Natalya Andreevna Yeprikyan real name. Celebrity Options. Celebrity Diets

Natalya Yeprikyan was born on April 19, 1978 in the city of Tbilisi. I grew up in a family of mathematicians. Natalia's parents have deep Armenian roots. Father's name Araik is an ancient Armenian name. Tatulya - that is the name of Natalya at home - has adopted from her parents the ability to exact sciences. Therefore, the girl did not study at a simple general education school, but at the Tbilisi Mathematical Gymnasium, and she studied excellently. But Natalia Yeprikyan was remembered by her former Georgian classmates not for her good grades, but for playing in various performances and productions. She often appeared on the school stage, and even then it was felt that the girl felt absolutely free there. It is known that during one of the school performances, Natalya played several roles at once.

The Moscow biography of Natalia Yeprikyan began when the girl was 14 years old. Her parents got a job in Moscow, and the whole family left sunny Georgia. At first, Natalya Yeprikyan did not like this event, but over time, the girl managed to settle down in Moscow and find herself in this city. She entered the Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics and upon graduation received the specialty "mathematician-economist", but she did not become either an economist or a mathematician, like her brother Garik, who also had great abilities in the exact sciences, but later became a musician.

At some point, Natalya Yeprikyan realized that she was no longer interested in mathematical problems and economic theories. The soul demands "to escape from all this seriousness." A favorite outlet for Yeprikyan was the Club of the cheerful and resourceful.

The artistic biography of Natalya Yeprikyan, more familiar to viewers under the stage name Natalya Andreevna, began in 2004. It was then that she began performing with the Megapolis KVN team. At this point, she was 26 years old. For playing KVN, this is a rather “mature” age. Usually KVN players start playing on the stage of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful at a much early age. But Natalya Andreevna, having taken such a late start, went the way of the KVN player more rapidly. She immediately became noticeable and came to the fore, overshadowing the venerable players with her small stature and fragile physique. “Elite one and a half meters”, as Natalya Andreevna calls herself with humor, instantly broke through their special niche. The artistry and comedy of this small and not serious woman was noticed by all connoisseurs and fans of KVN.

In 2004, the Megapolis team rose to the pinnacle of success. And we can safely say that it was the fragile Caucasian girl who brought this success to the team to a large extent. In the 2004 season, Megapolis became the champion of the KVN Premier League. A year later, the team easily took new heights by winning the Major League.

Yeprikyan did not rest on her laurels for a long time. Natalya Andreevna, who came to KVN rather late, having rapidly achieved success and become recognizable, immediately thought about a new height. She created a project that brought together the brightest members of the Club on stage.

In 2006, Yeprikyan's ambitious project started: fans of KVN and fans of Natalya Andreevna saw the first concert of the humorous project "Made in Woman" on the stage of one of the Moscow clubs. The first concert was followed by the second, third and so on. It was called the coveted word - glory.

The successful club humorous project “Made in Woman” by Natalya Andreevna was transformed into “Comedy Woman” two years later. But now the female comedian team led by Yeprikyan not only performed on the stages of Moscow clubs: since November 2008, the show began to air regularly on the TNT channel. Many bright participants appeared in this project, but the fragile and serious Natalya Andreevna still remained the central figure. It was she who took on all the main work behind the scenes: Yeprikyan was engaged in preparing scripts and staging numbers, she also acted on stage as a kind of “hostess of the show”.

Soon Natalya Yeprikyan, whose humor was adequately appreciated, was invited to write scripts for the Univer series. Now she is one of the authors of the dialogues that famous characters pronounce in the frame.

In 2012, Yeprikyan, who worked in two directions at once, further expanded the range of her professional activities. The audience saw her as the host of the NTV television program in the morning. Soon, the artist is invited as a star guest to various projects, including Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, Intuition, Cosmopolitan Video Version, and the comedy show Thank God You Came! In July 2015, she starred in the video of the Record Orchestra group - Lada Sedan.

