, for such frankness, Natalya fell in love with her subscribers. The followers themselves consider Natalia to be an extremely charming girl, radiating exceptional kindness and positive!

Biography of Natalia Varvina

The bright blonde from the Istra Witches won the hearts of many viewers. But what was her fate, not many people know.

  • November 23, 1982 Natalia was born in Volgograd. When her mother died, Natalya and her family moved to the city of Volzhsky.
  • Since 1994, he has been diligently studying at a dance school. Graduates from the Volgograd State Technical University (specialty - manager-economist), after receiving a diploma, works as a TV presenter on a local TV channel.
  • The biography of Natalia Varvina becomes public when, on August 2, 2007, the girl comes to the Dom-2 television project. She failed to build her love, because love relationships developed much worse than friendships. On the project, she became a close friend of Elena Bushina.
  • Among the participants, Natalia had relationships with Stepan Menshikov and Andrei Cherkasov. At the same time, she was building an affair with an employee of Russian Radio Maxim Orlov and a project employee.
  • 2010 - takes first place in the nomination "Person of the Year at Dom-2". He is actively touring as part of the Istra Witches group.
  • May 11, 2011 - leaves the project, having been on it for more than three years.
  • Natalya Varvina's biography has a serious achievement: in 2011, the girl makes her film debut as the main character of the film "Point Doc Ten Last Days."

Now Natalia is married to Alexei Mikhailovsky, producer of the Dom-2 television set. At the moment, the girl does not work, she occupies herself with self-development and her favorite hobby - Latin American dances. She travels actively, posting detailed photo reports on her Instagram page.

Natasha Varvina lived for 4 years at the famous TV set. She failed to build relationships at Dom-2, but she fully showed her talents.


The future star of "House-2" was born on November 23, 1982 in Volgograd. The girl grew up in a large family. She has a brother Sasha and sister Olya. When Natasha was 10 years old, her mother died after a long illness. After this tragedy, the Varvin family moved to live in the small town of Volzhsky.

The girl liked to dance from an early age. From the age of 12 she went to a dance club. Like all teenagers, Natalia was very active. In her free time, she roller-skated, skated and skied.

After leaving school, Varvina left for Volgograd and entered the State Technical University. After 5 years, she received a diploma in the specialty "Finance and Credit". Natalia did not want to work as a financier. She wanted to realize her creative potential. A pretty blonde got a job as a local TV presenter.

House 2

In August 2007, Natasha became a member of the popular TV show. She immediately expressed sympathy for the brutal macho Stepan Menshchikov, but the guy did not want to build a relationship with her. After a while, the blonde drew attention to the show participant Andrei Tishko, the brother of the TV presenter on TNT. They could develop a serious relationship, but it suddenly turned out that he was married.

In 2009, Natalia began dating Andrei Cherkasov. Soon they settled in the city apartments "House-2". Life ruined their relationship. Natasha and Andrey were arguing more and more often. Once the guy had a fight with Varvina, after which he was forced to leave the project. The girl did not forgive him for the assault. Then Natalia tried to build a relationship with radio host Maxim Orlov and even the administrator of the TV set, but the novels quickly ended.

Varvin was not upset by love failures. She enjoyed spending time with her friends Sasha Kharitonova and Lena Bushina. The three of them created the Istra Witches group, recorded several songs and performed with them at concerts and in clubs.

Natalya actively participated in all events held at Dom-2. She sang, danced, acted in skits. In 2009, the blonde took 2nd place in the contest "Person of the Year at House 2". She managed to “overtake” Rima Penjieva. The following year, Varvina improved her result and became the winner of the competition. As a prize, she got an expensive car.

In the spring of 2011, Natasha left Dom-2 on her own. She decided that it was time to develop further and build a career outside the perimeter of the project.

Life after the show

Some time after leaving the television project, Varvina toured as part of the Istra Witches group. Then she sang a duet with Nelly Ermolaeva, a former member of Doma-2. Natasha also tried to perform as a solo singer, but her career did not work out.

Later, Varvina returned to Dom-2 as a concert director. In 2016, she took up the post of choreography teacher.

In 2012, it turned out that Natalya still managed to build relationships on the perimeter. The blonde secretly met with the producer of "House-2" Alexei Mikhailovsky. The man was married and had a son. Varvina managed to take him away from the family. In February 2013, the lovers signed. In the summer of the same year, they got married and celebrated this event on a grand scale.

In December 2017, Alexei left the post of producer of the project. Natalya supported her husband's decision and herself stopped working with Dom-2. Currently, the couple has moved to a country house and equips it. In the nearest plans of Natasha and Alexei - the birth of joint children.

Social networks

The former TV show participant is registered in several popular social networks. Natasha Varvina on Instagram often posts new photos. They depict Natalia herself, her friends, members of "House-2", her pet. The blonde has a lot of joint photos with her husband. 710 thousand people subscribed to the official Instagram of Natalia Varvina.

The girl has a page on the VKontakte network Here she posts photos, videos and notes she likes. 62 thousand people have subscribed to Natasha's page. Fans of the girl VKontakte created the official group of Natalia Varvina, which consists of more than 20 thousand members.

Natasha registered in 2011 on Twitter Previously, the blonde posted news, photos and articles on this network, but in the last few years she has not been active here. Varvina has no pages in Odnoklassniki and Facebook.

Natalia was a TV presenter, TV show participant, singer, choreographer. And at one moment she realized that she wanted home comfort and family warmth. Varvina's dreams came true! Now she has a big house and a beloved husband. And Natasha is sure that in the near future she will also master the role of a mother!

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Varvina and Andrey Cherkasov

Natalia's relationship on the show did not work out, however, being active and purposeful, she quickly moved up the career ladder. First, Varvina, together with and create the Istra Witches group. Then the girl begins a solo career, and also tries herself as a concert director.

In 2009, Natasha takes second place in the annual Dom-2 Man of the Year competition, losing only, but in 2010 she still wins this title.

In 2011, the girl tries herself in the acting field and starred in the film "Point Doc Ten Last Days", but the ratings of the picture turned out to be a failure.

After Natasha left the project, it became known that the girl began a serious relationship with the main producer of Dom-2. At first they did not advertise their romance, but soon everything became clear. Mikhailovsky began to promote Natasha in every possible way, he even wanted to make her the third leading reality show, but was refused. After some time, he divorced his wife, co-producer and married Varvina.

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