Nargis family. Singer Nargiz Zakirova: biography, personal life, creativity

Can one person, one woman, combine a bright appearance, talent, natural softness and sensuality and at the same time - a steely character and irrepressible perseverance? The answer is definitely positive. And all these qualities are fully consistent with the singer Nargiz Zakirova.


The very fate of this woman was destined to make music. Nargiz Zakirova (born in 1970) was born into a family that was closely associated with the stage. Her grandfather was a famous opera performer, her grandmother was a soloist in the Tashkent Musical Drama and Comedy Theater named after. Mukimi.

Uncle sang in the Yalla ensemble, Zakirova's father was a drummer, and her mother was a pop singer. Therefore, it is not surprising that since childhood, Nargiz dreamed of a stage - in such a creative environment, she simply could not help but make music. And parents did not interfere with such a hobby.

Quite often, the girl went on tour with her mother and at the age of 4 she sometimes went on stage. She liked traveling and performing much more than sitting at a desk. Perhaps that is why Nargiz did not have the best marks in all subjects, including music. The girl was not happy about studying at a music school either, it seemed to her boring and painful.

At the age of 15, Nargiz Zakirova first hit the "big stage" as an independent singer: she performed at the "Jurmala-86" competition, which was facilitated by Farrukh Zakirov, her uncle.

The girl was able to win only the audience award (1st place for the young singer was not available, because she was not an adult). However, even such success was received with hostility by many critics: they directly stated that a talented family was “pushing” a completely ordinary girl onto the stage. And they were wrong.

Nargiz Zakirova was never ordinary, and soon she was able to prove it. The singer made every effort to develop her voice. After school, touring with A. Bakhtin's orchestra, the girl mastered new styles and trends in music. Such a "search for oneself" could not go unnoticed. For revealing outfits and white-dyed hair, Nargiz began to be called the "Uzbek Madonna."

The biography of the singer is full of various events: touring life since childhood, emigration to the USA, moving to Russia. But Zakirova always only rejoiced at the changes, saying that it was they who made her live and helped develop her creativity.

Personal life

The personal life of Nargiz Zakirova, as well as her work, was not calm. Her first husband, Ruslan Sharipov, proposed just a month after they met. But the family life, which began so rapidly, ended just as quickly.

Nargiz stayed at home with the child, while her husband spent time in the company of fans. In addition, he began to have problems with alcohol. The divorce of Zakirova and Sharipov was the only right decision in this situation, although it caused the woman a lot of pain.

But she didn't stay alone for long. Soon the girl is getting married again - to Yernur Kaynabekov. But this marriage did not work out either. Leaving her husband at home, the singer, who at that time was six months pregnant, emigrated to the United States with her family. And from that moment on, her life changed dramatically.

Nargiz worked very hard, and some of her positions were quite far from music. It seemed to her that as soon as her husband arrived in the United States, her life would improve. But that did not happen. Yernur flew in, but Nargiz Zakirova and her husband did not stay together for long.

The separation made them complete strangers. However, the singer is grateful to him, because it was her husband, without knowing it, who gave her love - he introduced Philip Balzano to her. The meeting with the Italian was actually fateful: thanks to him, Nargiz again entered the stage. And then she became his wife. This marriage was happy, but after 20 years it ended in separation. However, Nargiz did not upset the divorce - she was quite happy and could devote herself completely to music.


Participation in the musical project "Voice-2" was a way to radically change a calm and measured life. Zakirova went to Russia with some apprehension, because she had no one here. But she had a lot of experience on stage and was talented. This was enough to attract the attention of all four mentors of the show.

As a result, in "Voice-2" the singer reached the final. And her "finest hour" came: having a beautiful voice, beautiful, energetic, attracting attention, Nargiz very quickly became popular. From that moment another life began.