The personal life of Natalia Yeprikyan is securely hidden from prying eyes. Only those closest to her know about her. It is known that the artist is married. What is the name of her husband, and who is he - the girl did not admit.

1. Natalia Medvedeva

Natalya Medvedeva, a participant in the Comedy Woman show, is known for her bright and unusual images. A few years ago, a talented actress and TV presenter, unexpectedly for everyone, married her longtime colleague in KVN, the captain of the STEPiKO team, actor and director Alexander Koptel. Having met at work back in the days of playing KVN, the couple officially formalized the relationship in 2012. The wedding in retro style took place on the picturesque river bank. In September of this year, they had a baby, whose name and gender the star parents have not yet disclosed.

2. Natalya Andreevna

The participant and producer of the TV project Comedy Woman Natalya Yeprikyan is better known to the general public under the pseudonym Natalya Andreevna. The petite reserved brunette that we are used to seeing on the show turned out to be no less secretive in life. Little is known about the personal life of the actress. Busy writing scripts and staging numbers for the project, Natalya is a rare guest at social events. She answers all questions from journalists about her personal life with jokes or simply evades answering. Only once did she let slip that she had been married for a long time. Who became the chosen one of the artist and whether they have children, the journalists still have not found out.

3. Catherine Barnabas

Bright and temperamental Ekaterina Varnava often plays the images of spoiled ladies. According to her friends, in life she behaves much more modestly. After the Comedy Woman show, incredible popularity fell on the artist. Today, she is also known to many as the host of several shows.

A few years ago, everyone discussed her romance with Comedy Woman participant Dmitry Khrustalev, then they also vigorously discussed their separation.
And this summer, it became known about Catherine's new lover, dancer Konstantin Myakinkov. The couple met a few years ago, but the romance began recently, during the filming of the “Dance!” project, where Katya was the host, and Konstantin was one of the participants.

4. Elena Borshcheva

Former member of KVN and Comedy Woman with an unusual appearance Elena Borshcheva has been married for a long time. With her lover, fitness trainer Valery Yushkevich, the artist met back in 2004, and in 2005 the couple got married. Their first daughter, Marta, was born to them in 2007, and in April 2015, the happy family was replenished with another baby, who was named Uma.


5. Maria Kravchenko

Two years ago, it became known about Maria's romance with TNT producer Konstantin Zolotarev. In the spring of this year, information appeared that Maria gave birth to a daughter from her lover, whom the couple named Victoria. Maria is already actively restoring her form in order to return to work soon.

6. Polina Sibagatullina

The original image of Polina is familiar to almost all fans of KVN and Comedy Woman. The poetess and "Madame Polina" was married to the former director of the same show, Dmitry Efimovich, but the couple broke up, and the place in Polina's heart is still vacant. The actress prefers not to talk about her personal life.

7. Tatyana Morozova

Russian beauty in 2011 married businessman Pavel Titorov.

In February 2013, they had a baby named Sofia.

8. Ekaterina Skulkina

The colorful Ekaterina Skulkina gave her heart to her beloved man Denis Vasiliev more than 10 years ago, and in 2006 they got married. The couple met while they were both studying at a medical university. Today they are still together and are raising their son Oleg, who was born in 2008.

9. Nadezhda Sysoeva

Nadezhda plays a cute stupid blonde in the show, although she has already achieved a lot in her life. A participant in beauty contests, several major projects, an actress and singer is not yet married. It is known that earlier she had a short relationship with Pavel Volya, and for the past few years, Roman Pan, a member of the Band'Eros group, has taken the place of her lover.

10. Marina Fedunkiv

Marina, like many of the shows, started at KVN. She gained immense popularity after the series "Real Boys" and got into Comedy Woman already being a well-known comedy artist. The actress does not like to disclose information about her personal life. It is known that she is married. Marina's second marriage has been going on for about 14 years. The couple met quite by accident when Marina and her friend were catching a car to get home. It is also known that her husband is an entrepreneur and supports his active creative wife in all endeavors.