The children of Nargiz Zakirova are her joy and pride. Her firstborn was the daughter Sabina, born in a marriage with Ruslan Sharipov. From the second husband the son Auel was born. The young man's scandals with his mother's third husband became one of the reasons for her divorce from the Italian Philip Balzano. A decree was even issued that forbade a man to simply approach a young man.

Married to a temperamental Italian, Zakirova became a mother for the third time - she gave birth to a daughter, Leila. After the separation of her parents, the girl stayed with her father. And recently, the singer tried on a new status - grandmothers. Her eldest daughter gave Nargiz her first grandson, Noah.


Moving to Russia was the beginning of a new, bright and rapid stage in the life of the singer. After participating in The Voice, she actively collaborates with producer Maxim Fadeev. The result of their joint work was the compositions “We are together”, “I do not believe you”, “Tenderness”, “I am not your war”. The list of songs created with Fadeev continues to grow rapidly.

Nargiz Zakirova in 2014 becomes the winner of the White Nights contest. In 2016, she became the host of the popular show "Main Stage". And after some time, also in 2016, he releases the album "Heart Noise", which instantly became popular.

Few people know that Nargiz Zakirova's discography began in the USA. It was here that her first two albums were released: Golden Cage (2001) and Alone (2014).

Nargiz Zakirova is now actively working on new songs, at the same time participating in many projects. This woman proves with her life that age is by no means the main thing, and continues to grow actively, reach new heights.


The story of Nargiz Zakirova has always been bright and rich. According to the singer's brother, from childhood she was attracted by everything unusual. So, for example, in her youth she became interested in breakdancing. Moreover, Zakirova was able to hold a break dance festival in Tashkent. By the way, it was the first festival of this type in all of Central Asia.

Nargiz Zakirova has a rather peculiar appearance. Her body and even her face are covered with tattoos, there are piercings, her head is shaved. All this evokes thoughts about the singer's belonging to certain informal movements.

However, it is not. Yes, Zakirova loves tattoos, but all of them, even small stars, have a certain meaning and are dedicated to events in the life of the singer. She also has a tattoo dedicated to the Voice project. As for the piercing and shaved head, this, according to the singer herself, is nothing more than a whim.

One of Zakirova's interests is extrasensory perception. The desire to learn something new led Nargiz to the "Battle of Psychics" - in 2014 she starred in one of the episodes as a participant. Subsequently, the singer spoke rather negatively about the program, saying that the show is staged and only actors take part in it. Author: Natalya Nevmyvakova

Nargiz Zakirova, whose biography is of interest to thousands of people these days, is a real sensation: at 43, she became a member of the Russian show "Voice", took only second place, but in just a year she turned into a show business star, unlike the true the winner of the competition. Why did fame come to the performer so late? What has the talented singer been doing all these 43 years and what are her plans for the future?

early years

Nargiz Zakirova, whose biography is so interesting to fans of the singer, was born in Uzbekistan in 1970. All of Nargiz's relatives are connected with the art of music: grandfather was an opera singer, grandmother performed folk songs, mother and father were also musicians.

Singer Nargiz Zakirova, whose biography is full of unexpected twists, knew only one thing since childhood - that she wants to be a singer. At the age of 4, Zakirova first performed on stage and has not parted with her since. After school, she graduated from the pop vocal department at the Tashkent Circus School.

Since childhood, Nargiz has been distinguished by her freedom-loving disposition and desire for self-expression. For the orthodox Uzbek culture of a girl (then she was not yet and revealing outfits were just shock therapy. The singer admitted more than once that she had a hard time at home and she was often insulted for her appearance. And when the opportunity arose to leave, Nargiz did it .

Immigration to the USA

At the age of 25, Nargiz Zakirova, a biography whose personal life did not develop in the best way, immigrated to the United States with her parents. At that time, the girl had a little daughter from her first unsuccessful marriage, and she was also pregnant from her second husband.

Not everything went smoothly for Uzbek immigrants in the United States. Nargiz Zakirova, whose biography did not bode well in those years, remained in an unfamiliar country with two children in her arms (her second husband soon crashed in a car). The singer, due to poor knowledge of the language, could not find a decent job for herself: at first she worked in a store, then in a pizzeria, but for the longest time in a video salon. Nargiz was not engaged in music at that time.

However, everything changed dramatically when a young woman in a restaurant in New York met her origin - Phil. A new friend got her a job as a vocalist in the same institution where he performed himself, and after a while made a marriage proposal. Things slowly began to improve.

Cardinal change of image

Nargiz admitted in an interview that she did not get tattoos in Uzbekistan only because she did not want to aggravate her relations with her compatriots. When the young woman ended up in New York, she felt the desired freedom, so she went to the salon and immediately got her first tattoo - a sign of freedom. Then Nargiz simply could not stop.

To date, the singer has about forty percent of her body covered with tattoos. After participating in the fateful show "Voice" Zakirova got a fresh tattoo on her arm in memory of this event.

As for the extravagant hairstyle, Zakirova for a long time limited herself to dyeing her hair in different colors. One day she just wanted to shave off some of her hair, so she went and did it. And the remaining ponytail stopped in dreadlocks. The singer's mother, of course, was shocked, but she had long since learned to accept her daughter for who she is.

Nargiz Zakirova: biography, photo. Competition "Voice"

At a certain moment, Nargiz Zakirova realized that she needed to move forward professionally and decided to go to the first season of the Voice project. But at that moment her father fell seriously ill, and participation in the competition had to be postponed.

Unfortunately, Pulat Mordukhaev (father Nargiz) died in 2013 from cancer. In order to somehow distract from her experiences, Zakirova went to the American show "X-factor". She went through several qualifying rounds, but did not wait for a call from the producers. Then the girl packed her things and came to Moscow for "Voice-2".

All 4 members of the jury turned to Nargiz at the first audition. Zakirova chose Leonid Agutin as her mentor and reached the final with him. However, Sergey Volchkov knocked out the victory from the outrageous woman. While Volchkova is just waiting to record her debut album, Zakirova signed a contract with Maxim Fadeev and has already released two videos for her own songs. So who actually turned out to be the winner, time will tell.

Cooperation with Maxim Fadeev

Nargiz Zakirova, whose biography turned into a stellar story only by the age of 40, is currently working closely with Maxim Fadeev.

The singer made attempts to make acquaintance with him back in 2005. But then nothing happened. When Nargiz took second place in the Voice show, Fadeev himself found her and offered his song for free to perform. Soon Fadeev and Zakirova signed a contract, and she had already officially become his artist.

According to Nargiz, Fadeev organized just a fabulous life for her: he established her life in Moscow, provided a car and loyally organizes tours. The singer is also delighted with the songs that the producer writes for her. At the moment, two videos have been shot for the hits “You are my tenderness” and “I am not your war”.

Nargiz also voiced a cartoon character - a gypsy from the cartoon "Three heroes. Knight's move ", and also took part in one of the series of the show" Battle of psychics ".

Future plans

Singer Nargiz Zakirova, whose biography is finally developing in a positive scenario, today has a busy tour schedule. Literally for every day she has a concert planned, and for several months in advance.

In addition, fans and journalists tortured the performer with questions about the music album. In 2014, Zakirova reassured her fans by admitting that work on her debut album was in full swing. But since the singer wants to give it a special sound, it will take a lot of time to record the material.

Nargiz Zakirova: biography, family

Officially, Nargiz was married three times. The singer admits that in addition to this, she had many more hobbies, which is normal for a creative person.

Nargiz Zakirova, a biography whose personal life at the initial stages resembled hell, has three children from different marriages. The first chosen one of the singer was an Uzbek rock musician, from whom the daughter Sabina was born. However, dreams of a happy family life crumbled even when Nargiz was pregnant: on the very first tour, her husband went all out. Zakirova broke up with the faithful and to this day does not communicate with him.