11. Nadezhda Angarskaya

The chosen one of Nadezhda was the Jordanian Raed Bani. The couple met thanks to her famous voice data: Raed saw videos with Nadia's songs and wanted to get acquainted with the vociferous Russian beauty. In 2013 they got married. In October 2015, a baby was born in the family.

In 2008, TNT created a new project called Comedy Woman, designed to break the generally accepted stereotypes about the quality of female humor. The composition of the participants, the biographies of the girls became the object of attention of the press.


At the beginning, the girls did not even think about creating a common creative show, but simply gathered in one of the famous metropolitan cafes called Made in Woman and organized a small humorous concert there. The audience liked the new concept of the event so much that the girls decided that they should continue. So, by chance, a new comedy show appeared on the TNT channel with an unusual purely female composition. Initially, they decided to name it in honor of the institution where the project began its existence. And only by the fifth season, the name changed to the familiar to the audience now - Comedy Woman ("Comedy Vumen"). The actors of the show and its creators point out the fallacy of the opinion about the similarity of this project with the Camedy Club program that has long gained popularity.

They have completely different formats. The female comedy show is not just stand-up performances, but something more. In staged scenes, the girls make fun of themselves and how they can make a problem out of nothing. They are bright and enchanting, each has its own individual stage image and specially selected costumes. Rather, a variety show with elements of clowning, cabaret, dances and songs can be called Comedy Woman.

Actors (women)

The viewer is accustomed to seeing men in the humorous genre and believing that women have practically no humor. In such projects, there are only a few of them. The show changes the view on this issue, delighting with fresh ideas and completely turning the viewer's position on this matter.

Natalya Yeprikyan

The host of the show and its important link. For the audience, she is strict and serious Natalya Andreevna. She is also the ideological inspirer of the humorous project and its producer. The restraint of the girl in the show is not simulated; in life, Natasha behaves in exactly the same way. Very rarely attends public events, mainly engaged in staging numbers and writing scripts. One of the participants, about which even the most meticulous journalists found out almost nothing. The only thing that Natalya herself told was that she was married, and for a long time. It has not yet been clarified who became the chosen one of this authoritarian Comedy Woman participant. The actors of the show say that Natalia has a rare talent - to look at the world from a completely different angle. That is why it is always interesting and fun with her, although there is a certain distance between the boss and subordinates, they note.

Catherine Barnabas

She is the main choreographer of the project, and in parallel, his sex symbol. Katya maintains the image of a beauty of a model appearance, walking around the Comedy Woman stage in skimpy outfits. The actors of the TV show claim that in life she is completely different - very modest and pleasant to talk to. Thanks to the project, Ekaterina has become incredibly popular and in demand, now she is busy in several more television programs. In the girl’s personal life, everything is going smoothly now, she has an affair with the dancer Konstantin Myakinkov, whom she met on the set of the “Dance!” program. Previously, Katya had a long affair with Comedy member Dmitry Khrustalev, which lasted more than two years and ended in a breakup, which gradually turned into friendship.

Natalia Medvedeva

The image of the girl on the project is eccentric, unusual and even a little inadequate. One of the brightest participants of Comedy Woman. The actors and her friends on the show know her from a completely different perspective - as a loving wife and caring mother. Natasha met her husband at work, performing in the Fyodor Dvinyatin KVN team. The novel was not advertised, and the wedding took place in 2012 in the circle of only the closest people. Now the girl has her own show on the Friday channel, she participates in humorous performances and starred in the comedies New Year's Marriage and Corporate Party.

Elena Borshcheva

Thanks to her non-standard appearance, the girl immediately took her place as a participant in the Comedy Woman show. The characteristics of the heroine Elena Julio Santa Maria Guerra are straightforwardness, truthfulness and a complete absence of complexes. It is this combination of qualities, so unusual for an ordinary woman, that makes viewers smile. The participant inherited her appearance from her Panamanian father, and made his name her pseudonym. Now Elena has left TNT and hosts a comedy show about cooking “Cook-ha”.