Approximately the same story happened with the second husband. Nargiz Zakirova, a biography whose children are of interest to the public, gave birth to a son from her second lover. But she filed for divorce shortly before her husband tragically died.

The third marriage of the singer lasts almost 15 years. She claims to be absolutely happy and finally found out what true love is. To her third husband, Zakirova also gave birth to a child - a girl, Leila.

Nargiz Zakirova is a famous Russian singer who became popular thanks to her collaboration with producer Max Faddeev. Few people know that Nargiz is not a random person on the Russian stage, she was a singer before, and even participated in the American X-factor. But in Russia, Zakirova "shot" not so long ago.

A few years ago, she came to the show "Voice" and performed one of the most famous songs in the world - "Still loving you" by the Scorpions. This performance immediately gained millions of views on the network, and the hoarse voice of the performer, which at the same time seems to be able to soar to unrealistic heights, immediately deserved a lot of excellent reviews and ratings.

Zakirova went through obscurity, but, apparently, there is still higher justice somewhere in the world, because there was definitely no such voice on the Russian stage, so the singer became a real star!

Fans are interested in the life of the performer before the project, her extravagant appearance, as well as everything related to the talented singer, even her height, weight, age. How old is Nargiz Zakirova a very popular question today, and the answer to it can be easily found on the net. The singer is 46 years old, her height is 165 cm, and her weight is about 55 kg.

Biography Nargiz Zakirova

The singer was born in Tashkent in 1970. The biography of Nargiz Zakirova includes several countries where she lived all this time, before becoming popular in Russia.

All her childhood, the girl lived in Uzbekistan, and at the age of 15, Nargiz first participated in the song contest "Jurmala-86", where she sang a song to the words of Ilya Reznik. At that time, she studied at a circus school, and already had her own group with which she performed.

In 1995, she and her parents left for the United States, where she lived for a long time. Nargiz worked in a video salon, in a store, and then in a tattoo studio, but she did not abandon her dream of a stage, she performed with her group, and then recorded a solo ethno-album. Alas, there was no breakthrough, and Zakirova was also known only in narrow circles. Being already an adult and accomplished, Nargiz does not give up her attempts, and goes to the American "X-factor", where, however, her vocal abilities were also not appreciated.

In 2014, Zakirova comes to Russia, and immediately finds out that Moscow also has a show for young talents. On the "Voice" Nargiz wins, being a student of Leonid Agutin, and then begins a solo career under the guidance of producer Max Faddeev.

Personal life of Nargiz Zakirova

The singer tells a little about her private life and novels. A few years ago, he appeared on the show on TNT "The Battle of Psychics", where she became a participant in one test. The performer herself then said in an interview that in her life there were several beloved men, but it did not grow together.

Zakirova does not often talk about her life in America, she only says that she had three husbands, and sometimes she feels like a witch, since fate divorced a woman from each of them. Today, the personal life of Nargiz Zakirova is shrouded in mystery, the artist's heart is free, but she is pursuing her career.

Family Nargiz Zakirova

Nargiz Zakirova was born into a very musically well-known family in Uzbekistan. Zakirova is a singer already in the third generation, her grandmother sang folk songs, and her grandfather was an opera singer. Nargiz's mother, Louise Karimovna, is a well-known pop singer of the 60s, who performed a duet with her brother, uncle Nargiz. The father of the performer, Pulat Sionovich, was a musician, he acted as a drummer in a musical group.

It is not surprising that a truly talented girl grew up in such a family. The family of Nargiz Zakirova gave the performer a lot in terms of musical education, but “by inheritance” she got a good ear and voice.

Children of Nargiz Zakirova

In love, the singer was very unlucky for a long time, however, despite the fact that Nargiz's life did not go well with her men, the artist today has three children. The singer herself admitted that her children were born from different men. It so happened in her life that none of the fathers, except for her current husband, wanted to take responsibility for the child, so the woman raised her offspring alone.

Today, the adult children of Nargiz Zakirova live in the United States, for them life is more familiar there, but their mother is building a career in Russia. The performer misses her family very much, and tries to visit her children more often.

Son of Nargiz Zakirova - Auel Zakirov

The son of Nargiz Zakirova - Auel Zakirov is the second, middle child in the singer's family, and the only boy. He was born to Nargiz Zakirova from her ex-husband Yernur Kanaibekov. The guy showed a love for cinema since childhood, went to all the premieres and films, and also loved to visit the theater, and dreamed that someday he himself would perform in the theater on Broadway.

After school, Auel entered the Institute of Cinematography in New York, and today he studies at the directing department. The guy plays in the theater, as he dreamed, and Nargiz is very proud of his son.

Daughter Nargiz Zakirova - Sabina Zakirova

The daughter of Nargiz Zakirova - Sabina Zakirova is the eldest daughter of the singer, she was born in her first marriage with Ruslan Sharipov. Despite the fact that the singer's children were born to the third generation of the artist, not all of them chose art for themselves. For example, Sabina is much closer to the humanities, the girl read books with pleasure all her childhood, especially loved philosophical treatises, books on psychology and cultural studies.

Today, the adult daughter of the singer is engaged in philosophy. The girl is married, and recently her son Noah was born, so Nargiz became a grandmother.

Daughter Nargiz Zakirova - Leila Zakirova

The daughter of Nargiz Zakirova - Leyla Zakirova was born in 2000 in the third marriage of the singer, with the performer Philip Balzano. The girl has not finished school yet, since in America secondary education lasts a little longer than in Russia. Daughter Nargiz today lives with her father, learns to play musical instruments, and already sings well.

In addition, Leila goes to a dance studio, and has not yet decided who she wants to become in the future. The girl works in a yacht club, but in the future she wants to follow the path of art, like her parents.

Former husband of Nargiz Zakirova - Ruslan Sharipov

The ex-husband of Nargiz Zakirova, Ruslan Sharipov, is a famous Uzbek rocker and musician. They met while still very young, and at the age of 18 Nargiz got married. Like all girls, she thought that they would be together forever, but the man did not keep his word, and very quickly exchanged the singer's love for freedom.

They had a daughter, Sabina, but even this did not stop the man from betrayal. When Nargiz began to go on tour, she found out that while she was gone, her husband had an affair on the side. So they divorced.

Former husband of Nargiz Zakirova - Yernur Kanaibekov

After a divorce from her first husband, Nargiz soon met Yernur in Uzbekistan. 25-year-old Zakirova arrived in the United States already pregnant with her second child, from her lover.

The guy stayed at home, and Nargiz gave birth in America, after which Kanaibekov flew to his wife, but behaved very coldly. Then Nargiz became disillusioned with men for the second time: she found out that Maje had a mistress. The singer has already filed for divorce, but they did not manage to divorce, the ex-husband of Nargiz Zakirova, Yernur Kanaibekov, had an accident and died.

Former husband of Nargiz Zakirova - Philip Balzano

Nargiz eventually introduced Yernur to her third husband. Once he called his current wife (they were just going through a divorce) and said that he was in a restaurant where an Italian sings, and his voice is simply amazing. Zakirova then no longer held a grudge against her husband, and came to the party.

First she fell in love with his voice, and then with his smile. After some time, they already performed together, and then got married. With him, she first understood what love is, but the ex-husband of Nargiz Zakirova, Philip Balzano, soon showed his Italian temper. In 2016 they divorced. Today, the former spouses have a normal relationship.

Instagram and Wikipedia Nargiz Zakirova

Her parents did not even doubt that the girl would become a singer, because since childhood she had just an incredible voice. Already at the age of 4, Nargiz performed on stage, so the guiding star led the girl in the right direction from childhood.