Maria Kravchenko

Gopnitsa Masha very successfully fit into the team of the show, giving its feminine softness a certain sharpness. The husband of the actress is Comedy producer Konstantin Zolotarev, not so long ago they became happy parents. In addition to participating in the show, Maria starred in the comedy Women Against Men.

Polina Sibagatullina

A lover of strong drinks, an exalted and constantly slightly drunk participant in Comedy Vumen. Actors love her subtle nature, and she also writes poetry for them. In addition, Polina played in the theater and starred in the film "Police Academy". The staged play "Threesome Game" with her participation is still popular not only in Russia, but also abroad. In the show with Polina, funny incidents happened more than once, for example, she had to go on stage in completely different shoes, since one of them disappeared somewhere at the most inopportune moment. And at one of the tour performances, the girl was simply forgotten in the hotel, of course, the loss was discovered and returned, but she sat in the lobby for a long time.

Tatyana Morozova

In the show, the girl uses the colorful image of a woman from the Russian hinterland. And she does it for a reason. Tatyana really loves the culture of Russia, she celebrated her wedding in 2011 in national dress, and she decided to spend maternity leave with her daughter and husband Pavel Titorov in a quiet village near Moscow.

Ekaterina Skulkina

Since her youth, the girl wanted to become a dentist, she graduated from Kazan Medical University, where she met her future husband Denis Vasiliev. But Katya's character was alive, she became a bright participant in the KVN game, and then the Comedy Woman show. The actors of the comedy project note that it was Catherine who diluted their composition, adding spice to it and proving that a woman can cause delight, not only having the generally accepted parameters 90-60-90.

Nadezhda Sysoeva

Nadia succeeds in the role of a typical blonde in the show as well as possible, but in life she is a completely different person. In 2007, she participated in the Miss Krasnoyarsk contest, and later starred in the films Bartender and The Best Film 3-DE. In Moscow, she has her own clothing store for girls.

Hope Angarskaya

With her charming voice, she pleases the audience of the show for a long time, and recently Nadia's life began to change dramatically. Since 2012, she began to intensively deal with her appearance, visit gyms and as a result got rid of 30 kg. This was followed by the girl's wedding with Raed Bani from Jordan. Nadezhda takes a very active part in the show, often playing the heroines one after another, and a lot of funny things happened to her too. “You literally have to change clothes in 30 seconds,” she says. In one of the performances, Nadia ran backstage almost naked, appearing either in the role of a single woman losing weight, or in a folk sundress. The participants of the show have long been accustomed to this kind of environment and are not at all embarrassed by each other, but the rest of the stage workers get double pleasure watching the girls both backstage and on stage, Nadia jokes.

Marina Fedunkiv

In the show, the actress appeared sporadically, before that she was a participant in the humorous program “Give Youth!”, And after that she became Kolyan’s mother in the popular TV series “Real Boys”. Already being famous, Marina becomes a regular member of Comedy Woman.

Actors (men)

There are also representatives of the strong half of humanity in the women's team. One of them is Dmitry Khrustalev, who more often than others becomes the object of jokes. Since 2008, Dmitry has been the host of the show and, as he himself claims, it is more pleasant and easier for him to work in the women's team. Previously, Dima was a resident of the Comedy Club, played and is still busy in theatrical productions, he has more than fifteen works in the cinema. From 2013 to the present, he has been working on the Evening Urgant show. After breaking up with Ekaterina Barnabas, he is alone and spends the evening hours with a cat. The program even arranged a small show to find a bride for Khrustalev.

Evgeny Borodenko is another bright participant in the comedy project. He was born and raised in Neryungri and there he began to actively play in KVN, where he met Nadezhda Angarskaya, who later recommended him to the women's show. There were rumors that Eugene was having an affair with a bright participant in Comedy Woman Ekaterina Barnabas. But in 2015, he dismissed all of them with the appearance of scandalous photos on social networks. Having gone to Denmark, Eugene registered a marriage with a man there. Ekaterina Varnava and Natalya Yeprikyan were present at the celebration, but they refused to comment on anything. One thing is known, such marriages in Russia are considered invalid.