After winning the Voice show, Nargiz Zakirova recorded many clips and sang a duet with Max Faddeev. The artist tours a lot, and annually gives concerts in the CIS countries. Instagram and Wikipedia Nargiz Zakirova will tell a lot of interesting things to her subscribers and fans of her talent.

Nargiz Pulatovna Zakirova (Uzb. Nargiz Po "latovna Zokirova). She was born on October 6, 1970 in Tashkent (Uzbekistan). Uzbek singer.

Nargiz Zakirova was born on October 6, 1970 in Tashkent, into a well-known musical family in Uzbekistan.

Grandfather - Karim Zakirov (1912-1977), opera singer (baritone), People's Artist of the Uzbek SSR, soloist of the Uzbek State Opera and Ballet Theater named after Alisher Navoi.

Grandmother - Shoista Saidova - singer, performer of folk songs, soloist of the Tashkent Musical Drama and Comedy Theater named after Mukimi. Honored Artist of the Uzbek SSR (1952).

Mother - Louise Karimovna Zakirova, a popular pop singer in the 1960s and 1970s, who performed, in particular, in a duet with her brother Batyr Zakirov.

Father - Pulat Sionovich Mordukhaev, a Bukhara Jew, was a drummer in an ensemble led by Batyr Zakirov. A serious illness of his father prevented Nargiz from taking part in the first casting of the TV program "Voice" in 2012. Pulat Mordukhaev died in April 2013.

Uncle - Batyr Zakirov (1936-1985), Uzbek Soviet singer, writer, poet, artist and actor. The ancestor of variety art in the republic. People's Artist of the Uzbek SSR.

Uncle - Farrukh Zakirov, singer, artistic director of the Uzbek ensemble "Yalla", People's Artist of the Uzbek SSR.

Uncle - Jamshid Zakirov (1949-2012), Soviet and Uzbek theater and film actor, TV presenter, Honored Artist of Uzbekistan.

It is not surprising that in such a musical family Nargiz became a singer.

At the age of 4, Nargiz performed on stage for the first time, at the age of 15 with the song “Remember Me” (to the music of Farrukh Zakirov and the words of Ilya Reznik, originally recorded by her along with several more songs for the film “The Bride from Vuadil” / Uzbek “Vodiyllik kelin” directed by Ali Khamraev) appeared at the Jurmala-86 song festival, where she received the audience award.

She studied at the pop department at the Republican Circus School. She performed successfully with her group.

In 1995, with her parents and daughter, she emigrated from Uzbekistan to the United States. In her early years in New York, she worked in a store, in a video store, in a tattoo parlor, and performed in restaurants.

In 2001, she recorded the ethno-style album "Golden Cage", published by Sweet Rains Records on the Web. She sang in various groups. Now he performs solo.

In 2013, she went through three stages of selection for the American X-Factor, but after the organizers did not call back, she went to the Russian television project Voice. Nargiz impressed all four judges, but preferred the team of Leonid Agutin.

December 20, 2013 reached the final of the competition. She took second place, significantly losing to Sergei Volchkov. However, the singer herself believes: "I didn't win, I won".

Since April 2014, Nargiz has been collaborating with producer and composer Maxim Fadeev. The musician wrote for her debut solo single "I am not your war", which was released on July 3. In October, the premiere of the video clip for the single took place, in which she starred with her husband Philippe Balzano.

In July 2014, Nargiz Zakirova won the Grand Prix of the international music festival "White Nights of St. Petersburg". The singer took part in the festival as a representative of Russia. In November of the same year, the release of the TV show "The Battle of Psychics" was released with the participation of Nargiz Zakirova as a test subject.

In early February 2015, Nargiz released her second single, called "You are my tenderness." The author of the composition was Maxim Fadeev.

Nargiz Zakirova - You are my tenderness

On December 15, 2015 Nargiz presented her third single called "I don't believe you". The author of the composition was also Maxim Fadeev.

The growth of Nargiz Zakirova: 167 centimeters.

Personal life of Nargiz Zakirova:

She was married three times.

The third husband is the singer Philip Balzano. At the age of nine, he and his parents came to the United States from Sicily.

Has three children from different husbands: daughters Sabina (from Ruslan Sharipov) and Leila (from Philippe Balzano), son Auel (from Yernur Kanaibekov).

There is a grandson Noah - the son of Sabina.

After a 20-year marriage to Philip Balzano, in 2016 she announced a divorce and that her husband was demanding money from her in connection with the dissolution of the marriage. At the same time, Philip said: “We were together for twenty years, and the separation turned into a real tragedy for me. However, I love Nargiz and now, the door to my heart is always open for her.

Discography of Nargiz Zakirova:

2006 - The Golden Cage
2011 - Alone
2016 - Noise of the heart

Singles by Nargiz Zakirova:

2006 - "Alla"
2008 - "Land"
2014 - "I'm not yours"
2015 - "You are my tenderness"
2015 - "I don't believe you!"
2016 - "Run"

2017 - "Bring back the memory"

Video clips of Nargiz Zakirova:

2006 - "Alla"
2008 - "Land"
2014 - "I'm not yours"
2015 - "You are my tenderness"
2015 - "I don't believe you!"
2016 - "Run"
2016 - "Together" (feat. Maxim Fadeev)
2016 - “Do not part with your loved ones” (together with Maxim Fadeev)
2017 - "I will always be with you"

Her name, translated from Arabic, means "walking through the fire." The appearance of Nargiz Zakirova on Russian television excited thousands of viewers. With an unusual manner of performance, a unique appearance, she "blew up" the Russian public and immediately won the love of many fans. We managed to talk with Nargiz a few weeks before her concert in Kirov. In an interview with Istochnik, the finalist of the Voice project spoke about her family and also admitted why it was not easy for her to reveal her talent in Russia.

Nargiz, in April you will perform in Kirov. What kind of repertoire will please the people of Kirov?
The program will include my original compositions and, of course, compositions by Led Zeppelin and Metallica. Also, fans will definitely hear the songs that I performed in the Voice project.

Will you come to Kirov for the first time?
First. I have never been to Kirov. Unfortunately, I don't know anything about your city. But acquaintance ahead.

You have lived in America for a long time. Is the Russian audience different from the American one?
Not the same word as different! Although it is made from the same material. In America, everything is much easier and simpler. And the Russians are more conservative. The first time I arrived in Russia, I saw angry people. But then they began to welcome me here with open arms and treat me with the greatest soul.

Have you moved to Russia now?
Yes, you can say that I live here. I have a lot of work in Russia. And in America it is possible to get out only in order to see their relatives.

How often do you see your family?
Very rarely. Recently I was in America, where I spent ten days with my family.
Nargiz's children live in the USA. From left to right: Leila, Sabina, Auel, Nargiz. Photo:

Nargiz, how do you keep in touch with children?
We communicate with them every day. Of course, they miss, but what can you do. Now my time has come. We agreed that the children would visit me in Russia.

Is it hard to be a mother of three children?
It's not hard anymore! It was hard when they were very young. And now they are quite independent, so I don’t worry about them at all. I know one thing, that they are very strong on my feet. I fulfilled my mission as a mother by giving birth and raising three children. Now I can safely leave them alone and not worry about it. My children are very independent and wise.

What are your children doing?
My eldest daughter Sabina studies philosophy. Son Auel is an actor, plays in the theater. He entered the directing department. He has talent. And the youngest Leila is 14 years old. She studies at school. Layla has not yet decided what she wants to do. But she has a lot of talent, believe me.

Nargiz, I know that you were born in Tashkent. Why did you move to the States?
I have long had the feeling that I was born in America. You know what they say, born at the wrong time in the wrong place. It is in America that I feel like a full-fledged self-made. In America, it is easier to reveal oneself as a person, it is easier to reveal one's own creativity there. The Russian public is not quite accustomed to innovation. She does not accept sharp deviations from the usual, does not like experiments.