Natalya Yeprikyan, comedy actress. It is this woman who is the founder of the famous comedy show Comede Woman. This wonderful actress has been striking with her creativity for several years now. Her fans are madly in love and admire her.

Under her leadership is a whole female team that loves and respects Natasha. Natalia's subtle sense of humor amazes and amuses many. It's only in appearance that Natasha is such a fragile and defenseless woman, but in her heart she is a very strong and stubborn person. And it is these qualities that fans like so much.

Natalia is a well-known personality in social networks. Her name appears on many websites. Fans are interested in the actress. People are interested in knowing height, weight, age. How many years Natalya Andreevna is known to every lover of her work. The actress is currently 39 years old. The height of the girl is small, only 152 centimeters, and her weight is even less, 46 kilograms.

If you ask Natalya Andreevna a question on the Internet, a photo in her youth and now, then you will not see much difference. The girl, as she was in her youth, is miniature, and she is now. Natasha from gum wumen, amazes with her harmony and smallness. Natalya Andreevna Yeprikyan enjoys the love and respect of many of her fans.

Biography of Natalia Andreevna

The biography of Natalia Andreevna originated in Tbilisi, in a family of mathematicians. Her parents, with deep Armenian roots. And Natalya's patronymic is far from Andreevna. She took it during performances, because her real middle name is very difficult to perceive.

Father - Araik Yeprikyan, a mathematician, as well as his mother. Natalia also has a brother - Garik Yeprikyan, who, like Natasha. I was supposed to be a mathematician, but I didn't. She and her sister chose creative professions. Her brother is a musician.
In the family, Natasha is called Tatulya. The girl received from her parents the ability to exact sciences. Since she did not study at a simple school, but at a gymnasium, moreover, in mathematics. She studied well. Everyone expected her to devote her life to science. But all her former classmates remembered her as an excellent actress who never missed a single performance. The girl often appeared on the school stage, where she felt like a fish in water. She even in one performance could play several roles, completely different.

Soon Natalia and her family had to change sunny Georgia for dreary Moscow. This is how this city seemed to a 14-year-old girl. But over time, Natasha got used to it. There she graduated from the Academy of Economics. After receiving her diploma, Natasha did not become an economist, not a mathematician, however, like her brother, who became a musician.

And the girl found herself in the club of cheerful and resourceful. There she began performing at the age of 26. For KVNshchik, this is a fairly mature age, but Natasha did not become an obstacle. She quickly began to climb up the career ladder. Her miniature was a huge plus for the girl. Thanks to her, she came to the fore, and became a recognizable personality. Natalia brought the team the championship.

But the girl did not stay in this team for a long time. She decided to go higher. And create a project where the brightest KVN participants could show themselves. So in 2006, her project started. So concert after concert went on, it was a victory.

So over time, the Comede Woman show appeared. Where Andreevna gathered the best comedians. They began to perform not only in clubs, but also broadcast on television. The girl took most of the work on her fragile shoulders. She wrote scripts, puts on productions almost herself. She is a very kind and caring leader. She is madly loved and respected by her colleagues.

Although the team is female, there are also three men in it who are absolutely not embarrassed by anything, and they are extremely happy to work in this team. Many believe that it is men who write all these jokes, they say, this is not a woman's business. But the team denies all rumors.

Soon Natalia's humor was appreciated. She was invited as a screenwriter to the TV series Univer, which Natasha was extremely happy about.

In 2012 it became even more. Yeprikyan was invited to host NTV. She also began to be invited as a star guest in various programs.

In 2016, the actress took part in the Explorer program. Where she had a wonderful tour of her beloved
the city of Tbilisi. She even showed her yard, where the girl spent her childhood.
At the end of this year, there were rumors that the cast in Wumen gum would change. But no one knows if this is true or fiction. But there is such a possibility that soon the old faces of the show will be replaced by new ones.
What will happen next with this show is not yet known. It is only known that this year they turned 10 years old, and there was a grand concert.