Nargiz, speaking of experiments, do you mean your appearance?
And her included.

What prompted you to experiment with appearance?
This is what I wanted at some point. I did it consciously. I like it so. These are not just drawings. My appearance is the style of my life. This is just me.

How many tattoos do you have in total?
I never counted them. But believe me, quite a lot! (Laughs).

When was the first one made?
At 25 years old. I left Uzbekistan and came to New York. There I made the first and long-awaited tattoo on my arm. This is a sign that symbolizes love and freedom.

How do relatives feel about this?
Relatives understand me, so they are calm about my appearance. I never thought about whether others would like it or not.

Nargiz, when you moved to America, what did you do in the states?
I moved to America at the age of 25. In Uzbekistan, I was already a well-known performer. And in the USA I had to look for a job. I worked at the box office, in the video salon. I also gave birth to my son Auel, because I arrived in New York already pregnant.

I know that your husband is also a musician. How did you meet him?
This is a very interesting story. I accidentally got into one of the Russian restaurants where he sang. Hearing how Philip sings, I just fell in love with him at first sight. I fell in love with his voice. Philip captivated me. Then we got married, and Leila was born to us.

Besides music, what are your hobbies?

In addition to music, I sleep (laughs). At the moment I really miss it. I rehearse a lot, so I don't get enough sleep. The schedule is busy. I also love watching movies and reading books. This is where I get my inspiration from.

And finally, what would you wish our readers?
I want to wish everyone to live right here and now. Never label. Be yourself, support each other and smile more often!

Interviewed by Lyubov Andreeva

Zakirova Nargiz Pulatovna

Date and place of birth: October 6, 1970, Tashkent.
Family status: married. Her husband Phillip Balzano is a musician (at the age of nine he and his parents came to the USA from Sicily). Daughters Sabina (24 years old) and Leila (14 years old), son Auel (18 years old).

The Progress Gallery will host a film screening of the romantic comedy One Magical Night (18+)

The film premiered in the Un Certain Regard program at the Cannes Film Festival. Chiara Mastroianni, the lead actress, won the Best Actress award.

January 13, 2020 126

26 thousand Kirov residents took part in public projects of the Volga Federal District

In 2019, the number of children who took part in district projects of a patriotic, scientific, technical, sports and cultural orientation amounted to 537 thousand people, of which more than 26 thousand are residents of the Kirov region.

December 29, 2019 497

The line between vandalism and art

Street art can be called a new wave of urban creativity, which includes almost any aesthetic and semantic intervention in the urban environment, from decor and murals to political stencils.

December 28, 2019 757

Cinema "Smena" invites residents of Kirov to the pre-premiere screening of the cartoon "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf 4" (6+)

On December 21, the cinema “Smena” will host an exclusive pre-New Year premiere of the cartoon “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf 4”. Before the cartoon for young viewers, a children's holiday “Fairytale Trouble” (6+) will be organized

December 20, 2019 1219


“After the amputation, I became happy.” Interview with the Kirov musician, about whose life a film was made

Musician, beatboxer, teacher, sound designer. He himself calls himself "a man who always gets up on the wrong foot." Ivan Pesternikov does not hesitate to joke about his disability and lives life to the fullest. The directors were interested in the personality and creativity of the citizen of Kirov, and last year a film was made about Ivan, which will appear on the Web very soon. The presentation of the series took place in Kirov a month ago and gathered a full house.

January 18, 2020 573

“For my birthday, the kids gave me a day off.” Mother single-handedly raises 12 children

Marina Savelyeva is a real mother-heroine. She single-handedly brings up 12 children. A large family moved from Kotelnich and now lives in the village of Peat enterprise in the Zuevsky district. We phoned the woman the day after she celebrated her 38th birthday.

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