Personal life of Natalia Andreevna

The personal life of Natalya Andreevna is like a dark forest. Almost nothing is known. Everything is carefully hidden from the eyes of the press. Which is very strange. This is very upsetting for her fans, who want to know everything about their favorite. Everything is known only to Natalia's relatives. The only thing that was written in the press was about an affair with the host of her show, Dmitry Khrustalev. But these rumors have been debunked. The girl said that she had been married for a long time, but she did not reveal the name and who he was. Whether she has children is also unknown. The girl is very mysterious and careful with her personal life.

People began to look closely at the figure of Natasha, whether she is pregnant or not. And so for several years. Even if the actress became a mother, there is nothing about this, unfortunately it is not known. It remains only to wait for any statements from her.
Family of Natalia Andreevna

At the moment, it is known that the family of Natalya Andreevna is her father, mother and brother. At least that's what the press knows about. Whether she is married, whether she has children, unfortunately nothing is known. Her personal life is hidden from the public. Which is very upsetting for her fans.

Although the actress herself admitted that she was married, nothing is known about him. And whether it's true or not. The actress believes in the saying, happiness loves silence. And rightly so, they know less, sleep better. The more you scream about your love, the faster it will pass. The main thing is that a person be happy, and with whom it does not matter. This is her own business. If she is happy, we can only be happy for her and wish her great happiness.

Children of Natalya Andreevna

Often there are rumors on the net about Natalia's pregnancy. Look at her figure, outfits. Carefully looking for the belly. And so it has been for several years. But the rumors were never confirmed. Fans really hope that in the near future the children of Natalya Andreevna will become a reality. Maybe even she has already become a happy mother, but this information is not confirmed. Her personal life is one big mystery.

Let's hope that soon news will appear on the network about the interesting position of the actress. What all lovers of her work wish her.

Husband of Natalia Andreevna

The husband of Natalia Andreevna is shrouded in deep secrecy. According to the actress herself, he exists, but no one knows who he is. Nothing is known about him, even the smallest. Who he is, what he does is a huge mystery. Of course, fans do not understand why this person is hiding from them. But on the other hand, it's understandable. It's better to be happy in secret. And it's almost impossible to please everyone. You have to live your life.

Fans are good, but they don't need to know much. Let everyone live as they can. And do not climb into someone else's life. We hope that the article Natalya Andreevna Yeprikyan with her husband will appear very soon: photo, wedding.

Instagram and Wikipedia Natalya Andreevna

Natalia, in recent years, has become a fairly well-known person. She is interested, she is loved. Instagram and Wikipedia Natalya Andreevna are full of interesting entries. She has many followers. Natalia always pleases fans, why not be interesting.

Also on the sites Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki you can see the personality of Natalia Yeprikyan. Whether she is or not is not known. There are many charlatans who disguise themselves as artists. And so Natalia is quite an active user of social networks. But Natasha does not expose her personal life in networks.

Not so long ago it became known that several Comedy Woman participants, beloved by many, became mothers at once. Let's find out what is happening in the personal lives of artists today, and who bright girls have chosen as life partners.

Natalia Medvedeva

Natalya Medvedeva, a participant in the Comedy Woman show, is known for her bright and unusual images. A few years ago, a talented actress and TV presenter, unexpectedly for everyone, married her longtime colleague in KVN, the captain of the STEPiKO team, actor and director Alexander Koptel. Having met at work back in the days of playing KVN, the couple officially formalized the relationship in 2012. The wedding in retro style took place on the picturesque river bank. In September of this year, they had a baby, whose name and gender the star parents have not yet disclosed.

Natalya Andreevna

The participant and producer of the TV project Comedy Woman Natalya Yeprikyan is better known to the general public under the pseudonym Natalya Andreevna. The petite reserved brunette that we are used to seeing on the show turned out to be no less secretive in life. Little is known about the personal life of the actress. Busy writing scripts and staging numbers for the project, Natalya is a rare guest at social events. She answers all questions from journalists about her personal life with jokes or simply evades answering. Only once did she let slip that she had been married for a long time. Who became the chosen one of the artist and whether they have children, the journalists still have not found out.

Catherine Barnabas

Bright and temperamental Ekaterina Varnava often plays the images of spoiled ladies. According to her friends, in life she behaves much more modestly. After the Comedy Woman show, incredible popularity fell on the artist. Today, she is also known to many as the host of several shows.

A few years ago, everyone discussed her romance with Comedy Woman participant Dmitry Khrustalev, then they also vigorously discussed their separation.

And this summer it became known about Katya's new lover, dancer Konstantin Myakinkov. The couple met a few years ago, but the romance began recently, during the filming of the “Dance!” project, where Katya was the host, and Konstantin was one of the participants.

Elena Borshcheva

Former member of KVN and Comedy Woman with an unusual appearance Elena Borshcheva has been married for a long time. With her lover, fitness trainer Valery Yushkevich, the artist met back in 2004, and in 2005 the couple got married. Their first daughter, Marta, was born to them in 2007, and in April 2015, the happy family was replenished with another baby, who was named Uma.

Maria Kravchenko

Two years ago, it became known about Maria's romance with TNT producer Konstantin Zolotarev. In the spring of this year, information appeared that Maria gave birth to a girl from her lover. She is already actively recovering her form in order to return to work soon.

Polina Sibagatullina

The original image of Polina is familiar to almost all fans of KVN and Comedy Woman. The poetess and "social alcoholic Madame Polina" was married to the former director of the same show, Dmitry Efimovich, but the couple broke up, and the place in Polina's heart is still vacant. The actress prefers not to talk about her personal life.

Tatyana Morozova

A little more is known about the life of Tatyana Morozova. Russian beauty in 2011 married businessman Pavel Titorov.

In February 2013, they had a baby named Sofia.

Ekaterina Skulkina

The colorful Ekaterina Skulkina gave her heart to her beloved man Denis Vasiliev more than 10 years ago, and in 2006 they got married. The couple met while they were both studying at a medical university. Today they are still together and are raising their son Oleg, who was born in 2008.

Nadezhda Sysoeva

Nadezhda plays a cute stupid blonde in the show, although she has already achieved a lot in her life. A participant in beauty contests, several major projects, an actress and singer is not yet married. It is known that earlier she had a short relationship with Pavel Volya, and for the past few years, Roman Pan, a member of the Band'Eros group, has taken the place of her lover.

Marina Fedunkiv

Marina, like many of the shows, started at KVN. She gained immense popularity after the series "Real Boys" and got into Comedy Woman already being a well-known comedy artist. does not like to disclose information about his personal life. It is known that she is married. Marina's second marriage has been going on for about 14 years. The couple met quite by accident when Marina and her friend were catching a car to get home. It is also known that her husband is an entrepreneur and supports his active creative wife in all endeavors.

In the women's show, Marina Kravets did not last long: after several episodes of Made In Woman (while she mainly participated in musical numbers), comedian Igor Meyerson invited her to the Comedy Club. Remaining true to herself, the actress not only successfully performs in the comedy genre, but also performs covers and comic songs. The composition "Oil", recorded at the show with the participation of DJ Smash, became famous and went beyond the transmission perimeter long ago. Kravets is also famous for other projects: the Super Oleg series, in which she played one of the main roles, participation in the One-on-One show and work as the host of Such a Morning on TNT.
The personal life of the artist is also in full view. In 2013, the girl married Arkady Vodakhov, whom she knew thanks to her studies at the philological faculty of St. Petersburg State University and participation in KVN.

Hope Angarskaya

The chosen one of Nadezhda was the Jordanian Raed Bani. The couple met thanks to her famous voice data: Raed saw videos with Nadia's songs and wanted to get acquainted with the vociferous Russian beauty. In 2013 they got married. In October 2015, a baby was born in the family.

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